HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-05-21, Page 4HE EXE'I i✓ R TIMES, ALAI Ist'903•
The Exeter Times
determination and nn euthuslaatn Dr, Ashton Pletcher, of Toronto
that augurs well for their man. 'Even' was found not 'guilty at the assize
;should they not be Able, to carry the! court Friday urear" •
fttrnoon on 0. there*
Exeter O..tario. jresin;,, winch under present confit -1 of performing an i11; a.il operation on
i ions, tcltbou;h eol an impossible task, Jessie 'Ellen Gould. 1'i.,• jury oee0
Terme of 8b�.taltion $1.00 per i is a heat), on', 'Lay expect by utak-1 out nearly two hi -
fair in advance. $1.50 {nay be in. a very substantial de -create) in
111illrjed it not so Paid. Tu CniteJ - the majority to show !hut the free
Stated subscribers. $1.5U strictly in and independent voice can 'tot to
lidvaaoe. No. 'paper discontinue stifled by even a glaring gerryman-
•nta all arrears pre paid, unless at cels. -i•:
, option of the publisher. The 'The Kind You Have Always 8odghi
Sate to which eve ►y bub- Crij teen it � The nrueudments to the Dominion
For Infants and Children.
Maid is denoted on ile label.
Advertising rates on npplicatio::.
Wouldn't Face the Music.
Jacob liellerinante thetLib tart idly
didate in South Iluron, }
to an addresi lately when he said that
Mr Either had paid him the biggest
Elections Act provides the bone o
contention in the Louse. The Op-
position kayo constantly refused to
vete any supply for tho public\ ser-
vice until certain sureest;Sons made
by ;their leaders have been accepted
by elle government. The Govern-
ment are not .wedded to the bill ex-
actly It it stands and Sir Wilfrid
psalaiin his
dech, so t} a atwhen he responded
to 11r. ILtoche,; of Mar;vette, ithaelbe
is with'-. to accept the suggestion
Compliment of his life, when be gerry- thrown out and Place the revision of
wandered the riding in order to save the lists int the hands of the jud;es,
himself fruu, defeat. That "the most from both offer ^bides ofas tved the housecu`ers
popular titan in south Huron," as he The house is in ies ,-•lata meals
likes to hear himself called, should and 'there teas been 'practically, noth-
think it necessary to play the part of inCedo Le itt'Thei ►hrthe bplit has of Itany
the political trickster, utast be cause time of parliament has been taken up
of great dieappotftttrtent to his friends I in vcinilatin; elle;•act grievances, and
and perhaps in hi- timet moments he It in rworkine overtime with the 'muck.
himself is tilled with remorse that noterake, and Absolutely 5has
nothin;'wor1l it
other way secured open, it is safe to of acandel,' '
tie was thinking more of the loss - -.....—_—
Bears the
Siguaturo of
A new lawn bowling asociation,
embracing several (clubs alone' the
Goderich line vas launched at a nt (-
heed at. Stratford and a rnee:ttne we'
iteld ycsterd iy to make final nmange_
rnents. 'Mr. Alex. Fail!, the "bowl-
ing kin;" of Stratford, has come tor -
ward with n handsome trophy, which
L,• 'will offer for competition toe the
new association. f tratfod, t3.'afortie
Goderich, Mitchell end Clinton are
in 'the 11:W association.
Beare the Ile Kiva You Hale deals Bou,!'
On Sainrdry nfiernoon while two
sons of Mr. Poulton, of Mitchell were
playin3 on the 111111 1/ an, !Iha eldest
walked out on oneeof the boom toes
of his seat than he was 0.I adding corn ,The coming Provincial general al- and slipped into the water. IIetto
ill bo the
aat to elm on
plBut to 1: ho thus ses� c litof Ontario first
aoConservat veer all, vho1ewas passel?, heard ale cries
But who is this who thus confab people of
h'tscolt11rdice to an amazed elector_
administration and It will : the 121- in 'rho tee ogbrman and oentull
general election held since: the pass- `in; out on cite lob managed to pull
ate? Is this the man who has four in; of the British North America Act. fain out. Had lie not held ocarried
n to tie-
ietimes before been elected and who for Follow'iit confederation. 6be EanftLrvu;h the to; be ju d i have`end etihe prompt
ten years has been basking in the fav- 'MacDonald administration, powercora- action of tr. o e. b ;11 is moi, I'r.0=c_
ilio' minister remained in
from July 1867, to Dec. 10,1871. Erbil' worthy.
or of the people' Why should he be
afraid of a fair conessi? Why should came `the 'Blake Goverment. whiilo l d A.19 MG 013.2 A..
he wilt when he hears that Keller- held office from Dec. 20, 1871; Bean the �lh.e K:^,� Ice Hata hlaays Beuihht
mann is to oppose hi in and fly to Oct. 25, '1872, follotvint•fro►m Oct.
Oliver Mowat was in powerSignature
Whitney to save him front defeat? 25, J872, to July 10, 1892. Oi July of
One could hardly imagine this tate 20+were 'Hardy
yynGove lain entoffice, came
brave man who hissed the fiery threat Oot. 17, 1899. The 1! 'i. Geo, 1W.
against M. Y. McLean a couple of Ross first took office on acs• 21,
weeks ago -But some of the electors 1809..aud his administration contin-
will remember how he flunked once sea untiilsl Feb. 7, 1905,returwden t erhe the
before when the same McLean asked leadership of ihe present premier.
him to discuss the campaign issues in The t.egislatetr0 at present+ is com-
joint meeting,. Of course it was his posed of SDS members -72 Conservat-
executive who held him back then ive. '24 -Liberals, one Independent
Liberal and one Labor representative.
and perhaps he will blame his execu- The itcxt "house 'will contain '10S
tive Dort. 01' some others may re- members. four additional represent- Pett minutes eoenep the result t+'oulc
member thsame man when he weep for votes. Perhaps was new ridings ftivcs for h fl'entiskamern itb,ii Said- in all probability halve been Ferious.
wont to lee bury, Fort Frances, and Stur;eon
wept before Whitney when be was FalI and four more from Itb city of Hensall.
pleading to be saved from Kellet- Toronto.-Transcript.airs. Yungbiur was in thee ti les:
mann. And if so, stow could Whitney 1 The history of the detimil11Uton o[ week visiting 'relatives.
retuee to strike off Grit Seaforth and i t 1 A 'number from hero attended the
add Tory Goderich Township to South
Huron? The result is that Mr. Either
must henceforth go branded as a poli-
tical coward, who was ,afraid to face
an opponent without first manipulat-
ing the electoral district to make Itis
seat safe.
Ou the other hand Mr. Kellerman'
has earned the good opinion of inde-
pendent people in his determination
to fight out the contest in spite of the
handicap. He will at least earn no
white feather decoration for the re-
mainder of itis days.
• • • • •
Note and Comment
'Miss Rett Finch,' one of the oper-
ators at the knittin; factory, Clin-
ton had n narrow escape from meet -
Gag with a serious accident IWcd-
nesday. Just on the point of dwe1ve
beecJothin; caught in the shall of
one of the. machines. The }tower hadjust been turned off, and thou;h the
machines were still running. 'they
soon came to a standsill and !Ills.e
Finch escaped without injury, • but
had the accident taken place even r
82 neett bens. This of course. was its Kirkton
67. 'Then tit, 'iuestlon antes when At the fourth euartcrly board of
- and what were the changes (ones the ,Methodist church, hrrkton Cir -
re' ht candidates
made? Atter the acccnnial census of crit nII the appointu,cnt:•l wet' 1"-
Thcrl: ar: alwent) 13 'TI'sof 1871 viz, in 187.1. owing to the" ported as b'in.; paid in full. \V t. II.
constituencies in OnL.two is as assembly given by the bachelors of
lows, prior to Confederation, Qua- Exeter last 'Thursday evening.
bac and Ontario had each sixty -siva 'Mr. and 'Mrs. Joseph Hudson nre
members in the Rouse. By the .Brit- visiting relatives' Ind friends in Mar-
ish North America Act, so far as lotte. Micli.
Ce r ►-
Dominion representation i3 con ..lir. 'Wesley Y ungblut, of
ed Quebec twos made the null and is visitGn; at his home here.
given 65 representatives, While Ott- 'Mr. John 'Murray, of Dundas..visit-
ta rio on the ISt basis Isis leact :tfi.ta
entitled to f2. The' limits c Rhe( 82
constituencies were fixed in the. sch-
edule to the IJritlsh Torus 'America
Act, sassed by the Imperial p;trlils f
ment and prepared by the lathe rs o C7 A. Eh Z, 0; 1IC A. e
Confederation. These 82 constituen- the Kind be hie Alrlals elate wore o' course for Dominion pule iteir•tbe
poses'but the same R2 constituencive signal,"
ed friends hero last week.
The trustee. board of th D1_leac-
dist church aro having the new cem-
ent shad painted.
were accepted for the Legislature of et
OL'tt Jo, which nt first consisted of
.s c
for the ei;let 'Toronto seats.
.tfor the
will ensure feta of 'company
misery of defeat.
It is expected that Hoy 3. 0.
Reaume. (Minister of Yublie Works
will be elected to represent forth Es-
sex without any opposition.
The Liberals of the riding of Centra
Iluron, at u convention Lehi at Ben -
iorth 11st 'week norninated
fool, le. te,, of Goderich, as the can-
growahof the population, etc.•/here Marshall resiencd Itis position as re -
was n general reedistributiou•throuplll.cording steward. on account of rnov-
out the province of Ontario. Alain 1 in; 'to St. Marys The board gave'. a
after the decennial census of 1881, viz, standinx vote of appreciation of les
in 1885, 'there 11S n general Iridis- services he havin; been a steward for
tribulion. It is very remarkable 1.1) year. and 1:. H. for 8 years.
fact that front 1885 until the present Two young men from the Thames
session of parliament there was no 1'Rond district 'were placed in a very
general redistribution of the eonsti- ;embarrassing position n week ape
tuf'cies of this province. It is eruct 'Sunday idea. They had driven down
that In '104, owing to ecce 3row'tlr to .attend church and after s.'rvice
of the citi•'s there were dealt with was over, invited a couple of t bo lo -
Ottawa being 'given 2 Feats, Toronto cal young ladies to take n drive ttillr
4 llemilton 2. Kingston 1, London them. The young ladies, of course
1. Again its 1L02, ott•ine to kW en- accepted the invite :on and' got into
kregetableprc0 atfouforT1s-
5jmitalillg thdTood.onclReguta-
1<ittg the Stnla8Ch5 undl3OWeLs of
Promote sDige stl on,Clleet ftll-
tO�ltss, ►d tp chii It n it � neither
Jtt•14tr a/Gvd �D'.ilJtf[ZLP17C�11
1 w Sill -
.J•nrta e
M. egg-
Apctfect Remedy for Constipa-
tion, Sour Sto1naeh,Diartk oea,
LlesS and Loss OF SLEET'
'lac Suttee Se ► nature of
it 6 month•. old
35 Dtt't ti -3'0. I NI%
For Infants and Children.•
j =
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
T141 OLNTIYa •OMPANT. NsWvorr arm
The Molsons Bank
Established 1555.
CAPITAL PAID UP • • • • ... • $3,372,500 09
RESERVE FUND • • • • • • • • $3.372,509.0.0
1 Assets Over $33,000,000.00
ZGeneral Banking Business Transacted.
Savings Bank Department
• $1.00 Opens an Account and Interest added FOUR ' :
Times a Year.
Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager ��i
• Dickson & Carling,
Two 6 Octave Organs D} . A, R. KINSMAN, L. D. s., D.
D. S., Honor graduate of Toronto
Dental Surgeon
Office over (Heilman & Stnnbury'e
Main street-I:xHTER.
D11. (i. F. ItOULSTON, L. D. td.
D. D. S., Dentist. Member Of
'R. C. D. S., of Ontario and Honor
' Graduate of Toronto University.
! OFFICE: -Over Dickson h Carling'e
1 Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former
!dental parlors.
Second Iland.
Also Two Pianos
Slightly used
At Great Reduction.
Sewing Machines
IThe best made at price3 that
will suit you.
Bicycles, Baby
Carriages and Go Carts
Very attractive. Prices right
Fine Stationery
S. Marty & Son
Montague Smith, the ,Liberal .can- flux of population into n portion of ? the rig 'with lee boys, leweeeeile'n
ate in -Best 'Lamb:ottRrlttd private New Ontario. four additional lec',Yjthat the embarrassing part commen-
booker •tt Forest, rommittl'rl suicide were hit•. n there. 13u1 the taxltrm t cod: The horse, n stuall, gentle ani -
at Forest Thursday morning. Men-
tal strain in connection eilat the
political campaign was the cause of
tits doing elte rash act.
The ea inp•11;ui 111 (SOU 1h 11uron for
the 'Local l.:•;islaturev is 110W int full
swift llolh candida tea nre ill tett,:
field and nt -work. For the Lib •Fal_a
air, .1 'cob Kellerm In. of Dashwood. Is
the men, while 111r. Renee IEither, the
late tuemloi• will carry the
vatttr ban 'Despite 1 very
heavy Inndie:up P) :.• .I on .I 'Liber-
als of els ridtti-. ' . ree, ,. -- rry-
'nand• :. thee ar.• r t all di•i > • 1
but ne • ;Di;d
n,int•, .., fight t.
For the
To succeed these days you.
must have plenty of grit, cour-
age, strength. 1 -low is it with
the children? Art, they thi:l,
pale, delicate? 1)o not forget
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. You
know it makes the blood pure
and rich, and builds up the
general health in every way.
Theehtl lr•'rtnnot1seth'y hsr►Ir.fw15 ,•'
• th• h ---1• fM e. proper fnn,ltlton 1 ..r
rd•oestesat Ansnr.'natlonA6Tyrreyiables.ns,tslslarlacvtal. •"•
Tr•d• s) s. o. As•r C�, r.oteww. 1a•s.
♦ a0. manuraa'..rars or
1t •
�ers eCURL.
a0. •Frets' +C• Du^lash
the formulas of •'.. eurr medicines
is absolutely true, sp.'akin; tenor- mal under ordinary conditions. re-
ally. so far as the province is con- fused to budge with the extra w•ei;ht
corned, no change's tthatev r were and 'the yowl; women hastily nlierht-
made in the constituencies since 188a ed. One of the young. fellows took
t'xcept ps to Toronto and ,New Outtter- them in tow. while the obiter one was
i0. This fact is further tn'.jic.abluiforced to lead the animal along elle
that redistribution measures were t street. 'while. 'the crowd on tine. side -
brought down it parliament bubsl•- walk gave him 1 tau;h. tnuc't to
eve•ttt to a d•cennial census. 1 hie discomfort.
Then es to whether rcdistributoon
under 'Liberal Ful' is f fir,4t leanote-
worthy fact That Liberal majorities , Preachers Opinions
varied in rhos' 23y,• urs from 30 dowel
Forks Iia ldcc
- \ c Fors
s t- i Ra
cont � • P. it t r
t. I
ha the r t•,:roma R
fo3and t Y L y•
tuencies ns delimited in 1885 Tee el 1t! C. B.: "1 nlwnys count it n pleasure to
Conservative majority in l90:e e( : recommend the Dr. Slocum Remedies
of over 40. It is'heti:foal suit.• clearto my parishioners, I believe there
tient there was no excuse .w h , teaer is nothing hotter for throat and lung
for the Gerrymander Act introduceet' trouble% or weakness or run-down s'•s-
this year. and of course, it tri' t:Fit tem. For speaker's sore throat I have
follow a decenttiat 0.1509. found Psychtne very beneficial."
It is rather n strange voile—idea •
v Ont.:
isle t
t.t_ .t
1885 there W:114 ..
year i e
butthe •c 1
in ) •
.estimulant just s imn a
• rr the t
seemed 1
Pa c
'nn of constitu, n I.s
1 ser butt
n redistribution er
In Great 'Itrilain, tchioh rcdislrihu.isystem nrcdr'1. I shall add my testimony
(ion .was conducted upon fair lima I as to its efl acy at every opportunity."
and principles. 'file 'lion. 'Mr Gl:td- 1 Rev. R. . . Browne, Amherst Menti
el 0110 anti 1.0(dSAO-tory and 0(1, •r . `.d., eel have often recommended
leaders of buil' pa[ti••s tri° nn,I t Psychine since taking it myself. for it
ngrecd upon "ell "'Weill"' in the is a cure for the troubles you specify."
hill; tlre'n th• hill exactly tie egre;d
upon tt as brow—zee in as a eovertimetet Rev. Chas. Stirling, Hath, N.13.: "1
mere-ur'•.. the' re 'tilts no Jisl,ut • nal. have use,' Psychine in nig family; rho
no eiscusaion in parliament al totesttlt• were marvelous. I have visited
its terms. Tien the de.litnitinz ort people Who state that they never used
fixin,t the bounderics of the collet 1- its equal. 1 strongly recommend it.
tuenci•'s in accordance tvith the peen- 111`V. .1. S. I.... Wilson, Markdale, Ont.:
ciples of t his hill was left to an Ind,- "I leave taken two bottles of Psychine
pend•n1 commission compose.' of and am pleased to say that f am (;rent)}
Royol tl4n3inrars., etc. t improve(' in health. 1 was troubled
1,. Sr nal ihv r diet p e i t �• with mw throat, but now i And it about
tee le• - 1 e r into 0 the
corryin4 oil,;
of tea a 1' dristribution Hill. nor chd, rettore'1 to as normal cnn.lition, 1
Ilio' 1,.r y in power nook to obtain' find my work very much less taxing.
any unfair advantaire, 11 is clear. I believe Psychine is all claimed for it."
therefore. 1bat :Mr. Whiteley diel net' These are earnest preac•luers of tho
attempt to tfollo'w Brinell precedent , gospel of Payehlne. They know where•
to which !t' i' so tone) of re (•t ria;. of they speak. Psychine cures all
throat. lung and stomach troubles. It
A man's wilt should nit+ays be
`is a great voice strengthener, acting
r husband,
'• 1• to.r
r. ret .I 1 t0 1respirators' thesamen� vol.I a
vocal, 41'th
O 1
directly on 1
is and dt
w t nervone, n e l
she y weak anti n r , .la t
tut if i digestive organs. thn+ specie p
uses Carter's Iron rills, she cannot tl ptlhiie speakers. At all e1raggiste,
be, for they melte her 'feel like a .,t-Ic ant $1.00, Or Dr. T. A. Slocum, I.te..
different person," so they all any l To:oato.
Incl their Itu�bands e.ty so too.
Guaranteed Cured or No Pay.
If you ever had any contracted or hereditary
blood disease, you are never safe until the virus
or poison hon been removed from the system.
You may have had some disease years ago, but
now and then some symptom alarms yott. Some
poison still lures in your system. Can you afford
to run tete risk of more serious symptosis appear-
ing as the poison multiplies? Beware of mercury
or mineral drugs used intliscrituittately-they may
ruin the system. Twenty years experience in the
treatment of these diseases enables us to prescribe
specific remedies that will positively cure all blond
diseases of the worst character, leaving no bad
effects on the system. Our New Method Treat-
ment will purify and enrich the blood, heal up
all ulcers, clear the skin, remove bone pains, fallen
out hair will grow in, and swollen glands will re-
turn to a normal condition, and the patient will
feel and look like a different person. All cases
we a.•cept for treatment are guaranteed a com-
plete cure if iastructioas are followed.
Reader if in fie,tlbt as to your condition, you can consult us FREE
OF C IIAlt';I:. Beware of incompetet
bent a octors or hwho a have 00 reputation
or reliability. Drs. K. & K. have
WE CURE Nervous Debility, Varicocele, flet, Stricture, ltatioodl s. and
Secret Diseases, Kidney and Bladder P
11 unable to call write for a Question List tor Horne Treatment.
Cor. Michigan 'IA Griswold Sts. Detroit, Mich.
Earth for Sale
1 1 uttiful '200 Acn• farne situ-
, ..i • l,ln one' mile North of
1•;" ; 1on • 'London •Moats, Lots
Nos. -1 ie let con. Usbornl•. On
the 1 • • • r yis a large new brick
house. ..• 1 , v •ry convenience, large
hunk lone , (.i r:' windmills; first
class supply of water. 'fhe farm Is
en first elates condition. These farms
can be bon eh: to;tctlt.'r or separate
For foitltet• enrol tuition at'piy to
Mr. .1. Welsh* eon t i 1. promisee.
Mortgage Sale
No Honing—
No Grinding
The finest steel made and tempered
1b electricitywiil not make a perfect
Carbo Magnetic razor blade. it
Still requires grinding to compete
the wok. 1 his grtm'rltt; must be as
true and reliable as the ingredients;
Grinding e-.:tire!y57hand is impar-'
Of house and Lot at Sill l)iia feet -wobbly -by machlne,tow mc•
,"" •
r ntedeng attenUnn-bornblne the
1 ndl r :end by 'tt 111" of th l two with the eevrre secutcret test each
t you
• ty ud .? blade Rna11 �ub�retcd to y
l b d Y J
Moil e• a r, •rt:tin •31,
ul r11 to
will be prodtler•d at I lIJ time of :;al.', hart a perfect Carbo Magnetic razor.
ehamcal to search out every pont
,here will b• 0ffeted for pale by pith- The quality of labor employed is a
lie auction on i most essential point in producing
THURSDAY. JUNE lith, 1908 I cutlery steel. The men intrusted)
with the grinding of Carbo Magnetic
nt 1 o'clock. 1'. '.1., on the pectins •-
part of 'Lot No. 1 -11. In t he fiixteent
Concession of 't he 'Township of Step -
lien. its the 'County of Iluron, con-
[ an
r r e'
. w•c '�1t
v o
'nr 1 1t1 1
tainitt, nt i
1 1 ,
• r s h. vitt; n e ,t + 3
1 h'• mid -road of 'tin.' rude by a d
of d i,ht rods. tit • north w•,•at c•or:: •1
of elk' property h•r
r r
from 1 he northwest at131e. of Said cul No soft spot s, no brittleness will
number I telt. I appear in a Cuba Magnetic razor no
hatter how long used. No meth.d f
of tempering by fire with its constant
variation of heat will produce such
uniformity. Every blade, has been '
brought to • fixed temperature ac-
curatel7 measured by electricity be-
fore being "plunged. ' any varrttion
from this precision vezuld reduce the -
Bat test this untontNifonalIy
bYarantood razor m your ow,
orne or have your barber use it o,
you dor thirty days
Drop us a postal, or better yet,
tome in and see us and we will give
you our new proposition for having
these ra`rors tested without obliga-
tion to purchase, together with our
free booklet "Hints on Shaun`."
steel have spent the maior part of
their Ives in reaching their present
state of perfection. They ■re Ham-
burg grinders, unquestionably the
best known. Every razor blade
their hands t
eu of
to ulatt•
, end B
uniform u
ties or thick spots. The shaving
edge is true and straight. It w.i
cut smooth, clean and comfortable,
leaving no smarting
Good Breeding Horses
This the season thar
when yisou twill b0 of wantineg yourye
horse hills. If you vent them, gotten
out In a nice, tasty manner you
Should get them printed at the
rIMEs" office. A fret notice is
given for twoxviceks to any persons
getting 'their bills printedby us.
MONDAY morning will leave his
own stable, Kirkton,and proceed 'to
Milton 'Gregory's, 6th Con. for noon ;
thence to Centralia for night.
TUESDAY north on London Foul
to E. 'Nihl►t's for noon ; 'then east to
Wesley Heywood's dor night.
WEDNESDAY to Hugh Barry'-, lot
1 Con. •J0, for noon; 'thence to hi?
own 51111)10 for night.
THURSDAY to John Duncan's con.
12, llsborne, dor noon: thence east
to rho 7411 con. eit.7 to his own
le for night.
FRIDAY to 'rhos. Ilol lingshead, 4th
line. Illansbird, for noon : then south
to Base lime then to itis own stable
Where Ito will remain until thel fol -
towing 'Monday rnornin,.
Proprietor anti rlanaber.
• P. S., Graduate Victoria Un
varsity. office and rtsideuence. Dominion
Laboratory, Exeter.
Associate Coroner of Huron.
bowls Thomas & Nutter
Civil Engineer & Architect
(tate Department of Public lworks, Canada.)
Consulting Engineer for Municipal and County
Work, Electric railroads, Sewerage and waterworks.
Stetein Wharves, Bridges and lte-entorctd Concrete
Phone 2220 London ontade
We have unlimited private funds for Inveei
` ent upon farm or v illatte rroperty at lowee
ates of Interest.
anlstere Solicitors, Notaries Conveyancers
Commisslonert•, Solicitors for the Molson t
Bank. ISto.
Money toLoan at lowest rates of interest.
we have a Targe amount of private funds
oan on farm and village properties atlowrabe
Barristers Solicitors. Main St.lExeter
Wools of the Moll North West
MONDAY Will go to Alex. Sin-
(11111s'Ftickert:n'ith for noon then to
Jae. Mclntosli s for night.
TUESDAY• To Appleton Elcoat's
for noon: then to his own stable for
WEDNESDAY Afternoon to David
Aeder, en's Parr Line for night.
'i'Ht•IISDAY To M. Mcleaughtott'e
for noon; then by -Nth. Con. Stanley lc
IVin. Taylor's 2nd. ('on. for night.
FRIDAY By 2nd. Con. to laugh Mc-
(}i rgers for noon; then to his stable
for the night.
SA'rl•itl)AY At his own stable.
Smillie tiros. Kippcn,
Proprio tor.
Will stand for n limited number of
mares nt his own stable; ilaott: 6. S.T.
ltoncl for the reason of 1908.
Brown, 1
11. H. Itro Prop.
My friend, look here 1 you know
how weak and nervous your wife is
end you know that Carter's iron
Pills will relieve her, now why not
to f ,ir about it nny buy Ater a box?
Ott 'ahis pioperty Is a ;nod fr,un-
house 18 by 21 feet and n frame atabla'
TER \1t3 01" SALE.
Twenty p1 cent. of the ptirCl.1'.l
money on till • day of i•alo and the
balance it thirty d'lys thereafter.
.10110111 Oil (1 f 51.
Purth:•r t••rnie 'and conditions will
be mail' kno'tn on 11i, day of sslc ur
may be had on application to
I: sot'• r. Ont atin, Vendor': Solicit ore
Dated it Ex-Irr Ihit _'..t iley of•
MI:g'1'INt; 01' 'i tlh: itt'ltON
COI •N1'Y col.NC!t,
'The council of the Cu: 1' ration of
1:• Coutot• of prince t'il1 rue,' ie `1••
1. • (ounce eirtni .•r. in the 'Town W. S Cole Druggist
r.( lodeerieh, on .lune ib' 42nd. at the r • • r
(lour of 3 o'clock p. in.
Acrolinttt n7ainst (11-' county. r•-' -----
c n
tnirinl ne'llll•rn:nl. must 1>. ItaC'd
with the Clerk pervious to 'the above
date. Dated 4(1 Got1- Lich, May the
lett', 1:08.
W. Lane, Clerk.
Y es numbered section of Dominion Lauds to
Auanitoba, •,askatchewan and Alberta, excepting
land 2e, not reserved, may be botnesteaded by
any person who is the sole head of a family, or any
male oyer IS yet ra of age, to the extent of one -guar
ter section of 16o acres, more or less,
Application for entry must be made in person by
the applicant at a Dominion rands AReticy or Sub.
agency for the district In which the laud is situate.
Entry by proxy may, howeter, be nude at an Agfa.
cy on ccrtainconditions by the father, mother son,
daughter, brother or sister of an intending home•
The homesteader is required to perform th0
homestead duties under one of the following plans:
(1) At least six months' residence upon and cult!.
nation o1 the land in each ) ear for three years.
(2) A homesteader may, if he so desires, perform
the required residence duties by Being on farming
land owned solely by him, not less than eighty fie)
acres in extent in the vicinity of his homestead.
Joint Ownership in land will not meet this ttquire•
(3) if the father (or mother. It the father is de•
ceased) of the homesteader has pennaner.t residence
1 •1
on fanning land coshed t solei by him, t fess that'
eighty (y0) acres in extent, inmit
the skittles- of the
homestead, or upon a homestead entered for to flim
In the vicinity, such homesteader may perforin hitt
COI) restdcnce duties by Iking with the fathet OS
1 The tent "sietttity" in the two preceeding -
paragraphs is defined as nicaning not more that:
Mile Miles n a direr line, exclusive of road altow-
arlee, crossed in the measurement.
5 A homesteader intending to perform his resi-
dence duties in acrordanee with the alote while
lirii g with his parents 0.1 on farming land owned by
himself must notify the maid its of the district of such
81x months notice in writing sl.otdd be Risen to
the Commissioner of Dominion Lands at (marmot'
Intention to apply for patent.
1v. W. C0111',
Depnt.) of the tlinlster of the interior
N. 13.-t'nauthortzeel pnblication of this advertise
mens a ill nnt i,e paid for
Rourtl•Trip (xitirslces
GOING 1) 1TI•:`i
April 14, 28 June 4, 21 Ane. 4. 18
Slay 12, 28 J:ey 1, 21 Sept. 1, 18, 29
Ttc kef. 11nod to rclorn within 60 day •
c L ,n. na pints
• ,1: 1 rete -n 132.410
• nil re'., n :1250
• 1'. -We -t points.
1f:1'kl'►l S1 eel l RS :1 ti -'feel
mmnier of
I Ourirl Fherr gr"'''• wi:1 be run oft tach
etrursion. h,l,t — . '.; .t %lite hhtliing.
etc. Berths sb• n.' a t„ •cettte'L sna paid for
t`tretuth meal nr;r it et lean six drys
hvfore excursion Wires
Hates and full information contained
inr k •' rn•Itiet. Ask neat
' frr 1 rt!•e•e er
to M
ed I' P.II. -Rent far a e• py, or write to
C. G. rOSTII. Marie I rattail., C.P.L..Two.
is the leading}( Itunineee tittin-
e; ing school in Western Ontario.
\� a give a thorough, practical
training of Commercial .Subjects
•t Isaac Pitman's
r r' Short hand,
Typewriting,sod 11t Commerce
j• int nnd Railroad ()pending.
° leech de►iattweet is in the hands
instructors. \� e
tec 't i •need
e. el expel
' assist students to positions.
Our graduates always succeed,
for our courses nre the best,
(,et our free catalogue and learn
more n)swt tis. Yon inay 0n• 4-
-- ter now.
•`. ELLIOTT h llt'LAC iii.AN, ~'
+++++.:•+4-i.+++ ++14+14+44 +++
A &potation from 81. Marys •'wait.
est on 'lion, 'Ge'orgi•,itinGratiane Wede
nesdnv morning,
silly r a sub -
for ethn til.. •Mary's nnd Western
Ontario Iteilway. This line is nn ex-
tension of the 'l'ill,otihur(f end fort
ilurwelt line and cnnt '1111)1' t.' fur-
ther extension (tans I:mbro to Naval.
A email portion of this extension
hits nlrently teen built. The depu.
let ion was c0tnp')scd of Mestere.
AtcLtlire•, South Itcrtl► I
flout!' Iluron. Consideration wall