HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-04-30, Page 8.13. 11; EXETE 11. '11M.1 S APRIL 30th 19O,
++ 4- + •1 +++++++++++++++++++++++++•r+++++++'1
++es ee re ee. e e +-t•+•: •e --e-: les e : , e -S + + + ++++ :•++++++++++x
PHONE 16+1•+
How About Your Spring
House Furnishings +4.
\\'e aro right in the swim with one of the big- +.;.
gest and most exclusive stocks you are likely to .t-$
see in this section. Our strong points are quality+t.:
and value. You know it pays to pay for quality. $$
Room hugs are taking the place of Carpets to
a very large extent. Nothing so pretty in a room :.'.
as a pretty rug with a nice border and should the :z:
floor not bo good enough to paint and polish as a :•+
Ifl11'gil), wo can supply you with English plank oil
cloth which makes a complete margin for a Rug. •{.
$22 50 to $30.00 for English
Witten Room Rugs. No
seams, soft pure wool pile,
made on solid body frames,
new designs in medallion
and floral effects, rich shad-
ings in lied, Browns, Greens
Fawns and Blues.
$5.50 to $15.00 for pure Wool ..;:i
Rooth Rugs. seamless, made :se.
from imported yarns, colors ,e
guaranteed All new pat •
terns with n►atchee borders
pretty floral and Oriental
designs in Greens, Browns,
Fawns, Red and Wood ++
colors. - - . +
$S.7. to $20.00 for genuine English Tapestry Room Rugs -Floral t 3.
Oriental and Medallion designs -swell looking and great wear-
ing qualities. Our Hugs conte to us direct from the makers. .,q,
You save all the middle profits. Money saved is money made. ••1•
5c to Iuc the roll for a beauti-
ful lot of new Wall Papers
in pretty sprig and floral
patterns. suitable for kit-
chens and bedrooms.
1_''.r to'25e for a range of new
‘Vall Papers that will retake
you wonder sonic; style.
,tuality and value are com-
bined. Will you be good
enough to cotne in and see
our new papers.
$1.00 the forNottingham
e parr .�
Lace Curtains, iii yards long
48 to W inches wide. Extra
special values.
$2.00 and $2.25 the pair for a
big range of twisted nett
Lace Curtains. • Every pair
a big bargain. See them.
The Great "KING HAT" for Men
„ „
We have
Our stock is now complete. :stiff hats are tt .
all the dew smart shapes in Black, Castor, Brown and Beaver;
and in the new Fedoras for young men and smart boys we show
a splendid raugo of new Browns, Fawns. Bearers and Edward
Greens. King Hats are correct.
Dont forget that we are
headquarters for genuine
nun s ..
'h ,
English 19
'i direct
l yards wide. Imported d r
from the makers, You save
the middleman's profit; quite
a raying too.
Are you getting Redpath's
extra standard Granulated
Sugar. We sell no other
a little more
kind. It costs
but you know its BEST by
TEST and quality counts.
✓ 4-1--:.:-+.; .t.+++ ✓r++++. +++d-+3•+.i.++.H.++ .•+-: +++++++-. +
++++++e+++++++++++++++++++ ++•t•++++++++•}••l•+•f•+-lr ••t ee••l'+•t +- +•f•+++•t•+
tMs r portltIA E Tbett`.rlowi Remember the Store one door north of
Post Office.
recte•d up to April 30•1e.. NOS.
Wheat 88 ants.
Barley. 50 to 55 cents.
Oats, 47 to 48 c(nts per bushel.
Peas, 15 cents to 80 cents.
Blended flour (STAR), $2.75.
Perfect in Construction, Pos-
itive in Perfornutnce We again
call attention to our Grade of
\Vetches. (food Material, Fine
Finish and Accurate Adjustment
are combined in our High Grade
Our aim is not a question of
price, but
quality. alityevery-
e in
thinKe18e Quality is Cheapest in
the end. So if you want a Ite:-
LiAi3LE NvxrciI. CALL ON
A. archand
Jeweler, - Exeter.
Big Reduction in Ladies Rain Coats
Ladies Cravenette Coats made of beautiful
fine material, nicely trimmed, colors fawn, lightand
What Can We Do for You To -day
Bran, 1$L4. A brand new lot of La
shorts, $25. } dark grey Do You need any of the following: -
feed Flour. $1.4U to $1.45. t
J Flo $to Coat for $7 75 $9 Coat for $7• t (t (} ng I•urulshtngs Carpets g P
d les J cents Iter P
nay, tp to r pound. $t2 Coat for $tj•75 , or Rugs, Draperies, Lacc Cur-
Drie apples
Clothing, , Groceries, Crockery, Lamas ? ? ? Whichever
Butter. -•3 cent_ i l
Clover seed, to8 to $lU per bushel• teens, Wall Papers,
nut ter. 75c. to 9oe. per bag• you may need, it will pay you to look our stock over and get oar
.. .. � .•:r pound.
F:oas, 7. cent. t• elo''II• prices before buying elsewhere.
�1 gists, very i l
Coal, 57.23 a ton. A large collection of beautiful White Lawn
leo. ,. ria",•;,•isbt 75.tu- prettily trimmed with insertion and lace. Others with embroidery
Ho. :. ,:,..> ,t 7.75.
Goats, also some very dainty styles of Net Waists.
Special Waists at $1.21 Special Waists at $1.50.
• v ♦ i Special Waists at 82.00 Special Waists at 1$2.'1.5,
Pretty White Lawn Waists
♦♦bb♦e♦• .••.•••1• Don't forget to have a look and get cur prices
on Lillolcullls and Lace Curtains. We show a
--Miss le M. uba:. at Hayfield.
away down
ti -iced her broil. -r i.a-. '•iee'A. very large range and our prices are aw
-Miss 'Laura Kinsman ti-ited tela -
eves in Mitchell last we.•1:. Special reduction on Men's Odd Pants bought at big
-Miss. 1.. itodgert silent Easter discount. We are going to sell this extra stock off at re-
ttith friends in 'efilvertou. duced prices Call and see our special at $1.49. Large
in 'town last week on business. assortment of good Highest
-Thomas Schlott. of Ingersoll, was Q
patterns and colors $2 and $2.p
-Mrs. C. Streit 0, of Mensal!, is
this week y ailing ret Mrs. Edwin
-Mr. Ed. French, of Toronto, call-
ed on his sister, Mrs. E. A. Folleck,
last friday.
-Mr. Frank Northcott etas sccur-
Moore, :t La.... as tin9mit11 ttitb \Y. SWELL ROWS
M.olei n Satton.
-Mrs. Jolei,l:lrro'I1. returned home
after emending a week with friends
in 'London and "Glen Ut:te.
-"S. Fitton. issuer of marriage U.
ce.ns, also complete lino of wed-
ding rings always oil hand.
-Mr. Frank Weekes deft Thursday
'for Virden, 'Matt., 'to take charge of
a photo studio at that point.
-A sure sign of sprint, C. Edison
Snell is already sporting his last
year's 'Merry Widow bonnet.
�M}ss lAura Martin is teaching
Miss Millie rt Martin
room at the DIT. OVENS 1'.\'E AND I?Alt SUtt-
ter. l owing to the illness of the eat- lglot,l,tvilIlours 9.30 e et the at en. tot4.30ial
eases of eye ear and nose treated.
in. Glasses properly fitted and des- POLISH
Next visit, Friday, May lst, 1908.
Millinery! rlillinery!
Don't forget that we have a first-class milliner in
rection with our store in the person of
Miss Morlock.
con -
Our trade with her is increasing every year. Give her
a trial and be convinced.
prices paid for Butter and Eggs. Butter °:3; Eggs 16
--The; :anniversary e, rvice•s of the
James street Methodist church Sun-
day rtchool on Sunday and Monday
last was a great succ et. On
Sunday the Rev. D. E. Mar-
tin, of •Ilyatt Ave. Methodist
cburch London, occupied the pulpit.
In '(he morning he delivered an excel-
lent address to the young people who
were ttsserclbled in 1 he centre of the
1 5
church. 11 C afternoon f mass
h I the.
meeting of the Sunday School was
held in the body of the church awl
Profitable addresses were delivered.
In the evening Mr. Martin again oc-
cupied the pulpit. Special music was
prepared by the choir. On Monday
evening one of the most successful
Sabbath School entertainments ever
held in Exeter was given. A large
platform 'was erected and for over
two hours the members of the Sab-
bath School rendered excellent and
varied numbers
who missed
the entertainment, missed n rare
'treat. Each class of the school from
the infant class to the senior 'bible
1one cumber
1 to r
assns' ed putting al stet i g
on the programme and the manner
in 'which each ae.luitted itself show-
ed 'that much interest aid time had
been taken In the preparation. An
excellent scarf drill was gieett by
'the young ladies' Bible class. Several
dialogues, isongs, recitations and
exercises were given and the whole
program throughout bespeaks credit
for 'Ilte young ieople of the James
Street church. The proceeds ntnount.
cit to 'about .x135.00.
A number of New
Browns, Wood col-
ors and Elephant
Grey Suitingsjust
The correct thing
for the spring sea-
New and Stylish Millinery
You have never heard of such an opportunity. You have
never dreamed of such a chance, A big stock of millinery at Away
Down Prices. Call and see, sarne price to all.
-Piano for S:ile.-11eintam;n1 (Irani MaKeS Old F111311441136piano, nearly n'w, npply to Mrs. A.1
Q. Bottler.
-1Iere is it good offer, tete; "Times"
Hutt Weekly Globe for the remainder
of 1908 +for• $1.00. Our Specially Prepared
-F011 BALE. -1 ggs for 'Incubation.
Pure bred Barred %locks : big bids : "Ready For Use"
heavy 'layers: eggs 'the year rI ING.
rL. C. FhEN.11iN (V.
-The massive flag pole secured by
the school hoard at Licury, was rais-
ed Monday :afternoon. it is about SO
-The offer of the Weekly Globe
feet high.
-Tile Misses 'Lillie and Beta Rowe, & Canada
nawith Farmhe er or
or thi aspires
who 'have 'been attending !elicit F:.s.cr ceon flay 'first. Those wishing to take
holidays tit +Clinton. returned homeeadvantage of this excellent offer
on 1Mondaymorning' should wend in their subscriptions ret.
-Miss daisy end'teacher at once. We can nlso give you the
13rigdcn niter spending n3 bar vacation Weekly Mail and Empire 'for thirty-
five ;amts,
here 'with her mother. has returned
to resulne her duties.
-Messrs. 'Dyer and George llurdon
left this week for Buffalo, where
'they bate secured positions with the
Gas Company of that city.
Merchant Tailor.
Conveyancer Accounts Collected
M°Nt 'dfrl.'orth eatwoSae.
Office, Main Street, Exeter
1)00 COST. -White hound. tan
ears, gorge .black spoil on right side.
Answers to name of "Mac" Kindly
notify '1V. Johns, Exeter.
-- Miss Vera Stowe, who has been
t the 0.
r n vtng
el It. elation, 'London, [or some time,
leas accepted the position permanent-
ly, dainty lunch was served to all, and a
-Two eetectivcs passed through enjoyable progt ern of music was
fawn 1
n -
here 'Wednesday night of last week. fished by Mr. Brown. Evers !!
on 'their way to Centralia to investi-' in Exeter should belong to this organ -
gate to clue of the missing murder-' ization.
er 'Moir. -South Huron commissioners met
-Monday, Mr. C. Pyu; showed us at Brucefield last week. Licenses i1'-
a novelty in the shape of a duck sued were: S,•aforth, shop license, E.
egz. It measured 9 3-8 inches one Dawson ; 'tavern licens•`s.'11. Carnodnu
way and • 7 1-2 inches another and Jas. Dick. 1). ''. Pinkney,
weighed fix ounces. piens,
--The license of the. Metroeolit•tit The latter ars 'Inking possession of
'Hotel lies been transferred from Con- 'tic Commercial hotel, Iwhich bas
rad \Venttand to John Morley. Mr. been to long conducted by 'Henderson
Morley takes possession of the hast- & 'Dcl:acy. Exeter. shop license,
lcry to -morrow, (Friday). J.'Kpight: Lavern licenses,
rotes. W. '1'. Acheson, 'r. 11. Cook and
-Mr. L. C. Fleming has ace Hu- C. ,Wcttdlau(l. fes) f11:
A.!Itolkiusorttic pounty of secretary for the leu- .that'il r..E.laiio/ltickersmit.l►ton County Y. :\I. C. A. 'twith het -Toawnshil`, Ilossety, lirucefi it
loaders tit Clinton. Ile 'toil} cnt.•r Geo. Strong•'Ecti Ttvern• 1l'y Town.
on his new duties, July fat. Geo.stel,• r It. leiterave Zurich Hay J. I .
-Mrs. A. Q. Dobler last week sold Rau, Zurich: - Mrs. Nicholson,
her 'residents :old property on `linin Wake. Stephen Township. W. Fritz
'to' street opposite Ross & 'Taylor's mill Grand !Bend, E. 1Tr'nti v.., Sl+il,l.a : II.
et 'Mr. 'William iudntore. u( ssessi n. Cunnd !Bend,'Klliva: ,1. Geer. Neurit
t A.
' r aril
1. 'ark .
eta Cudmorc will lake possesslo Called iI, t`._S�L_ '
May dlth• Cr( diton: WeeMof fate Centrad7 V.
-Word was recciv' el hese last Zimmer. Daslevood.
week of the de al.li( at Brantford, of -Tee i ee'l+'r ',mitre of the little-
llrs. Craddock, nee 11;tCat•1cy, at pendent Order of Oddfrllott•s C c
termor resident of Exeter. Sho wasbrated the eighty -tenth nenfiversary
at 11..t.t[ad on Vednesttay
-On Friday afternoon the Wom-
an's Institute gave a most successful
"At Home" in Senior's hall. The hall
was beautifully decorated for the oc-
casion, t.ite principal features being
the sale tables lateen with whoksoute
edibles, notably bread, buns, gems,
biscuits, pressed meats, salads and tall
fancy cakes. pastry and candies, such
as only the Exeter branch of the d
stitute can prudnce. Everything sol
well' sod in atht tion to the sale a
Will snake your furniture bright
and new looking. Now is the time
to give your furniture something
new -say a coat of our Varnish.
Get the Best
Large Bottles 25 cents.
We also Make
in Ithe matter of the estate of Isaac
W. Johns. late of the
Township of tTsborne, in the Coun-
ty of Huron, Fanner, deceased.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to
R. S. 0.. 1897, chap. 129, that all
creditors and others having claims
against the estate of the said Isaac)
W. Johns, who died on or
about the 23rd. day of March 1908,
are reviled on or before tate 5th With soc added for admission to
Horse Show to
Toronto and Return
From stations west of Kingston in
Canada. Ticket's good going April
29th. valid returning on or before May
4th, 1908.
Homeseekers Excursions
to the Northwest
OM TE I) '1'o N G 1' F.S.
are'popular only in hospitals. Buel-
l nese )nen and strenuous workers have
no need of them. 1f you get one
though, don't throw it away,b►tt. come
get us and it fixed. We have
and it wouldn't be a bad idea tc buy a
box of Howey's Stomach and T.ivcr
Pills and have them handy, indiges-
tion, hilliousness or a had cold unity
coat the tongue. Our pills will care
it. Only 25c a box.
W. S. HOWEY, Phm. B.
Chemist and Optician. O�iTAR[O
Phone 50
• of it he order by attending divine ser -
of lase week. • vice in t he 'el ail' Street Mef hottest
-Next Sabbet 0 will be Sacrament church on Sunday morning last. The
Sunday tit the Main Street Church members assembled at the Odetfel-
and Union Services will he hold for low's hall and marched to the church
the Bethesda and Main Street con- - - h •. I by err. Thos. Boyle. '1•bc
gre;atiotrs. Service twill commence
at 10.30 instead of 11 n. tn.
-Campbell'. Varnish Stains are
the original and only real Varnish
, e
n e
ever• •t to 1 0
usck _ , rs.
Stains offered tan. p
Pity work like colored varnish pro.
during eleautifu1 effects elabottlb ob-
scuring 11he train of natural woods
W. J. Neaman sells this line.
-Dr. ltobcrt Barnes. V, S. of
Ottawa. formerly of Exeter, at ho
ec ar for t
ns t
hasbee ► travellingt ,
Dominion government under the
meat regulations :act. has been ap-
pointed chief govcrntnenl inspector
of meat fur the province of Ontario.
1lis friends around here will b pleas -
to i f l' tepid
A Magic Polish for gold and sil-
ver plated ware. As good as the
best on the market at half the
-Try it -
Canadian National
Horse Show
day of May, 1908, to send by
pont prepaid or deliver to Messrs.
Gladman & Stanbury, of the village
of Exeter. solicitors for the Excel'.
tors 'of the said decaase2, their
christian and surnames: addresses
and desoriptions. the full particu-
lars of their claims, the statement
of their accounts and the nature of
the securities. it any, held by 'them.
Aid further take noti:�e that eater
such last mentioned date the said
Executors will proceed to distribute i Winnipeg and Return $32
'the assets of the deceased among I Edmonton and Return $42.50
the pallier; entitled thereto. havinx proportionate rates to other pointe.
regard only to the claims of which Excursion dates all rail via North Bay
they shall then have notice and that
April 28th, May1'1111, and 20tb, June
a liable
c not b l
shall Executors Aug -
' 1st.
'd Ezeand L
e said 7th tit ►9tli and 23rd, July
for the said assets or any Hart"theri0.
ust 4th and 18th, September 1st, 1st
and 29th, 1908. Excursions dates via
rail and boat. Tickets will be sold to
permit contlnucus passage for steam-
ers sailing from Sarnia at 3.30 p. tn.
on following dates: AprilMay
13th and 27th, June 10th and 24th,
July 0th and '2 , August 3rd, 10th and
returning 3Ist. All tickets good
in 00 days. Full information from any
Grand Trunk Ticket Office.
• a f •
Chemist and Druggist
of to any person or persons of seas
claims notice shall nob have been 're-
ceived by ihetn at the time of such
Solicitors for Executors.
Dated at Exeter the 1lth day of
Ma • 1908.
tort to go after the man, preferring
to wait until daylight. The country
constables are coming in for consider-
able criticism on account of the" r
inactivity in 1be 'natter. Several
clues were stilt in by the constables.
but when investigated they proved
and theycarie
io 8
in for considerable joshing. Friday
night last a "man nnswerin; the des-
cription of Moire ens seen about a
mile and n half west of Centralia.
Ire :approached the taros house door
and asked for the proprietor and on
being told he was absent, but would
return In a abort time, the caller
said he was looking for work. but
was hungry and wanted sometllin; 10
eat. The lady of the house gave him
cc and
what lie wanted
v t
w.1 -
not cat ire wrapped up in n net a'1
per and departed, saying he %route
return later 10 talk over elle molder
of (securing work, with the husband.
beck. :'Ice however to
[e failed t
Indy described hint as hating a light
moustache and reddish hair. and that
he offered her five cents for the food
she had given him.
-A trial of unusual interest was
held at the town ball, Thursday
m• s a d morning before 'Jla;istrates termer
Do -
sermon was preached by Rev. E. A. and ,Kay, in twhicli 'Mr. 11. A Lang,
Fear from the t xl. "Ain 1 my lyre- one of the largest shippers in the 1)o-
ther's Keeper." After a few intro- nriniou, 'was charged by the Depart-
ductory remarks he came to the: first (trent et Agriculture with, Lavin; in
eueetion, "Who is ing Brother?" 'Tic his possession apples which were
w' z
clear uI
very e
es she
speaker mad.• the nnstccr t Y wrongly brande<l,th barrels
and platin. Our brother is one who Mr. '.sag's name as the shipper. The
is in distress and want. one who depar'tment avas represented by Mr. A.
needs help, and lite ttorld of mankindMcNeill chief of the fruit division and
needs sympathy and as a brother ave •Messrs. M. it. Baker and 11. J. Huth -
should give 11 to thein. Contenuiu; erford. inspectors. It appt'ars that
he asked "What is a Keeper," and out of Mr. 1.ang's lar;e number of
tt rn
. Cdsixteen sttic. �
rater.of apples. 9 t
gave it as one who is ibarites I1
open -
another. One who tends or feeds, ed and found not to lr up to tree'
and as a keeper we me exVcct'd to standard. The ebipinents of other
take care of the body end lnind anal` dealers were found 'to be the same
also of the character of our l,rottter 1 tory. A number Of the men through
and our character should },cnt8 afn' out the prot•inCe, who packed the
apples!, hate recently been fence for
In the matter of the estate of
Jane Hodgins, late of thv Tp.
of Stephen, in the County of Hu-
t• deceased.
w•' do
t de
ton, widely-,
Notice is hereby ;even pursuant :o
It. S. 0., 1897. chapter 129. that all
creditors and others havin; claim`
against the estate of the said
Jane (Hedging, :t•ho died on or about
the fourth day of Deoember, 1907,
are a;nipped on or before the
5th. day of May 1908, to send by
post prepaid or deliver to
Messrs. Gladman & Stanbury,
of the Village of Exeter. Bo-
licitars for the administratrix of t'hc
said deceased. their christian and sur-
names. addresses and descriptions,
the full particulars of their claims
the statement of their accounts attd
the nature of the securities, is any
held by them. And further take
notice that after such last mentioned
date the said administratrix will pro-
ceed to distributee the assets of .the de-
ceased niton; the parties entitled
thereto having regard only to tho
claims of which they shall then have
notice and that the said ledminitttra-
trix will net be liable for said assets
or any part thereof to any person
a claim
[iO 1
e cl a
or persons o
Ly et
th n
'vee L
shall not )rave been received
at the time of such distribution.
Solicitors for said administratrix
• •r this 13th.
' -e t, t
n i•.a
Dated t
day of April, 1907.
o Icer o his advancement.
-Trac 'trustees of I bs Exeter Pub -1 In the hands of n brthe order as in t h^ hands
1 i • \1'r
tic School have ttotiiied all that
teachers of the Settee! that all pu-
;tils who have had 8carletina or Se.tr.
let Fever or pupils corning front
homes where ScnTie tina exists (utti'o-
lated) during the east 1WO months,
be not permitted to ntt,•nd school,
unless by certificate from lb, chair-
man of the trustee bo ad or of the
of our wife Hud fend y.
should look eller the welfare' of our
brother's mould :111(1 in order to do
Ibis we Fhould sate our own soul
first and in tli`w way le. in a bell •.Y
position to rave, others. tit clo'iug
be asked "Ant I my Brother's Keep-
er? Atit i doing all 1 should for my
Medical ileal10 O[fie r of the il• I3rother.'•' Ile impree...d on ahe.
their duty as 0 society and
work !
lage cter.
�e o
g of 1 x dttiduals in Ibit great -rbc results of tit London )fedi- lifting mankind.
eal College Etta mitt:MO s twe.r, riven
out Saturday and the narne of Will Lloyd. is mill at. large and theI,on-
.lenight. lion of 'M r. and Mrs. I. J.
Knight shows up prominently ancon; don police are without nny clues on
Ih,• first year student.. 1i.' took which they can work. the detective!
first class honors in Anatomy ; iecou,t Kate op the chase Y
in Physiology ; pass in Chemistry ; and returned to 1.01111011, weal out
first class in ilotany: fire class in' and disippoinit•d ret not get their
titan. The !!eti-raI opinion is •that
end fir; Fcconrl it iia; nit ny. 1:+ the officers at i h • hirracks where
and first in Practictl Anatomy. It the murder alas committed trete
will he non 'that hr look four Britt somee}iet 4a x in trying to eeprchcn'l
class honors rad war yon ere rl int Moir.. 1•loyd w:ts shot by Moir lit
passing In every t term
on twfuch h•
wrote. The neat 1,•rm commences Die anal itfatrotfie�r i,nn>rdirl'lp_�ac ped
next student.Sheeptember and as 11'ilI is it good to notify the Ricard, but it does not
clans will no doubtex teed he appear that . the guard, need^ any •'f'
class In then second year exams.
-Moir, the murderer of Col-5••rgt•
Spent Eighteen Dollars
"Gentlemen, -I have pleasure in
stating that I have used 818.00 worth of
Psyching', and ns a result was cured of
very serious throat and lung trouble.
My case was a most difficult one, and
the doctors had practically said that I
could not get well. I tried Psyching',
and it did me so touch good that I rein•
tinned its use until I had taken $19.00
worth, with the result that I am new
a new man physically. I bave gained
thirty-five pounds.
"it is with the greatest renfieenee
that I recommend Psycbtne to all who
are afflicted with throat er lung trouble.
Yours finer, d'. A. i'INEHAM.
In the matter of the estate. of Geo.
Mawhinney, late of the Township
of Stephen, in the County of Ttu.
ton, gentleman, deceased.
Notice 114 hereby given pursuant to
R. S. 0., ISP7, clap. 129. that all
1't r•t tad others
having claiats
Highest Prices Paid
delivered or in the
Centralia Saw Mills
Do You Require Oats?
We have ,just received 2000
bushels Feed Oats and will
Ctee i o be glad to supply you in large
against the estate of the said Geo.or small quantities. ��'e are
e ale
low price on large
Come in and get our
N' 111111
who e:t
1 a 1 z ,
1. ► Y
thy 14t1 shy of March, 1908, are re-
sulted on or before tire' 1st. (trey of
May. 1908, to sand by post prepaid
or deliver to Messrs. Gtadmau &
Stanbury, solicitors for the execu-
tors of the estate of the
said deceased their christian
and surnames, addresses and
criPtions, the full particulars of their
claims. the statement of their ac-
coun(s and the n:lluie of the Me- HARVFY
sutitica, if any, held by them. And
further lake tort ice Ih:it after such
last mentioned date the sail Execu-
tors will vowed to distribute
the assets of the decrased amon; the)
parties entitled thereto. having, re-
gard only to the cl:'ims of which
Ila •y shall then luate notice rind that
the: Feld executors will not be liable
for the said assets or any Dart there.
of to any itcrtm it 01 persons 9f w• hose
claims Dal ice shall not have been
received by them ret the time of such
dist 1 that ion.
'ell it ,
t;LAD1IAN do H'1'AN
Solicitor.; for marl Et ctetors.
Hat 'd nt Exeter t11:s 31st clay of!
March. 190F.
not branding the apples properly,
and the 'Department is trying to ;.'t
at the shippers nn'% hold them res-
ponsible else, and a test was mad)
otstown, Que., 5cpt., in the case of .ler• Lang. Atter hear -
This man s,eaks from es crienee, lou the evident, tic mai6w s ret
a P could not see that J1 r. Lang
was ret
Paychine cures all throat, chest, lung ta,ult, Asea Otto conwict,ions coulee
and stomach trnubl.•s and gives rcnewe not ee rate. fron► 1 ee Fo10.' ease. t -two
of the prefers having been fined
••••••••••••••••••••••••• •
• thorn:r:: a ptl>trre,ariccncn,
T• ulitit}', enth.,aia.m, esltertne..
are our watch word.. Comm( r
eat, Stenography, Telegraphy.
Mail Coarses in an) noble. 1.
• 3. Na. at -at
p c Clinton Business College
♦ 1 lira. �1w.!tnn, 1'n,,..l .1,
they iter,• surnmene'l to apis'ar 111' -
fore the magistrates, and nithourls
feeling stint they had done nothing
improper In the packing of the ap-
ples, rather than glfrt•n Lan T, 1 ;4
tight. paid n Gn
ever. refused to do so. )lencc 1) •' t 1111
on rd eursd'%y• Mr. Meese' informs
us 1 • intends to appal the case 10
Tore :1o. Mr. 'Lana: has been a well
km; • n resident of Exeter and bee
don• en immense business in npplea
aro :ad here, and . ..e ote" eho ttas
t,; env des inns set) n, knees
strength and titality to run-down peo-
ple. At a!1 druggists, tine and $I•l ', or `i,,w weeks ago. In conneetton w 110 h.
Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto J1 tee latter, it alight b• said, thee he ; fair nn'lt above board.