Exeter Times, 1908-05-21, Page 2Trish ion
+I.1»i 1 t -i..�..i..1..1»I. } I. i .l. H 1• k'�
The coin spotted Nutt.' : is service-
Iblo and also is popular.
The foulard :n alt colors and designs
las again mine to the fore.
Many of Itic most fashionable dresse-s
las sprang are heavily braided.
Never has taupe enjoyed a larger
need of popularity than it will this sca-
\\ hr Lever else be the figure d 1908,
the rioulders must no Crud esti droop -
\\ bite is schedutecl to lead in spring
Meese though colors will lint be neg.
An important feature where hats arc
pt>ncerned is the return to favor of us-
s•t ich tips. scheme decidedly novel trimming
Is to use velvet battlements and bias
funds on chiffon broadcloth.
Never Lefore has Paris so persistently
Iceland that the season's fusl►ionabie
loslumes' shall be of silk.
Long straight lines, reflecting ore
Greek idea of feminine drapery,
brought out prominently in tailor mades.
A great deal of colored Mello and
moueSeltne is used for hat crowns, for
to be modish a crown must ba high and
66'utherod lull -a kind of raised Tata o'
The oombinntion of taffeta and cloth 1
i_ not a novelty; nevertheless it fortes
a most excluSive type of costume, and
sioticeably so in black of a subdued
An important innovation which has
crept into the ateliers of Parts and
which promises to carry all before it
k the vogue for large bows and pour
lens of cretonne, veiled with tulle.
Narrow soutache braid is used In great
profusion not only on cloth and silk
tut an sheer niaterlals like chiffon,
where it is much seen as a trimming
of irnportei blouses.
Even the most enthusiastic milliners'
will not predict that the "\ferry 'Widow'
but will outlast midsummer. They
say that the furore has leen too un-
reasoning, and already the hal is be -
mining "COnhmOn."
Reefer coats accompany most of the
mohairsmartest of the
skirts of the uny it ' type, nd are pongee
k. win favor with slight women who
ggaze enviotoly after those to whom the
natty cutaways silo so becoming.
The vogue for pale soft dove and
mist gray, with brilliant splashes of
rotor, such as aro supplied by embroi-
dery of almost oriental magnificence,
will be pre-eminent. The alliance of
date gray was parsley green will also
be in high favor. • .rale
There 15 a demand for the seperate
this on account of the ninny odd
)ilk dresses Worn. It seems strange
k think of the separate coat as
tway model, but this is the
tliape; it Is really Irernendouely beami-
ng, worn over nn odd skirt.
Alt white dr• sues promise to be more
Yule onnble time ever. The finer grades
)f mull are claboretely trimmed urith
prsertion of all widths, possibly
Ive different widths appearing tin one
skirt, often alternately placed with me-
lnlbon inserti:)n.
Faced cloths ore more beautiful than
mer, soft, line, and finished with added
satiny surface that giv
therm by reason of the variety in shade
and sheen, for all these cloths and r must
quired 'or draping 1. rp
be of the finest ,luattty.
Bells (.f plaited raffles represent the
lritoi4 eddit on to the smart tailor made
costume of the moment, the rattle be-
ing woven and interwoven in as many
a- nine or twelve strands and caught
n tient w'th a huge buckle of the same
June, likes• the frame of a slate.
The bird of wisdom is still peesonn
freta in the halls of fashion, and owl
Knits, cleverly fashion(! with straw or
Larked out in jet. beads w tli gkimeng
ruby t y'ei ►ne playing their part in the
scheme et mere, th' latest exanYp'e be -
31g corned out in brown with white
speckled straw. different
Straw Ls playing so many
roles in the scheme of new hcndgear
se to render not a ievof thesidomodels
hndklrndent of any
bum, nuc straw rosettes taking the place
t,! the feather and Mande -eft pompons
and t .' lig designed in two or three dif-
feri tit renes of the color with sipial
Mies Mary Levesque, 313 Stadacina St , Hochetags, Mon-
treal writes :-"1 have found Zam- 13ukanexcellent remedy for
skin eruptions. Up to this Spring 1 was bothered for almost
five years w ith a red rash, small pimples and sores on my face and on
the scalp duo' the
hem Ain vete an using Zi,n-li4.This salvehasefecually and 1
believe permanently
taken off those unsightly pimples and sores ham
both scaly and face. 1 shall recommend Zamhiuk to all my iricnds."
pre, healing eczema and all skin disease Z•m-
Buk is without equal. It is good for r heusnariuu
when •H ,ubbtl .n- Kies also yisidtoZaarauk
Ali NO.es IAA druggists, pc. u, Zam• bilk Co..
Dyeing 1 Cleaning!
Ior Um seri best Hal yeas welt se the
Lose ler agent v reser tows, es seal areal.
rNMUM11T1,OatOs Ottawa, (lambda
Send 25 cent* for 1908 ell:ion of
5,0t 0 Facts About Canada
Frank Yaigti s wonderful eompii.itl n rf
everything about (•cutada in a uut.h,dl.
20 (0 a.nu ru :W7. Ageute wauted. Lihur•
al term+.
f Fpapina Ave., Toronto.
sem'-:,r;=�•;:�:; .l ==-+ lila,,!---r•� -i
The Peet an8 Cheapest
Canoes. SXA, Launches Eta
\t. 1-cptnh nl'Tclared b be eonevtlly.'IN MERRY OLD ENGLAND
al least 10 viMdt'Ll the !rola( grdcrlully.
merely adding: "Al least, Monsieur is
Comte, you will allow me to see the
lb+t of your guests. My duly compels
me to know who will bo there."
Monsieur to Comte made no objec-
tion. Ile pro du••cd the 1'st and I.epine
scanned it carefully. 11e was wreathed
is mulles as lie returned A. \\'ith many
tows h* apol.•gized fur having troubled
Monsieur le Coupe.
"It was so unnecessary," sale he. "I
really would have no use for these in•
vilatiens. 1 t:ee that Monsieur le Gentle
already names of of 1115' most trusted guestsn is list of the
The Count and his friends have been
Wondering ever eines whetter this was
literally trite or whether i1 was a shrew,(
device to render the gathering innocU-
- - FATAL.
Nell -"A girl shouldn t marry a man
till she knows all about hint."
13elle-"Good gracious! Ii shin knew
all about him site wouldn't want to
marry him."
They are Carefully Prepared. -Pills
which dissipate themselves in the
mach cannot be expected to have mu
effect upon the intestines, and to over-
come costiveness the medicine admin-
istered must influence the action
these mulls. Parmelee's Vegetable
Pills are so made, under the supervis-
ion of exerts, that the substance in
them intend d to operate on the into. -
tines is retarded in action until they
pass through the _ tuniacb to the bow-
Tells how n } oung man saved
the bank Ly a wise investment.
Every stock buyer and investor
shout(' mead this book. Not tor
sale. Sent ircr on request. Your
name on a postal will bring It.
Write to -day
R. w. sinewy
351 gateway Ezohango sidg., 0
say, father, What 13 the s if-
fcTeneo between 'well and 'good • 1'
Fatter -"I have noticed, my son, nun
about the only time \viten-you are good
is when you are not well!'
111. a3
Occurrences in the Land That Reigns
Supreme in the Commercial
Lads Y. M. C. A. new buildings cast
nearly $2'50,060.
Drub is 10 be the color of the Ter-
ritorial Army uniforms.
A thrush's nest was found reeenlly
in an old shoe in a field in Sussex.
A farmer \\ ho cut his linger has died
ei St. 11t'len's hospital liven lockjaw.
'Etre Franco -British exhibition at
` ll,-pherd's Rush wiil occupy 140 acres
Tho coals found in I•nerp''o1 tram -
ears In a year amount to $2.195, in-
cluding the taunts contained in 1,430
:the Chancellor of the Exchequer has
it surplus of nearly four mullions bier -
ling with which to Blurt the new lin-
andel year.
The 13ritish Isles comprise ets. and many
as 1,000 islands and
number docs not include insignificant
jutting rocks and pinnacles.
A codfish caught on the Iladdinglon-
shire coast was found to contain a pair
of worsted gloves, a Borrie lists 2Se
pounds in weight and a whole herring.
During their visit to Lord Rosebery
al the Durdans, Epsom. recently, both
the Queen and. Dowager Empress of
Russia planted lime !rets on the lawn.
Adam, Noah, Elijah and Zaccheus are
the Christian nnnles of four candidates
who are seeking e'.ectien to the d:s'r:ct
council of a small village in East Nor-
'frying to tip a sack of malt Into a
vat of bolting beer. a stonemason named
[tubed Digger, at \Vorcester, overbal-
d w
h ,
niece, and fulling into Q
scalded to deaWil-
lesdenA woman charged recently at Wil-
lesden with begging irons men Indig-
nantly denied it, declaring that she
had a conscientious objection to men,
and certainly would not beg from them.
It wes stated of James heath, aged
60, who was found guilty of house -
',leaking at Clapham, that he was a
trainer of young thieves, his three chil-
dren having served terms in prison.
John Harvey, n welt-ktnewn Sandwich
!teens d victualler, ontinnitted suic:do in
n remarkable manner. Ile drowned
himself in a tub of water in his stable
yard. placing the water pipe
in mouth. a l;rllon
Mr. Thomas Wilkinson,
tothe magistrate,
asst convalescent lehome and
si:niitoriutu for consumptives, with
8225,000 for endowment and alterations.
A famous Cui nberland cragsman, Mr.
Jelin Rubinson, is to have his memory,,
preserved by a bronze tablet fixed above
the Pillar Rock. Before he died he
nude his hundredthascent of the fam-
ous pinnacle.
13rit'sh regimental officers aro to be
noosed with swords again. Among the
lessons loo quickly learned during the
Beer war was one that swords were
useless, and another that bayonets
were out of date.
The Earl of Crewe has been appoint-
ed a Knight of the Garter, in Once of
the late Duke of Devonshire; and Lord
'llvicedmouth has been nlnde a Knight
et the Thistle, in place of the late Mar-
quis of Linlithgow.
A Romnn altar ub tit 5 fret high, withthe sncrif Bial axe on the sides, and in
an excellent stale of preservation, has
Len found during some ploughing op-
erations on It farm at Calthw'nite (Cum-
Teke LAX.\•I•IVE ItAn\10 Quinine Tablets.
Druggists refnurture is i et fails ts o cure.
a E. \Y.
onovs•. elz
The young girl s a:r ons pensive.
"To -morrow," she said, "ltcginald will
conduct me to the tiller.
. TThere," will
added, smilingly.,
end,' •
Disappear Under a Treatment with
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
There cin be health and \ igor only
when the blood is rich and red. There
are thousands of young men just ace
pronching manhood mho need the rich,
Jed blood that only Dr. Williams' Pink
I'ills can snake. They have 110 energy;
tiro out al the least exertion, and who
feel by the time they have done their
day's work, as though tho day was u
week long. 111 seine cases there is a
further sign of danger in the pimples
and disfiguring eruptions which break
out on the face. 'These arc certnin
signs that blood is nut oI order and
that a complete breakdown may result.
In this emergency Dr. Williams' rink
'r hese b
l )
-'els 1s
should lake. These pills actually snake
rich, red blood. They clear the skin
of pimples and eruptions and bring
health, strength and energy.
Meso is t e experience of Adolphe
nine turn your hctn`sc' holland, of SI. Jerome, Que., Who s+►)• •
Let n coat of p paints h s„1 "Fur more than a year 1 suffered from
- gradually uffered from
• general
nese ,. n......,. ----
it for you. They are made for pure y
•! style, purity of color and wear and
leer. Every can guaranteed. your
(-tenter has diens. Write A. Ramsay &
Son Co.. Montreal, for pack ot Souvcn-
it Picture i'ost Cards of Homes.
Many a father has made a Ivan of
his 'boy by not sending hint to college.
Faith easily dies without fellowship.
\Vhnt is given in love never is lost.
Marty mistake faulUlnding for fidel-
Envy is a confession of inner desti-
Sound doctrine does not cure a dis•
eased heart.
The pursuit of truth is the secret of
eternal youth.
The richest efts come out of the poor-
est pockets.
The life of service has few difficulties
of conduct.
A man's title to glory docs not de-
pend on the glory of his title.
You never lose your own joy by lend-
ing an car to another's woe.
•11 doesn 1 take much fortitude to bear
anothers misfortune.
Happy is he wife is too rich In faith
_4.. ,..--
A lilt NG 1,10N SLAYE8.
t, werry over a fortune.
A square deal has something beside
sharp edges and angles to it.
The cross is irksome only when we
trj to climb it as a pedestal.
The man who cannot find a god in
thethe morallyrastgmatic seerl
nly y-
tnl, as the only refuge in (nine of trouble.
Too many giving the boor crusts on
(tic street are stealing their bread In
Ito nary.
\\'lien a mnn ells the truth about him-
self he is anxious for some one to call
bins a liar.
11e who believes nothing until he len-
tlerslands it fully must have u !delle
lenge of knowledge.
17pr never permanent-
ly powerful impression without steady
practical expression.
'!'here would be little religiousity in inlldrl-
r atpts
te force this world
111e !oitisiuot tone uman'scrfaith
en other !nen.
A small Pill, but Powerful.- They
that judge of the powers of a pill by
es size, would consider 1'urmelee's Ve-
getable Pills to bo lacking. It Is a lit-
re wonder among pills. What it lacks
In size it snakes up in potency. The
remedies which' it carries are put up
t these shall doses, because they are
s,• powerful that only small doers are
tractsd. ce full
tomces is seuredinth is and do
their work thoroughly.
£.0%W &I that 1 was torted to
my work as u clerk. \ly appetite
tailed me, I had occasional violent
headaches and t began to suffer from
indigestion. 1 was failing so rapidly
that I began to fear that consumption
wits fastening itself upon tie. Our fam-
ily doctor treated nue but 1 did not gain
under his care. 1 was in a very dis-
couraging state when a friend from
Montreal came to seo me. 11c strong-
ly advised me to try Dr. \\'illinms'
Pink Pills. 1 did so and inside ot three
weeks l began to feel better, my ap-
petite began to improve and I seemed
to have a feeling of new courage. 1
continued the pills till I had taken n he C.' n
Loxes) and 1 ate now enjoying
health 1 ever had. My cure surprised
many of my friends who began to re-
sent me as incurable, and 1 strongly
ad\ ise other young men who are weak
lc follow my example and give Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial.' Bad
blood is the cause of all common dis-
eases like anaemia, headaches, neural-
gia, rheumatism, sciatica, indigestion,
all nervous troubles, genrel weakness
met the special ailments Mut only wo-
men folk know. Dr. Williams' fink
Pitts are the one cure, because they go
blood.right he
the mot of I
to They change the he trouble
to good blood, and Thus bring health,
strength and energy. You can get (hese
pills train any medicine dealer, or by
natal at 50e a box. or six poxes for $2.30
from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
She -"1 dreamt lest night you present -
c. inc with a lovely walking costume.'
tic -"You did, eh? Well, try again to-
night, and see if you can dream who
th( mischief 1s going le pay lir it these
hard times."
ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches and
every fora) of contagious Itch in hi,rnan
er animals carred to 30 minutes by \V01 -
frets Sunitary !.mien. It never fails.
Sold by all druggisti.
e tress there are nem. rt
he shouldn't.
gn,'t 1 al n)rr itm's Good Shots on the
African Veldt.
Th ,,. ..is were betel neer Pesters -
er day
niec', yter-old sen vt11 let Erasmus,
e cmus,
e leer Inrnlcr, says the Pretoria \'elks•
R appears that young Erasmus err
on Ins way 10 the Messina mine and
Ind outspanned his t'onkcy tears who 1
ire 'Wile boy came running to tell him
that Dine liens were tackling ttte don
keys. Erasmus seized his gun and ran
taint un the d.rc.l.(n indicated. On 1:15
arrival at the spot be found the Dons
lying around e•1h (if lite donkeis. Ne
'tied anti Allied a b g Hence*.
Tho trig(. Iwo lumped up but he w.
ready snit ',hot anolticr younger! ''ea -
'URS The young Ion which was k•tl ran
It hind S. 411C brushWCNd. Erasmtus feral
collected his denk,'ys and brought then
(ntn Palely and Oen n once more caret si-
t) npprrvu Md 11x' vent c f the sign!.
In • rder to find out if the Iwo lioness-
es Were '!cad he flied another 11101 at
one et Ihcni. This disturbed the sur-
viwing nen, who thereupon cam'( torch
Tearing. Erasmus was again ready and
shot ham dead nn the trot. Asked by
the Votksstem Correspondent whether
us v -
;:l ed:1s"Oh,ne no tPio 'Oonn,'tone.
1had my Litt:e
Kalllr bevy wtlh me,'' The skins \vete
sold in is k r4burg.
Any roan who is Arnott anweigh to
nuskr A pc,titical healer is capable et
Bann:ng an boost isv.ng if he wants
us reasons why
A LITTT.F. QUIET 1. the best "f all diet,
will not inako
will Try t. All drug tand 'general. store
There aro a g, • d many men
tte bars in this g:or:Qus land of
yet it
s. 31
"I Am
• Glad To,
IVrite My
11 Retains Okt and Mnkcs New
Friends. -Time was when Dr. 'Phorias'
•hcleclric Oil hnd but n FTnall field of
crislribullon, but n,w its territory is
widespread. Those who first recogniz-
ed its curative qualities still value it ns
a specific, and While it relnlns Its old
friends it 1s ever making new. 1t is
certain that whoever once uses it will
not be without it.
--- -re --
POLICE SPIE.' IN I'.ettls.
lee/it/mist Lender \Iy.1 lin! Iher a neve.
by Prefect Lepine.
A wise mother will never give tier
little one a sleeping draught. soothing
mixture or opiate of any kind except
upon the advice of a conipetcnt doc-
tor, who has seen the chikl. All these
things contain deadly poison. When
yeti give your baby or young
Ilabyss Own Tablets yon have 1)1e gunr-
antce of a government analyst that tis
medicine (tees not contain ene particle
of opiate or narcotic, rind therefore
cannot possibly do harm -but ahvnys
dr. good. Mrs. Geo. M. 1'" npl, Carle -
len Place. (int.. i,ays:-"l !taco given
Bates Own Tablets 10 my baby since
t.c w'nv Ivo weeks old. Ile Wes n
very srnall baby. but thanks to the
s l n'\big,
mail at 25 cents a box troin The
k 'Inc.
\labialis' Medicine Co.,
Paris Gil Ibis g.\ a the world an it.
lustl•ation of the wurktngs of the French
Fe(•ret police in an anecdote which it
publishes with nn assurance that the
incident happened recently.
A distinguished member of Parisian
rfclety scut out invitations for a large
eciree at h's txtuse in the Faubourg St.
Gernttun. Ile is a legtlim:at. and it was
hardly concealed That the gathering wile
bAs soon as he heari
d of it Poentient lice Prefect
iepino called upon the host and with
the utmost pnlitcn(ss eoticilcd a couple.
of invitations f r agents on his stall.
"Monsieur le (;(mute." snid 1►e. "1 g
You my word of honor the Wren to whom
1 entrust Them will kit lc like perfect
gentlemen; they will act like gentlemen;
in a word, they will be worthyof
Einer you confer on them by g
!here your guests.''
The Cj,unl was very hnughty, how'-
ever. He explained with ill concealed
(!*dein that his port)? would be male
up of the bluest bleed in France and
any outsider would be at once corhptcu-
1M153' J U L tAA
as Foon as 1 stopped taking the medi-
cine, I gotbad again.
"I took the medicine for two years,
then I got sick again and gave up all
hopes of getting cured.
"I saw a testimonial of a man whose
ease was similar to mine being cured by
Pcrnna, 6o I thought I would give 11 a
"I procured a bottle st once and conn
menced taking it. I have Laken aeverk
bottles and am entirely cured.
Y remedy that benefits digostion
A' Nstrengthens the nerves.
Tbo nerve centers require nutrition.
If the
digestion a`di
centersbecome aneimpaired,
is ing tion
to the result. H+, .41
Per'uaa Ls nota nervine nor a,
stimulant. it benelits the nerves by
beneNting digeatlon.
Of 77ie
7ulia Marlowe.
•'1 roved tinder the treatlnent,but
A pathetic tele of Esquimau love is
told by Lieut. Shackleton, the lender of
an Arctic expedition. A young Esqui-
mau loved en Esquimau lass, but us
t lr1' had not Uroovide the man lege cof
ernlskins to
tion required by her fatter he met with
no encouragement mlhe stern h
cel. Ayawngehnsneseparatedthe
resecctive dwellings of the ardent lev-
er 811(1 Its beloved,nwhich idcould I he
crossed only by a 6
e. ne
youth conte seed a plan. Ile would cross
the snow bridge in the night, abduct
the girl and atter recross ng destroy the
bridge and so prevent pursuit. Ile car-
ried the plan into effect. One night he
crossed the Bridge, invaded the hal of
his idol, soiled a sleeping bag and (lis
parted, destroying the bridge alter he
hnd bag and disc )•shit the hat( he had e er sleep-
the girl, Lill the old snail!
We have no liesiteiC niinlcry saying
g t Cordial
Dr J. D. KelloggDysentery
is without doubt 111e lest medicine ever
introduced for dysentery, diarrhoea,
cholera and all suntnler complaints, gen
sickness, etc. It promptly' gives
ni'1 never tails to effect a positive cure
(lotlters should never be without n
when their children areteething.
Tiber+ lea Only Oas
�•Bromo QuInlfle"
The la
LLaxative Bron° Quinine
axaIIW D OYER 70 OIJRE A 001.0 1N ONE DAY.
Always remember the full name. Look
tot We signature on every box. `t5c.
An Irishman was in houl,po about it
gun found in his possession. 'rhe law,
untortunately for him. adopted the un-
kind suggestion that 1►e had stolen ii.
While awaiting his trial, be was visit-
ed by a friend, Who urge(' hue to Melee
ele -
tdstly adhere to the stalcnr et that he ,
had ownrd the gun tor year;. The
friend, furthermore, cited how he hoe-
selt, when in sinlilnr difficulty about n
hen, had preserved both the lien and
Ise character by sw'enring he had pos-
se epevl the bird since it oris a chicken.
The wLstken of this advice ons not
1 et en Pal, and he henceforth regarded
les trial with the settled serenity of, if
net conscious innocence, sanguine un-
Lrip,ati n.
On the day appointed, when conclu-
sive evidence ngninst hits had Leen ten-
eeled, he was racked tor•mully whether'
h•' had anything to say for himself. Pat
throwing a glance of shrivelling core
tempt at the prosecutor, turned to the
judge and said:
'The molls a perjured villain. yet hon-
or. That guns bin in my po`s'1Sien.
)(t honer, iwer s:noc It \n.1 a plhloi.'
Its (Lib, tilt h r n slyer -tongued ors•
tor to nuke abort Axel of a *peal`
1, hear from owner having
for saie. Not partienier 'shout Incatl"n•
Piero* give priest and description, and res•
son for selling *tate *lien postessiun can
be Its(, Will deal with owners only. Y. y'
1. marblehire, Wa 95t, Rochester, .
PHONE M 1314
Peruns frees the stomach of catarrhal
congestions and normal di;eetlon is the
In other words, Perna goes to the
bottom of the whole daldisappear.,when
the disagreeable symptoms
Mrs. 3 . C. 3 amtson, 61 Marchant street,
Watsonville, Cal., writes:
"I was troubled with my stomach for
six years. I triad many kinds of medi-
cine, also was treated by three doctors.
"They said that a nervous
Stocks 14ought and sold on
New York, Baskin. Montreal and
Toronto Stock Exchanges ior
Cash or mown.
Orders for Cobalt ::Uirkc execut-
ed Jon Pinot° \li�iInp Ex-
change or .13o.tnn arid New
Turk curb for rash.
1 ••1 have gained in strcagth and
feel like a different person. ! be -
!love Penins is all that /s cialmedi
forst." .ti
'+e rc gra•
Nervines, such us coal tarprepara-
tions, aro doing a great deal of harm.
Seep medicines and headache powders
aro all allko,-heart dopressanta,
I had
not be used. Tho nerves would
1 t n liquid diet for I . nli right, if the digestion were good,
pepsic. was pu o a t.
l'111111111.corrects tbo digestion.
three months.
Cerrespnit'1.'tiLs- ( hes. (lead i
Go.. n er, ter y of the New fork
and Boston 'o k Exchange.
E'B No. !!-N•
Our readers to note that the celebrated French remedy, PANG°,
w•Iti'sh has been and is sold under a guarantee -that in cases
\\ here the outward application, as directed, fails to re;ie•,e pain,
moneys paid will be refunded --still stands. in no case, not-
withstanding the large ono Increasing sale, hos a refund been
asked for. ilc'commended for neurnlg:a, headache, rheumali.Rln,
gout, catarrhal colds, stiff joints, etc. Ask your druggist for a
sample and do not accept a substitute. You will be pleased with
it. Price 25 amt 50 cents.
The Pango Company, Toronto
or \s ho lessee
ILyman, linos & Clark Fun. Limited, 'fotonlo.
Lyriucn Bros. & Co., Motrlrt'ntt Toronto.
"A nushould Ih'.nk h\' 1' !,,r. hc PASSING OF TIIE PATENT.
speaks.' "And a woman Bile t.rr.• s te-
forc site sings."
The never failing medicine. Ilello-
Way's !torn Cure, reinovcs alt kinds of
corns, Warts, elc.; even 1150 most (BM-
c•titt to remove cannel wtlhstnnd this
wonderful remedy.
1lusband-"The &AY r 10!41 r. r 1
go to a 'resycure.' ' \\ .i. , led l.'
leek at your long s'''' )ItrsLan'1-• \c ;
1 old hint ntout`lrs.'
GNI. OP T11F. itr'T oli 11ma re we'tit310?ran
skin atteeti.ns such a• P.e,ema. it n�
head and ,affections Is 51'ra,er•s citrate.
It 1s au ointment that has Lrou,;Lt relief to
11 is snid to to unlucky for any one
to put up an uniltlrlla in a room-ex-
ccpt an auctic,n• cr.
!rete Ott•.her t . 5fa• ('ni l' sr•• th„ frost fn -
411•61 east's of )1 sad aChe. AX AT Id e
skUJt(l4R removes/Ause. Rt W. Uro a onibusAZig
Illggins--"What are you blacki g
Ibis" shoes for -aren't they patent
\Vi ins -"They were, but the pat-
ent has expired.'
'1)11; 1)(1111 '10 OCII
Every persons feelings have n front
(Icor and a side door Ly :whish navy
be entered. The front door is on
the street. Senile k(t'p it ale flys et' ",
sone, keep It litchi+l, some locked. soma
peep lint with
t nthget in.in aniel seine wilt let you
1 up, so that nothing can pass its
threshold. This frontdeer tetleads s into
a passage which op R9
1tx,m, and this into the interior aper 1-
ments. The side &or opens at once
mastlhe alwaysmonet lkeyhisli-
mes( the side door
This is carried ter years hidden in a
pothers to-o►n. Fathers, hrnthers, sig•
1(rs. and friends, otters, but br WI
means an universally, have duplicoles
et 11. The w'e<ktrng•ring conveys a
trine. if none is gt owith
� Iii h
careful to whom e
keys of the aide door.
ease of Itching, Vi111u4 It .1l'iR cilia ['rowdies
iles in to N days or m 01.5 refunded. 400.
If 0 girl is pretty she knows it Jura
as well as a man does. but she won't
think any the leas of him if he kits
her b(.
\to'th('r Graves' \Norm Exterminator
dotes not require the help of any pur-
gative medicine to complete the etre.
One it a trial and be convinced.
\\ IIA'!' rr SAYS.
Smawley-"Do you Lelieve that mmep
Atdupp -"Yeti bel, I do. 1 no soon-
er get my' hands on a dollar than 1t.
Eays 'Gcud•bye."'
1 ght to one;
)t! Be very
gine et tits*
flarleer-"Pretty short. Mr!' f.i •
n►er-"Well. yes, 1 0111. Just put It 4
de.wn on the slate, will metes Much
<.bl tleti to you for speaking of it.' •
"Biggest and Best"
Chewing Tobacco