HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-06-04, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES, JUNE •1th190s Special Values in Spring Goods at Zwicker's, Oredito n }�c have just received several consignments of Spring Goods and offer special values in Linoleums, Carpets, Wall Papers and Tapestry Squares Better Coo every W irnbe plow$ 140 ktftela Crediton Farquhar All sizes Lace Curtains -from 5o cents to $5.00 per pair, v. , . I mi..7tttzo[ 1 arkhill rano,' parents 1111on Miss Janet l:..y tisieel lee of trrcnds ,u fort' last Friday. . al„I 1. le s) We have the best selection . i ter last week. Lace Curtains we have ever shown and never better values l Mr. Chas. • , Mr. and Mrs. If, avers v;sites! ler. %tt'icltcr spout I'rir.ay of ;iiiil :lea. Jos. !toss at alt. Pleasant. than this season. 1last iwe,ok in London on business, on Sunday last. I Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins, et bchipka, ,Miss Essery, of Centralia was 4 Our Dress Goods -In all the latest shades in Eolines, Poplins ; v;sitcd lir. Mrs. Jas. Hodgins guest at Mr. .las. Harris' last week. Chiffon, Panama Cloths, Vcnerian, Tweed and other friends during the pest i Mrs. Shipley, of \1'oodh:un, visited week. Ira. daughter. Mrs. !)oughts, on Fri - Miss Kate Zwicker of London. who day and Saturday. Deleartlnent under thc management 1 has been assisting in the. rniiiiner. alias Neth: glove: 1. of /Exeter, of !!Miss Armstrong. We are showing the very latest and up• der"'rmenl of here Chas. %+t;rker, ' vi5iced !her parents, .11r. and. Mrs. h ' n'r..1 home. \\'m. iitewart, over Sunday. to -date millinery at very close prices. Th^ monthly meeting of the Ua- P••••• ierg o[ 1'orouto teill ;Ian .i - at l:xe Millinery Department -Do not fail to visit our Millinery We have a splendid stock cf the W. E. Sanford Ready Made Cloth- ing, Considered to be the best line made in Canada. We have just opened another lot of Dinner Sett& beautiful patterns from the best makers. Our stock of Groceries is always fresh and of the best quality Butter, Eggs and Apples and alt Farm Produce taken in exchange A Call Solicited CHAS. ZWICKE borne and JIihlICrt 1118. Co. was held preach next. Sunday evening In the in di, hall hero Tuesday last. Methobeautiful church, b1r. Dewey is a Several of our village attended' the beautiful Finger end it is expecte:!, nomination at Ilcv,s:ail un !Monday that .he will render one or more sol- last. ectionis' 'ltev. Rush Hazlewood visited his The committee who had charge of aunt,tllrs. Geo. 11:, 1. too t, dui in; the 25111 are pleased to report Blab t he 'w.'ek. Ther; :will be a good balanca left !Ii.tlnd Ales. Curti •, of St. Marys over after till :recounts Are paid. visited the forme i's :aunt Mrs. R Bar - What its the matter 11101 our true- para 'Gardiner mi Thursday last. tees with 'regards to 1he cows on the 'Mrs. John Yount, of Dung:tno1i is .itreet9. Don't forget there is a cou- visiting Ther father Mr. .Jas. Harris - plc of mounds.:11 present. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• An Appeal to Common Sense! lS For one suffering from lndigeation, Dyspepsia, heartburn, Pal- a pitation, Flatulence, headache, Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Etc., ' there can be only one natural course to pursue, namely:- ` First: Strengthening the Stomach, making it take out of food 'rile i 1body. the valuable properties which go to t up the t Second: The correct working of liver and bowels to carry away ;; the useless properties and waste matter. This is the designed purpose of National Dyspepsia Tablets 1 • This treatment is complete. The larger tablets act on the atom- • ach and digestive organs, the small tablets on the liver and bowels. • Both kinds of Tablets in each box, also complete directions. '• Price per Box, 5o cts., 6 for $2.5o • FOC 8010 0! McCue's Drug Store, Crediton. Z !•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • •• • • 2 • • Spring Wedding Suits If you anticipate getting married this spring you will certainly want some slick looking duds Here is a Tip Nigo It will pay you to conte here and see how swell we can fit you up and at a very low cost. If you are thinking of a new suit and not the wedding, conte here anyway, we will certainly put forth our every elTart to snake you satis- fied in every particular. J. H. HOLTZMANN, CREDITON e Sick! Made Well Without Medicine Precious Life and Health can be saved by this New Method All Sickness is alike to Oxydonor It applies to all cases, no matter what the forte of disease terry be. It re- vitalizes the human body with OXYGEN from the air,OXYGEN G s a vital Necessity -the greatest necessity life knows. . > You can apply Oxl-DONOR at home while you rest or sleep. No loss of time from your work or buoiness. It is easily applied, safe and always ready for use. Its force never exhausts. it will serve the family, children as well as adults. Write for FRKE HOOK No, Irl to Dr. H. Sanche & Co. ilei! St. Catherine St. \Vest, Montreal, (sue. Paints Paints Z\ •am s at , 'e ll r. Wm. Gale. of St ri throy, IV" fuel nls u veer! it :again myself for th Royal for n f t days this p The Crediton Brownies played tho 11r. and Mrs. Arnold Harris, who have beet' visiting' Centralia Stars n friendly game of g' with friends near hall on FridayHight. The line up God,^rich returned home on Tuesday was as follows: last, \\'e are pleased 10 hear Mr. Arthur Crediton Centralia Gardiner, who has been ill for some Emery Fainter, 0 'l. Dlilchcll 2 G. Iliweitzer, 11 11. Dupla', 0 time, is improving; rapidly. .1L Ic ll:a u It. Andrews, 0 A. Coughlin, 0 9 b Ke t, f McGill. is A. Boltzmann, ! 1'. Boyle, 0 visiting ArchMrs. :Warren McGill. 11. Fahner, 1 C. Duplan, 0 Mrs. Arch. McCurdy and <tau;titer S. ,NVIterth, 1 I. Uampsey p of Exeter, w'e>o guests of Mr, and E. Fahner, 1 U. Counhlin 1 airs. T. L. McCurdy Burin; the week. 11r. Benjamin Beavers. of tVood- '1t. Fahner, 1 II. Bloomfield 0 1,:,,», visited his nephew, 13. W. F. Etvin',llcllurray, 1 A. Duplan 1 ,urin; 1 he week. Poral 4 Total 12 A very pretty wedding look place The 'Brownies intend to play Ihotn nt the ha\\'ome ofnest11r. :utilru1' Mrs. ,lames Lucan nine before long. 'TI>iy aleas, eddtay IJ3rd, when is under 111.1 ruin:%gement of :Mr. their daughter, Cora Minn. tta, 'vas Bert Clark and we understand that united in marriage to Mr. Nelson lt. arrangements Ore being made to have Couch, of Stratford. 'The ceremony was performed by 'Rev. III. J. Fair in .1 he presence of a number of in - Mr. Joe Lawson, who leer the con. titer! ,Guests. The bride was becona- tract of the content va ► . 16s has a ingly gownede d > lawn embroidery. big gang of men nt work now. die with lace insertion and beautiful hat has bought a new• up -lo -data cement to match. !ler travelling gown was mixer run by a gasoline engine. blue ekirt with silk waist. The bride and groom were unattended and bliss Agnes Young, half sister of the bride played 1 tle wedding march. 1n town last week. iSourg couple le were the rcc>I eIrlat hoef s1 r. Billy FI:a}'n • of la iii calla. l a mumher of beautiful presents. spent a few days at the. Royal last, i among /which ryas :w organ the ,gift [:uufly spent of the bride's parents, Guests were Ji r. S. Lamport 81111 friday in IIensall. present fromthe United Stalest Mr. y\V, al, Wenzel, our up -to -da to � S. ;lton- Jlitcheil, Stratford, .Seaforth painter, certainly made :> good rib 1 `a its Dungannon. After the ceremony of Mr. C. Mol z's bus. 1 Mr. l:nits. Couch left for their Mr. Frazer Iltrown, who is attend-' future home at Stratford. ing' Business college in Chatham, left 1 A lemPic Meeting in the interents for that tity last week,' of Mr. Kellerman'. the Liberal Can - WA understand that a couple o[' (Relate for South Buren 'will be hold our Trustees Intend to have 1 he ' to the 1 ublic hall, Farquhar, on sidewalks on the North streets laid, Saturday, .Tune 0th, 1908. The meet,. outside of the trees. %Veil it woull, ln^ will commence at 8 p. m. lir. spoil the looks of tbo town and the t Kellermanand of hers trill! aIdss re driveway must lite nearly four roils 1 tyro meetin'g. wide. A�--- pclition will be Rlarlcd to have them 'where the old sieliawalks EDI/wine I Mr. Jos. 111rcl:ins i+ attending The Parkhill wrap iron mon left county council at Godericb this town with about 110 ton of scrap Iron. weak. \\•e understand that the \Vuerth; '?4r.'ltich:ud Coullis, attended the hoist R Co. have sold their Flax . funeral of his brother Davis at mill to a rmrtpatty in Toronto, and For,.st. who was burricd on later. it is understood that a big factory day. will start 'here manufacturing ropes' Several from the village and t•iciu- efe. 1 ity attended 4 h nominations at can - Mr. J. !Mannon, merchant of Ship- Hensal1 on (Monday. ka,'w•as is town.51o►tday on business.) Glide. the Palms, n scripture can - Mr. 'Bosseriberry, of Grand liens)), feta, twill be rende,cd by a chorus of was in town 8aturaay on nusiness. I 65 %ekes, including' solos. tluets, Mr. 'Erni • Davis. of Exeter, wart in and .suni i!•I1.'s al Uhe Methodist. town Saturday on business. church. Elimt•iIM on Iii lay, ..tune Air. \\'rile 'Wens!. of hhiva, was 12, 1908. 1'ro;r:unnr• will comnroncn in town taking orders for strawber- promptly :at 8.15 p. ut. Admission 25 ries to be delivered 1st July. cents. .Mr. Fred (;:wiser of Shipka, spent Sunday in .town. Mr. 1{ul>, 'Davey road eat. of Cred- Pimples and Boils, 1on event Sunday dayin Centralia. reline .• ise J1 r. Jack tl,a,_.r, of Shiplta, spent HEALED 1.1" 7.A11-13111: Sunday in town. rd r. Joseph Aemit uil resided at We understand the Crediton Stars Cascump c, 1', E, 1 nod flays: - Intend to slay the :Montreal Mown- "About five .months ngo sores ers 1.a•fore long. broke out nn In}' body. They came Th •' Bowling green is Iecomint a in t he tet in el email plrnples which pretty spot in town. 1'h.' boys n re eteeliirged. '1 hese sot .q would not get ting a1x1o119. grow mall 'they got ns lar;e as a Jlr. Conrad Kuhn and Mr. Den. 'dyke!. 1 used Carbolic SlleeS ltith- (b's1,,•icher :ue inisy 'taking tile for out effect. 1 saw• /.:Im-Ituk rid 111 tow'n!►laip- , vcrtised in •the tI a r ams s curia Dl r. Etter !llcl':lIla, of London, wire aorne. 011(1 .d:rily3 t>applleirations of in town last week on buelnoss. this 'lie:sling balm for one week ef- J1 r. 'Levi Cameron. of 511:11 Frog fected a permaneul cure. Mince was nt the Royal for :a Lew days thou I hove recount, nd~d 7,111-Iluk this week. to Orre trother for eel's ort !'is kn1A a game each week. More particulars later. Miss Jennie Brock Jcft for her !tome in Exeter last. trek. alt. s Clara Ctielmoro was visiting 1 g a poisoned finger, in both cases with week m,rvellous results. 1 cannot re- Jir. George IlloltZInann is busy commend %am -auk too highly." 1 have Il sal'r(', stock of llrs•s.•.lays Luilditag ., ho9c for \Vm. 7.9m -hilt the Creat skin healer, jgFenlon in >lcl:illiv,',s. ii. C. Clark can Ate .tbteiii <I at any drug or gen- ARK BRAND PAINTS I,a9 ale. renirael for Pal/1110g; era! More for 50 cents a tete., or ' 11; 9 Mary tSnlf.: and Lies. !'rod postpaid front the 7.a to- /Ink co., \1 ie i l h �i>'t t. Rnn.tay in Harepta•Toronto. =_`The best 1)aint in the market to -day. whi('ll 1 all) selling 1st alr. 'Herb: t1 Eilber took a photo' ' cot to reduce my stock. or the Trades proceesion of May 250h i -+ --- on pest c:,111-yIs. r•y acre ccrtninly a hlrkton I laving purchased the hardware Stock of Mr. W M elan I; dol. , Mr. Charley Irvine ii on his rounds f Mts. A. Welker is til present visit-' nanin enwing wood fur the fanners. eigil, 11(111 ()tiering it at greatly reduced prices. I yo are ins in •11 1ut,it with Mr. and ?1[r'. ,11i9s Cirri • Aiarshall is visiting; her Ilarry Dyer. sister Edna. blr. J. .Jame!, manager of thei 'Rea. Turnbull spent 'Monday visit - flank of Commerce was in Exeter on ing friends in the villa;c. W. 1VI00RE KIRKTON ,„.,,,i,‘,,Mrrose Vti t A nu And' from hero agent Sun- Mr. Dougal woek.nnn. of St. Marys day at And•: rgon and listened to the Wn9 nt 111•• Royal for a fewdays. Rev. Mr. Anderson, of Blyth preach _ this v. eek. i the nnr,iversary of their I * unday ns9crnbly to 'their friends in 3leDon- Mr. F1111011 Moa lock of Dashwood. school. i ensa11. nell'e hall Friday evening. 'there w"11' town Mmtday 011 1419iness. I Nest Sunday the Enz1is11 church wash large attendane Tony Vita'q Rev. 11. 1). !rover, of 8t. T'hom'as will hold their anniversary services 1 Mr. tad firs. \1 n1, Steneman re- Lindon !larone of Ih,• mast able divines of. the at 11 a :m. and 7p.m. :it'll( on Mon- ! turned Inst week from i'oreln. where pries furnished the music, K London Cant rooves 5111 occupy 1 h day rvcnint n garden ptrty will be the'.' visited !tete Medd. pulpit in th• Es'ang,'lieel church, held on Mr. 'Leith's la ten. Lir. 1V, .1, Wilson moved last week sev,�ral 1,011 here ;Mendell thei 'heels Deekes has eneaa.d with to Grand !Rend where be will intend nomination nt lteneell Monday last.ire Marshall for a month. the rummer months. Mr.:\'drew Mittleliolta Priced 81111- hiss Ilatli+ Tufts has •roturee,l t' in 'l.nrtch : home from Petroli•t after spt•ndiri; Mist; Ida Peet t. of London, i• tris- doltev. •1'. R. ('oupcland will ,titre an' 1wiunlontlis there. !tint her ,4taranta. illustrate el entertainment in the Mrs. V. .T. Tufts sprint the 2Ith The Ince hill match played in Methodist church, Crediton, under of May in London. ilrueefiel,l \\'edrosdar evening be. the auspices of the Epworth Lea ;tie ; Mies Vert Hazlewood spent Sun- ttreen 41 •risen end Brueefield re- on June 10th, 8 p. m. Also at Eb.. day under the parental roof. Nolte 1 in U 110. . enexer Methodist chureh on June 1IMiss Mac McCurdy spent %today The beehclera of Renal!! have' an at 8 p. m. 1 and Standby ander the parental roof. deeding anything ill this line it will pay you to call early in 11!1'1 to secure the best bargain. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought ► ..,aaelitissee AI Hears the Btg,nsture of Dashwood 1{ Illy 1) -y 55:18 11•1d iu til,' lsr:ui. Felice' vivre!► on Sunday last Tha Y. I'. A. furnished the program, and the young p'opto who took part did exc..ptionally ttc11. The cor'e'r stone of lee new Luth- eran church was laid on runday afternoon last. Messrs. Ilenry iraft and Lewis Schumacher laid tie stone and the pastor Iter. 31'. bleu end A chance of your lifetime to get \Voll Paper ('heap. We want to clear Rev. 31r. Eidt, ane others gave out all of our wall paper• and to do so will give you a thscoui t of all per cent, sl1011 addresses. Siebert & Co. Wall Paper Cheap 30 per cent Discount. rea929. A number of our citizens attended i!r• nomination at Mensal1 on Dlott• 1 day of thus weak. They nre all en- I thusiastic over their candidate Mr.. Ladies Dong Buis, .... ... ....regular $1. so for $1,20 Jacob Kellerman' and aro confident i that he wjll be. elected on Jul1:'. 8.tIi , A Money Maker in Shoes Mens Pat Colt Blucher .... ....regular $5,co for $.1,5o Give him all the 1►clp,you can. I Don't forget we have Ladies, Mirses and ('hildrens Harts >ecotul to none, The infant child of Mr. and Mrs.: Chas. Schroeder d;i'<1 on friday of price rind style considered. last week II lilt interment taking 1SI ASONABLE GOODS -Mangles, Sugar Beet, Ensilage and Fodder ('orn, place in the Goshin Line cemetery I We can supply your demand. on Saturday. Th • sympathy of the community is ext tided to the he- GIVE US A TRIAL. reeved patents in their sad bereave- - ment. Siebert 116, Co. J1rs, .l.lckMarys, of StMarys visited heel hbn( 1)r. Jack for fewdays last M " us!"aHartleib Block. J1 r. Eel. N,tii„cr 'tried his driverll<1SIIW0C11J, to Mr. T. W. Elliott, of Clintons .-.........-_ last week and purchased n fine two- . year old. All the pinc,'s of business were closed on 'Thursday afternoon last, it beine, Asc; t,s'o day. • Many Special I t, }. of our S Sale citizens went ► fishing Levu;ht Now is the time to bu Lome hitt strin_s of fish. y your Wash Goods for Spring and Summer. You Dr. JlcLaudhlin was in ilamilton will Lind our stock complete in all lines of Muslims and Ginghouas in plain, on business a fewdays ;a_;i week, checked and fancy striped. Also Dimities, Linens, Dress Ducks, etc. Prices . as low as the lowest. The luarterly services were, with- drawn on Sunday morning last itt the Evangelical church owin; to the illness of the pastor, Rev. Mr. Eidt. Mr. John Eidt, of Parkhill visited in town for a few days last week. Mr. S. \\'ill'r1. of Niagara Frills,% is home for n few daya' visit. A number from Zurich drove over We are offering special value in La- dies White Wear of all kinds. Under- skirts, Gowns, Corset Covers, Ladies Vests, Drawers, \Vhite Waists, Belts, &c, &c. A full range of Black, White and Tan Hosiery. ('a11 early and secure your white and tan hose as they are in to attend the services o[ the layingK ter neat demandin and nd likely to be scarce of the rotator stone of the new Lutheran church. Special bargains in Sateen prints while they last. Regular 'Jlc and 23c the yard for IOc yard. A nice range of long gloves in black and white in Silk, Lisle 'Thread and Lace from 25c a pair upwards. MILLINERY ing reached the ate of nearly ei;hty. Don't forget that we have a first - Mr. \Villert carne to this seetioi class Milliner in connection with our !Shen 'the Lardshlps of farm filo store in the person of Miss Kerr, who were many. !lis good helpmate died is capable of satisfying you in all your last fall and since that time he mam. Or Dlill his Immo ;tell; his son. l'he d.._de eryretluirestock isents allin nett'her anlined up-to•dateuinin- ceas'd was a faithful member of the alt the latest styles. Prices That will Lean curch d u polwa, Lo aCouthnsrervativ..hIsonois isurvived by as \shit\'e}•orihave just opened out a lot of family of nine sons. new Floor Hugs in all patterns and DASII\VO0[) SCHOOL RI:POItT sizes in the very latest designs and Class V -V. Graybiel, P. \Villert, colorings. Do not fail to see those 11. Graybiel, N. l' ell^rutann, T., l:el- rugs before making your selections. A lermann. Sr. IV -1', ,Jforenz. C. full range of carpets at low prices. Schroeder, C. Gai erg L. Goetz, 11. CHINA, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE Snell. M. Ehlers, E. Guenther. A. llartleib, V. Graybiel, lie 1\icisanc, Setts, Just to hand the finest line of Toilet G V- II. a iii. Callfas J . I L esus r Gu,;nttler, V, 13rokenshirc. I'.. Guen- ther, 0. /Goetz, V. Siebert. E. \Vil- lert. II1-L. Siebert. !\V. Pfaff, L. Stire• E. NNeeb, J1. Ehlers, 0. Held. A. Tiernan. GEO. Ii. SilO1tE, :Teacher. Jr. III. -J'. fl'ietnan. 0. 'Hoffman, .1. Routledge, A. Koch, 1.. Schroeder, E. McIsaac. Middle 11-L. Musser. I. \Vambold. \V. 'Millet•, 1'. \Villert. Jr. 1L-11. tihroeder, L. Steinhagetn M. IIoffmsn, rT. Mcisaac. Pt. II. -F. Vincon, 9t. !reel,, V. 'blerner. \V. Farr- _ If you need anything in the line of roofing or fenc; i; call on D. Tia - man, hardware merchant, anT he will save you money. Mr. Chas. \Villert, sr., ono of our pioneers passed away at the home of his son Henry. last week. after hav- i MEN'S FUIRNiSIIINGS Onr stock is now complete in Men's Stitt Hats, We have the new smart shapes for men. young men and smart boys. Also a full range of Fedora Hats. Fancy Shirts, Collars, 'Ties, Fancy Nests, 13iaces, and eyerything to ►nake you look neat and smart. All the latest. ORDERED CLOTHING A SPECIALTY Do not fail to see out• large range of new summer Suitings in all styles and patterns in browns, greys, navy,black. etc. at low prices. SHOES! SHOES! SIIOES! All the latest styles in footwear' in Patent Leather, Tans, Chocolates, Blucher Cuts ar.d Oxfords, Remem- ber that these are not the cheap kind that will not wear, but these shoes are the good kind at cheap prices and guaranteed to wear. Our prices are lower than the lowest. HARDWARE Com lee ine > ti t t 1 rf ac res hovels p S Forks. Rope, Paints. Varnishes, Oils of all kinds, Nails Glass, Coil S ring Wire, Barb Wire, also Ideal Vire Fencing. Price as low as the lowest. A full line of Fresh groceries con- stantl • o tit n hand n 5 tet e, r ul inhown) Setts. - } 1 regular Dashwood wood a nd at rices p that 15c Inc llk. Prunes 311) packages for will suit you. We purchased a large`'>t)c. Nalmon 2 for 2>c. Corn and line of those goods at a special price Peas :3 cans for 25c. 2 large bottles and we are giving you the benefit of Catsup 25c. Seeded Raisins 1Oc pkg. the same. Call early. Our prices are right. Call and take a look through our stock before purchasing. Market Prices for Farin Produce. TIEMAN & EDIGHOFFER Corner Store, sold. Sr. l't, 4-I. Held. No. on roll 44. average attendance 38. -M. V. CAItI.ING.- Sr. 11-A. Schroeder. K. Stirs, L. Edi;hoffer. M. Vincent, C. Keller. mann. 31id:lle 11-E. Schroeder, 1i. Schroeder. 0. Davis, I1. Guenther. I. Zimmer. .Ir. 11.-1.. Schumacher. T. %inunc•r. 11. Seliurnach,er. ]'t. 11 NI. Koch, K. ltouticd,;e, G. Gossman, W. Siebert. 11. Willett. No. on roll 45. daily a vera ;t• :I9. W. (!Altl.iNG. Shipka lir. J. 1). Bannon 5'115 in London 1•tst week. 31r. Fred Murray. of Chicago, Is visiting at holt. Boatel -dig. it number from here attended the meeting of Il:irry Eilber at Granit Bend. Numbers from here al tended 1h.' laying of the corner stone of the l):ashwood Lutheran church. A fete of the tion alites held t it lack.'0-the-L,.. meeting' in fair. Chas. Lochner hat%. lir. Mos. Carruthers. of Parkhill, end 'Mr. Thos. Keogh were in Exeter on -business last week. 31 rs. 8. Streit z.'r is a delegate of the L. 0. T. 31. end will bre at .the i.onrlon Conference 011 the kith of .lune. Sunshine Mr. l'crcy 11: aver loot n very val- uable cow during the atom on Fri- day evening last. Mr. Clarence Pletcher was acci- dentally struck on the nose with a baseball on Victoria (,y. Cad is in n very clangorous condition tit the. time of writing and is strictly under the doe toric care. Tom !!)rock, of Exeter, ci.9itc,l friends in this vicinity on undap !:site 31r. A. Camtn's n.iw' k110ti n ii IIea1 completion. A big Stock of 'Tomato. Cabbage, Cauliflower. 'Geranium and Fern plants on hand. Flowers of all kinds. Relight; baskets filled to or- der. Ilan eine baskets fill, d by us deglivered to the ermel<•ry free. A;t. fAt canning' factory tomato plants. Lot!IS DAY. !Market 'Gardiner. Like to Try Bend have Psychine "Please me n bottle of Psychine. I a chile aflictc.l with tuberculosis, a have been advised to try your medicine by our family doctor, as he says he cannot do any thing more for my child." MRS. 11. STEPHE`S. Arthur, Ont., July 14, 1907. Psychine cure, when doeters fail. ; Many are sorry they did not try Psychine first. Throat, lung and sptoomach troubles yield to its curative 1 D . Slocum, Toronto. i nil DASHWOOD �.� The Farmers Bank of Canada Incor orated.hy Special Act of Parliament. Member e f The Canadian Bankers' Association and The Toronto Clearing house. HEAD OFFICE, - - - - TORONTO. W. R. TRAVERS, General Manager, A Branch of this Bank has been opened in DASHWOOD and it general banking business will be taansacted at this branch. Interest allowed in the Sayings Bank on ONE DOLLfR and upwards at the highest current rates and paid four times a year, Farmers Sale Notes discounted. Special privileges extended to accounts of Townships, Farmees and others. Do your banking business at home and keep your account in The Farmers Bank of Canada. R. T. DUNLOP, Manager, DASHWOOD. encing and Rooftng We have on band a lot of wire for you to do your fent ing with. We handle the celebrated Page and Peerless fencing, also Coll, Barb Wire and lIog Fencing. Prices are as reasonable as y011 can get elsewhere, A Number of barge Gates, all sizes. Roofing A carload of the Preston Colligated Galvanized Shingles on hand. A big stock of Martin-Senour ready Mixed Paints 1 00 !ler cent pure A Carload of Cement Just Received Full Stock of Screen Doors and Windows. Buy your Hardware From us Produce taken in Exchange Hardware D. TIEMAN, Dashwood SUMMER GOODS Muslins, Colored, White, Stripes, Checks, at 5 cts to 15 cts, Embroideries from :)c to :30c per yard. A great variety of \'.illenciennes Laces and Insertit.l,i from :1 cents per yard up. A good assortment of Prints in light and dark shades. One second hand Bicycle for $10. veer. At all drugg�els, 50e and $1.00, or I B. W. F. BEAVERS r T A. Limited Toro 1 Farquhar