HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-04-30, Page 7FIFTH LARGER CROP AVERAGE Indications Point to Record Yield in the West This year. A despr►t•:h from Ottawa says: otll,:'at rive►, rte (•1% ed by the Immigration pea p,r tment from agents thn,ugh"ut th;t \Wt:1t : he,w that the acre age under crop :u Manihiki, Saskatchewan and Albe•r- i t this year will bo about twenty per cent. greater than last year. All indi. tcutions 110W 1)01111 10 a 'veer(' yield of +wheat.from "the granary of the Em. vire" tlri'i year. 'firer inert:resod acreage, is. of course, largely due to the influx of new settlers. Resorts fr•otu agents of the depar•t- ment in the Western Slates indicate that the number e f American fannies who will take up land in the (:anadi- t n Waal this year will bo very largely itt excess of last year. On tho other hand, owing to the restrictive s' gula• t ons recently put in force by the Gov- ernment, the immigration from Great Itritnin this year shows a very orees d- er,d,le falling oft. For Stanch, the. ar- rivets of British immigrants herr' 50 per cent. loses than for the core ssrenJ- i1 g month of last year. TWO MILLIONS A D.tV. -Enormous (:rfot ill to canaula's Foreign i'rode. A des/piker b. rte Ottawa says: Fee the fiscal year ending web last month 'Canada s total trade reached the record figure of $038„390,291, uu iucrevise of $25,8111,911) over 111`3 cones' ending twetvo months of 19064)7. The imparts fer the year totatket $3a8,373,05, an in- trea.se of $2,228,075. Exports of the $280,016,606, an 1ncreose of 87,810,000. The customs revenue for the year in- ere•,iso.I liy 85,314.281, tiro total being $5a,320,737. The largest increase In do- mestic exports was In agricultural pro- eheits, which totalled $66.069,939, as compares! with $19,514,327 for tho pre- -ved:ng twelve nt+ n')rs. J:vpor's of manufactures totalled 828,507,121, an in- crease of 82,288,075. Exports of the .rr,lne totalled $39,177,131, an increase of $3,030.993. Fisheries exports rrmnin- -ted prncticnI!y st)tonary, totalling $13,- 8f7,368. A Large decrease Ls shown in the exports of animals and their pro- duce, tvtiielt reached only $55.101.26 test year, as compared with 8G7.13'l,- •.IUt for the prer..'iling twelve montt+.i. Exports of tho forest t.,tttlleJ 811.170.- 4;t1, a deoreasei of $11,52.702. For the Iact 'month the import., 4,0l1,st 810,- (,2.232, a 4ecerea.so of $t1.789.844. Ex - ;Doris amountol to $18,572,085, an tn- crease of $2,442,080. LOG KIIled Nfne C:ttt RAN AWAY. Men on the Susquehanna itailroaad. A despatch from Ralston, Pa., says: twork train on the Susqueharrrrai & •New York Railroad, near Laqutn, Pa., was wrecked on Wednesday mornin, by a rue:away car which dashed into the train after d,,.;cending a steep grade. l:rght lumbermen were killed outright. one diad later while being taken to a hcspifal, and fifteen were .seriousT; in- jured. They wreck occurred on the 1.a- •e,t in Lumber Company's Ing load lead - up tn'o the mountains. n-1 iii' twenty-six miles from ltnlston. T1 . ni'n were riding on the log train. which was being pushed up the sleet, 1,•,cent by the engine. A log car r•nu away and carte down the grade at ter- rific speed toward the train. An at- tempt was made to reverse the engine -t''1 the lou train to avoid IPP slunk o1 the ei1Nsien, but tho runaway car crashed into 11:e cars before anything etcul.d be done: The engineer and fire- man ro-roan and tl,n.-n in the train who were rear the engine escaped Injury. A Des!! FOR i.IIt1:IiTy', Clrin:rr em Tries to i;scape al SI. John. New tlrun•.n irk. A despatch from .81. J,,hn. �, R,, ant's: A (hinnnrnn who was held ley or - eel• of the customs here, trade a old fiesta for Iitterly on Thursday, but tt•as re eaplurrd. Ile crime 0111 as n 1,esse't- ger to SI. Jelin on the :Mon liner Vir- ginian. and traveled as it Jnpnnese 11' was minus a queue. The Customs 1)e- j'aitr,i'nt decided that his features de ctared hint n (;hene.e. and unl.'ss 41 ce,ulel be proven he we re n Japane-e he mast pay $51111 or pts) 'Lark. Ile tors then placr..tt unfit r guard on the .steamer. On Thursday he• eluded 111.9 watchers and lumped overboard. lie stwnrn ashore, ran along the street, followed by an ex- cited, Yelling crowd. hilt was recaptur- ed and put hack aboard the sterimeer. IMMIGRATION RETURNS. Palling OU in Iho Arrivals bri Last Three Months, A despatch from Ottawa says: The letai Immigration ter tiro first three ruontlis of the present calendar year WAS 27,144, ws ooi, pared with 42,048 tee the same three months in 1907, showing a decrease of 14,901. The British immigration. was 8,941, as com- pered with 20,822, a decrease of 11,878. The continental inrrnigration was 6,810, os compared with 11,600, a deeioa'e of 4.790. The innnigration front the Un:t- ed States was 11,990, as compared with 8,626, an increase of 1,761. The immigration for the last fiscal year, ending with last month, was 262.- 469, 62;4t;9, trade up of 120,182 British, 93,975 continental and 58.312 from the Unites! Statedx Fair ,r the cor•responiling twelve months of 1906-07 the immigral on was 222,702, made up of 103.916 British, 59.- 473 continental arid 59,213 from the United States. 1'Ite Increase for tho twelve months was 33,767. G1:ASI'1NG TRW LEVER. Engineer Rigger Killed on C. N. R. Neter Roblin, ttIa nitoba. A despatch from Roblin, Man. says: \ (:art-ad:nn Northern kio,.m•,tive draw - Ing a freight train on the Edmonton main line jumped the track in a cut- ting about four miles east of Roblin in Thursday morning and ro1'o,l over, crushing Engineer Edward Bigger to death. The fireman jumped and escaped without injury. Tho e'rtgirteer met death et his post. Whon removing hie body' it Was found that Its hand was still tightly grasping the throtte. Ten cars aaad d with wheat following the loco- motive were derailed, and considerate° wheat was spilled on the track. Mr. Rigger was a single. rnsan and lived in Dauphin. ile was formerly a resident 01 \\rinfJpe;. i'111e 1.4 A (sit M:L HLOW. Prunes Thenten to Become a Real Lux- ury Th(ti *neon. A despatch from Chicago says: Prunes threaten to become a reel luxury and ee-appear in the menu carder of runny restaurants anti bearding h')u.;fr>rt. sere, from the Sacramento Valley and S•none, Naps, Tehunia and Cclusa counties in California indicate that late frosts have damaged •about 50 per cent. of the growing crop. Damage itt the, Santa Clara'Valley also is thought to 1•e heavy. A normal cr,;p of pnures will total about 170.(X11),0011 pound,. Last year about 73,000,000 pounds were pro- duced, and this year merchants say the crop Is not expected to tote! over 60,000,O00 pounds. This deficit is ex- pected to send prices skyward. IIE(;15TF:Ifi:D 31.411. STOLEN. Thieves' Work at Edmonton -One Dag Recovered. A despatch [turn Edmonton, Alta., says: A bag oonlaiting r'gisterad let- ters was stolen on the arrival of the \Vintulp eg 1.rain on Thur:vday. The socks %erre loaded on the mail wagon. and on re -rivet! at the post -office, it ap- pears, were (a -el -looked. One contained registered matter for the Calgarry and Edmonton Railway, eo)tifh. A search revealed, the Calgary and IAfrtionton !tag lcneath some empty sucks near by, but the other WAS gone. Two or three igta- sI,<cL are under surveillance, and ar- rests are probable. 111111111) LIVER 01)8114 DOWN Extraordinary Malformation of a St. Louis Judge. A despatch (r' :n Baltimore, •11d., says: Surgeons in J•t1111 Iropkins Iloepital dur- a, an au1►p►.y on the tee fly of Judge Nelghttn, of St. bites, were as- . tont...eti to di.sce•ver that Matelot of th tatrrai selling •,1 the organs, ihoss in t. h.• body eon, retttl.•ral agarol in al- nio,t unbelieob'e wogs. Ills heart eas turned in n position the reverse of nor- mal, his kidneys were unitee1 by a liga- ment in the shape of a gorse -shoe, amt the Liver was upside down, with the gall bladder on top. ttatny of the smnlier organs were n chafe; el entang- ling cards and fatly sat ,tnne•cs. Kee judge erAas Khnn lived witt. such along.' Irinspnstl r,tt of the ma- chinery of his body Itop>teers marvel- ( tie. S u l gonna ore rny.l filed tit '1. Whether he was horn edit has +)leans j 1't abnormal posit aces or the)• tte'ru.' rut In this stale through disease c,r :erne freak of nature is not known. Judge 11'Keighnn lived In be sixty-six years t,ld, and was cons'tlere.l one of the ablestIt a t• •e 1.,to f '. . Lout.. 11,; hewn dill not seetn to ,suffer through the state of his organs, rind he was able to ant heartily until within a few seeks of March 1. when he was letyeughl to lie .1.1ms 11'J'kins 11nv1i- laai in a crit cal condition, 11.' had Li',''t ee seriously ill in fit. Louis in Felerunry. Hatt his pho "rcians were quite unable to fillt,,ui hi. symp- te:nts. Ile wan finally 1►reirght Ie, Beth Jt,ltna Ilepkinrt 71', 7) 1,7, where an r►t►- eration wee Irrfermr,l. .1l,ring wttt•'h el SefWel it'. tt.ere (brute' u( ae,t•h n Mart- i ng nylu',' !hill Ih•' 111111.11. Mrtseeenl,',! 1 . th' it 111(1 ell . tt hi •ti was 1 o eforrtrty) reit. .t i•r1'.ee•.lately ,if:.r death. CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS 11AI PENINGS FROM ALL 01-.1 TUU CLOBL. Telegraph Delete rro.n Our On and Outer Countries of Recent Events. BRE.IDSTUFFS. Toronto, April 28. --Manitoba \\'treat --For immediate delivery, No. 1 north- ern, $1.17, Georgian Bay ports; feel u hent, 69c, Ilea I teexi, 63c lit North Jlay• For May delivery, No. 1 northern, $1.15; No. 2 northern, 81.11; No. 3 ri;, rt here, 81.06. Ontario Wheat -No. 2 white, t)0•yc to ,91Ne at point of shipment; No, 2 red, 90k•; No. 2 mixed, 8S,ee; goose, 87e to 88o Corn -Nn. 2 yellow American, 74e; ,No. 3 yell')w, ?gyne Toronto freight; No. 3 mixed, le loss. Barley -Very dull; No. 2, 52c to 55c. Peas --.No. 2, 89c to 90c, outside. Bye -Strong; No. 2, Sec to 87c. Buckwheat, -No. 2, 6411c to 65c - Oats. ---No. 2 while, 453..,e outside, 47yc on tr•;►cl( 'Toronto; No. 2 mixed, 43c. Flour - Manitoba patents, special .brand;, $6; seconds, $:1.40; strong bolt - ere', $5.30; Winter Whent patents, $3.35. Bran ---Pull errs, $2.1.50 to $25, Tee rt'nto freights Bran--- Full cars, 821.50 to $25, Toron- 1) freights, .Shorls--Scarce, *24 f.o.b. milts, COUN'i'tty PRODUCE. Eggs--New-laid, 16c to 17c. Rutter -Is becoming more plentiful, and the market is easier. Creamery prints . - .. 30e to 32c do s. Wide ... .. 29c to 30e Dairy prints .... .... 2.5c to 26c do large roi Ls21c to 25c do solids.... .... . .... 23c to 24c Inferior .... , .. 20c to 21c Potatoes --Ontario, • 8,;c to ,; Dcla,. ware, 95c to $1, in car lots on truck here. Beans Firm; $1.70 to $1.75 for primes are $1.80 to 81.85 for hand-picked. Haney- irnlned steady at 110 to 12c par Found for 60 -pound pails and 12c to 13c for 5 to 10 -pound pails. Combs itt $1.75 to 82.50 ler dozen. Cheese -lie for targe and lige for twins, In job k)ts here; new -make, 13c fer large and 13Yc for twins. Maple Syrup --$l to $1.10 per gallon. Bak)d Straw -88 to $9 per ton. Baled flay- Timothy is quoted al 815 to $15.50 in car lets on tracks here. PROWISiONS. Tonle --Short cert, 21 to $21.50 per barrel; mess, $17.50 to $18. Lard --Titre, 11) c; tutu, 11%c; pails, ,12c. Smoked and Dry Salted Meats -tong clear bnoon, 10e to 105 e, inns and cas- e'.e: hams, medium and light, 12e to 13e:, hunts, Targe. 11X,' lo 12e; .banks, 10c to 16Xe; shoulders. 9%c to IOc; rolls. 10c to 10ye:; breakfast bacon, tic to 15c; green meats out of pickle, lc toss than smoked, SEEDS. Following are the prices pnld at out- side points:-Als:ke, No. 1. *12 for fancy leets; No. 2, $10; No. 3, e`i.550 to $9. Sam- ples mixed tvittt timothy, trefoil or weeds, according t0 qunlity. Rol (lover -Firmer; No. 1 cleaned, 812.50 to $13, end a Tittle higher for extra fancy kits; No. 2. $II to $11.25; ordinary loot, mixed with weds, ac- cording to quality. Alf►\'Pita: \f. 1t.11tK(:'re. air/rheal. ApesI 28. t et.'atly volume of Irade is passing 111 I1oer. Choice s; ring wheat pat,•nts, 86.1e1; s»ottnit, 5:1.50; winter wh••nt patents, *5.511; straight rollers, $1 to 85.2a; dna., Irl begin 82.35 to 82.50; extra.,, $lase► to $I.90. Fords, etc----Mrtnitoha bran, *2'2 t.e c,3; .shorts, 823 to $21; Ontario grain 91:.,,•13, $a: to $22.50; middlings, 821 tot $21; shorts, 815 to *27 per ton, ineheling bags, and pure grain mouille at 832 to $31. Cereals -Milled nate. $3.12% per bag: r,trnrne'att, $1.G7I to $1.75 per brig. Eggs -A good demand prevails for eggs on the local market. Receipts are to Ally keeping pace with Ileo con-Rtrn).p. t on. anti price's are therefore firm, without change. Fred) egg, are lo -day selling± rat IG};c per dozen in jobbing Isms. and at 17c to 18c In single cases. Cheese -Colored quoted rut. 123 .; to 130. and old whilo nt 12%e to 12%e. Re- ceipts to-driy tt•ert' 71 'boxes. I'r<iv:shins- fiarrel3 short cut mess, $21; half barrels do., $10.75; clear fat backs, 822 to 123; long cut heavy the ee $20; half barrels do., $10.50; dry salt lung c'car 1►ze'k=, 10%e.; barrels plate leaf. 813.50 l0 $15; halt I.jnrrels d•).. $7.25 to 87.75; barrels heavy ztte s beef, *le t•, $11; half harrels do., $5.50 ten 86; cemp,omel lard. Kye lo i)e; pure land, 11%e to 11!;r; kerne rendered, 11%.1 to .i2c; harts. 1-2c lo 133;c. nee' rd'ng len size; breakfast bacon, Ile to fin'; Wind- sor bacon, 111;e to lee;e: tr+wh4;il1,'t1 nl atte)ir-,Ir,'sse'tl hogs. $9.75 le $l0; live•„ $t;. ii) to $0.73. ti1:\\' YORK New fork, April 28. -Wheat - Slot. farm; Net. 2 rent, $IA3y,; elevator; Ne.. 2 ed. 81.(111;, Init., 'afloat; No. 1 north- ern, f)nhrti,, $1.15. f.o.b.. allied; No. 2 hard winter, 87.17 y, f.o.b. afloat. CATTLE 11 t lf<iT. Ter.,nte, .lpril 28.--.1 few lois of good exporters' ratte were sola around $r;' (ear ee 1. The rnii o of choice efee'•.i a ns $5.60 to $6 icer cwt. 11•.1,1111 •'r - I purte't.i animels sole) amine $.5.25 to `5.10. and heavy bulls Were tJ!k)tcwl at 51.•::1 t•. $5 ter cwt. nee -lees* rattle, choice, in smelt lots. 8..01) O. 8s.s1) per owl; chnhr foals, taa.2t) t•, $5.50; 111141111111. 81.00 to frit; '''ttrn•en anti nt.'<fnrtn 1111x,41, 11.3.50 lot Ki.311'; C.,,WS. choice, $4.25 lo *1.75; c ,w.+, medium, $3.80 deo $1; COWS, oomttton, *2.50 to $3.50 per cwt. Dulls ranged lrwtt $3 to 81.75 per cwt. A con,sid er•:1bk' bu' 1ne ss was trans- acted is feelers and stockers on fair of- ferings. t'ri•:es were unchanee.d at 81 to 15 per cwt. for feeders, and $3.25 to $4 for sleeker:,. Calves were lower in value on targe offerings. Their prices ranged. from 82 1. 15 per cwt. 1:xep>..t t ewes sold at $1.50 to $5: bucks and eines, 83.50 to 81; lambs, graln-rod, *6 to 17 per cwt. flogs wero unchanged at $0.10 for se- lects, and 86.15 for lights and fats. CONFERENCES* MW FRUITLESS. Railways and Mechanics at ll'inntpeg are Still lar Apart. A despnlch from \Viniiileeg saes: The situ:it:ore botvoen Uio railway steer han- ics anil IPO companies remains prac- tically tilts same. Tho C. N. 1t. and C. P. It. ntc'chanics both held confer- ences with the companies on Friday morning, but nothing was given out at either plri0a. The officials absolutely to free to talk on tho subject at all and it appears that neither party seems, to know where: they aro at. The C. 1'. It. mechanics were closet - el with Grant 1hill for over one hoar and the conference enck',I without a single thing being agreed upon. The C. N. R. Hien spent nearly throe hours with A. Shields and J. •I3. Cameron. and when the meeting ended tooth part:as re- fused to g1se out any statement of what was r oaclrei at all. That matters are unsatisfactory is evi- denced by the repeated conference'i. which apparently aro u x,Iess. GIRL'S IIFitOTSM L;N:tV.tli-ING. Sated Children 1'ronn Burning ilouse Only to Lose Them. A despatch from Battleford, ca`k says: Miss Anna Matthews Ls tete only survivor of a family of five, ns a result of prairie (tree in the Tramping Lake District. '1110 father went to fight the flames. which were sweeping (iow•n an their !flue home, rind p erLshoi in the rtilernpt. The houso took fire, anil Arena Matthews, 18 years of age, with her clothes all ablaze, carried her five- yeur-oJd brother and sister t) a place of safoty, and then returned for her inether, but too late. Site fought her way agrtln thimigh the sea of fire only to find that the other children hand wan- dered again into the fire zone and per - THREE G1111.S POISONED. Daughters of Mr. George Sears of Wel- land-- Canned Salmon Blamed. A despatch from Welland .says: Tli� three daughters of Mr. George Sears of The Wetland Telegraph staff were pcison d by ptomaine through eating canned 50(111on on Wednesday night. They did not notice any 111 -effects until a'l,out 10 o'clock. when ir►te.n'te nausea set 1n, followod ,:,y vobiting. The quick appearance of I)r. Hewett prevented more disastrous consequences. Mr. Sears, who also, partook freely of the salmon, was not effected. nor were any other members of the family. PEARS THE YELLOW 11%N. .tuist.jrltan Prent(er Tells EnuiCh Peo- ple a Struggle h (:opting. A despatch feint i.onel<nt says: in addressing a gathering in the Liverpool Produce Exchange on Thursday, the 11on. '1'. Price, Protract' of .Souttt Au- stralia, said that Giont Britain cored not koe'p tete country going by flying the flog over it. The Australians, he said, saw the yell•tw peril attend. and wero getting ready to Welt. Ile hoped 'hut every neon tinder 30 would learn Crow tel use a rifle, re) that leo Noa,1.1 be 111)le to assail itt resisting the advance c( iho yellow men. -•-----4 PiERCED 11th 1111•: is r. 11. Gelder` Instantly Killed in I.umhcr Mills at Wald%, 11. C. A eespt.teh from Ferree, lt. C...say .: Details of an accident 111 the lumber mills at \V,tkln, in tt 11 ch 11. (:(►dee %s(1 killed, have ben received. Codec: was putting a bolt on a pulley. and, finding that 1t wa.s too aria for his hands, he took a piece of heavy 9len11i pipe with which t,, 811) 011 tite (t'nitter. As he was rnrutipuiettng the bell- the pine Was caught in the revolving pulley, and in- stantly the Iron was reversed. and she,( through hew limas!, entering the wall behind one pinioning him there. d' MR. DR1EKWATEIt'S DE'T'11. Was taviar,ant In the i'resideti( ftp lire ('. I'. It. Company. A despat,'h from Montreal says: Mr. Chnr'es Urir;l;twrit,'r, ns startt to the i'reeit .'nt o f Ilse C. P. 11., died on 'rl,ur+eIi)y night atter an flare ee of only sit Jaye' duration. 11e contracted a cold r ‘‘.0 4.1; ago, which deg'' ''1 rd into pnt'trrne)nia. Mr. Drinkwatcr was in his Slut year, hawing leen horn at Ash - len. England. in 1843. Ito began his railway carter in England at the age of sixteen years, and hnd, therefore. teen nenrly hall a century engaged in this work. 01.8 STANDING ,t1111Y. The Porce Now tilunrnts let five Thou. Nand, Alt Ranks. A .loipst,'It roans Ottawa says: The mere t orders issrrel t elny givo the e3- tnlelt.,llmeento ••1 lire various permanent rrerita f,,r ibis year. and tho reeapitu- „ttion Q7rnwa that r:anade s standing army now beta L, 1.851 •)Hiders and men. R1 Nisi t'S NF:w It ttttiil1PA, rite Ordered From ('I. fie Firm Larger Than Drehtlttought. despatch [rent 1 eaten .c iyo: The iairsatan lret.•re:110re. 0 ' • ,riling to a trial(' J011111 411 ten. ,,r-.i•'r•eet five %%gr• chiles. each ono to bet :or g.+r then 1,1„t I)resdnought, faint a flrtti ,,t a 'e,1e ship- builder*. ORIGIN OF SPECTACLES t1O(d:R BACON WAS TIE INVENTOR iN TUE 13:CENTURY. Ile Introduced Their Use Into Europe -- Were Previously In Use in Chine. Spectacles are supposed to Barre been invades! by Roger Bacon in the 1311, century. 110 was a great linguist and grammarian, well versed in iho theory of perspective and optics, knew the use of convex and concave glas-es. Ile was an English monk, educated at Ox- ford under the auspices of Robert Clrosseteste, Bishop of Lincoln. Bacon was also encouraged end instructed in learning by Edmund It;eh, Archbishop c.f Canterbury, by Williams Shir•wood. Chancellor of Jansen, rind dieter( aFn,sdhacreP, an able professor of .Oxford aris. REGARDED AS MAGICIAN. Tho last-named university at that time being greatly frequented by stu- dents, Bacon went thither, and ob- tained the degree of D.D. On quitting Franco he retired to Oxford, and about the same time entered tho order of St. Francis. He rtow devoted hinise!( principally to chemistry, natural philo- sophy and mathematics, and so anent was ho in their pursuit that ho spent In the course; of twenty dears, £2,000 entirely upon them, which, taking into considerrttiont the time in which he lived, was no contemptible sunt. The discoveries he made and the tanto he got excited the malice and env/ of the monks. ft was reported and believed that ho had recourse to the agency of evil spirits, and that all Pea knowledge oonsisted in his skill us n magician. In consequence of thLs he was for- bidden to lecture. in iho University-, and was confined to his cell without seeing his friends, or to havo Yt proper supply of food. This bigoted conduct o' the monks only seems to have ex- tended his reputation, for tlhiie he was suffering from their persecution he received a letter from the Cardinal Bishop of Sabina, the Pope's legato 'n England, requesting a copy of his works, which Bacon at first declined. but when that prelate was raised lo the Papal Chair as Clement IV. he col- lected his writing.- into a tolur110 and sent it to 7119 Holiness, who promised hint his protection. On the death, however. of Clement iV., be was exposed to new and more severe persecutions. His works were prohibited, and be was sentenced to close imprisonment, In which ho re. mined above ten years. On being released he retired to Oxford. where Ire: dies]. Born at Ile:hester, 1214, died at Oxford, 1292, Spectacles were, however, known In China before this tine•, "lit• Thai itlllretll 11is Spirit Is Defter Than Ile That Takeeth a City." 'There, there, my dear," said llobb- 1, soothingly anal gently, to his wife, }en be came !write to dinner ono even - g, and found her on the verge of hy- rics, J,ecause the clothes -line hadneer, and all the "white things had smothered with mud. "There's no crying over spilled milk, and you ow that 'leo that rulcth his spirit is ter than he that talieth a city.' Cheer . like a brave little girl. I hate to you los' your usually admirable self - se over a trifle, and " Trifle'" exclaimed Mrs. lloblxson. "I 1't call it very much ef It trifle to 'e a W110!0 weceh's tcnah:ng dragged the r!,1a,1 1':5-er) tliilig.-. g.ot.' sst-otng ay![ 'I'll (ire Is out, and -_-" !hero isn't n sp,arh of fire in the mare, and I ttant you ten snake it for -"Well, I.11 be everlastingly and eter- 'Ile that rteeth his spirit ' " be- MrS. 1Iobbson, tountingly; but she not (Meth the sentence, for Ilobhaon cd over a chair, dung his coat and s into a corner, and teed, as be 14x1 for (he cellar - 'hal confounded firehas gone out y day for two weeks, anti I !stow it's simply hecause you and the fool with it ail the time, Youneedn't , fur 1 know that you dol it you'd o it alelne just as 1 lcat'o it when ) to t evilin themorning, it'd he. ight. But, no! You must poke •,p Wild mink•r away at it and Alert,, .n e coal and open the datnpx rs snr wl In s,r tiro bee use kn bet. up see Poi (101 het in be -d fur up nal gan did kick curt slat. ever that girl deny teav 1 g all r dig11)4,1• and 0/ 0 1011( and es 8 ai 1 been you •+f tie infer never touch--" know better! 'Tlu1t oro wt)uldn'f tit every blessed clay if Il tt•ns not sled with. Iters i've got to go clown chop some wood anti rake nut esti- nil work at it two hours and a halt, s cause --f know that someone has meddling with that tire, and you In't make me think differently i' talked from new until Ibe crack item. It makes me so raging, so rally mad. to think that-----" "Ile that ritlnth his spirit LS--" 13ut tlobbson had Kent' tearing Clown the cellar stairs to charge wildly upon the furnace., his teeth stet rind his eye. belle threatening to hill out of Ws heard. "Yo,i'el tetter look out or you'll break sorrelh ng." \ire llobbson called from back t the , '•3 "dupe 1 \will! ikepr 10 goodness 1 willl I'll like to take the thing Anti-- " Rent nn areumulnik•n of dust loosened by Ilotd►snns violent onslaught on the furnace blew right into his face. to that tttteranet' wns choked for several momenta, and 1t would not be right for any seif•respecting !menet to print what Ilobh-.on said when he had re. gained his speech. el)\1'I.1(TING TOOT-. afifkine- "I wonder tit Whelig, go to work?' nirkins- "071. 1 Qtr•',.= hest cn ),,,sy t•Inmt ina hi: nen horn that he can't heir Uri factory whistle." MANGLED BY WHEEL OF SILL Two Little Nova Scotia Girls Meet With a Horrible Death. A despatch from Halifax, N. S., says: l hee report of a most Unusual ac_ident carnes from treat f.ahavo Ferry, by Melt two little daughlens of Henry !termite, aged 9 end 11 years, lost their lives \t tele on their way to gather May lk:%%'er.s. 'There is a sawmill in the vi- cinity, end the children were in the habit of taking a short cut under the wheel when the milt was dile, to short- en tee distance, On Ibis oe-'casior) the'r father warned theta not to go in that direction es the mill was to be sot ga. ung teat afternoon. 'l'he ehilaren did not heed tho warning. ,.wing the mill was not running they thought they were safe. \Vhen they were halt way un- der the wheel started and wheeled theirs around, mangling than in a terrible n:alrne•r. The men noticing the ob- struction, stopped tho machinery and to their horror found the poor little I encs dead, mutilated so badly to to be beyond recognition. [HE WORLD'S MARKETS REPOiITS F11011 TIIg LEADING 'RADE CENTItE9. Prices of Cattle, Grain, c reeler Other Dalry Produce at Home and Abroad. CANADA. Thp subscriptions for the Bell me- morial at Brantford amount to $10,700. Toronto's tax rat© was struck -by the Board of C:ontrel at l8'/., mills. Itis said at Ottawa that iho Inst,r- ance bill will bo left over to next sw- sicn. Some Toronto doctors are object;ng to the advertising s grin in the drug store windows. The rail mill at Sault Ste. Mario has beon closed indeflnitely owing to lack of orders, 'The steam of immigrants Doming in- to the 'Province from tiro old country 13 falling off. Tho foreign trade of Canada for the last fiscal year amounted to $638,200,- 291. a Target increase. The Fornebo, from Sydney, C. B., with coal, was (he flat sea bout to arrlvo at Quebec this season. \fagstrntc Kingsford, of Toronto, has decided that an automatic cent.-in-Ilre- slot n)achino must not sell chewing guru on Sunday, The Catat act Power Company has ac- eepted the offer of the city of Ilamil- ton, modifying the terms of the street railway franchise. J. 13. Corrlveau, clerk for a Montreal horse dealer, has disappeared with a sum of his employer's money, ncoom- panteed, it Le said, by a young woman •rn:ployexd as bookkeeper by another tion. Deposits In Canaetian banks, which havo teen ssb'.•ldlly decllning, increased -IA fifteen ntilJions during March. The slaletnrrtt of the banters for the month -slows a healthy revival azul prospect of easier money arta (GREAT RI31'f, IN. Spenking at Manchester, Mr. Winston Churchill declared himself in favor of settling the Irish question on broad and generous linos. Mr. Walter Runcininn, Preesident of (he Board of Education, the flr•st of Mr. Asqu ith's new Cobinet \pini:tees to go to his constituents, was re-elected d In Dewsbury by 1,118 tole s. UNITED STATES. Two boys at Hawthorne, Pa., were poisoned by eating wild panni),.;, The United States Senato ratified the arbitration treatair (Great Britain. The anti•htreket shop bill has passel 1 „tri !louses of the Legislature at Ai t,nr,}•. I•hc Rollmschilds of London wIll lake ran issue of $10,000,000 of 40 -year 4 per cent. bunds of the Pennsylvania Bail. A committee of six has leen appointed 1 y the United States Ile,ttse of Repre- sentatives to inquire into the question of tho price of print paper. The New York Slate Senate has pncsted 1 bill placing telegraph and fe!ephone cempante,Q under the jurisdiction of the Public Service Commission. Al the American Newtpaher Publish- ers' 'banquet in New Z vi k \V. J. Bryan suggested a non-partisan type of paper, with signed editorials on both side's of politics. C1•:NEl.\1.. The port of I.a Guaira. \'enzttela, has been closed on acoourt of the plague. Sir Jannis Willcocks will lead a puni- tive expedition agnin.st tl>e Mahrnoudrs, in the Afghan frontier. Corcan insurgents made run unsue- cessful attempt to word( a, fraln itt wench ?gargles no was travelling. Eighteen persons havo been shot at Guatemala for conspiring to atseesin- ale the President, and other executions will fol'.ott'. The mountaineers on the Persian fron- tier aro flocking to the aid of the n Kuehl, who are menaced by a Rt is punitive expedition. Strangers committed sacrilege 10 (he Vatican by receiving Communion at tho hands of the Pope and then spitting out the consecrated wafers. OSI,t:Itis11 :t MISTAKE. Records Put a 31an's hest producing Age at 50 Rather Than 40. 11 appears that to backseat men at 44 tvoudl simply rob the world of most 01 its masterpieces, the creation of which depends on the intellect. An interest- ing article in the Century gives the av- erage ago at which the best work In various lines has been produced. According to the writer of the article tho records give an averago age of 50 for the performance of the masterwork. For worker:, iho average: age is 47 and for thinkers 52. Catemists anal d)hysi- c;sts average the young.et, reaching their highest efficiency at 41, which may account for the theories of Dr. Os- ler. Dramatists and playwrights, poets and inventors follow at 41; flowerets give an average of 46; explorers and warri- ors, 47; musical composers and actors, 13; artists and divines occupy the po- sition of equilibrium at 50; essayists rime reformers stand at 51; ,physicians one) surgeons line up with the stakeon, n at 52; philosophers give an aver•nge of 51; astronomers and nuilliemratici,ara.3, satirists and humorists historians, 57. naturalists and jurists, 58. "As may be noted," snys iho wrier, "there Is n nenrrangernent of the cedar rut this time, but the thinkers, as le,e fore. and as would naturally be expel - ed, attain their hill maturity at a liter fo-r:nd than the workers. The corollary ;i evident. Provided health and optim- ism nemain rho man of 50 can command success as readily as the mean of 30." (:I(: tilt:i"11.: i(:\iTED i ('tit:. Frank Fords tan), Employed qn C. P. il. Neer Fort 1l'illilutr, Loses hands. A. tlev7nteh from Winnipeg stye: Frank Fuulsltam, n young man emptoe- ed in the construction camp of the C. (sands shattered by a detonator on 11. wear of Fort William, had hts Thursday. Ile was sent to set ttto first, anti the Occident was Iho result of in- excusable care'.es';ness. Iie was smok- ing a cigarette, and n spark from (his ignit.e.t the fuse, which exploded the el.'tanator in his hands, blowing both of them nimost elf, Ile Is now in fort William Hospital. PUBLIC OWNERSHIP PAYS Annual Report of the Ontario Railway and Municipal Board. A despatch from Tur.)nto says: That municipal ownership i►nys is one of the things the second annum report of the Outare) Railway Board slows, It paid in 1906, with a profit of over halt a rr,,llion, important figures are. given public respect- ing ' i'. J b � utilities ea in the province. The ruin! investment is $21,821,56t.gs, divided as folkus =-1Waterworkc, 81l►. - ('25,116; Eicclr.c I.tght & Niece, ce, 81.• 716,667; Gas Works, 8916,735; Te Ic- phones, 5101,011. Debenturo orad other d•!t•ts ere: Waterworks, $12,502,301; Ele•ctr.c. $1,- 313.816; Gee, *737,918; Tetephl. Hers, $100,- r'or tho past year the returns were Its te,lk,ws: Waterworks. groes income, *l.626.9w1; not. 1131,013; Electric gres.a, $151.611: stet, 167.152; Gas, g►n.s, 75(i. r et. *44).901; 'Telephone, arose *:6.- 797. Att. $6.109. 'I h •s during the pa4t )erir the pub. ti 1'I»a sbel.lt'.I to the mimic p:rli- hos .ening them the neat little point of $515,176, after paying all chnrbees and giving service on a cast basis. 32 PERSONS KILLED. During the year 32 persons were ki►lyd and 320 injured on the railway.. under the jurlsdicl.on of the Board. O1 the killed se%cn were passengers; .,even employes; 17 travellers on the t 1 •a h it\ s ono tt`e4) 4. p a ger; rwno on S. l• vol crossings. Of the injure) 181 paaseugtas, 38 erni►loyes. The Electric railway business in- crcnst,l all along the line during the }•ear. The mileage Increte e d fro'n 103 to 436; passengers carried from 111.316,577 to 125.117.057; grosts cern- ir:its from $3.11$00?8 t•. 83,698.456, the net erten:rigs float 82.107.163 (u *2,311,• The report nlso denls with the rpm - lion .,f juristdiclion and re•allirnta els p-•,lit;on as tet [onward in tate tetter of ('hnirrunn I.0itr-h to reenie►r N'h•1. Hey a chert t:mc ago. The fact% Ye5J)is ling Toronto's con. plaint nga,n9t the Street liaiki'iy era also rut ;e'wesi at some len*th,