HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-06-25, Page 1futer
Phone No. 32.
Millinery Bargains
1 25 Per Cent off
All Millinery
Off cleans a Big Cut, but Our Loss is Your Gain
IWe have some very nice summer hats left, just as
good as the beginning of the season. Now is your
chance for a cheap hat. They are all to be cleared out
in the next two weeks, so come along early and have
first choice.
Remember ,+ off is a I3ig Saving.
♦ Keep Kool this Hot Weather.
s Here is the Spot to Furnish Your Wants.
• • • White Waists Muslins
• ♦ Our I off sale is still on and Some very dainty designs
•• • is clearing them out, but still in Colored Muslin, also White
lots left. Muslins of all kinds.
• • IUc to 40c per yard.
•• Whitewear
make This warm weather will
• you think. We have In all the diffenvnt Colored
• • everything you may need. Checks, Plaids and Stripes.
•• at 121c per yard.
_ •
Underwear Hosiery
• Ladies and children's nice Black, White, Tan, Pink
Z• fine knit Underwear. short and Blue are all being worn
sleeves or no sleeves. this summerin Cotton :and
• Froin 10c to 35c. Lisle.
• poultry
From this date to Monday the 20th, at 4 p. in. (Saturday ex.
1 rented) we will pay the following prices for good plump Poultry,
•Spring Chickens, 1908 hatch, 20c per pound, liveweight.
• • Spring Chickens,fa
35c per ponnd, dressed.
t• Spring Ducklings 1.5c per pound liveweight.
• Spring Ducklings " 2t1c per pound. dressed.
li liens, tic. live, 8c. dressed.
Turkeys 12c dressed.
♦ All Birds 21 pounds or ever.
• "9' Poultry must be dry plucked and plucked clean. Kill by
::• bleeding in mouth. No diseased, thin, crooked breasted or de-
• formed birds taken at any price. We will nit pay cash until 1st iof November. Quotations from week to week. Regulations re -
Z• garding poultry will hold good throughout season.
JI Jones &
A• Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford
•••• Clothing also high grade shoes and wall papers.
•••••••••••••••••••••••♦•• •••••••••••••••••••
, June Wedding. A Letter From Camp.
IiO1t EV -FI AEl
,(By our own Correspondent)
-At the Main street parsonage.I t:odeilch. June 2•2m1 -The V01011 -
the home of Rev. E. A. Lear and teer camp this year at (Goderich has
Mrs. Fear, a very pretty wedding been in full swing, with respect to
ceremony was Performed on \Vednes- drill, etc.. since Monday the lath. The
day, June 23rd at high 110011 when then are now getting into shape and
their only daughter, Miss Luella be- put up a pretty fair drill. The church
came the bride of '31r. W. S. llowey• parade last Sunday was well attended
druggist of this place. The bride by civilians and soldiers :dike, many
entered the drawing -room leaning on carriages and buggies being well Idled
the arta of her grandfather, ;air. by the fair sex.'whe well enjoyed rho
Will. Davidson, ex -mayor o[ Citral- sight of tho redcoats, with their dif-
ford, where the ceremony vas per- ferent bands, as they formed up in
formed by the bride's father in front square for Canon Dann, of London to
of an altar of roses, ferns and dais- preach a very touching, impressive g .jeparted
ies. The bride twos beautifully at-
tired in Paris point d' esprit, ,lith and patriotic sertuon,
old point lace over silk, wearing a The 33rd Huron regiment are get-
business will 1
bridal veil with orange blossoms, ting into good shape and the people of --hiss Verde 'Leavitt, nurse, bas
♦ ♦ worn by her mother on her wedding
Goderich are giving them a good time been very ill at Mrs. /lorry Goulds.
ZZday, her bouluet being bride roses and the arch are appreciating it in -An interesting game of baseball
•• and lily. of the valley. She (vas at- right good style. They have the name will be played on the recreation
f tended by bliss Grace .Luckhant, of of being one of the best behaved regi- grounds 'Thursday evening between
, Amherstburg, who wore aa w•hioftitntsinGawp.Centralia and Exeter teams. This
mousseline de sole over silk anti On° unfortunate affair occurred in will be the first occasion that the
I carried American beauty roses. The the 3rd regiment IaatSuucday evening local boys have bad the opportunity
groom bras supported by his brother when two brothers by the name of of donning their new uniforms.
• I Mr. Melville Howey. Miss Mildred Porter, of Clinton were out bathing in The programme at the Strawberry
llarrcy, cousin of the groan was a tile Maitland river. One was suppos' loci:0 on the Rectory grounds on
2 pretty little flower girl wit)t white ed to have taken cramps and sank be- Friday evening of this week will be
silk frock, carrying a basket of lily fore his brother could reach hint, the a very varied and interesting one.
If of the valley. The bride's mother would be rescuer being nearly drown- The •b)issca Carling. Johns and alar-
fetta handsome gown black t er ed in attempting to saye his brother. tin and ,Messrs. McGuire and Jen -
They were both taken from the water flings will sing. Instrumental nurn-
Lohcngrin wedding march was play- and the :Army Medical Corps were hers by :McGuire, Berry and a spe-
ed by Miss Ina Davidson, of Strat-
quickly on the spot, but after one cinl mandolin player. 'iter. Mr. Col -
hour's work at artificial respiration, )ins will recite, Everybody welcome
i• groom's gift to the bride )vasa one only was saved, rhe remains
gold -Four days cracking bargain drays
watch and chain with diamond set- were taken to Clinton to the home of at the Exeter Bargain store on
♦� ting, to the bridesmaid a gold locket the deceased. D. Company, of the Thursday, Friday, Saturday and
and to the flower .girl a pearl 33rp Regt., of which be was a mem-
25th. 20lh. 27th and 29th
ring.After the ceremony eras her, marched to the station, acc•on- Tune. At this big Bargain sale, one
performed congratulations stere rc-panied by the regiment hand playinglinndred 'pairs o[ girls, boys, and
ceived bye the happy couple under athe "Dead March in Saul" and "Near- childrens fine shoes go for just half
eecaived of orange blossoms, atterer ray Cod to'1'hee." this was theprice, and thirty-five p its of ]'afe»t
aloch a very dainty dejeuner teas second death in camp during our so leather. tine and up -to -dale shoes,
••• served, the guests present being only Joh neral Otter inspected the cam n here, and also 23 pairs of white canvas
♦♦ immediate_ relatives of bride and l p shoes all Re for half price, also one
i• groom. The gifts to the fair bride last week and found everything sat- steel Safe and one handsome Cash
were numerous and handsome in- isfactory. 'Register very cheap. This will be a
♦♦ "hiding Jsomc from Medicine liar, Sir Frederick Borden, liinister of rattling cheap sale, -J. W. 'Broderick
• uul 'Moncton, N. +13. Mr. and Mrs. Militia, also visited our camp yester• _The death °cell red in Silver Park
♦ Detroiey left on the evening train for haat afternoon
oon and attended a banquet, Saskatchewan, on May t24. of tMrs.
•:Detroit. From there they will take K giveny the Goderich coon- John ,Kelly, formerly of Riddulph.
a boat trip to Ihr[[alo and other cit and Board of 'Trade, toReth er with Cast .Tuly Mrs. Belly 'trent to Shiver
• • points. The bride's going away the:3314 officers. Park to lite with her son. Besides
• gown was grey notellY,� cloth with On 1Vednesday night there is going her husband she is survived by one
••• • grey hat to match, tit este from a to Sea grand military tattoo and die- son and two daughters, Arthur, Mrs.
• distance were 'Mr. and firs, w, play of fireworks. Thursday n•i11 Bert Stiere and Miss Fanny. all of
• • Davidson, of Stratford, Dr. and 11th. In lug forth a sham fight, in which all ,
♦ Feiir and daughters, of Sea[orth. Mr.corpsin the camp will take part. Ex_ Silver Park. 'Mr. William Reving-
• ton, of Biddurph, is a brother and
L. Fear; 'Buffn:o. 11 r. add Mfrs. E. eursion trains are going to b° run into Mrs. Samuel Catl)ro. of London, and
♦ Davidson, ofStSe or.) and Miss eE.s Goderich for this event. Friday the Mrs. Frank Abbot. of Crediton, sis-
♦ Davidson, of Seaforth. The Times then will strike camp and return to ters. The funeral ,.,as held at Mel -
fort on May 26. .-
PY couple. l F. E. IL
-.'.Ir. L. C. Fleming is expected
home front Cobourg nest week.
-Mr. J. Wood shipped a car -load
of I'at Cattle to 'Toronto. Friday.
The Misses Ida Rowe, Peat! lies -
tie and 'Lela Gould spent Sunday
with fricuds at Clandehoye.
-The public school rooms closed
Tuesday for the holidays. The higb-
er classes are taking the midsununer�
exams which will close next week.
-This afternoon will be observed
as ;Decoration IJay, ►!he different
lodges .w ill march to the cemetery
and tit orate the raves of
brethren and friends. The places of
) asiness close at four o'clock.
Z•+ ( -A prier but pretty ,wedding was Th Lumley school held a most at the home of Dir. and Successful pienio at Grand Bend on
../Mrs. John Snell on Saturday Juste Saturday last. The Weather was a
: •2Uth at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, that could be desired and the lake
• •• • when their daughter .Vera A. was
• given in marriage to at r. Ilerncrt ti;, was in an excellent condition for
2 boaltng'and swimming, which amuse-
. 0Donnlit, of Chicago, formerly, of mems were indulged in freely by all
• • WMoodstock. The 'Rev. A. 1i. Going, present. Our genial friend Paul
• 4, pastor of James Street ;Methodist Dladge enlivened the crowd with his
• :church officiated. Only the »timed- ever 'witty remarks. 31r, atter sen
late relations of the bride ?witness- ex•trustce. very'ably looked after the
• ♦ ed the ceremony. The bride, who "ie(fare of the tads and displayed
• • was given away by her father, 1vos pts kind heartedness in numerous
• • becomingly attired in a smart tail- ways, The fun came when Harry
• • tired costume of navy blue sedan T. Morgan and Paul
cloth. The happy couple mer.' the Madge began their famous feats in
Anderson, J.
rtcipicnts of handsome and useful
presents and the congratulations of
a host of friends in Exeter, Wood-
stock and Ingersoll. 'Mr. and airs.
McDonald left on the evening train
enroute to 'Chicago, .where they will
reside in the future.
Inc Usborne and Hibbert Centralia
Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur-
1'or ono of the best programs o[
ghee Gomuanu sports, Diet has ever been given here
the slim of fifty dollars will be gie•-
Head Office, Farquhar,;Ont. en in prizes on July 1st. There arc
Pr(sidcnt-J. L. itUl;SELL. contests for nearly everyone. Ono
new feature this
Nice -President -W. 1i. I'ASSMOL{B Marathon race of twomileyear iIc beI the
s. In the
DIRECTORS. nfternoou a rousing old game :of
Wm. Rov, BORNHOLM P. 0 baseball will Ile played between the
Wm. BIto(, 1ViN esil1ssA P, O. .nil tl w" is Billy Elliot n; captain
T. RYAN. DUBLIN P. O. and the "ma's." with Sam. Davis as
ROBERT NORItIB, fitafcaptain. The first named will wear
jumper overalls, while the latter will
have to be content with wrappers of
agent tot q'iffiCient dimensions to fit Jack
thrown or the captain.
•JOHN F.SSERY, Exeter.
C'aborne and llitldulph.
OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, agent
for Hibbert. Fullerton and Logan.
Secy.Treat3. Farquhar.
Oct New Rc6ords
NEVEM FOitflEi' that any musi-
cal instrument will grow stale
unless it hiss new music. You may
have an Edison Phonograph, or a
Granmr►i.hone, and you may have for-
Rotten how delightful it. was when the
ecords were new. The way to re-
new that delight is to buy New ire•
cords. You would get tired of a Piano,
c a Violin, or an Orchestra, unless it
gave you new records from (Hire to
time. The Phonographs are like other
Apptusical instruments. They will en-
..."lMtain you it you do not forget to
keep in touch with the new music -
the neer Records. Ask us for the lat.
e.rt, lists or hear thein played at our
Series of new Post Cards just in.
Can. )ixprers 131d. Exeter.
Conveyancer Accounts Collected t Cal tor th(' Asking 1
MON,,,' 'n ,• ,.,r,t rvr•,
"erth Howev's Drug Store l
(cM Mein Streeett,, Exeter
Bears the11. Rind Y: i Hale Meals il'IOt
big or am;f e2,. eeee ,
Kodaks and
J ust received a supply of I
Yhotogra1iic Outfits fresh
front the manufacturers. We!
have the famous Brownie
Cameras f 2,00 up, Kodaks
in the popular sizes.
i:NI:I t.lt tie Adt10.1
The weather which has been very
sultry was moderated un Monday
night by a big dash of rain. It
rained incessantly for nearly three
hours so that great pools of water
Were standing in the fields.
Wr. and, Mrs. 1). Berney of Sault
Sic. Marie, and Mr. E. tllornet't of
the deep blue. "0 say Ilarry isn't
this the best fun you have had since
we came back in that automobile."
•'I bet Fred 'Ellerington wishes he
were here instead of in that ditch"
The marathon race run by the trus-
tees and teacher resulted in an easy
victory for Miss Miners. J. T. got
out of breath and accidentally or
rather purposely tripped 111 the sand.
The latter was not at all satisfied
with the result and cense luently
the race will he run again at a fu-
ture e is
tc Our0
f t id Frank
Remick wishes to enter the race,
so look out. No need of bringing
any Longboat around Lumley. Those
wilo missed this picnic missed a
rare treat and %e hope the next
egina have been visiting their his- time the Lumley school picnic is held
ter Mrs. A. Parris here. 'at the lake more of our friends who
pionic of 8. S, no 3 Wrabrkl belong to the section will show their
last'Phe Friday but the rain comiyng on inter st in the school l.y attending,
marred the pleasure of the gather-
ing and no supper was served. The If you had taken two of Carter's
children's sports 'were finished and Little Liver Iells before retiring you
a game of baseball was Nein would not have had that coated ton -
K Played due or bad tasto in rho mouth this
when the rain began to pourI'arluhar and \\'inchclsca tnorning. Keep a %i;.l with you for
. A
very large crowd had turned out to occasional use.
.•njoy a half holiday. t
:1irs. el. W. I'. Beavers is visiting J3011N
h •r 1
c mr • r n
parents in Brantford.
t as,,t od on \\'cdncs-
Me. and Mrs. Statham. If r. and ! 'iic•, .Inns 17th. to 'lir, and M".
Mrs. '11cDonald of Exeter spent Hun- ; eels i\enieTli-_1, da 'lay, 'Mn11day
d i • with Mr. and airs. A. llarris. June 'end, to Mr. and Mel. Chas.
ell. Win. Towers has engaged Mr. 1 awee 01111. a daughter.
!•:..1. Eacret1 for two months.
11r. .1. S. Ballantyne has itad his! .11)31 :It., -hi )':refer, .I r&. 11ny,
house r..painle11 adding much to its •i11ne _3e1,. to 11 r. J e 11r�. dist.
appearaHee• Ie)' Nan•iers n 111 L'. re
Air. •I1. \V• )', Jl:\Itlill:l)
Beavers was inSea- iIIEIINKE - \VE r/,EI,-.1t Detroit,
forth on Thursday last on business.; 'Thursday, .lune le. ('ora E. daugh-
Lightning strict the House of tlir.I ter of Mr. and elle. 1V. 11. \\'entzel
Jos. Vatic,. on Friday last while they ! of Crediton to Mr. Frank Behnke.
were at tlitschool picnic. The ,lint.' M'CDONALD-SNEL[. In Exeter Sat -
was slight. nrday. .bine _10thHA. 1.
Miss (Let tie Kirkby.. of Salem, is • O'oint:. '.1i \• ra, NneLy11. evdaughter
,I'''riding the week Willi her uncle of Mr. and NI Ts. John Snell to
11 r. 11. 'V. 1'. Ilea vers. • Herbert 0. tiici)onald, of Chicago.
11r. and airs. It. $co(( are visiting now F.I I'EAii -- Irl Exeter, on
friends in .itrathroy. l Wednesday. :lime 2.1th. by the :ler.
Mr. • 111. licott had a valuable . 1:. A. Fear. Miss 'Luella Fear to
blood noire killed by lightning in , all-. W. S. Jiow-ey,
Monday night's storm. The barn also
WAN set on fire but the fire was ex -DIED _
1inguighrd lr.•fore any headway leaf; D}CK:30N-At alt. Forest. Aumlay
gained. t Jere, _1=t, I' ter Dickson. brolher-
a in -1.a oI Rer. W el elirtin, Ex.: -
L__.4..._` ' ter.
Sexsnlith 111A8'1'iNGS-At Cross Hill, ,lune 14th
airs. Itoht. Cole who aas opera(- i John ll finings, brother of Al. 11a.-
.0 on for appendicites sows weeks tinge. 18.•ter, aged 48 years.
•ire is able to get around. -
Mrs. !Beirut Young. of Credited. Zurich
I 1 wag visiting at Roger North- 1Tie. 1' eine, I're(ler spent (1 lets
Cotte was taken 01 Saturday thorn- , i` rye in Exeter last w.r'k.
ing awl had to bi• taken hone'. 1 • he 1ru'te•'s have bad considerable
During the electrical storm Mon- of the nl0 pl'trik torn up end will re•
day night lightning .truck air. C. ' elle• 11.-m• with o'rnent.
Aide north's barn and winning down , .1 nlirnr,rr from the village ettend-
the conductor pipe from the rare- ed fo' rie... at Seaforth last week.
trough etnlek a fwo.rear-old steer i Mr. er. Panne. intends. erectly: rt
killing it ivaantly. The building dwr ding on the lot Rout), of
was not damaged. ; F;ran,„tical church.
To Huron Fruit Growers. -- The
next provincial cxhibiinn will be held
in Toronto early. in November. Last
year the county made a grant of $23
for prizes to county exhibitors and
$50 for expenses in making the ex-
hibit. The county of Huron exhibit T. KAWKINS
occupied a table 411 x 30ft. and was SN
very favorably commented
on by
many leading newspapers and fruit
growers. A full report of the ex-
hibit was made to the County coon_
cil angd the diessofr50100 l of the ��e
money, and names of some par_ Call
ties from different parts of the of Sumnjercounty who contributed fruit for the
exhibit. The Council were so pleased
with the result last year, that a is for new styles in Clouting. We Have the
similar grant hs made this year. If
fruit growers in this county take an latest in all fabrics and 0111' workmanship needs
interest in this exhibition the fruit 110 comment. We always have the best
production of this county can be available
shown to be second to that in no
part of the province. Outside the
chanty exhibit we should compete in
the provincial classes. Anyone can Our Suits are the best value we have ever
secure prize lists and information re- offered in Exeter.
speeting the county Cxhibit by 'welt-
ing to W. Lane, Eee'y, Goderich tier-
licultural Societe. JOHNS
We take the following from the
legal news reported front Osgoodc Merchant Tailor
hallion Ilonitae :- 'Ire John Panders
n c . \ , 'Gla.lntan, Exete _ --
r' - -
rnote& (Wean .order for sale of lands R.
K[N31f �v, L, D.
9 , 0._________.
), - -
belonging to a`aettled estate. F. W. D. S • Honor graduate of Toronto T
Harcourt, K.C., for infants, Order University, (`lU\EY TO LOAN,
made for sale of the land as asked.
keel. Dental Surgeon ! We 6•va•1•rRe•monnhot
I'urchasc money to he p id into
Office over Gladmnn R 5tau),ury'e 1 eluteteatrm and "tageproperrtisi so tolerate
and the interest may be paid out to Main street- EXETER. OLA1)MAN & STAN) L'RY
the applicant. Casts out of the
fund. Barristers Solicitors, Xt.': st!Exoter
��"--~ DR. 0. P. ROULSTON, L. D. S. S,1'Il1LLIPS, EXETER, i,io
EXETER R COUNCIL, D. D, S., Dentist. Member of B•
R. C. D. S., of Ontario and Honors ensalt ports.
Sales con
Graduate of Toronto Universit ducted in all parts, Terms reasonable
The Exeter council met on Friday OPFicx:-Over Dickson & Carling orders can be, left at the Times Ot11ce
June 191).. The tnemhers present. Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former -
Rceve 1)ohier an 1 Councillors hake dental parlors.
Johns and Knight. The minutes of -- iJ Licensed Auctioneer Sales con
Il May,
be on ,
23r l and n W. B
O 1V �1
. 1A 3
5thD. ducted M. f ctec
n all :
done , arts
c w• Term-
cre read and approved. t/ e 1 . ,y„ Graduate Victoria Cn and satisfaction guarantee:
read f►Otn, reretty, ogles and reideoonce. I)omintoo
TIl-�T T ' ..•bOt•tmy, kxeter,
$1.co per )'lar in n:'t'ir.cc
Look Down this List
Gasoline stoves from $4 0o to $20 00
Coal oil stoves from 75c to $l0 00
Ilammocks, a swell one for 3 oo, complete
Screen Doors from 1 oo to 1 45
Screen Windows from 2oc to .Ioc
Woven Screen Wire from hoc to 3oc yard
Carpet Sweepers from 2 40 to 3 00
Washing Machines, very best, from 3 oo to 10 00
Paris Green in tz and 1 lb, 2 to 35c
Scythes and Snaths 75 to f 25
Senoars Floor Paint 45c per qt.
Senours Ready Mixed Paint 5oc per qt!
Hawkins & Son
Jobbers and Dealers in
Shelf and General Hardware, Paints, Oil,
Glass, Nails, Seeks, etc.
We slake a specialty of Eaveti'ouglting, Roof.
ing and Plumbing in all its branches.
Call and be convinee3 that it is the cheapest spot in town.
Exeter', Ontario.
A commn.nicat'on vas . c
the Canad,. . timelpal Journal re.
their journal. Associate Coroner of Huron, j'fj R.1NK ('AiRNS, Veterinary Sur
Knight -Johns, that the clerk or- 1•genii. Successor to A. R. Rein-
der five copies of the joit'rnal for P say, V. S. Treats all domestic ani -
the use of the different conneilior �V�iU Tnoll�as Nutl�er nut's on most approved princinale.
-Carried, Special attention to genii -try, Office
Civil Engineer & Architect at ltamsa►y's old stand or. Main street.
(Late Department of i'uI lie Works, Canada.) ; Night call at Peter elewderee residence
Containingl:ntineer for J,tnninipat aid Co•lntr /1Aln street.
Work, Electric railroads, Sewerage and Waterworks
S% stern Whane., Bridges and Ite'enforced Concrete
Phone 2220 London Ootane '
.iolans-Knight. that the fuer
viewers acco,tlut of $6, as read at
the last council 1neeti►ig be Net -
Cat reed.
lenight-Johns, that the follow-
eng aceo1111t5 be peed. -W. Gillespie,
hauling fire engine. $2.00; F White
Iwo weeks street water ins, '12/4,40 :
0. Cndntnre, labor. 2.00; 10. Mallett,
labor, 1,50; A. Bisset t, labor, 3.00;
1'. Haller. labor, 1.25 ; 1). Ituxscll,
2.90 ; 0. leu rnob r. 1,50 ; '1'h , Can ',\13111.
icipal .lo,irual, 1.75i
Fuke-,lohr,., fiat tenders be ask -
tel for 100 cords of screened and nn-;
screened gravel to be delivered 'it h.
in the Corporation. The (111)11011(133
of tenders for the same are. to
the hated• of the clerk before 7
m. June 2Gth.
ke-.lo)ans, 11..x1 ', odors be ask- 1
.•.1 for the eon8113.0tion of an 8ineh'
file &rain to be )aid along Andreae
street troth Noitlr street to the
creek. -Citta .1.
l�niRht.I'nk. , that W. 1;. Ilissett
he apai.l s12 fns ,.rut of 1):111.1 100m
to .1 ,1.-.-•1',,:.,,).
• , asked to instruct
11e--1- iv lot girl 511140re to com-
m.I,' •.ork on the cement walk.
A.t ...: i nmord to Fri.I y June '26.
HONEY TO LOAN Children Enjoy It
'ye t..ve unlimited private funds for Inyeel "I hare nee' Colts(
cut 1 'ou farm or ,l1:11110roerro • 0 1:xpeCtOta
•'.. o l•,tore,t. r p y C tomes with the greatest satisfa•.• al wall ley
11i('HSON & (•AIILINO children. It is a tvonderiul c.o.( fur
Exeter colds and sore throat. I believe it see.
DICKSON & CAI2LiNG ed the life of my little son, who was
• very si;k from a protracted cold on his
-`- lungs."
aril. ore, No'PrioaConvefieboat iii{$. ANNiE iii{.11tI3LEIi.
Hank Etc,nerr, tioiicllor. lar the Y0le0as Orangeville, March 13, 1P"7.
w•.ner to Loan a! !ow•eet rates of interest. "i am greatly pleaset with the good
0 FICF;:-UAiN results we got from Coltsfoote ExpeC•
BTRF:ET, g]Clt1FR•
to r.Arat,IN0 a A. L. E. DWESCa torant. 1 get great enmf•rt with it for
sly children.
MRS. WALTER lf.%MaltND. TOWN 1:1 Argyle St., Toronto.
t pilo'. iwork der of aide m ngelbo,-• , .rc Colt/foot. Expectorant is the great -
e l[r. Norman Wiseman ,1 .s the est home preseripti,n ler all throat and
ebeat troubles in the
guest of Mists Melena hourly Sunday vrortl. No Immo
jigs, should be one hour Wi,'! r:` it. You
Ur. John ,)'Nicol eat Ibe pu.83 of eon have free simple by 3'u ling name
Mies Mabel McCurdy l st t3onila to Dr. T. A. Slo.:ui, I.11., T)-.,nto. All
Mr. Wm, Irwinn ,of Dakota, and good druggists keep it. I'ra+ e, 25e.
Mrs. Fullerton. of Seattle, are visit- Send tot Free Bamptt Today.
ing their brother, Mr. Chive irvine.1