HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-06-25, Page 5• ( THE EXETER TIMES, JUN F. _:,tlt 190• CREDITON NEWS 30 D Ays s AL Crediton F41 Miss .May \Vuifc amd sin±( r are visiting friends in Detroit. Mrs. John Wind is visiting her children in Detroit. It is understood the Crediton band will play at the Centralia straw- berry festival on July I. Mr. 11. St tubus spent Sunday at the tliend with friends. 'Mr. !Chas. blclonald spent Sun- day ,with friends at Khiva. lMr. and Mrs. Chris. Either and family, of Zurich, spent Sunday in Zwicker's, Orediton During this sale we intend to clear oat a great many odd lines at less than cost. We have a great many Remnants of Spring and Summer goods in Silks, Muslins, Prints, Ginghatus, Shirtings, Cottonadea, Curtain Muslims, Satins, Dress Goods, etc., which we offer at Bargain Prices. We have also a few Remnants of Tapestry, Union and Hemp Carpet.., Linoleuins, Floor Oil Cloths, etc, which we will sacritica to clear, We also offer our large and splendid assortment of Lace Curtains at 20 per cent off regular prices. 511 Embroidered Waist Patterns, enough Fine White Lawn with each to snake any size Waist, regular price $1,50 to $2.50, sale price 75c to $1.25. tel \IMER DRESS .GAOLS We have just opened a dainty lot of Dress Muslins, Printed Voiles, Organ- dies lin (moth black and white); Per- sian Lawns, Printed Organdies, Swiss Muslins, F:tc. Do not fail to see them before snaking your purchase. atVe have a line of Giughains, regu- lar 15c line to clear at Sc per yard. Also a line of American Prints, fast, colors at 4c per yard. GENTS FURNISHINGS We have a nobby line of Men's and Boy's Sailor fiats, Ties, Shirts, Braces, Collars, Stiff Hats, Gloves etc. WAIL PA PEI We offer the balance of our stock at, half the regular price. 'M17.LI\l:ltY We intend to clean up our stock re- gardless of cost. 11 o do not believe m carrying Millinery stock over until another season, Visit this department 'READY-MADE ;OLOTnING and secure a bargain. We have made some special prices' GROCERIES on clothing for this sale. We offer 40i This department we pay special }den's Tweed Suits, well made with 1 attention to and are offering them at good linings, sizes 35 to 38 only, regal- + close prices. lar $t1,00 to $8.00 for $3.75 per Suit. I Good Red Salmon 2 tins for 5e Corn and Peas 3 tins for '2.1e. In Children's Suits we have about 25 Tomatoes l0c per tin Suits, in sizes 22 to 25 only. regular Best Selected ltaisine :l lbs for 25c 2.00 to $3.00 for $1.25 per Suit. Prunes 4 lbs for •25c Men s Odd Pants, Vests, Coats, &c. Rice 0 lbs for 25c. 11 at reduced prices. Lemons 15c per doz. town. r 'Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Greb and ban. , of ZuViehe spent Sunday in the vil- lage with friends. (Mr. J. O`Ilricn spent Sunday with 'Mr. and Mrs. John Keys on the Gos- hen line. .The many friends of Mr. John iclsaao, of Mt. Pleasant, a former proprietor of the 'Royal hotel here I are pleased to see him around again. CIIST0MS BROJ(R MpLM .f K Si moo �C, wT�1RRs CURED°' T6HwG PILES Mr. C. V. Mutart is a Customs Broker and Insuranc-{Agent at St. Catharines, Ont. He writes the Zana-13uk Co. as follows : •' I have tern a !titterer fur yes with itching piles. 1 have,,spen(tmany dollars on ad v'erti>ed remedies fee files but got no relief. A friend of riitne advised me' to try Zitn-Mk. , 1 had t3tjljli)Yile faith in any remedy to cure me, tereff"rRffii-one lox and I got relief at once. I have -used four boxes and am completely cured. I cannot thank you enough for such a wonderful curative salve. I }:ace recommended Zan). Ruk to my friends and they too were cured." AIYI- crt)sff KIir sit din=• \Wier, of lilorr•ist0114 ane] the/am. !�, �+< Cb.,ioroato •' '^' of New hamburg, brut he. . el sister of Mr. Matthew Weiner, .arc spending a few days at the latter's home here. Mr. Geo, Bedford, of Sarnia, was . having had a very cujoy:able time, called to his home here owing to the i wild strawberries are plentiful illness of his little daughter Greta. ctrl. year. The little one is now improving nicely Rev. L. K. Eidt. of Dashwood, ac - Mr, Bedford will visit hero fora fete companied by his parents. Mr. and days, Mrs. J. Eidt, of Berlin, were visitors The sidewalk contractors are teak-) at Geo. and J. 11. Iloltznaan's trues- ing rapid work getting down the new. day last. cement walks. Mrs. James letwsc,n is spending a i Ilensa 11 • few days visiting friends in London. Mr, Hoot. Mercer, of London, who Mrs, W. n. Mable, •an and her daub -g- spent a week visiting %Vin. Yearly on ter ;Mies Mable,, of \\'innip.g visit - the Goshen line, has returnc•a home, ed friends in Seaforth last week. Rev. Purchase, of Toronto, gave an Our brass band under theleader- See Our Line of Dinnerware, China, Etc, interesting illustrated lecture in the ship of •Melvin Stoneman are snaking interest of the Forward Movement of a good showing for the short time We handle Plymouth Binder Twine. We have a stock of Gold Medal and the Epworth League in the Methodist have bean in praetic•'. Plymouth Special and will be leased to receive church lest evening, itlr. and ?11rs, J. Adarns, of 5t, p your order. Mr. Art %wicker spent last Monday alar)•s were last as -seek guests of BD. Butter, Eggs and Wool and all Farm Produce taken in exchan-e at the Bend. and Mrs. C. McDonnell.McDonnell.i' The Misses Kieuzle, Davidson and The Strawberry Estival under the CHAS ZWICKER (Devitt, teachers in our public school Women's nuxiiiary of the 1St. Paul's have tendered their resignations. As church was held in the rinks rru .day the school closes this week for the evening 01111 was successful in every summer holidays their places will not restrect.1' be filled until the opening of the new 711 u -deny afternoon of last ev.'mek term. the cot nor stony of ilii. Bernard S rl nWedding Miss Dorn E. 1Ventzel, daughter of Thompson's brick dtsclling on Suits tS /tIr. and Mrs. W. 1[. 1Ventzel the London •Road. was Laid with rim - u n was posing ceremonies in h married at Detroit last Thursday to the presence Mr. Frank Behnke, an employee of of •luet.:1 number of his neighbors the Scotten, Dillon Co., tobacco man- ufacturers, The ceremony was pet' - formed by Rev, Dr, Deete. Mr. and Mrs. Behnke arrjvett hero on Satur- day on their honeymoon and during the evening were tendered a reception at the home of the bride's patents, a number of friends calling to extend congratulations. Mr. and Mrs Ilehnke will reside at 58 Brandon Ave., De- troit. Efimvllle \Ve have just received another ship- The singing school which was com- ment of Linoleum dressing, the best ducted by Ei'of. Ruse at Eiirnville, known preparation for linoleums and during the past winter, at its con. !oilcloths. Adds to the appearance elusion it w•ns decided to prepare a and durability of your linoleums, Try ' .ntmta. entitled "Under the Palms" it and be convinced, C./.tricker 7'il s wile rendered to a very large :1 grand strawberry social will be audience on Friday evening June 12 given on the .Methodist church lawn Ata meeting of the singing class on on Friday evening next. Addresses Tlmursd U evening n vote of thanks '� will he given by Rev. Butt, of Centra- was tendered to all those who gave lia and Rev. Bean. Ice cream and assistance in preparing the cantata. bananas will also be served. The proceeds amounted to $10,50 of Just received at %wicker's, Crediton which $4ci was donated to the Sick a beautiful line of ladies' white watate Children's Borpitel and the Sanitar- new tan leather belts, embroidered ium for consurnptivcs. waist belts, collars, white skirts, The annual anniversary and: straw_ gloves parasols, etd., on which we are berry festival of tl. • 'Elimbille Meth- ()(gingspecial prices for the next 30 °dist Sunday school twill be held on clays. Sundry June 28th and Wednesday. It was a happy bunch of boys that • July 1st, j008, On Sunday s.'rmons Oxydollo r xehuncd hour Denfield,.engineat twill ofcaeht>) Incr. ging bytheir belts the scalps of the hithrto 11�a1'lrt of Caml chj. SingingbyA. un%anquished foes, the Cceystt•ads, of . the choir. A t t wo p. tin n maws b Dimerief. It. was a great game with ! meeting : f ties adctr:'sesolars tt will Twill e plenty of hart! hitting and fast field- ed1 deliver• rag and though the score was large, E. Jy bos, W. A. Walden and Llir. by 18 to 9 in favor of Creditor), there pr Johns. M. A. 'Recitations e were very few errors chalked against primary Collectsscholar:rad singing to the either team. Feltner and Siddall were ,wchocl. Collection eat each il traw- the opposing twirlers and the former On Wednesday,fesiaw,tiny 1, a straw- the all the best of the argument. Not berry (estival will La held in L\Tr, a ,Dan did he pass to lir: and so gold Ilc•.rdman's orchard• 17,e programme was his control, that his skizlin will coastal of music by /the Ht, g liar)• orchestra and address•:er by shoots mixed up wit h afew slow lobs 'Iter. W. A. lt'aiden: itev. 1%V, i1. kept the boys from Lobo wondering Cooper. •1 former pastor, Rev. J. W. when this man King" had arisen. K Ir• v. U. Burgess and the pas - The Crediton boys were in fine shape (u,. Ic • cream and other refresh. and Bnell, (leaver and Kerr distills /tent;. ,wings, and other amusements goishcd themselves by sensational Adnjs pion 'pee children not of the work in their respective positions. school 15e. The improvement in the stickworl: 'Reports lea', • :.rrived of the death and fielding was very inarked and of Mr. Hai ty ('ud,utors, of Alanorf if continued nil! lead to many a tut- Sask., who u ith his wife and son are victory. here's hoping they spent some months visiting relatives may continue to win. Follow ing is around, here last hint: r. Deceased the score. was a brother of the let , Thomas Crediton Duncrief Cudmore, of I:xet' r, and n son -in -1 ►w• 1Vutnt, Ib 2 Robinson s a 0 of !11r. 'Rich. Johns„ sr., of 4'ilim• lc(m�tes s r p 1) IIarees c with'. 11e •w•as u• 11 known in t's- li Seldrtll p 1 boat• and his dept. turn en] he Snell e: eleintesh Ib 1 mourn it by many. (.hat•umnn lib 1 t,. Mtdllall If 2 errs,W. lion ret urt•,od last uc.•1: Young 21, I I./1.1111011a 1 after spending a couple of weeks Keit. If 2 Ileaky rf 1 a•i'iting her p•rre•nts at l' odericb. Beaver cf 2 .1. Siddall 3) 0 The severe elect t tc a 1 storm that Holtzmarir if 1 Noyes 2b 3 passed over the village on Stolidity was t he worst of 1 he season. Mr. 11. 18 p lluntcr's barn nits struck by light - Umpire, Herb McColl. Ailsa Craig. icing hat fortunately no damage was Iter. J. 111', Andrews will prear)t done. The telephone line south of his farewell sermon next Sunday amit“ • I,',rt; star Put out of business for will leave the following week for a e h.' . till repairs could be made. Iris ucw Appointment ;rt illutw;a1 r' ' r .1 from the vicinity attended JI {e ev Andreews end family made rn 1ne view(' nt K'hale/a on Tuesday nuc! warm friends herr, who regret to r a goo•1 tjnr•. see them leave, till-, Keys of %;rn:a sp.lit a col .1. A number of pupils from 111•r” 9 t h•' fin • • of Mr. and 11 rounding country- are In the t,:i..; i l.•:ord. For Men, Boys and Girls. A whole window full. Out they go at trying the entrance exams. -' Otic 1o1Iut it lenir• 'The male chorus of the. Evange•li d .11.-� T O = , cal r• I. S. furnished (he program nt ' Barstlie 1' • i : V:: Ned SI'aals Bo�b'J1 the strawberry festival at Shipka. Signature Wednesday night and all speak of of er `'1' --16-../1/?.1' �4/L! A Call Solicited If you anticipate getting married this spring you will certainly want somc slick looking duds Here is a Tip It will pay you to come here and see how swell we cnn fit you up and at a very low cost. if you are thinking of a new suit and not the wedding, conte here anyway, we will certainly put forth our every effart to make you satis- tied in every particular. J. H. HOLTZMANN, CREDITON The Sick Made Well anti fri ids. The bottle deposited in the. sone contained copies of 'the local 1 p'rs, also other momen- tors •log •ther ,with the names of all present. Mr. •in !i Mr_. Win. Moir returned Inst er •k from Toro't o, whine they had been visiting Int it daughter Mrs. Case. Without Medicine Preci)us Life and Health can be saved by this New Method 1111 Sickness is alike t.e it applies to all cases, no natter what the form of disease limy be. 1t re- vitalizes the human body with OXYGEN from the air, OXYGEN is a vital Necessity -the greatest necessity life knows. You cnn apply OXYDONOR nt home while you rest or sleep. No loss of time from your work or business, it is easily applied, safe and always ready for use. its force never exhausts. it will servo the family, children as well as adults. WI it!' for FREE BOOK No. 92 to Dr. N. Sanche & Co. '2,61 St. ('atheri,re St, \Vest, Mui,trcal, flue. Paints Paints Paints I have a large stock of ARK BRAND PAINTS The best }stint 111 the ilt;trket to -day. which I and selling at cost to reduce my sto''k. IIaving purchased the hardware stock of Mr. W. M Leigh, I ant offering it at greatly reduced prices. If you are needing anything in this line it will pay von to call early in order to secure the best bargain. W. MOORE - KIRKTON SHOES SHIRTS A table full at Pricer frcnt 1O.• to S')' BANANAS Our price is 20c a dozen :cal we're s,llieg lots of their. A goo 1 Driving iiorse for Sale. B. W. F. BEAVERS, Farquhar lf)OMINIO\ DAY r-:xc -lt.0 1\- Miich.. Jlnfr:tlr(, lilack illoe.;. and ion account of Dominion ir..e t:;41,,•nsion Ilridge. N. Y. good going the (Trend Tr soh Bail a as, Sy -term. Julie 30th acrd July 1st, returning ,will issue return tickets at singleon or before July gni!. 190?. eve fare between all stations in Canada, cure tickets from anti Grand Trunk also to Detroit and Port aiurott, agent. . Better Cooking. 4� �p� r 14_go bili �� agtc st n i1&, 1,t, ��,4 t'' ?Chale/ 4011%1 ted i a is th3 t (b. 141e1. DASHWOOD NEWS Dashwood f `1, . Kat, Dewier of 1.o '.ow is RL3MNANT SnP �g her •trents for a f da •s. 1 b 'Lutheran church pie' is be- ing field today at thenC--4 Del We will sell for one week all remnats al't•tuuttlttt.eti dui. - Mr. Hartman Eilse who L.ts! been ;lig the spring r cont Iosed of Dress Good , tl� Itis, Dt lal- rnannfacturing and repairing pumps 1 ( c nj 1' - for 1lic past ten or twsl_yc years, nes, Piques, Voiles, Embroideries, Laees Shifting Flannel has accepted the agency for the Aly- • r-, mer iron pumps and is prepared Jottes, et(. to gave you prices on all kinds of AT AND UNDER iron as wellc as Grande pampa. ER COST The picnic nt rGrand Bend on Fri- day Iwas a big success and the splendid prog ram of sports was car- ricet out to rheushi action of all. A n Awful Drop i n ii i l l i Iter Workmen are pushing the brick- [] work of the new Lutheran church. t' J 'Dir. wes. 111ji' r was in Zurich over Sunday. Fror•i now to end of Season wewill Iblr. T. Taub) it of Montreal wig) duction wr give a ' re- action in nerS' Milli • consisting of Shapes, blowers, is spending his holidaysMaround pashtvood was in London end 8trat-I Foliage• Ribbons, ('hiffons, Feathers and balance of ford last week. trimmed 1 fats Mr. 1Wm. Kleinstiver, of Zurich. cane over on Friday and took in the Siebert L Co l. school picnic. !Mr. Arthur Iiellcrmann, .w -ho is attending college at Napierville, Ind ++ IIartlelb Block. ll:\SI Ill'OOlJ, is visiting his parents for at fetwl it'ocL-s. I (Mr. Alf. few eek.. and sister bliss R ' C Ella are visiting friends in Mildmay 1 SALE O ---- for a crew weeks. Mr. Archie itoutledge, of London is visiting his parents for a few SLJ IVI IVI E R CO® days. ®S Nett Sunday will be children's day in the Evangelical ical church, A , Our Bargain Counter is loaded with Summer Goods. program of special music is tieing They must be sold as we (Ir, not want to carry a piece over arranged and it is expected that thel 1 service trill be very interesting as ; if a price will sell them. well as instructjvc, A merlin.,; of the pastors and flu- perintendrints of Zurich, Dashwood and Crediton 'Evangelical Sundaat schools, was 'held at the Evangelical parsonag', Dashwood, June 15th to consider the matter of holding a union picnic of all the schools Her. 30 pieces of Muslins in all the new- CHINA, CROCKERY. GLASSWARE est shades nod ratterns, regular 15c, Just to hand the finest line of Toilet 20c, 25c and 30e a yard, your choice Setts, Dinner Setts, Water Setts, ever for 10c the yard, hown in Dashwood and at prices that A few pieces of Dress floods regular will suit you. We purchased a large 50c to clear at 25c the yard. line of those goods at a special price See our prints at 7c the yard, guar- and ave are giving you the benefit of and 1:..11• Bean. Secy. It was titian- anteed fast colors• the snxne. Cull early, Shirtiugs 12te the yard for IOc. SHOES! SHOES! SHOES! Bargains in Ladies Blouses, 'Corset All the latest styles in footwear in Covers, Night Gowns, Skirts, Vests. Patent Leather, Tans, Chocolates, Ladies Hose lOc a pair. Blucher Cuts ar-d Oxfords. Remem- Mens Dress Shirts at half price. ger that these are not the cheap kind Boys White Shirts at 25c each. Netts that will not wear, but these shoes are and Boys Ready to %Vent Suits at the good kind at cheap prices and bargain prices. Job line of Mens and guaranteed to wear. Our prices are Boys Fine Straw Hats at 10c each. lower than the lowest. IIARDIV:IRE Ont. Grocery Department is full of New and Fresh Goods, 5 lbs good Green Ten $1, 8 !ha Roasted Coffee $1, Matches large box 10e, 3 Cans Corn 25c, 3 Cans Peas 25e, 1 Ib. Seeded Raisins 10c, Korn Kinks 5c pkg, 3 lbs Fancy Cakes 25c. Buy your Binder Twine from us, we MILLINERY are sole agents for Plymouth 13index• Al) Millinery to he cleared out re - Twines, guaranteed the hest. gardless of cost. 10,000 pounds of Wool Wanted in the next two weeks for which we will pay highest market price, cash or trade. Bring along your Butter, Eggs and Wool and get some of these bargains and dont forget that by helping us you are helping yourself. Market Prices for Farm Produce. . K. i'idt was appointed chairman ply agreed to hold a union picnic at Grand Ilend, Friday, .luly 10th next, and that Ledges it procured and sworn by all those connected twilit the Schools. 'file colors chcs.ert were Zurich and 14th concession, Hed Dashwood; /white. Crediton, illus. Tlr_2se badges are to date the rainy of llr picnic, and also the motto ".Kerip thy- 1f pure." 1 Tim. 5, 22. Geo. Kcllcrnm:1nn j.i 10 maks xreccssary ar- ra'tgements for the grounds, and the tSuperintendpnts are to arrange ei program of sports, etc., for the !af- ternoon and, attend to all minor de- tails. E. 11. Bean w::s appoint: d Inaster of cete.ruonics. At 10.30 a game of baseball will take - places, Creditor) vs. Dashwood and Zurich Schools, immediately after which lunch •will be served followed by n short piogram of music, addresses, and general sports. See 1). Tiernan's eltbnge of ad in this issue. Ile bas some spseial bar- gains in the hardware line to offer you. Lucan A full suppl • of Forks, Rakes, Scy- thes, Snaths, Hay Fork Rope, Pulleys -Pure Paris Green -Screen Doors, Window Screens, Ifantrnocks, Coil Wire, Barb Wire, Ideal Woven Wire Fencing. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Carey, of ,Lang- TIEMAN & EDIGHOFFER Lang- dale Alberta, who has bevel .(feuding the past three weeks in 'Luc.-tn and lliddttlplm, left for the west doe Corner Store, --- — DASHWOUD Thursday, Mr. Carey is C. P. J. _ agent nt 'Langdon and is brill known ----- - - - ±� in Stratford and earnja bothtjng for years been a resident of these Farmers Bank of Canada ----- The • Lucan Sun appears to Lora Jujt , There hos not been no issue Capital $1,000,000• 40 Branches throughout TOtalCanadaAssets $1,500,000 since April 15th. Caleb Quigley, decorator, of 'Lou- Special Attention Given to Farmers' Business don, is back ;n town after an nbsel,ce Sale Notes Discounted, or Collected at Lowest Current Bates, of four weeks. Sale DEPARTMENT Miss Laura l'ox of the Standard Ilan:r, is ir, Toronto visiting. Deposits of $1 and upwards received. Interest paid or added to principal Mr. Sprung has .tone for the cum -4 tittles a year, mer holidays to her old home at Your Money is too valuable to leave in the house where burglars, thieyes Hilton. or fire may take it from you, or to invest in risky speculations or with doubt - 'rhe laying of the corner stone of ful institutions that so often in the past have robbed men of their hard earned the new Episcopal church took place wealth. on Wednesday :afte moon. DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS ISSUED Stanley Voss and Co. have moved When sending money to any part of Canada or the world, remember our th. jr dress Taakirig d'parlment to drafts and money orders are available here, and sold at the lowest possible the Stanley Opera house Block for rates. Our money orders are payable at par at any point. in Canada and prin- cipal points in the United States and (creat Britain. The Ladies of Holy Trinity church give n strawberry'Zvi! on the Morro-CourteousOrMorro-Courteousrteous Trent►nent. No Red Tape. E. A. 1ic.ory Holb 011 \\', .-day. rook of tee MerchantsBank, is spending his 3toljdays in ()niceR. T. DUNLOP, Manager, DASHWOOD. ice one block north of Siebert & Co's, store. Al t•in'Scm, 'Miss Belle Martin returned on BINDERtion at Ayton. TWINE Thursday from a three weeks' vaen. It is forty five years since Aioly Trinity .Church was built, and cors- considerable cariosity is shown We Sell Maple Leaf Binder Twine. Come and see us before you what will be found order the corner buy and we will save you money. sten • wI em it is torn dow-u, If you are in need of a new Rope, Slings or Pulley, come and se us Mj:•s 1Vilii;lm of l.o,tdon, is n wi3- itor et Peter K But lerst We have thein. Ly:r11 Hudgins eldisun of 7:u R, O OF'IN"G ley ilodgjns pastedhhis fjrsl. yyearn in Merlieina n( Toronto 01(1, honors, :\rnetitc Rooting, Mineral Surface $2 so per square 11•m. felrer raged 55 years lvho re. Preston aides on the Mowbray farm near Safe Lock Galvini,:ed Shingles and Corri rated Iron in stock Granton ivlril•: in charge of a mood. will last a ' sawing machin' on the farm of A. l.fc time. Heenan, Birldnlpla W85 ralauy ;n. GATES AND I=ENCING Jerred by lhn fallittr o[ n I;il' of , raj1Q. ilia skui► was hardly fractured A large assortment of I age Gates 011 hand which the will sell cheap which resui(ed in ids (Valli 011 'luted_ n^=deny Afl:•rnoon. Fencing. Bart, and Coii Spring Wire at right prices. — __-- __ Try Martin-Senour Paint too per cent i•ure, Get one of our Oil Stores, the proper thing this hot weather. Colne Spent Eighteen Dollars and see urs, everything new and tip to -date. ••1;.•ntlemen,---! hawe pleasure 1 Cement always on hand. Butter and Eggs taken, stating that I have used 848.00 worth of Psyching', and as a ;exult was eared of Hardware D. TIEMAN, Dashwood veru a.'rjcns throat and lung trouble. My case was a most difficult one, and tinned its the doctors had practically said that 1 -- could not get well. I tried Psychtne, — _ and it its mo so much good that I con•'DON AND WOOD PUMPS use until I had taken 819.00 worth. with the result that 1 nm now I a new man physically. I have gained I wish to inform the Public and these in need of Primps, that 1 have nest•. r thirty-five pounds. the agency for the i "it i3 with the greatest eonfdeeco that I recommend Psychine to all who Aylmer Iron Pumps • are afflicted with throat or lung trouble. Yours truly. r, A. PTNR11AM, and will be pleased to quote price and Tennis. If you are drinking of pal Seotstown, Que., Sept., '07. in an iron m• Wood i'untp conte in and see us before buying. This plan speaks from expericnee. Psychine cures all throat, chest, lung and stomach troubles and gives renew,' strength and vitality to run-down pee - plc. At all druggists, 50c and $1.00, of Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto. Pump Repairing a Specialty. HARTMAN EILSE, Dashwood, Dealer in iron and Wood Pumps.