HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-05-28, Page 84. • fet 73.-• 2t -ee•-•.--1-1-1-1-4-1-1-e-leee-eieeeeeeeeeeeee e.e.e.e.+++++.;.++++++++ STEWART'S' PHONE 16 How are you getting along with your house-cleaning? 1)o you want a new Room Rug? "Much easier cleaned than carpet" and altogether more tasty We R Rtt-rs in direct from the +4. have a splendid lot o ntAN makers to ourselves, whice means a clear cutting out of all middle profits. $9,50, $11, $11i. Four new lines in English Tapcstry Room Rugs; floral and medallion centers with rich scroll bordeis. For e medium priced Rug our imported tapestrys are hard to boat. 'rimy look well and wear well. 'rhe new pas• $22.50, $25.00, $29.00 Three sizes in seamless Wil- ton Rugs. Mede on heav 4. twine frames. with toft, ye . vet, pile. The shadings are 1 certainly fine -REDS shaded . • with soft Brown and wood • colorings- Old VE Olt KENS I shaded with Pink. Brown and Red-- FAWNS shaded with .1* Green, Brown and Blues. tell shadiugs are swell. • - *$ $8.50, $9.90, $1 I, $12, $12.50, $16.50 44 se:r. Six lines of pure wool Room Rues, mede to out. own order V; by one ot the best mills in Canada. Again y et save 11,11 middle + profits. These rugs are made from pure carpet milli, thormeghly 1 • ± scouree and cleaned. The shadings are rich and clear. The pat» T.,.. terns are all new, oriental and floral effects. No seatne. There's +fie no better Wool Rugs in the trade. We would like you to see see. our assertment -Come in, you re always welcome to come and + e. +4» tautly the new styles. +4. _. --- -- -- -- ---- - r------ +4. 4. 4. 4.4. -I- Jr -I- 4. + 4. II. Men's and Boys' geady=to=Wear Suits t Alen very strong line with us. Clothing of quality is what. we sell. Quality -Style -Finish -Fit -are what we offer you. $6.75, $10, $12, $14 1 . $2.25, $3.50,1$4.50, $6 +4. t -T- eor I IA S 190', , BARGAINS THE OLD RELIABLE the report of Exeter tut. cur- . SPECIAL Market Report. -The following is reettal up to May •vtli. l \`; 1.cat ti 0 ci.nt s• i Barley, 50 to 55 oents. I IN SEASONAL -31,F, Gt)0 Oats. Cie to lie. Blended Flour (STAR), $2.75. i In every departmeut of the store we ate giving Peas. 75 cente to V0 conta. Shorts, 1625. /! Special Offerings. . 't Fl $1 All to $1.-t3. ' Ladies Cotton Vests, fine quality, with yr withoat sleeves, regular price lsc. Brats, SM. Clover seed, $8 to $10 per buehel. , Special offering at 121sc Hater, lee. per pound. Ladies sCritpte‘kr,itli)srtasw. leirnsinnviiti•,e.ly(t!lianttet‘tv oartdh t:veell made. pedal offering at 2es. Coal, ,;;'7.12°5 $11. toll* 1 . Ladies Cashmere Rib Vests, warranted all pure wool. guaranteed not to shrink, short. sleeves ... • • • . . . . ............ Special etferings at. 154. Special erfering at 23e Eggs, bleeper imam'. lite - ee ....-i,fh. ::.:).75. A combination that has made for us a reputation as Potatoes. 75c. to 90e. per bag. A full Lange of Club ten s , . . . oUOO Vests in all sizes's, in all the best makes. -.... ---------------- Ladies' Black Sateen Underskirts, 5 frills. Special Offering at SS cts. -- ------------- -. . first-class merchants. 110 -. ,. .--• .6 i7,.... Prices aCetwaing to size .............. .... • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• - e - ----- ---- - • 1 White Lawn Waists Fancy mosnos A combination that has kept our old customers and 1 LOCALS • 1 • i i et2 eti Waiet for - . .. . LISS CAN ' Mulls, Floral mid Fenny stripes in W011 DOW °RCS. A roost dainty collection of fine • t••••••• ••41•••••• white and colors. The prettiest goods we have ever shown -S. Fitton. issuer of marriage li•) I.50 ,. 1.23 Special prices 15c and 25c. • A combination that has made our friends customers ding rings alivoss on hand. Women's and Children's Hosiery and our customers friends. . Ws also complete line of wed: 1.25 " 1.00 - Dan. Remit., of London. visite:I Made of good washing Batiste white Stockings in plena and fancy style. You want "Quality" you want "Low Prices" this coin- _...,..-._ 75c. Waists for 48c Special showing of Tan and Black at his home. with Black, I olk.t clot, e I 1'4..1410n NV e are showing a very pretty range bination is our motto. Come here for Quality and Low .!iili in town. i -- - -- - - Prices and you will go away satisfied. -Karl Howard, of London. E peal trimmed, I sleeve. Special at le centslof lace goods in all sizes, ...... 2- 4. An immense stock of Lace Curtains to be cleared out quickly. See the goods and get the prices before purchasing eleewhere, - _. .- - --- - - - -- . Men's Boots at Cost Prices Men's Fine Straw Hats • The sailor shape is the leading style, 1 AVe aro clearing out Der entire stock . high crown, narrow brim. NVe are I ot Men's Boots. So if you want a bat. • gain in a pair of good reliable boots showing some very fine qualities, ' earl on us. $1.00 to $2.5e. SNELL 861 ROWE Four special lines in Men's fre 4.e. Suits. leach suit a leader in Four leaders in Boys and •_(+ -r - its line. Our worsted Suits young Mens uits. These are uality & Low Prices Good Oombination,.. sir ••:' at 12 to 11 Dollars are great , made from imported tweed ee values. rhey will stand the and worstels, well lined and ft .e -!••:- test of time. Our guarantee 1 trituteed. Cut with the new vr satisfnetton goes withevery long lapel'. They ale right ;e4. l; 1 down to the minute. s 41. King Hat ÷÷ 1,4 •T They are known the + world over for their t1 exclusiveness. Blacks "e' Browns, Beavers and + Edward Greens. The new and late Blocks are ready for your ap- Wear for the 24th proval. +t _A_ -Miss Eva Huston spent the holi- day in Petrolia. -Miss Tillie Wisite spent the 1:011 - day in Windsor. 'Mr. Ed. Eacrett. of Toroteat, is visiting Isis mother. -Elmore Senior, of Toronto. vis- ited :11 his lioute Iscre. -Miss Mariam Elston, of Parkhill, was home for tlr't daY• -Mr. Ed.'Crocker. of Toronto, was here for the celebration. .--__-___ _ . - visited here 031 OM 2,11111. London, were home for the holiday. I -Walter Drink water. of Condon. -misses jean and Sedie Walker, of visiliflg iri!.ailVeS in WWII. -jini 3teci<kell', of Montreal' it' Mr. O. W. Snell of Boston, who was -Mr. 'R. N. Creech spatit Saturday caaeleloeldintlice,rtheseileieristsl. a‘tvuelekesubsaegitlineoniti ton oria poifilli and :Sunday in Kincardine. death of his father, the late Jos. Stell, -"Miss May Pearson. of London% returned to Boston yesterday. -Mr. :ilia Mrs. Pet er Gardiner. of is from Apr I let.. to 3 unellit it; iied iv nen you want light white mit t.' ious teabiscuits andcakes visited Mr. and Mrs. G. Thomas. ' 'i . tee C'05.-• -,.,,114)11 110r bass fishitte ‘,,,„ CI el s ten( the holiday- in town. 1 a new regulation tssued makes it t he holiday wills friends in town• catch; buy, s-•.11 lt Never Fails , Mr. 3. t'arkinson. of •London, swig 1 iticZal "t° fish for, -Percy Hooper, of London, spent or possess find bass" t -sett the dates mentioned. the 25111 under the parental roof. hop McEvoy. of •London was last week Under proper conditions to make 1114 !Lordship the lti ;lit 111 v .L. His- s este die holiday 'with his parents. appointed to t lie. legit eftleslical delicious and wholesome food Marry Ruston. of Clititoiti -Mrs. Wm. Snell ititenda makine office ist Archbishop of Toronto to lee- home -with Mrs. Geo. Samwell. succeed Archbishop P'Corutor. who just recently resigned. Leads in Popularity epent the holidays at ber home here. ' ery deirtmene. 'Miss Cairns at-- , lirnetaisfIrriCi I ta'lls.ots.i'daitot,tsi.illil(slilyliseiti,: 111.e.eltrite:%11.111111ea:11: -Miss Mary Mack. of •Londole ....... spent the holidnys %rah her parents. -Miss Della Treble. of London. companied ker. her.; eael:11 y s Tionrtnitatgle. holiday ret 'wen - -The followine corps will attend , I he June military encampment at Cole's Baking Powder Goderich. 12.51.11 Middlesex : 27th letrubton : !!Ot li Wellinton ; 32nd The kind that never fails to please Bruce : 33i'd 1101011 and the Army Service corps turd the Army Medical ! corps of the district. Only one accident is reported as i COLE'S DRUG STORE heppening on Victoria Day. Arthur Long was watching Home friends , - ONTARIO. hen he was yeeisTER You Should Use ReT3 '• )++++-:--:-++-:-.:-++.:-+++-:-++++++++++++-:•++++++-:-++++++ fINSMONIONSIII"graffiarliniga Mr. A. E. Pym is aisle to set up. -WANTED.-A smatt boy to learn print...„ Reliable Mr. W. It. Alger spent the holiday in Torcnto. Mrs, E. W. Horne is getting along as well as can lie expected Watches i Miss Chesney of Kippen ,s visiting Perfect in 'Construction, Pos- itive in Performance We again call attention to our Grade of Watches. Good Material, Fine Finish and Accurate Adjustment are combined in our High Geode Watches. Our aim is not a question of price, but quality. Like in every- thing else Quality is Cheapest in the end. So if you want A RE- LIABLE WATCH. CALL ON 178. A. Ilarchand jeweler, - Exeter. her conein, Mrs. J. It. cDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Chesney of Kippen I visited friends ir. town on Victoria I Day. 'GENERAL SERVANT WANTED. - References required. Mrs. It .A, Reelee. 1171 eidout St.. London% -William Smith spent the 21 with his sister Mrs, %Vitt. Jackson in Lon- don.eit-June is the month of weddines od don't loriret that she Times has the finest dins. of wedding stationery to be had. Our type for printin; the invitations is new an'! u:'-lo-dallo. -Mr. 11. 11. tang, of Stratford • Peet Sunday nitis friends in Own. -.lames 'law& . of the Molsons' Bank 'at Foi t is ltotne on a visit. -Mr. Charlie Kerslake and sister ' a. visited filetels at Munroe, this N ‘• ' • k. a -Miss Millie 'Slatiehews. of Toronto i lin guest of ter sister, Mrs. S. 1-.• on. 'Ars. 'Goodisott iind lit Ile son, .lack et &inlet, were the eue . I Mrs shooting off roc c te Johns. struck on the chest by the flying (Wei _ __ - Mrs. Penhale and 800 Salm of i A small ember fell inside his waist -1 ; Notice to Drain Con= 4.0.000. ,,,,co. the holiday wile' Geo.1 cont and burning a hole in his shirt Penhalet f badly blistering his chest. -Mr. Townsend, of Toronto Junes! -The baseball boys are getting 110 %0was (1,0 ,euest of Dr. und Mrs., some good practise Midll a tractors ivery 1 Malloy. . Tenders for the construction of -Mrs. Fowell :led Mrs. Stewart shaft time a team will be picked out the Pyin Drain, and 1 he Anderson spent the holiday with friends let n during: the I Drain NVIII be opened 14y 1 he Usborii:. Listowell. ta rerre9eet 1 he'rliOwe-uits will be I Township Connci at- 'f wnsloo Ball, Elimville, on Saturday, June e in Goderich• merce, spent t lie 24 tit 3 t hie home. o'clock. M. Anderson, of 1 he Bank 01 Coin- -Mr. and Mrs. E. A. McDonald nni child of Guelph, were Use quartets! ot W. D. Weekes. --Miss Mend Soittlicott end Miss Acheson. of London. visited Mrs. C. A. Sontheoet. e -1 will have 500 boxes of tomato plants for stale a.t my store oft Sat- urday. -G. Manson. Mrs. IGeo. Weir, of Leaminetoui, was the guest of Mrs. Geo: Sanders durins the holidays. Because it Leads in Quality Ask for CARLING BROS. CarcLoad of Buggies For S ale McLaughlins and Canada Carriage Company make. Wagon, Plows, Wheelbarrows, &Miler and (good three -drum Roller for $32 ) Between all stations in Canada; also W. G. BISSETT. to Detroit and Port Huron Mich Buffalo. Black Rock and Suspension Bridge, N, Y. Court of Revision ..i Good Going May 23rd, 21t.h, 2301 I Return limit May 2601 GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM Single Fare For Victoria Day TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE 1 Assessment 'Roll of the Township pr ivmeseekers Excursions A Court for the revision of ehe Usborne for IJ908. will be erld at to the Northwest Township Elimville, on Satur- day the eth day of June at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. All persons having business at the ettid court alit please take notice ;Ind govern themselves .aceordingly. F. 'elORLEY, Clerk. May 12th, 1.908. DII. OVF.NS EYE AND F.Alt Still - goon. will be at the Commercial Hotel. Hours 9.30 v. tn. to 4.30 p. en. Glasses properly fitted end dis- eases of eye car and nose treated. Next visit, Friday, May 29th., 1908. -ItENF.W AT ONCE.- Wo have made nrrangements with the Weehle Globe nnil Canade Farmer to exteni I the tilde for I he exceedingly low rate 'lot 35 cents in connection with Abe Times until ibe •first of June. At. that (late the, rata will bfa 70ctie (clubbing rate) ns formerly. whalen, Court of Revision At very Low Rates. Via North Bay May 26th, Via Sarnia and N. Nay. Company Steamer leaves Sarnia 3,30 p. m., May 27th, For tickets and full information call J. J. KNIGHT. Depot Agent. or write. J. D. ISICDONALD, Unioft Depot, Toronto. Ont. VILLAGE OF EXETER. Take notice thaef Court lte- vision of the Village, of Exetei; hold Hs 'first satin in tete, Town Hall for 'the purpose of heaeine- the oatim,teialels 1vIlt411,stf trhichansysee.a%rsingst.. rollon FRIDAY, '111E 5th DAY OF JUNFA at 8 p. m. All parties interested are ;nested to attend. Dated this 181h day of May OM .10S. SENIOR. Clerk. NOTICE TO CREDIT01.tS In the matter of the este es of Joseph Snell, late of the Vilktge of Exeter, in the count& of Huron Bank Manager deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to It. S. 0.. 1897, chap. 129, that all oreditors and other') having claims against I ho tsatto of the Bald tite . Joseph - Snell who 'died 00 or about the eta day of May; 190Ft coming season. ordered 'llas week and with. the boys are re attired on nr befora the 25th in uniform a good article. of ball will at -Melville Hoskin •receivid a bad plans epecifications ;Ind profiles .day of June, 1908, to ki.1141 . by he ex two tel. gash over his left eyo at the hag may be seen at the Council etootne poet prepnid or deliver to Messrs. x„ine between Exeter and Centiralia on tile ;shove data after 10 o'clock Gladtuan & Stanbury, of the village Mondey !nominee Ile was at bat i or at the clerk's office any time pis- of Exeter. solicitors for the Eaceu. - I rix of the said deceased' their F. MORLEY. Clerk. christian and surnames; ;addresses and descriptions. the full particu. and its strikin-, at the ball it struck l viously. tars ot their claims, the statement his bat and gfalicing off eteuel; him i "That the cut. Dr. Bright was w ellen. May 2ist. 0. on hand and doctored uo the injured lir-e is runnin; ,,,,oity five yards in optic. SPRING SUITI N GS A number of New Browns, Wood col- ors and Elephant Grey Suitings just received. The correct thing for the spring sea- son. -Master Willie. Crocker of Toron- to, visited his ;randy:its:ere Mr. null Mrs. Win. Treble. - Mr. and Mrs. Wilson. of London% were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Clarke Victoria Day. -Mr. and Mrs. Clarence lemith. of lnaersoll, visited Mrs. Smith's par- ents Mt. :led :ills. 3. SII. -Es_fV:,;(1011 Iluils Spackle in cats -Mi' Bryant nnd he.r twice little „(4)Yuctriettid!illiP14. ------- one ie (11:71:11':.11111 oils I und w to land bis catch. A pos tiscri sympathize is ith Job of old. It ham on a, 1 ,ick of his neck. posts of Mrs. .1. 11iatchford. NI • end Mrs. j;.utaiir,a,:itii_lic.,:oti ('0111 . .. colt lino 0-t ial n stilt t.ron,ter pull. th • reel tientt stvilleezizi.insilep,i nalt1104111.11even!or)ii.lilca ritcortlin.yroti)slot 'Nliss Cunnineliain. of tucati. were the Lettlfr,"'s 1,;', ii. le" spent the holiday' 41 Bit their thin ) testi, l %\ Li . 1.s. % .• I y fiatjafactorv.( . .... . wound up 'the line and land's,. 11,e 1 or, M re. Slint4e/ of WYOM111;. ".ni• 133 45bli". size cans end 111. it, i !infect lose s prize, but antich to iis " • ei , -Mrs. Crawley. of f Lucan. and M ilk i • 114Cet :-Iiistacti011 it (11 .....R. ..0‘• iv to were four ti,411 .i A- Webi) nf London Tp., visited Mr. and simple direeteons -, followed. -'Irlie ?pores committee des1" t° et -.1"it...:,e!‘ (1,e i ,:i, inflow. on Ins hook. -Mr. .1. 0. Stanbury was caned to extend their thntiks to thts people. of Exeter nn siren Nits. J. Itendle on Victoria Day. e for their loYalitY Al :Lill fellow had first taken! 1)i' Itayfield on Tuesday °wine to the ilinees of his father. Dr. e'Stanbury. merchants tnado liberal donaliToltiles1 third 000 rammed ijuit mid, „mow,. on Victor Day end tor. I he elImii‘s . minnow. 1 iv il cam. along 1:111e0 AiNett the committees,. townrds the sporte, thus ft'il.b1;1:,4 1 ed what was on Oa! line 01111 then one and bad 'taken 111 ;thee two. a laress• top buggies. I open buggy, , nne twieseated cerriage. one three- I seated carriage. 1 verve -all, 2 ti unk i al" . , ....= ,,outy, ..,o,...i..., e„,..1..... 0.....,,..,...., jrn:rescntiv., Mr. : i .1 Mrs. Vi ooma n. of Ila rris. • cietree to meet ei-Pli ""' I. good sized hiss calm- along. nni wagons, 1 truck wagon, 7 cutters. 1 are pm vintch ord. Coilinitt• • I la), Monograph), Telegraphy. • parciits. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Ander. ga.-11711u's1;111trotiarekt7tbe baseball season- story nifty somal ii little tishy.- bet thee it is wahine hat a litg1 • i'id- • • two sets of light sleighs. 2 drays, 8 set , of single harness, 3 sets of double bar- I • e= me-. ea.= nt Business College • Wu course, in 1r1) subject. but!. al 0 the guests og SAAR laitVes I to. Jobbled lip th whole lo • ' ' Gladstone cutter. I three -seated sleigh -Ms . slid Mre. A. J. Clark, oE •cints- 1,-,,110z of 11 . fish, Nvtii 1.• ill ness, S robes. S strings of bells, 1 clip -1 machine Also a number of 1 .- czis.,:wonoki,. iiflg ' iod Mrs. W. Coullis ovn- the Loll- " have betel as . to announce leant:els. speeds. rugs and a quantity of household (sublime. All will p081-, ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 6.2...1 = - Mr. Amt Wood. of Toronto. end tallallti 11111Uese irlatetrtadtcleliecoereef ri4nbye 1.1.:31%i‘fit.li. (.11111,1,- „,t ,,,i,.1„. .1011.1.11. Spent Eighteen Dollars . Lively he sold as the proprietor is go. i ,on. 1 Crain were the guests of -Mr. Miss Brtisli, of London. epent tho Immo good pletyers Amon'? the Wil- li:7 wish to cross bate. There n re "Gentlemen. -I have pleesure in ing west. TEltM8 I GO YEARS' 2411% a 1 I be home 0 I si r. and M I. . tseliwie‘t%sin-yeit:Illitiotiod e:•tonitilti:%r I/ :if tsilvlsolt,ev s% wr4:,riel . diy. ;81111.17110\tinvi‘Liric,irt.tnionfoirinetiti,"11: ri,,',:r il,1s,i,it‘s!:::yetittterlys1 rvesit)chst.urei,mai,rultbar g' ('fl rri flonishing approved joint .EXPERIENC .1. 'WON'. _stating that I have used $18.00 worth of so aat raensfild ti lung that, amount six months creilit will be All 5111115 of $5 and tinder. cash; over -mi. and NIrs. 0. Yonne, of Lon- them should be Int‘sresting. 4,17,:i. 0: jearenaty17 guests of lb. latter's plye/iffl. Mr. cold 14 is. Jas. Beer. the doctors had praetieally mid that Me case was a timid difficult one, and gast recieurbellieof lannitm will be nlloweil iiii all credit notes. A discount of 11 per cent. per , -The fine 'weather of !rot M Of k , seem:woe's of The op. , tile new TO:H1 Will b -• opened for trifle, on Dominion Day, Sally 1. 7110 • if ill it let- could not get well. I tried rsychins, and it did me so much good that I eon• ' a mo„no. 110I3T. .IA11110711% Proprietor. PATENTS brou slit lie (14"e5 ill full bloom, tendpit by 8000, nr (to, C. D. Its collie. tinued its use until I had taken $18.00 1 mos. 111DAN7N, Auctioneer and from n nUmber of Illossomit. the ials from 'Montreal. and :1 trnin 01)1 worth, with the result that I am now prospects for a larg • crop ef ell a new A vsielity I have gained 1 Tgeot Marteg -Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mae... of Tor- line of the C. '. Iit to marls the event. '1'11,, fit. Mary's and V‘ eel,: ii that I recommenfl rsychine to all who i " ' with the greatest confidence 1 .--- eitolc,17 aseertain ter eeteten free whether an levp.olem If preA1,1,17r0.entAnN.,._ ( ”furnisnws- AnTAfleutbneltne a site+ eh gni ile•rripti,vn ma, COPYRIGHTS &C. °tames kinds. :ire good. nrohalsly be run ill from tits main thirty-five pounds. . NOTICE Orenrio Ballwey will thenceforth he • 'I the Intildits4 are afflicted with throat or lung trouble. 1T„ the Sharehlder% of the Exeter ttee uncut ennatlen11,1. vijitddinim on Patent! II' ,,ll taken through Iltuuti A Co. Malt, Seotstown, Que., Sept., '07. 1 ' Gentlemen -Please take notice that Pm' fel °Wet Agenrf for PeriltInepelenIA. Yours truly, C. A. PlNKIIANI I snit Wei kg tee, Limited, tee 1 new, without astir., In the PSyChtne currs all throat, chest, lung ; ole ( f Cy- Exeter Salt Worss Co.. will A) nitietriety illuatra1,.4 wet lily. Latrat.t. cif. f'dtiitifiC Filittritall This roan speaks °front eXprrteACA. 'the entitle, titee:ing of to Sharehold- e,.-tusi pr pA14. Sokd Dy et see of any edert,n, j ,,irril. 1 emit 10 • and stomach troubles awl give% renetrefl ; be held nt the Town Wall fin Friday . I Iiine 12th. 10041 0t2 o'cloce p. ni, Ily ' le ow left. CO?' 11?"a". Newilwli cs. ok 1' tIt.. NV afibitiesn, 15. . ..tin Logs Wanted, Highest Prices Paid delivered or in the woods THOS. ELSTON Centralia Saw Mills Nutty Flavor' of their accounts and the tiaTure o the securities, if any. held by them And further take noti:e that niter patch last mentioned date the said Executrix 1%01 proceed to (lists ibuto 'the 'opts of the deceased atnong tho poetic!, entitled thereto, havinz regard only to tho claitwi of which they ,hall then havo•notice and that the said executrix shall not,bo liable for the said assets or any part t r . of to any person or isersons of onvoso 1 claims notice Aball not have been re. • Delved he them at the limo of such (1s! ribiii ion. GI.ADNIAN & STANBUltY, Solicitors for Executrix. Dal ed 1 F,xeler t his 2501 iy! of May 1908. eeconds more or less. But es a -Patriotic sertnotts were delivered r excellence nnd 1 ifoi:hermaii and reciter of fitglifill IdnaytIlleastj.anriss tIllstereeetvecniiinu;c1Iillrnraubillg- 1 asseedotes his if! pi gaV0 a talk on our couotry. "Th• has no t• pod in Oda of eny °thee atd1PitalteL'e:oitti"gri‘•‘t,'",s '"e:rainbrel (iii1te bet htalier! I rirt°,,veinnreCit oll)tai?'1.1 .31finny Istrithh; a niCiverer lisUally SHCCCSSf Si 01 •ie Mug a good the Natialial eized etrine. Ott on • ofhis jourtboY8 chorus. In closing AIL",,,tehtell %;031sios:i.iiiii?"4. genseenee laitY4 a1011; the river batik. lie propped, tit 0110 of the pools, which his friend been appointed deputy returning of. personal pres.n.vo told 'threw in Isis Alex. Dyer bad staked oft tia his own firers and poll ch.tits in Ex -der for Itt000gketbn3tednihibilitt.1.1 innw(ritiritrr tioyw tits! election day -,-Vred Vector. Arthur Snell, for •No. 1; W. 0. Wrokea, ills, Willi.' )'u" °IL Ed. was a tu; at (he eine 1)01 not Beer For No. 2 : wishing. to land any of Alex's dough eViiiker for No. 11; Nelsou 'Oyler. 11. fed chub, Ill reftised to 'pull in his N. 'Richardson 14)1 .eo. 1. cast. In a very shott lime tbere was 3 et roneer pull, but still Jet refused • have Star Flour 11 0111' It contains the qualities that tickle the palate. You must have heard it again and again that Harvey's Star Auction Sale of Livery makes delicious bread. Try it. and be Outfit. convinced. Manufactured by Horses, Rigs+, Harness, etc. Mr. R. J. sell by Public Asstion, at HARVFY Jarrott has instructed T. Brown to at one o clock p. re., the following __- property, viz: -Ten horses, livery; 71 ti1 .k.ulo; ••••••••••••••••••••••••• •Superiority BROS. NONE TIIE LESS ATTRACTIVE because compelled to w ea r glasses. Ladies who Imagine that glasses de- tract frorn otheir g000d looks should permit us to fit them. Our. EYEGLASSES W. W. TAMAN have nose leeces which are almost in- visible, and are 00 ttat (bit tlieY Nicrchant Tailor. give a distin;uished tnien to De wearer. EXETER, ONTARIO. les our framelees glaretee are very For those who IfIllat T WOW. kflfillfilCtOry• ERNEST ELLKYr riti:.E- Conveyancer Accounts Collected W S HOWEY Phut IL . . moNt-Lt,.111 4-7;1 IAAtrilo.,A1:::18:113,3<13. (heilliS1 end Optician. Office, Main Street, Exeter EXETER ONTARIO. 01110. 110 \V. 1).Wirt% fa Wintlire'4 were .lwr:. Satuday, Sunday, and, otten for lc %ffte• Mondae retteivitot .ie plaint asteae nnil of the Sarni s connsetion is Ise.). I okinA in the N. iettotia Day eslebre. teicen the ernins 011) 1011 II1011 1,.. tih' lion. • 1 • 1 11 vnice Rio( a siren. and( caftt'llesAiii?:r '`‘:"!11111b1'''' 'vt rbArilt ecl foritIv l'!r11.111:1141 when she tolls." elid piny sure Pam eeseneere on Water et reet. opposite pet nee.. t 110110 lisne, a atoms. jk. • Ilse pre( •nt poet o i i.. strength and vitality to run• • it (levers- oh warn hull there' anow -Mr. N. D. 110,4011. who like itelt.; At all druggists, 50e and $1.00. of i I 11 'ler of the liomal. doWfl 110 'he room. . T. B. CABLING, Sec, elusion. there wasn't a drY OA in oi.tle:-.61'littilniire nhIlltit.Y.0et:pe7i311111(1),".‘toil,'.1.1 A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto: Islay Ply comb" and so on -in the. roe. everteen. Wier uets Old. 1