HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-04-30, Page 6DeD000m000000000000sNIM
MAKING f lull.\US.
Doris ttlayhew lives in the real coun-
try. 'there are no Street -cars wilhitt
envied of her home, and she can just
tel• the roof of the house of their near-
est neighbor.
There taro Ilcids and pni tures all about
and ht suite little distance back of the
he use is a thickly wooded hillside,
where many gray squirrels make their
homeand where foxes have been seen.
There are no children, but Doris does
riot lack playmates, for when she was
a very scrap girl, not quite four years
old, site began to make friends with
the birds who built their nests happily
and r,utely near the Mayhew farm.
The first bird that Doris trade friends
wile was, she thought, the most von-
dtrfiil bird ef all. It built its tiny nest
among the jessamine tines on the lut-
licetvork close to Doris's chamber win-
dow. It was a hummingbird, as beau-
tiful ns a tk;wer, the little girl thought,
she watched Its delicate whigs, Its
swift (light, and its hovering, swaying
motion over some. honey -bearing blos-
Ocan. By sitting very quietly at the
window, Doris could see Mr. and Mrs.
Itunlrning-Bird going and coming, and
gradually the timid birds became used
le the little girl by the window, and
knew that she wos their friend. Some-
times Doris world put out a dish on
the window -sill with honey In 1t, and
when the birds carne and daintily dipped
their bills in it, Doris thought it one
ei the greatest things that could happen.
Doris liked to play down under the
lig innple•tree near the Lrook. there
$be had a broad wooden tench which
her father had made for her, and just
above. the tenth on one of the lower
brunches of the tree Mr. and Mrs. Robin
had built their nest They were rather
a noisy couple. but it was easter to
make friends with them than with the
humming -binds They would light on
the very bench where Doris sal, and
pick up the bits of bread. (Jr tiny pieces
of fruit.
By standing on the bench Doris could
ace the nest, and as she was careful
never to disturb it, Mr. and Mrs. Robin
made no objections. but when the young
robins began to flutter out of the nest t,or or six Loxes for 162.50 from the Dr.
they were as willing to take food from Williams' \ledicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Doris as from !heir parents. fele)
would hop along after her when sh.c --- + —
started toward the house, chirping
loudly. As they grew inrger they flue
Everyone Reeds a Tonic in Spring
To Purify and Build Up the
if you want new health and urstrength blood in Leming you must build up y'
with a Witte Medicine. Indoor lite dur-
ing the long winter months isi respon-
sible sible for the depressed
feeling of constant tiredness which af-
fects so many people every spring. This
eenditian means that the blood Ls Im-
pure and watery. That is what causes
pimples and unsightly eruptions hi
some; others have twinges of rheuma-
tism, or the sharp, stabbing punts of
neuralgia. Poor appetite, frequent head-
aches, and n desire to avoid exertion is
also duo to bad blood. Any or all of
(hese troubles can be banished by the
fair use of etch a tonic medicine us
t)r. Williams' Punk Pills. Every dose the farmer Was to bury in the plough
rl thi; medicine helps to make new, land little conical Lags of piper, the
sides smeared with bird lime and a bail
the glades %1hero the birds feed. 1t is
an odd alcohol. factPheasants arerds lem e Ito exc! tion
bhe irds collloset unnatural
w hid � that
11u a securcd the
h ft's share of the feast- aro soon reeling
nt:out helplessly drunk. The poacher,
who has been lying "doggo" near by, has
melting to do but jump up and wring
their checks.
Another method of the pheasant poacli-
r deserves mention for its very ingenu-
ity. It owes its success to the well
l.l:own pugnacity of our finest genie bird.
A gamecock is armed with Meet spots of
great length and keenness and dropped
here a pheasant has been observed to
crow. The ph heart will allow no rival
within its domain and presently conies
Naturally he slantes no more chance
than 11 man armed with a paper -knife
would against u Western desperado with
a bowie. Ile is killed In a few seconds.
The poacher picks up the dead bird,
cr•tches his gamecock and moves on in
search of fresh victims.
An old fashioned way of catching rooks
n they became too numerous to suit
tact red
blood, which drives out im-
purities, stimulates every organ,
strengthens every nerve and brings a
feeling of new health and new energy
to weak. tired out, ailing men nnd wo-
men. Ikre is proof that Dr. Williams'
Pink ('ills Ls the greatest of all Rpring
medicines. Mr. flenry Baker, Chipman,
N. B., says:—"Lest spring I was so
weak and miserable that. 1 could hard-
ly drag myself about. My appetite was
poor, 1 did not sleep well, and dread-
ed work. My blood was in a terrible
condition, whk'h caused pimples and
small boils to break out all over me.
These would Itch and pain and caus-
ed: me much trouble. 1 tried several
medicines, but without the least bene-
fit, when one day a friend asked me
why I did not try Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills. Ile •poke ED highly of this medi-
cine that 1 decided to take his advice
and give the pills n trial. 1 got a half
dozen boxes and the result was that by
the time they were finished 1 felt like
an altogether different man. They puri-
fied my blood, built up my whole sys-
tem, and I have not had a pimple on
my flesh, not a sick day since. For
this reason I can highly rcixumnend
Dr. Williams' Pink PilLs as a blood
builder and purifler." Sold by all me-
dicine dealers or by mit at 50 cents a
at the bottom. The same plan has been
tempted with cousiderable success for the
capture of pheasants. '1'lte bait is barley
and the bird, completely blinded by the
cap which sling; so tightly to its head,
falls an easy victim to man or 'log.
in an open field you will often see
small pieces of brushwood stock Into the
ground at intervals. These aro set by
the keeper for threpurpoSe of hooking
i:p the nets of night poachers for part-
ridges. Partridges roost upon the
ground, and by means of a long, light
net dragged across the grass by two then
a whole covey is often captured at one
swoop. This form of poaching is only
possible on a dark night, and at such a
time the poachers cannot, of course, see
the branches, and therefore they get their
nets entangled in them. But some have
newadays taken to lining the ground side
of their nets with some stiff giaced stuff.
A net so protected will slide over most
tered about her. and scented to be on
the lookout fe r her visits, and would
tale a berry or a bit of soft cake !rein
her hand.
Then. down in the pasture. Doris
found the neat of a tiny ground -spar-
row, and she made friends with the
•)anew family, but very softly and
♦gently. 11 took a king time before the
little shy brown birds would venture
near the strange visitor; and they never
teeijune so friendly as the robins.
Doris is now nearly eight years old,
and she is quite sure that the birds who
tome back to these nests every year
Belong to the sane family ns those with
whom she first made friends; because
Rix• says they remember her and are
not timid.—Youth's Coompenlon.
Fruit is Crushed to a Paste Froin Which
the Oil is Pressed.
The finest olive oil In the world is
gown in Tuscany=the garden of Piety.
The trees blossom in Tuscany In the
month of May. The fruit begins fo
Snaring and Drugging Pheasants—Arm-
ing Gamecocks W11h Steel
As years pass on, poaching, like every-
thing else, becomes more scientific.
'rho old hempen net which the moucher
esed to hong across a field gat at night
fn • hares has given place to one of silken
cerd, and to cheap bulisey'e lantern to
the more costly but more handy electric
Perhaps the most dangerous improve-
ment, from the game prcserver's point
ef view, Is the substitution of the motor
bicycle or motor car for the old fashioned
cne horse trap. it might be imagined
that the motor bicycle would be of little
use for carrying gar e, says Chambers's
Journal, but only the other day a motor
We publish a simple cure for smallpox
kindly sent by a correspondent. "One
ounce of cream of tartar, dissolved in
water, drunk at intervals when cold," is
the recipe. and in recommending 11 the
correspondent says it "has cured lhous-
ai'ds, never leaves a (nark, never causes
blindness, and brings speedy relief. '—
Advocate of India.
ripen in ,Not ember and is generally In citsLh was away k d n ar a hares Julian(' town
e -
dull maturity by January. hind the seat. Parisian papers tell of
mll as a risky crop, saysrin \winter war, well organized gangs who raid the cov-
eter.:ng as it docs during winter wen- crts near the French capital by the ad
causeaus. r told snap with frost may of apparatus worth hundreds of pounds,
great damage to the fruit. who have relief funds for those injured
treSometimestiMay, the fruit remains on the in affrays, and who retain lawyers 10 (ie-
iel, appreciated
cia ed In iso a qua very thin fend 11x,3• captured by keepers. flapptly
art, nppreclalcdt In some quarters, but this sort of thing is still unknown in Eng-
Not unnaturally the pheasant stands
cr's list. If a
pt the
be eh
a o
pdfna quiet half hour
in tire covert he slips in, sets a net actress
a run. sends his lurcher slinking Hound
through the undergrowth, and presently,
\\'ITL( A F1.U1-1E11 AND A FLOP,
n fine cock bird is fast in the net, next
moment to be transfericet to the poach-
er's pocket.
A Method of taking pbeasnnts which
was more common a few years ng., than
It is now was that of "smoking•.' 'the
Nit eventful is to discover a tree where
Pie hirers roost. Then, up a dark, still
night, the poacher goes to the spot armed
with a hnndful of sulphur anu the lid of
an old biscuit box. lid nlhe illure of minaties
lighted upon
being carefully concealed by a coat hung
around iAs soon as
blitzed up. sulphur flung on the
(lanes, and the lid held tip under the
bough on wheel the pheaannt' are mese
ug. Soon the suffocating fumes lake
efieeI. With n melte and thump a fns
Lard thud% upon the ground. One niter
wheel speedily develops rancidity.
Tire process of e'tracting the oil is
• the unlit is first
•leapt• in the extreme;
crushed in a mill to n unif.:rm paste,
then the paste is transferred to circular
tags or receptacles made of vegetable
iflbre. A pile of theee ere placed in a
trees and the exuding oil (lows into a
a I'ecl:ng lank brow.
Essential conditions are that the 111111
slicked net revolve too fast, or it will
nv(rhrnt the olive paste and give a bad
'naves lc the oil; 'that the bed of the
mill shau1,1 not be of metal for the sante
Also the degree of pressure, when the
O bject Is to get the finest quality of oil
roil from the pu:p," as the terse runs
.-must not lo exremtive. The finest
' dive oil is es ent'ally a cold drawn et1,
Peat is prejudiced to quality.
Ik wev'-r. when ail possible care has
IMcn taken in the process the fact re-
rnniric that olive oil can be made only
fr(.m freshly gathered. perfectly sound,
g Ile (,lives el the proper kind. Tho
i ig tat olives of hot, sutbropical cli-
mates can never ycid a delicately fia-
nored oil.
The newly made oil must be alkeved
to settle. it is then carifled simply by
"ming It through purified cetkm in a
iseitab:e filter. Really flne olive ell calls
4. r no other trantment whatever. eters
riecal or ctherwike, 6) renter it fit ter
the table. On la's point it is well to
te clear, ns reference has neem made
ix fore now to process's for refining
alive oil so as to (.btnin n specially fine
rgt:alily-erne might AA well try to "pai'it
Ike lily or adc•rn the rase l"
After being lee -light to Amertrn the
clarified o:l is preserved in warehouses
In large slate l+ned tanks. holding up
1.; 20.000 gallons each. wherein the oil
1!( ne nlained at an elueble ternpera.
111m. For trilling and can filling pur-
,.etvcvs it Is transferred by pipes from
woe large tanks to ether smaller tanks
Pi the pack:ng rooms.
10 -
Why i% 11 that every time n girl gena
ennt with a ve.ing non of whern sled+ is
ashnnmd she meets all Ler friends??
if n brick isn't ho -sem ick ler her family
tet wren.; after marriage+ Ws a sign she
ttraried ties right man.
Pimples, face sores, and the kindred
eruptions common to late winter and
early spring, are the worst disfigure-
nients the fair sex have to bear. To re-
'rnove there the pores must be opened
and the functions of the skin stiniulat'
cel, by the vigorous applications of Zane
Fmk morning and night, and washing
frequently with 7.am-Bok Medicinal Soap.
7am-Buk reaches the root of the disease
by soaking through the skin and tissue
and its powerful hea'bal juices expel
d:sense and make the skin do its work,
which can't be done simply by the use
ef internal medicine. Miss Ellen Snaith,
of Somerville Ave.. Toronto, says: "My
ince was greatly disfigured by a skin
eruption which annoyed ane dreadfully
he months. 1 was advised ho try 7.am-
Ruk and i am glad 1 did for it quickly
removed the trouble and my face is
now clear of all eruptions."
'Lana-lluk contains no animal fat what-
ever, but is a pure healing salve. It
cures cute, burns, ehafings, cold sores.
fl^h, eczema, running sores, ringwvorm.
piles, bad legit, inflamed patches, and
a': diseased. injured and irritated con-
ditions of the skin. Obtainable at all
druggists rind stores SOc.. or post-paid
from the Zum-Buk Go., Toronto.
Are ArtIstlo,
Easily applied, Oanmet
Crack nor Fall Off
*sad as a sketch stiorinq shape
sad soma rssasur•msnts of your
selling* or walls, and r• sells
Isubmit simians, lldntrat•d bbooklot fratd►s Rades.
Metallic Roofing Co.,
Mandl—net o rc re
e O n 6Id
r. V
irOVCCESSOO4- ro dvr,alo rA.%OL CO
The Best mti, Cheapest
- Canoea.SZO7iLLaunchesEta
awing Irishmen Aimee Wrongs of
Pelt) May Durkin.
'the arielo^rats of Dublin Castle, the
fashionubl s of London, the millionaires
of New York—everyone who lightly
makes love or breaks his vows, whether
lefore or utter marriage—should be in-
formed of the punishment which his
humble but true -hearted neighbors aro in-
flicting upon a faithless flirt.
Robert Flynn, once an ettilk'ryman,
new a small farmer near Cstn•ick-da11-
Shannon, made love to !Jury Durkin, a
girt as pretty as worthy. They engaged
themselves to marry; the date for their
wedding was fixed. entry prepared her
Ileusseau with her own needle, but. with
cath stitch :lie felt hopes as pure, treinu-
leis, as ever animated a princess.
Suddenly, end without the slightest
cause, Flynn transferred his affections,
so-called, to Anne Furrelly, another local
beauty. The priest, like everyone in the
country round, knew of Flynn's faithless-
ness to Mary Di,rkin, and, after giving
him and Mine Farrelly a severe lecture,
telling them he questioned if they could
be happy after breaking poor Mary's
heart, the good father refused to marry
Flynn and Anne were married by civil
process. This the fanners living near
(:arrickon-Shannon regard as impious.
Besides they are angered by Flyntes
treatment of Mary Durkin. So when the
bridle and bridegroom were returning
from the civil ceremony thirty young
men met them.
Without wasting words these rural de-
fenders of the faith and of constancy in
leve seized Flynn and took his bride bark
to her father's house. Then they carried
the struggling bridegroom to his house.
For ten days and nights the young far -
niers kept constant guard over both
horses, have had Mr. and Mrs. Flynn un-
der unceasing surreitlance, and have pre-
vented them from rejoining each other.
professions for women. She het:w'1f is
ferried throughout Portugal as a nurse,
and is well known in the Hospitals of
Above alt Queen Amalie is never tired
of preaching the value of outdoor and
athletic exercises for women. She is a
magnificent swimmer, a wonderful rider,
an untiring cyclist and a geed shot. And
to such pursuits Mie altiibules the beau-
tiful figure which she possesses.
A doctor can hardly bo blamed for los-
irg his temper when he gets out of
The firm of A. J. i unison ends Com-
pang, linkers and financial agents, has
been formed in 'Toronto. The senor
member of the firm was until recently
pfcsident of the Brantford Street {lee-
way, the Grand Valley Railway mid the
\Woodstock 'Hinnies Valley and Ingersoll
Railway. Mr. Palliser sold the cclnlml-
ling Interest in his railway's to a. Pills -
berg railway magnate. Mr. Pnitlson is
n Canadian by birth, a Lnmbton comity
lacy, and has been in business in a fidu-
ciary position in Toronto for twenty-five
years and has been a resident of Toron-
to for over thirty -.five years. The record
of the Canadian llonicetead Loan nail
Sevings Association under his adminis-
tration for over twenty years, loaning
upon mortgage that Is one foree.lost.e,
has not been equnlled by any Toronto
tearing coniing. The new firm will have
a Rlrong reputation for integrity and ad-
ministrative ability, and a high finan-
cial rating.
Direct New York. Boston, Philadelphia
and Montreal Stock Exchange wires
with one of the largest New York and
Boston firms tine been arranged for. The
firth will have direct wires also to Chi-
cege and Cobalt, and are in a position
to give not only excellent service but
the twist conservative advice upon finen-
cia' investments that can Trossitly he had.
The fir'm's advertisement appears in an-
other column.
Amalie of Porlut)al thriftier. !kr rine
♦Tepee• to Outdoor Eaerrhe,
a,olher they drop, and with hick the
poacher may get half a dozen from a
single tree.
Another favorite plan is to soak bar-
ley or %Amt for some lemurs in warm
venter. -tt hen the grain is thoroughly
softened :ho water 1s slrninrd off and
strong spelt peered over the w heat. The
swollen grains *sorb the spirit, and the
dtctorct: Dalt is then spread I1 one of
CYtwhO Tobacco
The big black plug.
! ---
1115 AWFL'I. FEAR.
"Oh, the sorrow of it!" sobbed the
fair plaid. "Last night 1 refused Mr.
Blank and this morning Sts body was
found in the river."
"Poor fellow!" murmured her girl
friend. " suppcese he was afraid you
(night change your mind."
Be There a Will Wisdom Points the
Way.—The sick man pines ler relief,
but he dislikes sending for the doctor,
which means bottles of drugs never
oausunxd. Ile has not the resolution
M load his stomach with compounds
which smell villainously and taste
worse. But if he have the will to deal
himself with his ailment, wisdnnn eel)
direct his attention to Parmelee's Vege-
table Pills, which, as a specific for in-
digestion and dlisorders of the digestive
Grgans, have no equal.
The world may owe yell n thing, but
try to collect it and it will have as ninny
excuses on tap as a Haat who is a_sluel W
pay a bill.
t'Azo otN•r\trove l+ gotratite•i t, Care any
A mother who has once used Baby
Own Tublels for her children will al-
ways use them for the minor ailments
that come to all little ones. The Tablees
are the best medicine in the world for
the cure of indigestion, cane, constipa-
tion, diarrhoea, teething troubles and
Lreaking up colds. And the mother has
lite guarantee of a government analyst
that this medicine contains no poison -
ens opiate or narcotic. Mrs. \\'m. F.
Gay, St. Eleanors, P. E. 1., says: --"1
have used Baby's Own Tablets with the
test results and knew of nothing to
equal them ter the cure of sumach and
bowel troubles. 1 do not feel safe unless
I have a box of Baby's Own 'Tablets
in the house." Sold by medicine dea-
lers of by mail at 25 cents a box from
It►e Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-
ville, Ont.
A $TRIKINC WIN. Iron b. dv never weir out. Note the
beautiful finish and trimming:. Order esrly. tVrite to Jay for
our new Spring aiiJ Suntnter Catalogue
Order by thle number
K 2-2Sj26 TX. The above Iron Bedstead, very neat design, t 1.16 inch
posts, 5.8 and 3-8 inch fillings, head end 5; inches high, foot end 44 inches high,
brass knobs and caps, beautiful snow white, enamel finish. Supplied in our
sizes, 3 ft., 3 ft. 6 inches, 4 feet and 4 feet 6 inches wide. If this bed
is not entirely satisfactory in either quality or price, we will exchange
or refund your money and pay all transportation charges. Bed only sea
"\\'ell. and what did the doctor say?"
"Said 1 must diet and get a divorce."
"A divorce!"
"Well, practically lam. lfe saki d nmsl
give up whatever deeen't agree with Inc."
!tickle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup needs
n ' recommendation. To all who axe
familiar with it, it speaks for itself,
}'ears of use in the treatment of colds
and coughs and all affections of the
throat has unquestie•nably esiahi+slicd
it; place among the very best medicines
kir such diseases. If you give it n trial
you will not regret it You will find
it 25 cents well invested.
Plies in a to 10 Saye or in mil refunded. Mc. "MISS BtQrld is so ewee't; she knows
1,, w to stake every one at ease."
"she ought to. :`he's been at it a ling
t Itchln , Blind, Bleedln nr Prutudinl
THE num: GIRL.
"1 wish sometimes that 1 ooud fly
And soar through the air."
flow dude.
So (moth the ca
'then said the maiden rude:
"Of flying fish i've often heard.
Put flying k,tstcre, on unv wsett,
Are hire, oh, very rare."
Knicker Jones wako
himself tanous?!
llscker—Yes, but he
the neighbors.
Toronto sad Montrkal
Toronto and nonacid
up to find
couldn't wake
and faded Butts would took hiller dyed. 1t no sasab
N mere 1a your town. writs dlrscs Montreal, Boa ne,
The first train in Canada was operated 1 ; : namenda'•derre.'
en what is now a part of the Grand tor is pieces el
slry to erll at 1O coats eecl. Wien fold .snd se the'
TI ink Railway and this great system ®wI Ri sad e.iru seed yen Meso TWO SOLID
has ever been on the alert to stay h1 iausigo to vee r°r;;de•Y7�*;►ID wo w °�
rhe• first rank. In keeping with this {'TAR IWO. Cp..44Dolt.,ri0TIOSN011_it,9./.A.
general policy the "International Lim -I - -
ire -
}ram (ep,Der t, Stay d o.d. aro the m••st
cent ramie of 11taAaehe. i.AXAl Ally RR'+rlt)
remove!c.tuse. R. W. Drove on bog 234
Trunk system s aLso the finest and ACENTSI $103.50 PER MONTIS
ire," the premier train of the Grand
-un System. i
fastest train in Canada and one of the telling these wonderful
fastest long distance trains in the world. I C i meur V. 0. WeimerIdttpatr,
Leaves Montreal every day at 9.00 a.m., ; to a lyres, made eta' 7^s
Toronto 4.40 p.m., arriving at Detroit an do o show itow.
IA 10.00 p.rn. and Chicago al 7.40 a.m. ap•cial Inducements to ('anaflanAyenta
Thomas M'r$ Co., sea K St. Dayton, Ck.
Clear Healthy Shin Ecu tl en. of Den'1 1 Five you all the rnoney you
i need?" her husband complained.the skin and the bluleu which blem- ..les,, she replied, "but you told inc be-
ish beauty mresult
e the result of impure tore vvo were merle(\ that you would
blood caused by unhealthy action of glee Ire all 1 walT,111"
the liver rind kidneys. 1+► correcting
health eetkin and restoring the a Men to •nit. itcblrtt, snbeaRly
this unhealthy Put •rest Ike organs to their normal lYdndaliOn, Par- , akin with 1lbaver's Coale. Ueo ft for et(•goma,
nlck'e's Vegetable Pills will at the sante nettle rash, tetter and salt rheum.
little cleanse the blood. and the blotches j
alennddig upantioynstracwei.ll disappear without j 1M, "There gees Ursula I lel a with
'I•immid," Jees: "fes. she's setting
1. r cap for hint." Tess: "Do you really
• Jack
insurance Oficial—"Of Mutt eon- i think st►e cores for him?" Jess: "yes,
•till You know her hill reale is Ur -
—"The jury fou tit 6 ! tellers to him now, .1., may How...,
SEWING MAf.11l\1:z F'On Ri:NT.
ITCH. Mange, Peelle• acrelches end
by week or m.•eth. tt low rates. The Singer,
and w'hseler A wtla,n are acknowledg(•d 1he every loin of contagious Itch In ht.men
Ifghte•t running and most conveniett c4 any. or animals cared in 30 minutes by Wo1-
1'ry one and M convinced. PcIA. Only at th• Kroger I (rl•J'S Sanitary Lotion. It never fails.
Mores Ie,nk k r the ale s. 0' Seld by all druggists.
Any lady Anrineg dusts any mnAe nr atte(n
1J A years or more icrit• Singer
Employer lto his clerk)—"Is it true that
when the clock stokes six you put down
your pen and go, even it you aro in
Die necktie of a word'!' Clerk—"Cer-
ttunly not, sir. If it gots so near six
a; that 1 never begin the word at alt."
1l is Known d:very�wher*.t—There 1s
r I
ice in
city. town u
not a c,
where Dr. Thomas' Ecleclric Oil is not
Queen aIliolia has the most wonderful
Inste in dr•cs and Paris co -turners arc
rioter tined of sounding her praises. Al
the same Tinto her Majesty believes ll
quite an cney mater for a woman to
(,ave a perfect filling gown without the
nic of corsets.
\When the Roentgen rays were diecov-
ere t she had a tight laced leery photo-
graphed in order la d•'rnor,strato ccien-
liftcally to the ladies of her court the
evils of the practice•.
tier Majesty has very practical ideas
( e the ndvnncenlent of her sex, and :enl-
sklero that nursing Is one el the best
plaint did your father die? Applicant ( ultra Ma)* slope Welt. she r.ings net her
d 1 n sally
machine m' e A mber/
.for be Co..
.Vanning n
Torn»fo far broutildul ort q1 Nn souvenir If AI.1. 11LPi:\De.
views o/Onlario. Pre. for eiSrnp,
Did you ever hear n man with on
ol.ese honk account stay that the !eve
o' money was inc root of at evil?
Use the stifle pleasant and effectual
worm killer, Mather Graves' Worn Ex-
terminator; nothing equals it. i'rocure
u bottle and take it home.
I10W DO YOU \\'AI.K?
This is not theirnplegruestion tioe that a -
pears. Many peopleitem
person's character tnny be foretold from
his method of walking. Firrn regular
steps are said to denote n steady. re
liable nature, while jerky, uneven
movements psrsonlcate the reveree. walks quickly and stopsl
energetic lc
si.ddenty; the dreamer saunters along
with slow, aesl tictCd mien.
. Thee letin-
fl.e nein give straight
b; turn aside for anybody. On the other
Land the person who is ready lo step out
of everyone's way is not necessarily
weak-willed. Ile may be afflictedg'na 1step much courtesy. The long
usually masks the generous i,rond-tnind'
.yl person while the small petty tread
stows the walker to be of a mean and
narrow character. Thi% lust rule applies,
el e, urs•, tar more to men than 10
hoow'n—wherever introduced it makes a
foothold for itself and maintained it.
Some merchants may suggest some I —
ether remedy as equally beneficial. Such
recommendations ithould be received
with doubt. There is only one I:electric
011, and that is Dr. Thomas'. Take no-
thing else.
to hear from owner having
for sale. Not partieoler about loeation•
Please give price and description, and res -
son for selling. Mato whin possession can
b. Lad. will deal with owners only.
L. Derbyshire, Boa 914, Rochester, M. Y,
"Thing•% ie Lle`sin's or otherwise, -
seal Uncle Eben, "'condin' to how you
uses 'cm. Nope is whet keeps some
men werkin' deir best on' what encour-
ages others 10 run into debt."
Convalescent :effnsivchi: "IoM• can I
ever repay yon, decker Doc tor 'prae.
tidally): "By cheque, nota. or gold, and
hope soon, my dear sir.-'
IA poor alar iv always talking
shat ho e. old do if he were rich, but
n rich mon rye ver talks about what he
wi.uld do if 14 -or_`
Retain Vous Striae's by taking'?errneta- i
It'. the best etre tonic hs eIm system..compounded. It nourish**
and strengthens
ltd—"\\•r,uld you give ale
your hemi?"
Sheer --"hes, if you can pny the rent."
n place in
Tat. 1.AXATIt'R Hilo kw Q+dnin• Tablet..
Druggist. refund money 1f 1t (alb to core. L. of.
ORQVB'S signature is ou each boa. sse.
A ems tr r renlnins 1(loz., a ba—cop
(ez.. ui d u w inegla-ss 2oz.
\\ hen n ma) ;entries n girl far her
Weill:lid fire and graceful furtn the joke
apt to be on hire later.
11•. easy to paint with snort paint, it
wnrke w, nicely and looks sn fresh. Ram -
ear's faints are good paints good all the
way through. Evcry amu^ in town should
be touched uo with )tam(••• a Paints Your
dealer has n (ill 1.1,4k. Ramsay's Paints
the right paint (', paint right. n. Montreal. forWrite
Ramsay park of
Souvenir Picture Fort Cards e1 'tomer.
Even n first-class woodworker cannot
ncucsarily fill a petition in a chop house.
ISSUE NO. 17-46.
Transects an Investment anti
financial business. Stocks bought
outright or en margin. Direct
wires to Boston, New York Phila-
delphia, Chicago and Montreal.
Also a direct wire to Cobalt.
References: R. G. Dun & Com-
pany, 'I Tie• tirade tr. eh (:omnler-
clal Ag'ney.
Have you tried Holloway's
Cure? It has no equal
these troublesome cxcres:ences as many
hate testified who have tried it.
\Vrltin(ttnn• Nett Zealand. one of the
\\indiest lilies in the World.
Wellington, the political capital of sew
'lealand, is one of the windiest cities in
the world, and once a hualding there gets
"well alight" Uw're is 11HIe chance (,f sav-
ing. Becentledlhnnl'arctialne\n> An hila '
were (destroy
CaUlollc Cathedral. close by, ha% treen
(Mice turned down. Everybody in Wel-
irrg!t n tts his nnding
street cerncrclulchto preventhat itson l,oingrl.blown
into epa'i'. A \\ eiiingten man is always
krown In S.olney, \ieltrunto and other
cities by bolding on to his hat through
1 knot of beta.
They were having the usual family
gwirrel. As was also usual she coukb
not convince him that she knew where-
•! she argued.
"Didn't 1 go to echoed, stupid," the
sc reamed.
"Yes, dear. you did," ho repEed calm-
ly "And you came tuck stupid."
Are you half as emigre•. neighbor,
'When a fellow's down and out
lo go down to 111111 o -sniffing.
And to help hien right about.
A; you are to climb the ladder
Where some lucky fellow stand
And give him a cordial greeting
With the strength of both your ha
Quick ease for the worst cough—quick
relief to the heaviest cold-- and SAFE
to take, even for a child. tore,
That is Shiloh's Cure l�
Sold under • guaranty: Coudh9
to cure colds •nd cough. Li.
quicker than any other lom
medicine—or your money hack 31 years
of success commend Shtlob's Curs 25c ,
Wc., $1. tw