Exeter Times, 1908-05-14, Page 6TO PREVENT
Juan was a little Pueblo boy.
Far away, on the great plains of
flew M ex.tco and Arizona, live honW In-
dlanr;►. \V kJ, aro very different from
those ca whore we read in aclvealiooks
or eter.es of the West. They have
clever roamed the pkuns and torteats,
ill,o ttw a others, but have ahvaya lived
cir:r t, peaceable lives in queer little old
villages, which were standing on the
tale spot when the Spaniards came
t, the Soulltw•cst, h►rndrees of years
Nee The Spunisit word for "village"
les "f,1a4)lo," and so these Indians have
r,Mie to be called the Pueblos, or vil-
kige Indians. There are about ten thou-
sand of them in all.
Juan Lived with his mother and father
and lis little sister, Rosita. in u House
at Ilse end of the pueb o. in the centre
of ttio pueblo was a large square. called
a plaza, and one long, narrow build-
ing ran ckar around all four sides of
the pkizn, except for little places here
and there to gel in and out of the ple-
tile. 1 ho long block was partitioned
tiff into little flats of Iwo rooms each,
►1 U
family. each fiat l i yell uneant
ernd in c
top of the first story was another row
of houses, neat in some parts of the
l:t;blo there was still a third story.
The people who lived in the upt er
houses went up and down by kidders
The houses were made out of adobe
clay, wt ch was just the dirt teem the
•.lain round -about, mixed with water,
'.hared into bricks and dried in the sun.
Jutui's mother used to eprinkle the
Boor every day to keep it damp, because
tf it got too dry it turned into dust.
There was a nice little three -cornered
fireplace in the front room at Juan's
house, and here they used to burn little
4 Jlf.ort kgs.
Ttie l,tn on is ahnnst the only tree
that grows on the dry hills of New
Atetico. ft as a low, spreading, ever-
green tree, full of resin, W1110h snakes
the weed burn with a very clear, beau-
tiful light. Juan used to go out on the
trills and gather the dry bits of pinion
and bring them horde for the fireplace.
In the long winter evenings tho only
light in the house would be from the
etancing flames. A bit of wall MIS built
ant' on, one side of tate fireplace, so that
it cut off all cold draughts from the
door. and trade a w•nrrn cosy corner
try the fire. A eoft old bearskin lay In
Take Dr, Williams' Pink Pills When
the First Symptoms are Noticed
and Save Yourself Much
Line for the comntenoement of plough-
ing. Great se.reey is observed. In
borne places the time selected is in the
rl.ghl, in others daybreak i:; the eusto-
fl ary time.
The Pundit goes to a field, taking t
brass drinking vessel and a branch of
the sacred mango tree, which is effica-
cious in frightening away evil spirits
that may Haunt the field. Prithivi, the
broad world, and Seshit 'gaga. the great
snake which supports the world, are
s'.pposed to be propitiated and re*or.-
cile'd by this ceremony. The pundit sat-
♦ isfles himself as to the direction in
which the great snake is lying, for it
occasionally cloves about a little to ease
itself of the great burden of the broad
world which it carrier. The pundit then
marks off an irnnginnry line, five (a
lucky number) clods of e•t.rth are thrown
up and water is sprinkled in the trench
live times with the sncred mango bush.
to insure productivenes. Caution must
1•e exercised lest the charm be broken
and prospective fortune Imperilled. The
fanner must remain ee•'luded during the
following day, no salt must be eaten, no
money, grain or Are given away.
Among the Karnes. before ploughing.
the farmer makes a burnt offering or
butter and molasses iri his own field
and again at
The Chinese begin ploughing on the
first day of their solar year. Anciently
the rites which were celebrated by the
Chinese atploughing
l.me were
ate but rationalistic sovereigns eliminat-
ed ono exp.:lleive religious rite after an-
other until nothing was left excerpt the
imperial act of homage to heaven and
eurth and agriculture in the ccrcnlon-
nil ploughing.
The Siamese observe a rite called
Rauskun about the middle of May, which
Are you troubled %vith pallor, loss et
spirits, waves of heat pa_ s:ng over the
Lardy. shortness of breath alter slight
exertion, a peculiar skipping of the
l.car'L beat, poor digestion, cent hands
+•r feet, or a feeling of weight and tut -
nese? Do not snake the mistake of
Utinking that these aro diseases in
themselves and be batisfled with relief
for tho time being.
This is the way that the nerves give
warning that they are breaking down.
11 means that the blood has 'become
irnpure and thin and ctuniet carry
enough nourishment to the nerves to
keep tltenl healthy and able to do their
There Is only ono way to prevent the
Anal breakdown of the nerves and the
more serious diseases which follow.
The blood must be made rich, red and
pure, and Dr. Williams' Pink Pills is
the only medicine that can do this
promptly and efte:tively. Every dose
of this medicine helps make new blood
rind strengthens tlx: weak of worn-out
Mrs. David J. Tnp'^y, Fredericton,
N. 13.. was cured by Dr. Williams'
for one o sol
paralysis of the face. She says: "The.
until the ceremony is over. The court
trouble came on quite gradually, and aetr�logers determine the 11111C for it.
at Ilea outset 1 did not pay much at, On file day fixed by thein the Minister
lcntion to it. Then it grew more serf of Agriculture, who is always a prince
ous, and there was a general break or nobleman of high rank, goes ‘lith a
procession to a piece of ground some
Id:stance trona the capital. Where the
festivities aro to take place a new
plough to which a pair of butfalues are
yoked is in rea.iiuess, nc�orated with
Beavers and leaves.
The minister guides the plough over
the field closely watched by the spec-
tators, who are especially interested in
the length and folds of the silk of his
lower garments, because the prosperity
of the season and its characteristics. wet
or dry, are to be predicted from these
as he follows the plough. 1i the robe
rises above his knee there will be dis-
astrous rains. 1f it fulls below the ankles
Pork Pills after suffering from nervous i; preliminary to the pk►u ,hie * season,
�, 6
breakd6 vui which res uUed in partial
rind is not proper any i t plough
front, and on 111:s would Mt a circle
of nice and women, boys and girls,
chatt ng and laughing, and telling stor-
ies. They were a very gay, 1.ghtheartcd
haPpy reople. 'ind the old people told
innumerable stories of the old days,
ween the animals tallied and acted like
human beings. and when there were
witches and demons and goblins o all
kinds about. Juan nlwaye remembc
41►►nse stories told in from of ttie Are ill
the, wailer evenings.
But the greatest excitement in the
pueblo would conte when there wits to
n dance. The ind(nns were busy
getting ready for it for days before-
hand. It was not like a white man's
dance. merely for social pleasure. In-
dian dances are all a part of their old
religion, i`'rectised ages before the white
PRESIDENTS OF 1111: RI Pt 111.11e 01:
t gh
down of the nerves, which was lolluw -
e i by partial paralysis of the face, one
side being completely drawn out d
shape. I was under a doctor's care
foe a couple of months, and one treat-
ment after another was tried without
benefit. By this time 1 was confined to
my room, and the doctor told me he
could not cure me. Almost in despair
I was persuaded to try Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills. The improvement was
slow, but the building up of a run
dean nervous system naturally is
slow. Slowly but surely this niedicino
did its work. and after -a tirne 1 was
able to again come down stales. From
t on the improvement vas much
%tri, :tit Say:tile•r) and 1'4.11 likiii
Hold Sail) in the Black
When 1 landed at Prince, on
the 11tat o1 several % . 's to Ilayti and
Santo Domingo, 1 eas Incl on the
wharf by a most Imposing personage
in a cocked hut, gold laced coat, and
scarlet breeches, %%rites ('laude Blake in
the London Mail. lie was only a, cus-
toms officer, but he looked like the
o_emnander-in-''hied ut least. Alas! his
coat was ragged and torn beneath the
geld lace, his enormous black feet were
innocent of boots, and he was patheti-
cally eager for a tip.
ile was typical of the teaselled squal-
or of (ho Black Republic -that mock-
ery of civilization %%here African sav-
agery and fetish'srn are veneered over
by a little French polish and plenty of
gold laae.
For generations past the Ilaytian
Presidents have "waded through blood -
r ped to a throne.' and ruled by the
sword. .
u Christophe, w1.o madelu
"Emperor" and created an aristocracy
of negro dukes and marquises was a
monster of incredible depravity. Ile
ir,urdered men, not singly, but literally
to thousands. Nissage-Saget was fond
of clear:ng the streets of Port-au-Prince
with grape -shot. President Ulysses
Ileurenux, a negro dock -laborer from
Jsrnaica, who made himself ruler or
Santo Dorninge, calmly told ale at din-
ner one evening in 1897 that he had
shot ills own brother.
"Ile was plotting ngainat me." he
explained. "1 asked hien to dinner rind
pave hien of the nest dishes. Thee.
after we had finished the ooffee and
liqueurs, a llle of sokli•ers came in to
lead him off to execution. Ile tried to
draw a revolver, but 1 was toe quick
frr him and shot him first."
The Pember Store
more rapid and now I and as well as there will be a drought. If the folds
ever 1 was in my life. My friends look reach midway between knee and ankle
upon my cure as almost miraculous. the season will be prosperous.
Dr. Williams' Pink fills did for me After a proper number of furrows
what the best medical treatment failed have been turned old women strew
to do -they brought me back good grain of different kinis in them and
health." the bulls aro released from the yoke and
It is the blood building, nerve rector- allotwed to teed upon the seeds. The
iu,g power in Dr. Williams. Pink Pills
that enable them to cure such troubles rain tt'hich the an}mels cat most free-
ly be scarce next harvest and that
as anaemia, rheumatism. the after et. which they refuse, to take
feet-, of la grippe, indigestion, neural
gin. St. Vitus dance, partial paralysis WiLL BE ABUNDANT.
and the secret ailments of girlhood and The Germans anciently had a before
womanhood. Sold by all medicine dent- ploughing ceremonial. Sods were cut
ers or by mail at 50c. a box or six from the four corners of the field. Up -
boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' c.n these were laid oil, honey and berm,
eledicino Co., Brockville, Ont. milk branches of every kind of tree ex-
cept oak and beech and of all name
known as herbs save burrs. The whole
were sprinkled then with holy water.
The four turfs were then carried to the
church and placed green side toward
the altar. Four masses were said over
them and they were returned to their
places before sunset. 't'he'n spells were
teroken and unknown seed, bought of
be•ggaMnen, placed on tho plough. The
first furrow was plougho 1 with a "flail
Earth, Mother of Men, Ac.'' From
nieal of et• ry kind a large loaf was
kneaded with milk and oaken and laid
under the first furrow.
The following curious cllstem is re.
corded by J. Owen Dore.: in his mono-
graph on the sociology of the Omaha
"In the spring when the grass comes
tin tht re is n council or tribal assembly
held to which a feast Is given by the
heed of the Ilnnga geno. Atter they de-
cide that planting Time has come and at
command of the flange man a crier is
of various religtuus festivals connected sent through the villages. Iie wears a
with agriculture, the seasons came to be robe with hair outside and cries ns he
regarded with a art of sacred revert- gees, 'They do, Indeed. say that you
once . Before the old Roman pilt the will dig the ground! delle!' Ile ear-
pk,ugh into the ground he went to the ries sacred corn, which has been shelled
temple of the goddess of earth, TelluS, aim to creel household he goes two
c.ne of whose priests performed certain or three grains. which are mixed with
propitiatory rites. Vergil in his "Gcor- the aced eorn of the household."
gics' advises the Roman husbandman After tills it is lawful for the preppy
to observe the signs in heaven accord- to (lig up ttie boil and plant their
ir,k to the crop he desirees to produce. craps.
The time to plough for flax. barley and - t - - --
the snoredpoppy was when "RelianceCt11Lh'ti S1:\ 1111: til RVS%
has equalized the hours of day and ---
sleep and halves the world exactly be- Healed by Linn-Buk.
tween light and shade. When 'faunas The little, g,rl of Mr.,. Lewis facet oe
ushers in the year with tut gilded horns C.,rlis•c 1'. 0.. recently fell •a .'a`nst the
and Sirius nils facing the threatening ateve and burned hlr'r forehead tory
bull is time for bemire for wheat and badly. mire Best say=: -"The burn
Spell the E'leiads should hide themselveswas about 'h' size e�f a fifty cent p'ece
from your eyes with the dawn. Ninny end was near the bone. 11 made my
have begun before \(nein sets, but the tette gills eye swell t Bet almost shut
desired crop tins baffled thein with and Heel she got cold in it. It began
empty ears." But first of a!1 the poot .to rine matter very badly. •end i could
admonishes the fernier to "honer the net t(11► it. although 1 I nlhed 11 go ad
beds and eller sacrifices to Ceres." cell ry night and moiling. :1l last 1
ATARI came, and the Indian uses than •
Fomefh:ng as a white man does prayer. TIIE PLOUGHING SEASON
If it is very dry and they need rain for
the r crops, they will have a rain dance.
which ie a prayer for rain. When they
plaint the corn, they hold the corn
glance, which is a prayer for a good
crop. 1n January they always had a
teiffalo dunce in Juan's pueblo. This
item to l' a prayer for good luck
when they started on (heir annual but-
(alo hunt. There are no Mittel) now,
but they still dance the old dunce.
There are many peculiar !igolre's in
Ifre buffn'ii dance of which no white
grain understands the exact meaning.
Two little br•ys take a prominent part
in it, met one year Juan wa.9 highly
exerted when bo was ctssea for one
of them.
Long before he had learned the In-
dian ckince steps, his father taking hien
floe n qui4 t corner behind the houses
and !feeling horn with great care. For
Ilia first bine, now he was taken with
the men into the secret rooms here
they practec<i for the dan•'es. And
en the great day. when the king lines
rpt dttnc.ng men swept down into flue
►laza, who so proud es Junn?
Indians lead corse fn -,m all the pue-
t,'os in that pert of the Slate, and there
were crowds of Mexeans besd's. The
playa was frill elf people, and the roots,
first. second and third, were all packed.
The -un shone brighter thin it ever
'11:I1('9 in the East, and tho air was
tun of the (eating el the tendon's. : r
11 d an drurn% enol of the strange. shrill
p icing of t1l -! dancers. Every man
ached ea, h time he danced a slop. and
ih,s t el.p ns t: umbel more 1 ke coyotes
Lark ng than anything else. The done-
ers separated into two Iinee. Laing tt
web, spmre between. in this space we:e
twr v. ry tall men. thie largest Indians
.n the i u01,11. who w'e.o dressed to 'e•
present buffclr►' , 0,41 ;WO 1111'0 b.OYS,
who were subpo e'el to h e antelope.
Ong, of these 1e,y.s was our friend Juan.
11 s b dy wee Ii trtl hack, and h' had
it long fringe et tenth+ rs arei.nd h s
w-nicl, anal a feather hk'ad-(iress on hi.
lead. Stuck en 1-elrin(1 was a c'inning
Lille a,nle'1'',e tall.
It dancing kelt til► nt ;n'ornlc. nil
ehay and alino't all Ti OA. Juan pray d
The Romans Regarded the Seat,ans
V%tth Reference (:crtaidt has to
pineal' in 118!ia.
The first farmers deemed it necessary
to propitiate certain powers before they
ploughed and planted and to this end
instituted elaborate agricultural (esti\ ale
and ceremonial:. The formal inntlgura-
tiun of the ploughing season is very
ancient and still is observed in sante
parts of the world.
Among the Romans, by the institution
pori well. reel, threigh he Wits '•1
t nil when tate end cane tau! lir cried ploys a pundit to select, an auspicious w,►,k. 1.e wets %cry happy to p+
it ar h 3 fattier loll his in I.teer that
Jean e: 9 going k, be en., .►t 110 lest
el,.nrc'z n the 1 uebl•o. Lona; afte::w.ir,ll
ellen t( had LCC(1ne an relocated man,
,icon t;htayv thotlglit cf tee first tinme he
dar►red in the telltale dnnoe as the 1►ap-
pitst day of hs l.fe.
• AM
A %nit man nlwoya makes a great
lei %t.th tate-elf.
Natural Wavy Switches
iu btu,ru .L:.de, only
}'lease sena l'a>t► with order.
-1.\U FUR ('ATALOOt'K.
The Pember Store
127 122 YOKC! ST!!!T,
A sentinicntal poet writes: "flow can
I reel my darling?"
After longe del ,oration over the ques-
tion we have conte to the conclusion
that ho can met her by approaching
her from an opposite d re tion.
I was in Ilayti during the chaos of
revolutions out of which (131 present
president, Nord Alexis, emerged into
supreme power. Ile Is an ignorant,
brutal. senile negro with absolutely no
qualifications for his position except a
bulldog courage, which htts inane him
popular with the ernuy. On the day he
proclaimed himself president he shat
four political opponents in cold blood
in Port-au-Prince.
The sanctity of the foreign legations
was tested most remarkably at the fall
of Sinton Sam, who was president be-
fore Alexis. Ile got to the French Le-
gation in the nick of time. The mob
howled around the house for his blood
foo days, believing. rightly or wrongly.
That he had looted the treasury and got
the money with him. Yet they dared
not profane the legation, and the.
French Charge d Affaires escorted him
to a French stenmer in peace.
The handful of whites vho run busi-
n0sees or pluntatiune in the Black Re-
public have suffered terribly in recent
years, for Alexis hra.s encouraged their
plunder and maltreatment. But they
have hung on to their investments in
the hope that tho United States will
assume control over the country, as it
did a few years ago over the finances
et Santo Domingo. President ftoo;c-
velt has threatened this in no uncertain
language se era' times.
Signals of hanger.--Ifave you least
your appetite? 'lave you a coated
tongue? Have you an unpleasant taste
in the mouth? hoes your head ache
and have you dizziness? It so, your
stomach is out of order and you need
medicine. But you do not like medi-
cine. Ile that prefers sickness to me-
dieine wiust stiff( r, but under the cir-
cumstances the w'O nian would pro-
cure a box et Parmelee's Vegetable
Pine and speedily get himself in health.
and strive to keep 50.
1 rri Ens.
Our readers te nste that the celebrated French remedy, r 'GO,
which hiis bean and is sold under a guarantee --that in cases
where the outward application. as directed, fa 's to relieve pain.
lt1 Ii '•rs Paid will be refunded -still stands. In no case, not-
w•:Itl-tairtaig the large ane increasing sale, tins a rotund been
a.k d for. BrC011lrllendcd for neuralg.0, heads- he. rheumats111,
g(ut, catarrhal colds, stiff je.nts. etc. Ask your druggest for a
:;::labii• 811(1 do not accept a substitute. You tt ill be plea: ell with
it. Price 25 find 50 cents.
The Pango Company, Toronto
ur t►Ito lesatc
Lynrul, Knox it (:lark rice, To oiitu.
L) Milli Hies. & Co., lllotttn tit k Toronto.
If you want We build thorn
Aboulh the meanest thing on earth is Canoe.
the person who writes anonymous let- delft or
hers. unless it be the person who re- Launch
ceivcs and pays any attention to their., forth,lSumer
WHAT CAt1SES IIT tDACi1fE. write us.
From October to May. Colds are the most 1r••
tcent cans* or Headache. LAXATIVE BROMO
t'1NINl3 removes cause. M. W. throve on box 250
A pompous manufacturer elf machin-
ery was showing a stranger over his
fuctory. "Fine piece of vs rk, isn't it?'
lie said, when they were looking at a
very ingenious machine. "Yes,' said
the visitor, "but you cannot Hold a
candle to the goods we Lire turn:ng out."
"indeed!' said the chagrined nlarillfac-
hiler, "and what is your line?" "Gun-
powder," was the reply.
Ir India there are certain (lays w hen
it is unlawful to plough: Mother Earth
is supposed tC sleep six dayi in every
nx.nth. and on s iich days she refuses
t) be disturbed In het slumber.
in noI•thwe.4 India 111e cultivator ern -
Mils:' et n lynching Party Is rentic;-
ed I) a qtr:t►g band.
111: s. Bat) l-- "\\'!1y. that piano lin'
pcterai keys that n::lke iwi sound at
ell!" Mr. Odeon --"1, s: and there n:a
aoim, other greed fo to as about it."
The Name of
Black Watch
On a lag on a Plug of
Black Chewing Tobacco
Stands for Quality.2 3
aa mite and ar• losi
'1'eb1444 and they did her cn much good A SKIN THAT BURNSSisal
with •cr•ma, and it "1"C-
�� 1t well build you up quickly.
t with eruptions that discharge a thin fluid,
We have
1 all. and can Rill). the
`ply a Latin, h
, cc.mplete or bull largest
only, and you
I ran instal your Canoe
own l motor. and Skiff
1 Wheal you buya
i('ano• Skiff or factory
Launch see that
1 it bears tic In Canada.
stamp of . ______
ITCH. Mange Prairie Scratches and
every form c f contagious Itch cn human
t,r animals cured in 30 minutes by \V '-
ford's Sanitary I rtion. It never fails.
Sold by all druggists.
"Billy Green's noth.ng but a coward.'
"Is he?' "Yes 1 called hien a coward
right to his face, 1 did, an' he didn't
da.st say nuthin." "'then he is a cow-
ard.' "You bet he is. An' the next
time I call hies n coward 1'11 say it right
out loud, so's he can hear it."
It l.nys a Stilling hand on Pain. -
For pains in the joints and limbs and
for rheumatic pains, neuralgia and
lumbago. Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil is
welinut a peer. Well rubbed in, the
skin absorbs it and it quickly and per-
manently relieves the affected part. Its
valise lies in its magic property of re-
moving painfrom tis Ie ► bouly, and for
that good quality t
They were returning from the said
int, bee. "Mr. Slx onatn(re, ,
The Peterborough Cateo3 Co'yn
"♦thy diel you Mlles that easy w•:rd? You
.;pelted `honor' with a `u.'" "1 l:now
it." he answered. "The feeling came
ever ale all at once thnt I just couldn't
get if long without 'u,' Miss Daisy. With
IS A TBGUBLOUS TIME which e, td, old story he won her.
Ascum-1 saw you punishing your boy
tt,-day. \\ hat was it all about?
Popley-1 caught hint in a lire.
Ascurn-Oh! ve11, you cant expect a
Loy to tell the truth all the time.
Popley- No, but when he doesn't tell
the truth I want him to be bright
enough not to be caught at :t.
The Most Popular Pill. -The pill is
the most popular of all forms of medi-
cine, and of pills ttte most pr.pular are
Parltfele e's Vegetable Pills, Lecause they
do what it is asserted they can do,
and are not put forward on any ficti-
tious claims to excellency. They are
compact rind portable, th. y ere easi'y
taken. they do not nauseate nor gripe,
and they give relief in the most stub-
born cases.
it i4 astonishing to flnd hew far n
\\'hen baby is teething the .Mete tcw• L*n11onS e.f Ilam4ay's I'nints will fto
to make n hearse look fresh and sunny.
tY lUSCIiOld IS upset. The
tender little verybodi5he►uld Fee 1110 fine color
E;111113 ere inflamed and swarm • the. c reit with suggestions for painting and
AD 1 ES .. . OUTIN•
ta be done yerfeetly by oar rr.a45 Process. Try 16
A girl seldom has occasion to cry
k 1 help when a young rnan kisses her
--probably because he is liable to help
,FAZO o I N'r si KN r i + guaranteed ti rsr• any
case of Itching, Blind. Bleeding or Preatuding
Plies in 0 to 14 days or m,ney refunded. 600.
"Dost hear that?' asked the fair maid.
There eels a sound of a heavy step.
""Tis father. Fly, sweetheart. fly!"
"You mean flee," corrected the lover.
"As you -tike," (:aid the maid, "but
this is no trine fe r entomolog.cul dis-
to bear from owner having
for sale. Not particular about location-
Plea•e give price and description, and rea-
son for Bellies. State when possession can
be bad. Will deal with owners only.
L. Darbyshire, Bun 904, Rochester, N. Y.
Send w Ioar
naand address
for 11 pieces et
jewelry to Milat3ttcents mil. ?rhea said send, us MO
$®1 sad wewtllsoot yea thee@ TWOh501. GOLD
•tal l Ow(. eddtrust eaol u your aao •.ad andy essnow.
•11 eAsr=es pal
STAR MFO. CO.44 1147 tt.,rzor10Z:;os.L1.,tf.lt.s.
real (•nos at Singer stores. Buy here and deal
with the manufacturers. 'The Singer Company
1e perrnanent and responsible ; its representatives
are always at hand to care for Sinner, and
Wheels/. It Wilson machines. Look for the Red S.
Any tail haring used any make of sewing
ernehine or years or more write Singer
your de'nler. \\ MIC' Fx'ri►tp �flathier ('o., Mumma Chambers.1 night, acring; the mother out the +tock carried by ur t tr nl for
views o Pres Toronto /or beautiful act of fen souvenir
/ Onlareo red Jor aaAinp
poor little child suffers and often crtc's
day and n g w .\. Ramsay h v.,n �.. Men e {
and keeping the rest et th.c family' on Souvenir Picture Post Cane of
Tells how a young man saved
bank by a wiee investment.
Every sleek buyer and investor
oukl read this took. Not for
mile. c. Sent free on request. Your
name on a postal will bring it.
Write to -day
Railway Exchange 81tK., Denver, Colo.
1 O Inc). o[
edge. In the
domes where Ile ,y s WIl 11,,__•�h,d you hear the .Inging under
Tablets are used there is no su{•h woe. Homes. your window Inst night? 1 built your
TV The 'Cabkts allay the inllamnlil C hither didn't hear it?' She -"Yes, he
tion, south the irritation and bring the Proepl'ctive Employer -"four parents '
teeth through painlessly. Mrs. S. \\•ib left yiu something when they ilial. rima dai. tail you nee,ln't worry, he thought
St. Joseph, Ont.. snys: "My first they not?"13oy ,"Oh. yes, sr." Ern- it tt'a_y the caul"
baby suftcrc( 1 terribly ellen cutting iter inlover-"A ml what del they eche you,
teeth and the doctor could do nothing fr.y toy'?' Roy --"An e,rphnn. sir." no ^ioT ALLOW �nar�•lr t•, become alarmed
Decauar you have los putt. VP rr��
(Gr her. 1 1;01 a box of Baby's Uw'll Ae,h, but c„►n+nenne taking .. [Aerr',rim " the bead
1 cannot say' cnollgll n lieu Into'. m�Ir�+ made sm,.uth ,wd siR1t{y with Nesrer'� r
1'811 may be sure that 1 always keep grate fiat thin eztr;nal ren►ec y should b•wed
Life imiirriner' FA -unifier what
the 'I'al►]rts in (1t house now.. Sot(I o yl,(ncstoaa.rtta tse►sT•r.:iyretp. did your frillier diel Pat?' Pat -"I
by all medicine dealers liI• by mail at pari y . \ V,r- -"Inn new girl f yours don't know.. (lort4.r; but I'm sure it was
25c. per box from The lir. Williams'' •�
Medicine Co.. Brockville, Ont.
"Why do they call it lean year, any-
"I3ecau!C Der Men r,re
jump dodging the dear
After n self -marl: ran
job he closes the factory.
kept on the
e tri gir:S, 1
fiinishes the
After a girl huhy gets ten big to play
well her teee she be its 1n flirt.
sent for s►']ne' %nln•Btf,( RfiiC1i aeon Take I.AX \T1t'R IlIO,r\to Qninire Tablets.
stopf:ed 111e m:ttte'rai.(l nnl very quick- Druggist. refund mr .s if it L.ilm t , cu e. B. IT.
I%' heu'•sl the w 1::tai. 1 Ifave 11e ver s4'en GROVE'S signature is u.► e o h lux. 250.
n burn heap s3 qu':c1:1y. a•1d 1 and sure
lath -1111) lea. no (qua( for laving tuts,
ur burn
livery hone, mead+ Zam-Bak! A11 dis-
ease: ef tb • skin rluiek'y yields to it.
All a:r ;gg s"S aryl stores 50 cents a box.
The see! ,n (1 a ncgio church \ens
eit�c''Ill I1:4 t%.U'14►%ts enc' t%Lfl(Iy' Sun-
day noir rang during service when he
tvag bee -aimed to the bide of a voting
ri+'►.►r r'sa, the widow of a certain
"\\ ht t4 ye'u sheilirb' does wiud.'rc.
Mr.Jn>'-he fl(11181)kd,inalionnse
who. a r. "(V' a r in d.is church is sat
t+ ' li t n'
"Its de n1 rt:c'e'r'$ callers.' replied
the se•'I011. •do...hunk!). "I1'.s a Mid
y. \I..' 'I'i►„t+)n4. nn' tt e am.' g'oip'
114 e.,• •,• t.,�ilt any 0' do
,‘ i, 1 • •t••rea 0 big
(0 -All 11%4,4..ti1u‘ 11 lis Ci. N:ut1.�
"Waiter, lace, are very enrol oys-
14re' "Yes. sir." ".end they don't np-
f.ear to br, fresh, either.- "Then it's
Itcky they re ental!, ten l it, ex?'
Nollew•ny'.s Corn Cure is the medicine
le remove ell kid kilide of corals and wnrte
un,i only costs the small sum el twenty -
fiat` cents.
seems t. ry
trn.l quiet.'' Mistress
116115C--"Yot.;. f,hr': Very quiet.
She doesn't even disturb the dust when
stn's cleaning the room.'
There 18 nothing equal to Mother
Graves \\orrn Exterminator for (14-
hiroying worms. No article of its kind
has given ouch satisfaction.
A father was 1 :turi:lg hi= young
hopeful upon Its, ct Is • f sl.iy.tig out
late at n•ght and gelling up late in
the morn nor. "You will never anloilnt
to anything," he Mnlilltl4 d, yeti
turn over n new leaf. Remen:lw•r that
1114 early bird catches the t% `1•.1). ' "flee
anted the norm. fa11)4't't'' inquired the
t. ung none. "Wasn't I e' •.attler fool-
ia1. 1•, get up eo early?' "My s4111.' (.aid
the' fa ire. 'u.l.'ninly: "that worm liai1n't
been to heel ail night, he was en his
Pray bow."
TIIF•.l' 111::11.1.1 It1:1.11:\ E IT.
Some Excrete el rig to the o:d-tnsh'rn-
rd idea that a mein must be n gen u
if he goes about with un^on1bc(1 hair.
Washington is practically the only cap-
ital city in the world which ha. no
sltilils. Beih p has none of the Arluatid
stens which ,! ;.:race London.
nothing serious.
Very many I►erenns die annually from
cholera and kindred summer com-
plaints, who might have Icon saved t
proper remedies had been used. 11 at-
tacked do not delay in gelling a bottle
rt Dr. J. D. K• llegg's 1►yeentery Cur -
dial. I1te midi zinc that never fails to
effect a cure. Thr►se who have used it
say it nets promptly. and thoroughly
subdues the pain and disease.
D1 El. WI 1 11 ti %\ 81'1.1.1:'TS.
11w w "1t1d', !ulett lisped Shots 10
Meet i:? LontIOLt.
Arrangene r 'a are (('ing meal(' in
Li li t(n. I:ngoind, by a number of the
t', grid's dendlieet revolter shots for gl' -
rg a pub:ie eehu1'i on el the -1V
of •Iaeori}! ern Jelly 1:1 rind It neat. .n
Ilio• -Loll with the OlYinlec }±+reel in
\\ alt: r \\'in7ns. the than rc'v.4l-
P114000 M 1311
Stocks bought and sold on
New York, Boston, Montreal and
Toronto Stook Exchanges for
cash or n►argin.
Orders liar Cobalt S'aicks execut-
ed .oft f'totitis Vhiliii j h:x•
change or .liosion :aid New
Yem'k curb for each.
Correspondo+ds. (.has. Ilead A
Co., men►ines of ti'. New 't rk
and Boston Stook Exchange
through. There will be seconds, the
Daces will be solemnly measured, the
dl,eluuls will lake their stand back (3
'back, and on the wool being given,
will wheel around and Are ---that is to
say, they must Are before three seconds
are counted.
"There will be just enough risie in
those duels to ninke there exciting.
though hot really dangerous," paid
Air. Winans. "A little t'io heavy a
charge of powder might crlu'c the bul-
let lu penetrate slightly, and no doubt
nlcst of the duelists will probe':l tt•eir
persons. 1 do not think 1 shell near
any protectie,n myself, however. as 1
.t.' not want to make too large a
"1 time been prnctialnft hard during
it,, last few clays. arid 1•) -day got
twelve r ii. "cable shots home from
the regulation (l Mimeo, all within •
snare of a few Inches
"If we ere eurce•'1f1n1 in fixing up
1t,a.e duels 1 s•hahl shoot on behalf of
the United Stake.
erac.x ilclg;an and t'renc'h
shots twill take purl. an l 1 do n -it doubt
tar• shall to :rile to wear,, nePrrF ta-
1 tole or two 0111 r ' , 1ln(rirs."
%.: :int <1 1114 w01141. tch 5 deboards
:tact tetl�lrs al Surtrndc1 I'+,i':., his lien -
seat. grran lierwalh the trophies
Iis' has wen aa marksman. is nt the
1. ►,l of this not ! tk,►artrirc in public
►,' rte:nme•nls.
ile Ilea s -'^deed the enlliir'hct:c co.
e pe r;ilien 41 many of his fell- W-nfem-
1.' t'. ,if the 1':'tr,irt (aul . w':ir'i. n' he
said r,,-en1ly. C41n►Pr+see :111 the gri•ent-
e•.1 r. %e,lver elicits find all the riurlsls.
"'f h,, tint h,' tilled' t\ ill 14' 1;,1140o1 ex-
n'tly in every d•'ta:t ria though 111ey
were t r tote toffa.re • t fierier. telly thnl
the I,n1 Cls n,li le e,1 a ex. whi •h will
4xpk►ar ns nn ns (pry fewer their
()tied, ;\ll' rho nenvenllon81 (rrosn(,ny
Cciutccted With ducting %*illi be carried
and Coid3
r U e Shiloh' + e
Sfor the 'aorst
the slim - est cou;;h
-- try A on a 1'u:.t-
antee of your
en, -:,ray bit k if it
dt.rsn't att,1a11y
CU14F ej,tr
than anything you
ever tried Safe to
take, -nothing in
t to hurt even a
Lally. 34 years of
%4i:cess commend11►►1u:1's Curo-
sbr-, LAs.. $1.
()UICKLY t11;