HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-05-21, Page 5Special Values in Spring Goods at Zwicker's, Crediton We have just received several consignments of Spring Goods and 1 offer special values in Linoleums, Carpets, Wall Papers and Tapestry Squares • All sizes Lace Curtains.Froin 5o cents to $5.0o per pair, Ve hat's the best selection of Lace Curtains we have ever shown and never better values than this season. Our Dress GoodsaIn all the latest shades in Eolines, Poplins Chiffon, Panama Cloths, Venerian, Tweed Millinery Departments Do not fail to visit our Millinery Department under the management of Miss Armstrong. We are showing the very latest and up. to -date millinery at very close prices. We have a splendid stocl: cf the W. E. Sanford Ready Made Cloth- ing, Considered to be the best line made in Canada. We have just opened another lot of Dinner Setts, beautiful- patterns from the best makers, THE EXETER TIMES, MAS- _list Il►u• A Constant State of War. To successfully combat the germs of disease and sickness, of ‘,'hich the atmosphere is full, you need something more than ordinary fwd. A daily cup of "BOVRIL" wig give the extra strength and vitality to enable you to successfully resist any attack. Keep "BOVRIL" in the house. art Crediton Don't forget ,C:reditott on the 25U!1. II. 1i. 'Either :Incl lady friend/E1hnt iouliday in Zurich. Division court was held in t1.•: Town Hall WVednesday last. Jud r;; holt presided. Geo. EilUar left Thuriid•ly last for New Ontario, 'ha win; j>.;cn uppoiuted File ranter. :Mi,, ida Finkbeiuer left Monday • .v.,st ,taro she exl)eote to nt“.. . sutura home. •5It•.:Ind Mrs. Ed. Daring. of Fleur„ spent Saturday the guests of Gtr. and Mrs. (John Lawson, 'Mr. P. Mauch. of Zurich, and Aaron :Brown, of Blenheim. visited Our stock of Groceries is always fresh and of the best quality who has been seriously ill. Ilauch Butter, Eggs , and Apples and all Farm Produce taken in exchange A,11 places of business milt be closed O71 !aIU d A Call Solicited CHAS. ZWICKER Ille `way uu interestitta >.of teem:. ��� baseball played lust evening betivicen __ _ Centralia and our boys. i•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••1••••♦♦•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••1• Mr. Victor Stanley and sister Pearl An Appeal ph to Common S ens n :ty, ;e1ey 25th. anti omwa tic, of Grantee tis t �1)y • ,- i.cd over bunds • • with \1r. and 11rs. F. 1V. Clark. •• Mr. W. Clark spent Sunday, with • fri••nd. in Winchelsea. V• Last Saturday ;vas tt very busy day Jliss Eva llit•tzel left last week for Sarnia. • Mr. blittieholtz, our popualr butch- er, spent a few days tbis emelt( els. Ding 3 in 'LutGcL. Don't forget the bib concert in tttn town hall on the 25th. Mr. Ala rk •\VelIs, of ,Dashwood{. spent ;Monday in town on tbusinene. Dli a Alae McDonald, of Exeter spent Sunday 'here. (bliss Alma /Hill spent Sunday in Exeter. 'Mr.;Geo. tHoltzmantt is hating tits Louse re -painted. Clacllarris are doing the ;work. Mr. Sidney Clark, of London, spent Sunday d• d with his brother Mr. Conrad Kuhn hasstarted to make concrete the for the :township Saturday, the 23rd, will be the lasts day for ;putting 'n .t tenders for the bu'1 d!' of the e i new t concrete ► r cto av• .iiba. flow ab ou tt he cows runllfn, about the street. Thera is a pound close by boys. Mr. \Vet .Gaines, of Parkhill, :was a visitor at the 'Royal over Sunday. Mr..11. C. Clark was in Exeter on Saturday on 'business. Just four days till the big celebra- tion at Creditor!. Sports of all ki,tds and n bit lime is expected. Mr. f1. C.. Clark, of ItheA Royal, is preparing good uccomnodation for the public on Monday. Mr. Law1 'rt has sold his line horse to a party 1't Quebec for et good sum. .Mr. and \Ars. Dan. Mehraao spent Sunday with friends in Zutloh. Council meets on the 26th of that/ !Messrs. Paul Shenk and Thos ;\Vein speared a number Of fine carp On eat - day, Dr. Amos,$f Exeter, paid our town n tlying visit Monday. The ,doctor intends shortly lo leave for (Raymond Alberta, where he will go into. part- nership•witli 7)r. -fivers. n former te- sidCnt of Crediton. Mr. Elmer Gower silent Sunday In Exeter. Miss May Arrnstrot)? spent Sunday with her parents in Exeter. This brine •clic last announcemeret before the great 21thr, of May cel- hr'ti')) hsre the %Youict call t.ha nt- tcntion of Alin people in (this vecinite a art For one suffering from Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Pal- • • pitation, Flatulence, Headache Biliousness S Stomach, Etc., • I t Strengthening gtht.ning the Stomach making it take e properties which go to build a t • Otte tom there can be only one natural course to pursue namely f" First: t t g a e out of fo the valuablp the body. • Second: The correct working of liver and bowels to carry aw the useless properties and waste'natter. This is the designed purpose of • • od a3' 1 • • • National Dyspepsia Tablets This treatment is complete. The larger tablets act on the stout- • ach and digestive organs, the small tablets on the liver and bowels. . r Both kinds of Tablets in each box. also complete directions. Price per Box, 5o ccs., 6 for $2.50 • • f • IOC SQIe U! McCue s Drug Store, Crediton. • •••••••••••••••••••♦••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••i •='•- Spring Wedding Suits If you anticipate getting married this spring you will certainly want some slick looking duds Her a is a Tip 'mitt will pay you to come here and see how swell we can fit you up and very low cost. If you are thinking of a new suit, and not the wedding, here anyway, we will certainly put forth our every effart to snake you fled in every particular. at a come setts - J. H. HOLTZMANN, CREDITON The Sick Made Well re Without Medicine Preciatts Life and Health can be saved by this New Method All Sickness is alike to Oxydonor It applies to all cases, no 'natter what the form of disease may be. vitalizes the human body with OXYGEN from; the air. OXYGEN is a Necessity -the greatest necessity life knows. You can tipply OXYDONOR at home while you rest or sleep. No lofts of time from your work or business. It is easily applied, tittle and always ready for use. its force never exhauste. It will serve the fancily, children as well as adults. Write for FREE i3OOK No. 92 to Dr. H. Sanche & Co. acts St. (';If herine St. Nest, Montreal, Que. 1t re - vital Paints Paints Paints I have a large stock of The bestBRAND PAINTS paint111 1 1 1e market to -day. which 1 nal selling at cost tt► reduce lily sto_k. Ilrlt•ing purchased ll'0 hardware stock of lir. W. bI Leigh, I rent offering it at greatly reduced prices. .IF you ate 44 needing anything in this line it will pay you to call early in tiar to secure the best bargain. W. MOORE - KIRKTON Zurich -Mr. I': -,'d •rick elthroe der, of the. citron=on Line. hes purch:Ia^d the still homestead in the villsge froml Miss Catherine Hill. (( There was no service in th' Luther- ) an church last Sunday, owing to 1 ht' l •beenc:' Of the pastor. The eleventh annual 'Voting. ren. plc's Alli•tnce 7ta11)• Day. will th. oh.' •erv, d in 1It lsvangt licit church on eund ty May 21. ;Word was received ere List week announcing the d'a'l of Mr. Henry Eicher, ru ar Elkton. Miele The de. ceased nae. up fo i resetsnt of ay toe nRos a 'l The l:idler of the 1- • . ohurch are planning to do coni t :;,l . r,'p.•vitine to tete church and ptrsonrig•' Burin; the coming /innlmee. A sleepless. ho and%she has cold Lindus a and feet, cannot feel and net litre n well pereon. Carter's Iron I'I11s ritualize the rireulation, remove ner- vousness, and give strength and rest section of the Country. The cotes•ste ants lire letting excited, lilt d<•airino to put up the best ;wagon). if you want a good hearty laugh come ane see 'tire trade's pros&'scion hearted by the Creditor' 'Brass Band, an.i up- wards of 400 school children% And to :Ill lover's ofbeset bail we would say if you don't see. another base halt match this summer, don't' miss the game between Dunoreif Grey Steads, and Cred4tou. Both are in excellent shape and two hot e: Ines are ,'xeect,'d• /JIr sure to secure your raserro nickels at .11. nedstber's ospecialf � anention forotthe ways tickets aro Balling shows t La t Ole people in 'this section appreciate first chess concert. 5•• ., list of sports on small !bills, acrd remember that Crediton has the reputation •f put - tin. up tto• the lettt,r •what is adver- tised and this celebration tied ba no • '1 ll CTC pt jolt. Iti•v. Andrews anis -`•Ir. \Valiance Lee is al t. ended District Meet Die at Ikns:r11 Tuesday and 'Wednesday. lty Fl•ei 11 1 • )nest the Hester can_ ate entell•d Preset aril /Cine Atilt o L^t i t a ! i r •:t Sunday SU r. y ((mien.;e tits ie.tde e--et...1 church. Over a0 (Dices wilt 'i:Ik, pert %Ir. O,• Pink 'viler Soloist of 1 h • Imperil! Quer- ••t t 'London will le. h-•rs tool ren - •r several selections. Whalen The -Women's /.Missionary Society held their annual meeting and lifter finishing up !the business for' the year electric the following officers, Pres. Mrs. John 'Hodgson ; Vice Presidents Mrs, Daniel nlodesou and Mrs. Al- bert Gunein, ; Corresponding Secy.. hers, John Ttazlcwood; ltccordin.- Secrt•tat.).. 'Mrs. V. -Gunning.: Trees., Mrs. J. V. Milison. The Sunday School held their an- imal meeting :Ind arranged to have their awe versa ry on Sunday and Tuesday, Junwt 21 aril 22. More par- i ticulars later. diel or SundayInion 'Abe and ietrs.f Edward Avert. Lon- laet week. Ir_don, visited friends around here last , b a S . uths'rby has returned 'conte of c t. r, - ti' i u', 1 r .. n few v weeks s +'rit.h Iter in The firstrtuest one to br. -heard :immix The farmers' wives is "what kind of luck slid you have with your incubator 'this time." Mr. and Mrs. Erne Davis, of Saints- i:nry, were tete queers of fair. and Ms,. Albert Gunning on Sunday. 'AD-. and Mrs. SwQitzer, of ltarkton sen Sunday 'the quests of Miss Ilcs- Fie. I,Alurl(y , blessr. ifector LMillson and Victor Sanders visited in Lucan the guests of Oscar 'Gilbert. iblr. :Daniel Ilfod;son leaves for Mensal! 1Vcdnesday 'to attend the Exeter district met, tin 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE Manes Drslcr;s Antnnn sQ skete endln COPYR(GHTu &C. e h and drampptt,n may (Wetly aseertatn oar ('pini,; free whether an Invention Ix probable patentable.('omrauut-n. thinsntrtctlrc'nndentfal. HANDBOK on I'etsete Sent fres Urrtrst aR ener for securing Latent.. Patents taken through Munn h Co. recelre •PKr i•'Inotk,.wtthoutChargo lathe Scientific }interscan. nal;hboring towns that every. 1 Ahafd•omelr ulustrat thing jg al weekly. LarrreL Ctt- lookiur up .psis for a big €ttnnoo l.r ear •rtentine journal• 7brms for day here. 'Those tnisein3 the /reties +tri hew t lent•-•. procession in the reornin33 toil! miss an event nater given bo[oro Int .ttue !J Uri (�1 UNN & Co selsrosarm, New York Branch t., l,ruhfuaton,D.C. ►��'ft �Iit . a Just try a blended flour • once and see for yourself that it does make BVI-IITE R. and tastier Bread and Biscuits- I_tG1-ITER Pastry - MORE DELICIOUS Cake. And there's good reason for it, too. 'ended Flours combine the rich nutriinent, the whiteness, lightness and delicate flavor of Ontario wheat with the strong qualities of Manitoba wheat. For all honk baking --no flour, milled only from spring wheat, can compare frith ;t BLENDED FLOUR. Look for this trademark on every baa or barrel of floor you truy. Take no other. "MM -fade in Ontario" s tol'ARk) N '0 OFFICIAL LAIItL OUtt AsociA19' Dashwood ! 1t• i.,• rubor 1L.• Li; celebration in i (•, diton, on •Moitd:ty May 25th. lluy your Hummer Suits at (Tiernan :net lediihoffl'rs' and get th., iarg. est eolcction of goods all new pat- terns and tit prices none can beat. Call end ba convinced w is true. hat ..v sac The (Former stone of the. Lut iter):) new church ,will he 1•tid on Sunday May 33sr. There will the two e=crntons i in the afternoon ono in Ett;lisld and one in German. 'fisc 'Tillie ]Sid who has bean vis - Dine her brother in Parkhill for n 1 few days 'has returned home shipment of those tx Siebert & Co. .. allPaper Cheap 30 per cent Discount, A out all of o our wallce of papeour r unit toe ado so will ell give yaper ou tit rdist-oust want to per cent. A Money Maker in Shoes Ladies Dong Another13a1s Gress Go i s' 'autiful , • . • • • • • • • .. • rt•gular 11.50 fol $1,20 ods just what you nre look- Mens Pat Colt Illueher.. • • .. regular $5,co for in; for at Tiernan and Erli hotter' Don't forget we have Ladies, Misses and ('hit $4,5o Mr. wavier ?I�yar and his bride n_ . turned home ihi.c week from near' dress Hata second to none, Ilerlin.price and style considered. Ladies it will 'SEASONABLE GOODS-Alnngles, Sugar fleet, Fueila>e look 'through on. Y; you xa take n' We can su ► I !S and Fodder Porn, making 3 tuslina before' supply y Jour demand, ',•our purr) tee as we have GIVE some eargaine in Ithese Blies. Tiernan US A TRIAL. and Iidi3hoffer, Messrs S. Drown, of Crediton and! fJ. tefr.PreSe beof Zurich, were the Siebert CO of 4t1r. Seibert over Sunday. nests+ There was a meeting of tete, tennis I I iartletl) Block. and bowling clubs on •\holiday even- ing of `this week to acorganize for i L):1SIIWOOD, this Sea30n, - ---- -- 'Mr. McLeod. 1 - -- --_ visited of the dieter Specjaj 1 ne school vid in our Spring ort Sale All the fates/ in Mons. ;tierce ;Ind (Boys Straw .11afs,�.oun,, i.in"n It:its turd Sailors. •very 1 will find is stocks tnlilPrt your Wash (;Dods for Spring and S latest nl In, •The very Our school rnteach: leachers are �att, 11diin; the teachers contention held in God- er•ich 't Lis week. Mr. .7. Tlnrilelb lost valuable horse Last weak. or :' ►:well shirt. Ile.- kind' ll): 1 oo•. kr. wen 'Messrs. 1•and I;:�ePs you cool go t The i roan and Ediehoffe They have. .lust opened up Rom., 't h • firt••st ti•t of ' 1 e to all lines of Muslins and (irnghon ttrien plain, checked and fancy striped. Also Ditnities, Linens, Dress Ducks, etc. Pricer as low as the lowest. We are offering special value in La- dies j MEN'S FURNISHINGS White Wear of all kinds. Under- t skirts, GotvnR ,orset Covers. " Vests, I)t'awers, White Waists, Belts t' Afull rane0fI3K Ir ack•ittc, h Tan Hosier 3 Ile and of 3'• Call earl -and secure your white and tan hose as they are in great demand and likely to be scarce later' on in the season. whslecial e they last.rl bargains r 20cnandt23c the yard for Ric yard. s Stiff Ilts,k We is have ow complete hie Anew smart s' shapes for men. young men and smart boys. Also a full range of Fedora. Hats. Fancy Shirts, Collars, Ties, Fancy Nests, Braces, and everything to 'rake you look neat and smart. All the latest. ORDERED CLOTHING A SPECIALT1Do not largeee our e of new St mmer Suto it ngs in all styles and patterns in browns, greys,-navy,black etc. at low prices. SHOES! SHOES! SHOES! Alt elle latest styles in footwear in Patent Leather, Tans. Chocolates, Blucher Cuts acd Oxfords. Remem- ber that these are not the cheap kind that will not wear, but these shoes are the good kind at cheap prices and guaranteed to wear. Our prices are lower rt than the lowest. t. HARDWARE Complete line of Spades, Shovels, Forks. . Ito e Na' Rope, Paints. Varnishes, Oils of all kr li d 3 , Nails Glass, s Coil t Spring'r i a K.•re,BarbVlrealso Ideal `Fencing, Price as low as the lowest, Cl.ir: < etre r :,r •,,, .:'ns up•tortl.ti n in I):mime:oii. i'i'T )1 11,r 1: ,! •r. et 1)�troit:, is 111' ):n” lure. 's Severe Burn HEALED 11Y 7'11 -le The little girl of lire. 1,. eel Desi of Carlisle 1'. 0., rer,tutlt• Gel against the cteve and iltrr'ned her forehead very badly. , 3• 11:.. fleet says:- "Th.' burn was •thou; the. size of a five cent pike( and was near the bone. It made my lit t i • :girl's eye smell till it almost glint, :end then she r_ort cold 1d in it . it bean to run mattIMs vary teeth- ens! ( could nor stop !i•, although I bat lied it good every even- ing and Inorniu *. At last 1 sett for spur• %a', .hug t•. hi^Is so -:11 s-op)''d tee ntatter;tlion and v.•ry aufcl;ly 1t.':itc<1 them Dun I. i 1 bare hc:►tso, rrarersacun!:.arn quickly. k ! I ). :tele li c tt n..u•• r. 13 /•a ulr . rn- Tta.• , s roe t u: 1tI for or burns, and I shall curirl� cpt:a box on hand its casoof emays I�eAp a Every hone^ lit t' !s emIlier Al diseases of a It.! skin i Y,:i key 1 All 1 ut .luicltl)' to it. li f= :Ilse art encellent !enr',dy for pili'.s (blind and bleeding). rheu- matism. etc. All drugtie s and stores r.O • . ., I:nx. <rt 110a1 1111:l from the - ;nt_ltuk Co. Toronto. S' A nice range of long gloves in black Lace from 25c a Lisle r pair u wards. I Don't forget that we have a first- class Milliner in connection with bur store in the person of MISS Kerr, who is capable bl e I of (requirements inI>he rag you in all your r line. Our Millin - in 1ck is all new test styles, aPricenti s tthdttt©vill suit you. and white in Silk [ lThread ) ac Th Pn(i and P :illLI i\'FBI' The ltr:t. A. 'Todd has rt•turltre! home', after llavine --- successfully com- pacted IILS 'ministerial course. Mr. 'Todd. our storekeeper i= Ott• to Scotland. Avherel 110 t'itctpis,ttoLtnoic after Form! Important maie. rs, miss J. Patterson is spending few weeks stt •11 r. J. Dixon'.,, Miss Pearl Short, of tfi:il- Oak is tial trill.; Iter !11 ateyf r i . rural dietricl. - ud; in this tVe :iIt' bald to hear that ..Iia AI n" �uuon, ,who Las been (11 1a just at the -point of recovery. .i1':. G. Dixon met with n very sad Id'id,/,t a flew days previous. She was (Devitt; along -the road, 111t0n the !torte gave a slight bolt sideways. thus castsitre tie:•, to drop one of the reilulled fortunately turned the n 'the htot'seother into the rent-. ,tit; r. she is said 'to have taken a p.ttalytie hiroke and fallen front the velecic. She remained t here for almost n hour, before she %%as notiocd by any bf 1 he snrrentelin_ n^i�hbors. �hk ,was ao r. )tk kent.5l i enton's• We have just opened out a lot of new Floor Rugs in all patterns and sizes in the very latest designs na colorings. Do not fail to see those rugs before making your selections. A full range of carpets at lowI rice n s. CHINA, CROCI{ERI', GLASSWARE Just to band the finest line of Toilet Setts, Dinner Setts, Water Setts, ever how; in Dashwood and at prices that will suit you. We purchased a large line of those goods at a special price and we are giving you the benefit of the same. Call early. Call and take a to k I A st ntly1 linel of and.Matches, at hes Fresh groceries 15c for 10c. Prunes :iib packages for 2)c. salmon 2 for 25c. Cor» and Peas 3 cans for 25c. 2 large bottle$ Catsup 25c. Seeded Raisins lOe pkg. Our prices are right. o t trough our stock before purchasing. 1 Maguire Market Prices for Farm Produce Seldin, is almost at the firi�slrin> TIEMAN & EDIGHOFFER n 'this lmostty •> Corner Store, DASHWOOD point i he Farmers Banofjjja his way across 11 k p a t Member of The Canaed diSancial Act Bankers'f lssociatio ntand The Toronto Clearing [louse. 1 H EA I) OFFICE, - - _ W. R. TRAVERS, General Manager, TORONTO, A Brnnc• 1 0f this Bank has been opened in DASH WOOD and banking business will be taansacted at this branch, a general Interest allowed in the Savings Hank on ONE DOLLAR and upwards at the highest current rates and paid four tithes a year, Farmers Sale Notes discounted, Special privileges extended to accounts Townships, Farmers and others, Do your banking business at home and kep your account in The Farmers Bank of Canada, R. T. DUNLCP, Manager, Cure for Weak Lungs sixrI have nmonths,r ansedd has-eour sfound it chifor nnbex. cellent remedy for pneumonia and weak lungs." Ronald Johnson, Fareweli Ont., April 15, 1907. ' "Psyching is one of the best medi• cines on the market. and for all tbroat and lung troubles is llnexeelled."-A 1 word from a man who has tested it. • Pneumonia, Bronehitis, Coughs, Colds 1 and all throat, Tung and stomach f troubles yield to Psyching. At all drug. A carload of the gists, 50e. and is ch or Dr. T. A. C Preston ('01'1'1 , eigtum, Limited, Toronto. JSllirigi('S 011 11(11)11, gated Galvanized DASHWOOD. iFencin 2222 __ g and Rooflng We have on band a lot of wire for you to do your fenc- ing with. We handle the celebrated Page and Peerless• fencing, also Coil, Barb Wire and Hog Fencing. Prices are as reasonable as you can get eisewhere, A Number of large Gates, all sizes. Roofing BEFORE AND AFTERI TREATMENT. • tc , ... , Canadian' Tettering is nn absolute, certain elite for t;cremn, Acne ROAM, Tetter, i'irnptIles, iilackheu)s. Ringworm, Barbers' Itch, Scald Head, itching Piles, ('Icer., ti„rer, anti all ctrtaneous and facial blemishes. Iles been thoroughly and successful) In hundreds of socallcA incurable tater tested it is entirely ttniike any other preparation, mirrtu(re re or ointment that s been sold or pre- scribel. A few applications wilt convince that rs has wonderful medical virtue and intrinsic merit. It is made in Canada. A goat honest Cana- dian preparation. Pricee onTse) box Fifty Cents, or five boxes T thenars. Mailed to any address on receipt of price. sold and recommended by all lcadin gists in Canada K Drug• manufactured and sold by the sole preptie` Pamphlet free to any address. See our lin ' of Ladies and C'hil(lz'ens (.chocolate B1utcll1 1 tor& The Tetterin• Chemical Co, I Oxfords at .:) and $1.75. A big Stock of Martin-Senogt' ready 1Mlixed Paints 100 per cent ]lure A Carload of Cernent Just Received Buy your Hardware From us Produce taken in Exchange D. T1 EMAN, Dashwood Hardware eed Corn This Week Clouds Early Improved Leamin� Giant White Proli war' oni.,0' Bananas and Pineapples this week. field in i:c, t. r 1•v W, K, Cole, N',' S.gi Ido,' cy and •i, W. Drowning, Drug- B. W BEAVERS ai3t ` Farquhar �