Exeter Times, 1908-05-14, Page 1!win
Pliolrte No. 32.
Dress Goods
•; We arc right into the midst of our Dress Goods
j season• Now is the time for you to buy before the dif-
ferent lines arc sold out. The best will be found here
in all the new things. This is headquarters for Dress
:. Goods. So you arc sure to get what you want.
Panama Cloth 1 Voiles &Eoliennes ii
2 The very newest cloth for a 1 1n stripes, embroidered,
sweil suit or separate skirt. spots or plain. These goods
• • The colors are Black, Blue, are very neat aced are selling
: : Iirown and l'reatu• 50c to SI extra well. :,')c to $1.54) per
: per yard. yard.
A very reliable and suitable
cloth for Suits or Skirts. All
the colors that are worn.
black, blue, brown, cream,
green and red. 50e to $I a yd.
Lustres& Mohalrs ZZ
In black, blue,creaut,brown ••
and green, stripes or plain. • •
One of the best wearing lab-
we have. 50c to 73' per •
yard, �:
is Black Silk Underskirts ::
• • (Guaranteed)
A real nice, pure Silk, Black Underskirt.
:: Wear fully guaranteed by the maker for SS
i? Colored �'
: Underskirts Underskirts
In grey anti navy blue with
a large plaid running through
• • Made up from silk finished
► •i •
Here t
�' and
Silk Waists
•. We are offering some very
spIecial values in silk Waists.
Regular $1 and $5 black or
• cream Waists for $:t and $4.
\Ve have a big lot of differ.
styles to show you. Some
just as nice as silk. $1 to 53 -
Belts and Collars
The styles change very
quickly in this line. But we
always try to keep pace with
it You will find all the nov-
elties in vogue on our coun-
White Wear and White Waists
slave you been through our Whitcwcar Department?
If not, do not fail to do so before you do your buying.
We have a beautiful display to choose you. New Skirts
New Gowns, New Corset Covers and New White Waists
Jones & Clar
Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford
Clothing also high grade shoes and wall papers.
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••
Pure White French 1
6at1Ie Soap
2 Ib. bars 25c
#� Fancy Soaps and Toilet
l'au.tdi:ut Express lluilding. a
:: Anaemia tuns given as the cause of
• :his trouble and the hest medical assis
.• i tance was procured, but the disease
4. had taken such hold on his once rug -
ged system, that, hopes for his ulti
e very eliort was Lieut forth to prolong
• his life, anti mahis condition as
mate recovery were abandoned, but
2: cheerful as possible, A few weeks
ago his son 0, 1V., of Boston, Mass.,
••teas called here, and was a constant
•: attendant, with his mother and sister
• • i in the sick roots.
Saturday noon Mr. Snell became
unconscious and it was then known
that the end was near at hand .
The deceased was born in Exeter 51
years ago, and when ten ye ars of age
• • i went with hes parents to Dashwool,
: where they toasted on a bush farm.• 1 At that time the roads running north
• I and south bad not been established,
•s2 I Ile attended the rural school, and at
•i the age of 17 graduated as :t -chool
• •
••• teacher and fcllowed that pi ..cession
•: II for 10 years. His first experience as a
1 wh re t .edagag1e guided heAS int youthful niptowsh
:: 1 for one year. He then tock charge of
of the school one and one quarter:: I miles north of Dashwood, there put -
• •
ting in the remaining 15 years. He
• • I then gave up the rofession, and ens -
Ins, r h P
Death of Mr. Jos. Snell
Mr. Joseph Snell, manager of the
Exeter branch of the Canadian Bank
of Commerce died at his home on
James street Saturday evening after
an illness extending over a period of
several months. Shot fly atter the
transfer of Sovereign bank business
to the Canadian Bank of Commerce
Mr. Snelt's health began rapidly to
fail and lie asked for a relief from duty
for several months, intending to take
a trip abroad for the I•nrpose of a rest
and to regain his lost strength.
Tne Usborne and Hibbert
Farmer's Mutual Fire insur-
ance GompanU
Head Office, Farquhar,:Ont,
President—.1, 1.. Itt SNELL.
Vice-Presjd• nt—W. 11. I'• SSMoltf:
AVM, Roy. BoResim ItP, O
War. BitOCK \Visc•ttELsEA P, O.
ROBERT NORR111, 8taffa.
AGENTS, tors.
ed fn t e private franking Nisi -
yeas, locating at Dashwood. His up-
right dealinge with his clients gained
for hits an excellent reputation, and
as :t citizen was greatly appreciated.
in 1003 he disposed of his banking
business to the Sovereign bank and
mcal fftcorporation installed
the DashwoodndZurich
branches, His services in that capa-
city gained for hien the confidence of
the officials, and on the removal of
Karn to London, Mr. Snell was
promoted to the management of the
Exeter brench, which position he filled
with acceptance until the Bank of
Commerce took over the Sovereign's
interests here when he was retained as
It is thought
btisinessanti wotclose
rryoverthe t financial
condition of the Sovereign bank, were
the chief causes of his physical break-
down. Since coming to Exeter he
held a fin-
ancial circlestan 1 tooet k adeep
position (interest
in everything pertaining to the web
fare of the town. He was one of the
prince movers in the organization of
the Canning Company and last year
was president of the board of three -
Ile •'
is Al
uvived his now sorrowing
JOAN ESSERY, Exeter, agent for wi
dow and children. 0. W. and Flos.
Usborne and Jlitldulph. +sic
OLIVER, HARRIS, Munro, agent In politics .1r, Snell was a Censer.
for Ilibbert, Fullerton and Logan. vative anti in religion n Methodist
B. W. F. BEAVERS, The funeral took place from his Lee
Secy,Treas. Farquhar, residence Tuesday' iifternooti. t he
services being In cltaree of th a Exe.
t%LADMAN & STANBURY, Bolfoitore t,•r Masonic Judge, of which or(l,'r the
od was
Hensel!. Zurich, 'riCrc icon ein ber. and Cen.
tralit were represented
Out of respect for the elec;ase(1
banker. the merchants of the ()awn
drew the blinds of their busiues.s
• places w•hle the cortege eras paseiuDCelebrationup ,lain etrc:t.
at Exeter
Death has ng,tjn entered our midst
and taken away one of the oldest anis
most respert,•,t of our citizens in
ON MONDAY M the t►'rton the talo Jamts Ioli.gn.
MAY 25th, 1908 tync. bout eight5tk months t;o Mr.
moi.,,.. was taken ill meth kid',•y
trouble anti sine: then Eger has not
been eat but the disease (aid not ot.
Best program ever given in Exeter tai somea,wo mag tymptens 'r+ti)
• . last few Clays he alitfend tne the
alithumpian and Trades Procession in the but on Friday et -sleet; lis, passed, to
his eternal home surcoundctl by tate
spring of 1883. he tout• to his las.
sent farm on the Tbant••s Road. Be-
fore he commenced farming be mar-
ried Miss Elizabeth Gardiner, Their
anion vt•as n very happy one. The
fainly consists of James 8, on the
Boundary, Mrs. 'Win. Hamilton, 11ib-
bert ; 11,1lian. •Margaret, Thomas,
John -.rte 'Lily at Lou:e. 'I.. ilalian-
tyne was a member of the Presbyter-
ian church Hint in politics 'wtyi' o
staunch 'Liberal. For a number of
•ears he was :t ntemlx'r of
the Usborne rounce, also .t director
of the Exeter Agricultural socjekly
As a man he was above troproach and
respected b • e circle
suaintances, he ttwas iof sterling char.
acte.r and his word was as good ns his
bond. The funeral on Monday was
one of the largest ever known in this
vicinity, Beautiful (wreaths were sent
to convey eympathy front the 1.0.P.
Usborne Council and the Agricultural
society. In they absence of Qtev. Flee -
cher, the s,;rviee was conducted by
Rev. Martin, of 'Exeter, nssisftect by
Rev, 'Mackay, of Cromarty, The 1.
0. F. conducted service at AMO cemne-
tery. 'The have
sympathy of the family
ommunity in their
bcreay. ment.
'Itev. Colin Fletcher underwent an
operation at the Hamilton hospital
11'cdnesday morjting for the remov-
al of gall stones. The operation,,ac-
cording to word receired, was sues
cessf ul,
Mr. and 'Mrs. W. G. eledd) visite:1
friends in Clinton, daring the past
ed( the Choral rentertainm. from entltheltl
at 1►irkton Tuesday evening.
:lar. Thos. iltoutly ,cud mot her of
the London 'toad visited at :\fr. Geo,
lleywood's on Sunday.
.Mr, C. Godboit sold a librse to Mr.
Scarf, of Vland:hoys for a good fie -
u re.
"Mrs. Fenlon tBrott'a is moving her
household goods /to Crosswcll, Mich,
where her husband has a lucrative
The Crediton baseball club ,has
asked the 'Winehelsaf teats to go: to
their village un' the 24th. of, May to
play a tame during the evening.
•M .
Mr. W. \V. Kerr is the posscrtor
of a very beautiful geraniuut. The
plant is one of the largest of the kind
we have ever sten, measuring 6 feet
4 inches.
'Miss Etna Copeland, of Iiirkton
visited with 'Aliases Altnetta IlayWood
and Gertrude jefillcr.
Several boyeeiti the neighborhood of
Sunshine church had an exciting ex-
perience on Friday evening last. It
was choir practice night and some of
the leirklon /boys drove over. Just.
as the Kirklon boys were passing the
church, some of our Jade thought
they would p;tss them and in doing
so Oho horse kicked at; the( Kirktoii
buggy, with the result ,tint its Bind
leg broke throe;hl the spokes of t1w
)rind wheel, causing somewhat of n
mix-up. 'The horse's leg was (loeblk(1
up and it was necessary ito remove
the wheel in order to releoso 'the
anitnal. Outside of the horse being
a little lame; rind the sui.ehed buggy
wheel, there was no further damage
but it is needless to t -ay there was
a neared bunch of boys,
Private William Alexander elolr,
the slayer of Col. -St rgt, harry Lloyd
at Wolseley ))arracks. London on
April lith last, was captured last
Saturday evening at a farm near
Elora by Constables Farrell and
Coughlin, of 'Arthur.
:Moir, after successfully eluding the
detectives, who %Vere hunting him for
several weeks, was found working as
a farm hand at the farm of 'Robb
Bros. Three weeks ago, lie nppliee
at the farm house for sowe.thittgn to
eat and also asked for employment,
and as 'Hobbs' were in need, of a man
Moir was enga;ctl at $22 a month.
He was 'dressed in his khaki un'. -
form. but it was so soltsee that it
was hard to distinguish it. As the
Robb family had not read tho des-
cription of the murderer, they did
connect their; 1 ,nen• help ;t•ith the
crime. His actions, however, mous-
ed their suspicion, and when he com-
plained of t.tiffering from a tooth-
ache, be was sent to a dentist nit
Alma 10 havo it treated. The dente
ist noticed the disfigured ear. rine
thought )gas patient file lunch ,w'atit.•d
man and so notified the 'Robb family,
This information was imparted to
the police at .trthur and tee d.'Itect-
ivcs and plans acre arranged for his
cnp1urc. S;tturday afternoon Con-
stables Farrell and Coughlin went 'lo
)Hobbs anti knowing that .Moir ,wet
armed, %vork''(I the ruse that May
were horse buyers. When they ar-
rived at Hobbs' Moir was assietjng in
nutting away a team of Horses. They
asked Lha price of tho hors s and
while examining them scot closer to
Moir. At the Izjven si3tmal both men
grabbed him end a etruegle ensued
for o quarter of an Cour before Moir
could be 7 itbdue,l and the jnn(lcu1(5
placed on hits. Ile was then search-
ed and a revolver with five chambers
loaded found on Lint. Ile was taken
in a buggy to Arthur and there
placed in jail to await .he London
A number 110111 here attell(kd ':h'
members of the family ends lis atnl eretulr.irtL1estt Monday.
ond yLall:uttyrn
mother. 'Mr. Ballantyne wee bora A number of cattle from this vice'.
'larch Ilth 1810 in t ha hoe /ttbip of ity were•1ake,& to Ctentrali1 on Mott
The leading feature of the afternoon will
brothers and four sisters the rest; of The old .C. O. C. F. hall was torn
Downie. He ti as :he oldest of six da)' for export shipment.
be a Marathon Race of six mlkv; followed whom are living namely. 1Hob;rt, down last weckeend the a cclionlof
by eliehacl, 1Villi.tnt, nd Antillt of the new building will b' conumerircd
JJ Dotwni•'. �t'tl 'ih0mtt of ,tt\vootl. Mrs. at once. The n -.w hall wet -lee con•
Atheletic Sports and Horse Racing , elehc nelreore ; Mea. Dickson. At- sideraely larger than, tate old ono
• 'stood ; .tars. Holmes, Stratford. .tad large enoueit to occomtutdate tea
Mrs. V l:itr, California. ear. lee. members Of 1110 'wig:, here,
pant}t:. r 1 .. a,•,1 11,e cin c.e In i 11'ne Eva'
.'.• „• . . , . • , d and John t; .weed eha ve
1 s tt .(tl t t e•,•Ilt".1 lir• POtll( 'G: •i ... •t t
.. 1. .. ,
Lt , u.:. . : 'n . t.
fine :,t 1he House of Refuge, Cijitton.
His health Las greatly improved and
he has gotten to like his surround-
At the quarterly meeting of (fee
Eljntyjllte circuit held Last week. Bev.
11, J. Fair accepted the invitee -ion of
the board to remain n fourth year,
subject to the stationing committer
at the, next conference to be held ie
Exeter next month. An invitation
was nista extended to Mr, J. M. Keys
to remain another year. Ile also
accepted th^_ incitation, but preferred
to leave the matter to the stationing
Mr. John Cann %will take charge of
the services ,at the ;Methodist church
next Sunday morning instead of the
Epworth 'League eervice.
Nelson E. Hicks, Voice Production
Pupil of London Couscn•atory Ausican, 1d 1.SingItuthren
llcoonald, Charles White,Lotidon Eng., Ernest (1.8
Eardley, London, Eng. A liuti•ed number of pupils
will be accepted
'Richard flicks, 'Chas, Fah -lisle
Mrs. t1'. 'Neil and oh rs are suffering
front no epidcmio of grippe or some-
thing like it.
A number of cattle ware brought
Into the village Monday and !Tuesday
and were sold to Gus. Coughlin, one
of our cattle dealers.
The Parsons se, Davis Company ars
doing an immense business itt but-
ter and ewes.
• The 'Ladies' Aid have carpeted the
altar of the Methodist. church and
have procured new matting for the
The W. M. 8. met in the church on
Tuesday afternoon and report a goof
year, having 'raised for all purposes
about $50.
Members of the Official Board
with their mesas, numbering in all
over 30, imet at !the lMeigliodistt par-
sonage on 1lfonday evening and af-
ter the transaction + of busi-
ness were entertained by Mrs.
Mutt, who tserved o dainty lunch to
the delight and pleasure of ilea in-
vited guests. The financial results
of the
year were fere gcatifyin;t ,ttt+ bo'tG
pastor and the people. 'Mr. John Es -i
sery was elected delegate to the
district meeting tat Hensen.
Rev. Butt will preach a sermon
Methodism next Sunday evening
7 o'clock.
The Epworth 'league, .will :3ivc a
'Leap Year" Social at the parsonage
on Friday evening.
Messrs. 'Andrew Butt and George
Hepburn visited friends in leippen on
The (Misses Hattie, 'Lydia and El-
sie Handford visited friends in Luaus
this week.
'Misr Etta Coughlin, .of London, is
visiting 1t her home here.
An irnportnnt change in the 4egel
fraternity of Goderjch has taken
place in the dissolution of Ithe fdr►n of
Cameron and Killoran. 'Mr. Cameron
will continue in the present offers,
and 'Mr. KilloraiC in a fees days will
open n nett, office anti, will carry on
practice by himself.
A man's wife should always be
the same especially to her husband,
but if she is weak and nervous, and
uses Carter's Iron Pills, she cannot
he, for they make her "feel like a
different person," so they all say
and their husbands sly so too.
The officers of the 33rd. !Regimen'
are at work on the arrangements for
the trip to Quebec in July. It is not
an easy 'task to arrange all the (details
in connection with such a project, but
progress is Wine e made. and no doubt
the Huron contingent (including the
regimental officers, twenty bands-
men and half the strcnr rth of the
companies) will be in good soaps
when the time corms.
The changes in the Huron radius
aro expe.eterl to be followed by
changes in the l.o,rd of licmus,y com-
missioners for the different tim-
ings. Of the present hoard for ,West
Huron Messrs. ;Lockhart and 1)uruin
are in North Iluron and r. Church-
ill is in, ~Huth Iluron, nwhite the In-
F t C10 'M 1 'fl tl'trA
r. m. s u'li 's t ftk
[ yetis, h 1
Iluron. IV,n, Clcg;,'the inspector foe
what wan 'East Iluron, is none a tie—
W-ent of North Iluron. it is under-
stood that (,he bound trios of the
Farriers' institute dis•rtcts will not
not be interfered with Ly the chaugea
electoral rlivisiot;s.
A woman who is tweak nervous and
sleepless, and who has cold hands
and feet, cannot feel and act lien a
%veil person. Carl ere; Iron fills
equalize the circulation, remove ner-
vousness, and give strength an.t
years the �l a Rind You hal CsAfs t37.1 fA
of le -444;
A grand eo;ie!'rt and' u rh' nu'tpic'!
of the hirkton Choral Society wa1
RIVE'', in Atari] set hall last 'Tuesday
evening. Mrs. Wyatt, soprano solo-
ist, of London, St. Marys Male Quar-
tet(:', 'the elleral class stud Prof.
Thomas inngisbeti an excellent pro-
School Report.
V.—Thos. ilazelwood, N. iI'zee%ood
M. Shier. IV. sr.—N. titre', f, Ito id-
' house A. 'IF It 1.. 'tufts M. Black -
ler, 1'. 111 -(mo. .11•. 1V. --A. Doter', E.
Care E. Dente. C. Hazelwood. A.
• Dacia, A. kirk. Ill.—A. Roadhouse%
G. Hick. .1. Hoskin. '1'. '1Villiatna. Myr
Kirk, 0. Sett itzer. 1 L—:1. Walker. A.
Vickers, C. Taylor, 11. Cal r, M. iJlack-
Mr (';gni and 1',d. Ston^ wilt Son-
• day in Mrktoti.
Mr. James Vanes and sisters (pent
Sonde% twjlh eft,:se Ada McCurdy,
Willie Vickerhas ones;ed %tit):
1). 11 ixl. tweed the, snmm�r
See Bilis for Partic'»»l:'rs.
$1.00 per year is advance
Yes! We Are Prepared for
With a large stock of
Elephant, Hollywood and Martin Senours
Ready Mixed Paint
In 15, 25, 40 and 45e tins. Color cards for the asking
Alabastine and Muresco The sanitary Wall and Ceil-
ing finishes. 25 & 50e pkges
Ordinary Paint 13rushes 5, ! 0 and 155
Brushes halsonlinf Brushes 20, 25 and 35o
Paper Hangers' Brushes... . 2�5c
Step Ladders
For house-cleaning and paint-
ing made from the best Geor-
gia pine 81.00 tap
Poultry Netting, all sizes . . .... . ... . . . . . . . ..}c tap to lac per yard
Curtain Stretchers, complete at
Lawn Mowers .. • • . $1.40
Garden tools of. every• description. ;'� 75 to $``'no
You realize the necessity of protecting your house with good paint,
but you (lo not realize the necessity of protecting yourself against
poor paint. It all looks alike in the can, but bne kind comes off,
the other stays on; one kind soon looks shabby, the other keeps
new. The kind that holds on strongest, looks new luugcst, is
It is the result of a quarter of a century's paint -making experi-
ence; the product of the largest paint factory in the world.
eel We sell it.
of what constitutes good
clothing differ from the ideas
of most other firms. We de
eland and use in all our Spits
and Overcoats only the best
material and the highest class
of workmanship,
Give cls a call.
Mcg,hant Tailor
Tara, where lie has s.eurea a poli• ► IHO�3SJ'NBhH 11\', ZURICH
Zion in a butter factory faumcteui f,iensed Auctioneer. Sales con
lillr and (Bettie McCurdy spentin ail earls, Terms teasonabl
Sunday the guests of ells. N. 1V. and satisfaction guaranteed.
Fletcher. 1
The horn,' of Mr. and Mrs. Walter
alazletvood was gladdened last Sun• t1• i'HfLL11'8, EXETER, LICday by the arrival of a young. Eou, • ense(t sutra oneer. Sales con
.Miss Effie Fletcher is :pending t6iia ducted in all parts . Terms reasonable
week with friends in 11 oodh rm. Orders can be left at the TIMES °nice
Iter, Veale is suffering from n v.'re
bad cold.
Miss Gertie 'Brown spent Sunday at I
itose Hill Farts.
el,'s Gemmel!, of Seaforth, is vi=.
icing her aunt, Mrs. Samuel Tufts.'
Jars. 'i1:os. ilrork, of Exeter, was
the guest of Nits. it. I1. Coup_Jand
on Sunday.
Mr. lel. Shier is making %j.
erorements in his Mtor,', 1b,' She' r-
ing and woodwork fs ocin3 all re-
painted and when finished will pre-
sent a vety tasty appearance.
The telephone company is comfit-tie-
omfittie•ing this year to further extort* tete
lines. A line through frotn ltuss'l.
dale 10 Cromarly is now in course of
Mr. Wm. Moore was laid up frith +►
severe attack of the gripp.', but is
now recovering nicely.
Mr. Harvey Vickers, who for tit,;
past Fix months, held a position ;t_s
engineer at the .crist mill lase w.' k
Auction Sales.
--Get your sale bills .brinted at the
Times Offioe. Free notice will bo
given in the paper when bills are
printed Bore. Wel can Itat'e your /bills
reaey for posting from, two to four
hours after the order is received.
Permanent Results
"I had been suffering for over two
months with an obstinate cough, as bad
alto my little girl. We fried several
remedies common to any drag trace
without obtaining any apparent relief,
in fact we were growing worse. 1 got a
bottle of Coltsfoote Expectorant freer
left for London. wlmre he has secur- my druggist and inside of two days tho
cd a c'o'ition vtith the AVlfite l:nt;ina cough was stopped, and tin, rr•attlt+ ro
Co. (:arfin'Itl Davis has taken his plata Permanent and rapid that we decided
at the mill. to keep it in cur home eontinually.
Mr. Frank 'Robinson, photograph.'•, R013LitT "LEN' N,
of London. 4* Lome on .t two wceka C. A. R. .Station, OttaR'a.
l,olima3'• Coltsfoote Expectorant is recogn,,,ed
eljaessclerk Am.•li%v1at ColeyhR.Nhas. eeer, enga3. tee world ever as the beet prescription
sh[,t (Ter ua''d by the medical profession for
The A;•rict'llural reeiet:, Int.d Coughs, colas, croup, Bronchitis and
iinto ovine' the fair $ioil n,as Ly plant. Tightness (4 the chest. Children like
leg; a nurnb('r of elente trees. Kirk. it. To introduce it into every horse we
ton i' '1 (ilacking for Rome lark will tent a free sample to every proton
I I rten4ing heir name and address to Dt.
T. A. telocum, Limited, 'Toronto. Mold
b, all nn.fn-.ta A•.voriats At 9tr_
ti r. 1%ro►rt„ ut a itch to holt1 ponies, ole end
(%utlb:,l1 spent riu',.lii 1his improvement to {Ate grountl., :r
e ' %111 .1;1
. _ twins: made by tate eociety for uh:.