HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-06-25, Page 6WILSON'S
livery packet
will k111
more Alcs than
800 sheets
of sticky paper
rocs per packet, or 3 paokots fur 21c.
wl 11 last a whole at♦saon.
w ear
Will had comp home from college to
a few days, and as it was a ro`--ny day,
lie calked h.s email sista' into the lib-
"Nothing eking to -day, Bess," he said.
"Don't you want Inc to play with you.`
`You wouldn't caro for any et Ilio sil-
efi11 gams, like dolls and tlt.ngs,' com-
plained I14'as.
Will th,ught for a moment. "No, 1
haven't played dolls since my freshman
year in college," he said. "1 think 1 m
rather t.o old far that now. But once,
when 1 was sick, I got a lot of comfort
out of just fussing round with things,
trial 1 learned to do tome experiments-
ot least, I called Ihern that-and)'11
show some of them to you new. First.
run and get me a silver tabiesjeon and
Ecme suramg, and 1'1l tach you how to
ting the 'hells of Cologne.'
When Bessie laid br,ught than to her
1 rother he kok the spoon. lied the
thread round the lower part of the
halite, and wcund leo long ends round
Ile s c's foIv flng( rs.
"N iw, just put your fingers tight in
your cars," I.e seal. "d -hen stand off.
.incl hit tete bowl of the spoon against
the tales."
The little girl did as she was told, and
her face lighted up with the happiest,
neat. surprised senile! Any one in the
room would have seen only a little girl
knocking a sewn with a jingl ng -Jane
Ung nose; but in her oars sounded l;ng,
glorious peals of silver bells, each note
different, and more beautiful, she
"t)n you hear it, Will?' she cried. "Do
you h mar it, too? Oh, isn't it lovely!"
Iter brother smiled. "No, 1 can't hear
\vtiut you doe' he said. "You se', that's
wkal they call an experiment in saund.
The saund waves run up from the bowl
of 1!i • s, oon all along the string into
'cur (ars."
Farr a long while Bessie rang the
"Bella of Cologne"; then Will showed
her how a drop of mercury oould Lr' sep-
arated Into a hundred parts, and yet
j<•tn eigelher again in a round, eh ning
drop that ran round and round the
saucer, "Just like a quick little silver
bug," Buie said.
aI Ike experiments, Will,"
saki Bes-
sie. "Don't you know any mot?"
any 1 could do now,' said her
brol'rer. "But some tome, if you'll soak
a peace of shoe thread ail night in very
very salt water, and then dry it out. I'll
to a ring to one end of it, and the other
end I'll fas'en round the electric fixture.
Than 111 light it, and let it burn all the
way down, and still the ring won't fall."
"Why won't it, Will?" demanded his
"\Vej1, just because the salt crystals
ere: so placed that they are strong
enc,ugh to bear tate weight even when
the thread Is nolhtng but ashes. Thats
tel I can tell you now, Youll have to
watt until you lake n course in chem-
istry rind physics Worn you really un-
dcrs. aids
"An I when 1 get to college I'm going
tori," sod Bessie, as she ran back to ring
again her newdound Bells of Cologne. -
Youth s Com ptin n.
(11y A. Ranker)
Th're is a rapture In the knelt'' shore
There is society where none intrudes,
By the deep sell, and music In its roar.
Aye, there is an cnchantenent in the
melody and in the rolling cadence of the
w'.kl waves, in the deep diapason of their
rear, as, imfclled well fury ogansl Ib
Iinu n l ons of reeks, with it rending thun-
der the Impotent onslaught is repelled
and wave meets wave In a chaotic or -
nem of turmoil; or, too, In tha harmon-
ious rhythm e't the dancing wavelets .)
with measured and tuneful harrnoriy
they gurgle men the shelving bank of
drifting shingle, or murmur and ripp:e
sin Ito snndy shire. Ail and there is a
blithesome must In the curling, foam -
crested bellows, each cne apparently
ruing h'gher and higher as it approach-
es the strand, until at length with a
graceful and majestic curve It arches
over. and the lovely emerald roller Is
tl'rnshn'►ncd into a w.ld mass of seeth-
ing foam.
And what a rapture in a wall: Wong
the hard dry sand at !ow tido in early
morning. The delicious aroma (d the
ocean breeze gladdens and inv g rates,
(and thrills through and 'hrough welt a
buoyant zest; while the prospect, both
landward and eeawanl, to the rover of
future is a vision of real beauty. On
the one hand the expanse cf the great
o:can glittering like diamonds and
sparkling gems In the slanting raye of
the newly risen van, while flocks of
those grateful little sea -birds, the les -
tier krn, r:kim over the waves like a
flash of light, in a neon:ent all wheezing;
round as by word of command, and
curveting aril gaentoll.ng amongst the
1'rcnkers. And on the other hand Inc
king ►ndcnled Inw cf pure snow-white
cliffs lowering upwards towards the
azure of the Ekles, crowned on ttae,r
subunit with bright green rolling
cee wna, while at fowl is n natural bank
c 1 those wild (lowers which love the
salt spray of the sen and luxuriate In the
driten sand. And scat'etrd about on
this leeely 'h -ire are many objects see -
dem found in more frequented spots-
sl'heri al noduk's of iron pyrites, which
alien broken are found to be like cr-
mall zed gokl, raz.)r-shells, with le...-
Imps the strange scarlet fish protruding,
with many another curiosity of Inc
.\nd from the contempint'.n of all
th s beauty, the mind metal "1• nk from
nature up to natures Goal," to Him
one se creative power adorned Ibis fair
world with such supreme k?velinees
and Wender. And Ile so loved ler ills
children that In order to overt from us
th cervequ encs s t our Iransgressiona,
IIc look open Himself the l unishrnt•nt
ah ch il< our dere, thereby opening the
gales of the kingdom of heaven to all
Uc l sever+.
The railway brklge hich cenncrts
Venice with the mainland Is 12,050 ft.
Pale Faces and Pinched Checks
Show ?hat Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills are Needed.
Anaemia Is written en the features o'
ninety women and girls out of every
ht.ndred. Unmistakeuble aro tlio sign
of "loo little blood."
Tho weaker sex is assailed at all ages
by tho evils resulting from bloodless-
ness, from the girl who is weak and
languid, with dull eyes, pale, pinched
cheeks, fitful appetite and palpikiting
heart, lo the woman who feels never
well, with gnawing pains in the back,
aching limbs and rerveus headaches.
Dr. Williams' Pink fills are specially
valuabkr to women of all ages, for they
possess the power of staking in abun-
dance the rich, red blood without which
po woman can have perfect health.
They 1111 the starved veins with new
blood so that enfeebled tabes aro
strengthened, weak, nervous systems
are fortified and robust health restored.
\Iles diose D'Aragen, Waterloo, Que.,
fel'riws tate profession of leeching,
which brings more than ordinary
strain to all mew follow this calling.
NIL'S IYAragon says: -"l( seemed us
though I was gradually going into a de-
cline. 1 lost all my slrenglh; my appe-
tite was very poor; 1 was pale and suf-
fered from frequent headaches; 1 was
often dizzy and the least exertion would
kayo mo brcnthlees. 1 doctored for a
time, but with litho or no benefit. One
day I read in the Waterloo Journal the
particulars of a case similar to mina
cured by Dr. Williams' Pink fills and
i determined to try them. in a few
weeks there was a decided improvement
in my c.jndittin, and by the time I had
taken seven or eight boxes I was again
in the best of health, and able to en-
jc,y myself as well as any of my young
Sold by all medicine dealers or by
mail at 50c. a box or six boxes for
$2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
Smart Clothes Ant as Strong Menial
"Very few men can do themselves full
justice unless they are well dressed."
This opinion was expressed by a well-
known specialist in nervous and mental
"A good suit of clothes," ho said, "acts
as a splendid tonic upon most of us.
"'rhe mere fact of being smartly dress-
ed Is a strong mental stimulant, and the
man who is shabby and knows 11, Is
often less capable than his well-dressed
mental inferior.
'To the average man shabby or ill-fitt-
ing clothes are a source of constant wor-
ry, which frets away his energy and
takes the keener edge off his wits.
`i most strongly condemn the practice
of providing lunatics in public asylums
with ill-fltting clothes, for the mentally
afflicted, when recovering his or her ren -
son, cannot but be worried and upset at
having to wear what are very often
grotesque costumes.
"Tho general impression Is, f think, a
tree one -that the man in a disgraceful
lint, baggy -kneed trousers and a shock-
ing coal who can appear quite self-pos-
sessed among a number of smartly -dress-
ed people is either a millionaire or a
man of extraordinary brain power.
"Few men can get along successfully
ir. lire without the moral support of smart
Rabies that are well sleep well, cat
well and play well. A child that is not
rt sy-cheeked and playful needs immed+-
a!e attention, and in all the world
there is no medicine can equal-Bohys
Own 'Tablets for curing indigestion,
constipation, diarrhoea, teething Iron -
Nee and the other disorders from which
ycung children suffer. The mother who
uses this medicine hes the guarantee
of a government analyst that it is ab-
solutely safe, Mrs. J. L. Janette, Sl.
►Syl'ere, Que., enys:-"I fled Baby's Own
Trtb:ere the n:ost satisfactory medicine
I have ever used for conslipnticn, teeth-
ing; troubles and breaking up colts.
Feery mother should keep this medicine
in the home.' Sold by medicine deal-
ers or by rnnil at .25 cents a Lox from
The Dr. \\ iliiams' Medicine Co., Brock-
ville, Ont.
lie was a gentler specimen of his class
than one usually meets, and when lie
made his appeal for something to eat at
the kitchen door he was asked by the
good-natured cook to come in by the fire.
As lie Gal then' she mid:-
aid:"You don't look as(hough you had al-
ways been a tramp."
"i haven't," he replied, without offence.
"1 tame from n very good family."
She lel elm eat on without interrup-
tion, but after he had finished she said: -
"You say you conte from a good family.
May 1 ask the nnrne?"
"It wna Rlanklicgh," he responded.
"Why," she said, in surprise, "that's
the name of the occupier next door to
la "
"Yes," he replied. "1 noticed it on the
deor•pinl('. 'That's who 1 carne fmm. Ile
s t his dog on me Just before I called
German Professor --"You come to me.
my little man. 1'11 tench yon In he n great
mt.Ficinn. You are fond of rncsie--yes?"
"Little Man" -"Oh! 1 don't know -but
1 jolly well hale having my stair cult'
In a street of Edinburgh one day n
dusty soldier went up to n little boot.
black and told the bay to hrush his hots
and polish them well. The Ind looked
al the big Se, t Gray and shouted blithely
to another 1,rolbinck:
A magician's wife may have occasion
le feel proud of his trickery.
Mohammedan Life on Country Estates
-Desire for Tann lands.
Scene of the eld•fnshu-ned Egyirein
equlres who have been Fettled en their
cstatea fair a generals n..1' two 011.1 Rina
their awn land urc neer h kekiel up 1,.
Ly their poorer Ileighbuls ur,d exli'i.'
u good deal of influence. 'I hey have
enemy of the characteristic qualities
which belong to their emot :on, say
the London Standard.
I became acquainted with n patriarch
of this kind who was an estimable old
gentleman. Ile lived in a large, whit-
washol, untidy okl holier, with big, bare
moms on the ground floor and metered
apartments clove in which leis woman-
kind lived. Ile tole inc. by the way,
that his wife had clever tern ctownstalis
or set font outside the house, had never,
in fact, moved beyond the 00111111'5 01
her second story prison for twenty-five
Merchants, tradesmen, officials like In
Invest their savings in teal property. 1
met a young rite* in one of the public
(Aileen in Cairo who had been educated
at an American mission school and
slake English well. Ile was three and
twenty and of course married and a
parent. Ile told neo that ho had save.(
enough out of his salary to have bought
a small estate in the Delta. His wife
and children and his mother -in -16w and
an uncle lived thero and managed the
farm, and he went down there hfmsetf
during the long summer vacation when
inast of the Cairo olflces go to sleep.
Everybody indeed in an Egyptian'
town sterns to have an interest in the
land. The Berberine servant who acts
as chameermald in your hotel is pro-
bably the tenant of a tiny patch '^f
earth, ttith a dale palm and a mud hut,
en whir'h he labors during the summer
and autumn, leaving his family to look
niter it when he canes down to Cairo
to gather the piastres of the strnnger
i'1 the cool season. And the trader who
has made stoney will often own an es-
tate worth thousands of pounds, left in
charge of a nnzar or bailiff, whose ac-
counts he will check from time to lime.
Such a man, when he retires from busi-
ness. may himself set up as country
gentlemen, even as prosperous shop-
keepers do elsewhere.
Aman can cnn have n,rod house and
hibit the outward signs of weal h with
the certainly that his stiperflu:ty will
not b' squeezed out of him by the lax
collectors or extorted from lila as tribes
1•y rho re'a'ders of the Pasha. It is no
longer sec ;,.spry to conceal all evidence
of means, live in oslentntiout penuri-
ousnees and bury your money if you
have au in a hose in the ecrth.
What is GoLit; On In the I:lghlands
and Losllands of Auld
Thi acreage of deer I rests and lands
devokd to .snort in Soolland is 561,1b8,
and the rectal $199.615.
ul r1:c-liouse
veli P
The asses of U
nl k
G aurally naw amount to 8(2,110. The
hr.,hls last year were over 81,100.
A draft from the Hackney stud at
Th irnhonte, Curlukc, is its d si os 'd .)t
recently, when 17 at Mali brought $6,-
'1'lto Education Department of Kil-
ntarnoak has given a grant of $14,000
towards the new technical school, half
els estimated cost.
Stirling nrercltants are giving ab. ul
$;.W a year for Ulnae years to a l i ti -
don publisher who is printing u "guele'
for Sti't I.ng.
Col. Sir Robert Cranston, of l:din-
bergh, has been appianted 1•> comutond
the Lo hen Brigade under the new 1 r-
riter:al SCIICHIC.
The late Mr. John Ilenlen, Coal-
br:dg;e, tasseled in the same house since
the day of hs marriage in 1850 till his
death at Cie age of 85.
The Sett' Lary of ~tate has appointed
Mr. '1'. Douglas Dunn, M. A., Engl.sll
muster in Hellabouslon Academy, in-
stiecter of Schools In Bengal.
Mr. Janle•t Coats, jun., Ferguske,
lioure, Paisley, has pre-en:c(1 a library
of over 200 voltunes, will► a bookcase,
caps, etc., to \Vesterkirk School.
Mr. Neil Brown, house agent, who
had been a well-known figure on Rothe-
say Pier, Ifuteshhe, for many years,
died recently in his 72nd year.
Mr. John Young, Greenlet's, Canibus-
lang, died frt,m lo.kjuw recently. Some
time ago ho received a kick from a
horse and blood poisoning set in.
The Allan line of steamships give no-
tice of holiday tours during the sumer r
to Canada, and back in three weeks,
giving levo days In Canada.
Mr. Donald M'Coll, jun., formerly of
Glasgow Tramways Department, has
hell appointed general manager of the
Shanghai Ete':Ir is Tramways.
St. Andrew's flshcrmen are having
herd titles. Then; is scercely a fish la
be got in the Bay. Since the New Year
the takes have been very door.
General French inspected recently the
Glasgow Boys' Brigade, when ten bat-
talions of 148 cornpan'.es - a total
strength of 6,528 -passed tete saluting
Creates a
The Scottish birth-rate for 1107 is said
lc be the lowest ever recorded. "ho a Sensation.
number of b!rths was 128,789, being 3,-
;13i fewer than in the previous year.
Atr. (totem Wight, Ortnisville, Muir -
park, Dalko th, died recently in his 85th
year. Ile had for over half a century
taken a prominent part in the affairs
of the dLstrlct.
Sir 'Tharnas Graham, Lieutenant-Gen-
erarin 1810, the hero of St. Sebastian,
afterwards Lord Lynedcch, and propr+e-
tier of Balgowan, in Perthshire, began
life as a Leith merchant.
While the family at a farmhouse at
l.cons, near Cnrrickmacross, were st
dinner, the roof fell In. Ono member
cf the family was killed. The others
were saved owing to the cross-benrn
falling obliquely across the place where
they sat.
On a recent Sunday Win. Mowatt,
beadle in the Parish Church of Inver-
kc4lhnie, called as usual for the min-
isters locks to take them to the church.
A few minuks after the had left with
them ho was found dead at the manse
AL Glnagcw Central station of the
Caledonian Railway there is a new in-
stallation of railway signrtlling on the
e:ectro-pneumatic principle. It is the
first of the kind in Scotland, and the
interlocking frame Ls one of the largest
in the country, (here being 310 levers
in operation.
You can be faithful without being
1'he best way to work for a raise .s
k raise your work.
Prepnration is the best prayer for suc-
cess in any undertaking.
Ile has no principal in heaven who
has no interest In humanity.
when n men knows he Is a martyr
you may know lhnt he is 1101.
The man who always is figuring fie
himself cuts n pow' figure at last.
Some men think they must he good Le -
Cause life tastes so bad to them.
'rhe best kind of a memory is the one
that remembers the best things.
You never will lighten the world by
burning the candle at both ends.
It's the religion you pal out, not that
you put on, that you really have.
Idle moments are opportunities for in-
vestment or avenues for infection.
Providence always beans unkind to
those who inial on chewing their pills.
Nothing deicer sup the heart quicker
than bathing it in ttto mists of mnelaan-
Too ninny churches are snying "Take
our creed on faith and we will go it
blind as to your character."
The sins you hide in the suhccllar al.
ways are the ones that make themselves
1 vidcnt clear tip to the attic,
ISSCE NO. 24 08.
Tells His Congregation There
is a Cure for Drunkenness.
It Is generally admitted among niedi-
er.l men, that drunkenness is a disease.
Some modify ties by saying that it is
a sign of weak will power. Now, weak-
rtss is dangerously near disease. As
the taste for liquor is a dseasc it is only
necessary to find the proper cure, to be
rid of tho trouble.
A well-known N4ethediet divine, inter-
ested in the cause of temperance, made
It his blrsiness to find out if any cure
ter drinking has been dlscoveral. This
Is an extract from tate of his sermons
on Temperance.
"I find that the use of Samaria Rem-
edy for the cure of drunkenness is stead-
ily Increasing. Wives -who wish to
win back their husbands -and mothers
-who long 10 redeem their sons -are
giving Samaria Remedy to the way-
ward eines, in tea and coffee. Those
(sho have relatives or friends who feel
that they need help to shake off the hold
of the demon, run, buy Samriria Bern-
cdy. In the alcoholic wards of the
leading hospitals, Samaria Remedy Is
ordered for those who cxpress.an ear-
nest des'.re to stop drinking. 1l delig.•s
me to say that Samaria Remedy is do-
ing a grand, good work and has my
hearty blessings for saving so marry
!eon' life-long dissipation and degrada-
Free Sample and pamphlet giving full
pnrUculars, testimonials and price are
lent In plain sealed envelope. Corre-
spondence sacredly confidential. En -
:lose stamp for reply. Address The
3nmaria Remedy Co., 26 Jordan Cham -
acre, Jordan St., Toronto.
ANCIENT' 111.5-1'Oi1Y.
"No," repte l the mother, scrrow'ully,
"sty (taught( r d dn't pries at all. May's
y<.0 wain 1111 eve it, sir, but them ex•
amines ask' d the door gr rl about things
that happene.t years and years before
she was born."
A Purely Vegetable Pill.-i'nrmelee's
\'egetnhlc Tilts are compounded from
roots, herbs; and solid extracts of known
virtue in the treatment of liver and
kidney complaints and In giving tone
to the system whether enfeebled by over-
work or deranged through cxcesses in
living. They require no testimonial.
Their excellent qualities are well known
le alt those who have used Them and
they .comnenel thcrneeeles to dyspeptics
And those subject to biliousness who
are lit quest of a beneficial medeine.
Dr. Fiisnick-"\Veil, yes. 1 siIp)'ose you
sheul.i take scene m k1 leo c.'
Guzz'e (eagerly) -"How about beer?"
Dr. Essick -"Oh, no; that's Teuknic.
A bi:i.1CATE. TOUCiI.
Old Mie Rugbeo was very deaf, and
very sensitive about her infirmity. Such
was her nalurnl clevernnes and Ingen-
uity, however, that she usually escaped
from serkn,s embarrassment; and she nl•
wales so vehemently scorned ear -trumpets
and devices of mechanical nature that
her friends no longer dared to suggest
them to her. But on one occasion things
ern( nee( according to schedule.
"She came in to borrow magnrInrs yes-
terday." Feld \hs. Russell, who lived n. xt
d• or, "just after the piano -tuner had
g. ne. He'd been here all the morning,
r..aking Such nn outrageous racket that
1 fell sure even Miss Bugbee would be
'thousands of men and women
eh, were bald tit whose hair was falling
out, testify 10 wonderful results.,l,runed
(relm the Seven Sutherland Sisters
Hair Grower ani Scalp Cleaner.
Salon'. .ant fn.. l..od i,t 1 ear "...Atop to
S.rtu sathtrland 51.tote, rrj Klee Sranti
0. Fri, e, Hum Cross, }x •rad 8, ,0
annoyed. But she hadn't been, not a
"1 said to her, 'Miss Bugbee, 1 wish you
cculd hear my daughter Sarah play some
Rine. We all think she's Improving.'
"1 Just meant 1 hoped she'd drop in
some time when there were folks here,
and we were having music. But she
kok it That 1 meant 1 was sorry she
coultln'e hear. Did you ever?
"Well, she up and remnrked, very loft-
ily indeed, '1 think she's improving, too,
Mrs. Russell. 1 was going by this morn-
ing, and i heard her playing way out on
the sidewalk, and she seemed to have real
touch -real 1ou •It!""
Have you tried a package of "TIIE
NEW FOOD"? It is made of the Chcic-
est White Wheat, then steam -conked and
flaked. No kitchen can produce a bet-
ter made or cleaner article for human
consumption. In order le introduce
a prize has been placed in every pack-
age. Already 'I'llII1TY-SIX Blue Cards
calling for LADIES' GOLD \VAT( -Ill. ',
have b:en redeemed, and SEVEN' 1'1' -
FIVE Red Cards. Each ono of these
Cards has been found in a package of
Tin Red Cards give the finder the
thoice of the following article®:
Boys' Nicklc Watch.
"Our Pride" Gold N:b Fountain Pen.
Bureau Cover, Duchess Pattern, Four
Table Cover, One Yard Square, Dar
Baby Ring, Solid Geld.
Sideboard Covers, Two Yard.s Long,
Open Salt Cellars, Cut Glass, Sterling
Silver Top.
Cold tot Fork, Silver-plated, Roger!
Beat Mike.
N ck Chains, 14k Gold-filled, Pla^c fee
Ladies' Back Comb, Tortoise Shell, Set
With Brilliants.
S gnet ft ng, 101. Gold, Place for fwe
A new tot of prima have been placed
In the packages.
Ask your g t -o er fee n package of
"111E NEW FOOD."
Master of the louse (finding one of
Hip sihcr ejoens 011 the steps after a
reception)-"llmt Il seems one of zny
guests has a hole in has pocket!'
Parents buy Mrthcr Graves' Worm
Exterminator because they know It is 4
safe medicine for their children and an
effectual expeller of worsts.
"1 didn't nolico you at the mothers'
"No," replied the wennan nddre iced.
"I'm not a theerelical mother, you know.
1 have six."
Paver the Curse of the Tropics- In the slow
and to.li n,' reciorene, from this and all other
dl,ea.•e '• Ferrol • i. the Ire se funic. nemeua•
Iver the same, " Y1:Itn'JVIM."
The children were not allowed in the
kitchen, but nobody had ever forbidden
their sniffing outside the door to catch
the delicious odors which could bo ole
Mined by a close application of a small
nese to a crack.
"Why, Ethel," final Mrs. Harwood, who
discovered then in the entry Just outside
the kitchen door one Saturday morning.
"Why are you twitching 'Tommy and
slapping him?"
"'Cause he Isn't pinying fair, mother,"
said Ethel. "Ile•s had five melts and
I've only had four, and It's my turn."
"1 am, leo, playing fair," asserted Tom-
my, his utterance smothered ns he again
applied his nose to the crack. "I've got
an awful cold, and i can't Emelt half as
much as she cant"
Chewinif Tobacco
Rich and satisfying.
The big black pll e
"CEN"iI1t:t1''4:01.1/ED ‘111.14."
lapailtese English as It Is Printed it s
kobe Nee -paper.
1f you den t kn w eat "ccntr fugaliz•
cd' milk b go to Kobe. Japan, and 111010
it at the feet of 'I'atsero llaltumiy a,
"stealer in mints," and drink in wis-
ed. +n spiced with sweet pliros•,otogy.
II. re is an advertisement sent out by
air. Hananeya and copied in an English
newspaper published in the: Japanese
I have the honor to write a letter for
te+r that we have now cshabtl lief Iles
j ,{ an milk Out tary Lab'ra'ory and its
branch or special milk deliver ng office,
as addict caused our dairy men ure
poor to deleer an unsanitary or tuber-
culosis an,l even bad c'ow's milk bac-
teria and m?!k constituents before liver
delivering and even for their cow :s
health, under and food, and in Ili:,
branch or milk delivering office their
pure milk is again filtered t1u-ough pass
111' Rundo's me'thod's apparatus I'll the
Ili • bueteria is alt out, and we con de-
liver Itie:r pure milk with Ili s snlesfac-
tory proof, as the real is on the bottle.
and taw your drinking milk or city's
milk is all clout when danger comes.
theas milk is included many dirts and
al, bacteria, but you aro very hard ter
ere them well with your naked eye,, and
if yau can often through pass the flan-
nel or cotton covered with linen or if
it ba contrefugalized wheel i -s very easy
well to see with naked eyes :f always.
1 Leg 1f you are sanitary man or baby
and sick -man have, you must have the
!rare sanitary milk and take your health
if you can make Inc for order to baca
the snnitary milk sooner as posusible
you should tont wti'c mo without your
servant or asst e your order for my ee-
leer ng toy who can always ask you.
Please make Inc your order with kind
A Medi:'ine Chest in Itself. -Only the
well-to-do can afford to possess a medi-
cine clival, but Dr. Thomas' !.electric
Oil, which is a medicine chest in itself
being a remedy for rheumatism, lune
lege, wire throat, colds, coughs, ca-
tarrh, asthma and a potent healer for
.wounds. cuts, Cruises. sprains, etc., is
wehin the reach of the poorest, owing
In its choapncss. It should Le in every
Mr. Bach -"1 have my doubts about
this idea that (o more you give away
the more you have."
Mr. Phnm b Ice hN i u tion at all
q e
atout it. I gave away my daughter leo
►rF alis age and now shes returned to
tae wilt[ her husband."
Mirrors area nuisance in the hoose of a man
whose face is bran,iud with eczema. ilia own
reaertion shames him. Let him anomia' his skin
with hearer's Crate and purity his blood with
Weaver's Syrnp•
Wig (yawning in the Law Courts' cor-
ridor) -"I can always tell by the footsteps
outside my door whether a client or a
dun is coming."
Gown -"1 low?'
Wig -"Easily. No clients ever come."
They Never Knew Failure. -Careful
ohservalion of the effects of Parmelee's
Vegetable Piles stns shown that They act
Immediately on the diseased organs of
the system and stimulate them to heal-
thy action. 'There may be cnses in
which the disease has been long seated
and does not easily yield to medicine,
tut even in such cases Neese Pills have
been known to bring relief when all
other so-called remedies have failed.
These assertions can Le substantiated
by many who have used the fills, and
medical men speak highly of their qua-
The Monkey -Nen going to move to
the city next week."
The Ape -"What aro you going to do
when you gel there?"
The Monkey -"Act as cashier for an or-
gan grinder."
Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial
is compounded specially to combat dy.
sentery, cholera morbirus anti all inflam-
matory disorders thee change of food
or y:nler tel up in the stomach and In-
testines. These complaints are more
o,ninon in summer Ihan in winter but
they aro not confined to ttie warm
months, ns undue laxneer of the bowels
may (size n man at any bine. Such a
sufferer will find speedy relict in this
"Fur hiven's yaks, (ton't sheet, Caseyl
Ye forgot to lond yer gent'
"Begorry, Oi must, P+tt! Th' burd
wen't wait!"
u made like the
Wilma ma of
Ancient Grrex- From
pure herbal sap., S-
pices qn ointment
we a salve.but
eNifeeeee 1
ANTISE _TIC af>•3.r-
?CCP ai a ->r11", 1170 3La11611" 1
Fair finance i, it not / Wild and Improved earls
land trine Sit to 1:e an acre. near rt wd market
and ler the " Dread lisaet • of th. I W., " Ya.•
tatch.wan." $•.katchueau Settlers laud Ageury
N'aucbope, mask.
e04 as kle.L of house nanii.µ also
1.11(1 NE,
Writ.• to us ahoet IOWA-
OJraSe1TISr AMS11OAS amber CO., Sem Ilii, immerse,
All price, ani style. front 812.51 to$•5.45. Write
La free catalogue. Dept, D.
464 Venice atroet, Toronto.
Agents wanted in erury tout.
.9CANOE Co ''7
(SrfCL3dORJ- rn 9,YlA14JO f.a.t U6 CO
_ �-
The Beet anD Cheapest
Can oea. Skin. Launchea Etc.
To Keremeos. the Nub of the SmIthameen
Valley In Southern ErIlleh British Columbia
-A Channce to see Kectunay's Boundary
and Okanagan Valleys
The Smtthameen is Canada's most favored
spot, wlwre 1*I1ve,almond, peach, wino grapes,
nectarines, melon, sweet potato, tobacco and
and sub-tropical+attain pe,fection in the "pen
air, without use of glass. and all northern
fruit' grow perfectly. No light crap years.
Four crops clovera year Corn ripens in July,
slrawherrier, cherries, apricots, Jnoe 1. Ear
ltest fruit district in Dominion. No mud.
end of aoes or ro Il sunshine, Dry
t Mr
d by
building of (treat Northern Railway. ('lose
to coast and prairie
Notis free of stumps, int ne an brush,ets. 01011`'reaady
for pinw. lends low priced on easy terns.
bof the
est parts iofithe world tofirst-handthameen, its the aopenings
for bu,ines., fruit growing, stock raising,
mixed farming, mining• industrial openings,
homemaking, pleasure and place to rest.
ta o country
iMitre s a Ile et1 ttiiaflt or pioneer but
Spend your vacation outing here w hero ash•
Inc hunting and scenic beauty are par ea, et•
once among the lofty Cascades. We operate
special low rate excursions twice a m rnth
from eastern and western points. June M.
July 10 and 23. Address,
Ina Colony tit., Winnipeg, Al sit
ituno 1.-e
or Kereme ••, l; t'.
Al 1.1.c -r.
llcarty Pa ly-"Ilew are at 1' ilaven't.
seen you for years. How's no wife?"
Old Aire a.ntance-"She's all right.'
I. P. -"I tc I 1 brought you two to-
ge h •r, ynu remember."
O. A. --"Oh, it's you, is it, 1 owo.a
grudge lei?•'
Where can 1 get some of Holloway s
Corn Cure? 1 was entirely cured of my
corns by this remedy and 1 wish Pomo
treats of it for my Mende. So %%rites
I11r. J. W. Brown, Chicago.
There's no hope for the men wl•o de-
clines to give himself a square deal.
An ignorant person is one who doesn't
k►.ow what you have just found out.
PANG() For Neuralgia, Headache,
Rheumatism, Pairs, Etc.
The Pango Company, Toronto
Lt\It1N 131(05. & CO., Timmer null Montreal; 1.1'MKNOX a
CLARKSON, Tornnlo; N %TION I. 11111 G CO., lainde.n.
33 Scott St„ TORONTO. Phone Main 1311 �.
Stocks bought and sold on all exchanges
for cash or margin.
Cobalt orders executed for cash.