HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-05-07, Page 3lass ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's rw Little Liver Pills. u . Must Boar Signuturo of Set Fac -Simile Wrapper Below. Tory assail and as easy Ur take as olio:. C,ri j.i1S!FOR DIZZINESS. F roOR R eTOuPIfouDs Iirfsg. RLIYEC. us. FON CONSTIPATION. MR SALLOW :KIN. FOR THECOMPLEA(ON /tea f aatrttjs,6L ",.s, Ma.1 IAT011. ttf Oa4 I �T resetaire,� CURE SICK HEADACHE. SNOWED CP ON TIIE STEPPE. Experiences of Minter Travellers o Siberian Railway. When winter sols in adventures b rail are frequent and the process o "roughing it' is trying. Offen trains are snowed up at tittle squalid stat:ons ue the ste•pprr, when the passengers can get nothing but black bread and ten. For r how A•e and 1 t for dn•. days. 11 3 depends en the authorities how long the ill starred travellers shall abide, tvriles a Loudon Standard correspondent. This year numerous trains were caught in the snow, almost buried there, and generally on the open steppe fifty or sixty miles from a lemon and a hun- dred mites from a beefstoak. The pas- aengers besought the station master, and others tohv r u e t Itcn1 du or t.line. 6 tt n n d tl a• e 1 !h e '1'h • ey even telegraph- ed to the Minister of Ways and Conlrnu- n e:diens. and received ds n Y s trances that the order would be given. 1l was gle- en-and disregarded. Story tolling and cart] playing In the flickering light of a candle •were the most serious occupations of the prison- er! en the steppe. in one case that calve under env knowledge "lie" and "she" met for the first time under these un- common conditions, fell in love over a srolsnge. a elate roll and a half n bol - l1•• of wine, which he happened to have and They merriest shortly after v.ar•tl. lime is a copy' of one of the tele- grams fre:m snowed up passengers tint were sent this season: "'Tis is the sec - end dny that we are kept by snow- drifts here in the lonely 'talion, Took - horn. In spite of the energelie tree - gram of rho Minister of Ways and Communications the malinger of the line hens token no emcnciotts measures. We tiro (kMH1e l to linger on here ter an in - LIFE IiREATER THAN DEATH All Else May Lost, Rut the Fullness and Beauty of Life Is Yet to Be, 'Sorrow not, as others which have no hope.' -I. 'flees. iv., 12. Earth swings around to tht. ,un Again; the flowers senile al us once more; the winter is past and gone; es surely u: the seasons have gone down into Ilse r teed grave so surely have They Come up again in newnc'ts of IIfc.:\nJ title hearts rasher to the glachtese of the resurrecti,.n of nature nod hope yet more clearly for the spr.Iglide of the soul's new year. Death drops a veil !hal we cannot lift. eVe ask what lies beyond, but none of all oto• friends return to an- swer us. Vel the silence of all the eel). furies has riot stilled our questionings. and eel; faith as deep and hope as strong as earth's earliest singers we look heycnd death's shadows and trust that there is light; wo` tench out the arms of love and believe that though we may not see their faces our affections reach them. The inquiry as to what may lie beyon.l the grave is not merely nn academie one; it affects most profoundly and tu•ne- tically this printout. The life the novo Iwo is a terrible mockery if it be all the lire for uh'ch we may look. Seen by itself every fife in many respects is an enigma and TIIF, FUTURE HOi.DS iTS KEY. Tho pulse of lifo beats too strong in us all to allow us to believe that these few days of preparation, this period of learning to live, tells all life's story, is the nim and sole purpose of all (his in- vesihne►rt of lime and tears. Are we to beJeve that life's en ding is in its Tc- g:nn.n s that infinite wisdom has or- dered such a universe to bring cut no more than this fragment of boing? The deeper we read into natures great book the more clearly is it seen to bo written That late reigns every- where, that nothing is without purpesse :and t rt ht l' ' o end, that chance and fate lana On part n , t 1 n the ordering of the larger movements of life. Then reading the significance of the orderly working of these laws we learn that, whatever e influen•'rd thee. prayer 1efe. From this time E.l'1't'.K5111: IRO! DEPOSITS. - -`-- ------ e fart,, after he has departed from 'NEWS OF THE MINES `tIci'Js' then/. thug are to think ofh1r1: always Dis oseiles of Peeper, toe in llusurseyedl i Pied' reptt•sentatee well the Felber, /n esters', nnine the.r pt Ut'tylb areNett Urletree henceforth to It u 11' .sole Soule lees of IIw great resource. cdCLAIMS Al A1.114 I' 1101 'VI D That your j. y may to nude full- rho x4unsum idea parts of New Ontario ' • ' Your Cold? The purl use in 141 41 God's plans for is griintxl from a Ireent feller of %Ir. ' {tI e�e r. n, Nap. Latrotc, a %veil -known pt'uy,ecl to The Ncrlh Huy Despatch. Mr, hose se has been proyl'''ting in the tri A AI(1\til:Y !1111 K. ' r nets nc ilk of the I'roudfoot base ii -- - :clout 106 1(111es west of the) toL'al) tY)l Ilan nn 014 Fellolt Gr.1 llees %%ith a 41y• The letter deals chiefly with l e • may think of their final cause. here Crocodile. +e comers', and g elniic wisdom and lore hi work. 'file nature and cher....lir of the ':,. \'.thong is lost; nothing strives in key ate not chengest by any I•:,,.. I1. urea; wrrllth et or gueF:atireryun plsaantk,xl. you go you hear the rams lea- Gales Property in Jautes 'township leu you know that them is soiling se !d - n,, Uisposcd of Coat of lrngcroue as a uolgln, e,l cold? Do you know that a 1I'.' tocte.l cold win in- 'fruuyourtaliun• turn into colonic Bronchitis, Pneumon he disgusting Catarrh and the r,oet deadly al is fIte slt'ike sit InIkin, wb.:c not taken all, the •• 11'hile Plague," Consumption. seriously by sonic, must be considered litany 4 life history would read different d- a acerous matter, as the insults ct last if, 0" the first apt,oaratle0 01 a cuubh.t! of eunuuer'a strike nett <lrsasl,url5 k the had been remedied with tc tamp eu far that u great many l;roi'rt•- :11 lies were Close) down tvllkIt 1,•) . not s:n<e re, mood „Ixrul:on•, whereas some ., 1 these at leu�l welled have !r�•!• co- .. meet 1u coutu,,ii devieopIncul wwk i rot for the g' t., : al period 4f ti,•J,rr,- a,un lint! 1t r 1r -utiles, tIl taco Hid , l .•bull ,. r, `.,.....14111 of the Globe. '1'119 1-t 114111(0 t.,• r :,...alit nil IISSOC;aki. Il rt - I . n113 !; st,,,I g enc:uli'.r boars, ;,red. ..t , ..t I., ii:.irg (14tioit43 has been „'r.' .•1 any ,, t,nll e( the beard, ,l t "' I•; .:1 repents; that the members a 1 t tie 1.:,111 tt'oul11 be inspired to ;Heel 1 Hat 11..114'1, .11 on adjustment that would I I• tier to bob Sides. This has been I cry' favorably commented upon in the i 41.11111, and it is 1IOIN1I sonrefh;ng 11'I • 1 c d: He fro 1:.,44.11 further labor trouble. 711 es.- n3 ,yste.n..1 in operution on r' 1•, !.. ' - e•1 propert, s, would help to cici:: ,.j. ;ire labor qui seise Under the lease „steal a I ;it li . f miners often j -in together, e is h:ug 1.r themselves and getting 75,pe. ciente. o1 file gross seduce eel the are alined and stripped. and the 1►ine owner getting 25 per cent 4I4•8 , which 111 the average ease s greater• than the profits aural by Ile mines Ihrtnselves, \Vitt, tt ntnnber of in;ulers working on their awn account they could work tiny number of hours they wish. er-; there need be no feietiun over the length of the w0; kiugelay in the urine. It is calculated that the I . ,properly a one with acreage', is large enough if lenses were c' urn work for nearly '.r..u, uolhing staters In vain; nether ilial he may rect:'0 All 11,, •i - t • ! the slurs in their c.;urses nor the child telly be taught hint in rapt., . 4 :' .. ;,,, in lis play do their petit without pins i little to what he is ac'CUst- . , ., '4 3 :.• Wise; n0 seed is sawn but for some' lie& in his wild suite. '1:..• !, ,' .i. • •I 1 fruitage; no buffering ('03(305 in naltll."$ ference to hien is that se , r,- r aures or 01(1' experience but for some i ret of victors Ii Its. ,.-:, •. 1 I�.1 _ \ strength and owcelrrea$ trot otherwise 1 1,•iwson. the Gullies \•, . . to bo had. the beerier t N• •.: ,; . i.:, And shall all this 1ifc of ours be nn I cl.8uce to welch 114 - excepton le this last; shall 1114'se days 1 relive wills and meet be 111 vain: shall experience ripen to he found them up 1• l;,0 ,i,,, , ,. brat no trail"},, shall wisdom uc par- sus pranks es they p;u3 lr r• , ner4vl for so .heel an enriching: shall,-tI•Cet. fine trick r.( ILt - ,t... • I pain he borne a11.1 no days ref power Every little while e. esse : rend pence follow; h;tll life be In ed and bees o'•cupied by hasps of 1;:' its lessons learned only when we are! seine of 111011 of the large ;.e, ; +i ready for the uext school, to hear the i Fad given us so much 10u1 '. ,.; ;nothing s-oi'es: "Thero is nothing be- I vier occasion. They were 8 hll t i , yond for roan." I mannerist at this pin^e. One ii,: • 1.,.• . 1 i:) which They had est.blisll<YI 1Lr;r 1 every only partially developed potter of writer twenty )'arils or more. whish we ore crnseious; every spark 'it \thine 1 ti as watching the anlicx of 1 t i1 ' tensely rntereeteig;. '(1(J) three c.... : r!h of IIIc Prc ,:, line. ileal• . r., :1'1• (o44r1R1,.1. 1: 1,4 -et, tie lar 4 o or • \1 1, +,. •.,„� I•, , ,. I , . 111,.,1 -1. t: i,1 hasu ' 1 414 (kilt.. 1 1" uu !n n. '. • ren, 1 •lett 1:i )•ll' I,1' f, 1 ,r,.. i north . 1 the I'retuttoc ,.:• •!•. h- rr r.peCal:,i iron ,'u(cr'et : ! , : 1;,r4 .ff. ' 1 tl,:� apparent 4, 4 ., .t ;!'t. \. 414 1.:,1e timber " t • ' „' .11.11 black s(,ruce. a ill :'r. :,+•,; Isis.. a small. sca•ubl•y '.shat, • ri.•. te• r 1114• iron range, h•:.w•;i l (! i. tele ale Iu be fount large tie is .•1 einbese rot: k, and r4eunelirnes ll;.•ril.•. Sipper sulphite is a very c.,nn;• n thing a veins of white queriz. in .ruses or .4(110 nice;. (alcile was not expected that mimes: therefore no (lecithin as paid le ibis whsle rock. which wits lippeset' 14. be qua'Iz. Silver, which closely eenneetrd sith coleus, suffer- .: die same tale, us placer gold and n were the only minerals the pros. ) ester woe k'oking for. Rut. Tlnlwith finding this. 1 tocn(ed three copper. ed rend silver properties twenty miler; lee 4:f the aforesaid iron prnperl•. to wall 11 rock. carrying RS h:gh �• t:n. .,tl incest to the Ion, indicates that there much In be done to uner,t•th Ibe pre- cut treasures Ihnt this apparently entry possesses." EVERY UNFULFILLED LONGING; q . r e•r s + . e ciMd els branches over the � r ambition to snake life worthy; every the 11 ► , 'K n oke) Iwo crocrxlilc attested natural longing for completeness cries, their heads just underneath. and re- mained stationary with their ugly' snouts slir•king up in the air. In ether coun- tries !hie is a common dodge of the croeo(liles to meets the mo►.kes-s witti- ly) reach. and 1 expected now t4, ser one or more of the noisy animals fall sic. 1'ms to the geig,'gtle-eyed monsters below, out against such a concept on. 'There is planted in us n passion for living that death cannot crush; even when its hand is upon us we. holt for more life end pass into the darkness believing we step toward the dawn. There is not a blade of grass or a wayside flower but chords with our l and w dh consl<ler,'b:e curios 13 1 a �4 wits hearts. in This hope and tells IIS !tilt ell the result. life is greater than death. As spring As .non as tee black -looking heart returns, the S. i I . reason for the winter up- pepped up the monkeys Leconte si'ent i At Nature seems I Pe' s n come, back Presently to user I nor 1 . ,• f ler t •-- ' life c } n 1 one 1 t. again: every , g e - swelling bud and I of aulht.i5ty in this monkey repuhtla- springing lief and radiant flower de- same down to reeonnoiter. Ile returned, clares that death's do:r:inion is but for and In a few minutes came down again to season. with a long. thin stick in his hand. and Ail our tombs are set in gardens. gar- dens where hope blooms rind no flow- er'; die. Our ea1S 11111V heel' the (til- ling clod; but faith sees the breaking r fixe r. t• • r the returning nn , f. and � s 41 .e ( g b our hearts defy deolh, lite the lilt hurt is free mare than a day. art<) seek the life that shall know its fullness snare day. 1 HENRY F. (:Of'1:, THE S. S. LESSON 4140,4440. 'tilt liven (ccenpnre Mali. 10. 16-3 J.nke 6. 22), but now he adds t,r Ih t4rcdielion of re:•re,ntiori the promise the Cornfortes. whc'in IM l'rnse'f will send to then' from the Fruiter. 1\'11ll\ATION.Ai. LESSON, MAY 10. 5.Whititer goes! thou -Pet. r Ica. it Ls true, risked Ih:s very question, but not. in the Seree er spirit in whiclt J0.118 had spoken of his going away. \c'w that that sense had been read accempanlpd by about a hundred of his cotnpan:wnc. they began to chatter and pelt their foes; bat 111e croeodites kook no notice; and 1 thought they seemed 1 'err ed o give wink R 0fF alts lir . f s -t of at s4e0ng 111411' 54113' viritrns coming t! ilhiu their remit, Nearer and neater (tee cense, until some of them were barely s'x feet alive the crocodiles; and 1 was expert 11g every instant l:, see one et thew dregged under the water, All n; of n stidere1 1110 monkey tt ith 11,.' slick is leaned over and drove it into the eye of r.' the erecodite neared him. The wound- ed reptile sank like tend. and was quick - l• followed by its (x,mrado, - There teas no wisteking the hotel of delight Ihnl greeted tlu.s elem.-gem and it, :reress. 1l was perfectly human in Ls lour, and wins irrket► up with.venge- ful glee ht• nil the monkeys in the net 'le Lesson 1 J. .'1 he llissit•n of the Holy Spun. Golden 'rest, lulu 1t. 16. 'IDE i J' "5-(i\ 'WORD S'fl'I)IES. iilnsed on the text of the Revisal Version.) Farewell Discourses Concluded, It taus nearly midnight when the little company left the upper chamber and proceeded slowly through Inc streets of definite period,•' (Signed by the pas-! the city 10 the eastern gate, and out 1engers of the international wagon ovacrots the lildron to a secluded garden 1 the Rcstv(f fast train.) And they ling- on the stripe of Olivet. On the '.cagy r clear to them by the \tasters re•ferenc to the higher and in. re glorious slat of being un whieh he was metal 14 era'er, Ili great. sorrow that had a flr..t filled neer hearts al the 1h•,tigh of lis parting from them is sonlew•hn lightener, 7. 11 is espedknt ter you -Tri your best Interests and for your higheslt well. being, 8. Convict the world -Convince men y vindkat1ng Christ's cause to. their •-ll ('?sure. 'Teles (nnseef on of the rush. 13:101 e'•, dans not necessarily reply else lien^e on the part of these who shalt he time cons. nee(L In ruts te'1 . sin. • t 1 of 1 1 and d 11 :11 c- x t. nese and of judgmeitt- Ry bringing titose into sharper contrast with each outer; and thus revealing their deeper tealil' and a;gfl fleance. o tr rhood. The gravity of demeanor with which the old fellow committed Iles (> ! riscau',t 4405 lnuglutble in the cxtre••ne, De went lel exerk welt all the caution n an old lawyer. and when he had in- t flirted the Luke he halted himself aloft erect on for Iwo days, Jesus continues the discourse begun be- 1 fore leaving the supper chamber The 1 f. .Ah1 Heave sailor N'ho Rescued Another From a Shark -Infested diver, The Royer Humane &;clefs of Gaal Britain has presented the Stanhope med- al for the vest rescue of the year to %%'nein,►► if. Parr, for the following ga loot action: ^' A boot with James Moore, A. 17 and 50rne tinily natives on board wit, swamped in trying to reach the steam- ship Blown. 01 the Aberdeen Direct Line, then at nncht r in the hlhaulbone River, Ese t Africa. s hl I trn1l• the frantic natives c Ivc. clulchlvl Alt ore, drugging him under 1111 eater Parr,' 'bserving (hes from the .ship, ant knowing the extreme danger from the uune'le0s 5111411,4 n'hieh infest the river, sprang overboard. After liberating More AI re hoer 1 the struggling; raters., rare' sworn away wilt him, but owing to the strong tide it wnc fnlposelble 1u math the (ship. A boat was lowered ro p stcct of -soon being separated Iran his di.sciples lends hint to cn11 (heir al tention in a still more impre.sive and memorable way to the necessity of their being intimately united with hirer in u ttpkilual sense. 'fhis he (13)0405 to il- lustrate t.y the use of the beautiful flg- 1 are of the rine and it branches. In sur 1 t' the tette reg n CI f this chapter ' tl. stet e q h intg 1 h Ihe 01 that I e lit.' rc t o t I _ Dr bond of P ' union boll w llh Jesus and with one another ' rs the ltr.rdr r ,f novo• and 1 near nr the end of his Ju•o'ongvd discourse he egret] calls tttl'ntion t4) th' coming of the p1'outi•ed Cunr(orter end of his tune- , bon es cite who will re'M,l to Uv111 !more full' the things of (.:brut. 'rho dac(.u,•sr .•l see «ill n reference to the )•:• nl j„> which is le) fnlIOW thte entrees' to tole ' h for a ll1:e a 1(414• they are to 1..' stbjei'toel, and with an added final ' w8rnrng. and promise. The high -priest - Is preset* remained in chapter 17 be- ) I nlgs welt Ibis (Arising <1i5c0ur-,c' of 1J.sus. a •ontine:Ition of which terms ! the !eel of our present lesion. and the men were picked up, after being 9d minutes in the water and drilling hall a mile. • tIt "Do k•(ok whet n healthful brrlc•cl► Rrorge has given Ire,” said n girl to her lural friend, "isn't that a !oro. J' slurt<e " '•V1.13 pretty, indeed,' agreed her env.ous eompanion. "we have a muntclpi000 made of it at honk,' WEAK slow .many women there are that get no re- TiRED(reihmcnt frons sleep. They wake in the morn - WOMENsig and feel i irec(er than when they went to bed. They have a dizzy sensation in the head, the heart palpitates; they are irritable anti r • h, rt aur, weak azul worn out, and 1 the h lightest household duties during the day serer t0 Ire a drag; and a burden. Vers. 26. Comlerser--Or, "ad44 :rte.'; er, "belts.," os in Ilio (seeding I bort, 1Vhni,t I will send- The pr••nonn "1 it emphati'. and strikingly emphasizes the divine eOntr'iut1Sness t.f Jc•sus. ProcoedetIt from -Or, "g4'eth forth from," 27, 1'e i !se bear a iltesc-Or. "bear 30 also witness." The verb in 111^ ori- g:nat may be translated either its 11M ilidicatr44' or the imperil( ve. The les- tuneny of the disciples is pineal with the "Spirit t,( truth.' w'Ix, in r.: ' . "hien ' .3,1 '.:es tbvougll them, hr;- I 1':3 Ihr'U' 1.,t 1n011y. ) 1 1h,• 1• g,• t;l, ng --'file 1 eg,nning of 1 •.1 . , e I. Y: •.t '. -hr ;U. 0. 1 I „i _r e 1 J 1) atunIF•' 111 the corning do3s ' f 13140'), when called upon to 1. elle Ir (1:4)1,1• 1n (-Joist under i, 4 rug 4 14, 41rn- 114 tae`s•, 2. They shall pet v.)1 iiia • 1 f 11 ' s) lin- g! gra. s -:\n a^t 'if r'cei'Sia-1,'111 the, r;.ti h.enn'nt, wl;llh barred fr n► pm• - r MILBURN'S HEART 5 AND NERVE PILLS 1 are the veno remedy That weak. nervous, If fired out, hickey' P'optvl p tsj Se restore them the h11et..in4e of good health. - _ '• e hey }sit e Round, rest 1ul steer. ; nc ip 1 the ncrvl;.. strengthen the heart, rind make rich blood. 111rr. ('. 11. Donald, i'c.rteer' 1n Prairie, M411., Writtle 1 %as troubled with shortness of breath, palpi- tation of the heart and weak spells. 1 tot four boxes of Milhurn's Newt and Terve ('ills. arid after Inking them 1 was eemeletety cured. Price 50 cents per bolt or three teeter for 11.2.'), all (kalrs or the The T. Ilil' bun, r^o., Wasted, Torot.to, VIA. liripnhnn m the 1',10. and eeremon ee f Its 4slnblished hva i. -h sanctum -ifs. '1'li lie that he offered) service 411110 •l e? in the lege of Paul. ty11•ise peter neon ti( ihn ' hristJatio AA. prnnrple1 t1y lits itai for 1!40 Jewett faith. t \1n3 remember Ihe,n, h•)w' ihn! 1 1t el 34.41 --The rrs''.1i..1 net 11uat Jetts; 1.,n:sett had f•.r.•lold tie !hinge which t'i'e to n,m4 apnn them %%rand sustain n the time e.f grent (rine and prr- r, . ,' . n. eines 1 said not tines 4nu fts t1, legflmil ' Ile hnd foretold emotes! is l4. ;its .•ib 4..1 44'I• in his a$•ltie:ASi4n 10. Of rigit4e•ns,ncs.<, because 1 go to the FeU MI- The eYln l iPI a rl yr t ,r P k e.• Ir dPTnplion wr,ught by 1esu5 would of lel he, (teeth and resurreetIan under the knelling of the Spirit reyen1 hie 111 'edlenre and self-'ier•ifre L>, haye I oven an example of perfect. righ'(`)t,.- I reset, 1 into f 1 Tans -I Here lie reused hell an alu(rity (11(41 5hewed he 4euld form n very g;;od estimation c1 !he dun - ger which he ran. SOME MA/DEN SPF:FCIIF_s, One British Lord \\sited 21 Years for Ills Chance In Parliament. ' .heals nt. Rv waiting twenty-four ytars b'f',e retaking •itis m140441 speech lord Lang - ; feed has exrr•'Ist'd fin oraorkel restraint 8: rar0 a.. In some caeca it would to eonl- 1„en(iaie, saps the \'etsslmhlster Gazelle The Earl of Rochester. in the day. Charles 11.. was not egt,alty enodort• + he look 1411 early oppertunhy o1 adore int, the 1Iouse of Lords, eel; dIv.alrc, results. "\ty lords. he began. "1 H Ibis Bene for the first lime, the very first Inc,0. my lords. Rad ditid4 fns t+pr•,ti•h aur IcS.' el t\• 6 is r. Jro n at Ic r. Tl nl is el co •1•- '1:\TENi:F; 'E11\if)Ns. The effective are never effected. Or lives u h . c are made , t i the olose. t ve '.ve The Lord helps those el4o are help- ful. Ifuniorfng our sins will not heal our sinfulness, I'Ilerc tun be no rtx•reation in any dese- crahun. High lives are likely to cone down to 1Mr levels, The 1)0141 way to sympnlhize with some is 14, shake them, 11' hare! getting solid with sin without g• 11ng v,ilcd, seldom fuse together much in al htterd :orgutnc•nl, It's me must use praying for fruits un - 11' y'.:: girt some roots. R is Vetter to (incl freedom tlu'ohgh pain than fr. edam from it Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup This wonderful cough and cold medicine contains all those very pine principles which make thu pine wools so valuable is the treatm:int of lung affections. Combined with this are Wild Cherry Bark and the soothing, healing and es. poctarant properties of other pectoral herbs and barks. For Oougha, Ooldo, Bronchitis, Pain in dip Chest, Asthma, Croup 11'h,Nlping Cough, Hoarseness or any affection of the Throat or Lungs. You will find a sure ante in Dr, Wool's Norway Pine Syrup. Mrs. C. N. Loonier, Berwick. N,B, writes: "1 litre need I)r. %Mood's No Pine Syrup for coughs and colds, and ha always found it to give instant relief. also t'eewmmo,udixl it to one of my neigh- bors and oho was more that pleased with the reg. 1Voo11'e Norway Pine Syrup 25 els, per bottle at all dealers. Put up in yeller wra per and three .pine trees the trade mark. Refuse subetrtutee. There is 01) Norway Pine Syrup and that aw oel DI. Wood's- TELLING ood's TELLING AGE OF COLORS. tsu� elone, ! lee Japanese Girl's Attire {lenges From Ona gluon out 1 furnish h +lade to Another as She Grows Older. els mans ruiners as nre note working There i. n cantor abase Japsrtex' 4%O. nt all the mines i nUM camp at present, glen in which few Englishwomen wtould ADVANTAGES OF 1.1::151\lG SYSTEM. ! tonoasulhit of a rage to plirl red such a coy. In support !; representing In 1 port of the !casing system it tact a "4aikutg C4itS ls" by 1411tt!n1 Tright t..� mentioned that in the over. herself to a particular inn of r, , ,6'c colon Case 1 s [• the r lessor r is according himself n prat. n ding, to h1'. age would be consid• Ileal raining mal, este nerds no sup 1410(1 a preposterus idea. in this count erinlendent over Hint. and who o it sit s lhC London Evening c g neral , ) ) o T. ening Standard. h• docs ewe 3' with the assay ollice and! And yet such is said to be the fashioA Mel- work which co't the average i :n Japan, a girl's attire merging like mining cowpony thousands of defiers j 1114. '+;:•tors in a prism from (1141' shade per year, 1'1, (.,bolt camp is spoken' fr the other as the years speed on, '1 by 11:803' practical mining (I(•n as Midway bcdwern the 0011)' lwrnlies! teeing essentially a Iensing camp, with and the next decade purple, chrstnu$ Ls small. rich veins. It is remedy o and peak, where the kilnon� Js Cone latter of record that in many other e4rd, are mode to take the place o1 :Imps whcrn 1Y:gh capitnlizalu,n pre•' 1'ale shades o1 silver gray or bine ails, ns in Ihr camp. when fhe com• which up till Then have represel pcniesi And 11)03' nr•e unable t d keen 1 her uteri card. White. in addition up etas ('Aptness o Ute Ir11nr and illy;-! n•liquished practically tat 25. a ruling; (lends they lease eters their stogxs lo' which 4401(!4 c - i 1 arbitrary in Eng. enlributors, who pay the coulpanies 1I land in 1t1 54' (I 3 s w ecu while Inileltes :,y141ty considered ,rnnncnsurnle wi;jy are regarded an almost grandmotherly. 1.• values of the ore being mined en•1 ' \\ ilcn in her twenty-suveulh 3084', r1 I' c4.ndiliuus under which the ore is . i1 Jlartese noncan acquires a new dig eing gotten out. Inmrn:ernble prat. pity when she lakes her first step info them ruining men litre conlmcntCel the imprrtenl ..alar of striped fat1le8, favorably on the •Ieasing system, which girt succi on added status In their TII1: BUILDING Siu1C0V, wearer. As (he years go on lie. wide I stripes w hick proclaimed her initial has opened and a consid4 rob1'' amount! Plunge into n different ealegory to Thal work oro ► new buildings 1ldnlgr. is going or., iii heir younger tries<Is and companions 10 Imperial Rnnk is !netting n fine narrow with encli succeeding year, un- it' u' , ' b tl hag west of Ilse f tesla. t Hate) b, Ihr, finest hair line announces with br used fie en nprnlrnent nail cAgrc'alrnost offensive honesty that she has :Ming. with one screen on the ground 1 re8(•he41 tite age cf thirty. or tieing ng Icft in readiness for its use + Pole mauve shades, as well as cina- es case of fire in its ,ret num rind blue, tiro her e present premises,. � 1 ► chole . as rte TEAT COOT OF '1'IiANSPOIt'1.1710\, 1 gords color until she is five year' older, During' the last riot of the T. & N. when 44ilhout sign or pensee <h' leaves itnilwny (rnmtli�Slan to the north, 1 fel bright tones to her younger s;slera, prUlion. which was lar rl si nee I and is sr en thenceforward in the dull, g 3 g drab tint= e,1 t•mw•n rind dark gray. until ns PtirInnkC4 by Mr, Tighe. nskingl Per 51111N•d kimono IS Changte:d for f1 Rndlwny' f:rnnmia'aon fo take sleg>s checked brown or gray al lorry -Ove. c wad. r the 1•. I. ukl� 311 Ut r . t ur 8 line• M Th. s is e\ ul r h t el finally 1 11 res n f leo to Larder City a! the e• nN n g ) rs r r! t qs• P , )seer c, 0 ler black very r dull gray, o In IP dA K . 11'err .inn Engtehnrt nesse- � sice st•1 • • • Mr.ne -en,c' that the engineer kr the t ter garb a Japanese woman one/es-en, .tele r lite road 01 once to inyesligete, is loped Ihnt Mr. (;'•le wilt lc able iiae k n Isumcienlly enMu(ngt;ng m• 1 to the Comm s,i.,ri that fhe mnJ may 1N' warp -de,' w.11t at an early date,; the light it threes on Ilio past h story The cost of greens supplies info Larder 1 of the carni, hos had many answers. n c env inti cie1 !ted Praying is not a scheme for making 11 Peaches );rote on pumpkin vines. 1. Heavenly h•tvlsm'cs are only braved for ourselves as we share lltenl, '17+e nenrcr• home any reform begins the farther and (higher it will go. Many 111in14 they are bold because they enjoy enlertnining the devil of There ere no good points about the re chnrneidr that slicks into everybody. f There is little of int bread c.1 life in r t 1111 ser►:N,n preoehed for bread and but- to ter. )o The holiness Ilial 1in rakes no one happy is one of the most subtle forms of In. (' ictally, 'fhe markets cl sin are these where P. ninny eharrlct(•ns are sold raid yet 110no a arc lough,, f 11 hen a 111813 gels 10 worrying over Ili 1i his strewn he is simply' discounting an to es. Imaginary future, in t. 1 , i 4t' not < In t need to worry rr• � t mu• sib • ch res about u v' ! u y r geed Horne 11 you lake corn 01 your. eft I g(.(HJ nature, ('nr it may 110 n mockery to Inik about ovc (eying . t ( •.o r who t need .� d 0111 loge rales 11,' hale Hie things that harm then. to You have the w•nalgt kind of faith when b" i nl se a .\peel the needs to nine's n feed din - Ter o11 n dewdrop of sympathy. 11, Of ju,Ignlenl, hernias: ih<' pry, of t hs world need Innlh been judged ._._ yiclrry of faith in Christ writ 10 per 1•: be the overthrow of Satan', ki dolt) in the nor:<I, 12. 1'4 t many lei ngo--('nn4rrn; l U 11 1 the i' II M ' m( ru1<ts and 1 1 hP , 1r,r� n••hievem4nlc in the weirk soros, to ettrarslesl to their hand., neither wheel they roue, a1 this lithe have In (k'rstn0d ',r nnpreevtl it. 11, pilo ,,, the truth-- Or, '•w►y)1 flee the 114,1 .' The (14(111 11410'011 rif ice (' : n few swords. gree purple and cun- (Cd (used, and flnntiy h'lurtosJ out, "\ly Jones, i. 8r.•r I IKe agnea in Ills Ila Irec tier t ve lr.A3 cul ale ell. ('s 1 and brnu('hes ai►d ng' 1 all, for cr^r.'' J Cord 11 mit way too,, f' •'*4,118lr, (t,1 nk't 111s i,io l"n effort was (1( hired by Sir 1 ! E. Burdett lo be "the last ..feerh by' tl he le rd sine.• the Lord know. when 41 of Lord Itt,scl.ery'. maiden 'peecht, after n Ibrcc years of silence• sus c1 model of tnodr's1 01'110.3', npe'Irfngr with rl plea for !y that barer euJ irululg,'eieP 4411'li the it• 1150 nla(Os shows In I►cose thio ad - S. e( the for the fleet lune. "sten in a larger m014snre a1 lIrrounl of my ex. Irene, youth and nl4xprrience," ie A t'.' nunn thinks she has the worst of the bargain unless she can ret' where 6110 gel more than her moneys worth. Ilrc II•• , • ,.i ! 4.,! •• •;Ildivkluel lienrt rind f• ! , i,', r,.•, 1 n;r. ,t,,reper'rllean- ing of 1 !u:.,! .•n ,i ip,.. 1, p• and In rnrAte p.:.� Li.• n tidier appreiahedi of sprrittiel ea: 1 .,s, Derinre unto .011 the 1)41},..,. 'tilt ere td e4'1ne---Nut i1 1110 .445he :( prophet(.! illuminal'Vn 4.1 lulure events, 1141 in the sense of en4hhieg Orin to rightly undtestand ate p)l1pt 5e land neemirlg t'f SUrortsi'.'r gleet, hl : xp4V "e..r, U. these shim 1,1 t 1:►, \Whal•I,rt• r :re Path, r 1.:.1 . 'l ire relydiot) 1.•:were fhe• 1'allvr, the n. and the 11'+ty .' til r: set forth 1.i riesU� as king n ' 11•!nl'd ,111(1 tree.•'nl relation 4,( ef11111;i runt c•u•opr•1•ni;,,n. 19. Perri:'.e,I that 11, y more ,1''. t- n. In ask hi rn-Itig,'irll' ualrlln•.hog fiMir 1.••(4 eel g1eslinni'lg ail •'x,.4.lali,n. We lout' 'nrl•ntt' stein Le !ween into j'')-- The suletlna^r of his ulrs,pge at thy' f0141 14 II:. rif ei so Ii.,n, 22, le. ewes( -re now have sorrow Dern41v. of tle impending sedutretion a rt'1 In -s, i! '1, In that 111.4 yP staid) ask me no t;u..sli0n-Or. "ask (l.: nnlhing." Their future comnitnron with their fiord c ( las a spiritual communion;et their tie"deers m prayer are not to be made 1•, h3rn dirc.11r, hal of Fite Father. in h r. raft,. 21, il.lhrrlo have ye <lskt'tl ne.l!r;ng in 1)14 name-- 1s devout 1.ril•ver in le - In eh they hail 1(11 a life (f plater. Jesus lihnsc'1 hating by tets tcaclenc rnlnry;e1! their %e mcee,etit id ()res. r; 1 to tip to !hie time it was his persenn' heeling on.) example. railer than the thought (•f hit infinite divine power 4111.1 Rs1.cialion with the Fattier, which had LIVER COMPLAINT. The live- if the ',.rest gleed In the hexer; It/ office is to take from the blood the properties which form bike. When tut liver 3, torpid arc inflamed it cannot (3181,13 bile to the bowels cawing them to became bound and cont ire. ?M •Ymplons are 8 feeling of hillier,. or weight ir' the right side, an.l .hooting Iain, in the ascot , retgion, pain. between the •boulder•, yellow new of eh* skin and ever, bowth irregular, coated teals*, bad taste in the morning. ere. Tt'ft? 'r, til :TABLES. I Sonne fen le .r, s tics there t,ted a man ly the mini . 1 Harris !segreet- e•1 pMasu:e was ,n tcormenting others. els 4,1411 (4)114113 llcrrally the bull rf his spt,N. One ,-'.k1 and blustering n gill Ii' retired 1. bed tit an ertrIy h lir. his "ih• Le,ngt absent, al n neigh. hor s. 544rla• 1:1110 niter. returning find finding the dv,r cl(.scm!, she (kmundal remelt: me. "1Wlt't are vol?' cried \tr. !Merits. "1.11 know wit I ant; let me L1. itis v, ry cold," "Regime. you alrotting vngatond; 1 w set nothirtgg of sou tiers ' "Rut I must 41(44 "\1'11/11. is 3./. lir name?" "1'uu knew Ins name; 11 is \his, "Regent.? ‘Ir. Ilnrr;s is n eery 1.1.f;y '.teem+an: she never keeps s4Mli 1ato, h 4115 :t; this.' Mr'. Ilnrres g r'pl.e r.' 01 1 w 111 drew n "Ito I r nit Meese." stl' then look a g; and ninglc•d (1' "11 Volt don't 'rl /43 46.11 ;Il 111» '.veil,'' ' I. repro!. MILB URN'S LAXA-L I . VER PILLS are pka.ant and pry 14. raker. do net pine, weaken or sicken, never fail in their effects, and ass ey far tee safest ane Quickest 'smarty for all dims*, or disorders of the tire.. Price 25 rent., or 5 bottles for =1.00, all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. I. n , 1 Info the wen, nee returned 10 the Fide if the door, \Ir. liter•;., bearing the i..sr. rushed rem the house to sale, tis 110 supg,oscd, ells wit reg wife. sire•, sit the Sterne n•r, s';!•gi 41 in and efe.-ed the slots 1 Pei h -r. \11., Harris, sled merely' in n night -- int. in turn demanded nd►n;linnre, ,•\% Lu I110 3 4.11?'V she drmnnelc,l, "bolt 1 1)':w t4 ho I nm; lel m- in, re eh:,ll frieze." •'Reece. 7(4 .1 lh r l gt "elite "\1 !u! "1'.•u continues 11111;1 IIM end of her life, 1101\ 01.11 is NIAGARA? Th s gmsli•.rr. t:lwncs interesting foe dlrr-ng Inst 5111111114 r tons approximately; The lak'sl Is that of Dr, J, \V. Spencer, filen per ton, and was the direct cause' wh',, tuna recent studies on the Spit, f•e • the Intik of d(V•ektpnlenl work on n fends that the men) rale of recession giant nu.ny properlics Intl rear, tf the falls el PI ,resent4.2 f le •tp1ep The le n w And which was reporfcd on yror, and Ihnl lits has liven fhe rule g, oil guilhnrlly Io hair burin mndc an { f„r approximately 227 yea's. But ow. the Oleese claim 8: '.;tc•i' take adds i Ilk () (114' 111(1 Iha1 nriginnlly 1110'n10r31 gtrcnUy (6 Ihr rr41i„4slasnt in silver I '.1 Lake. E: !4 out) were discharged over (.oke district. 7 he l (••11 i5 4,..11.d to be (hr trills. 314.11g lest one-fifiP,•nlh of the four hu11(a .n •.' (lib of pralltclll(y! J,re'cnl ss et, r -supply, the rale of recces. wlicl > nye r, r,:,u !; n Le bagged Irorn ,wenn w:u :•1 first Inset, slower, t slid. Ih tartar(' f 41811 w,denalgf of UM gorge :113,1» i'us• �.+tL:.� iN \(f)\ 1 Rf.')!. R1\'IiII SI?('fJoN' tier's Fiiit indicates the gx►sitien of the ! hurt). when Ihr other Gtral l,nk,•, tie, The hese), oil the new shaft al the gar !4) discharge into Lake' Rife, Froin Silver liar is progrmstng nicely, al-, dn la. dn. 11n-•te,r Spencer caleulals the though the company is only weeking refire age e,t the falls at 39,00o scare, a force of n citizen men at .present. This 1 The (stilling. with !be full power n1 the shaft is being sunk on one of the new;k.ut• lakes, s eslimntcll k. hove i shd 'e:n5 discovered last 51itnmer in ho nett.: 3 W0 yenrs. !ng, on the surface. The vein, w hili narrow. being only from three 10 four Jr.ches 311 44i.11h. is almost solid treed. and ito ore being! bagtged will n1n stout t4,f11M1 (.1111(05 of fib cr to Iho fon, The ')Vh(le ell;ins a1 \Ingle Mountain ie. the Tema gain i le (net Heserve wore sold re'r•nl1• leo a Sorest' a) ndi('ate al n pr-ce netting the owner 825(1.(X10. These elteme err considered nI rt ( m In F • 'lite Gales properly in Janes township W11.4 60 k recently lo a Tele,lo Arm, who together with their ossoeinkw, tt11! un- derliike Bo- development work em ihis propei-l• 4•n a lig settle. The price paid ft,. (his claim has not tarn mode purr. 1... but 18 belie'rid to have been a fancy on”, At 111- Right • 1 1\ns, 44'o((4 14(16 1,'4'73 r 111(41(10 nn Iho new nrr h4ll'', rind 11401) are 4)np14'('4i ul'inlhngt tl:e new .•,,,shoe, 1144' nett vrin (erne n( IM' '7: . -foot level n few dn) s 13}14) whirr most. to the northw rti 15 considered fit Fe011 as any Orin on the pro. And is 14 ri rieh in native sil. 'rent now on. (level -,!anal work vein will be pushed rapidly. 77......e.—. y i;,nfinlrnla11.) • 71Mr(•'e n4', sur Ih'eti'13 roguef f went of vmr here.' catling! t nand ((.44 4 in,' rllunrly 1 ;c 3rUr name'.'" ) ((13 1.n''. my nn'n4 ; 1 s 11 )lar• ter•. • 11`'" en Ibis "Mr. Haar:'` i' re Pert• :.)re'y mon: he el..-sn'1 }.'•p 5r1•'h )nen h. ups,' I'roII ,f r.' f . uiy. she, Aller keeping hint ale a34 In i14 ...;.t un1i1 slip a ns eat shed. open.; 1sn 1 1.1 e,1 Ih • 'Ir. r 1)751 41 11 111 in. They went quite. DYSPEPSIA AND STOMACH DISORDERS MAY RE QUICKLY AND PERMANEs,'TLY CURED BY BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Yr. P. A. 1.atslle. Ilanireakt, Que., writes as 8* follow. "I desire to thank you for your won- derful cure, Rurdock 1410.al (tutees, Tyree years ago i hart a very severe attack of )nyrr,eprie. I tried fire of the best doctor 1 could find but they mull do ms (10 11o454. 1 war 1,l'iwl by a frien.l le, 1ry Itwdo,k Mood Ritter* and to my pest su,yrisa. alter taking two bottles. I was so is/fealty cured that I have not bad a site of D),pep.,a since. 't '• ' 1 7 ter rad MA, id paibhg•1 cannot probe it loo highly to all sufferer. la (. sere' I1,:; Wile. k,r ,rhvntn,if.1• my experience it it tM Deet 1 seer turd. Moth- eilli)--'rho de fM'r+(IS (It w ter then or not ire kr n,e Lk. 11.8 )r. Jowle attCcC(tk'(.i in getting the meet,. 1,,,,,e, .tc'rt i .ut..tia • (o- OanAoek Wont" Ti..r• w i u lagg i,e►r 4 Eyed...