Exeter Times, 1908-06-11, Page 6FORTY LOGGERS WERE LOST'GONDENSED_E%S ITEMS Great Typhoon Struck the West Australian Pearling Fleet. A despatch teem Vetertt, B. C., says: lir:ngueg new; „f an unpre stented ds - a -tar to the peer' ng Pett eft West Au- stralia, involving the loss of 40 tuggers and 27) lives in a typhoon, the Cann- di+in-Aus-raelan Liner %1anhike arrive.! 0:1 \Weelne•dey altcrn on. 'I'i.o disaster k: the fleet of the pearling tuggers oc- curred t:e,r Thursday ',laid, u tyi>e o•>n striking the Ilc'et just as it was start- ing for the leered ng grounds, scant ring tt i w<swdi• co1110o:41Y wracking sane and doling otters ashore. About teenty Austral an Deriders wore lost. The other v'c!ims were Ma'ays, Manila men, Japan• v: tin 1 K,inak is. The sur- wrvels repel ted hare w no weer ewes, straw h,v.ng b em pie el up ei tela last stupee of exhasa u. after haw ng cut away their masts and huv.ng bee 1 cling- ing t., the wrecked hull, will.. sharks foie w ;l, waiting for 1 .c"e xh:ui.'te.! m; n to drop from 110 w:e.:kage. Many were re: -cited by the steamer P. roo,settt from Broome as a relief slitin1 r. The tedi..s of seine of the 'feints wore eat- en by sharks. The b^arh tear Br.otne prosenLe a. terrible s'ght, cevcr.d with w.t kage oral Lodes. A HOSPITAL ROMANCE. Toronto Nurse Weds a Wealthy Pltila- dclprian. A despatch from New York says: Touched by the sympathy and solicitous cure shown by Miss Mabel Ireland, for- merly of Toronto, Canada, assistant su- perintendent in Ur. Bull's Sanitarium, 33 East 33rd street, to his wife, who wns operated on in that institution four years ago, Charlie Burgh of Philadelphia culd- vatod an acquaintance with the pretty nurse, which ripened into love and re- sulted on Wednesday in their marriage in '"The Little Church Around the Cor- ner." Miss Ireland, at the time they met, was a new nurse on the hospital staff. She cared for Mrs. Burgh until her death, winning the respect or the husband by her cheerfulness and kindness. The ac- gteaintance begt.n al the bedside was re- newed later, and at Christmas time Mr. Burgh won the consent of the young nurse to beooine his wife. They wero married on Wednesday by Bev. Mr. Boughton. 'There was a wedding break- fast at the Park Avenue Hotel, and Mr. and Airs. Burgh went to the Ilotel Bel- mont until (heir Failing on Thursday on the Hamburg -American Liner Amerika. Their honeymoon will extend over nearly all Europe, including a lengthy stay in Sweden. On their return in the fall they will live In Philadelphia, where Mr. Burgh is President of the Commercial Coal Company. HUNGRY SCHOOL CUILDlu;'J. Terrible Destitution in New f'ork's Lower East Side. A despatch from New York says: The reports that hundreds of pupils in the pubic schools of the city are suffering front lack of pioper nourishment as it result cd :o many to sons in the poorer tractions of the c.ty being out of employ- ment wero given Mlle al consideration by tho Associaton for the Irnprwing of the Condition of the Poor on \Ve•t- nesiay. To every school Principal in (healer New York the os'ociation sent letters r' guestng them to immediately rr-tfy 'la) use eiation of cas-s of desti- 4uti<,n. As a rearIt it is expected that rel of w IL be sent to hu- deeds cif haters within the next few days. The assn- calien 's hang ris•..le•l in this work by the Ui led 11ebrew Chu. ties S'ciety. Mete than five 'limbed children of the scl'o 1 di -.triols on the lower East Side are in need of fo.d. ocoording to a re- port made ort Weans lay by D'strict Sup ..minden! Jul a It climate lit many ore; s it has been found It►•tt child. n go without fo en an aveiago of tw 1 days n week. Many of these children have foin'.d in settee' from kick of nourish- ment. Ths is what has led lo the die- ceevery of the drill ,raja poverty. -- -d' (WHOLE Ft1111.1' ASPIIXI.fTED, Mother and Three Children Dead in Chicago. A despnl'h from Chicago says: Mrs. Mary lawman and her three children were found dead early on Wednesday al their home, 69 Tell Court, having been asphyxiated by gas escaping from a stove. Mies. Ikoerman on 'Tuesday night entertained lite children of the neighbor- hood at a party in honor of the birthday or her etdee( daughter. The company trek.• lip at about 11) o'clock, and trent thnt tune until \\'evineelny, when the belies were towed by neighbors, nothing was seen or henrd of them. A rubber tube which conveyed gas to a small cok- ing stove was found detached, and It is supposed that It slipped off during the night. the house filling with gns. BRIDE WAITED, (:ROOM (:Ami: NOT. Cul Itis Throat Exactly at the Wedding Hour. A des: atch from Winnipeg says: Al- exander Stott. a young foreman of the Winnipeg Paint and Giese company, comnidt d suicide in his room on \\'ed- nestay night by culling his throat. 6.0ett was to have been marred to an estinaablo young lady in this c ty, and the wedding Was 14) havo liken pince at eight o'c'o k \Vtdnesiay evening. The questa had aeembl.d casette house of 111 , bride. but. as Seal d d n..1 put in an appearance at the appointed hour, arc bride's brother and ono of the gucds Method for his lodging -house to loom what was kooping the br.degneora. They y found Soot! lying on the bed dead. Ili: had d ne the deed at the exact hour the w•tril:ng was to have taken place. The only motive that can be suggested is financial straits and mental derange- ment. .,@,00$ kl•it. AT WINNIPEG. Big Abattoir Gutted and Quarter of Con. teatts i)ostroyed. A despatch from \Vinnipeg says: A spectacular fire swept the great abatt,ir of Co.(' n, lot:s'dcs and Fates, located at the corner of Logan. and Trinay, on '1'hws.:oy. Th' lo s is said to lx at Last $50.000, o)wero.l by insurance. '1117 in - Wrier was completely destroyed. Con- tai:rod in the ruined leu Id ng were 200. - (ER carcases of pork and 5,000 carcases of beef. Of this number probably ono - quarter wero dostro;;ei. EIGHT RIVER DRIVERS PERISH. Boot in Which They Were Recurnatg Went to Pieces. A despatch from Froder:elon, N. 11., says: Eight .nen employes} en W. J. Nobles drivo for the Cush ng Company woo drowned by the breaking of -ii bat- eau while they were shooting Lhe rep ds a'. (ho i eutlis of the lieg Blank River on '1'ueelay. 'l'he victims were residents ot the St. Bali' Dstr:cl, in Madnwa<kn. They had so:uro.i an old balani, and wero on their way home after the drive. •l. THE DEADLY 011. CAN. farmer's Wife Was Fatally Burne:l by Kerosene Explosion. A despatch from Medicine Ilat says: The wife of A. J. Olsen, a farmer living rat Row Island, was burned to death on Tuesday evening while preparing supper. The cause of the nceident was the ex- plosion of a coal oil can which Mrs. Ol- sen had used to start the fire. MURDERED 1115 STEPSON. Saskatchewan Farmer Convicted and Sentenced to Death, A despatch from Prince Albert, Sask., says: 11. 11. Barrett was foetid guilty of murdering his stepson on his farm near Egg I.akc, and was on Wednesday sen- tenced by Judge Johnston to be hanged on July 17. The crime took place last October. RUSHING '1'EI.EPIIONE 1W0ItK. Manitoba Government Awards Contracts for Supplies. A despatch from Winnipeg snys: Coon. tracts have been awarded by the Govern - trent Telephone Department for poles, lines, supplies and construction works to be curried on in the province this year. The total annunt set aside for this work is 8500.001. CROPS LOOKING SPLENDID Everything Points to Increased Returns for tho Western Farmer. A (k sea' h from \\'innseog sari: Mr. W. 0. Mu'tthew•s, General Manager of 13. G. Dun & Company, reached Menne leg on W.dn -s.key, retur.iing from his nnnunl tr:p of !napecl:on through tie west, and gives a !noel encouraging atntctnent concerning hs ob crvntions. 11e ansa: "In the comet o It s 1 found wvlen:ewtle. trade very go_d; in fact, most of the dea'ets there snid their safes were tap to lost year's, but the relaileera are ta•mpinening of duller l tee's, and the battler interests are very mu it depreas- el Mem of the Inrg•) fetus are shut down • nt rely, while sent of therm aro rutin ng rot short tune. Tilly aro all look ng f.'rw•ar 1 well a gr et ,'e e1 ef in- krn,l to thq crop to the 'tore western Provinces here, and they are very hope - fu' in o,nsequenc) of the ext llent con- ehliotas at pre ent. "Pto.•ieets of the frail crop there are good. Thla is berom!ng a very import- ant port of the business ►rtuation. 'In Calgary and Edmonton trade was better than 1 expected to ilnd it. The crops all through the territory 1 have been over aro looking splendid. (ore ditlons have been very favorable for getting in the seed; rains in the west. ern Provinous have. come earlier than lkual that year, and all they want is warm weather now to produce what they all think will be a bumper orop. The acreage L3 largely tnereaved, and everything potpie to lncretteed returns for the hewer." 11.\11'1:\I\GS 1-i(011 el.L 01.-1 1118 (:LOBE. Irk -graph Rrirls Trona Our Own aaa Other Countries of Recent Events. C:\NAV►.e. Cele sentries in Lethbridge for May totalt',1 $8.000. Iteg•na well have a new lire hall on 1)• winery street. It g ua Germane are organ iz ng for a 1') ), treat. rung'•rf:st. - A it -w tire hall will be built on Sev- eute•vath :.venue, Calgary. The bounty on 1. a l exp-l',s It's year, but. Is to le renewed fur liv.••yea,s. (:anttda s peat de+,+:sits ar.) to be ro ported up .n by a Swedish ex -ert. A Ilaruat,n Lank was. swaulled out of ah ,tit 8203 Ly tnrnns (•f 1 ogwt olio ks. The t .tat rainfall t r Slay in Toronto was 4.36 int hes, the great at .n fourton years. For the first five mouths of the year building permits, in Toronto showed a f.+fling a ff of $3.616.825. Th.e,eo is a rt) ion). nt en foot to inter- est Canadians in contribut ng 1,waris the British Navy. Doug:ell McNeill, C. P. ii. section fore- man, was found dead at Winnipeg. It is a case of suicide. .'horsy Hayden, 11 eontrac'or ot Co - ba t, t.ai his head Limn off by the pre- mature eeplosiou of a blast. Plans for the new $100,000 C.ol:'giute In tatuto in Regina, the first in Sas- keit askat •h.:wa . have Men accep ed. '1'l:ere is a complaint front Carlyle, Sask., that seed pen n sent them by the Gcvetnrnent (t inn) s,torer 1:as failed to genuine t'. IL is t urn nre:1 at Niagara Fells that Ito C. N. R. will sectile Int entrance to Unit- ed Stater territory over th 7 Niagara River tieing the Electric l) vel pin.nt Company's holdings for the purpxe. GENLI3:\L. Four revere earthquake shocks wero all al Yalta, in the Crimea. 'flew pewees have int -:rine.' the Porte Ihaal 'leek SII troops 1111151 be w'.t•'d. awn front. Santos as soon as order has b.cn r.sto o . S ti warn, a Lei"s•o lrewer, was sen• fenced to 12 years hard labor ant rer- pettull loss of civil rights for selling military s.•crcls to Franoe. An attem_ t w•ae made to assassinate \I:rjor lacy -Ms dr:r•ng the eoein. n to: in cense ien wah the 1'0119vn1 et 1.•;1as L&dy t, tiro Pantheon, on 'I'htit'o1,:y. A lard, numler of bombe fume' in Ctltiaje, elontenegro, nra said t, have leen mode .:n the direct order of Crown Prince Gorge of Ser:lu, who ors plan- ning the overth'ow of the ptincipa:itf. ,GREAT BRITAiN. Prince Arthur of Connaught is reported tetrothed to the daughter of an English Duke. The Earl of Crewe, Colonial Secretary, was banqueted by the Canada Club in London, on 'l'hunsdoy. UNITED STATES. A seven-year-old boy at. Pittsburg vas struck by a baseball and killed. Mr.;. William 11. Leeds roust pay $204, - OO( duty at New York on a pearl neck- lace. - Capt. Joshua Slocum has 'nought to New York a piece of coral weighing two tors. The Sleet Trust Ls negotinting for a -.towel) el) order for steel rails for the Siberinn Railway. Ilundre'I; of families in Missouri have been driven from their homes by floods 0.1 the Mississippi. The advance bookings show ihnt the Mantic tourist traffic from New York for June is normal. The hong Island Rnilmad's new 10 - wheel locomotive, made a speed of 108 miles an hour. Five hundred Ilulinns stormed the building of a private bnnking concern (•t (:levelnnd which had closed its doors. Becoming insane while vvniting for an opo: ation to restore his sight, John Crane, CI Wealthy retired enol operator, leaped from the window of a I'hilndelphia hos- pital, and was fatally Injured. WAITER SMALL'S DEATH. The Poslmnstrr of Ilardi;ly, Alberta, Shoo:s himself. A despatch from Edmonton says: Post- master \\'alter Smell of llnrdisty shot himself on Wednesday night at a station where he was wailing for the incoming mail. As far as can bo learned no olio witnessed the affair, but a largo number were nil the spot almost immediately and found the deceased lying ince down with a revolver beside him. It is not known whether or not it wns accidental. The deceased had just Intel), retiree) from the firm of Erskine & Small in order to give his whole attention to the post - office. A (:IIUIIV.t131 PIIOl,rIN(G. Farmer Fires it fibot0un Ingo 1'Iv%rlconle Visitors. A despnlch from Teter! rough says: A report has .melted the city of a ohart- ari shooting affair at Ilnlllleboro' at mid- night June :t. A :ern of Mr. James Byers rind recently married and was staying rat his father's house, which was invaded by a rather rlrenuous aerennding party. The elder Byers is ani(' to have fired a tended shotgun into the crowd, the shot plereieg several persons, and Welling - tor. Bateman received a pellet in the eye, which has not yet been extraeled. There is nn prtecution. _,F. 011, STOVE 1113E9 1101'51:. Prince Edwnrd County Enmity lInd to leap from Windows. A desp ell from l'icton says: The borne of Rebert Brawn, Milford, was tot- nily destroyed on \\'ednenekly by a fire which resullied from the explosion of a coal oil stove, Int by Mr. Rmwn early In the morning. The fnrnliy awoke to find the house In nnmea, and had lo jump from upper windows. CUTTING GREAT DIAMOND' RE WORLD'S MARKETS I'Iti;i'.\Iti\(. Mfr: 111 t I:E.0 1'011 KING EOM AILD. Tests With Clay elodel Show Rest Way to 'treat 1t. 1 lien Imbedded in Cement. Besi los the delciLs already g vert out Fy the sten w1N, aro negotating the work of cutting the Cu'.linan diamond, the gift of the Transvaal to Kang t:1 - ward VII., the histor•i; stories of the Knhu:oer, (n:een Victoria's ce'ebrated gene, pals Boor ineffectual tires, Quie'- lv and unostentatiously Lous Ascher and 11nry Duizend, of the firm of Joseph Masher dr Co., of London, Pares and Amsterdam arrive) in New fork the oth •r day, but they were tenni i out and made to talk of Ile grates( jewel pe rhsps the woad has ever known. In the first place, the Cullutan dia- memd, rifler it has leen cut, is to be p:a.•ed um•)ng the crown jewels c? the 11( yul fancily c•1 Great 13naain, and the work .1 repainting 1 i n'o part and re- nt .v ng loss bat cefec:s %wan <a ent al y n del:cute one. Joseb Ascher, epee of the firm, undertook the task in Per- s'n. First he cleft the diamond .into two pias in such a way that a defective sot in it was split exactly in the entre, leaving a part of this def 1, on each pieeeo•f the stone. New. tern one peeve L: be ng cut the large do.n di :d, and tee otter part will be cut into smal`er sizes, and even then one of these :mailer stouts when finished will he ono e1 the la.g°st diamonds in existence. The largs r stone probab:y w.11 bo drop- shaeed. I.ou.3 Ascher expliinel how the work was dote. Fent. Ire sad, it was neces- sary !o proceed s:..wvly in so line o. tant ar undertaking. A andel of the dia- mond was prepared in clay and cxicr(- mente wero teed upon this n►cdel, in ord r to arrive at a definite plan of pro: cufvre. E\1DEDDED IN CEMENT. When it had been determined how beet 1.) go ova a special 13ex, with sliding sides, was prepared, nod the diamond was embedded in cement and placed on the top of a suck, rot unlike a large d:unistick. and an incision about one - hell of nn inch in depth was made by aiwther slick, in which wns emb.rdcted a spar,: -c It ng diamond, edge toward. Wl:en the incision was made a slec ally - c nstr•ucted knife blade was placed in the slit and struck with terrific force yeah a LkIck piece of steel. cleaving the stone in twain. The cleaving, which took place some time ago, wes J erf)rrn- ed in the pres.nce of several exrerts. Now that the stone has been cleft. Mr. Assecher said, the process of pointing t is under way. 'Titreo then work in one room frr rn seven o clock In U10 morning ut:t.l nine o'clock at night and never i ave ter an instant during' that period o' titno. There men are in a spr o!ally arranged room and no one eLee is rer- mil'ed to enter It without the consent of sane ntemier of the nrrn, who th:rc- uron accompanies the v seer. The J:olwsh"ng of the .t:nnionds teas re- quite' De rnnnufuctuie of special in- struments. A special "dop," as it is salt d. has tem made, weigh ng about two:nty pounds and treasuring about six inches across. The milt used is of cast Iron and steel and is fifteen and one -halt Inches acre»s, snaking 2.400 revolutions it m nute. The mill is lubri- cated well a preparation consisting of esushed dianiond powder and oil and necessarily n large quantity is util`zed. A•: the "dip' iso heavy, it is impossible le lake the big diamond from the mill with the hand, as is usual, and there - fere a spec tel instrument has been made for the purpose. This mechanical de- vice is so oonstruc:ed that it. orks by foot power and rases the dianc,n<l front the mill. PURE DIAMOND OF 500 CARATS. Thiit part of the stone which is being preeare I for King Edward will ho DO- tw:cn live and s.lx hundred carats In wee ght and ef the purest colir, said \lr. Asseher. 'Then he told of the extraor- dinary precautions observed to guard such a precious poasession. `The diamond,' he said, "Ls kept in the strong roan of our new factory and i3 guarded day and night by four armed p 1 a. men. 'Phis strong to ;n) is on the gretund floor of the factory end the walls of it are three-quarters of a yard thick and of strong iron. The door con be oj.c,:ed only by a comb nation td num- bers, which is known to no one but three m•,nbers of the Item. "Once the door is niu•ned a strong. iron 'erred door is displayed to view, and this has to be unlocked before the strong roozn can he entered. At the left of the room there Ls a mahogany cupboard of ordinary appearance, with two hnnlles, but with tv) locks visible. There are, however, n(no locks behind the sal ng panel. The door of the safe is eight Inches thick and it conceals Iwo safes. in one of which the Culli- nnn diamond reposes of night. "We observe et 11 further precautions, however. Th' head of th) firm, accent - pan ed by no fewer than ten men, takes the dituuord to its &vivre .feeling plata ter tine night and returns it to Iho work- ing room in the morning. There is it small patent recording clock outside the strong roo:n and it is the duty of the night wa'chmnn to ninke a certain ;nark on th`s clock every half hour, and h.• must live up to this duty to the sec - end. despite the fact that the armed pclicc•m rn are en patrol throughout the bulking every moment of the night." LOVE'S BROKEN DREAM, 1 hey were pnrting at the door. She st(e0(1 folded in his arms, stroking hie moustache, while he looked into her eye% of blue. For a time no sound was heard, save the gentle smack of their colliding lips. At length, she said, "George, dearest, do you know why 1 love you so well?'' "No, darling. Why?" "Recoilse when you kiss rno you re• mind me s0 tnuch of my poor dear little pe.odle Ihnt died last summer." Now she wonder why he broke off the engagement ani went west, 1UI'OI;TS FROU 1111P.. LEADING telt WE CEN IIuS. lakes of l'.allle, Crain, ( ..rest OILcr hairy Produce at Monte atilt Alt uad. !lits DSI UFFS. Toronto, Jule 9. -Manitoba Wheat -- N6 1 northern, $1.16Y; No. 2, $1.13; Ni. 3, 31.W; teed, praDt.cally trine of- t ring, 11, 111.11 1 qu eat ons are 70.:, No. 2 feed, eerie Georgian Bay jests. Ontario Wheat -No. 2 white, 90 ; No. 2 red, 90: eutsile; No. 2 rated, 90e; no geese. Cern-,V•). 3 yAlow, nominal at 810 to 52e, 'loront ► freight, but. no LU -3 nage do- ing. free leo high. %•':our -- Aian:t.-be patents, special blends, $6; so:ands, $5.40; stip:tg bak- ers', 35.30; %%inter wheat patents, dull at $3.45. Birley --No. 2, 57e outside. Peal -NJ. 2, 92c to 93e, outside. liye•-No. 2 scarce rine wanted. 88c. Buckwheat -No. 2, 61%c to 65c. Oats -No. 2 white, 47c -k, 48e outside; N',. 2 mixed, 45c to 46c outside. liran-322 on (rack, Toronto. SlX/rts-$25 here. COUNTRY PRODUCE. \VIolesa!e quotat'ans are. lagge-New-laid, 17•; to 17X,,c. Butter -It looks as if the totem priors had leen reached for the present, though the murket is still weak. Creamery, prints 21c 10220 do sol ds .... .... .... l9e to 2.(K Dairy prints 1801) d, tub .... .... .... 17c to 18c Inferior .... . 16: to 17c Ileney Strainel steady at itt to 12c leer pound for 60-pounl pails, end 12c to 13e for 5 to 10 -pound pails. Conies at $1.75 to 32.50 per dozen. Potatoes-Ontarios, 800 to 85c; Dela- ware, We. to 95c in car lots on track here. Cheeso-Ord. 13e for large and 13%C for twins, in job lots here; new make, 13%c for large and 12c for twins. Been:: -$1!90 to 32 for primes, and 32 to $'1.10 for hand-picked. Baled Straw --S8 to $9 f e:• ton. Bale! Ilay-'timothy is quoted at 311 to $15 Jeer kin in car lots on track here. PROVISIONS. Perk -Short cut, 321 to 321.50 per bar- rel; toes=, 317.50 L3 $18. Lntd-Tierces, it%c; tubs, 1I%c; pare, 12e. Smoked nod Dry Salted !Heats -Long clear bacon, 10j1,c, tons and cases; harts, medium and light, 12: to 13y,c; hams, large, ll%c to 12c; backs, 160 to 16%c; shoulders. 9Xc to 10c; rolls, 10c to IOXc; breakfast bacon, Ito to 15c; green treats, out of pickle, lc less than smoked. a1U MONTREAL ML\RKE1.S. M n real, bete 9 -Flute-?\lanitoba spring patents, $6.10 to 30.20; se end patents. 85.50 to $5.70; winter wh al pat- ents. 35.25 to 35.75; straght rollers, $1.25 k, 31.50; in bags, 82 to 32.15; ex- tra, 81.50 to 51.75. Rolled Oats --52.75 to 32.9) per bag of 91 pounds. Oats -No. 2, 52c to 53c; No. 3, 49c to 50c; No. 4. 48c to 48Xc; rejected, 46yc to 47c; Manlyd)a rejected, 48c to 4S%c. Cornu cal -S1.75 to $1.85 per bag. \lillfeed-Ontario bran in bags, 821 to $22; sh,rLs, $23 to 321; \lalik,ha bran in bags. 823; shorts, $21 to $25. Prov s ens -Barrels short cut mess, $22.50; half barrels, 311.50; clear fat back., 823; dry salt long clear hacks. ale, torrent plate beef. $15.50; hal bar- ites arre's do.. 39; oanipound lard, 11Xc to 9j/,c; pure lard. t2'/.,c to 13:•; kelt! -ren- dered. 13c to 13Xe; hams, 12%e to Its, accw-rding to size; breakfast bacon. lac to 15'; \Vinds ar boom, 15c to 16 •; fre.sh- hellid absttoir-dr's.ed hogs, 89.25 to 39.50; live, 36.75. I3r.'rt r -The kcal butter market is ensy, w th finest creamery qu e:ed at 22c on round lets and 22Xe t, eroc rs. C!.e s -Local receipts to -day were 5.- 636 :636 j a:ltog es, compered with 2.021 for the to roept:,tading day of lest year. Eggs-Selcctrd, 18e; No. 1, 16'3 c to 17c, and No. 2, 14c per dozen. tNrrieD STATES MARKETS. Buffalo, Jure 9.--Wheat-,'!n• ng high- er; No. 1 Northern, $1.11X, carloads; Winter steady; No. 2 red. 99c. (orn- Slronger•; No. 2 white, 80c; No. 2 yel- low, 80Xc. Oate-Steady; No. 2 mixed, 52:; No. 2 white, 56 to 583 c; No. 2 m ;ed. 52c. Barley -58 to 65e. Bye - 89c. No. 1 on track Canal freights - Wheal, 5c to N(w fork. %\I:nneapol's, Minn., Juno 9.- Wheat -No. 1 hard, 81.12% lo $1.12,'.;; Nn. 1 Northern. $1.10% i) $1.10X; No. 2 Nor- thern, $t08% to $1.10%: Ne•. 2 Nort! ern, 31.0894 to $1.08%: No. 3 Northern, 31.01 to $1.07; July. 31.07 to 81.08; • Sept., 91;4 to 02c. Flour --First patent, 35.50 to 85.00; eerond patent, 85.30 to 85.15; fire! clears. $1.25 to 31.35; seoond clears, 85.55 to $3.65. Bran -In bulk, 320.511 len 820.75. Milwaukee, June 9.--1Vheat - No. 1 Northern, 41.12 to $1.13; Ne 2 Northern, 81.60 to 81.12; July. 9I% ride d. 'lye -- No. I, 79 t, 793 c. Watley -70.; snnaplc, ee to 66c. Corn -No. 3, cash, 72j,, to 7334'; July, 70' neked. CATTLE MARKET. Toronto. June 9. -The gtinHly of the offerings lately has been very good cam - Fired with what was on the market n few weeks ago. A number of very choice export cnt4le sold at 30.15 to 16.35. Fair- ly gond exrorlers brought from $5.75 to $6 The best butchers ns a rule dirt not sell for more than $5.70. but in a few cases $5.80 was paid. Good loads of butchers' brought $5.20 to 35.50. Milch sews nre a little off, as the en- quiry for them Is not quite an active. Sheep and ninths ore quoted lower again, but found fairly reedy sale at the reduced prices. Calves are oleo lower, or large offerings. Tho hog market Is still tinchangcd, although the receipts were very heavy. During the hot weather tnriners find It safer to sell their hogs alive, rather than dress.tl, which fact is responsible for tete light receipts of MURDER IN RAILWAY CAMP Serious Stabbing Affray at Reynold's Con- struction Camp at Iroquois Falls. A despnl:h from Ilai'eybury, Ont., flys: Word has reached here of a seri- ous stabbing afire), at Itoyneele' con• struc:ion camp at !rogues Full about lio meats north of here. on Saturday night. As a result Fritz lemur!, a ioel- ntan of Slanh pe, Qu„1.e'c, is dead of Ins wewrhs, and Thomas S. Wright, a 10.10/1111 11 in the un lose et the Beynelds Co., is under arr.st, chargel w.th or- der. Two other men Froin the camp, Michael \lords and James Q)u mm, are also wide, arrest, charged well a kting and abetting \\'right in rho murder ref Young. The three pri: orets ate now awaiting trial, and are oonfind in the jail at New Liskeard, The afire. :s slid t•) have settle] with some words between Young an i Wright over the former having k'ft Iwo beats un the river instead of (ringing them town to the camp again with him. Wright is said to have conic out of the tent to where the other t%vo enrol (.wine and Menlo wero silting and told them he would knife l'oung a new knife tie had pee -Neel U.at day. The men urged \\'right to tight h in with his tis's test •ad, Lied t ey all three returnee1 to the tent. elite° the light, in which they all took part, en- stsed. A to .k, a Fr• n: !man named !iris:on. was in the tent unci ►ran -god to separate the ere it. but when le %tent to lift 1'owtg to ped h in out of the tent Its found that th • man was bleeding profteie'ly front a knife wound itt the s:..nines, 't ung begged to he l:ik•'n lu \tc- r) •tic a; ('hut<rr, where he (•111141 is nt.- ten c.1 t o by it do: t .r. s, th.' men wvrnp- itc 1 lam up in a Hinkel u,. l stilt d .n 41 !Davy rain-I!o:•,n in a t>' at f ,t• the l:hu'es at about 9 o'clu k on Sata:day night. About live nuts up ilii• river they deeded to camp for the it ght. Yeling was in tot) se1•i0us it tillt1.1:011 le bo moved, 9) they left han in the heat. \Vhon th y return it next morn- ing they found the mean was dead. PERSONAL POINTERS. Through up to a certain point, but on this cccnsron llt port w'LLS under the tkr:ors Notes of Interest About Some of the re. trictious, and Irving, in relating the World's Prominent People. 'Incident afterwards to Mr. (:urs, said. Colonel \V. It. Robertson, who is to be- ennys)n touk lite glass, and 1 finished lh= heals, ootno brigadier -general under the new The swaths', (loyal Family has no Aldershot chief, Sir 11. Snilth-Dorrten, been without it, love romances. Gust ha,, had a remarkable career. Ne enlist- e., who succeeds King Oscar, is n cult - ed as a private in Ilia 16th Lancers thirty tired man like his father, with nn ex - years ago, and spent over ten years in ltrmely well-balanced mind. Ile has Hu! ranks before getting his first conn Esthetically held the reins of (lovernment mission in the 3rd Dragoon Guards. Ile for the last seven }eat .and has proved was only a captain in the early days Oft himself a ruler in whom the people can the Beer War, and in less than eiglo I place every reli:ut e, And yet in his years has risen from this rank to brig- yc•uth he fell in love with the daughter aduer• of a country clergyman, and offend to When King Edward desires to pay t• - renounce all his lioyal rights if his father call on a personal friend a niessage to ,%%•cold allow hem to marry her. King lhi: eflect is sent earlier in the day. This -Oscar, however, refused, and the Crown is almost Invariable, but on ate oc- Prince, as he then was, was obliged to cask,n His Majesty neglected Uto precau- give up his love dream and marry Men- tion, and on arriving at the house of his .cess Victoria of Baden, in order that tho friends found the hosts out of town alio !succession might be properly secured. the cltarwournn in charge. The King de- curiously enough. however, King (>scar sired to go in and write a message, bur gave way when his second son, Prince was asked by the cautious caretaker foe hie created a sensation, nearly hven- hi, card. and as that was not forihonn- :y years ago, by nunuoncing his intention Jug declined to let Min in. "Ile w t;1 c'f marrying MLss I:bhn Mtmck, his a very pleasant, ci•il•epoken gcntlenuin,•' , n:nurse's favorite maid o)f honor. Tho she told her employers on their return. , n:arringe look place in 1888, and in cen- "t,ut as he hadn't a card I left him out- • sequence Prince Oscar renounced all rights of succession to the throne. The youngest of the late King's sons Is Prince Eugene, who is a painter by prof(issk)n, and spends most of the year in l'aris, where he Las n studio. It Ls Enid that be clears quite 310,000 a year from his art. Fortune, we aro told. only knocks rat a Mans door once in a lifetime. and If re - hoed admittance passes by, never to re - ;ern agnin. The saying is belied,,how, ever, by the career of Mr. George Mc- Ct:lloch, a Glasgow boy, who nrrivethfitf Australia just under sixty years rel) with less than $25 dollars in his pocket. and who died the other dry it million- aire. 'This Is ltowv Mr. McCulloch threw away his first chance of acquiring a fortune. One night, sitting in a tine shanty rat the foot of the Broken Hill mine, soon nfter its discovery, he played a game of euchre with a companion, h.s side." It was only some time afterwards that the toaster of the house discoverer_ tohis horror the identity of the visitor. Seldom does one find such a curious combination of talents in one man no. Ictal which gained vane wad faint for the late Mr. William Jacks, I.L.D., whose will has just been proved at 3562,500. Mr. Jerks, who was of Bumble parentage, be- gan life in a Hartlepool shipyard, ant: laid the foundation of his fortune by sav- ing; u cargo of iron sold to a fraudulent Italian. A keen shrewd business roan. he soon earned promotion after chang- ing front the manual to the commercial side of the works, and ultimately fount: - cel his own successful business as ar iron and steel merchant. His leisure time he devoted to self-improvement, one. developed not only into n notable mar" of letters, but became one of the fines: (-ermran scholars in 'e.rope. Ile wrote several valuable books, the best lutow.' stake being a fourteenth share ei'e' t of which, perhaps, are "Robert Burns iJi wino itself. Ile lost, and the share w I Other Tongues" and "i.ife of Bismarck,- thus passed out of his hands w•..: • the latter earning the praise of all for- ••(ars later, worth no less Ihnn $6,2:, t '1. eign critics. And yet Mr. Jnck's educe- Then Dame Fortune gage-ltim lion proper was limited to learning Ike .:hanco. in September, 1883, Mr. Me n • "three It in the village school of Swim !.root was the manager of a small home: - ten. Lanarkshire, Soolland. :.ry sheep station not nanny 'ribs fee Mr. Comyns Carr, the dramatist, hall Broken Hill. One morning a Iioun.Lery met runny famous men during his career, - rider r(.de into the station and ew •it.'.l v and hos a rare .More of anecdotes eon- !Weenier' Mr. McCulloch of another de cerning authors he hoe known. Two o' a covery of silver upon the hill. Straight - these concern the fondness of Tenny• %toy a smell syndicate was formed. and son and Browning for port. The la41er e claim, "pegged nut." All the stnl..n once told Mr. Carr n story about the . -nnds, Including Mr. VeCulloeh, reseed poet's father. Mr. Itmwning, senior, ser.- .•t375 apiece in the ve•n! 41 •. and work wens Ivy hLs son drinking a glass of water on lee gun in er(rin'.st. In n few months the 0110 o casion, turned to him and said.hares of the itmken hill Proprietary"Water, Robert, for washing purposes 1 i :lad a market value of 880.000,000. believe is useful. For navigable canals, ! - -- - am told, it is indispensable. But for T\\l•:\71• MERE I►Itir\\\t:!►. drinking, Robert, God never intended It." -- - Tennyson also loved his glass of port. .. CIn illimet in alru Der. \'eery Geral On ono occasion, when henry Irving ' I►;tn,u;te.m.4-. Laid him n visit, the poet said, "Irving, I Mexico City, Jia .Word 1 is just you llko n gloss of port, don't )'Our , rcncheil this city That twenty lives were "Yes, 1 do," said the rector; whereupon . lest this n(Iern•xrn a►111 property dere• Tennyson poured him out o glass of port, aged to the extent of A:Q,Mi) by it ck►ud- and finished the bottle himself. in later burst in Junnnnnlo. 11 Is said tine of years the snore little ceremony was gone t ilii mole tunnels h:t< 1 ern flooded. PENNY POSTAGE TO STATES Arrangements Have Been Completed Be- tween Britain and the Unitod States. A despatch (rem Washington says: Prstmastor-General Meyer untiounc_d on Wednesday that an acre, tient had been reached meth the Br:tt-.h (1•,vetnme•nt providing for a letter pistils: of Iwo cents an ounce between the L'n•tod Stales on1 Great Britain and Irelanl, to Income operative Oct. 1, 1908. 11e tat - ed further That the 13rttish l'osInlaster- General, Sydney Iluxtin, wns snaking a like announcement to the Rouse et Cumtnons on the same day. Postmaster -General M•:yes believes that this reduction in the rato of post- age in the United Kingdom ulllttlntely will result in an increase in receipts, becai-o it hits always been found That a lower hater rate resulted in increasing the revenue. He is oleo of the opinion that a :ower prxstage will lead to in- creased mercantile interim ". Our dressed, tend the heavy receipts of live manufacturers are increasing User sa:cs hogs, 1 ha England, and must rely it a great ex- tent on the moils for enema.; nn 1 .nor in trade. "Further," hie slated. "Ih's we! is' 1 great loon 1.► our whetted Erg' ;II' se. ak n11 slut 114 and leer rine + I on here peri cuiau ly Ili ere of ! rat t .1414; 1 as it wi 1 email). teem 1) k• e' , tri, n (,r• r sp.ndenee v th their le hey a met mends in the O d Country at deme•ste rates." ANNOUN('F.D IN ill3!Th-Il I!OU-J:. A dispatch horn Tendert snis: 1' nn) postage betwe it Rr.tnin a•:el the (J•1'od Stiles, effective on 0.bol e • 1st, we: en. noun_.d by Pestrnnster.ea moat Buxton in the Howe of Commons on Widnes. day. 11e etpm•sed 1115 (will!. etc' that this re•Asctl'n weld.' greatly i •renx1 th • commcrc al it t'r•re.ure, and l e woe Mal good f' Zings reread; ex est ng !.s t%v, en 11a' two ceeuntr es. The Ninonnee. tnestt of the I'oslinas'er-(,en: ral was grated with hearty checr.ng. 1