HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-06-18, Page 6r
+•i -Iii I I- 1 -H'+ -f
The Perrot riff Ls fluffy and .-aucy and
Sashes and ncckw. al' show touches of
is t$ W eo:or.
A.though Loth tune and net Chomis-
ettes are %%t n3, lhw fact that the tatter
le wash/till- makes It the w.ser crr,:ce.
Many of the leas Visa spring are not
boas at all, but close fitt.ng °aeo s.
while the larger ones are fin.she.1 by
deal, els.
A new coat from Paris is long, com-
mie w•.Ihin a few inches of the b`,tturri
of the siert, and is made of cloth edged
s%ith s:.k braid.
Some of ti.e (watt have h`g`I turnover
e ti:11-s, which fall at each side. forming
a larbe oleeced lapel, which is finished
with braid.
Pretty Loots with gaiters aie the fav-
orite :stye just now, although lace -up
shoes in varnish lenlher, or rho•:s with
steel buckles, are far more a .gent.
A young girl wears all the youthful
shades, including a pearl gray and a
d�•luate lavender. She also wears the
fiyy-huiw and berthas wh`.Ch are so fash'.on-
able this year.
The panel which is so popular in
adult fashions is adopted frequently in
ch.11ren's clothes. Tike s'.aslwd sleeved
are also effective. 'These are outlined
with ar.(i Vaned by white braid.
131:lel and white is still immensely pro
pular, but if one w abes to Le "in grand
chic' oro must get the white and chau-
dron or copper plaid skirt, with the cut-
away empire jacket of solid chaudron.
Unf'•rtunately neither harmony nor
contrast appears to Le a recee-ary tee-
ter in choosing a vol. Judging from
any of the combinatktns of hats and
tel's shown in the shops, a clas'ting of
tolors would seem to be the desired fea-
When spring style; were launchei in
the middle of February ceeeo and kin-
dred ahadrs were leaders. Now the col-
ors mast sought ars: chaudron and em-
pire green. The latter is a brazen hard
tero of green, less vivid than emerald.
yet with more character than olive.
Suppe:Ong a waistcoat is decided upon
for the tailor made suit. 1t is well to
oenslder cretonne which has a tight and
spring like air not to be achieved by
v.Ivet or even by brocaded silk. The
hat miglkt well be a match to the vest,
ter tho cretc.nne covered models of lie
rtt('.nent are extremely pretty.
Sometimes in the dress the princess
effrrt is more enplutsized by thew a '.1
a front panel which is conlinuouu :n
waist and skirt. Th's drees'a suitable
alike for the soft silks, such as twl1 and
surah foulard, printed crepe do chine,
embro°dercd net, tt:e printed and LordeI'-
ed lawn, gingham. and linens.
The fashions are characterized this
seaao'l by nimplielty and becom'ngness,
_r M' wore n are learning more and mato
that lo be fashionably g weed they must
be dressed with infpn:tr care as to what
silly the r perional.ty. To this end the
raison' features of different reIiodv have
bent adopted, but so modified that the
result is harmonious.
In tnting lace or lingerie the chief
thing to be avoided Is the streaking of
the garment. \\'hen the melba] used
is that of dioping tete material in coffee,
ca. a should Le taken to Ihoi%lughly wet
the garment Lefore putting it in the dye.
Warm coffee should to usoi, and it is
preferable that the previotia water bath
e>.oul1 be of the sane temperature.
The Shantung shirt la offering itself
In great variety of Style; Ih`s spring—
e1L-n in quite severe shirt build and try-
ing to share honors with lfie standby
linen. These are the typos of shirts ih
wh ch to match Iho tailored suit. A
B.rge for instance. might have a shirt
of 1 Li and white str ped linen, or navy
A novelty lhnt occurs on nit vests and
bi. uses alike is a 1 e ivy worked lozenge
s,,• l in fax thread, tho ub quitous filet
bc.iug entefIy selected es the ground
work. \Vith all the will and desire in
1h.. ws rid t:' encourage 000nomical spirit
1t will he the exception to find the ama-
teur making a uneeA.,sa of these weals.
trill ng Iheug`i They be. Ala t from the
mullPullous oddments that go to their
enreetion, they require to be so ac-
eurat. ly fitted and built that they are
a hest in themselves.
L'ng:rio hats for einall atila are more
taerinatitig than ever ti`s seas',n, and
.veli -
Dr. William's Pint Pills Succeed
After Other Remedies Fail.
There aro twenty drugs to help your
d;gestion for a time, but there is only
rine indictee that can positively cure
your utdig.•sti.m for good. 4'o any one
e 3113 indigestion a half dozen boxes 01
Dr. Weems' Pink Pills are worth all
lit•: purgatives and mixtures 113 tit -
country. After all these things have
failed lir. Williams Pink Pills have
cured the worst oases of indigestion by
R. utg etroight to the root of the trou-
ble to the blood.
You can take a purgative to tear
Vining!' your bowels and make a clean
sweep of your food, whether it is digest -
c.1 or not. You can take stomach bit-
ters to create a false appetite—If you
don't care what happens after you swal-
low your meal. You can drug your
stomach with tablets and syrups to di-
gest your food for you—if you don't care
how 83011 you ruin your system alto-
gether. You can do all these things --
but don't call it "curing your indiges-
tion." There is only one way to cure
indigestion, and that is to give your
system so much good, pure, red blood
that your stomach and liver will have
strength enough to do their natural
work In a healthy and vigorous way.
That is why Dr. Wiliiams Pink Pills
cure indigestion—they actually make
new blood. Hero is the proof. Mr. 11.
McCorkell, St. Thomas, Ont., says:—
ays:"About a year ago my system became
generally wrecked. My stomach was
always in a state of nausea. The sight
of any kind of food often turned my
stomach and 1 would arise from the
table without eating. Doctors advised
different medicines which l took with-
out benefit. Fatally 1 became so run
down that I had to quit work. For
two months i fried to build myself up
with the aid of doctors, but as time
went on and my condition did not Im-
prove 1 became much discouraged, Then
a friend told me ho thought Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills would help me, and 1
Legan their use. in three welts time I
was so improved that 1 went back to
my work, but 1 continued using the
pills until 1 had taken twelve boxes,
and now my stomach is strong, and 1
rim ready for a good meal three time's a
day, and lite now really seems worth
11 is because Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
make new, red blood that they cure
such common ailments ns anaemia, with
al: its headaches and backaches, rheu-
matism, neuralgia, St. Vitus dance,par-
tial paralysis and the secret ailrnents
from which women and young girls suf-
ter so much. You can get tho pills from
any medicine dealer or by mail at 50
cents a Lox or six boxes for 12.50 Irrn,
the Dr. Williams' Medicino Co., Brock-
ville, Ont.
School e1 Foreotry Soon to be Opened
_aahere Weed ie Scarce.
The Chinese are saVtug 1h(ir forests.
The sine st W(;rldW.de m••vement to pro-
tect and establi-h forest has reached
he Celestial Empire, and the fired Chi-
nese school of forestry shortly will be
,.pcncd h► \lukden.
1'h Chinese realm sonlelimeq is point-
...! out as ll:e worst example among
modern nations of forest destruction.
'11,e ikons %%h:ch f:er.odically are pour -
,I don hum the denuded meuntntns
are destructive leyond compari'on %L .tlt
Ihasa of any other country, end the %%ant
. f forests is assigned as the c)c<f cane.
Wo d is scarcer in China ihtn in al-
most any other inhabited region of the
world, allh -ugh tho country is wen
il(iapted to the growing of trees. In the
e-tablishm.'ut of a forest school the Chi-
nese Government gives evidence that It
realizes the need of beginning its re-
forestation in a scientific manner.
A Magic Pill.—Dyspe sf is s a foe with
which n3eli are constantly grappling
Lut cannot exterminate. Subdued, and
1,0 all apparunces vanquished in one. it
makes its appearance in another direc-
tion. In many the digestive apparatus
is as delicate as the mechanism of a
watch or scientific instrument in which
elen a breath of air wilt make a varia-
lien. With such persons disorders of
the slnmuch ensue from the most trivi-
al causes and cause !etch suffering. '1'o
these Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are re-
commended as mild and sure.
Old fashioned man!
Simple his plan,
Plain at a glance.
Pays what he owes;
Nothing he knows
Of high Mance.
To put away
S.miething each day
Is his design.
Not very slick;
Getting rich quick.
Not in his line.
Old fashioned man!
(lead of a clan,
llappy his life.
Kids all about,
Rosy and stout,
And just one w1101
1. Humus is decoying vegetable mat-
ter in the soil.
2. ll is the storehouse of nitrogen, the
most expensive and the most necessary
or all plant foods.
3. It contains the food upon which the
soil organisms live, whose function is
to convert organic nitrogen into nitrates
in order to be available for the use of
plants. It materially assists in decom-
posing the mineral constituents of the
roil, such as potash and phosphoric acid,
(tanking them available for lite use of
4. It increases the power of the soil to
hold water without becoming water-
5. 1t makes clay soil more open and
friable. 11 serves to oontpnct sandy soil
and increase its droulh-resisting power.
6. It prevents washing to a great ex-
tent; thereby diminishing the loss of fer-
tility by that cause.
7. Soil filled with humus more readily
admits the air so necessary to all useful
plant growth.
8. There appears to be a distinct re-
lationship between the amount of humus
in the soil and the amount of available
nitrogen therein. it has been observed
that when It is absent front the soil, there
is a distinct redu^lion of the ability of
That soil to grow crops. hence in prac-
tice in order to obtain the best crops we
have to resort to barnyard manure rather
than the use of concentrated fertilizers.
\o symptom that indicates any of the
ailnxnts of childhood should be allowed
to paw without prompt attention. The
littkr ailment may soon become a seri-
ous one, and perhaps a little life pass-
es out. If Baby's Own Tablets are kept
in the house minor troubles can be
promptly cured and serious ailments
thus averted. And the Tabk•ls can be
given with equal safely to the new
born babe or the well grown chili.
Mrs. If. Gendr(on, Martinvllk, Que.,
says:—"l have used Baby's Own Tab-
lets and have found them In every way
satisfactory. 1 always feel safe when 1
baro them at hand.' S •Id by urethane
Beater- or by trail at 25c a box iron
and the Avera -nes of baldness. EVERT
ONCE A WEEK with 7 Sutherland Sister's
Hair and Scalp Cleaner. 1t kith th. dandruff
~erre, besu:ities and strengthens tho hair.
All druggists sox. or postpaid from
Seven Sutherland Sisters
Sample sent (or ins, 179 Kiri St. W., Toronen
The Chinese do not hang criminals,
even wt en the inob takes revenge. In
tio remit() nlounta n districts the people
burn the robbers. The posses are
watched. niter a tobbery, nil strangers
or suspicious chamfers ere arrested,
and, when satisfied that they have their
matt, they get dry wood, kerosene, and
yellow oil beans. cha:n tha culprit, and
then burn him alive. The yellow beans
cines' lin tones to incinerate. The
viol ni feldon cries out more than three
tines, and Iia bystandere have a holi-
day. A Chinese military oMc al once
asked the people to release one of three
robbers to him in order to torture hitn
ant get lite mimes of his oonfedcraks;
1 ut the people declined, saying that
burning was better than decapilal:on.
were burned one morning, and
sante night another robbery, close
wad committed.
Dried Beef
Unlike the ordinary dried
beef—that sold in bulk—
Libby's Peerless Dried peel
comes in a sealed glass jar
in which it is packed the
moment it is sliced into those
delicious thin wafers.
None of the rich natural
flavor or goodness escapes
or dries out. It reaches you
fresh and with all the nutri-
ment retained.
Libby's Peerless Dried
peel is only one of a Great
number of high-grade, ready
to serve, pure food products
that are prepared in Libby's
Great While Kitchen.
Just try a package of any
of theso, such as Ox Tongue,
Vienna Sausage, Pickles,
Olives, etc., and see how
delightfully dif-
ferent they are
from others
you haveeaten.
Libby, McNeill&
Libby, Chicago
jury 11 it, the sidewalk
�e 1t .Vein pie that a n "IEADAC , WEAKNESS , HEART
vt.W. r► an stdcwntk s n.nrost eerla;n I TROUBLE"
4o jar it out .d kilter; and lily toys are
just to likely t., drop the r watchc8 on
the s.dewalk as ti:ey are to drop there
at tome, and lhey'le supply get to have
watches, and so a ;text part of my in-
c(ane gees .n keeping them thus . up-
'Yes, I've them:tit of buying sok of
the company wl.o'e watches 1 buy for
my lues' use, :and thus, Ihrc.u.gh the
dividends, gett.ngp the %v"a1chea practi-
cally at a lower ust; but while this
would be saV.ng something. still It
would Le on'y a sort of makeshift pro-
position. What 1 %Sant is a w•ntea that
won't break when it in dropie(1; and
hove given this subject some thought.
"It frrmrxi to me at first that maybe
an outer ruse or revering of same sort
would (1o, a case cushional all around
inside, to which the watch a;uld b' car-
rel whin warn, the inte•r.or cushion-
ir:gt bcusg •'es,gncd to break the shock
:u the %%toll when it fell and so pre-
set Ve the u;achineI y from dt rangrment.
And 1 thought that this would do all
i right, and I Ili nk so still, but the trim-
; be about it woad be that a wuLli with
such an outer protection case around
it wouldn't lo.,k like the other fellers
watches, and 1 km afraid that would
b.• a fatal objection; the boys woualn t
e irry thorn; and to I have given 01) !hat
Wee, and %+hat slrtkes me now os the
I. thing is 1h s:
'You want a watch having all around
works, out of sight w.lh r. the usual
regular case, a -orios of springs, these
springs to Le sufilc:.nity etas! C end yet
'utile ently atreng to serve as shock ab -
sorters, and so arranged that they
would save the watch wherever and in
• whatever way you dropped it. Thats
what we want—a welch that shall look
otlwardly like any other watch, but
That wont break when you drop it.
"And dont you thunk you see porno -
thing in This? Dont you know that
there are millions of fathers now even
buying for the -:r boys from four to
twelve welshes a year who woukl snap,
fa'rly snap, at a chance to buy a watch
that wouldn't break when dropped?
"I tell you that there's money—van
!cads of money—wait'ng for the man
that invents a boys' nonbreakable watch.
All he'll have to do will be to put the
watch on the market rind cart the money
"Millie," said the young man, as he
slipped 111e engagement ring on her
larger, have you told your mother about
"0, you Innocent!" exclaimed Miss
Millie. "why, Clarence, mamma knew
it six months before you did.
ray paid will be refunded where
go fails. when applied as directed,
tieve pain. Specially recommended
Neuralgia, Headache. Rheumatism,
t, Catarrhal (bl(Ls, etc. For rate 50
s at all druggists or Lyman. Knox
larkson, wholesale druggists, .0 -
pa Titerox—"What! You want to
inc engaged to that measly little
,loins? Why, he isn't a bit of use."
We 'I iterox—"\Vhy, papa, he is eer-
y lovely. His heir and complexkll
h my new epring reit exactly, Fri
!eel 1: NO. 24- CS.
!lave you tried n package of "THE
NEW FOOD"? It is made of the Choic-
CSt White Wheat, then steam -cooked and
flaked. No kitchen can produce a bet-
ter made or cleaner article for human
consumption. In order to introduce.
"Till', NEW FOOD"
a prize has leen placed in every pack-
age. Already 'fHllt'fl' SIX Blue Cards
tailing for LADIES' GOLD \V'A'l'OHFS,
hn%e been redeemed, and SEVENTY-
FIVE Red Cards. Each ono of those
cards has been found in a package of
The Red Cards g:vo the finder the
choice of the following art c:cs:
"I Suffered With for Years--Pc-ru-na Curcd
Me Entirely."
Miss Albina Chanetn, No. 50 Rue Agnes, St. llenri, Montreal, Can., writes :
"I consider Pernna better than any other remedy, as It cured trio when
nothing else could. I suffered for years and years with heart trouble.
headache and weakness. I never expected to find anything to cure tee. I
saw one day, in "Ls Presse," that Peruna was excellent and I tried it. Ono
bottle produced a change in me and if the price had beau $100 a bottle I
would have paid 1t gladly. I have taken six bottles and am entirely oared.
Please accept my thanks and boat wishes for your Peruna."
For Rheematisi . rn(t all Kidney, Liver,
Bladder and Urinary Affections.
An eminent physician Informs us that
he has used the following prescription
in his practice for a numler of years
and found it very successful In the
treatment of kidney, liver, bladder and
an urinary affections, and is unsurpass-
ed for the cure of rheumatism, driving
the uric acid entirely from the system.
Ile claims that a very few doses will
relieve the most severe pains in the
back arising from disordered kidneys
and impure blood.
The prescription is one ounce of
sweet spirits of nitre, one ounce of com
pound vinosa and four ounces of syrup
of rhubarb, taken in dessert-spoonrul
doses in water, after meals and at bed-
time. These ingredients are harmless
and inexpensive and can bo obtained at
any reliable drug store and mixed to-
gether at home.
a vehicle with Iwo wheels
is a bicycle, and one with three wheels
e Tricycle, what is one with one wheel?"
Scholar—"A wheelbarrow."
It is the Farmer's Friend.—The farm.
cr will find in Dr. Thomas' Eclectric
Oil a potent remedy fur wounds or
Boys' Nickle Watch, pains in the body or for affections of
"Our Pride" Gold N.ta Fountain Pon. the respiratory organs and for house
Bureau Gauer, Dulcl.csy I'a:b.rn, Fouf
Table Cover, One Yard Square, Da.
Batty Ring. Sold Gold.
Sideboard Covets, Two Yards Long,
Open Salt Cellars, Cut Glass, Sterimg
Silver T(.p. ,
Cold Meat Fork, Silver-plated, Rogets
113est Make. report of the ceremony "Avery -Small
:Neck Chains, 14k Gold-filled, Place fat \\ edding;' but the compositor knew bet -
Photos. le. and set it up, "A very Small Wed -
Ladies' Back Comb, Tortoise Shell, Sol ding."
!With lriPtante.
S gnet R ng, IOk Gold, Place for l'wn
A new 1'1 of prizes have been ).laced
1n the 1ncknae4.
Ask yew. ria er f r n pnrkege of
"Till: NEW FOOD."
"Why do you say that Brown Ls sel-
" Reennse he always wants the things
that 1 w ant myself."
hold use generally. Ile will also find
it a conven ent friend in tre at:ng injured
hams, cattle. etc., er relieving them
%%mein attacked by colds. coughs or any
kindred ailments to which they are sub-
The other day. when Mr. Avery mar-
ried Miss Small, a sub -editor headed the
Will afford instant relief from pain
caused by Neuralgia, Headaches. Gout,
Iiheiunalism, Cntarrhnl Colds. Sample
56 cents. Ml druggists or National
Drug Co., London.
Sometimes a woman after paying $:0
f-.'• n hal tells her friends it cost $30, and
her husband that it cost 110.
('Alrns eau'' intolerable pain. Hollo-
way's (porn Cure removes the trouble.
Try it, and see what amount of pain is
CAL.l. 1'OR A NIA%
Namely. one That Won't Break When
(hopped on the Mideunik.
"You knew. I think," said the father
of two I•oys, "that there's a large chance,
great chance, for n Iran who should
t. nt a watch that wouldn't break
you dropped it. 1 think se.
'Of cot:rw', wek-hea are not intended
le dropp«I; they are intended to tic
cerr:ed in the foeket; and so nobody
has thought • f invfnt ng an anti-break-
ab'e-whotlair •ppid watch; but et the
went Cn!t f../.i•.one every father of boys
k o
.rt ws anyway, and le his areal cosi.
"I have Iwo toys, ench of whom car-
ties a watch, and they o1ep their wntCh-
e-. init.-Ors iinit out on en average. i
should say, c (thee lines n m. nth; and
wh'',o from the he'ght at whish n Kmal'
boy carries it you can dr.p a watch • n
• thick nig perltai,s withtout serious in -
LAZY 01.n SORES, painful and disfiguring'
will not linger Ione alter ttratmnnt with weaver q
('erat•• h.s. lieen begun: Also, cleanse the blood
with Weaver's tlyrup.
"Please Accept My
Thanks and Best
Wishes For Your
PE -RU -NA."
Many cases of heart trouble are caused
by reflex disturbances.
Derangements of the stomach and
liver produce symptotndof heart trouble.
Catarrh of the stomach is a very fre-
ro-quent cause of sympathetic heart dis-
Palpitation, shortness of breath and
bloating after meals aro the most prom-
inent Ba li:TV: W O
Also(! actured by Peruna Drug Manufae
Such a condition of the stomach la
also liable to produce headaches of the
worst sort.
Medicines that palliate the symptoms
will never lead to acure.
It is the effect which I'ernna has upon
the stomach, healing tho mucous mem-
branes and restoring the natural func-
tion of the stomach, that caused Yuruno
W bring such prounpl relit le
lurinit Cotripeny, Calumba., Oliio, 1'.`;.A.
She (in evening costumel—"Is not my
dress becoming, dear?"
Ile—"Well, it may be coming, but is
not some of it rather late?"
1s Highly recommended as affording in-
stant relief from pain—Neuralgia. Head-
ache, Gout, Rheumatism, Catarrhal
Colds. Sample, 50 cents. All druggists
or Lyman Bros. b Co., whoksalo drug.
gists, Toronto.
Student --"Something is preying on my
Professor—"It must be very hungry."
The superiority of Mother Graves'
\Vor(n Exterminator is shown by Its
good effects en the children. Purchase
a bottle and give it a trial.
Among the Indian Gonds a bride Is
carried on her brother -tri -law's back to
the house of her friends, and is mede
to weep with each of them. while they
give her small prevents of money. \Vhcn
the ceremony is about lo be performed
at the bridegroom's Mouse the bride
hides in another house, and cells "Cool"
and the bridegroom's brother-in-law
searches for her. As she enters the
bridegroom's house two spears are plant-
ed before the door to make on arch.
and the brdegreem pushes her Through
the girl hanging tusk. On the day nt-
tc • the wedding the bride and bride-
groom throw mud at each other for
snort. Among the Marries, all the wo-
men of the bridegroom's party are shut
up in a iouse with the brides sisters
buShnnd. They all let upon him, and
beat him, so that iw is usually glad to
escape as so'At as possible.
\\'Ise Fnlher Ito mnrried son)—"You're
hi ung very comfortably, 1 see, but are
yet. saving any rneney?"
Wise Son (whisperink)--"Yes; but don't
tall my wife."
Black Remark-
able for
flavor. The big black
plug chewing tobacco.
iIER 1)I11:AA1.
Lady (engaging rook—"Why did you
leave your last place?"
Bridget Maloney—"Whoa, mum, the
mistress said she cudn't do wihout me,
so 01 came to the conclusion that Oi was
worth more then she was givin' me, and
lift at wanstl"
in Ahyssinin. Ilia hese and its con-
t• nts belong to the wife.
Miss Wilhelmina McCbarles ofPow.
assail, Ont., write• : " I have proved
Earn -Bak a beadle( balm for eczema.
My father had it very bad on his handsna nd ht
they were swollen very much. E
oavlhe decided "yl
y u er% i foriRRingworm which I could
no: remove roll I tiled Zees-fluk. This
removedlhe ilia/Werra le a very short time.
were err
in the mornirg leases hap
much improved. H. itiaralets tuntinued
using Zara•B(ak and the eetcma is now all
gene. I hold Zam•Duk in high esteem as
a healing 141m." is Healing. Soothing,
Autlseptie. Of ■Ildrug.
Zal: gds" ate Mer. a, sx. et
club Co.. Toronto.
Wilson' s
Three hundred times bete
ter than sticky paper.
Bold by all Druggists and General Stores
and by mall
A(IENTS WANTED. A reliable man in evsiy l
fifty and town In Canada. with waterworks 1.• pelt!
• patent article needed In every tome, h ,tel ands
ubllc building. Malls at Night. Hustlers can!
d are making IS.a) a day. `write at Dace fo
.articular•. (leo. T. Cole, Owen Mound, Ontarlol
and (,'....deg. This I. • sp..'.1t, with th.
sass iportkralara bi post .ed we ars sore 30.a+tory
sows Ns Nat laminas.
A responsible agent In every city In
Canada to represent
The Larder City Cold Mining Co., Limited
I 0 full p.uticuli.; apply
Ilcnry R. Darrell,
8 Colborne 51., Toronto.
si•rrtsorc.f- ro 0.t 7Are70 C41%00 CO
The Befit an& Cheepest
Canoes...YAM Launches Eta
33 Scott St., TORONTO. Phone Main 1311
Stocks bought and sold on all exchanges
for cash or luirgin.
Cobalt order's executed for cash.