HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-05-28, Page 6YOUNG FOLKS 1.11i'I.I \VA'1'iesi legopee.o lin l•• II, try was sitting by the kitchen QCe, with Jtee.e un one knee rind 'rout un the ether. There wits a rxti•.ng u: the stove, and by and by the leg ku kettle began to sung, At first it was 11 soft, loN'Lemming, and then R ros.e to a sweet litho song that sou ntted like some onewhistling away oft In the distance; aln getting louder uni louder, as it he were totting renter; and thin it was almost eke a scream, and the cover Wofrtthe 'tet- te began to bob up and It was such n funny nose Unit Tom and Jessie both laughed. r that "What mites the kettle sing way? \\'hat does it make that noise for?' asked Jes.e. "Why," said Unc Hack ,g"that be the lel Little Water t People FARMS FOR SALE. TI\iF.LY A\10U\CF.\1t:NT. permanent and lexshun am taken ups" said I'urswn "Arcola Farms mid elo'se al<.unlain "Ah wish ter announce befell de eel- moieties. e - webl s. Fan ns; sag, u Teen- Snowbull, "dal A1► has Vitally comae• well iucatcv'. Terms 1u melt any p' v«i tarsus 105 to 8:5 cs aced from de cold hit will a Mit t hlleaneceed s'- ca: farmer. ... per acre. tier acre. Ranches $3.u► V) $6 } Mortgages end Lund Aglrcuwnts (or sale. The (look Brothers, Arcola, ;ask. Write to -day. Improved Farm, 640 acres of sP1en- did wheat am hind, rich elto r n a clayssoiSixttenmies on Warner, u thriving townLt tulles south of I. Co.'s road forty g l.c•thbreige, IlIty acres cultivated, house nal revcn rooms, stable for eleven horses, a'.1I fenced and cross -fenced. I1 ice >e17 per acre. 'fernis eight dollars cash and balance easy. Also unimpr ted land in selected districts at frotnlcieht to let me fteen dollar.' per' acre. 1f furnish you y hist el particulars. bir wheatv- old 1, st yar, pee noro. N..t one bushel of frozen grain raised in 1`•r. I sthbridee. hl'triet. T. E. 1'.t'1"rfss(]N. I•ethbtithie, Alta. week. per r ashen ter put no sultry toll de conbreb nob Dough lozengahs in de cuntrbus- tent box dis tnuwu:n'" AGENIS WANTED. A reliable man in every city and tow n iu Canaria with waterworks to sen a patent article nee,:ed In every home, hotel and public building. Sells at sit\rrlte tat t,•r� o (lers C101 0r adry "he Little Writer Peop.er. ,,, particular.. out." ' (rte l both *edam mrk mg 0.60 A Wide Sphere of tac'fulness.—The consumption of IIneLs' Eckns. trl- 0ic 1 has grown to great tr withcstanding the fact thut it has now Leen years on stprosper ty is market as great r ever has )ever and the demand for it in that period has tory greatly increased. It is hencfh'ial introduc- erin 011 enmities, and wherever 1 el frestl supplies are constantly usked tor. lieu. T. thio Ow on Sound, Ontario. the children together. "What are they. _rt ____-- Do they live in the teakettle'( We never J them before." t amed o ►tem FEATHER DYEING l "Well," calci Uncle Henry, "1 emit (.1e,eataa mea cutea•slul >�� of°�y: `moi vie 1 Thee. . eaa be sent br W tett you whet (ley oo t `' BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO. seers 1pto'm bol Svc know Y 1 k l k ' leenu,a nobody has over MONTREAL. CAN • ttte ore there because we see what they do. '"They are very funny Lillie People-- r all that lnlndreds and lntn(lreds WANTED to to bear from owner hiring A GOOD FARM O horn he of them can lino in n teaspo.itltul ut nater tint' have plenty of roam." "Do they always live in ttte water?" asked Jessie. 'Yes, always in the water. When it is cold they keep perfectly still. They raver sing or talk or shout then. Ilut, when tate water begins to get hut, then the Little People rush around every way, trying to get out. are shut in, they "If they 11041 the y begin to sing a hulk song, all together. to a line, teeing voice: 'Oh, please lel r. 1alto, S \C n►rnt in here. .u FREE L. out! y _. k l us oltt' That song is very pretty t^ (tear, because all the people are po- lite, and say please. "But in a little while, it you don't den anything, they beg it 10 shout in ti loud- en voice: 'Let us out! Let us out! leus t Lo- tt( People begin oval! etegnto screamandlun out! the l titb Peo uo on each other's sh iulders, and jump i over each other, to get oil. for Pale. Not particular about lorttlon- t'1.t-e Gtr. price and description, an a aa a - son for selling. state when posse be had. WIII'deal with owners only. L. Darbyshire, Doane Rochester, N. Y. "A new of them squteze through un-! der tate lid of the teakettle, and others conte through the spout; but 111. y can't get out fast enough that way. They are like ttie boys over at 'Tommy's' school, when they all try to get through tho doer at the same time." "But what it yeti don't let then' out? What do they do then?' "Well, they all bend their heads down and get their backs and shoulders i agn`nst the 'muter side of the kettle cov- er. and press hard with their hands. and then they give a great shout ant push all together, and let tho lid a lit- tle way. And every time they do that a lot of them get out." • "They are doing it nowl" kettle cover ried bobbed sup eagerly, as the end (town. "Are they good or bad people?' asked i Tcrnnty. "Tkey fire gond; his uncle answered. "I' they are shut up in strong iron pri- son -houses, where they cannot get out, they will work hard day and night. They nre so strong when they work le- gether that they can do more than a People Ile (sand Inca. It is these Little en Ple of the Wnter wtio pull all the big trains of cars nnd push all the steainloets." . "1 wish 1 could see them or catch Borne of 'hent." said Tommy; and l fore Uncle Henry could slop him, he tool stretched his hand out to the lea- ) t -t t'e Dover. Ile drew It bac'( Very tkl 4 "les," said Uncle Ilenry, "they are pored. but sometimes we get in their Gay, and then they give us troublc.-- You:h's Compeniun. HOW THE BA WAS SAVED BLOOD MAKING TONIC TREATMENT 1 Cure for jtnaanla That is Show- ing Remarkable Proofs of Cures in Stubborn Cases. Mrs. N. peek—"Sir! Before 1 married you 1 was used to having the beet of everything.' Mr. N. Peck—"And you de still, my dear. For when 1 propos- ed you said that 1 was everything to you, and ever since you've always got the best of me." Tells how a young man saved the bank by a wise investment. Every stock buyer and investor should read thin book. Not tor sale. Sent tree on request. Your name on a postal will bring it. Write today R. w. eAle[Y 351 R$IYeay ExohanSe BIdR•, Seaver, aero. iTCII, Mange, Prairie Serntches ant every font of contngious itch In human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wee teas Sanitary Lotion. 1t ower huts. Sold by all druggists. tlol•tit:'i (ATM (4)v;l \ft'T10s. Become Sat 'rated \\ it Ii Nitrite's 111" ease Germs. The Puri' municipal council has just made the Learntngtlisc,vcry that some hundreds of house» in the working-eluss districts of the city aro taunter) with eonsutupt.on. This means thin ttt,•y are' literally dwellings of deuth, since any - Leafy luhabitating ate auf th<vu.for tiny length of time is •pruettcully certain to catch the complaint. '1'tutl buildings can Leconte saturated with dicrase germs after (li's fashion has long 1r. 11 kn•.,w11 10 nleaical 111.11. CC • homes," for instance. were di- ev- icted by Mr. Semmes Smith in the 1 al - 6 Iti'tt.ic F.0 , Englund, mutt cis"" the. • •uk•n U r• lige :7(1.1[4%1 1 t rill •ell which wet sho-t terrible of maladies. Another, in- stance.' by Mr. leArcy l'ow'er, clainl',1 eie victims three tenants, who inhabit...1 it one after (mother. 1l sores then .set` light to by the landlord, and guilt all) standing together with everything that 11 contained. proved to ill t'luguc, loo, leas been p feel certain dwellings atter a like fash- ion. In one case, mentioned in a re-! cent report of the Indian Commission -1 ers, a large tenement house in l3embuy sous so badly diseased that it meant . death to anyone rush enough to enter. It It we.,, thereforbourdod up, and', rernainod canpty cur e, over u year. 'Then IWO families of vagrant beggars. Hurn -I geeing eleven pertheir r'abode there without ns in all. Lie he in. mud took up the knowledge of the autho,;tws. With- in a week not one of them was lett alive. Perhaps, however, the noes', extraor- dinary instance in point is utloreed 1,y clic case of Ambers, the ancient capital of leypote, which contracted l.prtisy so badly that no one would dw'•-1 with-) Ire Its walls who could help it, f i- leer of infection. So. eventually, Je}' Slue the then rajah, ordered a gen( rill . x,,dus of all the lnhabitunts that were left olive•, The edict was duly carried out, and front that day to this the city has re -1 ,manned unpeoplei, a prey to the loathe - some disorder that recent experience still linger in its silent has shown to streets nnd deser:e d squares. When the buds' becomes weak avid run down, either from overwork, curry or severe a xuminalion of the blood would show It to be weak anti watery. This condition is called anae- mia, which is the medical terns for "bk,o(llcssncss." The ce>nunull stnsttits unit ere paleness of Ute lips, g cal i cheeks, shortness of 'event and 1 P - tt.tkii► of the heart after the slightest exertion, dull eyes and loss of appetite. Anaemia 011(1 may gradually dangerous possuu ttoconsump- tion. ons tition. It can only be cured by treating its cause ---which is the poor condition of the blood. The biongjnbl n t beit W en e rich and red, thereby 6 ry the necessary nuurielime ►t to every part of the body. real- er. \\'illilulla Pink Pills are the great- est medicine in the world tor making new, rich blood and they have been clung enamel and ot! er blood diseases for nearly a generation, and are now re- cognizeJ the world over as an invalu- able hOuSehold remedy. Mrs. 1). 1'stabrook, Rroeklyn 110011, N 11., says:—"My daughter Gertrude, who is note in her sixteenth year, was sickly from early childhood, WC were constantly doctoring for her, but it dict not wenn to help her in the least. In Pict 111 she grew older she seined to grow weaker. She wile always pale and listless, suffered (tom headaches, dizziness and patpilatiun of the heart. She did not res( at 'light, and would often toss and moan the whole night. Finally she had to discontinue going 10 school, and us she was continunity bak- ing doctors' medicine without benefit i grew discouraged, and feared we would low her. Friends urged Us to give her D►• Williams' fink Pills, and I finally decided to (lo so. By the (line she hod token three boxes there Was an ilnprove- ment, and a little litter she was able to return to school. From that on she grew stronger, had nn excellent appe- tite. slept web at night, and 1s now as healthy a girl as you will see. 1 be- lieve that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills saved her life, and as a mother 1 would re- commend these pills to every family in which there arc young girls. All medicine dealers sell these pills, or you can get them by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Gib. , The colony of Barbary apes on C rafter, the only one in Europe, is re- garded as sacred, and none of the ani- mals may be killed. 1Iov to Cleanse the c. System.—Parme- S etablc Pills are the result of 1 b scientific study of clic effects of cxlrncts of certain roots and herbs upon the di• g•esLivc organs. Their use has demon- trated In many instances that they re- gulate the action of the liver and the kidneys. parity the blood, and carry oil all morbid accumulations from the altl cls t• m. They nre easy to Inke,� action is mild and L'eneticial, . NOT CURIOUS. A certain employer of labor had re- ceived many complaints fromhis fore- man re - man as to, one of the hands, who, though nn excellent workman, anti one n whom( it were undesirable to dismiss nl- A Special Sale HiOIi-CLASS ORO i towhee', could never be induced to ar- rive at the proper time in the morn- ing. to ex So the employer, determining p esttlate with the offender personally, arrival early one morning and laid in wait for hint. In due time the dilatory one strolled in and was accns'ed wrathfully: "Do you know what time we begin work here in the morning?" "No, sir," was the calm reply, "I _ know they're always at it when I get here." - .p old "e 0111,01011% V84 CANOE 02 �Berrs.v.•cRS, To 4ivrARJo ci ver CO 1--r�.r�---: rGw r.a- •�s - r- PETERBOROUGH CANADA The Best 8118 Chea Cenoea,SJriffa.Lavn eeSta SEND FOR CATALOGUE AND GET OUR BEFOR7 BUYING PRICES t s_r SLEEPING 1N F.%Ci: OF ENEMY. ealcoutrnl:ilolt• I►e'ire in 'situations el Great Tension. it is nut act unknown thing for a sol - dor In fall asleep even when Osten- A. J. Pattison & Co. in their weekly rt Illy taking an active part in an news t'hell ter total•enBeund rho •ketreport sli(tsloren ows: A says the Brined' Medical Jot n nl. A case in p:uint is supplied by on In- more active du rir g th blc week of than for !cresting communication from n 1A11- steno t me pa, t. Largodon surgeon who served iu South Af- ipameot nds havd from ;t 1e bon ken up fr or in- . rica. n- nt Tien. 11e writes: Any one who has seen men in shin- The dock market, both in 'Daunt() lions of great tension knows that some and New York, has shown unusual ac - of therm— in Net n small minority of Betty nnd ad\'nnces in price; for the them—may lie overcome0Seep.It affects some n11nler unther of cases f idend s uhlHnti urs wns in Some of tr. ilob:o desire W sleep. men more than others. At }loaning the changes were from 5 to R points. The Spruil, June, 1900, the writer happened to be the only surgeon on tilt &pot when C'it. Bullock (now Gen. Bullock) sonS nttecked for about nine hours by a ik•er tore double his own in num- hers. better armed and assisted by sr- Ultery, We were without th d invalu- able assistance. The Boers tailed to take the post. During the attack the writer visited n trench ill w h'cli one man waQpbadly bit and an, Cher was lying y dead, except that lie had not the color tit a mon killed in action. The writer hlrn(d him ever to get a better look at 111 him e(<lIhiswthe tas notutin had the only Fund (. Veee p; an d vise of sleeping th•il day. Col. Bul!(ck's force wire called upon to repel an ntlack 01 about 7 n. m. on empty stomachs, were < b;iga) to lie face d< wnw•nrd in shallow trenches and en- dure the shell and rine fire dont all hal p ` ithithe sun, ;lCPIS night of travilrailway ru ks. n few of them went to Bleep. --- AT -- 'iii/ ,`'J1'f-V 4 �--BRGAIN PRIOESy Did you ever &ride that if you purchased an organ, you would like any Ger. organ vill r„bably mud it rn this list. n n is an exceptionallY good Due and is priced away below usual sell - le to rgan ur ter ing value's , " uer. A,, early order isss hin casevtitee hrstthe oshould' bee sold before )tour rend your fcn,t and third `-hone order is received. u TERMS OF PAYMENT Organs ‘110011 dr 151 15 each. and 53 per month without tu• tercet. Organ' over g�3 510 cash and 14 per month with nterest for cash. TERMS OF SALE taiv make o ine t [ru meet' If so yout p [LLS OF BLBYHOOD AND OF CHILDHOOD The ills of babyhood and childhood aro many and 'nay {trove serious it not promptly cured. In homes where Baby's Own Tablets are cure at hand tor suethere htroubles asindit gestion, sour stomach, colic, eonstipa- t,<.n, diarrhoea, worms, teething troubles and other minor 4ilnenis (ltd the Tab- lets can be administered as safely to n new born baby as to the well grown child."1 Octave Paulin, Ceramic', have usedBabs Own Tab- lets for both my little boy and girl for the verlous ailments of childhoo(i and have found them always a splendid me- dicine. No mother should le without the Tablets in the home." Sold by medi cine dealers or .by mail nt 25 een49 a box from The 1)r. Williams' Medicine Co., 13rockville, Ont. TIIOUGIHT IT FLIPPANT. The brave ship was wallowing In the waves that threatened to engulf at any rnoncnt. Hastily the captain or- dered a box of rockets and flares to be brought to the rail, and with his own betide ignited n number of them, in the hope that they would be seen and 1h pas'engers and crew rescued. Amid the rockets' red glare a nal!, thin, austere in(lividual Lound hs way with dim.ulty to the rail and spoke to the captain. retest against (Captain,' said he, ..I p this dare -devilishness. We are now fac- ing depth. This is no time for a tire- wut•k display." A. 1. PATrhus & (0. 'weekly \larket Letter. ,1.�� TIIOUGII11 UI. MAN. A lady who is subject to heart dis- ease took tea Inst Sunday with n neigh• hor, and while silting at table her hus- band rushed in without a hat and ;n his sh rt -sleeves. "Be calm!'' he exclntmed hurriedly to his wife; "don't excite yourself—you know you can't stand excitement, and it might te worsen” "Good gracious!" cried the wife; the children—" "They're all right. Now, Mary, don't gel excited; keep calm and cool. It can t be helped now; we must bear there visitations of Providence with pitil osophy." "Then it's mother(" gasped rho wife. "Your tis rbut don't hurry or worafe. Get ry. n your things. too late to be of any use, but 111 fly tack and see what i can do. i only carne to tell you not to get excited." "For mercy .aks,' implored the 01• most Glinting wo►nan, "loll ole the N% ors(!" "wee, it you will have it, the con- sequences be on you own' hand, ityou y. I've tried to prepare y wilt know—don't excite yourself: try and keep calm ---but our kitchen ckirnney's on Ore, and all the neighbors are in our front garden!' She survived. SLIGI1T MISTAKE. Jim was the village neer-do-well: ' 1- wnys in some scrape or other, n'•tlnng daunted by repealed thrashings udllun- istered to him by his father. At the age of fourteen he ran away to sea, but was glad enough to return fume again at the end of six months, hav- ing had a very rough time of ":t. On the second dorafter f to e lis litet limping. he WAS walking, , thre itch the village when he met the puts n, who stopp-cd him. \Nell. Jine," said the minister, "ging,' ta, see you've come back home. Did 1 your father RAI the 'fatted call?'" "No, sir," replied Jim, "but he very nearly killed the 1 rodigal son." 3'- 9 YEARS AtiS It \it t.t:G WALED BY %AN-t(I•I' . Mr. C. Johnson, of 1' -ptar Hill Creek, Athabasca Landing, Aea., says: "About nine years ago a running sore com- mence(' on my right leg caused by a ruptured blood vessel. As titno went on it got worse nnd my sufferings were intense. 1 had a very sore leg indeed, and had very shall hopes of ever -see- ing it healed, in fact 1 was told by sev- eral who had known such sores that 1 would suffer with it for life. When 1 was almost in despair 1 Heard of %nm- Ituk and commenced using it. Otto r s,l•es 1 had used caused me much sue e ,tering, but %nal -Bok soethid the pain, and as soon as the wound bcdame clean it was only o matter of three or tour days before it was healed." %ant -Bok con's cuts, burns. pimples. ulcers, ring,/warm, and all skin dis- eases. All store- rind druggists. 50e box, or from Zorn -Bilk Co., Toronto. Every organ fully guaranteed., 1 very organ shipped subieet to approval. We ay the return freight A handsome stool accompaniesnot tbilly each organ. BELL--S-octeve organ, by W. !tell 5 Co., Guelph, in attractive walnut case ��� with mucic• ruck and lamp stands;has 10 stone. 2 seta taVo`ial Salei the treble and one in the bass, coupler DOMINION-S-„,•tave organ by the Dominion Co., Dowmauville, in solid wal- nut case with ertcntted top; has 8 atopy, 2 seta of ree"Bute Price treble and CA 011e in the bass, Inuit) stands. 2 knee swells, etc.Special KARN-S-octave organ. by 1). 1V. Kara S Co., Woodstock, has lackin very standrhamusic nthoma wal- nut case attractively carved and panelled; $45 stops, 2 seta of reeds in the treble and one in the base. coupler.. 2 knee swells. Special tialc Price .......................... •... •...Doheny A Co.. DOHERTY-A very handso.ne a octave walnut organ, 8{ (Tinton : has 12 stops, 2 seta l Ted throughout,ale Prico lamp stands, music rack, Y 2 t.ouplera and 2 knee swells Ira DOMINION --A very handsome organ, by The Dominion Co, Euodetitheimn it DOM( 859 design s case, mirror, oet brackets and cupboard iJ deals; has 10 snips. 2 Lets of reeds throughout, coupler and 2 knee swells. Special bale Price . SHERLOCK-MANNINO-A very eau(iiifu&t5-octave la organ, by withheheir orMaas 13 stops, Co., London, with high 858 13 stops, 2 seta of rredi throughout, 2 couplers, 2 knee swelie. mouse -proof pedals. Used less than sic mouths. Special HarlleTPrice mea Organ Co., Wood- stock. C organ, by sca 01 rto-ca gata t i.2 tstops, lou11 a we. p V� ve -has o .alaB THOMAS •6 c8 stork, with mirror, raft top and fret-carved panels; Sale Price ............. reeds throughout. Co..Clinton. to e n ONE ADVANTAGE. "1 m glad 1-m not like man," remarks The oyster with a snicker. 't simply can't get in a broil As long ns 1 ant In liquor." Not n Nnueetine Pill.—The excipient Of a 11111 is 11te su1>Slance which enfolds the ingredients and 1)1nk(�s up the pill mass Thnt of 1'nrmeiees \cgetnble evidence ot returning confidence in gen- eral conditions and the unprecedented cen- ters arention ot factors inittheselrecults.nl leek for temporary recessions, but feel that purchases of the better class of stocks can be profitably made. The mining stock market has experienced very marked activity in the developed propertlee. Trethewey, Foster, Silver Leaf and on increasing shipments of rom 5to8p1o' ore. Several of the most prominent mines have,nfor S01110 profitable, shipmentts and n making is and pected lhnl some of 11i,' -e nisi be pincee; on a dividend Iasis ',Alin a short time. 'l'iethewey and F,s'er appear to be web manngc11 and tire looking en excellent showing. Eellowing are the weekly ehiprncnis h ,\„.t tl:g ;t my tre,users. trofn Cobalt comp, and those from Janu- : i' Pills is eo compounded as to preserve their ntnislure, and they cnn be carried into arty latitude without impairing their strength. Many pills, in order to keep then' from adhering, are rolled in pow- ders, which prove nauseating to 1110 taste. l'artrelees Vegetable Pills are so prepared That th('y are agreeable to the 111(tst delicate. "\Vhy. d° so ninny of yon go round 1l:n`n cause, the w tuns The tens'°n ot the situation In the: els nee writer felt the s 0mc xdesiire for t Si en, but nclhe crnpi:n•mt'nt kept thin.' awake. The wounded., Sa'l't 111.• m• severely wounded. so in sine rumMd V* (. leant cul action of this natural el;;testhctic. plat til( together?” the schoolboy naked to !eider of the German hand. "It vas Wee," sons the thoughtful reply of the elude -owing foreigner.' RCALD nr,Al 1s a disgusting and obstinate l Whynot keep ap your h"me w Ith a bright fl cheer) appearance. It makes. everybody A i,I ht ` Ike king up irOnt lila mngo7.ine, an fort cl , frequent to children. 1 roatment : Per- Ramsay paints an happy i I _gee x firmer 30141 vehemently to lt.ti (eat f,ea;linN`e arklulhnn11will Waa�%uh.t„ application it makes you bspP1 W. We b tP ger l make things clean and new Slee I f one night' "Do you know what let this. h C 2 couplers 2 knee 6 b n•In DOHERTY-6-octave piano -case organ. by Tho Doherty 2 sets of reeds 810 tied ease, with mirror 2 knee swells.patands; has 11 Special Sale Price Mops, • • . . • q throughout, coup W. Dell & Co.. Ouelph. in attractive wal- nut 880 BELL -4 octave with mirror, c rro organ, by reeds tout 2 coupler(, top kneelsw swells. Special l stale Price --- 2 ecce of reeds -oetav throughout, DOMINION- 6nctave piano•casc organ, by The Dominion Organ Co., Bowman - vine, in th walnut ca lam with mouse-proof pedals, etc.; hasd mirror rail r11 stops, 2usl length music desk. P 8 seta of recce throughout, 2 couplers. 2 knee swells. Cannot be told $8 front new. Special Sale I'rice........................... ........ THOMAS -6-octave piatlo•case organ. by Thhe, rail omaepOrga and attractive,Wood to kj1in q try handsorbe design mahogany easevos humans. 881 marque- try design in the panels; has 12 stops including couplers, oto A etc., 2 complete seta of reeds, knee swells. mouse -Proof pedals, 1 slightly used instrument. Special Rale Price ... SHERLOCK•MANNIND -A very beautiful Sherlock -Nanning organ in mahornny ca•,•, doubt,• veneered and piano finished th2osetsoof,reeds with lel ll gth 888 t. plain panels and music dark: has 13 stop.,, t couplers. 2 knee swells, (noose -proof pedals, etc. Lsed leas than a year. Special Sale rice Cucumbers and melons are "forbidden fruit" to many persons so constituted that the kart indulgence Is followed by (Meeks of cholera, dysentery, griping, etc. These pers one tire not uwerc that they can indulge to their heart's content if they lave on hand a bottle of 1)r. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial, a Medi- o me Utnt will give immediate relief, and it a sure cum ice all sutnlner coni - tiler complaints. "Thal lady'." said the new nssislanl. tushed to know 1f these eggs were fresh. How do 1 tell when eggs are not fresh?' "You don't,' replied the grocer. stir. SQUINTED. A sc1ie Ims'res ask' d a child whnt S -e -c spelt. '1'114 cha.l hesitated. "ee hat Il; 1 do when I look at you?' said the teacher. "'fitment," replied the pupil. Price Price ' and full swing carved panel: DOMINION -Sit octave piano case organ, by The Dominion Organ Co., in hand- some solid walnut cane with mirror, rail top fete sets l pedal cover. etc. Special Sale 89n f has 11 stops, including couplers. vol humane, eto., comp in rods, mouse -proof pedals, special folding D Price................................. ESTEY-1311 octavo piano ease organ, by the Estey Organ Co.. nrattlehnr••• y t. This superb make w instrument.uw`thestandard of the world carved panels. 11 strips. in Petsofbuild- ing." ing; le t, .olid l walnut knee throughout, 2 couplers. 2 knee awelle• Used leas than s year. Special Sale 10 5 Prieo GOURLAY, WINTER & LEEMIN I88 PONCE STREET, TORONTO, ONT. 1'nle, sickly children should use Mo- ther Graves' Worn' Exterminator. Worms are one of the principal causes of suffering in children anti should be expelled trout the system. Few men hate their fares on bnnl(- nnt.es, but most of us ore entisned .t laminated to get our howls on then'. W Kea W ATSRY BLOOD camp's tench trouble, That tired feeling est ropily mare !))>1m kolas follow in altc wade. iu,i " Ferr,viru."omas au.d u . n All' beat tonic to wake druggI.N *811 11 Weaver' Curate. pa , alt , o ti Gita lunger tie to the home Let ynnr deal" rh"w you the rolorP wllA suagesttons Aew to d' 1,: t.e dnn0 If f had been NAjinle011? It's envy' for the defeated candidate alt, White A. Rataeay h Pun c•� Alontreal, fay", on yyr.tI h nest reel "You'd picture est tarda of fleece. "lee: the ve . Moe settle(( down in (ortiCa, and spent your lite grumbling (hard times..' • The house -surgeon of a big hospital wn8 stnrt'ed ono mot•nin r1' Rlt ill for ently the request of n young g 1 an extra allowance of butter. "But why, pray?' he demanded, "don't you get sufficient?' "Well. sir,' she explained. "you see. my sweetheart is coming to ser foe to -day, and I want my' hair to 14 ok nice." was promised the support of his pack , f p v t about bad luck and when he said "All peen are liars. (ltd ('(nticman--"Ifavet you no fnm- • t ,.+ \\ IUs-- (h • , who friends to believe King David sons right i;y 1 ' " 1 yes sir! Father Some time ago an °dice boy. 11a in an'wer- makes me wear all his old ones!" ing( the telephone for the first m s life, 01x1 not knowing how to use ltollowny's ('.urn (-inc is n specific for it. wns told that, when the bell rang, the removal of corns nnd wllrls. We Le was 10 answer 11. When' lhcref°re, have never heard of cls tailing to re- • •t kind. •e beard it ring, he picked up the re- move even the won.. t k nd. reiVcl 111141 sho,netl. 11t1l o1 Who there!" The answer come back: "1 m BEADY TO RISK IT. enc hundred on:I live.' "Go en,' said Dinner was n little Irate. son guest the troy. "It's time you were dead." nOml the i.natctas to Piny something Se, herself at the piano, the laity De i,, e' "I hent ye „ r executed a very classical composition n nre )liming for Sealing t n rich ,t •• �t:etrtlt•igar-- Itig,ht you with I'r�l`k'n She Ontahc(1, nnd there Ica Huy lh ng. nr,•>, p> 1. g my let to (tate: Week ending J(ny Olh since January re,a q10 roningas ie.(►: •tiler heliewe, 1 •iffain 4r,... • ABOUT PAPERHANGERS. ave We •,,,neltvis t our 't know what it but we don'tn pe 1.. 11 could Maldtoeme Mout th, elate Than the paperhangers 1, r • I " Lek, 1181.610, Crown Ite'erw,' ;.,,.3. ,,,:alt t,,il,n1 107.15(). City f ,.,, 1t eminent' 92.340. Fester h, rr Lake 330.710. King \,•. , 1:7 :; 1.a Ito(' 141.(%tI. 1.901.- 1 .1111: ,.- ,� \I K-nl, ) t; i 0(111, 1.Is3.9KX), Nipisk,ng 1.2'10.870. Novo Set 1?O7i'O, e • II len 1111.12(►. ()Poen 127.5en. I .- ;1 lee It Oil nl \Vey lile.t7O. 120.0' I,t .• 113.210, etnderd :i" 7311. s eel , . :� ',alt.:00. 1'h -,'r Clef :e1Ixlll.'.l• \e! 1 - . 1 1.12. Win. 1'nwt)Rite Ri.111), Ternt.kritning 11. & 5."9.(50 '1h, lh,'aeY 670,'J16, \Valls 114: 430 1 Short- w wns still an interval of walling W be orimmonommimmw 10C. The latest SUCCCSS. SUS,VVista The big black plug chewing tobacco. fair,•=4117132 226! bridged. In the silence she turned to an old gentleman, who wns silting near tine pinno. and said, "Would you like a so - Hato before d.nner?•' Ile me 9 ainrl et surpr.8o and plea. I sure. "Why. yes, thanks," he said. "1 had n cou1J0 °n my way here, but i think 1 eouhl take another." FAS''. "Can any little boy'," fished the new teacher, "tell me the dt'ference between i a lake 01141 nn ncenn?" "1 can." replied Edward. whose ver- • 1 hnd been horned from experience 'Trees s arc mach pleasanter to AtvaUow when yea tall In.' 1SS1 E.. 10. 21- -08. A. J. PAITISON & CO. SAS -NS X7RES, Toronto. Phone, Main 1311 33 Scott St., Bonds yielding 4 to 6 1-2%, always on hand in amounts to suit investors requit'etliatltsr Margin on New Stocks bought and sold for cash Or exchanges. York, Boston, Montreal and Tol'onto s Orders for N 1)is ing, Silver `Ctbll ill 1 osteY 1111(1rk u ;ill 1 ew other Cobalt stocks executed for d Toronto. ondenrs--Chas. Head R. Co., Members of New York and Lorres p Boston stock exchanges. ANTED Our readers to note that the celebrnled Frenc7► remedy, PANGO, which has been and Ls sok' under a guarantee --that In cases where the outward application, as eirectCJ, fails to relleie pain, moneys pald will be refunded -81t11 slnn(ls. In no (lase, not- withetanding the large tato increasing sale, has a refund been asked for. itecommended for neuralgia, ptctllache, rheumatism, gout, catarrhal colds, stiff Joints, ale. Ask your druggist (or a sample and do not accept a substitute. You will be pleased with it. Price 25 and 50 cents. The Pang,o Company, Toronto or wholesale 1.)man, Knee & Clark sore Limited. Formai). Lyman Bros. & Co., Niotitreat, Toronto.