HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-05-07, Page 6Fashion
Hints. I
11.44-1-1-111-4-11-11-i-1-4-1 14-1-14
There is a craze to a[cob cf ter r
Ir all summer bhe es,
Tho tongue of the everting slipper is
hutch longer than last yea''. r
Peewit prcniscs to bo the pret-oiling
tel,. fur men's stills the year.
Mirage is cne W rho most fancied ' 1
the weaves of tho new emitter silks.
The stout we ran ehould beware of
Ill! [.ordered silks unless she arranges
the decoration kngthwIso.
Struve will be much used In the quar-
ter inch and 1n the hair line.
Polka dot silks are more popular than
ever, and they neon -0 but little trim-
ming. w•ns nave all the ParLsinn ge
("heves without the fullness at the top.
A popular sleeve device is to simulate
the w,dv armhole by a band of material.
An innovation is the wearing of tan
silk gloves to match the tan stadhings.
In millinery the two most insistent
" Why I Recommend
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills."
The Particulars of a Remarkable Cure Told by a
Presbyterian Clergyman ---The Sufferer Brought
Back from Death's Door.
St. Andrews Manse,
Cardigan, P.E.t., Jan. 1908.
Thrurh I have never been sick my-
ytc11, and have not had occasion to use
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, I thought you
ought to know of the remarkable cure
they have wrought in Mr. Oklings
During a visit to my home in Merl -
gem's'', N. S., some years ago, I was
grieved to find our next door tnr g 0 �r
end hien], Michael Olding, Y
"Ile 1s not expected to live," my mother
informed hie. "And you must go over
and sec t,im as ho is liable to pass
away at any moment." "Not expected
to live," that was the opinion not only
of the cooter who attended hire, but
spring shades are taupe and pome-
The latest in gloves is the long cha-
mels 'nth the Luttoned strap across the
Cretonne. the most adapted of all fa-
brics, trims hang. overs buttons and is
Introduced in parasah.
Fancy cliffs haveAntterei the the(listain
of ablthiorn. A r 1
turned back gauntlet cuff.
Ret hall shoes are stern for men,
tut It remains to be seen whether they
will dare to wear them.
For the enormous sailor there new
carers an equally enormous veal wiU1
("pots the cite of dinner plate.
Paris is mad ever the wide and se-
ductive sn5h that ay.'ath#K the hips and
rental and is knelled at the bust.
One of the touches characteristic of
seine of the French millinery is the pre-
sence of huge loops of lawn ribbon.
Rtrlpee and plaits are the ruling oom-
thlnatton in the new shirts. Colors aro
biome tans, corn. slate, helto, and green.
Stripes are on nearly everything;
strives even are trimmed with stripes:
Dere aro striped cloth shoe uppers.
The emt�rotdereJ and ruffled shirt
wtikh has been borrowed from the
French to new worn with evening
elothes Ly ninny.
\\'tth princess gown.; of white lin-
gerie or with the corselet skirt of while
serge a .ash of cherry color er turquoise
kg worn
Late ce,lors Include volge, a news sit,
t de grLr. a mixture
elbine ed gray, and blare and drab
New shades of brown are Corfu. ter-
ra cotta. dtavelo, and chaudeon. New
inflections of gray ere Mouette, four's,
and taupe.
The latest coiffure ornament is one
which lghtest
east. 1t may
consists l solely eott lltwo e l glide('
quills, evbich are set to the hair like
t;y.wearing her farneus double etrtng
of pearls diugoually across her bodice
--over one shoulder and under the
other—Cecile Sorrel, the beautiful part -
elan actress, suggests a way by which
the r,o.•se sets of cheaper necklaces may
lye an artistic emphasis to the new
had ever seen him, for, es 1 sairl. he
had always been ailing. In sheer des-
peration he line esked his wife to get
him Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They
soon began to help him. His appellie
and strength began to improve, and to
the astonishment of the family and
trends he rapidly regained iris health.
Now, though the burden of well nigh
four score years Is upon him. he is able
to do a fair day's work. and is in the
thma of ceased ted totrouood lbleten himthe e
former years. •
Mr. Olding himself. as well as his
neighbors and the writer of this letter,
cen(dently believe that his rescue from
the very laws of death—seemingly ce
miraculous—is duo under the blessing of
God to the timely and continuous use
of Dr. Williams Pink Pills.
REV. EDWiN small, M.A.
Mr. Olding hinted( writes:— "1 em
glad Bev.Mr.
rfulr cure, 'fort 1 n
n you
at,ouL myy wonde
dently believe that 1f 1t had not been
for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills would
trove been dead long ago.
d be
impossible to exaggerate the desperate
condition 1 was in when I began to use
the Fills. No one thought 1 could get
better. I scarcely dared hope myself
that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills would
bring me through, but they health.
hae ever since enjoyed g
Though 1 am seventy-nine years old
people aro always remarking on
young 1 look—and 1 feel young. l can
idon a fair ay thanork, and I am 1 had been tor years.
In everyonno of Dr.
1 cannot say too much in praise
William/1 Pink Pills and 1 taste every
c.pportunity 1 can to recommend them
to friends who are ailing.'
WANTED, HEM% AND IIF.1R1:��t:9.1
fortunes Held by Enatish ('teat of
Chaneeri Astuitiu0 Claimants.
Not the :cast rentansat le bailee con
cerh:ng li.o unclaimed wealth heed by
the Cruets of Chancery and ethers is
that tit seine cases the next of kin have
leen {hissing for between 100 and 200
;yeas, Gays London Tit -Bits. There is
to instance nearly £6,000 waiting for
persons etre can prove themselves to
to relatives of one Edith Goddard, who
married S. 1'rattinan In 1772; white there
is something of adventate to Le learned
of his wile and family as well. Upon
visiting hint myself i toured abundant
evidence to confirm their opinion.
Mr. Olding had for yenrs been afflict-
ed with asthma and bronchitis, but now
a complication of diseases was ravish-
ing his system. Ile had been confined
to his bed for months and was reduced
to a Rkelet.nn. Though evidently glad
to see me, he conversed with the great -
reel difficulty, end seemed to realize that
it was the beginning of the end. He
was daily growing weaker; his feet were
ewoi?en to twice their natural size, and
Ihe- cold hand of death was upon his
brow. "it's no use,' he said feebly,
"the donors nte,lic`ne is not helpingrne
and I nm going dotvn rapidly.' I strayed
with him as for a man soon to pass in-
k. eternity, and when I took his hnnd
n parting it was the last tune I expect-
ed to see htln in the flesh.
Three shy met ors ter while
M chn another101d g
visit to my
was seemingly in better health than 1
Conduct is simply character vitalized.
A good loser is surd to be a flint clarss
llo rejects happiness who r+'uses all
The Father never done any into the
ter country.
You cannot find
in the uur. tor.
('o saw selfishness Ls certainly to reap
se mew.
11'6 hard to believe in the goodness of
Vie greuclry.
'IIIc most wasteful thing to this world
a martyr by (coking
by the dcscendanLs cf Ann, the tt ife of 1 is eseush economy.
c, rp tv
/descendants of James Johnstone loo, the qui::ke,t way to cool any meeting.
1 t maces
J h Mason,who d'ed in 1776.The A hot mending been the minister is
Elsie (aged Ave): "1 do hope some Dutch-
man will marry me when 1 grow rip.'
Aunt Mary: "Why, dear?" Elsie: "Be-
cause i want to be a duchess."
fume gowns.
One of the latest military fads is the
wreath of apes r ws which has renoune-
ell the totltbre brown of its plumage
end now wears brilliant hues that might
do honer to a cuckatoo. Anclh+'r nov s;p\A11Cr-MACHINE NEEDLES.
defy, even more strik'.ng. is that ref In-) nor all mates ;it -MAC•n N tits Crus• per pack•
traducing among the feathery grasses, ag.. and ererrthina else pertsinloa to seven•
it raducad Drlcee. r.uuY f.•rtbo
who died at Dally, Ayrshire, in 179'1, The soul is simply that which t the
are also vt•anlcd, erprenlo and the sublim+ par-
Unclaimed steads are due to the haveon- The church is almost sum to have
Jameson tars of many persmis tvhn al}sls following a lit over dogma.
c';hi intestate in ;<oulh Africa. These Your use of your leisure often deter-_
Include the estates of Edward Bevan
the usefulness of your life.
Thomas, £2,916; \\llllaln ItolxrLg, £1, -rho man who says he is too poor to
I/71; Isabella Novella, £1,532; George give will never be rich enough to be other
Neale, £1,442; Ernest A. l,elttnan, £Ir than poor in heart.
Of10, and John Williams, £1.702. Ile cart never be more than half edu-
The trustees of an estate in Sunder- cater who is not educated In heart.
land, which probably belongs to the The greater the opportunity the lees
t Henry Moorhouse who mete it is to have an advance agent.
would like to find the person who Is oet infinite hatred of things
really entitled to the property. When Then, must bo something queer but
Lewis Moore of London dial in 1837 any faith that needs perpetual
he left trust legacies amounting to £t, ing. -- Carson, _ Ir.s rotor Lon -
000. These have now become payable, A man's confidence in goodness is usu- -- Canada, p
Jut no ora flea come forward to elate `' 1y dependent on his own reserves of) don life Jnaura+ ce Co , London, Canada, stifles :
them.sous when the children 1 hare used the popular remedy known as Peru ria, etsttd 1 can testify ac
Matildat Mira
Ilbrrie! Cook, Amefia .,Ia easy to be p
Masters, t t Webber Smith, wife befit/
a aro, eslep and the neighbors have left i to its merits. I regard iJ as one of the but tonics now on the market,"
t Inthe navy in [833 are being Lown
"Perfectly Trustworthy" is the char-
acter et Sickle's Anti -Consumptive
Syrup. 1t can be used with the utmost
confidence that it will do what isclaim-
ed for It. It 1s sure In its effects, as
the use of It will clearly demonstrate
and can be relied upon to drive a cold
out of the system more effectively than
any other medicine. Try it and be con-
vinced that It is what 1t is claimed to
heir-at-law o
in 1826 w'as a Captain in the army, infinite boyo would to a mockerythat arm
. ;: iii : •`.'t;c 1:rI^ t:
;::i %.:..:.: elft ..-+..ami •7/��1ftt��
if - &ns 1$fEi� i} tltA t
diligently inquired for. They are al The religion 1101 does not improve hu -
heiresses to considerable amounts. A man relations has no business with
sum of money is also payable to Isabel- humanity,
to Corner, last heard of in London 1n __ere—.
and Edmund Cooper, who lett „You say the victim was slot to the
England for New Zealand in 1868, is head?' queried the coroner. "Yes, air,"
as absent legatee. replied the witness. "1'revinus to the
Among other elf°sing beneficiaries arc shooting had there been any trouble or
ilerber! Riid:n, who in 1888 resided at threats that would have led the victim
Croydon; the chihren of Mary A. R. 1e expect the shot?" No, sir; 1 don't
Clay; the children of Henry Coe, brush- tliulk such► a thing ever entered his deed
maker, who Ls said to have emigrated Isefore.'
ti Canada many years ago; Hannah __ ��
1847; T who married George Wyke 'n Vomits no, sips
1847; Thomas Keen, who left for Cape
Colony in 1893; John F. N. Murray. leaf
heard of in 1879 In New South Wales;
end John Nelson, son of David Nelson, h have used Baby's Own
of Hatton Garden, In persons tnqulred for
Included among pe
ty the Courts of Chancerya n` etmen- a-
ticned John Hobby,
maica In 1847; Arthur Stevenson, who
lett for Australia many years ago and
went on en expedition into the bush;
Lieut. C. W. Hill, lust heard of 1n 1826;
the, daughter of Richard Williamson,
who dad in the California gold fields;
Henry Nnrth, last heard of at Bristol
in 1882; Harriet G. Mannon, formerly
an inmate of a lunatic asylum; Martha
Gibeen, who In 1871 was a barmaid at
Bristol: George Walker. who married
specially rug Mary (utter in 1843 and deserted her:
from potato and other vegetable starches I and David 1.. Jones, lest heard of as
which are dissolved in a mixture of 1 teinc. an Inmate of a hospital its Bins -
water and alcohol.
Do Not Delay.—When, through debili-
tated digestive Organs, poison finds Its
way into the blood, the prime considera-
tion is to get the poison ouutas rapidly
and as thoroughly as possible.
may mean disaster. Parmelee's Vege-
table !'ills will be found a most valu-
ehle and effective medicine to assail the
intruder with. They never fail. They
go at once to the sent of the trouble
and work a permanent cure.
The gum used on postage-stanies is a
de oompos'ition prepared
"Tommy, you have been to church two
Sunday mornings in succession. That is
dr Ing splendidly—tor you."
"Yes'nl, Last Sunday the prencher
was going to talk about Jonah en' the
whale but he only talked about Jonah.
Said he'd preach the rest of 11 to -day,
and 1 had to go again to -day to hear
about the whale."
An Im'ortant medical discovery of last
year was that Malta fever was found to
to due to a specific microbe, apropaga edd
by the milk of infected ge
half the gouts in the island were found
to be affected.
t thenew lata sprigs upon which are • n+acbincoatrree r
c n
• tnar)1m[ or � years or more u•rilr mD o.
TORONTO Is one of the most t•eautful citiesinthe world.
city of homes and churches, a cit of Intelligence and pod 8
nierit, a city of healthful climate and beautiful the �y of Toronto.
Among the many beautiful homes which make up
1e the home of J. E. Carson, 218 St. Clarens Ave. In this hone Peruna Is
revered as a family medicine.
Peruna ran boast nt being
here 11 isure usedin
the million
tenses on this confine
dict the family.
Coughs and Wets. £h of the head and threat. sore digestion. catarrh of ttie stomach.
and other
ons tonnes, dislunt
Internal ur{;uns. These ailments, petty in these=±elves, are often the be-
ginning of very serious drsease-c• may quickly avert
A dog or two of Peruna Luken in the beginning
icdlous it not 'fatal Illnesses.
Head Stopped l'p.
Mothers tv n av
'fables- say that they feel sate when Mr. O. W. Marlin, Harllord, Ontario,
they have this medicine in the house,
choir leader at St. Paul's EOntari
as they are a never Uiling cure for the , Cburch, writes:
111.4 of babyhood and childhood. And I «l lave t,ecr{ troubled with catarrh for
the mother has the guarantee of a gov- j a great many years, and always trying
etnment analyst that this rnedis•ine con- 1 cmelhing for it, but was able only 1.0
tains no polinnouS opiate. It is always aeeure (emporery relief until 1 used Pe -
sate. Good for the new born babe 01.1 rima. Only five bottles rid my system
well grown child. tire. Alfred Sud- i Of all traces of catarrh, and 1 have not
card, Haldtmnnd, Ont., say's: --"I Trot•e' noticed the slightest trouble for ed a vent
tried Baby's Own Tablcltlforncss land 1 months. My head was stopP
ton v•omtlmg d t, h fJ a and it Is a retief to be
make of storing
la7 hating sestet nny 1
seine ed the stole designs, and the huge vietra o7 Ontario tri[ flier asking.
onbuehon emeralds which, though tm1 : „t sup['0 a old Cttsl►man has more
talion, lock so real. are characteristic'
of the rpiendor that now is the domin- n.oney than he knows what tie do UM'?"
ant note et drew. but there is nothing `"Yes; but his wife
needed £hist nate eand daughters re
in all the dIspiny that detracts from ( ready le Supply
the skin demand of fash°ons for sludl-
ons refinement. TO CURE .A COLD iN ONE DAT
The lete't pets t' t nuldeeS all others Tana t.AxA71wR IInnMO Quinine Tableq.
It. the thenth•fltlillt, effect <rt the hips. •n,,, t.ts termed money tr it taib to cure. $. w.
There 1s a deep Mit that extends the ; tiut�ve'8 tepe ore is on ,ace boa. up.
entire depth eif the hips. and tram this
she -re !alis a flet flounce trimmed with
Iuniinterah:e insertions or row's of rib -
a• -ns. The bottom la finished with lit-
th. frills and rtr^IMe. Such a skirt
ir,kes up little enough room{ and adds
&n p rcept;ble bulk.
Long lines are the mist Important
frnture e1 the fnsh'( noble costume. and
to o►.,lain strh [fleets many resi +bore
are employed. Coat effects. tunics That
tn'ng genrrfully on the figure from
shmrlder to a low point on the bkirf.
I,mlrs meth lone? 11ang:ng points. sash-
es. late. and all the devices known to
the die: raker are brought into me.
The sash of the direektire per;
tl•e Wad each whlrh the letilders ( f
t,encere groat retolulie,nary tnevement
tied around titer walet�- -is eine of the
neat (Vallee of the season's acces-
fr rata. Thl+t �nsH. which ie sw•nthevl
1 pt t •. annul the hips and w•nlele and
t low nt one
In elicit aee lIn wayathatrttit ends dreepirIn
the kneer. ht timed with all snit.•''. Ftlrt
fled around one et the. dirrcl<,rie coals
of Wined velvet It nellievrs n {c+ieeesa
that m:,1us rhe' think (het the p•rec ni
sr.rnks are the most p:cturccque of many
a yenr.
lee.d shimmering little bumming. RArtyr
t Fru•inpp tarRhu r'o , .Vannrnp CAa
•{'he enormous pearls introduced into, Loren(" rur heauttt/ul of ern •ourtnir
"New, for that," said the bright boy's
mother, "1'm going to spank you."
"Say. mn," be pleaded, "let's e nlprom-
l+e this thing. Call it quits and ('1l use
my influence with pa to buy you that
spring suit you wanted."
1, {int. (vfnfvl, Walker
the fete stion whrtlter, as lo'pulat belief
In tunny a untries has long eererted,
the 1+c s n c.t bees' slings acts es a pro
phyiar ti_ and a cure in cases of rhea-
fnal:s�,p. As lie has recent'y been able
17, r7.,le, some dellnite evidence in sup -
(t li r t of s tel:per onsnhn ng persites oonal
drnce from all pe -
ttnce Ir•'gs of the subject. Among
1i ' ss tact -ss a'1ceeneclfie bnebetween rho-ti-
hves to be e -
t,,t•; s,ted
mats fever end lbs pixductien cf for-
mic act.' .tire skit vt Ltej much) in the
tune bodJ.
and ell kW, et house ns•utsea, N»
Lungs and Bronchial Tubes.
Mr. riculture,crves Ottawa,clOnt., writes:
de 1 Ag
'The Peruna is particularly efllcaclous
:n the cure at catarrhal aftectiens of
the lungs and bronchial tubes.
"Six bottles cured me this winter of
+bronchiU$. 1 am completely restored'
and t owe thanks to the Peruna.
"1 have recommended this remedy te-
a large number of my trends afflicted'
with the same trouble, inionnd they ot this v have
,vrrlflcd my good•
! an rows tis .r.a( o ens t else remedy.
have Loud them a ephendid medicine• atlo to breathe freely once more." COIUMbUSt►
e lay texperienceTlt nofother medicine Can I
equal the Tablets for iillle ones:' Sold i Manufactured by Peruna �h10 ug Mu S�A utln$ OiIIQAny,
by medicine dealers or by mail at 25
rents a box from the hr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Mr. William C. Edwards, Pater Street, Toronto (late steward Elks' Club), sustained a severs
ag onny the middle fieger
y hand wastsohand.
swolleen and papoisoning
nful hat 1 had to carry it ensued and the finger
o a sling for
ome moothi
1 was says: ' y
1 was under the care of a well known doctor in Toro—motor several weeks. The wound got no bitter, and one day
he said my finger would have to be taken off. The pain from the wound was terrible and was extending right up
the um. I consulted another medical man am'. was treated by him for some weeks longer. the then suggested
end advised me to
um• Bilk which I
did. the bathed be
wound ndthe bone appli d Zem scraped.
uk as directed. Nexttmorn ng the woundrbegan to some bleed. It was a
did. I atli —y` Lo- r THIS lit(" C amu m+ul w +a.
health sign so I continued with the treatment, and in a weeks lean- {sue c' o
time Ir was able to discard the bandage. A little more /ai „-Bu it_ Toronto,.its+,r.
perseverence and Zam• Duk cured the wound completely."�� 'tarp snArecei.[
itch, .,tuna. runni;.g A a rmpl• h t•
i•�•SO� Carte curs, berm, cd.'a•+sr. i r{tr.F.. alt♦
ora. ciaylato n piles, bad leas, pee. wounfrom
S and all .►.ndi.ronts.o, - _ - _ -,
All drsaalets and storks, Ser., +w p.,.tpaid from Sam- rtuh Co., Toronto, _ . - --
Prevent Disorder.—At the !brad symp-
toms of internal disorder, i'armelee s
Vegetable fills should be resorted to
immediately. Two or three cif these
salutary pellets, taken before gr,ing to
ted, followed by doses et ono cr two
pills for two or three nights in succes-
sion, wilt serve as a preventive of at-
tacks of dyspepsia and all the discom-
forts which follow ,n the train of that
k li disorder. 'rhe means are simple
when the way is known.
Just after last y'ear's Sim Francisco
earthquake a large new vol'anic island
nppearcd 1n the Behring Sea. it Ls
kr.own as Bogosloff No. 3, for Iwo si-
milar islands have prevlottSly risen and
dlssappeared in the sante locality.
Itch, Mange, Prairie Scratches and
every form of contagious itch to human
or animals cured In 30 minutes by Wol•
ferd'a Sanitary Lotion. It never tails.
Sold by all druggists.
Chi "internetiennl i.:niited,' the pre -
neer trainof Canada, is indor.•ed by
everybody who has ever had the experi-
ence of riding on it. It leaves Montreal
atat 9.00 ern. every day in the year,
riving at Toronto tit 4.30 p.m., Ilam-
troit5,30 p.m., London 7.48 p.
troll 10.00 p.m., and Chicago 7.42 a.m.,
knowing morning. It is a sold vesli-
bub trail—moctctn equipment through -
outwith Pullman sleeping cora
through to Chicago; also Cafe Parlor
and I.ibrary car service. Have the ex-
perience on your next trip nest.
Sunday School 'reacher--' 1t your
enemy Fhnttld Emile you on one cheek,
what wotiki you do? Tommy 'I'uffnut--
"Dat would depend on how big he was."
These two deatrnbte qunlifeatinne,
pletirant to the taste and alt the same
time effectual. are to be found in Mo-
ther Graves' Worm Exterminator. Chil-
dren lice it.
in a little town a few years age there
was a shiftless colored boy
Ransom Blake, who,
lfiner being£ ca ohts
in a number et p' y i
nt last sentenced to a short term in the
pinita•nhary, where he was sent to learn
a trade. On 11te day et his return
home he met a friendly white acquttiut-
ance. who asked:
"Well. what did they put you at In
the prison. !tense?'
"Dey started in to make an honest
boy out'n me. mitt."
'Theis good, FlanS4', and 1 hope they
hey did, Fah."
"And how did they ter.ch you to be
"Dey done put me in the Mose shop.
sat. nailln' pasteboard outer &bees fo
soles, sah."
o0atilBa i «an"
Write is ss Oast Witt.
=MN WOW STO0141 SS, Sea 10. MsaareM
Se hest from owner haring
et pal., P.• psrtlestst sliest loealNa-
1esss stye pies sae 4e•ertNloe, sad no-
ses lot •Is,• whas Moeertea sea
Oe tad. wwdeal with owsirs may. T
L Dsrbyeklrs, loos Nal, Deep atee. g
The earth Ls S'-; tittles heavier than a
g:obe of nater of the same size would {I
It is an Officer of the Law tit Ileallh.—
\When called in to attend a disturbance
it searches out the hiding -place of pain.
and like a guardian of the peace, lays
hands upon it and says, "1 arr"st )ou:
Ilesi,tanee is melees, es the law of
health imposes a sentence of pi t'p etunl
tan(slunent on pain, and Dr. Thomas'
Ilelectric Oil was originated to enforce
that sentence.
A vessel's tonnage le found thus: NMI -
linty the inside length of the keel in feet
ty the length of the midship beats, end
that result by the depth. Divide the pro-
duct 1.y 94.
TAM) fYear*
tItching, Blind. Blooding or Prosodies
pl1N in a so tC days or m iner refunds Ioo-
daughters are all mnrrird
" qty
Twenty years ago there were in the
(?niteil Kingdom 2,362,000 persons em-
p'e yed in ngricullure. 1'o -day the num-
ber bus fallen to 2,109,000.
Years (1. tober to afar !'olds are the meet fro.
pens canoe of Hnadacb•. LAXATIVE IIRObtO
QUININE removes oxen,. R. W. Wore os bus tae
Every time we he:,r n man abused
behind his back It reinai•is uv if the
taco that we all catch ,t ',stet IS are
riot present.
ag Lddigestion. the A noriaac tonic thereby f
ratieuto re, o' '-t inY from fevers and all
o x RAI
without es tival !t Ali' r
all drugarr,11
eral stores.
There are thrice who nhrn they herr
C,r.briel blot Ing his hem a ill want to
Mow what he grts a day for doing
\\'hrn all other corn preparations fall -
try llollowfl) s Corn (:um• No path
whatever, and no inconvenience in us-
ing it.
Emir Hundred Took Possession of
Steamship Bramble.
new." Fuppstl. a s , you lied considerntle difll-
01111y in getting to Inrge; a number of
gals oft your lintels?"
"No. The dlficulty i. In keeping 74
large a number of hushancis on their
'Whenever Ramsay's Pain's tirenpplird
to any house to town, tint house Im-
nnedtately crimes Into prominence to
style and beauty. T1:es4, paints are solo%
by your dealer. and tea price is just
right for good honest patnte. Ask k?
ate Color Card. \\ri a Anka et Son Co„ Montreal ter 1'
venir Picture Past Cents of Hanes.
in three years the progeny of 8 pair
01 rats ncmter 1,000.
?Li':ASE nrAR 114 MND ft atbwi
la called • Orin dieters may
gmptom of DOA blond. In that else ,
weaver's supplemented *eternally
fD Wearer's
�t,outd M supplemented
upon. tlatsa e•IIy,
A new
Black sensatiom
A real
The big
Toronto and Montreal
Toronto sad Mistreat
Bankers and Brokers
Transact a general financial bust -
nese. Stocks 1•e i:ght and Fuld kr
cash or margin on ail cxchangee.
Orders Voir (' t rash. ks execut-
Correependrnts -New Y' rte, Bus•
ton, 1'h.lad+•:Lte a, Mlentreal.
',(,crated four hundred of the six hun-
drrd from the large Inge.
Thiry scampered alit ut the decks et
the vessel, chattering wildly, ger tee
ditys there WAS no rest among (10 of-
Nyou want we I,nundd then.pp 11s Mara
all, acan nufor
a all a LWrID
complete or hull , largest
only, sad you
ran instal your i 0E1100
corn motor.
Whets yon boy a
; Canoe ek1R or
Launch sea that
it loan also
Skiff or
for the
eras us.
and Skiff
In Canada•
stamp of
The Peterborough Canes Co'y
brandy, and putting It In pans p;uct3
it about the decks.
All bands disappeared. Attracted ip
tie sweet odor from the pens, the pig-
tailed lender descended. followed by the
others. Cttutter:ng and screccttmg, they
dcveured the brandy anti nrelosscs.
Soon there were four hundred monkeys
ttaggrring. This ended the trouble, toe
just as soon 6.1 any showed signs of
stupor the animals were picked up and
placed in the cage. Lint* Is a p
• r Use Shiloh's Curr
firers or crew. Pamirs of the monkeys. 6hiloh Stet the worst cuW,J
Ind ch hefty by a crafty simian, enc+vvn I thcsharpest cough
as the pigtail monkey• frequenter rush -
id down on the decks. picked up a bi -
laying pin nr other handy object, and
quickly climbed back up the rigging.
Then, when an officer er member of
the crew wniked acmes the derkr. the
animals would let fly their belaying
pins er other missile:'.
teething could be dem. 10 round rip
the mutinous animal,. Al brut. as the
ship was being sawed 'its the river (hi.4
morning the captain decided on heroic
rnensuree• !le tone a large quantity of
ntOlaoses. mixed :t with tarts quarts of
Four hundrnl drlini;en monkeys.
staggering about the decks of the Brit.
brat steamer Iiratuifes, which arriv03
at Philadelphia recently from Calcut-
ta. served to banish ennui from the
lives of the ollicers and crew on a dual
Sunday al sen.
The condition of the animate w•ns the
result of petpbaboon. whihree c
h has beeago n
Lizzie, a p
Memel the Braunfels .ftwo retire.
;v dentiy 'empathizingwfhhe lot
the several hundreds memb'n of her
inmily, Lizzie, who had the freed, to of
the t'esiel, made her nay c t� ce r decke
where the monkeys
try it on agw'r-
a n t e eot oflute
money back
doesn't aci'tl5ar
than anything you
ever tried. Sate to
take.-- nothing in
and ,olds it to butt even a
baby 34 years of
QUICKLY success commend A
Shiloh's Cute—
Zres. fine-. 11 Sei
Thera /a only One
Bromo QuInIflO"
That la
Laxative Bromo Quinine
Always remember the full name. Look
tot this slgoatratrr en every bos. lSr.