HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-05-07, Page 5Special Values in THE EXETER TIMES, MAY ;ti11908 Spring Goods at. l Zwicker's, Crediton We have just received several consignments of Spring Goods and r offer special values in Linoleums, Carpets, Wall Papers and Tapestry Squares All sizes Lace Curtains=From 5o cents to $5.00 per pair, We have the best selection of Lace Curtains WC have ever shown and never better values than this season. Our Dress Goods.'" all the) latest shades in Eolines, Poplins --•�. Chiffon, Panama Cloths, Venerian, Tweed Millenary Department -Do not fail to visit our Millinery Department under the management of Miss Armstrong. tVe are showing the very latest and up- to-date millinery at very close prices. We have a splendid stock cf the W. E. Sanford Ready Made Cloth- ing, Considered to be the best line made in Canada. We have just opened another lot of Dinner Setts, beautiful patterns from the best makers. Our stock of Groceries is always fresh and of the best duality Butter, Eggs and Apples and all Farm Produce taken in exchange A Call Solicited CHAS. ZWICKER ••••••♦••♦♦♦••♦•••♦♦♦♦•♦••♦♦♦•••♦♦♦♦•♦♦••••••♦••♦♦♦• " Ari Appeal to COiiliri�n Sei-ie! For one suffering from indigestion, Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Pal- pitation, Flatulence, Headache, I3iliousness, Sorer Stomach, Etc,, there can be only one natural course to pursue, namely:— First: Stre: gthening the Stomach, making it take out of food it the valuable properties which go to build up the body. il Second: The correct, Working of liver and bowels to carry • awa • the useless properties and waste (natter. 'vy il• this is the designed purpose of •• ♦ ' • ♦ • • • • • • • National Dyspepsia Tablets • This treatment is complete. '1'he larger tablets act on the store- • R ach and digestive organs, the small tablets on the liver and bowels, ♦ • • Both kinds of 'Tablets in each box. also complete directions, •• ,• Price per Box, 5o cts., 6 for $2.50 • JOE No AlI McCue's Drug Store, Crediton. •• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••♦••••♦••••••♦••♦.i YOUR SUI MEW. —Will look better --Will fit better —Will feel better —Will wear better If you get it at J. H. Ifoltzrnann's. We are %.ery busy but not to() busy to show you our swell Sttitings and f)vercoatings and take your order fur a Suit or Overcoat, if yo,t can come here to- morrow do so, and make a selection early. If you can't cotne to- morrow conte as soon as you can. and we will do our best to get your Suit or Coat made promptly. J. H. HOLTZMANN, CREDITON The Sick Made Well Without Medicine I'recieus Life and Health can be saved by this New Met hod All Sickness is alike to Oxydonor It applies to all cases, 1)0 matter what the form of disease may be. 1t re- vitalizes the human body with OXYGEN from the air, OX YUEN is a vital Necessity—the greatest necessity life knows. You can apply OX ' DONOR at home while you rest or sleep. No loss of time from your work or business. It is easily applied, safe and always ready for use. lis force neyer exhausts. It will serve the family, children Tis well as adults. \\'rite for !'REE I1()01i No, 1)2 to Dr, N. Sanche & Co. acct St, ('M herine St. West, 1Iontre•al, (1ne. Canadian Hair Restorer I Whalen Dir. ;and Mre. George 11illson t‘.•re the guests of M r. Georg.• Split- s on Sunday. Mr. Ell. 'Williamson, nt aroundof('.•nt retie. visited 'w illi friends here on Sunday. •a number from her.' ?attended s"I•vic,, at. \\'oodhatn Sundry esening. , Sacrament still he eiwc•ta in 11114 church next Sunlay, A meeting of the ronxr,4gation will be held no, 1'1idey evming tot orsarrt- ize .an Epworth f.e.•igue. Mr. Wm. Morley was a visitor nt 1Ve,ley in London township, i.. A. Tropes.Winter.:tfontana. Dfy •hair .1r, Nee Ion Mill=ern left Wednest- t And whiskers restored to natural cul,,,. dark Clay 1:e t for his ilex vitt, t total fn 8t. brown, by using CAIiiidian !WC Ile -toner, \large• M. f]tnm, i er•Rcc.cwiite• Ont. Canadian Hair Mr. and lir.. 1^1 trick 11 it oil 1 (Ire Ite-t°reristhe best Ihavoever u•ed. t'ici:ina 'wi111 friends in It -iron.: end John 0. iiall, New Aberdeen. Cep., Preto,. oI her place,, ('anadiati flair itr.torrr has worked wonders.Mr. :t to! d rt. .101111 Ili:(l.: ane lia- My head it nearly till cowered with thick ) igro wth black hair, original color. 1 itr11 frleeds ret tiratnton on Sunray. S.4,1 1,)• 311 wholesale ,incl rctnll druggists. M r. TenM3s Sheche n to t,o 'wax hi r- Mni1.s1 t.) All' lutdnws in the riwillx..d'world rel "Tier t) , ry • Ott reee•it4 of price, toe. Mlanutnctiirrci b t s 1 t h� home 0f til a rt i'l ityan Trane WE1WIr co., \i'(ndsor, Ont., Canada. I ,?ori ilospi ast w erg hags been taken to t tc Lon. in Exeter by W. R. Cole, \\'.1 fl. buttes- and .1. W. Browning;, !)rut•-' A man's wife °boom aliw.acs be gist...4 the same caper) illy to her husband, 1 but If slit is we tk ani nervous, and uses Carter's Item i'rlls. she eiannot Lax.cts 5 c sweet 10 1J. for :tier make Iter "feel likrt R �Ittlttlt�Ml1l�Lt[li different f)er?ori," no they nil say and their husbands Gay so t00. Will restore gray hair to its natural color. (tops falling hair causes to grow on bald heads. Cures dandruff, itching, RCA Ip di=ens cs. fly its use thin hair grows luxuriant' Contains no oily or greasy ingrrdi, tai Is entirely unlike any other hair prep.ai,►• • tlor ever offered for tulle. A good, reliable C'anadi:an preparation. tnnollellyd Testimonial*. ti Edith A. Rorke, fi.aonnry If. M. ('hureh •�� einem, 1:;;) Int, awl friend.., great ly pleased ▪ with results after too years' using Setter Cookies, t;ry !Ipa4 pt crate f .g d ev �'. ea $ p� g it. ". _ 09-4481.4"" car betye use: to Vdanl a h t Ote • It Flatly proves the vor o st��r 'cve, awes, 1',d i , Wt I. ek., &ad4s9 . s 41r t » shln$ va! -, ec*oaucal %9 10 4et ii Is SO ib41 Pb. bottle, • so Creditoa I Our tennis club is getting the lawn Iin shape and exeeet to ,c-0mm,nnac* playing 'shortly. Mr. William Siebert and family of 1 , A bowling club was or;atiizeil bora last wc+ek with the following offi- cers. 'lion. fres., II. Felber. :M' I'. P.; President, S. Brown : Vic' -Pr, Chas. Zwicker ; ySecy.-1'reas. C. taut'' ; Couttnittee. W. 11. .Tatu,�if, Dr. I11cCue, W. 11. \\"Qnteel, IJ. 1,. Eilber and 1), Sneeitzer. Messrs. .1 Brown and Dr. 'McCue 'vete upl,oir,t ell a committee to select the ground. The committee has looked tit a num- ber 'of Lilac -es. but tile 101 1st fhe rear of Thos. Trevt'tliick's carriage S1101/ I Dashwood and J. Teeter ams family, of Zurich, visited at L. Brown's last 'uaiday. The pupils of our public school made goof{ use of Arbor ,pay from t 14 oldest to the %08t),est, all were seen wending their way to school with rakes, hoe4, vie. ana the school yard • "pm. presents a very neat ap- '?Rev. U. l'iukbein.'r. 'vIto has been stationed at licksbury ret ithe Conference held Teattitly nt St, Ja- 1 seems to be the Most si)it ablo and ar- cob'.i, 'will occupy t he pulpit (n the 1 rangenlents care h,'ine made to s.'cur( Zion lEvangc•lica1 Church. Sunday t he same. Morning next. 1110 CELEBRATION -- The c•oul- 'Mr. T. 'Brock spent Sunday in Exe- rnittees in charge of our celebration ter with his parents. rico arranging for a big days sports. Mr. Lonzo llodgins has erected nn There will he to good game of hall as up -to -chats fence. Young pros. did well as other ainusewents. There t he work. twill he a trades and calit hun)pian Gardening is the order of the day. procession in the rnornin ► ved Mr. and /Mrs. Bob llaylock and by a good program of sportso1111tthe family left for house this twoek. f afternoon. '1'lhe ('tedit.on Band has Mr. () Wol f 1 Sunda • t Dashwood� Siebert..:............�.,. Sr Co. 1.11)1 .MU 1 1 I•.1. NUPTIALS A luaint but fashionable wedding took place in Hickson, April (29th inst. at nix o'clock at the hon,^_o the brid(., when Alulin8 blot t,e . for- merly of Dashwood, was un:, ,f in marriage to Charles A. Eidt., a; -o of 1):ishlvoorl. Thi ceremony 1, •in, per- formed by ale v. It. A. 1:if,�rt, pas- tor of she Lin l.eran a 'trot' in 'Tavi- stock. '1'o the ,.t rains of Lohengrin's wedding m'ar'ch played by Miss 'Emma 1•.,dt sister of the groom; 't1 bridal 1� )r•ty took their - t it place under nn I AIM Special Values For This Month 6 only Men's Raincoats, ;'tlrrie'� make, regular $to) for $5 to only Ladies dress til. ;: is .. . 2 , 1 niece red table Damask `�•., oft ref;►' ar price Ladies Planer lace co .. • ... • ' ic)h �t r yard collars reg. .. � for . 20C Ladies Ladies 20 for I ad 15 for Canr)ccl Corn are s Tillsons Premium Cats . , .. , ••..10c • erected in Ilia parlor, it heir'(; d�cor- ll .: tot' 25c °ted With white ribbon entWmod with .. ....25e epalms. gin, banked with ferns and JUST TO HAND palms. 1'hebride was beautifully gowned in an Oriental lace robs net ' cd over 'white taffeta with rc• Lace Curtains, TapestryCarpets, Union net veil fastened with :white lilacs. on anti eners•ing n to lett of halite Carpets, LinoleUms, Oil Cloths carnations and fins lied iota, 41in streamers, tI►,. oniy atton- clance being 'the bride's sist.kr t\1t,ts All to f x up your homes. (.aura 'Holier, hvho acted as Maid of I If you would not be sorry see our millinery before honor, dressed in 'white organdi,• j you make. at'irh pink sash and carried .a bon- your l,tirchare of head dress. )uct of p;elk carnations incl ferns. Af- tercongratulations t he bridal p.triy Siebertt,artook of a sumptuous beading dill_ if& Co tier 'which was awaiting thc'tu in i/ the dining room., it txtirt; decorated'IIartlett� Nock. ll:DSII«10OD, %vitt' white and pink carnations. The 1 presents received were both nu- merous and cosily. Mr. ;tree! Mrs. Eidt left the following niornine for their iiciv ?tome in Linwood ,whore Mr. Eidt has .t position as head ►nn- '•er in his fanner', mil: recently. pur- chased in 'that place. The bride's travailing suit Was a military blue chiffon broad cloth with embroidered vitiate, waist end a white point de esprit het trimmer; With plumes and ecial Spring Sale Now is the time to buy your Wash t;oo(1s for Spring and Summer. Pont will find our stock complete in all line's of 1luslins and Ginghoms in plain, checked and fancy striped. Also Dimities, Linens. Dress Ducks, etc. Prices els low as the lowest. Dashwood. t s �^nt• .) t'• been engaged for the day. and the 1 Builrose,. \\ c ►ll }',in in waist ::,_r \Ve are offering special value in La- spoi•1s for the May:..,th will he well Ire voting couple every success 't dies; \Vhitr. Wear of all kinds. l'nrlr,r- 1Ir. Fred Wuerth has his retie busy 'worth toning miles to see, sowing flax. :When completed he life cart have in store. dies Gowns, ('onset Covers, Ladies Vests, Drawers, White 'Waists, Melts. i 1m. 11 have 1350 acres sowed. Clandeboye, 'Mr. Thos. Klumpp is spending pt few days with his parents. Mr. E. Cuentigrier spent Sunday tis the 'guest of Mr. John lelunpp, tSar- etita. The Crediton band• is down lo prac- tice. Sucoets boys 1 Mr. Clarence Kellermann, of 1)ash- )� cod, 'spent Sunday in. Crediton,. This ;town is a great place for at- tractions. 1Va tch out boys! Leap r. Aa Cunningham ',Inn, Sunday In The following ground ready fl.W c, kc. lIEDITON S(%IIOVI, )ct?I'lOK'1' Our flax (nen are busy ge`ttiti, t h. Is the report of the C for at x. Consid 'r:, l,l , school for Aor'il, .haSed 011n test ('x_ has been sown already. amination. �attoes of those whoMr. 'It. G. Dunlop, of She Farmer's bank ti st ted friends nos iu 1lensa)1 overobtained over GO per cent. ofthe io-5tnday,tat withpercentages. ll1V, III. A base ball club was organized here br. IV --L. tGai er 1)5..1'. '1'rsitz; c•1flest 'week with the following off, - A, hinkbeinrr elijs T. Fathn ;r fir, t1, er rs 1lon. 1?yeti J1.(. Geo. 1:,•llerwann ; Wuert.h 75, 'It. Andrews 77, E. A p - I rE s. I:e{. Stttixrt : Ver•.• I'ri's. hl. pleton 68, 11. ,11angtius 66. i�adiFer Fee. Treas. W. C. !�Iill,'r Jr. IV -1.i Moot;ins 65, M. 'Wenzel CaPr`'tin S. Adams. 1\'c 'wish the club .65. 'B. 'Redden 63, N. Hill 60. every success and no doubt they will h r r,., become experts at the gamd IX' fore Boltzmann 75, F. Hill 7•-, I1 the season is ov,�r. Dir. 'Turnbull, Vice -President of 1 h,► Canada Flax Filter Co., of ;Montreal; was here last week looking :,fter : h�' interests of the Company. I11. Sr.—L. Ocst.rcie 7Q U. V. Mr. I1. Clark of The 'Royal Hotel ► . Holtz - has made some needed improveineit;s mann 75, T. Brown 6Fe E. Illuett 66. inside of itis house, and iia:t now an E. U,tist 61. M. Brown 60, E. F °haler up-to-date hotel its every particular, has also 'nlade a good c:t c t le yard for the convenience of t }_ ; farmo.rs in this section. The brick and tilt yards have start- ed for the season's work. 'Mr. Chas. Kerr caught a number of fine pike on Saturday. 'Mr. Joe Wein spe.ar3d 61 suckers in the oreek west of the town. '\V1ho oan beat that? The farmers „ire busy drawing 'tile these days :'ltd are through seedin; in this section. A bus loan attended the convention a't Ilensall Tuesday. Mr. Dan McIetiac has started to work for our genual blacksmith 'Mr. 60. Miss Da vilson, Teacher. DIV. 11. Jr. 11[--C. 11i1l 83. F. .hill fie, 0. Gibson 80, Fig Wein 80; E. Pe,1v r 71, M. Clarke 70. E. ICier'zt 661, 0. Bene- dict dict 63, (). Mot z 63. V. 1llotz 62, R. King 61. H. Brown GO. :Sr. II—E. Treitz 85, 1,. ,Wein r; 75. '0. Guenther 117, '11. English 74t 11.. Shenk 6-1, A. lledden 61. A. Satnbrooi, Gl. Sr. Pi. IJ.—I,. Gtionther 73, :N. Sambrook 70, I,. McMurray 70, il:. \\ ulfe 67. V. Felber 61 .Boss Girsin, Teacher. DIV. I. on Bodgin.. Jr. 11.—C, Ocatreoicher 71, lt, leir,ti A regular tncctin3 of the council et. , was held on Monday last. l J)'. I I.111._d.Lalulnor t t?0, l:. Stwellzer c 7 it, 'L. 1;, •ut 75, 1,, Ilaist i;. 'Messrs. Mi: telholtz and Nicholson E. Ifeddele 61. ii. Lawsoe 60. have started their butcher wagon this week for the season. Miss iii :azi: Teacher. Mr. John Deichert, of Zurich. call- -_ ed on friends in tho village on Friday { d � El T O R. T -Ol The branch of the hank of Corn- gas u. the ION) You Hare Always Bou+ it merce has added a new stationery cabinet, which' is a great rotiven- 8i8aatare iencc, of Our base ball te_•trn has been or- ganized, with Mr. C. 'Illuett, as twins ager, Dr. Meet's, Capt. 831(2 A Kuhn treas. The boys are talking of get- ting new suits for this scasul( 'l'li:'v Like to Try Psyclthie A full range of Black. White and Tan hosiery. Call early and secure white your i tc and tan hose as they are in great dentatcd and likely to be scarce later on in the season. Special bargains in Sateen printf, while they lust. Regular 20c and 25c the yard r c 3'atr•tl. A nice rafonge11)of long gloves in black and white in Silk, Lisle 'retread and Lace from 25c a pair upwards. MILLINERY Don't forget that we have a fit st- class Dlilliner in connection with our store in the 110:80n of MISS Kerr, who is capable of satisfying you in all your requirements in her line. Our Millin - 'Mr. Alf Zirnrner,•.), IIo has beets alt- cry s71nE''V rind rep -to date its tending business college in Stratford a11 the latesttockis s11tyles. Prices is home for a few weeks• suit youthat will Mir, and •Mrs. House. of Deli -oils \ye ha,ve just opened out a lot of ,ter at present stopping in our village new I•'loor Rugs in all patterns ,end keeping house for Mi. Isaac Minor. sizes in the very latest designs and 'Miss Minnie llartur]g, of Zurich', coloe.ngs, Do not fail to see those who has teen visiting friends here rugs before making for the past few (lays has returned your w prices. A home. full range of carpets at low prices. Mr. It. 0. McLendon, a former CHINA, CROCKERY, GLASSWA1t1, + enclny; I' 1 teacher, now of Gorl:-'rich, is visittiig Just to hand the finest line of Toilet , A full line of Fresh groceries con - Setts, in 'town. Sett°. !)inner Setts, Setts. , 'Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Siebert. visit- hown in Dashneer wood r d at fer Setts, ever ( stantly on hand. Matches, regular ed friends in Crediton on ►Senores. will suit you. We purchased a large ; '20e. Nralrnon 2 for '25c, prices that I:ic for lilt. Prunes :ill) packages for Miss Emma C,zllt,•ts who had been line of those goods at a special Corn and st,s'nding :the past few w•'oks ret lr.'.r and we are giving you the benefit priceof Catsup 2.' cans for Raisins 10c k hums here )r,�turnrd to London •ih;s R v g �large bottles week. the sante. (,,x11 early, p g. Our prices are right Miss Mary McDonald, of Kliiv:�, visited over 'Sunday with 'Miss Sa Tar t: Mcisaac. 'Mr. and Hers. Chas. Fritz. of Zurich visited over Sunday at 1 be !home of , AI)'. ,nnrl t\ins. J. Iic.11crrn:ttttl. Corner Store, JI r. rend Mrs, Win. Kuittz..,of Exr•- I%ASHWODU ter, visited 111, former's brot I r .101, 11. on the: 141h, `Sunday. "— DA,S1IWU0D PUBLIC SCHOOL IRE- !'ORI' FOIL APRIL. MEN'S FU'RNISIIINGS Our stock is now complete in Men's Stitt' Hats, We have the new smart shapes for (]ren. young teen and smart boys. Also n full r.114.a' of Fedora Hats. Fancy Shirts, Collars, Ties, Fancy v Q pi I1�e, . t Braces, and everything to '(mike you look nett and smart. All the latest. ORDERED CLOTHING A SPECIAJ.T1' Do not fail to see our large range of new Summer $uiting>s in all styles and patterns ill browns, greys, navy,black etc. at lots prices. SIIOESI SII()1:�! SIiUESI All the latest styles In footwear in Patent Leather, Taus, Chocolates, Blucher Cuts arra Oxfords. Remem- ber that these are not t lie cheap kind that will not wear, but these shoes are the good kind at cheap prices and guaranteed to wear. Our prices are lower than the lowest. HARDWARE Complete line of Spades. Shovels, Forks, !Rope, faints, Varnishes, 0119 of all kinds, Nails Glass, Coil Spring 13at'h Wire, also Ideal Vire rice as ow as the lowest, Call and take a look through our stock before purchasing. Market Prices for Farm PI'O(lilce. TIEMAN & EDI V have commenced i)raetic,' an<l will b• i I "Please sent? me a bottle _. Gra in good shape for the 25th. firs. 'Itratz and daughter of Park- hill. spent a few days With Mr, and Mrs. Chas.. %wicker, Messrs. 'IJ, Eilber and E. Palmi.'. spent Sunday 111 Exeter. J MRS. 11. STEPHENS. Mrs. (Rev., Andrews met with a Arthur, Ont., July 14, 1907. very painful :ac6dcn1 last .Wednes- day while visiii•) _' her dauuhter, Mrs.' Psychiao cures when doctors fail. .1. W. Boyce at Itusae11'bale In sores Many are sorry they did not try sway the barn door blew opeti. knock- Psychlne first. Throat, lung and ing Mrs. Andreas down' and bretkin t stomach troubles yield to its curativo her ankle. She will be hid .114 for pow'r. At ail druggists, 50e and $1.00, or some time'. Dr. '1'. A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto. e)(rut us's, and have been advised t tri to try your medicine by our family til'(' doctor, as he says he cannot do any. lI thing more for my child." 111 DIVISION 111. •—V. 01 ayl)ic•1, 1', \\'1ltc'it ' it. yhis•1, L. Iiellerrnartn, N. 1:,'hier- 1i,. 1V.—C. Schroeder, J. Guen- A. llaart-leib, 1., Go -t ,, C. G 1i - :,t. Eldora', 11. .Snell, P,, ;Vor,'nz, :raay heel, 'el. Mclsaac, %V, Musser, :°riser, 0, Callfatn, Y. Siebert.., .—L. Guenther, E. Guenther. V. 111ukenshirc, G. Goetzb W. Pfaff, L. Siebert, Elia Wilbert, E. Nceb. 7.. )tire, M. 'Ehlers, A. Tiernan, 0, Ilelt. Utah ,11', Shore. T :tell, r, DIVISIO\ 11. Jr. 111.-1'. 'Clew:in, U, Uuffn]•rtl, L. Schroeder, J. ltoutledg,•, E. 'lc•Isaac II, Schroeder. Jr, 11.--11, Schroy L. Strinhagc•ri, '1'. Me d• r plan. laid. IL—1,. 111, _ M. Hoff- lett, W. Miller. 1. 'Wambold. Sr. 1't, II. --F, Vince'', A. Schroeder, V. Mer- 110 .�u, on toll 44 ; daily 11veriwi', :IL M. V, Carling. 'Teacher. DIVlSlot 1. 8r. ll, --la. 'lithe. A. t4chroe(1 •t•. li. gent' ncr, C. \1'1-iberg. \1 . Zimmer. I have a large stock of' et Vincent, L. I:dighoff, c. L. lCcl• ARK let -mann. BRAND PAINTS Jr. 11.-.1;, c(;c'nl.trlrr, Hilda Hchroed- th U. Lavi_c, V. (:oSsulatnr]. ilI.i (;en- The best paint in the market to -(lay, which I area selling at Geu- ther, E. Scl;roc,l,N, A. lic)ch. � Sr. L't. ii.—L. Schumacher. 11.1 coat t(► 1•!'(illce rely sto'k, Sehttrnacler, T. %inline(• 1,. Schroed- Having purchased the hardware stock of r. e rW. AT Jr. Pt. IL ---G. Go«r„ Gra. 11. \,';;_ Leigh, I an offering it at greatly reduced !)rices. Ii' you are 1ert \\', bieb.'rti M. l:;nl;,•:, needing anything 11) this Title it will )� ..foal Koch, Ji, 0 verage• 4 pay y' you to call early in ti roil 45 ; rl:tily :► veragc. '. order to secure the best bargain. %V, '11. CarJj,i , 'react:^r. !'ears Bad L('g healed I3 Zam-Balk. 0141Aiiio END OFFICIAL mirtnIWm FLOUR 4'OC II1' ti 0 LABEL This is the mark of a BLENDED FLOUR -- the best Bread, Cake and Pastry Flour -- the best all round flour in the world. Just try it once, 1.o),0,; for this trademark on every ba or barrel you bu v. All fide Blended Flours -- Inillctl of Ontar-iti hall and N1 initoba Spring \(heats— have it. "A-f11de in f)utari, „ 7 i PORTANT A good crop of Field Foots is a scource of profit to ever y grower. Unless good seeds are used the labor is in vain and disappointment the reward. It is therefore of first, llllportance to s(' - cure the best known seeds. We have them. B. W. F. BEAVERS, Farquhar aints Paints Paints No. o Hine Ir. (:rock, "About corrin]er 1►y (1 rt) went 01 ings We leg end of ever r+•• •they are symptoms only n roving it healed. in fact t Nervesicttne►s—nc,thingr•la.., W. MOORE - gIRgTON I II t'. .ioltn.ote of Popular Hill! LAthahasc:a Laridin¢. Alt.. sys: nine years ago n rennin.: Fora iced tri tiiy right les calls •d 1 {►tured blood vessel. As tin. I it got worse and my stifle,' Ptemarl, trnnt'1.• uta symptom (.f. and nni rt into neo. 1 hid n very corp. In itMlr a trip, di-e1aa,•. 't•e tl,h,k ul 1) . esilon Heartburn. and 1rotigegion a+ r.•al thio t•^Dt+u, ped, and hid very 1am�11 ho Ft' f a ceratin specific tt eo told by 8evc•ral who ,lad known. fff It was thls hut that first ..orrectls lett Dr sheet) such scores that 1'would'uffer will, it. dor life. When I was almost it. rlestttir 1 heard of '/,am-11uk and com- menced using it. Other R ir,'s i 1,111 used coust'11 trot much s,rft• ,,nx, Litt Zem-link soothed the pain, and !though i� appeared for morn](' time• to he tloi'� no •xood yet 1 r,rscrvetl ,nil ns Sewn as the 'wound ls'catn•ti clean, it was only a matter of t lire or tour days before it was heel,e,l.- Zim-nnk cures tett!. bnrni. ;'imp - 1••s, • lcet a. rineworms. itch, piles. I nnninrt ';ort8, flood {poi.on, 1 :1(1 all slain 4ii..• is's. All tttor- s and brug- uist,. agile. 1,oX. or from Zara -Bak Coe Toronto, ay., Tr. !lithe creation of that wog very` stomach tact) AnDular. tnmach ltt9rnedy—Lr. 'hoop's ke'toratira. (4)1n4 direct to l and fav rntotDr. Shoop. anald his lief' retire. Withht that h.. out that e•,iginal and highly wttr.l r•rinc•iple. no such laPting ace c,trpliahtn,.nt. tree., r, ;. r to t•e had. For stoma( h (1i771ea!, bloating, biliousness. bad breath and sallow complexion, try Pr. kilo%.) Reetorrative•-Tabh is er Liquid--t►nd fee for your. Pelf what 1t ran Mid Iii:l do. We tell and ct-eer• hulls reco)r,tnend T. Shoop's Restorativel X 'd Y;aHila Alfra s BQttt Ban tb. 8.gnatare �� ShipkA legs 1•:It'1 (Link. of Dashwood‘ 1►al! r,ca.r•,I at John 1) itorich's as main. Mo -t of • t.- farmer° urn' through •.lin^_. `Ir. Hawkey. of Perkin)), was Leo week on buten sa Terns are 'busy- l, -:aline fund,''. for Mr. Thos. iLynch Mr. end Mrs. .Johan $'venter, of Crediton called et rho horni of Mr. Trent GIiscr. The Epworth 11' 71 m•_t 1.184 Tues- day e vt ning for )1, purpos,] of clect- inz officers for the ens)lins' year. TLS• following were e1•'cted. Prt,a. Mr, J. Robr'rleori: •lst. Vico dart111 Gai9,' 2nd. Vico Peart Keys: 8co'y. ;Mara Sweifset 1 Treas. Leah Finktfiri r. 0 'anist, Martha G:liF^r;)1rst.-0r7nn:-. -Martha F'roitzer. W. S. HOWEY. of CI 111111020 O A = ak .