HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-05-28, Page 4HE EXETER TIMES, MAY _-411 190 .
The Exeter Times
applicable to terminal facilities Ut
I i ht• city of 'foroa o. This $chemo
l was brourht down in tho veryf Jas}►
Eicte I. ptario• days of the f�l1cssion; %%31 .not announ-
`ced to the house before teen : o as
?erns of 6ubdoription $1.00 i I usb(d through milli other oast k Un -
t in advance• 1$1.50 snaY der •iremost;oleos that it could slut
merged if not so paid. To Unite3 receive from the Opposition oho
litotes subscribers. $1.50 bttictly in consideration it Aza
t•erted, When
',devotee. No. 'paper discoutiauel considered and tInuouettly studied
until all arrears are raid. unless at out it cecina to tx abaoltticly. (,,ah -
the option of the Publisher. The , f,,ns(ble and contrary to all t',• •
date to which every subscription is dent.
'Aid is denoted on Sloe label. 1 be morign9 * referred to b) N1'
Advertising rates on application. t \\ Marley nit Ottawa,dith *3*tsllteecr sal .
CO. i 1 x ,n,in:llion of i1 1evealx 1Ise • ••
!!• t l n,o,'ldaL' Ila!, t•xrcutvd, Ea.
+ to me. (loss Giotto ',nowt lint dry' t.':.•
' Whitney huveMint nt ovet n y.n1
' Note and Comment 1 after they came into loose
1 It is therefore olear tion \Ic \\ ►,.t
--.^ 1 Ilea' made au absusut.• 011' ••t ,t• 111.•111
--�- - in u seiUna that "111i'n 11. .1410110
-111 1110 1IUUSv' 11011. A. 1-1. AyleS- i pal "Ilion cam111(0 1, 't `. di Ann t1 *444111
wet 111 introduced and explained his • 1 hat oho mor(4at:r
bill "to restrain the use ef• tobacco 1 ',nett 1 h tant tothusinessltite t.t,,1' .i.... , tw• i (hat t
by yours:; people." The bill is d'- , w.• valemit t( [tout 1!
et 'tied to prevent 1 be use. of tobacco 1111$. 1t'as Ila noel :
in any torus by "lboso ulider 16 years
lento wlwt► the preer44t 1tt1
Of a�:, ane he shall TOC an offence, t•ut,r1 ..r:.l. 14: 1tM
cigar. boll canto Intl
4)D the P:4r't O allj n p( the toot ,,ue 1. ,
'111(1'0 tl da 110 n. 1 0"14 h•.I t' llll
111 ; till tn,l 44 nut„1. 1.1 4444 Ic,•iel
o„ , tiillrtl 0111 polo r ., • , 101 •-1,
1• t Iifltn. til,
\11 s. ('rte* !\I• 4 a, t1 suit.. ill.
t! n n 41 , l. I ., 1 %nevi I l l u 4.1 14
1 . ... t „ lwsl,1 baso 1.10. ,
,.•t , i 4..1,1..1 1.11 11..
\\ e' 1, 1, , ,•1•,1.. , . ,t ,•1t t :,., 11,
It • :1 Its 'V El lit t C!. .
Rees tt: ,,1101, . l;u Nis A'tttti ti.c,�d
\t. t .•1 t 1, e , 11.11 lies..
1 4,t 1... t. t
Ott Ilu,,,ti,', a,h 1'.,41,1,111, *fila
1, 1, L,zt .,..1, e•14 Int m:,a
11 :111 110111 1. •.•t"t t.4l''at \'tt'I•
st. 1 ,111 .,t 1 e.
lett in \ tut, t 14.'•.1 het., a1%'14t 1'11,1.( :.•
[ one to gave ci' a- fol mt (1 h
Mattes of cigarette li'Lps rs to ally 'r•
t ,1 ut 11VV
rheic ow'tt . [rets (n it, (Le
must bear all r,seonsttsltt)•.
The same spirit of diatuat was ex -
;young person, whether for
use or not. A eenaltys ocivided
for any °Mite." by vou
0eamsI :that er:.ietment, cosistinebY
of a reprimand for the dirst offence, chi edion w(th 144):. Go%si i me ttrtla011001
It maximum fine of one dollar rot
Dectild of fenceofc'four dollarsaantlaat thi duo[[euc•� thatLitl issdesls il,l • ito eneour ore.:uld
to seize
of Solaw bacco�lfound empowered
' teaching profession. a rllleoley lut olivelee
t (0
Ito sc(zc any
�youag person. 9T r. Ayleswot th said shot cd Oho ;Mihe nister of lEducationflee( are provincial yaws in regard, pusit'd b tltealchers *should be (Ot-
to the matter' except in Manitoba and public
Quebec, but as tbey differ in char- I'd according to the assessment of
•actor it had been deemed nalvisa%)l(t the school section.
the Liberal party
:to have ono bill apaliabie to tle oironeustc posed it lhisand 'M luster eStei
whole Dominion. desir-
ed 'to encourage the employtnent of
'•rrEetl(or as agai119t junior teachers.
sETY FINANCING TORONTO t'\1VF.R- and experienced as against inexper-
I'rior to dim5•e.8r 190G the; Legis- ienced'te.achcrs, L3 ought to glycin
ilature annually voted 1b3 moneys re- rgeneral grant to all the sections but
(Toronto U,u- might give a small additional grant
;aired for t us ideitlin� twith it as to those seations wliIch trould employ
;vGersity, :thus stealing
with call other 1►ubtio experienrxd or senior leachers.rs• ply
institutions and doing 'this the Liberals argued that
with all other public expeuditures. he 'would be co-oparatin3 with etc
Annual estimatesp'were brought down rural school 'trustees and not play-
show'in3 the proposed exile ane the roll of dictator mhich he did.
dor 'the ane nub Fear. These nater- Besides, 'the Liberals opposed 'this nn
ame subject of discussion, i3round that it .was a class leg 'Refreshments 'will be served toilets -
findthe Minister of Education bc' tion 5n -as -much es it Applied' 11) flits cd by a prograuune of local (al, n(.
tally •bec
• flu 'llouse awes obliged to justify townshipsbut no such principle was C E. German, of London; districic
rt t, 4 411,1 Itrlul.
h \l,.•s.'a 1{inli1a and h+11.• �tct'ut-
Il11c1., 44 nu ;walct 01 1.01111011 11(111444
III,' t, 1.1 1µ0440I hrltr 14'1111110d 11011104
MI'S. lf. ingunge111141 MVO ,1asi( 111ts-
laid spent Victoria 1)*y at (•0ndo►1,
Lu Call
Mt -. t'. A. t)'Ncit, of Aloutre;tl
is 1i.,s:i11 • tier mother *1rs. 9t. '11c-
4.1. Talton, of llroo':villc, is the two
engines, r :it the 'Luca ti '11(lliva ICo.
Dr. Fled Fox arrived home, from
Toronto Wednesday and left Thurs-
day for New Volk. where arc: will
take his post ;r.iduate course 'at
the Manhattan Maternity Hospital,
Miss ,Madeline O'Neil, of Montreal.
is risittn_, at 1). H.
'The 1tev. 11. 1) .Stevenson,' of liar-
riston has accepted a call to the Pres-
byterian Churches at Lucan And
Fraser. The induction will lake
place on 'J'hursday afternoon, 'May
28, at j.ue;ui, 'Itev. Mr. Nichol :will
preach. 'Rev. J. W. Cameron will nd-
((ress the minister 811d !Ilev.1 Jas.
Abrey, moderator, will address the
congregation. In the; evenin a re-
cet►tiou trill be held at Chesr.t'r hall
ev( y' (tam of expenditure. But su
established %with reference to village
Ithc year 1900 o pmsc►rt Govern -
own or city. The discussion of thji
anent ch:ui.es tho law and Altef Pro' clause of the Public School Act, was
cedure by b.ction 140 of elle Unireirs- adjourned after strong opposition by
fry Act and provided that: (-
shall be ptid to the dloard of Gov,:r-
tiers out of the consolidated-'.tenua
of the Province Tearly and every year
it sum s: {oat to 50 j ereentutu' of the
t of tho
(he lLiberals and the clause was modi-
fied. The 'Minister of Education,
the clause bo stand for refused year uno til
it was discussed by the public gener-
ally. Ann soetcy unfairun-
representative for (1* Ontario Mut-
ual Lite Assurance Company, was
in town on Friday.
James O'Shea is the new weigh
master at the village scatos. \k,
Ila wk., Is tic Lavin; resigned.
CJ g tg T KOilid fie Hate X' )s d Ml>;tlt
Rears the
ay era 3e yearly gross receipts o b } (1 and un
Province trots succession duties." truthful ',attempt
basis and 1m l the buccesSion this clause simplyA t d '[ter tl
(s made to In
This is arranged oil
l n thee' year ,that the Liberal leader support 1
cans (hat t[ tp]f rho because (n u Cit-
go$$ rcAct t anter r er clans^ of (h3 Act, An alter Act dor the year 1008: 1J09. Government bad •Ldopt'd the pcuut-
Dutuies overnmen
1010 shall Rye respectively >UOUn(- pie of minimum salaries, he suggest- 'Mrs. Ernest Parkinson, of Bryan-
tve0U,000,tf7U0,0U0; l_het► Torontoc(Jai cd ;that if they desiretil Rbezl law car- ellen is visiting with friends in
versify in 1911 shall receive r,f,00,- ried but it was manifestly, ,utifair to own.
D00e '1'hc 'Liberals etroubly opt>oseg penalize teachers wwco broke it and 'Mr. John Tales, of London, is visit-
change to the law and during
to allow trustees to go scot. tree, but Ing with Mrs. Suttterby.
ofhs this Act
moved for a reveal while inakin3 that sugt,*esus» he Mr. J. Wright spent the holiday
this Act and for n return to the
sem of responsible 6oterufuen; made it abundantly clear that 111 (11 Stratford. ..
oldsy t Was opposed entirely to minimum sal. Quite a number from around here
services at
• •t• s
Ci F, t
u nnnly y
people r s
tended the 't •alt (ic
f 1 tl
nr sen t as d
-lilt. T(1 � Rr1•. ,r uUt
Woodham Sunday and Monday, also
a number of the young people took
in the spol•ts at tho various placct+.
'Rev. Keys will preach here neat
n a .
tSu d
Our choir intend making prepare -
lions for the anniversary.
All disorders caused by a billow,
stab of the system oan bo cured by
using Carter's Little Liver fills. No
pain. griping or discomfort. attend-
ing their use.' Try them.
The snow on the upper oroaks4Jik.:
the timber on the lower Fours, is
Plitt' an et(solve destroyer and lin-
' •it la
l w o I -ri (1.
to S nhe
• kite ,floor of Y'arliamctit annually
ate$ for Toronto trni- 1.''114' • ' of the
province. of On-
passcsl►m tato() :,- a class were as tinxioul to
verstiyiy the same ns for tiny Other gist •ood education to their c -
ubl c 'nstatition. The resultion ask- r n was any other clasp in the
i 1 C
• r"Lt•:
in, that the 'Act b;; tot.• d y Icomm :n;ty.
voted down, however, on a biraight
'tarty vote. Thus the present Gov- A.It�'7Le,>�R=�..
erument refused So trust fist people ill K rd Yc't Hata AIt1a1� heft •their represent aliv:s in the Bean
nthe /�
Legislative Assembly. ig
I of
Itt the dying Itours of session. when
the Government introduced eeveral
bills 544n
a second sou
d 1t
they were ever printed; in Act
was introduced ;lying certain " t aid so
Rev. Mr. Anderson. a former pas-
tor here. will conduct the: anniter-
the Canadian Northern Ontario al - (nary services al theSAnd rsotl 5fath-
way Company, of which Mr. 'McNeil- 1 odist church n
n Mr. Mann arc practically the' Mr. Geo. Anderson left last week erdraivii1'c-1(nce. sea harde edges alaro
at and
sharp r
owners. On Lein.' interrogated a9 to for the west.
imperceptible re
this guarantee he 'ren,i''r explain -1 Last Sunday being missionab-,seneoo
cd into enorousdrifts. 'Tha
cd that a main reason fur 4iw(ut;it day '11.-:v. V. .1. Spence officiated an
sense of mss; is still -lett, but it N
was that under the old guaranteo preached missionary sermons at $t.
Rhe Province ices not protected as 1 Pant's church in the morning and fit.
clearly as it ou;hl to have been and' Patrick's church Sainsbury in the
that the mortsage slid sol rover flit:- afternoon.`rMrs. John McCurdy left I,
,whole line of railway. inclutli'iz aleft
be twine rout,lbys the5 1101 facts, nor ado:, f 1;e ndse ink thefor
Nor'tlwest.r visit
it seem to 11;• a sufficient or any Ileo. Vel,; attended the district
justifies owe int the presort- = all meeting of the: Melliodist Church
ontee.. "1 he amount etiaraii el lee.i' at llenr sall l ool s week.
ekw(ng its pat -
to the !louse to r. ',
$1,500 AMU. 1t tarns out, Leo : veto 'riotoft' :1 MI has erected a flnA {.ole.
that when worked out the amount I 11 r. Itoy Shier is Lome from ille
of the guarantee may run up tothe
! Coro t'o ale icrild Coll ng .wcalled to
figures of $1.500,000. The guarantee
(s $341000 per mile for fifty stiles Excitor Jost week on accounts of the
R railway, which makes 81 ,900.000. death Of his :looar! father, 4I*I recount
the sumand sumof 31 r400.uoo i!wm
1 coulter- of boappears t
-� this
Sion *4 it h Lt's initials in the city of I -.
'Toronto Tlos ocelot' of the t: :, rn-.
The Kind You Hat .'t.lt\•tlyst Dwight, and which has been
to use foe I.t l•r ::/) yce:trs, t:a.: 1>ut'*' 111a signature or
. and has been n►altle under Ids per..
Gyasunalhuper%isiun since i;::lntatu•y'.
• 4(4•41"4"• Allow no ono to 41vecive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and ".it►.�t-:IS-;;outl" ar flit
!a}►crintcttts that iritto wvit11 and endanger the health of'
Infants and CItilelrcu-l:xperieucct against Experiment.
What is CASTOR1A
Castoriu is a harmless substitute for ('a' -tor Oil, Part.
gorie, Drops and )soothing Syrilp•:. It. is 1'14-:1•nt►t. It
contains neither Opium, Dlorphirttl nor other Narcotics
f:ubstlutce. Its age. ('4 its guarantee. It dc14tro; : \\'mute
4444(1 alloy', Feverishness. It cures Mai -riven and Wind
Colic. It relieves( Teething Troubles, cares Constipation
and flatulency. It assimilates the Pont}, regulates tau)
btotuaelt and Bowels, giving healthy :toil natural sleep.
The Children's l'auacca-Tho Mother's friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 rears.
•N•NN•••••.N•••••NN••••N••,t►••NN•••••••••••• f
The Molsons Bank
Z55. Established 18,
• CAPITAL PAiD UP • $3.372.500.00
• .. $3.372.500_00
j - Assets Over $33,000,000.00 =(
(;(neral Banking Business Transacted. 21
__ _
ISavings Bank Department ;1
• $1.00 Opens an Account and Interest added FOUR
Times a Year.
• Dickson & Carling,
Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, ytanagcr
not susgestivc of rock foundations.
'Monte Rosa is one of the_ most col-
ossal of all the Alps, yet from the.
top pf the Garner Grat it is so Inde-
finite that it is locaitld with soma
difficulty. 'Mont Blanc, too, has a
shroud of snow about its top (hat
effect unity covers the rocks and
leaves only an undulating field of
ilat tlhou;h these peaks lose some
of 'their rusged mountain character
under 't he anew, they 'gain in n pother
tt•ay. The snow is all intense re-
flector of light. And light may ba
quite as •impressive ns dj,te. Tha Ii
thinness of the upper air and rho
const went dire((nes$ of the sun's
rays have sonct11iny fo (lo with this
intensity, gut the dazzling oualitty of
the allow is to be accounted for
otherwise. Pare pritnary colors jux-
taposed will, at a distancd,com-
bine and come to the 053 as 'while'
light wi
th more
intensity ty
than 1n an
reflection from prepared white paint
or white paper. This is Ilia Old
Impressionist contcslion of •llone't,
and scientifically, as well as piotor-
ially, it is true. The snow is ills
beat illustration. For strange tis
the Statement may sound, the snow eighty
teeoI, of upon extent,
hon,F tend entered for 1 hln,
ntenl 3" 1 direct '.io)aLion of the 'Che 39tH anniversary of the Wood-
profcsions of its meu11 : 1,, .1 In ham Sunday School ttas held on Sun-
Oppo-it (o0 and the tu, e
the ext, -it of $IJ3Utt,0011 r,:... t in
any soil%•• b• slid to l*, a'. :,,
given to a colonization read in a
new cutlet') localise ii it .3.. . io
Then it's time to ::�t: N') time
to study, to read, to experi-
ment l You want to s.lcc 1'('::1' ' self
hair, (- •t tj i'k'S t^ .i *1 man kl ows of no item of netts; that
f ' II
41'y' Sermons were delivered by Hes*.
I!. 1. \Varner. 1). 1). Principal of the
t: 'ma College St. Thomas. A plass
t.+''ttitl, wens held in the ntirrneon This woman St1 that Lydia 1:.
44(( was, add' .'s"(I by nor, warner i'inkhl►tn's Vegetable Compound
,,d othe•ry ,+ atonday, 'Victoria 8a'.rei her life,
B. E. WALKER, President
ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager
Paid-up Capital, $10.000,000
Reserve Fund, - 5,000,000
DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS sold, and money transferred by
telegraph or letter.
COLLECTIONS made in ail parts of Canada and in foreign countrieS.
FOREIGN BUSINESS. Ghoques and drafts on the United States,
Great Britain and other foreign pountries bought and sold. 113
Branches at Exeter and Crediton
Two 6 Octave Organs Farni for Sale
Second IIand.
--- �---
Also Two Pianos
Slightly used
At Great Reduction.
SMIS 01 1110 000011100 NOM WOSI' Sewing Machines
1' even numbered section of Dominion Lands in
aaskatchewan and Alberta, excepting
t> and 20, not reserved, may be homesteaded lit-
any person who is the sole head of a family, or any
male over 143 y'er es of age, to the extent of one -quay
tet section of 160 acres, snore or less.
Application for entry must Le made in person by 1
the applicant at a Dominion [ands Agency or Sub-
agency for the district in which the land is situate.
Entry by proxy may, however, be made at an agen-
cy on certsinconditlons by the father. mother, son.
daughter, brother or sister of an intending honie-
st ender.
The homesteader is required to perform the
homestead duties under one of the following plane:
talion of the lAt least six and in each year for thrs' residence ee years and cults•
(2) A homesteader may, it he so desires, perform
t 'tin on farming
b thing K
u rid residence the r
e i
• nt so
than e1 ( )
land owned solely by him, not fesseighty
acres in extent, in the vicinity of his homestead.
Joint os mishit) in land will not meet this require-
(3) If the father (or mother, if the father is de-
ceased) of the homesteader has permanent residence
on farming land owned solely by Riot, not less than
3 e .I . .4411 i .gill( was held' ill Mr. \ilea.. 1:11111111 (hate], \'1tlleytield,
where everyone had
no,. • eIe,y'able titne• tunic teas
furni ! 1i 1 the fit. Marrsoeclteslra
•ed ode. : 41 • by di'' list 1111tt-
4crs. - •1,,1 00111, , 1 11014 in
' II,' 0 4 7..' I . e, 11:, . .' fur-
1.:41 l'. •1i.', .n. \1►_.
o , u.• 1. undu:us; St.
! o'. 114 th' '11 rays
I se
I;,•ll.river, Quebec, writes to Mrs.
1'1111(11 ails :
•• 1 want to tell yen that without
Lydia Y.. 1'inkhntn s Vegetable Com-
pound, 1 would not be alive. For
months I suffered with
irregular periods and int13nttuation of
the feminine organs. 1>oc•tors eould
do nothing for tae, and said 1 must sub-
----- ntit W an operation as 1 had a tumor.
1(lne of Illy cousins advisers me t„
-The Exeter '1'inies hat a dumber' take Lydia E. I'inkhrun's Vegetable
4f coal bei. lm. 1110 i t w' ' ' very Compound as it had cured her.
I.1:hly, becalm. the [r(cnthhip ex., 1
r to be one of I " 1 did so and now l have no pain
1•r, :;ed does not.apneay and ant entirely (awed. Your remedy
ti inle•resl. A Ja,l ora ;{endo• o,
i.� deserving of great praise.
air, an sable 1 u f �'ACYS FOR SICK WOMEN.
1 u,itht ,n > cu to ba miss3rd try the
So make hp 1, our mind this " .editor and protupt 1'.• pholt•'a thin o1• ( . •
tics atho 3 , i'or 'hills- years Lydia F.. Pink.
very minute that if your hair
ever conics out you «•ill use
Ayer's hair Vigor. it makes
the scalp hla{thy. The hair
stays in. It clunot do any-
• nature's 11'5y
The' best kind of t'eettnlenial -
' Sold for over sixty years .'•
ai.o,.►a.•o.4turcr. er
P sIRSAPtlillt.t.
is •really not white. Under the J1'4I in the ticinU -, euch homesteader may perform h*a
rosoope every snowflake is :1 cry- oa'n residenceduticsby lining with the father or
slat, n prism, that shows on itis edges monist.
4 semi "vteduit)^ in the two preceeding
all the colors of 'the rainbow. raker paragre1pule defined ae minning twt Ili a than
'together. thesoe flakes make at my- vino utiles n adirct line, exdueire of road ATV
mass of color dots; pond' in com-
bination the Clots produce (ha appear.
� ti l
11 m9
• flakes s
• �• The t
once of while. 1 .
are not mere white disks t'eflegtind
the sun.
The 'brightness of the snowothen,
is largely due to the Drigmalie make intention to apply for l,atent,
nil pf the flakes ; and Rota bright w, W. CORY,
tt light is no ono knows so well l Deputy of the Minister of the Interior
as1 III
as 110 who has Inade the ;is -cent o' i N. R. -unauthorized pnhiication of this advertise
the snow peaks. l ment willnot be paid for
From "The 'High Alps," by John
C. Vna 7)yke, in the June Scribner.
)t the
without anyother thouslit n
that of impr0vin; tho paper. These
people- $zive More than .,1 cup Off
• aof
I{{ sure f
{ d av b c
water, an m .
class weddins notice, or obituary
notice or any other tittle comple.
merit we have to offer. There arc
many ilernm of real iuterestin3 news
' a
that 1110 editor tnl 4(•.• ant ntIntton
ally, for he cannot afford to stn n r lenrl',null
det.-etive a7cney to pry into private 1111T -110W11 feeling„ fiat llKev-
' homes and 01 h.,r ware, that :ere nrel '! n,(1i7Zi11es0M'nervous prostration.
`within him ob=0rv.aISoo. The prv)1,'.e \\•hv don't von tri' it ?
you know and thin.,a you knew arc •(r.. I'irlkltatn invite.; all sick
i often unknown to hien, even as much women t.' '.'.rift her for entice.
la non!'of the 4bin .t' weknow and She has guidedthousands to
Ithe people we meet are unknown to health. Address, Lynn, :llf+lts.
yQ P1t1S.
�/ CiIERRY pftlOCtt.
llam'5 Vegetable ('oM )cmnd, mail.•
, ., been
from rtxtts+;uul herbs, , laq t. .nti1
standard remedy for (entitle
^1111 has positively cared thousand, • f
women who have been troubled Wit It
tri'1►1nee1114'nts, inflnnnnnlion, uleer:l-
tion, fibroid tumors. irreglllal•itits,
bear. .
+1•rittdie pains, a 1(• , t hat
once* crossed in tha measure-__ -
6 A homesteader intending to perform his resi-
dence duties in accordance *with the above sidle
tannin land owned id
v n with hie parents or on K
Rig i.
himself must notify the Agent of the district of such
writing should be given to
81x months' notice in K
the Commissioner of Dominion Landsat Ottawa of
Tien i)•.tutiful '2(i) acre f iron.
kited, 1 •,- 4 han on3 mile Nort h of
1 Exeter on the London Hoad. Loti3
I Nos. -1 end 5 psi cone Usborne Ori
{ the property is a lame. new brick;
Mouse. with every convenience, target
bank barn, 'three wt iudmills ; first
class supply of water. The faruX
in first class condition. These far=
can be bou;ht together or separalttl
, For further information apply, itel
Tr. J. \Welsh' eon ti:ta pr, miser.
The best Illa(10 at prices tllilt Mortgage Sale
will suit you. Of "louse and Lot at Shipka,
Bicycles, Baby Under and by virtue of 'the poset
Y 1 s of sale n certain Mort sage, whielj
A Doctor's Statement
Maio St. Paul, C.C., Quo.
March 2711), 1907.
''ttr. T. A. Slocum, Limited,
Toronto, Ont.
Gentlemen: -
M y many thanks for Paychtne and
Dxomulsion. I have used them with
eery great satisfaction both in my own
rase and in that of my friends. It af.
fords me much pleasure to recommend
a remedy which is really good in cases
for which it is intended. 1 ata, yours
very truly,"
Doctors recognize that Psychino it
one of the very best r� onedie s for all
Throat, toting and stomach trouhlee ail,
sill run o'.,,n conditions. From ttlistevol
etlti36. 1t 15 Ole- prescription of one o1
the world's greatest al(reeialipt: in dist•
cases of the throat, luifgs, and et/imae.L,
and all wanting diseases. Aie, yolu
druggist for it, at 50e and 1.00, of
T. A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto.
Round•Trip Excursio la
Al.tit•iii 1's
April 1t, 79 June 9, 21 toe. 4, 11
11Ay 12, 2a Jely T 21 Soo. p1,1s
Tlr kelw d"nd •o relnrn ,.tlhln rift days
F:RI' LOW RATES' '-erg 1:;: I. -ants
�.------ . •1ntr:
1! ,::(, :) le . ,
'l .; er-N, 4• .nr 1 , • • ' -Went. point*.
TOURIST SI.FF11 RS A limited
numher el
Tourist sleeping Can a:111 le run nn each
excursion, fully equipped with bedding.
etc. Berths ahnult (sr• aec,us'1 and paid for
through loeal agent at 1••.tst ci% dry.
before excursion Iesre• •
• hates and full in,'.,rmnrinn onntt,uned
in free 'lom�aeekers' i»m.i,ist. Ask near
est G.P.R. agent f.1r a ropy, or writs to
C. 0, tOSiIR. Dtll1irt tray. 444.. C.(,te., %roofs
No Honing
No Grinding
.a,,.O!? f A_E_
C': 7154)14?. 4414,
Some day'sha.ing is forced upon
trery mea. At first 1t does cot
¢:tier what sort of razor is used-
fatber's pet Carbo Magnetic or
pother'$ fond birthday gift of an
expen;iva safety with its constant
1.r.- of acw blades -just so it
eh, :•er.
T z beard soca stlf est and then
1.y^ real, vital question atilt, t"Why
doesn't a rarnr ho14 its edge nni-
foraty from heel to head without
(t+ni;; • or grinding?" Shaving tuts
-now !eeome a necessity -but the JW H
comfort and satisfaction of a daily,
coot, clean shire is very seldom ob-
tained. Fulling and smarting is the
usual outcome of the effort, whether
you shave yourself or have It done
in your favorite barber's chair. Von
persistently ask, "Why?" "The
temper of the blade is nu: ciform,
making petiodieal honing and grind -
Log a necessity," is our aiswer.
T4 -e blaze of the Cubo ?anKoetic
razor is finished by a secret process
of EloofrlO Tempering t b a t
positively merges every particle of
C rbon (tI.. life of ::-et) Into the
met:.: -g vinq a Jiunsond.11ko
has cinema un,ro-mty throughout
the blade-scrtethirg absllutety im-
possible with firete npered treo used
in making all other razor
But test this so honked, no
grinding, uncerciti,nallr guaran-
teed taro* in your rwa tc:^e-cr
Stare your barber urs it co yo•t.
Drop u: a postal, 0: better yet,
con.( 1n and ((e us and we w,il g4r1
you our sew proposition for having
these razors (cited v:,thn.,t obliga-
tion to purchase, tog•eh_r wit', our
/tee booklet " Hints on Shaving.-
• r will be produced at the time of sato,
Carriages and Go Carts
i there will be offered for sale by. pubs
lie auction on
Very attractive. Prices right 1 TIIUZISDAY, JUNE 11th. 1903
at 1 o'clock, P. M., on tho premises
• part of (Lot No. "I'cn, in the Sixteenth
Fine Stationery
Concession of the Township of Stag--
hen, in the County of 'Iluren) coal.
4,ainin3 iniac-t*wcni12lhs of nn acrq
r frontage 011
lis having 1 a
ore or c t 3
tie sideroal of nine rode 'b) a depth
S. of eight rods, the northwest corner
�_ ____ _ ___- - 1 o said property being four rodsoast
from the northwest angle of said lot
number ten.
On 'ibis property is a •good iramq
house 18 'by `24 feat and a frame stably
Twenty per rent. of 1110 p r o
l money on the day of 9:111) and t34
fi balance in 'thirty days thereafter,
iii% without int crest.
3. further terms rind conditions still
be made known on the day of sale Or
may be had on application to
\ Sc.b At
1 ,
{ Exeter, Ontario, Vendor's Solicitors
isDated at E4�•ler this 21st day of
1 a • 100. .
.1 9
i )
.no t
The council of the Corperatifn o1
s Martill &son
Is the leading busineee
ing school in Western Ontario.
+,. \Ve Give a thorough, practical
•• training of Gt1PClll
'I' }state Pitman's Shorthand, Touch
.?. Typewriting, And in Commen-
t and
Each department is in the bands
4. of experienced instructors. We
-t' assist students to positions.
') Our Rrnduates always succeed,
Ifor our courses are the best, the County of Huron wit} mea: lot
(ieL our free catalogue and learn the souncil chamber, in the fratvtl
more about us. 1•on may en- tof 1Goa''rich, on. J enc the 12nd. at the
ter now. - I hour of 3 o'clock p. m.
Accounts against.the county, re"
Principals. quit in; settlement. )rust 1>c plaosd
4. 1 ell h I he Clerk previous to the above
date. Dated of Goderich. May tbQ
18114, 1:1115.
\V Lane Clerk.
•I +-Pl tet.+•t• 1.441.4.1•++1•d+++++,y
W. Cole,
\bO.RLOC;:^i.. trpt: :;. c:1 i-rLtay.
May 2_.,1. to Mr. and M John
\I•,rIcek. rl ':
1;Ff. -In 1'. ,piton I.as'. on May
Irk it. t0 \1:. :,.1 Mrs. AEI tont Ms-
. t <lln.,i
• ll..lsh, t.t:reatilo Iemothe5 arc
Cis? givin ! stay to the gentle action
in,! 1+1(3(1 effects of Carter's Little
1.icer Pills. If you try there they
t'w'ill cert, linty please you .
Il(:1�JltlN -ln Exet r. on May 21ti1'
1908 Willi !t,. llo•.hin aged 80 years
10 mom! 11 (t 4 --
Confined to His Home for Weeks.
"Ilenvy work, severe straining and evil habits in youth brought nn is
double varicocele. when 1 worked hard the aching would become
sever., rind 1 was often hal up for a week at atime. My faintly
.hyslcian toll me nn nperntlnn was my only hope --but 1 dreaded R.
1 tried several specialists, but soon Lound out all they wasted was my
money. 1 comntence,t to look upon all doctors Ila little better than
repos. One day my boas asked me why I was off work so much and
1 told ham m}• condition. Ile advised me to consult 1)ra. Kennedy &
licnnetly, as 844 had taken treatment from them himself and knew
they wen. „elnnre nn,1 .\Illf411 1 wmte them and got Tar Naw MCTfmr►
'1'R>:ATN9ST, My progress was sotnewhnt plow and during the firststio.
's treatment 1 tree sownew'hnt dlsrotM
urad. 110Wever' 1 con-
tinuedwvltfi n
tnned treatment for three months (knit WAS rewarded
complete cure. !could only earn !12 n week in a mnchtne shop lee -
fore treatment. now 1 am earning tt21 and never lose a day. 1 what*
nil sufferers knew of your valuable treatment11EN11Y C i OCL'B ('.
R1.n(t) TOt8C\R are the most prevalent and most serious diseases. They nap the very
Ilse blood of the victim and unless entirely eradicated fax hes *Ioiu the Ill cause
u rMNt w
eon .ncntiona. itew•are of Mercury. it Y PP
METHOD (urea all bled diseases. or excesses
1' n you alt system. MIDDLE the `symptom' teasient ng over gyyros Mentally broken hy'rtl-
dawn your ny. oil used 10 be or stook' be. Will yon heed the
rally, and vitally you are not the elan y
danger signals?
READER.tfe you a victimt.+lou
you Intending
our bl. sl t paHave hope/ aAe
• 11111 what it asoneforethee$ will do you. Go ullation
Free. NnniAt(00 w110 has
treated van, write for an h. -meet opinion Free of Chace•.
Books Free "The (Golden Monitor,- 'Illustrated • on Dis lures of Men
NO NAMES USED WiTHTWTNCONSENTlistRIA.Nn',Ameson bores nr envelopes. Everything oIQuestion
I rota
Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich.