HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-05-14, Page 4j gE EXETER TIMES, MAY 14th 1908.
The Exeter Times smith: lit Vice -Pres.. Atex, Mustard;
Vice Prete, Peter Leonora; `+(flet. ry,l
('2nd Vice -Pres., Hugh McDonald; :(rd(
I: zeta. r. Out arie. ,J.G.Slaulnlre•'Presse, John Murdock
5t(ueici pal chau•u.en, John Torrance,
Ter tes of Subscription $1.00 I'(:r ' for ( i iIcriele %Vol. Murdock, Stanley, i
'Seer in advauee. $1.50 auaY lis' l'. Fritz. Hay: Satre, Sweitzer, Step-
gba reed if not so paid. To United'i heti; S.
Matti'', Exeter; R. Gardiner.
Staten ,ubscribcrs. $1.50 strictly in 1 Usborne; Dr Macdairutid, Hensall; E.
s4vanc'• No. paper discontinued l Ptq {ale. Tucketsulith; James tvatson,
pastil all arrears are paid, uu!ess at I Seafortb; ape. McDowell, McKillop,
the option ot the publisher. The d Itesolntions of condolence were passed
Slate to which every eub3cl il�tiun i l extending sympathy to Mrs. George
h band
paid is denoted on the label. black in the death ot et hus
licivertisinl, rales on application. who was the twister chairman for
Limited. deucceeinithe igovernment �of cSir f cWil-
fred Laurier and the Leader of the
Note and Comment Ontario Opposition, Hon, A. G. Mc-
Kay were made. and it was resolved
to fight te a finish for the election of
Mr. Kellernlann.
ley, in'Licormsrals tioneu niuoualytbt of ' `- -- --
mrey. in
snlnated tion. A. G. lMacKaY lo' con -
teat 'the riding for the 1Le3islateare.
NO other name was placed !before the
convention. Mr. ,.ttacKay''s recept-
ion was most enthusiastic.
• • • • •
(rhe nctw I,c1tool regulations
.will be a bardsllili to the boor man's
son or (laughter amending Ito enter
the touching profession. Formerly an r'
intending teacher could take a short Good B
!term et 'Cho model bc11oo1 in his owr_
county rand \vas then allowed to teach I
and mal chu a
D normal school In one of tL(t cities -1 This is the sea3mt ot,tniin6 year
lilut nue the inten4Aon is to wipe' when you will be
out ,the tubd:I eehools. An attewpt hos rse' bills. If
} Tusty want
Pthemter otter
$as.been mad: •to over t
Ilion, loclause it' is known !to le un- should get them printed nt the
'popular. 'clic regulation of the De- given for R Office.
A f eo any JIntieC 15
taartnlcut of 'I.ducettiou published in
Vctobe•r last. Is quite clear. It con- getting 'their bills by us.
tains on its first pago the, foilott$ny COLONEL GRAIIA\I
titatemetit. "In the /reorganized
chem(• ot I'rovineial 4raining there May 11th will lc
e, be two plain classes of training
N.:4;0015-Vthe normal echoot for the
paraben of Second class public
tool of Ed.
anon teachers
et he preparatiothe faculty
of high
)hoof atssistants and first-class pub-
ic/ !school 'teachers. In addition to
hese a few motet schools of ti new
pc. >couveniently situated and ef-
ficiently organized will be establish-
ed for the preparation ot third-class
teachers for the school s•zction., of
the districts and counties whose; (fa-
ucial and other conditions may ore-
grade of ncacL; r;' 'hes regulation
will remain until Thursday after-
}d take a full (tend met
Council stet at Township 'fall on
alley 2nd. all nlemb?ra beteg pre-
'Minutes of last meeting were Sena
and approved.
The contract to build a flea tap
reinforced concrete tlridget on Coe. 6
and 7. n.•'r Lumley for $315.00 uas
let to Mr. Lobby of Dubliu.
The contract to construct the
covered portion of the Stewart Drain
w:.t let to ('red F.11erington for the
rum of $317.00. •
Mr. .lo!•n atoger, 0. L. S. of elite
(*hell w(ts Instructed to examine the
Gardiner Drain end make n Report
and estimate for repairing said Drain.
'The Council will meet as n Court
of ilt.•visior► of the Assestsmeut (toll
for 1!108 of the Township of Js -
borne at Township hall. ou Satur-
day Juno 6th. a t 10 o'clock in the
Accounts amounting to $1223.00
were passed tend orders issued in pay-
Council then niljourned to meat
June 0th ret 10 o'clock in elle fore-
reeding Horses
(vent it ).-'m Brom s;curing a ht, ter
ie. M01tLEY. Clerk.
Council inet On 'May 0. all being
The following chanes were made
in the list of pathmasters.-O tMrller I
in place of W. 'Roeder. J. 'Gagstetter
plan ce of *3.lace f'Troyer J. oand Joel Boch1er
in place of D. \\'ittver.
The 'treasurer eves authorized to
pay orders to the Police (Trustees of
Zurich ito tthc amount of $500.00
until taxes are collected.
Notice was given that a Ily-law
By-law will be introduced at next
'MONDAY. y ave has meeting of 'council, to authorize the
own Stableandproceed east to Thos. opening of Toads and streets 1n the
Vetnnor's for noon (hen north to Chis- Township recognized for the, use of
elhurst and east to Geo. Y. Wren's the Public.
for night.After passing accounts to the
TUESDAY west to -McLean's cor- amount. of $266.30, the Council rui-
ner 'then north to Wm. '11ogearth's journed to meet again on the 1st. day
for noon: Then west by way of Kip- of June at 10 o'clock, us Court of
pen Road to James 'McGregor's cor- 'Revision of Assessment Roll and for
Per, then north 1 1-4 miles, .then general :business.
west and south to ;Robert Cooper's
for night. S'TL1'IIEN COUNCIL
WEDNESDAY to Itruccfield, 1303- 01
hursdnel where he will
vast Stein phee n ccor vaof ned Intthe TownTom/seat1a11,
until Thursday Varna,
r,, l
r\Vilson Cook's Vawhere he Crediton, ou 'Monday, the 4th. of May.
1908 at 10 u. tn. All members were.
present. The minutes of the previous
meeting were read end adopted.
Yearley -Sanders "That the Assess-
ment `'toll, as filed with abe Clerk
for tboY car 1908, be nece ptea e and
that the Assessor be paid $80. for
his services." Carried.
\Vucrth-Yearley "That the court of
Revision for the Assessment 'toll of
T908, be held in the Town Hall, Cred-
itor*, on 'Tuesday, May 26th 1'309• at
clearly indicates eha:t it is ttlte t
bion to abolish all Model Schools ex-
cepting •t `f,w for the tpoorer districts
THURSDAY afternoon ,out It to
Ilillrgreen, east half mile to Wm.
or co' flies. In addition l0 the bard. Love's for night.
ship already mentioned it is very FRIDAY to tlillsgrc�cn thou
;doubtful whether 'the newn•Tatern1 to James Green's for noon, than cast
will product) Sas capable teachers as gable foo night. road to his own
the old. In not one •11tgh school ini
Old Ontario to -day docs the cur SATURDAY West to 2nd. Con. Day
'Model and South to Rodger Northcott's for
tum contemplate ,t hat ftheSpo
Schools wilt be continued even next noon: thence East .to 'London Road,
year. The circular referred to has then north to his own stable %%Ile e l W. n. in " Carried. .
not been rescinded, yet Conserv:tiive he will remain until the folloo8ng, Kellerman -Sanders "That By -Law
nclidates n!1 over the Province are tlIly orntnR1\0. 0of 1908, to nppoin'(! the Palli-
T. J. BERRY and F. BENGOUGII masters, ,found -keepers and 'enc.. -
Hensel', Ontario. Viewers. baying been read the third
,_�--- time be passed and signed by the
Silt 'MATTHEW Reeve and Clerk and the S=al of the
MONDAY morning will leave his corporation attached 'thereto, C.tr-
own stable Centralis and proceed ito I Sled.
T. 'E. !landford's Rale stables Exeter' Thr following. orders were paid
for noon : I hence to Wrn. Montteitml's C. W. Christie ; Elm Plank, $220.63.
Thames ''toad for night- G. T. (Railway, freight, $3.78
TUESDAY to Thos. !McCurdy'(t, lot Joseph Guinan :
Assessor't Salary,
22 \.r. IIIbbcrttorneon : Ihc hence $80.00. Fran& Taylor ; Drawing brick
bats. C. ltd. til_'.`:'. Climax Road
Machine Co.; 1'art payment of
Moulds 1G0.0(1. Philip Maker ; Rep.
Culvert and ''lank. N. 11. $3.00. C.
KicnzIe and tine Others ; ;Grading.
$84.75. 'Williarn Walker; Lumber.
$14.25. C. lienver; Bal. of Exp. re -
Indian's buried, $5.00. A. Hodgins
Co. 'Ltd. ; !Meter :Ind Gas. $12.20. M.
Finkbeiner ; 'Lumber. $15.35. 'William
't\'bite : Shoveling ,.i ow 1st. S. rat. and
I dth.. $10.00. le. '1lcleeever ; Putting
thence to 'Wm. Flynn's '- .....ane ale- in Concrete Culvert, $3.00. John
Gittivray for night. Gower : .Ditch on Crediton Itoade$9.
Culvert, Get). C t
ownJ3arr • c
's John
to his y • t
morning SATURDAYi
n i
G -,.On.
stable wberm he will remain until the Chester Prouty ; Gratuity,
following Monday morning. Council adjourned 'to meet :ail ill
C. E. HACKNEY. 11it.''row•n Hall. Crediton, on Tue.dev•
11110 26th of 'Mas' 1908 nt 10 a. no
Retire. Felber, Clerk.
Viromising that their respective ham.
!Yodel Schools will b:' continued.
(rhe October regulations contain
another etartlitlg aneouncelnent.
School namely, that *every High b
school with a continuation class melt
hereafter be known as an "approved"
or "nonapprovcd" school.
vapprovcd" school (and the inspector to Joseph E. Creery's for night.
determines whether 'the ,t;choo1 shall 1
Le "approved" or not), the; Principal 'WEDNESDAY to Joshua Johns' for
may pass all e.indidates for teachers) noon : 'thence to Semi. 'picks dor two
into the normal School in the all -on- !tours, 'thence to his ;own
nicks 'stable
for for
portant elementary' subjects of read- noott ; thence to Sand. l
own stable
writing spclli:i aritbmatic, hours, thence to his o t
hook-kecpine. end business papers night.
tgco3(apby, I•:nelisll Grammer out THURSDAY to James Willis 3rd.
ineIl,(tretiotl ; lull before they are at- Con. Stephen for noon : thence to
lotted to ,•111'r (1a,'. Normal School. Crediton lo August IIill's for dight.
candidates must pass a deportee ex- FRIDAY lo Cornelius O'Brien's.
ration in nlgebra. geometry!. Townline McGillivray for noon;
physics, chemistry, with Latin as a
as t
a • be said Whatever m.
\ ll•tt
11 y
paying, too great attention to wr
it -
ten examinations are Ito be ltttd(i in
the all-important elementary sub-
jects and if the leacher is allowed to
iss candidates to t Leve. study w rit-
ten examinations should not be held' SIR );VYLVa _
in the less important and thus( ti MONDAY morning will leave hi!
premiu►n plac; d upon them. The ten -
own stable, 1(irkton,and proceed to i3iDDIJI.I'1i COUNCIL
leachers d •n- .
dency will tae •r 1, -ad ymore
run 1 Milton Gregory's, 0th Con. for ,nodal,: The Council met pursuant. to ntl•
YcndiuL t aeli'ra to pay more nt.tCat- ilrciic • to Centralia for night. adjournment, the /Reeve And alt the
on 'lo cheerio ry.. Lain. physlics rind ,\\ north on I.oluton road J
TUESDAY arc 'ret
i members p 9,
Tho Kind 1 ou Have Always Bought, and which has been
In use for over :3() years, has borito the Niru nttu•e of=-�
and lugs hewn plata under lei, per..
���rK/(/ sonal,upt•rvisiuu t ince its legit/peg.
• • Ahold no ono todeeeiye you in this.
Ail Counterfeits, Imitations and "Jttltt-as-good";trt' Trot
Experhueuts that walla with and endanger the health of
Infants taut Children --Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor 011, Pare.
gorie, Drops and Soothing .Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures I)iarrlicea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething '('roubles, cores Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates rho food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's I'altatceit-'rho Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Aiways Bought
In Use For Over 30 Year3.
THC CrNT.•a, COM.1,N'. 11 run•AY STnr CT, r [W ISAA CITY.
geomel'Y thein (0 the mote uupurlt1Ot to E. Night's for noon; then east to Acninmunicatiou Was received from
and mot. ' 1 in red 1I ear,/ c•is. \V sley tie)'womrs for night• Ihr Trustees of the Police \ill (� of
--�-- \VED\ESDAY to llugb Berry's, lot Granton, asking the Council tri call 4
A very enthuiiavlic meeting of tl.e 4 Con, l0, fret noon; thence to his ,gprcial navelitIg to cnnsiil r th•' n -w
was tt
o to or n' 1
I ll
1 f
1 9
Liberals n ant ► urn own startle
Hrucellrld last Saturday curd from the I THURSDAY to .John Duucan's con. No action was taken as the council
tone of the meeting and the• enthus-
iasm: displeyei it was quite evident
that the reports which b'tye been cir-
entitled that Mr. Kellen 010110 w 'Wird
to withdrew, were wholly unfounded.
The candidate tuns present and „lade
a stilling speech, showing t hitt he will
go into the contest with r► detCrmina -
Lion to win, notwithstandit'K the re-
cent eleventh brine gerrymander of
the tiding. Several other's addressed
12, t!sbornr, •for noon ; thence ra3t li ill nothing nett, to toy in. the mat-
t()the •14(1 cone than to his own I ter. t
Stable for ititht. 111 answer to a cominunicalio•a front
FRIDAY to 'rhos. IIolling'shcad. 401 t he County Etteincer the Council de -
line, IJLulsherd, for noon ; then S=outh dried 1Lat In the event of the West.
to Base liner 1 hen to hie ow -n stable ' ern E luipnrent Co. failir:= to saeisfy
where La will remain until th`I fol- the County •E.neineer with a pra(ur
lowing Monday mornin;. plan tstr-aining sheet and (1,.1 ails by
JOHN HANNA. the 1st. inst. that the contract Or
Proprietor and 'Manager. given to Jenks and 1)r, -s'r.
--�--- Title Clerk was instructed toage.
the we •ting on the questions r'f the pate n 'Dy -law -Re Lawful Fence% el
day. The meeting wsscelled for the PRINCE IIL'11f.FORI) tete Townshipof 1)iddnlp!►, and nub-
pu'p.ste of electing oflleets f' r the MONDAY Will go to Alex. Sill- (nit the flame to thet Council at i(t*
coming year and to arrestee sedate i clair'eTuckerstt`ith for noon (hen to next meeting.
for an active (1mp11ign. The fol .•w• 1 Jap. Me1ntosh's for night.Thr lty.1 IIs %t.1. (•asset malting t11'
ingonicel.,wet•o elected:- fres.. ily. 1'l'HSDAV To Appleton Elcont's appropriation for ahr year as folioo'a
for noon; then to Itis Oo n stable for Div. No. 1 S!(Iia. No. 2 $2011. No. :1
- -night. $100. No. '1 e-.•.-tr. No. 6:1:10. Chattily.
immnellsolmoNe'EDNESI►AY Afternoon to David boyo $50, Total $1050.
Anderson's, Liar fur night. No eornmisionrr will Ix permittee
•� tr htio
`t x•'1n• v.11 n
To M. Mt.came(' is o i
7 11 tox 1►
for noon; then by Oth. ('on. Sta'le-Y te Couacitlar. A. K. Hodgin+ was on -
\\'n1. Tltvlot's 'end. ('on. for night• pointed overseer ref Ili' building of
FIl11)A'u' By 2nd. Con. to Hugh Mc the Two netts dlritletes in iris• Division
(bettors f• r 'mete then In hie slatde The following- eves ordered to be
f;i ti paid. ra
Hair is
Do you like it? Then why
be contented with it? Have
to be? Oh, no! Just put on
Ayer's (lair Vigor and have
long, thick hair; soft, even
hair. But first of all, stop
your hair from coming out.
Save what you have. Ayer's
Hair Vigor t ill not disappoint
you. It feeds the hair -bulbs;
makes weak hair strong.
The best kind . 1 a testimonial --
•'Bold for ov'r 'sixty years.•'
Mal. by T. C Arai. Co.. Lowell, Maes.
auo maauAeturere of
tierst�J Pt". PECif1RAt.
le melti.
SA'I'1'ltl)AY At l is own *enlace
llro5. leipreen.
Proprietor S.
laid. in Div. No, 1 3:,r..' ler. No, :1
:MAO. Div. 'Nn. 4 Rt.Ott 'Div. No.
was ordered (hat 1h:^
court of !Revision be held on Sattird.•y
Slay 30th. 'fl • .11 !1 a. iii.
W. 11. 'tauley. Clerk.
The Council • lion• ••.• II to tv''t
{ again int !Tin,. Hy. ti. ':U(.!', of flay
'O8 ret 10 n. 111.
• -
Chronic Coughs Cured
Mrs. Joseph Eccles rf Bremere, says:
TRADE MARKS I "1 took 4 or 5 bottles of Psyeltne,
DESIGNS and a cough I had continually for nine
COPYRIGHTS &C., months disappeared. It is the beat
Anrono'sliding a atctr•h and dc.rr(1,t1.,71 may remedy for chronic toughs that I ever
'-ro nunien• • 1150d.
u,1.111iMltr•,nOdrnt at. AN S OR on are•(u 1 Thousands of living witnesses sent taw 1 Idest arcs towcuntR pal,mts.
t taken tl,rooah to; Al'o.Kcok'. pounce Psychtne the greatest iardicinr
Onkelascertain our opines n free w ether an „
(0.010(1 IS
Drob at'�r D.'(tgntepin, t l d
pNai'n�t(cawuTicwefcDnlr¢1e,UtnOthe '
In the world. it is not a patent medi-
cine, but a prescription of n great phy-
A hanA«,me:y Clu.trated weekly. ratans car- eiciau. Put it to the test in any
Scientific American.
ciliation of any 81temirc poloist. Lerma for ta9e of throat, lung or 'demerit trouble
eared.. s
l:s year p,.eneo prer.•u11. 801,1 bra
new,.Sror an run down or weak condition 4\1
MI j Y
r.<.,. ,.
• `:It ' •i:=a�lAtr.1 Successors to
e.Excesses and indlscretintle AM the Canso
y r 1 armee more sorrow and auflcain than all other
„i' +r•` ,:=.,; ; , i diseases combined We gee the victims o
.• r f on every hand* the sat
•' us habits
! umvlt'd face. dark circled eye's, Stooping
1.lrm, stunted development. bashful, melau.
cIioilo countenance and timid bearing pro-
- cl•tlm to all the world hes folly and tend to
i ' :ft blight his existence. Our treatment positive-
+ ? y' .c.t 1 cures ail weak men by overcoming and
I y discretions
♦ to
former . t�
o[ ram
. Rec
the e
R quickly
i:rs a 4
•.o ' alldrains stops
Tr...- ?� and cx4(Ii. I n
pi restormsthovlcttmtowhat nnturclntende(t-
s� lirlyli tuiealthymid
hapand nerve pr anwte physical,men-
.p Forayer lOyears Drs. K. & K. hove
do •rt":' ' ! '1',0, treated with the greatest sucCaSB •11
► r r•
11 diseases ot men end women.
. , 1 If you have any secret disease that 1.:s
and a menace to your health cuu+ult.
,,,1 worry n
, , • old established phy,iclans who do not have to
i Ill u you.
•r, o
experiment t
, n )
f ! n to to cure NERVOUS 0E81L1TY,
�•+�� rrlr. - Yon Free. If unable to call, write for a
question Blank for Homo Treatment.
Located In Our Owe Oltk• t3ulWlnlr•
Cor, Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich.
the undefsetit .1 :end endorsed "Ten-
der for Dtt•d_inr." will be received
until lerirle'y, 1.1y 15, 1908, at 4.30
P. M.. for dredein; me/tared at the
following places in the Matinee' of
The lYlolsons
Established 1S.'►5.
• CAPITAL PAID UP• $3,372,50000
RESERVE FUND • • • $3.372.500.00
Assets Over $33,000,000.00
SGeneral Banking Business Transacted.
sSavings Bank Department
• Sa g
• $1.00 Opens an Account and interest added FOUR
• Times a Year. 1
Solicitors, N N. D. H U R DON, Manager •�
: • Dickson & Carling,
• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••o•••••••••••••••••••••••••
Two 6 Octave Organs
Second IIand.
Also Two Pianos
' Sewing Machines
The best made at prices that.
will suit you.
Slightly used
At Great Reduction.
Bicycles, Baby
Carriages and Go Carts
DIt. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. 8., D.
D. S., Honor graduate of Toronto
Dental Surgeon
Office over Oladman & Stanbury'$
Main street -EXETER.
D. D. S., Dentist. Member of
R. C. D. S., of Ontario and Honor
Graduate of Toronto University.
OFFICE: -Over Dickson & Carling's
( Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former
Idental parlors.
ir W. BROWNING, M. D.. M. 0
IN • P. 19„ Graduate Victoria IIA
varsity. office and resldenence. Domtnton
Laboratory. Exeter.
Associate Coroner of Huron.
Very attractive. Prices right uwis Thomas & Nutter
--- - Civil Engineer & Architect
S. Martin & Son
no lfollowi'g particulars have
been 'taken from the
ses 3840 toll of
/layy township. Population
sons 1ro1n 31 to 60, 601; Ohildrcr:
from 5 to 21, 1118; businesst asseai-
ment $33475.00; income, $1650.00 ;
total assessment $2,323070,00, 'There
is a gradual falling off In populatton
especially in taw rural distiticts.
e. hC
'Magistrate Greb bala �} arf o top
town hall, it being a
assault with un axe. preferred by
Mr. Henry Krueger against :Daniel
llenhefer, both residents of (Jae 141h.
Con. The assualt occurred on 'Mon-
day while Kreuger Was driving alone
the road. The dependent was found
guilty and remanded to stand his
trial ret Godcrich at the next court of
competent jurisdiction. Bail was
furnished , 'which will save Darr a
trip' to the County, town at present.
At a meeting held itt tile. Towle
Ian on Tuesday evening las
t. on
behalf of the Zurich Bowling Club
tv t
[0110 u
now !being br,anized. The
officers were elected :-President, Il.
A. Campbell; Sec. Treas.., 7t. W.
1 \\'illiarns ; Committee, d:. Zeller ; A.
I''. 'less ; C. leritz ; .A. lleidemban, Arlt
Lacs arc re nested to tw pr'.
tu'. in r i
sent at 'mother meeting on Fraley
evening 'May 8t114 when the selection
of :the grounds will be mode nil('
other business i ransacted.
Onion Case -Great interest was
manifested in the' session of 'thy Di-
vision Court which was held -bore on
Monday chiefly because of the much
talked of onion case and also by rea-
son of the fact that that a jury had
R3 t
.. , t it.
called t o
been c, 1., d
many years since a
jury Y
n case
here. .1. W. Ortwein. merchant of
llensall, (told Louis \Valeer of the
London (toad some 39 lbs. of onion
seed last spring and it was said guar-
anteed the seed to be good. The crop
proved a failure and Wainer claimed
it was on account of the bad seed.
In the meantime goods had been :tot
at the More on (Jia etrettgthlof the
crop. Ortwein 'tue
d 'Walperc
for the
price of these goods and for the seed
amounting in 1111 to about $75 and
\Valper, while ndmitting the .goods,
counterclaimed against Ortwein for
damages for loss of crop &c. ' The
case lasted most of the day. The
jury (lave n verdict for plaintiff 'for
:?5I for part of the goods And seed
and for defendant for $70 dnmlges.
the net 'result being about $16 in
Wel per's f•lvor. 11. .1. D. Cooke for
;1;,;.tiff : J. '0. Ste nbury for \Valper.
(tate Department of Public Works, Canada.)
Consulting Engineer for Municipal and County
Work, Electric railroads, Sewerage and Waterworks
Srstem Wharves, Bridges and ate -enforced concrete
Shone 2120 London °matte
No Honing-
No. 4
The finest steel made and tempered
Carbo electricity
notwill make
/till requires grinding to complete
the worst. Taus grinding must be as
Ont ere/ :- 1 true and reliable a3 the Ingredients
Burlington. Blind River. Beaverton.; 'pained.
CU11inRtvood, ColioUr.t. (ioder1C)i, 111"2- Grindingentirc:ybyhzndis impel.. •
ORM. Kincardine. it. ttlo Curr •t.&. ft t_w,bbty-ray n_a•-1 0e. 100 me•
Midland, Mleaford, Owen Some!. Ni-- chamcal to search out every point
ger end Tele ;rapt] islands. loin: Ia1' needingattention-bbn(he
two witA the severe secret
utcomtest ,eeach
n' ant. Penclitnguisle•rte. fort Dor- blade 1s finally subjected to and you .
well, ('ort Elgin. Pictou. 'ltondeeti. ,have a perfect Car o Magnetic razor.
Surnmeratoe n. 'Themes 'Ito era. Toro►t- •The quality et tabor employed 1s a
to. Thornbury. Trenton. 1l.,rhour 0nd Most essential point in producing
(lark Channel. \\'aulxlurltetl,, Wier- cutlery steel. The men intrusted
Ion :UUI Wingfield Basitl•
with tke grinding of Carbo Magnetic
steel have spent the maser part of
Tender. w 111 I10: h'' considered tin-
, their lives in reaching their present
less ma(1•� on the form supplied. anstate c(rperfestion. nnquest oeels ane
'ti recd wit It the actual si;natures of e R
$ , best known. Every Sneer Dlade
is absolutely
their hands7
:( of e
turned t
c s.
enc Sint.
t 1
with no,rre
of to end R
i arm
form uniform and rr''f
'cation .
Combined e3ti ap cl 1
s Th_ i
`.ick spots. .
Ge or P
Depart- s
r I)
t a
1 1.• I
N1 1 ll will
lCtl(irr m.1n b,• ° I edge is true and straight. It
anent of Public Works, Otetw-a. 'Ili" cut smoatn, clean and comfortable,
Tenders fattest induct . the low itle of leaving no smarting sensation.
t he.►(
' tleness
( frombrittleness t1no
to retors
the plantNo sort s
Only dredgcs can h' employed which' appear ,n a Carbo Magneti- rasur no
are registered in Caned'+ et the time 1 matter howgg long used. No meth d
of the filing of thetenders. Coll- 01timperi of hear w n its constant
tractors must be ready to begin work ` caiformtty. Every blade, has been
within twenty days titter 1 h' el rte brought to a fitted temperature a(} r
they have been notified of the acme,., esratel measuredbe.c(ctr:at be. i
Lance of their t^nd,•r. fors being "plunged,y
from this precision wools reduce the 1
An nee..^pled cit lu<' n n Charier - standard.
cit hank, !' ; } n 1.!" r a r }ro• orad.` r ret c ism 1 Rut test this uncoil didonapy
Honourable the. Minister of Public,'anfoed razor in your own
Works. for six thousand dollar eine-or have your barber use it on
(040(1111. must be deposited ns 1ocuri: t • lou -fay thirty days.
t he dredgin4 which the tenderer of- I prop as a postal, or better Iel,
fere 'to perform in the Province of come le and 111 as and w, will give
Ontario. The eh(` piett}II bo re- 'pee our new proposition for having
turned in case of nun -acceptance of i bps apron tested wttbpwt ob0ga-
tender es to purchase, together with our
The Department stn.'s not bind it- .e►ooklet" sistPlutig."
h order. I " • S. Cole, Druggist,
Secretatry.l . Ottawa, April 23. 19081Department of Public Works'.
Newepnpers twill not be paid for
self to acne t the I w st or any ten -I
We have unlimited private funds for three'
oab upon farm or village rroperty at Lowes
atos of interest.
errletere Solicitors Notaries Conve aaoere
fort a Mo sous
lea un solicitorsb 1
Comas l eras.
Bank, Ete.
Money toLoan at lowest rated of Interest.
L MIMING B. A. L. 11. 01130111011
We have a large amount of private fonds
oan on farm and village properties at town,*
A 'B
O1,AllS1AN do ST A URY
Barristers solicitors. Mein Sep:e et
spools Is oI the Coghill North West
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Boughi
t 'f tl y Insert tt
sr�tet ts Eiti
CO a818roedwsT, New Yl) all Slocum, 50c
mit and 'RAO, of Dr. T. this 1 lv.'rti•"m' n S t•
CIO r :•t., Washi,/km. l). c. I A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto.w it,01st n 1 u (1 o' 'tt y f row; The Depart- A cors Mel WAN
Bears the
Sign:tixr° of
ANY et en numbered section of Dominion Land. in
A•anitoba, aaskatchewan and Alberta, excepting
8 and 2c, not reeered, niay be homesteaded by
any person who hi the Bole head of a family, , or any
male over 18 yet re et age, to the extent of one -gnat
ter section of 160 acres, wore or less.
Application for entre' must Le made in person by
the applicant ata ncnunion Lands Agency or Sub.
agency for the district in which the land is situate,
Entry by proxy may, however, be made at ..n seem
cy on certaincondltiona by the father, notber, sone
daughter, brother or slater of an inending home -
Tie F
ornesleader is required to perform l
sad duties under one of the following e plans:
(1) At least viz mouths' residence upon and cult(.
Ovation of the land in each year for three) ears.
(2) A homesteader nuy, i1 he so desires, perform
the required residence duties by tit Mg on farming
land owned 'solely by him, not less than eighty (80)
acres in ettent, in the ticinity of his homestead.
Joint ownership in land will not meet this require -
(3) If the father (or mother, if the father 1s de•
ceased) of the homesteader has permanent residents
on farming land owned solely by him, not less than
eight) (OW acres in extent, n the vicinity of the
d 01hyhint
a inure+lead enter f
in eo�
or upon 1 )
nun t
In the vicinity. such homesteader may perform hie
own residence duties by !thug with the father Or
4 The term 'hldnil)" in the two preceedlog
paragraphs 1e 11011(41 as meaning not more than
trine miles n a diret line, exclusit e of road anlOW.
antes crossed 111813 measurement.
5 A homesteader intending to perform his reel-
dence duties in accordance wash the alio% e *h11e
thing with his parents or on 'arming land owned by
himself must notify the agent of the district of such
Sic months' wince In writing should be given t0
the Commissioner of Isominion (.ands at Ottawa of
intention to serf for talent.
Deputy of the Minister of the Interior
N. lt.--Unauthorized pnlelieallon of this advert*
meal will not 'e paid for
s r
ItAl.l„\�' 1'YNI:-in L_hornr btu Fri-
11 • Ht 10 r I
1►l an -
0a .(rein
t•s 1, I
lyric. age.' 62 years.
RANSOM -In Exeter, mi Fatur.f..c
,\lay !file 190, Sarah llagslaw•. re-
lict of the late Daniel Ransom.
need 62 years.
TIRO\VN-In Crediton. on Wednesday,
May Glli. '1908, (bo. Drown, need
80 years 8 months and t day.
SNCI.L.-LI Exeter May 9111. Ju
Snrll ill hie 54th y, :(r.
I1AZ1.EWOOD.-I11 Kirkton. on Sun
day. Sixty 10th to Mr. rind Mrs. \'%
iIazlee,ond• !.011.
1111 -1., Exeter Sunday Mny 10th
+ , . .1n1t Mrs. \\'in. Jacolsi. :t
t\ lrnl)-Ora the 211'1 con.. 1'1bo111'e
nn friday, .\lay 8tle to Mr. :end
( :
A. \' m \Joni •t d
t u
CI I iSEL11 t 1'ItSrT
The En.rar,`tic Threshini Co. his
hired ltolv'rt 'D:I1ry►np•I,' to run their
machine this s'ason.
My friend, look k here1 you know
how weak in I nervous your mire is
end you know that Carter's iron
Pills will relieve her, nr,w• why not
,m (lir about it any bay bee a bpit
1+ the lending husineee train-
ing school in \\reetern tTh.tnrio.
4. We give a thorough. practical
• (•'It Subjects
ofCommercial 1
•r trainee;
Isaac Pit Shorthand, Touch
4. Commerc-
d in t
•ii n
'1 t
ini and itailroad Operating.
leech depart ment is in the hands
1. of experienced instruct ore. \Ye
nsstst students to positions. 4.
Our graduates always succ•etel,
for our courses are Iho best,
Get our free catalogue and lea 111
more about uA. You may en- .i.
ter now.
Ef.L1O'I'T & aI('LA('IILAN,
Print ipaIs. ^s
+▪ +++++++++++++++++++++++++
A deptllition
ed on Boit. Gr
nesdny snort ,
'tidy for she.
tension of i I,
Itureell lila'
titer e31 ceisicio
(dont '1. 1latys Waite
0: I'. (%rlhaml Vi cd.
.1:I., ,t for n lotto.
'1 ' end \Vesterte
y. 11, Jia(' is an ex-
t, ,-:,e ere :Ind fort
reel eont•'rnplatos fur.
1101)1 Emir° to Sarnia.
Von of this extension
has nit -early been built. The depu.
I tation was tompoSCd of Messrs.
McIntyre, South Perth and McLear',
South Huron. Consideration Was