HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-06-25, Page 4The Exeter Times
Lased uPotlainhheof rteporct otibotoberasdcowwentaThames Road
of t}o branch or department in 1 1k.w festivities at tee Thames road
l.lcLt. r. Ontario. which the clerk is employed. A re- i e,•Lclol picnic, tthicb etas held in idem•
cord still be revised every three •
Teems A Subscription $1.00 k"'4,1 months by the head of the branch Iluukin's grove last Friday afaer-
t1)tsar iu advance. $1.50 Way and approved one, a year by noon, were suddenly ended about
/barged if not eo paid. To Hance the deputy minister. five o'clock by the terrific elect -
States e!uLsoribers, $1.50 strictly is It is intended as far as possible to rical storm which ietssed over about
t),dvar:co. No. paper discoutinued distormspense with temporary employ- tbat time. The races of the child -
Until ail arrears are paid. unless at tttent, There IA a provision, how- ren had been finished and the game
ever. in the bill that no such temp- i of baseball bet%eecu ear -either and
orary employment shalt extend over Winchelsea was to progress when
six tlnontbs of the year, and only the storm broke in its fury and
then with the consent of the com-
the option of the publisher. Ibe
bite to wtich every subscription is
Void is dt'Loted on the label.
Advertising rates on application.
1• a Limited.
CIVIL SERA' It l•: 1111 °Bel I11 LL
The Civil Service reform bill has
been presented to Parliament and
will be enacted at this session. The
bill tens introduced liy Bon. Sydney
Fisher, and was be summarized
about us folloes; A Civil Service
ComwissioU is to be established con-
slating of two persons. To this com-
mission trill Le intrusted the respon-
sibility al' conducting esamiaations
or the Civil Service. Entrance to
tiee service (Fill be be competitive ex-'
amination. The procedure will be
.based upon the English practice, and
the commissioners twill be guided by
regulations made by themselves and
ratified by the 'Governor -in -Council.
Under the new system successful
candidates %rill be nominated to pos-
itions in the- order of their merit,
under the control of the CivilSer-
vice Commission. It is expected that
exams will take place twice n year.
The bead of each department will
furnish the commissioners with a list
:vacancies or retuirements during
the ensuing period. The commiss-
ioners will advertise the number
and character of vacancies in each
class. stating the qualifications re-
quired, and after the examination
will classify the candidates accord-
ing to their merit. The candidates
;will receive their appointments in
the order of merit.
After the appointment there will
bo a period of probation of six
months, during which the appointee
must demonstrate to the satisfaction
of his official bead that he is per-
fectly qualified, but there is a pro-
viso that any time after a months
but before six months has expired
an official head may reject any clerk, sent -time GO grits per month. If • and Jean Allison ; Donkey race, boys,
statinreasons hise tobe
transmitte transmitted writing
he 'wishes to remain in ;the larder he
Chas. Allison and M. IIodgert, Willie
eplllnlissiou. fl'Ile commissioners will must now pay 90 cents per month , Jeffrey and G. Passmore, C. Brown
investigate the reasons, and than de -I from 'the present time,
and, also, it ; and C. Coward ; Boys' three legged
Clare the individual unfit, or trans- 1 be (wishes to retain his policy at the race, jr. James Hodgert and 'Harold
ler him to twee ether department.) value of $1,000, he must spay into I tic f ey, CCouple race! C.as. Mtrith Cowar dtland Cot.
ale order the difference in cash be- PNel-
twecn the CiR rate and the newt Ito
he Stone, IA illie Jeffrey and Town
cover all the years he has been n t Allison; Chats, Allison and [ithel
member of the order. In tate tease=�il,i::�i1 ; Vroom rade, girls, Ethel
of a Luau's age being 35 tet the time Iltinkin, May Dareh, Nellie Stone;
of initiation, and covering the same Nail race, boys, G. Passmore, fill.
period, the difference is even more , Bodgert, C. Brown; Nail race, girls,
marked as under the old rate go; Ethel IIunkin, Teresa Coward, May
paid 178 cents tt hcl, as under (Che Darch ; 'Hop step and jump, Milton
new he, will lie obliged 10 alae" $2.35•' Ilodgert, G. Passmore, C. Brown :
If a member docs not want to pay ;Skipping race, girls, Ethel IIunkin,
the difference to the order, the value May Darch : Potato race, Ethel Hun -
of his policy is reduced in proper- kin, May Darch : Book race, girls,
lion rte his age. Ethel llunkin, Nellie Stone; Book
On the lace of it, it looks to us Ido race, boys, G. Passmore, C. Brown;
be very unjust to the old members.Boot race, girls, Myrtle Snell, Jessie
who have worked so hard to placalllodgert; hoot race, boys, Milton
b it is and by avhall' Ilodgert, C. Brown, G. Passmore:
there was a general rush for shelter.
Some managed to get their rids is
as tar as the barns, while others
There is no necessity for long had to be content to sit in the bug-
spceChes upou political subjects. gies and escape the hurricane as best
Members of the House are presumed they could. Several horses whioh
to be intelligent well informed men were tied to the trees in the grove
on general affairs. :When present- broke loose from their halters and
ing a sill:eject to them it is not nee- ran wildly around the grounds.
essary to do so in the same manner Lunch baskets which had been Bet-
as would lie the case if presenting ten out ready for tbo tables, wcrc
the subjects to the students of a nor- hastily tucked underneath aprons,
mal school: The great speeches of and the way some of the Tallies made
history rarely exceeded sixty min- the distance up the lane to the house
utes in delivery, and son of the (could make Marathon racers think
most reinarkable the world has ever they •were not in it when it comes to
known %yore delivered within forty running.
minutes -The most eminent divines However. before the storm catne
Talmage, tlunsholt, ,Watkinson, up the races for the children were
Beecher, rarely consumed over 44) pulled off and wore well contested,
minutes in their most brilliant et. the little people taking a deep in -
forts. (.Maclienzie's famous lecture terest in every event, The follow-
on the tongue was delivered in thir- ing is the list of prize evinners,-
ty minutes: The orations found In Boys' running race, C. Jeffrey, N.
the classics 'were delivered often 'Bunkin; Girls' running race, Bob -
within the thirty minute limit- erta !Monteith, Violet Stewart, M.
even John Proctor Knott was able Pollen : Boys' race, Chas. Monteith,
to tell of "Duluth" the city of the James 'Hodgcrt, Chas. Turnbull ;
unsalted sea, in less than half an Girls' race, Gladys Duncan, Elaine
hour, and 'this speech, the only one Stewart, Hazel Bunkin ; Boys race
of note be ever delivered made Lim C. Jeffrey, John Cottle, Eddie Pol-
governor 01 a state. Ice ; Boys' race, L. Stewart, G.
drown, III. Turnbull; Girls' race, A.
Turnbull, Vioal •llunkin, Jean Alli -
'RATES OF TiII: I. 0.P. son : Girls' race, Ethel Bunkin, N.
The officials of the Independent Stone: Boys' race, Milton Bodgert.
Order of Foresters on June 3rd C. Brown, G. Passmore ; Girls race,
issued a printed booklet allowing 'May Dareh, Jessie 'Ilodgert ; Boys'
members Low the flaw scale of rates race, Chas. Coward, W. Jeffrey, C.
to be adopted this rnotlth, will affect Allison, Girls' race, 'Teresa Coward,
their pockets groupeday and individ- 'Myrle Snell: Leap frog Face, Milton
ually. Bodgert and Chas. Allison, C. Cow -
The supreme ,court moots this aril and C. Brown, \Villie Jeffrey
month to ratify the new rattles, which) and Garnet Passmore : Egg race, L.
apply only to those entering the
order prior. to 1899.
In looking over the table it is nit
once noticed that the older mem,
IIunkin. Annie Turnbull. Nellie Stone
\Vheelbarrow race, Chas. Allison:
and Milton Bodgert, C. Brown and
C. Coward; \Vheelbarrew race for
bees are the ones who will puffer young boys, L. Stewart, and John
most under the re -adjustment. Ilodgert, H. Turnbull and J. Cottle;
For iuslnnce a memberww'llo went,went,in Three legged race, girls, Nellie Stone
at 18 in the years beteen it88h and and Ethel Bunkin, Jessie IIodgert
1.$91 has be'e paying up to the pre- and Myrtle Snell, Annie Turnbull
r As to promotions, it is provided
tbat the competitive system shall
not apply, but all promotions shall
be made solely upon the certificate
of qualificetion from the head of
the branch, endorsed by the deputy
neau vi tliC department, and by the
Dee ee operation of the bill is confin-
ed to OttaWa at the start. All the
serviee at Ottawa would be combin-
ed and brought under the act at once
IThe outside service (would remain as
at present until such time as it was
decided by order -in -council that they
should be brought under the new
act. The classification provides for thded. orderG. t% cae
tothrtwo divisions. Thedivisins, each'fi stttof these process of reasoning the executive Yecdle tnrace.
ce�l3rroun sand rNcllie Stone
,would be the deputy heads and their `indulged in to arrive at the 'present W. Jeffrey and hf
basis of rates we aro tit ti loss to yrtle Snell:
The storm stopped the baseball
gameduring the first inning. Win-
chelsea had secured eight runs in
their half and Fareuhar six, the
latter side not being out at the time.
assistants. The second %would include
the trained administrative class.
The third would comprise those who
did purely routine work. Entrance
to the second and third divisions
would be by direct open competitive
und' Island.
'A fe%t•_ years ago we were lead to
believe that the profits of /this order
were accumulating; nt the rate of
y their tic -
soma of $:100,000 a year tin
profits remounted to
canmin suppl The second division in the neighborhood of $12,000.000. CI eel f3 er O R Z .A..
%would supply by promotion the of-
titers of the first division, but the it this was the case, surely tine in- . Boars tl:e 11h, i a situ Nave Always Sought
clerks of the third division could gest on this irnmelaae sum, together 1algnatare
with the current income, would be not Bing promotion, Their dut- sufficient Ito meet all claims on the t of - War
fes being thcmly for ad, would not order. Why then n sudden slump? 1 -.4.-
qualify them is provision
administrative Is it because of the needless extrava-
duty, but there a provision in the Zion
bill that it the commissioners saw ganeo on the part of the t:xeedtiv" ( Alias blonde Harrison, of Toronto,
fit they might allow numbers of the in lig, way of high salaries, lee., ori r
third division to compete in examin_ have they been accepting insurance and Hiss \ins Pearson, of London
ations forall thesct years at less than cost? If ! %were guests of Miss Lila Taylor for
clnss. Promotion to the second they Ravel.then bow did the profits ' a few weeks.
The present Civil Service Act will accumulate? We do not pretend to
npply to the outside service as at lel an oracle on these matters, but
;present until brought under the new from a plain business standpoint it 1
net by order -in -council. The bill looks as if there roust have been i
contniis no provision for superan- some gross mismanagement on the •
nun tion. 'this may be provided for part of some once -Exchange.
by subselucnt legislation., _t
Mr. fisher stated that the salaries
foe the several divisions under the Tho prize list of the Canadian Na-
nce bill would be about as follows: Lionel Exhibition, Toronto, Ont.. Aug. J
First division -Clens Aa $2,F0O to '29 to Sept. 14, has come to hand. It
$1,000; IClass ill, $2,100 t0 $2,800. ! has leen thoroughly revised from
St eon(' division -Class A $1.600 ' begineine to end and in some respects
to $2,100: Class 11, $Fe0 to ,e1.600. presents a neater and more convene le
Third division -Class A, $000 to appearance than formerly. BLvcral
$)•'200; Clan, in, 4500 to $800. important additions have been made.
Provision is made for u statutory including an offer of $1;10(1.00', di-
illereese of $50 n year, provided/ vid.d into six prizes, for the best
bee, -ver, that the record of the floral design to cover not more than
clerk is such ns to justify it ; bet eel) nluare feet or floor epee'. Tho
provi'ion is also made. where t h.. , Dominion Shorthorn Association give
cord of Ole clerk 1.arants it. he cin •`2.000.00 and the ClydedaI• Assoc -
be given specie! increase of $x0 more i %lion $500.09 to the 'memento of -
making $1.00 in all. Sur.li increases feted for Shorthorns end Clyd'dales. More proof that Lydia IL Pink -
es ill he granted only upon the re- I Several class's for horses rind laant'x\•egetableCom pound curet;
-- 0111fits wed in business have been in- sick worsen. •
corg•or:lt`d. 1'paards of $700.00 hes ;Rise 31. 1{. Morin, 3:15 Ontario M.,
h, en lidded to the amount given in Mont real, writes to MIS. lsillkhanl:
Prizes in the agricultural sectioe. .. I was in very poor health and doe -
Altogether, c •r 9 s
int, tt ea including mt 1 1. and i toted for months• receiving very little
) the amount t •• •e`,
m e n given in n nut ms
l i•f
rbenefit. I had lost all ambition, was
r aches Upwards of 450,000.00. by far I nervous, and subject to)I(,7v spells and
1 v grenl,•r portion of which i, rlc- • painful periods each month.
toted to live stock ane agricultural r A friend suggestedLydia1'. fink•
t ()duets. A more Than initially ex- ham's Vegetable Comp 1 as the
t• nsive art loan collection is pro.' proper medicine for me. i procured a
nave! by &d-ttorld-masters: LY ep a bottle of this remedy and began tak-
11 d p'rrnisaim❑ of 11, el. the Hiatt 01 We
and before it was finished, 1 felt
It,nd 0f tee Ifnyal Artillery, Wool -so much better that I continued its use
ttich, ling., will play nett! tale a and gave it a thorough test, with the
I •tiding part In .1 eraml interne 1.1 result 1 Rill to•day well and a motels
i••t:11 military 1,1(00 and ajrct,tcl•+
1 presenting "The Sieze of HCbast•
i healthier girl than 1 was three years
ago. I have no more painful periods,epee." Inch d y will close wills a rli'An,•:s or nerv•ms 11 T! ,l,•"
to flnetteinlpted ksThe au tial e,, • FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN.
1"tris and excursions have been er- For thirty years Lydia E. I'ink-
r 1nz •d for by :111 limes of travel. 0:: I),tin's Veg;etahle Compound, made
;ul;calinn to .7. (1. Orr.
Exhibit- from roots and herbs, has been the
pt, offie.e. ('i1y 11:�!i, Toronto. prix. , stantl;irrl ienle(l)• ft%1• female illy=
list.., entry L1:,nke, and :Tay infer -I dahlia.•tyxsitiyely(•111Ydt11tnsandso
ma tion (G:sired, w111 be forwarded%
on the instant. ; women who have been troubled with
_.-..._.... ! (Iivplgleenlents, inilanlgmition, Ulcers-
' titin, fibroid tunten's, irregularities,
CASTOR 1 A i11'riodie feeling,
gaekac'he, that bea'•-
pugs -flown feeling;, flatulcncy,indiges-
For Infants and Children.. l t i,)n,lliRzineas0rnerVf)uq prOstratin+l.
The Kind You Have Always Bough! J `\.''t 'Tete' i t'rhl t ll it
11r•+. 1'inl:hanl invites; all q(1.1:
tsornen to write her for advice.
Signature of
Bears the ����C sheIlan guided thousand% to
i, health. Ad(Irese, Lynn. Mass.
My Hair
Ran Away
Don't have a falling out with
your hair. it might leave you!
T1:cn what? That would mean
titin, scraggly, uneven, rough
hair. Keep your hair at home!
Faven it tigt.tly to your scalp!
You can easily do it with Aycr's
Hair Vigor. It is something
more than a simple hair dress-
ing. it is a hair medicine, a
h..ir tonic, a hair food.
'rho beat kind of a tcutimonlal--
"flold far Over sixty years."
If £Sade by : - t-ce 0,., Low.11, S.S.H
A/(i A:rJ : :: •. rscturers o:
C "tutS.
..!,..pt PeeTOR%I•
The Iclud You Have Always Bought, and which has been
in Lis3 for over 34) years, has borno tho signature or
and has 1►et'tt Ili:ulonncltr hi, per -
Gil�� monad supervision since its infancy.
1 �, Allow no ono to deceive yrIII iu this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations (111(1 "Just -as -good" are Inst
Experiments tluat trlito with and endanger the health o1.'
Infants and Children -Experience against 10x pertinent.
What is CASTOR1A
Castoria Is Zl harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Para.
gorie, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is i'teasau►t. it
contains !Wither Opium, 111orphi110 110r other Narcotics
substance. Its ago Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
stud nllatys 1•'everislsness. It cures Diarrhuit end \Via(!
Collo. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures; CoII-•tipatiou
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulate, rho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natltral sleep.
The Children's Panacea -The i tether's Friend.
Bears the Signature
-Hist ,mssissoire%
The Kind You Have Always Bougilt
In Use For Over 30 Years.
7NC c[NT.un COMPANY. 77
Mr. 'Robe. \\'arrcner who ham been
conducting a livery at Clinton for
years. has decided to open out at
Hens -all and will move his ntfects
0n .Wcdnosetay June the 17t1, at
6 n. m. in the Ontario street Tar-
sonage Clinton, the c_remony was
performed by 'Rev. W. Kerr, tvhich
united Wilbert Alvin Crich of Set -
forth, and Cora May ltowcliffee in
holy wedlock.
A young man in the employ of Mr.
Mellroy of McKillop was badly In-
jured in a runaway accident on
Tuesdny of last week. A physiciiri
from Eeaforih was called in to at-
••••••••••••••••A•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••N•••• •
• CAPITAL PAID UP • • . s3.37216o0_oo
•RESERVE FUND •• x3.37260000
• Assets Over $33,000,000.00
General Baniliiug Business Transacted.
Savings Bank Department
$1.00 Opens an Account and Interest added FOUR
• Times a Year.
• Dickson & Carling, Solicitors, N. D. HURDON, Manager
The Molsons Bank
Il tei•liehed 1se5.
B. E. WALSER, President
AUX LAIRD, General Manager
IPaid-up Capital, $10,000,004
Reserve Fund, - 5,000,000
DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS sold, and money transferred by
telegraph or letter.
COLLECTIONS made in all parts of Canada and in foreign countries.
FOREIGN BUSINESS. Cheques and drafts on the United States,
Great Britain and other foreign countries bought and sold. 113
Branches at Exeter and Crediton
Two 6 Octave Organs
Second Hand.
Also Two Pianos
Slightly used
At Great Reduction.
5yl0PIS 01 IMO MHO NOM WeSI Sewing Machines
NY ct'ta numbered section of Dominion Lands in The best made at prices that
Auanitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, excepting will suit you.
8 and 26, not reserved, may be homesteaded by
any person who is the sole lead of a family, or any
male over lSyern of age, to the extent of one -quer 1,
ter section of 160 acres, more or legit. Bicycles, Baby
agency for the district to whlch;the land is situate, � person arriages and Go Carts
Application for entry must be made in person by
the applicant at a Dominion Lands Agency or Sub- C
Entry by proxy may, however, be made at an Agen•
cy on certainconditions by the father. mother, son,
daughter brother or sister of an intending home•
The homesteader is required to perform the
Lend! the injured man. No bones homestead duties under one of the following plans:
were broke.n but he sustained Er- (1) At least six months' residence upon and cults-
loos flesh wounds about his face, ration of the land in each year for threeyears.
U[ICra1 (2) Ahomesteader may, ifhesodesires, perform
head and (
1d arms and
nI9 O B
ne.vera injuries to his back. the required residence duties b)• living on fanning
One of Bullet's well known farm-
ers in the person of Mr, K;eo. Irwin
passed on (Tuesday of last week at
Itis home .on the 'Huron Road. The
deceased !Was 70 years of ago an(1
was much respected % in the s'com-
land owned solely by 1 him,not etre than eighty
acres in extent In the vicinity of his homestead.
Joint ownership in land will not meet this require-
(3) if the father (or mother, if the father is de-
ceased) of the homesteader has permanent residence
on farming land owned soleiy by him, not less than
eighty (b0) acres in extent, in the vicinity of rhe
homeatead, or upon a homestead entered for by him
munity where lie resided and also In the vicinity, such homesteader may perform his
by .all who had the pleasure of his can residence duties by thing with the father or
aoXUtinlne^. TTIC ful ra1 tookmother.
4 Th
eterm "vtintl" in the t%preceedingo
place on Friday from his late Fesid- paragraphs is defined as meaning riot more than
ends to interment at hese Maitland nine mi es n 8diret line, eaeluaire of road al ow.
Bank cemetery. daces crossed in the meaauremenQ
'Mrs. Wm. Reidy of Sea:orth. 4was
on Mon-
dayto London hospital�
day of last week euftering from a
broken thigh. The occident occur -
eel come days ago tet the home of
f, A homesteader intending to perform his resi-
dente duties in accordance ttith the abote whits
thing nab tiis parents or
land owned
himself must notify
the Agent of the district of such
Bix months' notice in wrlling should be given to
the Commissioner of Dominion Lands at Ottawa of
Airs. Johnston, in llarpurhay. while Intention to apply‘.patent,
entering the latter's hoene, Mrs. I w. w, Cony,
'Reidy slipped en a board and fell Deputy of the Minister of the interior
daft as a rcaul t tnppen•`d with n veryN. B, -Unauthorized pnblication of this advertise
painful accident. ment will not be paid 101
A v. r y pretty wedding took place }
at 4I.•• home of Mr. Ben. Marr,
on :t\, :Int•sdny, June 17th at 2.p. m.1
when 'Diss Florence 'Louisa was un-
ited in holy bonds of matrimony to
Mr. Franklin Cunningham, a pros- !
pe•rous young intoner of llrinsley.
The bride looked very street to a
gown of white silk with trimmings •
of lace and ruching, 'while the maid I
Miss Mabe.! Ounninghnm, sister of !
the groom, %vas daintily gowned in i
cream. Mr. Garnet Amy, of Clande-
boye assisted the groom. The sere- ,
moor was performed by Bev. Arthur
Carlisle, of Lucent. in the presence
of a small gathering of immediate
relatives and friends. After con-
granite tinny were offered the wed- ,
ding ptit: adjourned to the d' • g
room ss ltit h %was tastily decoraled in
green and 11'Iiile, and partook of a
sumptuous wedding repast. Idr and
Mrs. Cunningham left on the evert-
ing train at Clandeboye amidst a
shower of rice elle good tvishes, for
n short honeymoon in 'London and
Detroit and other western places.
The rainy presents received testified
to the high esteem in 11(11)1 the
1 couple •I
1 are h1
Yount: of 1
0 N ( C
A Doctor's Statement
Baie St. l'aul, ('.l'., flue.
March 27th, 19•)7.
"Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited,
Toronto, Ont.
My many thanks for Payehine and
Oxomulsion. I have used them with
(•cry great satisfaction both in my own
rase and in that of my friends, •It of
Lords me much pleasure to recommend
a remedy which is really good in cases
for which it is intended. I am, yours
very truly,"
DR. 1:13N1•>+r A. ALLARD.
Doctors rocognire that Psychine it
one of the very best remedies for al'
Throat, lonng ane stomach tronblen and
all run clown ennditioni, from whatevet
cause. it in the proneriirtinn of ono of
the world's greatest epecialiets in die
eases of the throat, lungs, and sttnnaeh
and all wasting diseases. Ask your
drugglot for it, at enc anti 1.00, of
T. A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto.
No Honing
No Grinding
corp *furs, tar,
A'w d
Have you ever whittled a nail?
Steel to stand such a test must
possess unusual quality. But almost
every high grade knife will do this,
Just as any high grade razor will
whittle a hair. Cutting hairs, how-
ever, is a more difficult probrem than
whittling nails, or hair. A higher
grade s.eel, more evenly tempered,
perfectly ground and sharpened are
some of the essentials fora kaeo
cutting edge for hair.
A razor edge is a aerie; of foe,
Irregular teeth. Dull razors .'r3 those
Which have the teeth broken off, or
turned -broken, on brittle eszo:s-
turned, on sok ones.
Razor steel is iron fret from air,
and foreign n articles errectl
fused with carbonpCarbnngv eshfe,
tenacity and toughness to these
teeth. To get • high' percentage of
it perfectly fused is impossible by fire
tempering. Fire, with it: varying
d,grces of heat, consumes the carbon
-the more carbon the quicker the
consumption - result, brittle and
crumbly steel teeth.
A way has been found to fuse the
greatest per cent. of carbon ever
known by a secret process of electric
heat property applied and accurately
measurit Because of the added
toughness of this recarbonized steel
the teeth of Carbo Magnetic razors
wilreetther bend nor break and ate
unconditionally guaranteed.
But test this unconditionally
praranlood razor in your own
home --or have your barber Ise it on
you -for thirty days
Drop us a postal, er better yet,
come in and see us and we will give
you our new proposition for having
these razors tested without obliga-
Mon to purchase, together with our
gree booklet " Hints on Shaving."
W. S. Cole, Druggist
All disorders caused by a bilious
st.ite of the system can be cured by
using Carter's Little Liver ['ills. No
1118. ,rriping or discomfort attend-
ing their use. Try thorn.
attractive. Prices right
Fine Stationery
S. Marto & son
is the leading busineee train-
ing school in Western Ontario.
\Ve give a thorough, practical
training of Commercial Subjects
Isaac Pitman's Shorthand, Touch
Typewriting, and in Commerc-
ial and Railroad Operating.
Each department is in the hands
of experienced instructors. We
assist students to positions.
Our graduates always succeed,
for our courses are the best,
(let our free catalogue and learn
!note about us. YOU may en-
ter now,
Leave on Tuesdays
June 9, 23 Aud. 4, 18
July 7, 21 Sept. 1, 15,- .
Return 2nd Class Ticker
From all Ontario Stations toWinnlpeg,
Calgary, Edmonton and principal
points In Manitoba, Saskatchewan
and Alberta at 1
Berths Ili Tourist Sleeping Cars at amen:
extra Cost, if secured in advance. .-•.I
• Appty to any C.P.R, Ticket Agent for full
information and free copy of Homesoeker•V
Pamphlet. Or write ..(�
111 C. B. POSTEL Dist. ?ass. Agent, Toropt ,
Highest Prices raid
delivered or in the •
Centralia Saw Mills
+ •++- i.++ ++++++4.+++++,H--- :SUMMER SGHOOi.
-Get your sale .bills printed at the:
Tinter Office. Free notice will leo {
printed here. We can have your (bills:
ready !for posting !front two to four
given in the paper when tills are
rine r.muat:rnu•nt Ir•lin: t,uae , r.rn,p; Li ..l � :7
than an other in Unt rio'
There must leo a reason; write for 51.
S Rise!A017U5It y(rs Teee Nees.
et All. (,orrsse:M.
(k•0. Spotton, r'rir;ripal,
hours otter the order is received, ••e•Gt$0••••••••O•0000••••
Drs. Kennedy & Ker¢an
Owing to 1)r. Kee-
gan being deceased,
Dr. J. D. Kennedy,
Medical Director,
e 1
las associateU with
him De.KennedyJr.
who hu teen with
the firm for several
years, so hereafter
b.:ainess will c^n•
ducted under the
nam of
Thouwnds of young and middle aged men are annually swept
tip a premature grave through HAKI,V INDISCRETIONS,
N.\c'EASES AND 81,000 DISEASES, If you have as of the
following symptoms consult us before itis too !ate. Are you
nervous awl weak, despondent and gloomy, specks before the
it s'rrita-
ry es, with da: k circles under them, weak hack, kidneys irrita-
ble.bashful. ( nr los semi•
b:e. palpitation of the heart, creams and tomes,
iuient in urine, pimples on the face, eyes sunken, hollow cheeks
careworn expression. poor memory. lifeless, distrustful, lack
energy dad strength, tired mornings. restless nights, change•
able moods. weak manh.cxl, premature decay, t,vue pains, hair
1 rsse. sore throat etc.
Mood Poisons
are the most
prevalent ani most serious diseases. They sap the very life
I,ir,o•1 of the victim, and unless entirely eradicated from the
System may aRrc t tt - f leee reiteration. neware of Mercury. It only suppresses the
symptom;-OUK AI'.W M1iTItuD ones them.
OUR NEW METHOD TREM'MENT alone can cure you, and make•
Mao o you. Under its influence the brain becomes active, the blood purifiers so that all
pimples, blotches, and ulcers disappear. the nerves become strong as steel so that nor•
voasness, bashfulness and despondent vanish. the eye becomes bright, the lace full and
clear, energy returns to the body, and the moral, physical, and vital systems are Disif•-
orated: .11 drains cease -no more vital waste from the system. Dont let (Hacks end fakirs
rob you of your hard earned dollars. We will ours you or no pay.
READER whsoo ohss tI'KHdlt yn',hwe i(t2e 1f1o'r, aMn ohnoinoerst oppinion <rree
Ques'lon list for Homs Treatment Sent on Request.
Corr Michigan Ave. and Griswold St, - DETROIT, MICH.