HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-06-25, Page 7TO REFORM CIVIL SERVICE
Competitive Examinations to Replace Ar-
bitrary Nominations,
A des; aich from Ottawa says: iion.
Sydney Fisher on Wednesday morning
Introduced the Civ.l Service bill. lie ex-
plained that there had been a care tut
review of Canadian. British and United
States legislation. The present bell pro -
vete 01 "a large miasma) of civil service
The most important innovaton is the
establ:shinent of an independent civil
service commission of two members,
who will have the status and salaries of
deputy min'.std rs. They will control the
er.truuee examinations and will give
such eertiacutoa as tnuy be necessary in
regar.t to promotions and salary increas-
es The ceunntssion will have rower 10
retake r•egulut:ons end control examin-
ations and the arrangements for car•ry-
Inp.' out their work.
Entrance into the civil service, which
Is now lett "entirely to the judgment of
(h • nominating power," will be by open
comp. teive examinations. Under ,�1ies
present system, candidates pass gtYali-
tying cxant'pations, but aro not-neces-
sar;ly appointed. ilereafter lite ap-
pointment Is to bo made after competi-
live examinations, according to merit,
by the commission.
The procedure Ls to be according to
he British system; examinations w.11 be
held as of'te'n as necessary, say twice a
year. 'i'11e heads of departments will
notify the commission as to vacancies,
etc., an] the commission will advertise,
stating tato offices which are to be cent -
petted tor. The commission will, while
making appointments generally by mer-
it, be given latitude in the case of can-
etidales who excel in ono particular
branch, and who may therefore be ap-
ppointnd to offices for which they are
specially qualified. The probation period
will be six months. In that time a
'Unknown Man Reported to leave Made
Great Discovery.
A despatch from New York says: A
'^ew process of staking steel hard be-
yond lit bred ng pont, and which has
made the pcor inventor wealthy, is the
report being spread about by Mr. Jas.
A. Wilson, a patent attorney. Mr. \\'iI-
sor. will not name the discoverer, but
says he has worked in poverty all his
1 to until now, and that he is sixty years
veld. "The inventor,' said \Vilson, "is
stow in England. ile left ten days ago,
fn response to cable swumons from
.n group of English capltneets. They
rine about to purchase the exclusive
l;ritish rights to the patent for half a
=t►ielien dollars in caste and 40 per cent.
.of the stock of the company to be organ-
-Otte with n capital of $50.000,000. My
client srent over fifteen years perfect-
ing his process. Ile was aided by the
l iniLel States Government. \lets) plates
-!leak d by the . new process were used
.its targets at the testing grounds at
•Georee!own. \11., and the result as!on-
ished arrny ani navy ext ert;. The pro-
ject..'ks fired at the plates bent them,
abut Telt no outer mark. The process
lakes the brittleness out of the sterile'
"Mr. Wilson said That the U. S. patents
had lareon granted. and that this steel
Irefp,h't soon be adopted in armor plats
at r the navy.
The (:rand Trunk Pacific 11'iI1 be n
A despatch (rem ,Montreal says: Mr.
Ir. \V. Morse, Vice-Pres:dent and Gen-
cral Manager of the G. T. 1'.. has left
for the west to look over !he new road
as far ns completed and decide ns to
opening a prom in of the line for traffic.
It is pretty certain that the line will be
engage d in carrying a share t•( this
eaare harvest !rem Soskaloen lo \Vin-
nipcg, but it is quite likely that before
the autumn is far advanced it will he
In operation from Edmonton east. There
is h.,wever, no pmspect of 6. T. h.
trains gelling into Port Arthur lits fall.
Mr. doroe will be away a iv'w weeks
mrgnn'z.ng and preparing. Before k'av-
lrtg for the west Mr. Morse had a con-
ference with n delegation from St. John,
+\. B., with regard to tho Atlantic ter.
minal of the new Transcontinental road.
This ocean terminus the Company is de-
krminel lo have under its own jurisdic-
tion, and C.turtrey Hay is designated as
the lo:ation.
Deputy Minister may reject a new ap-
pointee, giving his reasons. The conn-
iniss on may, when advisable, give the
probationer another appointment.
All departmental services at Ottawa
are to Le included in lite inside service
and brought under the Civil Service
act. Any outside service may bo
brought m fror time to time by order -
in -Council, and otherwise they remain
under the old law.
Tho classification of the service is to
be made in three sections, the first in-
cluding those qualified for administra-
Lve, executive, and technical work, the
second a class preparatory to the first,
and a third will include those cluing
muerte work under direct supervision.
Those in the third class may enter the
second only by competitive examination
and on an equal footing with outsiders.
In the first class the salaries are to
be from 82.100 to 82,800 and front 82,-
800 to 84.000. 1n the second class the
salary will be from $800 to 81,600 and
from 81.600 to $2,100. In the third
class the salaries will be from 8500 to
8700 and from 1800 to 81,200. There
will be a statutory increase of 850 a year
to- those deserving it, and this may be
doubled on certificate of merit front the
There are now in the service "tempor-
ary clerks'• who have been there in
come cases thirty years. in the future
a temporary clerk may be appointed
only for six months, through the com-
Mr. Fisher, denting with anethor ques-
tion, declared that it was intended by
the new act to do away with the practice
of making salary appropriations in the
estenates "notwithstanding anything in
the Civil Service Act."
The bill was given its first roading,
Terrible Tragedy on a Yukon River
Boat Near Selkirk.
A des; a'oh !noire While ilorse, Yukon,
says: Major Snyder of the efounkel
Police has rcoelvcij news of a murder on
the river, a short distance below Sel-
kirk. The telegraph lino from Dawson
to While Hors: is out of ort•r, and the
news Canto via Valdez and United
Siaks drblo. The message is as fol-
lows:- -Ned Elfost arrived in Dawson
in beat No. 113 none. lie had teen seen
on tee river with iwo others en the way
d .win. Tee sound of shooting was heard
by other small -bout pnsetngcrx on the
r. t ••r• bank below Selkirk."
Inquiry by Major \Vooel os to who k'ft
here in haat No. 113 showed that Ned
Eifost, Emil Anderson and David Berg-
man left In Ilse boat on May 16. The
murder probably occurred five or six
days later, as that lime would bo re-
qu"red to run from hero to Selkirk. \Vie.
t:or the murder was for the puri0,30 of
robbery or tie result of a quarrel is r.ot
known. The names ind:cato That all
were Scarni'naviolis, either Norwegians
or Sw•e11es, people not given to quietly
obeying orders. Tho supposrt:on is that
the close intimacy of travelling for sev-
eral days in a -small boat engendered
strife and bad blood, which etrinnitrated
'n murder.
(:ash Iteptisters Placed al Entrances of
It. C. Church at Worcester.
A eeepatch from New fork says: The
p::r'shtoners of St. Casimir's Church .f
Worcester. Mass., on 'Tuesday learned
through the new parish priest that their
application to have an auditing commit-
tee has been refused by Ili.shop Bea-
ver, and Ihnl, instead, cash registers
will 1'o put in the church. The congre-
gation must pay their dunes at the door
and can see their money registere.l. The
bishop hopes by this means to stra ght-
en out tine financial and other tangles
in which the church has beoorno in -
steel' Inti Si4Tl11.
Fort %e illicun Roy Painted Rifle nl iter
and 11 Went OU.
A despatch from Fort William, Ont.,
says: Two children of Jamas Harrison,
section foreman, ngetp 5 and 9, wero
playing round the roundhouse on Tues-
day, wlwn tate boy got hold of a rifle.
The boy in play rointed the w•earon at
hie mister, and it was discharged acci-
dentally. fatally wounding the little one,
whit died shortly afterwards.
The Stewardess Was Compelled to Jump
Froin the Upper Deck.
' A despetch from St. Jahn. N it.. says:
On Ti: lay morning al 2 ilei ck the
steamer Aberdeen was burned to the
waters edge at (kits Island, In tho St.
,jean River, a kw ynrdk teem where the
ill -fate 1 Crestal welter went up in
flames last year ant four men were
burned to 'tenth. Tee ltees of the crew
o' the .\ttt rdeen, nine souls in all, were
oared almost by n miracle. and. as it
•ryas. Mis. Mcl. eod, tl o . ( w•:irdess, h eel
fe jump from lite upper deck into the
amts of Dunes eliticleteen. the engin-
•ser, standing un the guard below, and
loth narrowly escaped being plungM
tido the river. The fire was dise.vered
by 1•eople on the shore returning from
a dance, and their cries nw.oke the mem-
!ere of the crew. in an hour the steam-
er was a bare hull on the bittern of the
river. and practically minting was
saved from her. Great d.flicully was
idol experience! in saving the seamier
Sineenres, lying not fifeen yards away.
and nl•o Fred \\'e:IS Blore ant the
cheese el, -Ory satiate! a few feet away.
The .lore{ .•n was valued at 810.1)10 by
her odern. is :in I insured ter al. ut 83.00xl.
Th( cot. e of tee fire is a mystery.
Telegraph Oriels From Our Own and
Other Countries o1 Recent
'lite electric railway Ls to be exOnd-
ed to Puslinclt Lake lain Hosteler.
The complete oontoj of \farutaba's
telephone system is now vested in the
co n nasion.
As a result of lite Banque SL Jean
failure a state audit of all banks may
bet 1,ror osier.
Ingersoll will contract with the Ily-
dio-Electric ComtnLss'on for 500 horse
St. Vincent de Paul Penitentiary is
ovievruwded, and prisoners aro being
sent to Kingston.
A young son of Mr. Joseph Watts of
Belleville was deownod .fn the eloira
River while batting on Thursckiy.
J•xrr'ph Hutchinson, an inmate of the
lessee House of Refuge, has inbreed a
nr.ilion dollars in Manche_.Lmi.
W. G. Smith, brakeman, was killed
by his head striking a girder of the
Rainy River bridge on the C. N. R.
Serious fordrot fires aro reported near
Dawson. Fifteen miles of tho Yukon
lc:egraph lino has been destroyed.
flowntanville has been left a largo
legacy by the late Junkies 11. McGill of
Washington, a native of tate town.
The All:elle Government has granted a
810,000 to the Quebec Battlefields fund, h
and Mr. E. B. Osler has given 51,000.
Robinson Leach of Chippewa announc-
eu his intention of jumping off the steel
arch bridge into the Niagara River on
Dominion Day.
Mr. 'Theodore Berringham of Palgravo v
was kicked in the head by n horse at
the Ontario Agricultural College al e
Guelph and very seriously injured. r•
her/areal CTty Council wants the S!reot e
dtailway Company to water the streets 6
and clear off tree snow in return for «et
privilege of crying freight within the
Bentleys Newspapers, and Thread Fact-
ories Pse Up Great Forests
We aro progressing withalarming ra-
pidity towards a period when the
world may be woodless. Every 3,000
copies of your favorite daily or week-
ly journal use; up a treti--probably
a spruce -in the creation of the wood-
pulp, or cellususe, from which is
paper is made. Each mile of single line
railway laid down means the destruction
of about 400 forest giants -mainly pines
and oaks -in order to furnish sleepers.
A thread factory may in a single day
use up a whole grove of birches for spool
wood. On the European Continent the
manufacture of wood aloohol literally
wolfs woodlands, says I'earson's \Veekly.
'T'hese are merely isolated examples.
They Wright be multiplied indefinitely, bo -
cruse, In every direction, the world's for-
ests are being consumed far faster than
they can possibly bo replaced under ex-
isting conditions. England has only 5
per cent. of her total area under wood-
land. Scotland only 4 per cent., and
Erin's Green Isle has only a litho over 1
per cent. left to represent the forests that
once clothed her to the summits of her
The United States Forest officials admit
that the supply of natural native timber
will hardly outlast the present genera -
Is it wonderful, then, that Governments
re becoming tree planters? Our own
as recently awakened to tho serious
hnracter of the outlook, and has taken
reland in hand.
During the constant wars which pre-
aik.•cl there for so many centuries the
forests were swept away by lire and by
eglect; their c..struction affecting tho
ainfall and natural drainage, so that
ver great areas the land lapsed into the
hivcring bogs we now ossociele with it.
All (his is to be changed if a scheme,
which the authorities have in hand, is
cnrricd out. Its most remarkable feat-
ure is the creation of a wind screen of
trees along the lop of the cliffs of the
exposed western coast.
\Viten that has grown It is believed
that ft will, as once before, prevent the
alt Atlantic galas from sweeping over
nd souring Lilo land behind It. But, bo-
des that, it Is suggested that nearly
tree tnlllion acres now absolutely naked
' any profitable growth should bo re -
anted with trees in belts and clumps
hlch, as they rico, will render cultl-
nble large areas 1n their vicinity, now
•king morass. All this will Dost fully
00,000,000 spread over thirty years.
In Scotland also the Government Ls Be-
nning to guard against the contingen-
of a wood famine. Twelve thousand
res, near Loch Awe, in Argyllshire
Tho second reading of the old ago
pens'iort bill was passed in alio British
'House of Commons.
The qu(elion of the uniformity of prat- s
end laws in the empire was discussed a
in the British (louse of Commons on ai
'1'hwsduy. 11
A 25-numth-old baby of the Eest v
Side, New York city, weighs 110 pounds. t
Thousands of foreigners aro leaving 81
New lurk for Europo owing to the low
eleerage rats. gi
Some unknown penitent sent 88,000 ey
tho Government oonsetenoe fund at ac
\Vnshington, D.C.
A New York doctor ennounoes a new
cure for rubies, effected by direct injec-
tions of Hatt-loxin into the lain.
A Chicago woman, aged 76, died ns
the result of a brutal beating adminis-
tered by n burglar in her !tomo.
\Villiam H. Taft was nornin rted for rho
Presidency of the United States by the
ltcpubLGtns in convention at Chicago.
An organization of Jews, nunbering
:6.000, are planning to erect a lowish
hospital in Second sleet, New York.
A gold! watch, a pair of valuable dia-
mond eat•t'ings and 8199.90 were found
o': a woman leggar in a New York
pierce court.
Ilelen E. Crosby, aged 14, who was
scrously injured In a "bargain day
reel!' in Newark, N. J., hos been
awarded $2,000 damages.
An aged man, C. J. L. Meyer, once
Me wormiest citizen of Fond du Inc.,
Wi.'., was saved from rho poor -house
ty the aid of friends.
Two women, a man and a child were
drowned in New York when en auto-
mobile in tvl►ich they were riding (clung.
ed into the Hudson River.
0. fl. Frrwcott. President of 11to Aber-
deen Ilnnl;ing Co. at Aberdeen, Ohba,
shot himself as the police wero trying
to enter his huose to arrest bion on
At \\'atcrtown, N. Y., C. B. McCor-
mick, an nt'orney, jumped from a (he-
slemy office building and died from his
injues. Ile was arrested recent)• in
connection with frauds in the cetints
department of the N.w York Central
Railway, and released on bail.
Throe hundred and fifty fishermen
Imo been drowned on the coast of Ja-
United Steles comrnlesioners will su-
eerv'so the Presidential elections in to
republic of Panama.
Over 10,000 murders hove occurred in
Macedonia In the lost four years, and
slaughter is everywhere.
Luisa Vander, n white chief, was kill -
0 1 in Cuba by a band of negro wizards
who wanted the child's bleed to cure an
d,k) negrvvs& of consunrplion.
R..senn•r OIH•n ilr:erlh. Ithenit and Rail
Mills have Ile -opened.
A despatch ham Sault Ste. Marie,
Ont., sny u: The depression which has
lien all (•,n apparent in the Cannel;an
Sd.o is drawing to a close, as the Bes-
semer open hcnrlh, bloom and rail :trills
of the i.nke Superior ainiernt.on m-
op,ene.'.l on Monday with rt full staff of
men. Since ate .plant •':os.d down two
months ago Wetness hes been exceed.
ingly slack. ninny travelling men not
coiling at the So , on their regular trips
through the north. Tho blast fu'nnees
will n .1 be stared just now, ns the plant
ea a large accumulation of pig iron on
hand. l'he Soo is nein hnp;'y. Since
the mil! reseed -the ntar►agrutent has
b en flowing en hilt a d.tn contrieis
Hint were then hanging tire. end hes
used every effort to secure work. se flint
the mill might re -open. Many .1 the
then who were forced out when tb • mill
clotted have been employ. J ei other
ways, wlr.ch is eertai my a crcd.t l► It:0
manageme fit.
hppve recently been acquired for the par
and iy •Iso,rod ale1S pr 1JuruuoJ Jo asod
sent the district is practically bare of
Very few of our great cities have now
opportunity to make money by planting
trees, but Glasgow Is nmongst the fortun-
ate few, and is considering the question
e( going In tor the business on a large
scale. Some
tactor bestowed upongenerous bene-
on behalf of the citizens, municipality,
lying along the shores of the Clyde fiord
known as Loch Goil.
It is a wild expanse of :rountain and
moor, now let as a sheep farm; but it
tuns once heavily timbered, and it Is be-
lieved that, it reaffo,'sforl now, it will,
daring the next generation, yield an in-
come sufficient to appreciably reduce the
city's taxation.
There Is already ample precedent for
such a result. In Scandinavia and 1n
Germany there are towns which pay
their way entirely by profile on Judicious-
ly planted woodland. In Roden, for ex-
ample, Freudensladt not only provides
115 inhabitants with free wood, pasturage,
water, schooling, roads, public lighting,
amusements, and medicine, but pays
each of thein a yearly bonus.
ll is not to be wondered at that. under
all the circumstances, some Slates aro
protecting trees almost as private owner
protect game. In some parts of N'irth
America the law moires that any lune
bcrman wilfully, or even carelessly, darn.
aging growing trees in the course of his
employment. must aro at once dismfsced
by his employer. end be banished from
the \melt . In California It is a penal of.
knee to damage certain groves of "mem-
meth" pinevs, and regulations for the
culling of these so-called redwood trees,
akng the Pacific slope. are now of the
most stringent chewier. As for the of -
lander who football}, sets fire to growing
timber, he Is sometimes lynched without
Young Wives Should he (Content With
Own Plnec in Husband's Heart.
ieefe nit begin your married life with
it :0<T.•t antagonism to John's mother.
It the dear fellow praise; her, and hotels
her up as a tnodel for all her sex to the
k,w, try to find out how .tie has blin.1-
al him to the little foibles common to
women, end without taking anything
from Ler, win les respx'ct as she hes
won It. If sho has any dish for which
site is famous, don't alit mpt to copy it.
She has had years of experienc', you
are only a beginner, and you cannot
succ sinfully rival her. Invent a dl=h f
your devil. and charm hurt w.th its nov-
elty. Don't try to reprxluee ete.ything
he 'wakes. Ile rney partake of the at-
tempt, and politely praise :t; but inward-
ly he w .r:dArs at Ilse (emeti :o p. caear-
lir wh:ch dentaries praise kr 'h, effort
irrespecLve of the result. Re content
with your awn place in hire heart -the
se.:pr.•in• place --an. ,lo not gru.lg' the
e.,tners given teethe:s. Nt human be-
ing can be all in all to an eery. Even
a bus ncas a;<o.lime may g ve hint
.s+.nielhing that you lack. Try ns you
na'y, you cennnl do ew•,iy with !he pate,
which ',clings to his molter or hs sis-
Prkes of Cottle, Grain, 1.icese sail
Other Dairy Produce o1 theme
and Abroad.
Toronto, June 23. -Ontario Wheat -
No. 2, white and red, 83e to 81c; No. 2
!nixed, the same,
Manitoba Wheat -Markel geola'ions
at Georgian tiny roils, No. 1 northern,
fd.1ly; No. 2 northern, $1.08X; No. 3
northern, 81.06X,.
Oats --No, L white, 45yc to 46c out-
side; No. 2 mixed, 44c.
Corn -No. 3 yellow, offered at 78Xc
ail rail, and 78e lake and rail.
Flour - Manitoba patents, special
brands, 86; seconds, $5.40; strong bak-
ers', $5.30; winter wheat patents, offer-
ing now at $3.30.
Barley -No. 2, 55c to 57c.
Peas -No. 2, quiet, nominally quoted
al, 92c.
Rye -No. 2, none offering; quotation
about 88c.
Buckwheat -No, 2, nominally quoted
61yc to Gac.
Bran -Offered outside at $17.50 to 818;
about 820.50 track here.
Shorts -$20.50.
Butter -Creamery, prints, 21c to 230;
creamery solids, 20c to 21e; dairy prints,
choice, 18e to 19c; dairy prints, ordin-
ary, 16e to 18c; dairy tubs, 17c to 18c;
inferior, 15: to 16e.
Eggs -Prices rule easy at 17e to 18c.
Clhoese-New cheese, 12o to 12Xc for
targe, and 12Xc for twins.
Beans -Primas, 82 to $2.10; hand-
picked, 82.10 to 82.15.
Itoney-Strained, plc to 13c per
pc.und; combs, per dozen, $1.50 to $1.75.
Potalcos-Ontar:os, 75c to 80c; Dela-
wares, 85c to 95c in car lots on track
Baled Hay Timothy is quoted at $9.50
to $10.50 per ion in car lots on track
here. No. 2, $7 to $8.
Baled Straw -Good straw is quoted al
atoll' 37.50 per ton, or a little higher.
Inferior stock has beer. offered•.at 86.50.
These quotations aro for car lots on
track hero.
Pork Short cut, $22 to $22.50 per bar-
rel, mess, 818.50 to 819.
Lard -Tierces, lige; tubs, 11%c; pails,
Smoked and Dry Sailed Meals - I.ong
clear bacon, 1030 to Ile, tons and cas-
es; harts, medium and Tight, 13X,c to
11c; harts, large, 11%c to 12c; backs, 16c
to 163'c; shoulders, 9'/,c to 100; rolls,
10c to 10yo; breakfast bacon, 14c to
15e; green meats, out of pickle, lc less
titan smoked.
efonlreal, Juno 23. -Flour - Manito-
ba spring patetntz, 86.10 to 86.20; second
patent,, $.1.50 to $3.70; winter wheat
patents, $5 10 85.50; straght rollers,
:4.25 to $1.50; in hags, 81.93. to $2.10;
extra, 81.50 to 11.75.
Rolle Oat
s-42.75 Oa s--82.70 .in bags of 90
Oats -No. 2, 50e to 51c; No. 3, 47%c
to 48c; No. 4, 46e to 46%c; rejected, 45c;
elan'itcba rejected, 47%c.
Cornmeal --$1.75 W 81.85 per bag.
Millfc'd-Ontnr:o bran, in bags, 820.-
50 to $21.50; shorts, 823 to 824; Mani-
toba Iran, in bags, 822 to $23; shorts.
$24 to $2.5.
Provisions -Barris short cut mess.
822.50; half barrels, 811.50; clear fat
backs, $23; dry salt long clear backs,
Ile; barrels plate beef. 817.50; half bar-
rels do., 89; eompound lard, 8c to 9Xc;
pure lard, 12'/.,c to 13c; kettle rendered.
13c to 133'c; hates, 12Xc to 14c, accord-
ing to size; breakfast bacon, 140 to 15c;
\Vind.•cor bacon, 15c to 161; fresh kiln!
alaltoir dressed hogs, $9.25 to $9.50;
lite, 86.75.
Ilut'cr-Finest creamery, 22yc; in
r and lots, 23e to grocers.
Cheseso-Tho market is uiel and a
shade easier. Westerns, 1J5 c to 11%e.
end asterns Itye to 11yc.
Eggs -Selected, 17%c to 18c; No. 1,
16yc to 17c.
ieiffakn, June 23. - Wh.'nt -- Spring
firmer; No. 1 northern, 81.09X, carloads;
\Venter skndy; No. 2 red. 95e e orn-
H t,•ttor; No, 2 while. 76c; No. 2 yellow,
753c. Oats -Higher; No. 2 mixed.
52X'; No. 2 white, 56e. Barley - 55
to 00e. Rye -laic, No, 1 on track. Ca-
r.al fre'ghte-Wheat 5c to N• w York.
Minneapolis, June 23.--Wheat---No. 1
hard, old, 81.11X; new, $1.10',,: No. 1
Welborn, olil..$1.09y; new. $1.08! e; No.
2 Nurthern,"o1J, *LOX; new, 81.06N;
N .. 3 Nur:Finn. $1.03X to $1.05%; July,
;'1.00%; September. 91Xe. Fleur -First
talents, $5.30 to 83.40; mooed pulenls.
$5.20 to 85.35; first cleans, $1.20 to $4.30;
second clears. 83.:10 to $3.60. Bran -In
bulk, *18 to 818.50.
New York. June 23.---\Vhent -- Spot
num; No. 2 red. 99c in elevator and 99e
f.o.b. aflont; No. 1 northern Duluth
$1.15 f.o.b. afloat; No. 2 hard wukr•.
11.00 f.o,n afloat.
f.IV.i; STO(:K \ fnET.
Toronto. June 23.- (:ho'c.' exp,eort steers
s,-1,1 (rem $0.13 to 16.45, with lnills at
81.75 to 85.
Lots of chelee stnll-!G1 butcher cattle
5!d from 85.50 to 85.40, with picked
sl.'.•r.-: (pealed un In 80. Good loners sold
from t5.15 1 . ee.50; medium cattle, *1.2.e
to $1.75: fix.} inn ant fair erns -fed cat-
tle. $3.7:, to 5.41.2:d. Chole' tow's prod
h• fit 81 lo 85; common cow.:, 82.50 to
S:od:ers of nb,ul 800 katals were
rlt:e►'rd lower at $3.50 t, 81. (',o.tiI
!ceders are worth $1.50 -lo 81.75. Tendo
(111(1nrilk.••rs was ()Mel but fairly steady.
r'ntvcs were quoted at 3e to Syc per
l:w •= were quot•sJ at $4.23 t' *1.06
per ewe„ and buck- raid c1111.. al 8.1.30
h, 31. Slone (nude were !ewer at
Bailiff's Startling Evidence at the Tillson-
burg Fire Enquiry.
A despatch from Tills:,nburg says: "1
dime it. i told him 1 would get even
watt him." '1'hs Is Uro statement elect)
may convict Chester Ilucktorough of
Betting llre to the Queen's Hotel on May
!:Otte causing the e:o:ith of three pens els
tied injuring many more. The confes-
sion Vi as repealed by the last witness
calked tor the Crown at the prei:minury
(rearing hetero Police 'dug!.trate flare
cit Thursday, and it was sprung upon
a crotid d court morn with dramatic
suddenness. Up 4o that point the hear-
ing had proceeded without anything
mote definite being adduced against
AN, accused• than that he had been
heard to say on more than one occasion
that he would get even w.lh John Men:,
the. proprio'or of tho Queen's Hotel, and
that Mena state.!, ho saw the accu cd in
tho hall of tho hotel after the alarm o'
fire had been given, That evklenco was
probably enough lo necessitate the com-
mitment of the prisonor for trial, but
when Chas. Crositl, baler( of the (Hsi
(Het Division Court, nnade his dramatic
statement there could to no doubt as to
what action the Magistrate would be
compelled to take.
Crossitt in his evidence told how he
happened to pose along the street eh to
the iseel was still burning. Naturally
he was inkrsted and stopped to watch
what was doing. Chance placeel 11110
next tt lluckborough, row a prelor:er•t
cl•nrged with a crime. which, if he cone
mitts! it, is ono of the most dastardly
to the dark history of crime. Cro.Csitt
related his brief oontersalktn will,
Bttckborough. He said: "I said to !luck-
l+orough, •It's a pretty sad thing,' and
tie said, '1 done it. 1 told hien (lies web
art oath), I'd get even with hint.
\V. E. Kelly, S:nieoe, who, with \V.
C. Mown, 1'itlsotthttrg, appeared for the
prisoner, subntit'oi Cross:tt to a s:•vet,e
arts exaninnton. "\VIly," nekd Mr.
Kelly, "do you ask us to believe that
you lxnrd this and told nobody?"
"1 told the Chief of Police," replied the
"When " was the quaton rapped
back, and as quick carte the reply:
"That morning, %viten rho hotel was
still burning,"
Tho case for tho Clown was in the
hands of Mr, it. A. Rall, Crown Alter.
ney of Woodstock. At the outset Mr.
!icily stated that It was nob lite inten-
tion to call evidence at that stage of the
case, and claimed, therefore, that it was
WM. a :vary for it`s client to plead.
Happenings In the Emerald Isle of
Interest to Irish-
Irish leaders say That Ireland will ob-
tain home rule by peaceful means.
A railway employee named Goorgo
Walker was killed on the line near
Reduction of 9 cents in the dollar have
been granted to tenants on thee Logan
(state at Drumcliffe. near S:Igo.
Dr. Flanagan, of Sligo, has boon elect-
ed upopposcd, a medical officer of Sli-
go Union, at a salary of $500 Iver year.
James Philipps, an employee, was
crushed to death in a factory at Lisbel-
law. His clothing caught in the machin-
Magee College, Londonderry, will be-
come what Is for all practical purposes,
a constituent college of Belfast Univer-
A man named Barry was killed by
poisonous gases when he descended into
the pit of a sewerage. farm at Stone-
Excited over a football game, near
Whileabbey„County Antrim, a young
man named Joseph Murray dropped dead
on the field.
At Bnllaghtdereen six women were
charged with having assaulted a postman
and stolen frons his bag four registered
Mr. Charles Gabhetl Mahon was recent-
ly shot at and wounded when visiting
one of his farms at Dysart, a few miles
from Ennh.
Tho ('cath of Dennis Cunningham oc-
curred at Ifs residence, North sl., Skib-
bcreen, recently at tete advanced ago of
103 years.
A Belfast man, who ran in trent of a
tramway car waving his hands to stop
it, and who was knocked down, died •
stx;rt time after.
Annie and Margaret Ann Ilindley,
another and daughter, wero killed at
Giazebrook Station, near \Varrington,
by a passing (rain.
Ton v'aluabla sheep bel ng'ng to Fran -
Oe McGe.�wn. of Nowtonhanytt• n. were
worried and killed by dogs en hie farts
ret Cannleyinacuiaghe
Mr. Patrick Walters, of Messrs. \Vnl-
ters & Smyth, drapers, Kandy, has been
appointed a Justice of the Peace for pito
County of Armagh.
This yenr's emigration from Ireland to
the United Slatesw 111, it is snid, be the
k,wrst In many years, and hardly reach
halt that of last year.
The Seceeta y of Dund•ilk ilarbor
T.orrd, Mr. Farrell. has be'e'n grant d an
increase of salary of $125, bring ng Ins
total salary up to 81.373.
Mr. Fitzpatrick. for 18 years porter
of Tran Inion, has leen grantee an
in verso of salary of 835 per year, mak-
Ing tee total eatery 8135 per year.
Mr. Joseph Devlin, M. P.. hos given
a t:end;orn • contribution to the John
Cotten memorial fund, p r'met d by the
AL. -tilt Order of Hibcrnians, B',lfost
J fir s Doherty, a well-to-do farmer,
nie• 1 47, living at Glebe, near Cast!e-
rock, suffering from ill -health, cut his
throat with, a razor, dying instantly.
Mr. James Dempster, one of the dir-
ectans of Danville & Co., (Limited), dis-
tillers, died of apoplexy at a charity cup
football match at Belfast on the 25th ult.
in a cattle drive, which took place at
Brierlleld, County Galway, 46 head of
cattle, 6 horses, 81 sheep and a largo
number of lambs were driven nearly,
20 miles.
The contract tor the manufacture of
clothing for the [loyal Irish Constabu-
lary, rrumbering about 11.000 men, has
leen given to the Athlsno wollea
A verdict of accidental drown ng was
returned 1t an inquest at \Vluiletown,
Carl !eland, on the Lolly of Mss Rich-
ardson, whose body was found in a
lake neer her hone.
At a recent meeting of the Longford
Branch of the U. L L. nrentbers infused
to accept an apology from M`clrael Iioss,
butcher, for supplying meat of a boy-
cotted woman.
In the quaintly named County Dublin
lt.rying ground "Bully's Acre," at Kil-
ntainham, the most ancient legible lomb-
stene is to "Corporal William i'roby, who
died 28t11 July, 1700."
Longford Guord'ans are hay ng eamo
difficulty in finding a man will ng to
accept a position as wardntan in the
union at a .salary of 8100 per year with
rations and apartments.
Mr. J. J. Clarke, Kill:ncnrrig, has ben
appointed clerk of works to superintend
the erection of the new scheme of
B ond the new Carnegie r
so le -rnry at Greystones.
\Vith a view to promoting tho sale of
Irish neeaufactures in Athlete, a depu-
tation hes been appointed by the local
branch of the United Irish League to
center with the traders.
At Killenure, Shillelagh, a termer
ranted Michael Kirwan was seriously In-
jured by falling from a chair on which
he was standing, when Jagged pkco
o: wood penetrated itis stomach.
The freedom of Belfast was recently
conferred upon the Earl of Shaftesbury.
lfr. Henry Harrison, proprietor of the
Commercial Hotel, Portmadoc, was
drowned in the Portmadoc estuary.
At Barry, Judge Owen awarded Mrs.
Mitchell, of Bridgewater 8975.; Iler hus-
band, a barman, was murdered by a
Russian seaman, whom he ejected from
n hotel at the request of the manager.
Tho local Government Beard has sane-
ticnnd n suppl•mental Penn of 837,500 to-
wards Iht completion of tt:o P.r•tad•evn
and Banbridge water works, which aro
being creed at a total met of $384.770.
The lawlessness in the west of Ireland
centinuec, notwithstanding the neon•
metes given by Ministers and (heir Na-
tiennlist allies that the state of the
ccnnty is eminently peaceable and satis-
ARE n1'INt; LIKE 1.1.11:4.
Chinese I'rntin,0 e.1 Il:riri:ur Bev:rel:Heel
by flagon•.
A doapalch Wan lI•.ng i' ng :nye:
A misstntiary arrived trent tl:c Province
of Hainan alae that people are dying
of plague like flies. 1 be scourge :s abet -
ling in hong Kong.
Daughter of the Lieutenant -Governor of
New Brunswick Marries Coachman.
A des; a'ch from SI. John, N. B., Says:
Ilan. I.. J. '1'wa-die, Lieutenant-(iuver-
nor of N. w Brunswick, end Mrs.
Tweedie, who were In the city on \Ved-
neet:1y,to relend the wed•l,ng of the
dnughie. if la n. F. E. I3atk••r, Chief
hoe •e of the Province, met welt a dis-
ngteenl..le snrp,r...o see n after they left
the deuri ti, when the L:• uten:int-Gnv.
error !sinned by telephone That hie
.mire was 00 cermet, in Inert penins, daughter. \lies \luny iL Tweedie hail
Set• e 4 le nu el II mated at sei.15. 1,1 made a runaway match 01 Si. Stephen,
nn.' watered, and l.ghi1 aid feel, at N. 13.. (losing with David McKeown.
tee*.;.Ins. Tweeelie was utkrly prOalrated by
the news, and the Lieutenant -Governor,
was greatly disturbed. The man in tho
case came from Scotland about a year
ago, and had been employed by Gov.
ether Tweed.e up to ten days ago. Ile
left then, and another coachman was
engage!. Mies 'tweed o had been v;sit-
ing friends in S1. Stephen. McKo"twn
evidenlly had felleevved her to that place,
Aril en Weetn• slay they were tnart sal,
stiletegue.nlly leaving for Montreal to
sail, it tet thought, for Iho e,ld country.
At Miss Tweedie Is nineteen years oaf
and lite nein a kw years elder, rnrth-
Ins can be dune be the primate.