Exeter Times, 1908-05-07, Page 1_ _ • V•
l 9 f1 ,
Phone No. 32.
That Stand the Tubbing
Now is the time to buy your Wash Goods for the Spring and
show you the largest and better shape
best selection ever youruwantst ri
and canour
0tt r
ut e .
o are
v :i
of ourr
nt:uty {,nod things. Shop
early before the warm weather rush.
Linen Suitings •
That gives such good wear
and always look so dressy
White, Brown, Pink, Pale
Blue, Copenhagen Blue,
Colored Muslins
Heal dainty ntuslins in the
New Stripes, Dots, and Fiore
al effects. In all the new col-
Nothing !prettier than a nice
chambray dress every piece a
perfect washer all the: new
Striped Ginghams
One of the new things for
this season Green, Blue, (.rev
and Drones, stripes are very
pretty anti real new.
Check Ginghams
4 The reliable cheeks are
''gain to the front, all the dif-
ferent colored cheeks, Noth-
ing looks better or wears so
Something New that looks
as good as Stuff material It
collies in ('reams and Navy
Blues, with Polka Dots and
Dress Ducks
Good and heavy for school
dresses. Wears like iron
Washes well and stakes a
very pretty dress. _
Sr. IV. Honors—II. Puke 83. R.
Dearing 82, E. Southcott 81, E. How-
es 81. Piss—JJ. tie (set 78, 0. Wool
76,'11. knight 70, A. Jackson 69, W.
Stewart 68, C. 1'ick:ud 67, )1V. Fuk':
tee M. Jewell 01. L. M. Freyne GI.
L. Rivers 63. L. Rowe 62, 31. Dann,
cry 02 C. Harvey Go.
$1.00 per year in t 1, t : - .
Zeller 373. Sr. If. to Jr, til,—Laura H
Francis 495, 382.al 1Fillert 4gt. Eliber Conservative Yes! we Are Prepared
l.atond 3A2, Jr. I{, to Sr. 11. for
Attest t ,intent ;ilii. 1:' ,„ il!(: ; Nominee.
362,fi•. ..
-------- At the meeting of the South hurt,,
Gun Club Notes Conservatives held tit 11.'nsatl, 'fur= -
day, Mi. Henry Either M. 1', 1'. of
Jr, 4th. Honors —?; Diss_ T1. Exeter Gun Clui, I::,,
• ^tt 7u. Lad such
Pass—M. hilts 70, C. Heywood 67. t successful season, 'that the com-
I No. on roll 113; daily avenge 28. n,ittine intends purchasing it new
C. VOSPER. I nutu,n:elle trap: When the new trap
ROOM V. is in a position, it will do away with
Sr. 111. lleenrs—{retic Rivers $8 the, [Gree ole ours.
Greta ltissett 87, Irene 1 , rily 83.
�J,The 1a
t r Gun
o d Ra Stella Southcotf 82 he challenge Trow 11r. Ihty ofLonLeor
Treble ?9, Russell Balk will don to enter a fire man t.•aut ut the
76, Velma Easterhrook 76. Pass
Pled teIcl'herson 74, Madeleine Car- he bays wiat Stratford h r - nday
ling 73, James -Walker 7j. Viola Rowe The boys •)3�J11 ;cave rain Monday
70, Mary Ac}ieson 70, harry Snell B8, morning, ord.c-atcn; the train at s.uea l
Joan Seldou 07, Oliver Itodgart G;j, for they ore. 1f they can do as well
• Flory Dinnry 63; Robbie Fleming6� as 'trey have dons during the past
-- spring, #here is (5o doubt but that
I:\riel l3everlry G0, I
:2 •I Jr. III. Ilonors—Linden Harvey 8J i they .will come back vwiU, the Feel {,s
Isrnest Harvey 75. Pass—Oscar An-
derson 72, 'Maurice Quance 72, Bruce;
Walker 71, plan the Quanee. 7k,
Thornton Fear 69. Muriel Jone= 68 -
Sydney Hector 67, Erie Hurtle,' 67•
o1 the et er club•, hangine to their
The final ;shoot for the blunt 'r
Arius trophy took place last Times -
1 (lay 3`t•elung and resulted in W. E.
Lola 1:aylor 66. Marion Biatchfo - i 63.
No. on roll 48: tinily average '0. Sanders D.Here Billy),r trine win-
M. 14IcCALL(ill, tier. N 1)' lIt,rdou, President of the
club, nn old time shooter, and a
IIOO.M VI, good one he was. expert. fisherman and
Sr. 11. llonors—Mageio Case 90, sports general of the town, alas, die
Florence 'Rowe 85, Alberta Knight 82, with Mr. Sanders for the trophy on
lyra. Ilydd 79. 'Edward' Anderson 78 the Percentage, but in 'tele,
El tie l3owey 77, Arcata Dell 77, IMil- shoot eft he fell down and lost by
Bred Heywood 75, rWm. 'Manson ,75. two points. Had he stopped when he
Pass—Ethel Day 7.4, harper 'Rivers had his per c('rir Limit in the finals.
74, 'Edgar 'llorney 71, Violet Knott 71 instead bf trying to hit evcrythine,
Annie Day 70, La Belie 'landlord 65. his handicap would have been smaller
,Jr. 11, Ilonors—Jos. Craig 76. Pan- But N. D. is game and refused to
lie l3owey 7.i. Pass—Maud hicks 73, eve►Hissn i[ anytit hing%could if Gribeigg co;tiuntld! n hehl:up ulit,
Thos. Clarke G3. -
No. on roll 36; ril-v average 22, - some trophy,
ROOM \--Ir.1Tltursday'. .shootg ingtho rresult of last
Sr. 11.—Marjorie &lion 92, Pearl Herr Ilnrtleib r 18
Jackson 00, Stanley 'Mcl'alls 82. Treibner 2
22 )ohne 19
Jr. IT.—Bertha Homey 98, Allen Fitton
22 Tieibticr
Carter, Gordon Wells 88, Amy Johns Iturdort 1'3 Sanders 20
86, Gerald Fiifon 85, Dorothy Kunz 1 St.udake (9 Carling ID
81. Mess, s. senders ru,,1 llurdon thea
No. on roll 53; daily nverage 45. shot oft Itillrf the fot,ing result.—
ANNA E. MARTIN.Sanders 10 Jlntlurctou
Jr. 1I. to Sr. II.—Marvin Vincent Exeter Council
lueflc Melville C
1'. tl e, adman, May
Harness. Sr. Pt. 1I. to .Jr. 11.—Jack , ---
Jack II►u don. Mary Day, Mussel!rho Council of The Village of Exe:-
Mlrshall, Edna Johns. Jr. Pt. II. to 1" met in the Town Bill on Friday
Sr. Pt. If, -11e rhea Ilr'ctor, Alice 908
' M'Y 1st• int 7.30 P. fn.
Taylor. Rhoda Cun+(s11, Alfred Wend_Al{ the members
t. the
__ ,- land, Drew Knight, Mildred Ilardy., mint/lea of the me, ting held ton April
1V, to Jr. Pt. 1i,—Grace Carling. Mil-' \
3rd were read and nunrored.
ton llydd, Harold Boyle. Priscilla i ,
Collingwoorl, Wilfred 'Ren•:. . Joy A.RI1lsttition efigned ngs D, Mack, E. A. Polacle II. k
Norsworthy. 11I1. to IV, -- Belem and others risking that :Main Street
Charlton, 131 Gould, Jamesrs, Ferguson.. - from the South Boundary to the
, ' g ° , Presbyterian church property be wat-
to 111,—Irene %uefle+, Gordon Jones I emit also a R D
Mildred Ilartlei'r. :Melinda Lloyd, J. Cobbledick. L. McTag=alrtentIPn.ilf31 ._
Smith, den and others asking that Maln St,
No. o0 roll 40; deity nveragr (35. North from the Presbyterian church
C. W. HOWARD. 'Thames lloa9
�—�'-- be Wa•tored.
Property to the Lake or
i'ollovving is 'the re ortIt1o[ .l he ISaa• ,, Beaman sec. by A. E.
P Puke 'that the prayer of the potition-
ter examinations lield at B. S. No. 10. urs be granted and the clerk is here-
l'shorne. Names are in order of mer_
it. Entrance Class—{Garold Glenn. Rerne instre ucted e,) fn call for tenders the
Mary McQueen. .Tr. IV. +to Sr, IV.— in the clerk" hands by
the neat regular meeting.—Carried.
Donors — Archie :Morgan. Pass —
May 'Ilorton, )blossom Anderson, Earl I'.r\i•rayne ation nd 10 others eon
'frit fey. Sr. IIi. •to Jr. IV.—Verna Andrew Street asking for a residing
\\-hillock, Meru Mtorgaq, Tom Glenn drain
along acid atrcet between North etic(, �—�—
Arthur Cole. Jr. ii1,—!toxic Cann,
Janie.; 8
N•••N••••••N!•••••••••trects. Tha petition was re-
Morton ,\[cnougnU. John Neil. Sr. vim! and ordered l'.t'-ntrAllA
he filed until
Voice Prodnct�ur
Nelson E. Hicks
Pope! of t.onddn Con:r•na k Music. If. Kuthvro
d the Secretary McDonald, Charles %', l,I r,l,ondop Eng., Ernest ..( ,:..
House Keepers Attention
'11Er-�This is your busy season and yon will have something, New
to get for your home. Come to us with your Want List and let
us help you to choose your New ('arpets, New Rugs, New l.inol-
euuis, New Lace Curtains, Neve Wall Papers, or anything New
you may need in Boise furnishings. We are head quarters for
Jones & Clark
Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford
Clothing also high grade shoes anti wall papers.
••••••••••••••••••N•••!•• •••••••N••••••••••
•••••N•••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
ne Usborne and Hibbert1
Farmer's Mutual fire Insur-
C•redrlon, wee tendered the nomina-
tion of the party to contest. the rid -
Ing nzainst .T. K. Kellerman^. the
Liberal nominee r^1 the approachin_
provincial elections.
Ili. nomination was moved by ex -
warden Hugh Spackman, of Exeter,
and Fecondcd by Dr. 1' ood, of Bay-
field. As no other names were plac-
ed before the, convention, the nom-
ination of :Mr. Eilbcr was made mem-
Mr. 1'. D. Carling was the first
speaker and denied the report that
Ile would oppose Mr. Either as n(5 In-
dependent Conservative Candidate
such a thing .being 'the farthesi:
thought from his mind.
The candidate in his address referr-
ed to the abolition of elle) numbered
ballot by the Whitney government
their action in connection with the
timber limit matters. _polling booth
expenses, the doing away with the
Boys' Reformatory at Penetangui-
shcrtc, the abolition of the; Central
Prison labor competition and the re•
peal of the County Councils' Act.
In referring to the recent: "gerry-
mander" he said, 41 was a pity the
redistribution had not taken place
ten years ago. Mr. D. C. Ross was
dissatisfied with Ilon. J. P. AVhittiey'e
distribution, but il4s father, lion. G.
W. floss, ;tad attempted to disfran-
chise the voters of Strathroy and
'Metcalf township my placing them in
a riding where their votes had little
or no effect on the Government
standing. "The Whitney eredistribu
lion rested mainly on an c.Juitable
division of tho population," said t he
speaker, while the Dominion redistri-
bution was based purely on s:lfish
The matter of railway bonuses, the,
motor vehicle prodlem, the metier
of school grants and the school book
monopoly, were also taken up by the
Col. Hugh Clarke, M. P. P., of Kin-
cardine, also addressed the meeting.
Ile eulogized the 'Whitney govern-
ar� mentsmuclttoV
theddelight ttct
the audience.
—Miss M. E. 13ro of harper itos-
pital. Detroit, is "gentling n few
weeks visiting at her home here.;
Maude sle,•( eos to -day y Elliott ford Marlette
Mich.. to snake an extended visit
with relatives there,
—Commissioner Bissett is going the
rounds with the usual sanitary no-
tices asking householders to put
their Premises in the best poseeble
—The annual meeting of the form Association of South Huron
will ,ne' ( :11 Rrucefieltl Halurday
A woman who is weak nervous and
sleepless, and who has cold hands
and feet, cannot feel and act like a
well person. Carter's Iron ('ills
equalize the circulation, remove ner-
vousness, and give strength and
Pure White French Z
6dtJl6 Soap �
lb. bars
11.—Johnny Morton. Joy 1VhitJock ort ^re' to
(e tu111. Tao hnrn;err ]r rr _in...,.. 1 next meeting. •
A comrnun;c- •
Far 'ym, .Myrtle ly m. Pt. IL—Blanche
Cann, Nellie Anderson. Reel Cann;
ante Gompanu Mabel Neil. 'Willie Morton, dere❑
1'friff. l't. L—Rohcrt ilcatlt.
J. V. Miners. Teacher.
Head Office, Farquhar,:Ont.T—
• 1 r( •,dent—J. L. RUSSELL.
tee -President—\\'. Ii, f'ASSMUItE
Wap Rove BonstioLst P. O
IV 31. III o(•!c 1t'iNr•IIELSEA I'
• • T. RYAN, I)cnLls P. O,
2 Fancy Soaps and Toilet • AGENTS,
4 t JOHN E88ERV, Exeter, agent for
• Articles. i Ust,orne and lti,ldullae
HARRIS, Dfunro. aRoat
• • for IDibbert, Full bleu and Logan.
• Canadian Express nodding, • I Secv.Troas. Farquhar.
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• t GLAiDMAN & STANI:1'Ry. Solicitors
8. S. NO. 15, STEPHEN.
The following is the report of E.
S. No. 15, for April. The report is
based on regularity of attendance, be-
havior rind Preparation of lessons ns -
. (1011 u;'ts rend troll
�f th
Df r. P. 1\ , a Cemetery boar
Glade n, re -caretakers sal Pill 1.. London, hug. Alinpitetfnumber of l,ulal•
•try !of the cemetery), The Ki31 be accepted
be he sunt to Hiss Lillian Elliott look Part in
$250.OU per annum with n bonus .the '�ewaboys'•concert at London on
of $2'5.1 extra if services nr,' sat- Thursday night of last week and the
isfactor to the committee. Per J. J.
Ilnjght sec, try .1V. ,f, Beaman that London Free Press speaks of her
rho recouin,endation b: in the following plcasin; manner:
the Council. -.Carried, sualainrd by •'Mires 'Lillian Elliott, of Centralia. al-
though a etraneer to London audi-
and gintt.
A report was •read from the f, uc races will r'nrtin ao no long -e r. Lt
Dellttns' regards awards h to rn the ;Spanish n;,ltz song 'Senora" she
excelled. Indeed the Fltun•r Zuitr'
crgtturcd the hearts of the aud;nec.:
with her sweetly melodious voice
the high soprano notes bine reach -
(el with a remarkable natural ease
that was most pleasant' to the esr.
The Presentation of a l,ig bunch of
flowers from an ndmirer proved n
fitting 'finale, to;ether )34th the
rponteneous applause, to :Mice El-
liot l'r nppr:►ranee.
.\aures ere in order of merit. 1 t+o tr, D. Itussell. G. Ilam.
Jr. IV.—Frieda Schroeder. Fulda (,fit rJ Thom. 1VCh,s(er and Jonath,n
Bader. Sr. 111.—Mary Wad".Willie tlierdcnnside'rrlliol,, laid over for fur_
Schroeder, Edgar Fischer. Jr. 111.—
Chris Fischer. Jr. 13 ie
thur llowal 1. S . 11.—Vera clLuther. and ltlgaccounts
ein) tswere
C. H. Snell.
Gladys Turnbull, Dean Fischer, 'Hoy atrcet hn�• $100; Tout, iia{) 913,60
Jane Charrette,
litnnlake. Int. 11. — Fred Shuart Carling Bros. brooms 80; ,T, Murrayetc
\\WillieCo. Hupplieli_tis '2.75: I)( II '1'rlaphona
11.—Beatrice Turnbull. Evelyn Char- Coy. tin ets.; W. !retie sr. caretaker
rette. Edit b 'hackman. Et hel Oliver. Fire 11311 No. 1. 510.00: A. G. Dyer
Pt. II.—Itoeabelle Pfaff, Johnny paretfntagetit+a 81Co.y, s40\V, 1. Risactt s .
I[eckman. Hr. Pt. i. --Adolph Keller plies for engine $1.70; Advocate
Alfred Fischer. No. en roll 32; as. Puppries for election by.
erne nttendnnc' 22. laws 812.35; Jas. Connor pt. salary
adninn s. fele for
Ethel licllrrmann. librarian 825.00; ,loo. Senior pt. sal_
• ery $13.00: ,1'. W. 0I
S. 8. NO. (:SI:ORN1 . cemetery. $1 ri0 post
V• • 11,•' (ollowirtt; i- the retort of H.
ictoriaDay \:,mus pre in order o[ in Kit. n, Weekes iheP lt' 8trltford, i 1
Kr. ]V, llonors—Mary Kydd, tier-
ithllw,t�e11 er
;h• Moodie, %o^ (Silbert. Pais—Ham! o)3ell Dep. -He{, of $2.00; p lint; on aid friends.
officer K I 11' E. Thompson
\\',ekes r " •inures teacher,
telt. Sr. Pr. 11. i'.tse—Garnet Mc- tare toll clerk 82.00; \1-Jlliant Mr, 0. .1. Sutherland. Postmaster
Falle, Maggie Montle% Clnr'•ne Johns• poll clerk $2,(J5); Christopher of Ilenaalf and 1). 8. Frlust, (os[nt:,.'r-
Miseeltobir..on. Tcaeh:r. 1'uker poll clerk $2: Hila. llanclford ter of %mirk, attended the: County
booth Q200 no. lfltchrll t p ,
of Iluron 1ostmastors A'sociation
meeting at Exele r I:i,t 'Tuesday.
The band is being reorganize d and
Ithode l,l:u,d Iloilo eggs
Apply nt this ',tlice•.
t age nndatntioneryl The Cowles have organized for
81.00: ,1. A. Stewart grass seed for , the season.
cemetery 81.20: Ed. treble O.•Pelne. Mr. nttd Mrs. J. Pincltney, of
officer 82.00; \1' _
o� icer :utcl Irootha 84.00 • were n f +^ village i. -t
Bissett. Jr. 1V, 1':r"'—fat ford. v, "nn Taylor 1)ep.-;tet. offic:•r $2.00; Rutherford 10ic.!utnp11)i 1 dtt;r,e -i
Moodie. Sr. III. I'as {lufus 1;e'' if0!b01 Ford t:'ll clerk
for sale.
at Exeter
�ON MONDAY MAY 25th, 1908 8.S. No.Lr611O1t1 r.. •f
TL^ folloninq i• the rr rota
�. \o. 7, 1'shorn^ for month of
Best, program ever given in Exeter
Calithumpian and Trades Procession in
The leading feature of the afternoon
be a Marathon Race of six miles followed
Atheletic Sports and Horse Racing
See Bills for Particulars.
Ne to . a 1 a in order of merit.
'foral mark! to be obtained 120. Hr. j)
I\'—Emelt I't'nrice 103. Jr. IV, -0.
Batten 11:1• 1% _ I._ r Stephen '07,, N. 1
• J R h00111 82 ;
no. G•illespie jr. labor 82.25:
nett 81.00: Cha., Prank8.
Clark.. S.'.40: H.
jr. 8:1.73; 1 3n, 1V,stcot5
5.00; T. Brock sr, $7.12ore 81.75: 81.75; Thee. Horn 15c.; 1Vnt,
avis ar. 81.00; Jas. 11',•ekes 81.00
Ire. While scrubbing $1.25: W. J.
b;s.ett. pt. salary $33.00: C. It, Croix
the pontifffe89. ,11, 11).—Warren Ilroek
118, Ida Penrice 117, Mabel Lina:.rd
A1. Sr. 11.—W.ningtoe Mork 116.
\Tillie Penrice 111. Jr. 11. —' Altjn 1 ti
112. Pt. f.—Margaret Penrice IJk, A.1
Horn,' Al. Ewart Pym 71, Edith hs I'll
will '
i et. salary cemetery 829.00: amount.
ling in ell to $319:32. peeve) on mo_
on of W. Johns Ser, .by W. J. Ilca-
Thr clerk reported Ib:,t the nsess-
rnent Mill for the Municipality for
M. A. Dougall. "1908 had been return,vl ey 41+e ass• is.
--�--- I or. Tile date for the Court of Re -
Fie 8. NO. 11, STEPHEN. 11EN. Yatton for the same will be fixed at
!How are 1h' results of the ^'-
cent 1►ron,ntion examinations h id in
t3. 8. No. 11, Stephen for April.
Name" nrr' in ord-r of merit. j
Jr. IV. to Sr. 1V.—An,n)ie Engel- -
the next rent ar tneetin;.
J. + ra ,t. adjournment
['er.1.J K' 1
iO+ttENloll, Clerk.
CAl191 Clo A. R isfaeraon ll, it the,
With a large stock of
Elephant, Hollywood and Martin Senours
Ready Mixed Paint
In 15, 25, .lo and 45c tins, Color cards for the
Al ---
a b �rl ,1
ashne and Moresco , le sanitary Wall and (,ell•
ung finishes. _'5 �� ,)0c pkges
Ordinary Paint Brushes .i, 10 and 15o
KalsOnlint' Brushes 20, 25 and 3J�o
Paper Ilangel's' Brushes....
For llottse•cleaning and paint-
ing trade front the hest Geor-
gia pine $1.00 up
Step Ladders
Poultry Netting, all sizes.... ....
Curtain Stretchers, complete at up to roc per yard
Lawn Mowers ....• —•$1 40
, , $3.75 to $`.c0
Garden tools of •everydescription.
You realize the necessity of protecting your house with good paint,
but you do not realize the necessity of protecting yourself against
poor paint. It all looks alike in the can, but one kind comes oft,
the ether stays on; one kind soon looks shabby, the other keeps
new. 'Inc kind that holds on strongest, - 1ooki new longest, is
It is the result of a quarter of a century's paint -making expeel-
encu; the product of the largest paint factory in the world.
r'We sell it,
of what constitutes good
clothing differ front the ideas
of most other firms. We, (1e
!nand and use in all our Suits
:{13t1 Overcoats only the best
material and the highest class
of workmanship.
Give tis a call.
Merchant Tailor
1 E,► BOSSEN131';lt I3 s', .1;i11(Il
Licensed Allctlonerr, hales con
ducted in all tarts, Terms reasonable
land tatit,faction guaranteed.
Anror,n IAl4fe¢ s Pk r1 eh end sternen ,n mar
quick) aseertaln r,nr r.r•enr,n free wheal. rr an
Inorntl^n 14 prnbat,ly. pnt4 n�tat.l (•nmmuntea.
tlr,na irtMiyr'mad,mtlal.'MeDi(00k••n)•erenta
ernt tree Omet(a oney for •renting pater ,,.
t'ntrt,ta taken through h if unit A co. receive
aer/at nota, without, charge. la the
Scientific ,Jnerkane
A handenmely lllu,trat,vl weekly, r.u,•r•t r•r.
Nratlnn of any setentle,• J•.urn.l. tern,, N,r
fauadLI.t.1. a Year µ,etoice Iarp,Id. it Id by
PeWUMweel nt.
� CQ )Rroa4wo? New Y9rk
B ti, 1'1111.1.111 M, LI()
eased Audi oneer. Sales ton
ducted in all parts. Terms reaeonnblo
Orders can he left at. the TtitE. Office
Auction Sales,
—Get your set: biles landed at the
Times Office, free notice will bo
given in the paper when !,ills aro
printed here. WO can heave your lolls
ready Tor posting front two to four
hours niter the order ie received.
town from Willi'.
Mr. John 13teacy was ill London for Salvation ArmyPraise
a few days Lon. week. ,
A large number from here their•. t"I feel it my duty t:, testify to the
:Ivo). start out door conc.'ris on Hahrr. ed the toile Of th,' eslatei of lite I- benefit 1 have received from the use of
day 03e„d,1a' 111 5110 we; ks tirn'• Cha.. Troyer en. '111esday, Psychine. While travelling in N. Ori
Mr. 11, SlcCro.ti•• has rcvrr,•,1 L;•' Mer, Maxwell, of lliilsgrcin, is tarin conducting special meetings i ewe
connections with Ihr. bfoleo,i Lank m0vina into Lon•^ Ibis w,•.�k. tracted a very bad cold, which gradual•
and returned to his home in Leek. Mrs. Camelot'. of Clinton. visited ly developed into Brent hail of the
f1O'e' her son David over timidly. worst form. I was advised to try
lits. Hobert Lnkt,• of `,i.etetob,. Mr. 1\'m. Cat/newt:. t{, of Oorieriche Psychlne, which I did. and after using
has rented All►'rt. Whil,'rid 'a bons.' visile,; friends hr 50)311 on 1 oefolay, but a ftty betties 1 was completely v.'
on Oxford street. Mr. 11, Thomson baa 10311 doW/1 the atnrt..1 to health. 1 recommend this
31r. Stirling-, of Manitoba, line pur- front of his frntne residence and lots wonderful remedy to salferers fret
chased the fine new leeide'ticc oiitie,l exc.tveted the cellar for his fine naw Bronchitis and other trembles."
by ..Mr. Thomas 1\'(1.11 lull „t pre. brick residence.
sent occupied by Mr. II. .lrnoid. Mr, A number of the Orangem'11 itt_ Later: "i wiyh to add that my t•nice,
Arnold has 1(silted el,. It. Del- tend visiting Ex. 1. r oft fhurrda sine,! us(ni( Psychlne, is stron)or sect
r1:r7(.4 's house on Klee .'.r•. t. es ,ling, y itas rnueh afore carrying power th!n it
The contain Ionil) .d "L'r,(t-r r(,.' A number of oacut1loap r ,n, H.,a. had before i had bronchitis, and fres
aIin''' till! be tcn,l^r• d in tie, M• tie forth and Eerier .,t 1 -tided '1 ) Church vocal chards TILLER,
do not tire with speaking,"
odiat church on ['ridgy "VJIIIIg, TIl,s par ,;' h(r on Mu/idly. I. TiLLER, ('apt. Sale 'n. Army.
cantata ryas Kivrn 5n(!e , �,'.1is Jeri Mr,. Henry ('ouk has rclurn',Iftom Ann Fit., T„r..nto, Aug. 13, 19�i7.
and ave suet► ser' t;urlph wLatn Fha bas been visitint Throat, keg and atomaeh troubles
Ler daugl;. r, ':pits, 11. Johne fora eured by Psychine: :into tneipe • t eta•
couple of ace^ks. tumptinn. All dru),gists, N0c and $1.00,
. on 8a)8n:rttr.,turdsof IVIn,;htin, tt.•s i•, or 1)r, T, A. Slocum, Limited, Termite.
rind 513. Pea 1 1 Tea ri-'n 501e Arnold `lean t1. ,,17I R fd YcA Mate )ln')S gyp
, had to give It t two •ughtrs and it' -•1 l
phan 463. Sr. 1i1, to Jr. IV.—et. 8:6aa•are
Wild 593, Chertes Stephan 4A; Loui• or
prover better this (line. Come en)
124e hear n treat.
A new photographer has arrly• d in