HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-04-30, Page 4yHE EXE ZER TIMES, APRIL, 110th 190s.
The Exeter Times
Justice Intimated that be placed nal
weight to the majority of Ihem. The re
Children Enjoy It
were, .however, two technical Points "1 have used Coltsfoote 7expectOran
Exeter. Ontario. upon fetich be reserved, his decision,
according to the 'Toronto Star. Ouc with the greatest s trate two with 1r
t t -
children. It is n wonderful cure for
Terms of Subscription $1.99 p•'r eels 'ibat the statute having been colds and s,•re throat. I believe it say•
Per in advarce. $1.50 lugs be amended 4)etw,en the lsecon.i and co the life of to}' little son, who was
Rlbar;ed if riot so paid. To United I'tbird readings the council 1 should very lti.k from a protracted cold on his
States eubserit,ere, 41.59 strictly to
sdvanoe• No. -paper discontinued
Rail all arrears are paid. unteas at
the option of the publisher. The
gate to which every subscription is
1ps4 (s denoted un the label.
Advertising rates on application.
Note and Comment
A. 7I. Musgrove, f 'Wingbanu, was
last Thursday Inowivated by the
f s
Conservatives of the new' riding b, r onew mu
North Huron, to contest that con- '1r. A. 11. Carroll,.11. I'., of houtlt
tytitucncy cit the coming elections. 1 ilre t lost. Leeek tvisilliwane• bis sitther in-
• • • • •
-The Liberal Conser►titives of law, {Mrs. Jas. Sutherland.
bomb Huron will meet in ',Mellon• �Jliss Bell, of Vermilion, was in the
firth's 71;,11, Jlensall, next bt rue dayan- ing village
taher during the path st week visit-
Tor'thc purpose of nominating
aiidatc for the npproacbing �general Mrs. James Carlyle and grandaugh-
ttlection fur the ¶Le.gisTalive Assembly. don lasts Flossie
iep tem, were
t,lw days • • • •
-Tb, 'Liberals of the new ri'Ytng ) with relatives.
of North 'Huron, nt a convention oissthcaPie Bontr hronuoftiB Barrie,
Iliad at. Wingha)n last Friday, rtomi spent
'n J. T. Currie; as their parents. ►•
as ardi ea bas been away
ht � pro- Mrs. E.6miltic, who h
Standard bearer in the coining i for a number of months visiting rel..
sincial tleotion• ativcs and friends, has returned to
-The 'Winghant Times says: "From her home he.'Williams,of 'Lon ton, re, Mr. Sul. herby is remodelirt hie
South Iluron comes the dis1Uieting Bishopfol by excavating ng .the [rust techs.
news of Conservative troubles, and cantly administered the 'lite of con- 'Harvey bas no use for that song "In
{there is a swell -defined rumor that 1 firmation tto a large class fn St. The Shade of :the Old Apple Tree."
Dir. 'T. J. Carling, will run ns tut In- Paul's church. Victor Sanders has accepted n sit-
uation against Mr. 11..F.ilb'r, the hiss (Bessie Urluhart, who le n nation with n Ciryn in Toronto as n
present sitting ;Tory ;Amber." The teacher in the School of Expression
Book Agent.
above evidently raters to our own at London, .spent the holidays 'with Gardening in the sunlight and fish -
FT. fit., and althouglli he would snake her parents, ing in the moonli;ht is the occupa-
nn excellent representative, it is not -�- tion of the young people these clays
Sikety he will tackle the proposition. -Weak t' prompt an• d while the older ones aro all busily
• • • • • engaged 'tilling the sop,
•Mr. Newton Milken, who III. -
been ileartting the Telegraph olr.•r -
ting nt the Toronto School of Tel
raptly, bas received n call by t h:.
Grund Trunk to the new station in
St. Marys, as their agent. We wish
him every success.
'Miss Ethel Parkinson, of St. Mary;
is visiting with friends around here
'this week.
One of our enterprising yours;
farmers has bit on a very simple de-
vice Of increasing 'bis egg crop. It is
said that when rho hen lays her egg
in the morning she is shut up for u
few hours in n dark' place, :then he
out, and ,her henship, thinleing it is
another (lay, .hops to her nest and
lays another egg. The same' man has
been reading up a course in :indent
Egyptian Mytholo3S and has 'been
struck with the many cuts and fi-
gures of the Lordly. Bull in harness,
of those days, and thought
he would experiment on his
own Thoro' Bred Short Horn "King
Bruce." Accordingly he harnessed
hint up to a 12 {lull set of Down har-
rows 'Messrs. Charles Stelck and Wile
tort's and put him to work. Poor old
faith -
lie Jarrett, principal of Ilrigden pub -
Bruce' did )lis assigned work lic school were fisting. at the creek, fully, but'rho bot days and Wavy
harrows appeared 'to be too much
for 'him, causing leis mouth to open
and his tongue to batty out. Jfis
owner no doubt thinks it is n waste
of power' and enr'rey to allow him to
live In idleness. \Y,• would suggest
that he get n Chariot, built for him
ntfd in this way- riwal'the anciene..
Pharaoh or 'the Kni^ht errant of m,'tl-
ineval 'times.
bavo Marled afresh. 'Tba of ter one tun's "
was that clic Council had no l,ovver to 6 ' MRS. ANNIE BRAMBLER.
pass ithe Bylaw as the paper on March 13, 1907.
which it was lettltcl nt the lima it Orangeville, greatlypleased3,with the good
received its first and second readings I nut
bad been lost before rho third read- results rya got from Coltsfooto Expec-
torant. 1 get great comfort with it fur
my children.,.
171 Argyle St., Toronto.
Coltsfoote Expectorant is the great-
est home prescription for all throat and
chest troubles in the world. No honto
tug and only a copy was «sed. These
two points the judge decided to con-
sider at his leisure. It is expected a
decision will be handed out very soon.
We are pleased to learn that our
bind is being rc-oreatlized and prom-
ises to be better than ever this sum should be one hour without it. ]ou
mer 'as nearly all the old members
will take part, together with a num- can have free sample by sending nate
iclans• to Dr. T. A. Slocum, Ltd., Toronto. All
good druggists keep it. Prime. `25c.
Send for Free Sample To -day.
Mrs. O'Connell, of °rillie, who 1' "
been ftere attending the funeral of
her sister Mrs. J. McCarthy and vis-
iting with friends around here loft
Saturday for her tome in Muskoka.
iMr. 'Kenny, n former blacksmith
in 'Liman, is cnga;ed with Wm. Og-
den for this season. Mr. Ogden has
recently brought home soma hand-
some and up-to-date buggies which
are 'to be seen at his shop here in the
move 1)r. Shoops
Night Cure. 'these soothing, healing,
antiseptic suppositories, se it h full in-
formatioe how to proceed are inter-
estinglytold of in my book, "No. 4,
For 'Women." The book, and strict-
ly; confidential medical advice is pn-
tirely free. Simply write, Dr. Shoop,
Racine, Wis. for my book No. 4. Sold
bet W. 6. Howey.
iTho 'convention of the (Liberals of
the •aew riding of Centra -Heron as
1110w constituted for 'Proyinei:tl pur-
poses twill Le 'held in Seeaforth on
frueeday, {May 12th, for the purpose
of electing officers 'and for dealing
;with other matters incident to the
organization of the new; ending. This
ccuvention will also uomtinatt\ a can-
didate to contest glia riding in tit' in -
!wrests of the .Liberal party at the
coming general election.
• • • • •
The cabinet on Saturday held a
long sitting. discussing legislation of
Barg • importance -to be presented to
parli.tment at nut early date. trite
principal •luestion .before the minis -
Iters was the proposed new civil ser-
vice act. Tho bill as now content- address in the Evangelical ,church
plated will be of n radical character, Sunday evening,
and will practically revolutionize the Mrs. Krueger, of Detroit, is visit -
civil service system. in respect to ap- ing friends in the village.
pointments, promotions, classification The cloa'th of IMr. Charles Troyer,
of the various officials, employes and merchant ut 'llillsgreen, will cause
so forth. It is undeistood tirtt the much surprise nnci regret in this
nee tct will be based largely on the community. The said event occurred
British civil service system, and will very suddenly Thursday, morning,
obsi'te ns far as possible the evils of last week, awhile ha in company
of the patronage system compleitte•1
of in the report of the civil service
commission. It is probable that a
civil service hoard (twill be established
independent of all partisanship to
eupervise at1 appointments and pro-
motions. The minister and deputy
;Weeder of each department will ex-
orcise a larger authority than at
present in 'the matt,'r of appointing
and promoting officials. Their rec-
ommendations will then go to the
civil service board, who will pass
upon them. it is the intention of
Itbt act to take the service out of
politics and make it practically in -
dere !dent of patronage committees
and pari an influence. ''!here is
little doubt that this will receive the
hearty support of all the members on
loth bides of the house. to whom
the •puestion has always been a con-
etaut bother and bete. noire.
'Mrs. Nicholas Deichert, a former
resident of this place, but now of
Cavalier, N. 1). is visiting Ifrien:ls
ill `the village.
, 'ltev, S. F. Braun,' a missionary of
'the Canadian Northwest delivered tin
north -cast of llillsgreen. .The party
went out early in the morning and nt
about 7.30, the deceased was standing
on the bank of the creek 'tyhen Ilia
fell backwards. and by the time his
companions reached him he was dead.
Dr. Campbell, coroner was immedi-
ly bent for, and niter viewing the se-
meins, pronounced it n case of heart
failure. No. invest will be held.
'.Mr. .Troyer has many .friends itt •\lay
Township, who sincerely regret the
sudden death. -herald.
-Piles areea� , and euIckly
checked with Dr. Shoop's ellagic Oint-
mdnt. To prove it 1 will snail n
small trial box as a convince
ing tmst. Simply address J)r.
Shoop, Racine !Wis. I surely would
not send it free unless 1 was cer-
tain that 1)r. Shoop's {Magic Otnttnenl
Hensel!. t would stand 'ho Peet. 'Remember it
is made expressly and alone for swot- -1 ;tin. nnywhere can bo 'auirkly
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Dears the
Signature of
len, painful, bleeding or itching piles, stopped by ono of Dr, Shoop's 'lee
A very pretty .wedding was solemn- either external or internal. Large fain Ta•'blettt. fain means cong(•s-
;zed here (Tuesday tit the residence of jar 50 cents. Bold by W. 8. llow•ey• lion unnatural blood presaure. Dr.
Dl r. Donald Cirassick, when his ♦ Shoop's {'ink 1'4t1 Tablets simply
daughter, ;Miss Annie, was united in Shipka coax congestive blood away frorn pain
joarriage to Mr. Walker. a farmer centres. These tablets- known by
on tete elill '{toad racer llt-ucefi,ld. A
-- druggists as Dr. Shoop's headache:
tare. number of guests were present The farmers are bony here putting tablets -simply eivalizo the blood
to a Ones/ 1 be ceremony which oc- In t heir spring crop. circulation and then pant nlways de.
cut led at six o'clock in the cvot►lug. Mr. John Dietetic!) is 't11 smiles parts in 20 min. 20 tablets 25 cents.
After the ceremony was perforated these• days, it's ti girl.„Write Dr. Shoop. Racine Wis., for
the guests sett down to a bountifui 'Mr. William (sower. twl,o visitetree package, Sold by W. 8. llowey.
The Kind You have Alw'ay's Bought, and'.sliki1 l:as been
in use for over :39 yearn, {sit; lot rite the :1g:menet) of
and luta been nettle under be; per-
IZZzesoma supervision `iuro it, ttll:ulry.
Allow Ito one totlt'ceive `'WI in tllie.
All Countcrfcite, Imitations att(1 "(lust -a; -good" are brit;
Experiments that tripe with 11nl1 ell tl:lttg('1' the ln':tlt It of
infants and Children-I:xperiente against Iaperinlente
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Cantor 0=1, Paro-
gorie, Drops and Soothing Syrups. 1t is Pleasant. it
contains neither OphInt, PIorphine nor oilier Nttreoti
substance. its age is its guarantee. it desteoy:3'% orme
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Guile. It relieves Teething Troubles, cores Co.stip:atioe
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Foote, regulates t bo
Stomach and I3oweis, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea -Tho ;Mother's) i'rit•utl.
Bears the Signature of
The Kiud You Hage Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
repast. The many fijonds of the hip-
py couple unite in wishing them bon
voy igo tbrouah life.
The long Blandin. application ,to
eus'.11 the lord option by-law carne
up t Osgood(' 11111. Toronto. 011
t .1ii•--d ty of last week, before
Chit Justice Mulock. \V, l'roud-
too: hi. C.. :and .I. 11. Maclsenzil etp-
pcal .1 for Coxworth roll E. I,. Dick -
en,., -: R . t Intl .1. U. Stanbury rc-
t .
pli in, I• t:.lf of Thr. by -ere. .w. Il
will be ie.ne•nlberell that last 8ct,tctn-
bet 1Mr. Stanbury lor local option
pent ! one"eedcd to having the Val-
'� Orn
from t' ur c' dismissed aa: u , 1 1
1 1
ens. A ttum
Mr ot objections were Wine
c to tired.
•dU i
rai r1 to the by-law. but the Chief and but a few doses is neelad to
satisfy tit euser that I)r. Shoopis'Iles-
torative is actually reaching That
tired spot. 'Tb, indoor life of win-
ter ish
t n
9 1 1
1 t,l ]
leade t A 3
nearly 3
bowels and to sluggish circulation its
c o
f x-
i a lack c•
• ri mer
1• . to
,n; cal. I )
friends at. Tlicrlford, has return; t
Mr. Jas. Woman. sr., eperta a now
rnbb.'r tired bite ty.
,Mr. Chas. Fink twiner, of the Gosh-
en 'lane, spent Sunday at his home
Mr. 'Russel Schroeder *porta a now
buggy. Watch his srnoke.
-That languid, lifeless feeling
that cornea with spring and 1'irI y
sunttnr can be euickly changed to
a feeling of buoyancy and energy by
the judicious use of Dr. Shoopis Iter-
s n
'� tat
• 'Restorative to ve t t
' e Th•
torntly .
Does Your
Heart feat
!Yes. 100,000 times each day.
rDoes it send out good blood
or bad blood? You know, for
lgood blood is good health ;
bad blood, had health. And
tyou know precisely what to
take for bad blood Ayer's
Sirsapnrilla. Doctors have
endorsed it for CO years.
One frequent esuse of bad breed 1s a a1wrR'•i'
1.',•rnets rr..•',irrs eontHpattrn. Pors..1, u 1
an L,Nnee, a1,e: eked 1• to the ‘1,,, ,1
K,'t•p the A'w et. Are,', 1.1.11
lgas•• t t J. 0. A7er Oa. Lew.It, lass
Alae ua^.erectness c
1) tts.IR SIIIOR.
%Q A'il'Q l l RF.
L/ �/ CNCRkt PCtT Rtl..
Wo toes no a cret.t t We pvblul
(h• terrorise' of r.., icer Atcro.a
ei`-' nn.: !•,or r.ir ties up the as many of the timers w.' know and
:.. ?; kidneys, and oft.
the /eople we meet are unknown to
{!,'art's action.
1 Its, siuni,"- l' storative a few
, .
Z lVlolsons $ankThe
E,tabliehed 1833.
' • CAPITAL PAID UP •• •• ••••- .••• •
$3,372.50000 :
• RESERVE FUND $3,372,50000
Assets Over $33,000,000.00 1 '
• General Banking Business Transacted.
• Savings Bank Department '
•$1.00 Opens an Account and Interest added FOUR
•• Tlmos a Year,
Z Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, manager '
• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••v•••••••••••••••••••••••••
Two 6 Octave Organs\ Dlt. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S„ D.
D. S., Honor graduate of Toronto
Dental Surgeon
Office over Gladntan & Staneury'e
Main street-ExIiTe:lt.
Second IIand.
Also Two Pianos
Slightly used
At Great Reduction.
Sewing Machines
DR. U. F. ROULS'TON, L. D. 8.
D. D. S., Dentist. Member of
R. C. D. S., of Ontario and Honor
Graduate of Toronto University.
OFFIce:-Over Dickson & Carling's
Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former
dental parlors.
The best made at prices that l -_ IISDIos1L'
will suit y'Ou•W. BROWNINU, M. D., M. 0
SO• P. S., Graduate Victoria Un
varsity. office and re;;ldonence. Dominion
Laboratory, Exeter.
Associate Coroner of Huron.
Bicycles, Baby
Carriages and Go Carts
I Very attractive. Prices right
Drs. Kennedy & Kergan
Thousands of young and middle aged men are annually swept
S S. If you have any of the
following symptoms consult us before it is too late, Are you
nervous au,l weak, despondent and gloomy, specks before the
eyes, with dark circles under then,, weak back. kidneys irrita-
ble. palpitation of the heart, bashful, dreams and losses, sedi-
iment to urine, pimples on the face, eyes sunken, hollow cheeks
careworn expression. poor memory. lifeless, distrustful, lack
enerand sole moots, weak manh•od, premature decayth, tired mornings. , bone nights.
lo,.>e. sore throat etc.
BLOQD POISONS rioal Poisons
are the most
prevalent ant roost serious diseases, They sap the very life
blood of the victim, and unless eutirely eradicated from the
system may affect the f tture generation. Beware of Mercury. It only suppresses the
•ymptoins-OUR NHw iniTHUD cures them.
OUR NEW METHOD TREATMENT alone can cure you. and make•
man i you, Under its ulersinfluence the ithe nerves beecomes comethe
st ongblood
as steal so thed so at neat r-
pimples, bashfulness
and ulcersdisappear.
vonsness, bashfniness sod despondency vanish, the eye becomes bright. the face full and
clear. energy returns to the body, and the moral, physical, and vital systems are invig-
lar 1 earuedmore
dollars. We will ours you or n• pthe system, synt let comics and fakirs
rob you of your
oNo Matter ho as f Charge.tll0(1KS 0itttiE`--The eldenfor aMonitor" n oliest hruu tratred)
Question List for Home Treatment Sant ore Request.
Col. Michigan Area and Griswold Ste - DETROIT, MICH.
Owing to Dr. Ker.
gen being deceased.
Dr. I. D. Kennedy,
Medical Director,
has associated with
him Dr.KennedyJr.
who has been with
the firm for several
years, eo hereafter
business will con-
ducted under the
name of
-The Exeter Timet bei a number
of real ,fr;.�ndt lh.tt it vainest very
leehly, borausa the fricnd4hip ex-
prelied does ,not appear to be one of
selfitlt interest. A lady ort gentle -
Ma 11 knows of on item of newt that
might happen to be miserd by the
editor and promptly phones (las of•
fico without any other thou;ht than
that 'of improving the paper. These
people give more than a cup t►[
water, and they b, sure of a filet -
class' teeddjti notice, or obituary
notice or any other Tittle comple-
ment There r e a re
r, w• • : s• t [[ h t
m nt
.. hi r• oo r
many items of real iutereetin; news
that the ,editor mita/et unitttention•
ally, for lie cannot afford to run a
detective neenc)• to pry bile pris-a(0
homes and oteer 111.10(1 1X.11 are not
i. vatio 1. The people
within h 9 oba,cr 1 I p
you know and 1.bines you know are
often neknott•n to him. even a4 much
are,{ :111 w.1 he ahinged
• ; t eel tell you I h•it
e -,;:.r the rtrht remedy. You
• asi!y :end sur. -:y note the
from day to day. Solt by W.
ii . •
,•, 1 M 1b'I•:1: Oke. of Exc-
I11 1 { • 1 • '-1: I Ile ittt•'st of
i n •',r, , '1: -. 31).. lees kips.
'.1;1 \ '. ,firer of (1 oil
1 1', e. I: taken to ('Tinton
n I• n t• f during hi" 11 e�it1-
in. 11 twkins accclnapatl-
i,. l ' i t,.l .' u' lin .I to %%Ili) :p .,Ira-
n• . I fiisi rl'•;r roe.
1. Balm"'. v•f Luc in.
or,,I{rl 1' - Tonal • •. r -C' ;t
nt l' . .;i nwiilc, can't ty too, t :" r.
Tenders for 1I • construes • ; of 1h
n ti 1'. 0. 0. 1 . 1 ill will ' i 07^11.•'1
1'• r't•t'nina.
1:•i•Orte eav 11,tt n number of
farmers h.efe :dwelt finish -4 s'cding.
'\ir. Orville Snell, of Toronto. ep:'nt
hi. Easte rholidays with his parent•,
Mr, and Mrs. Wm Snell. iaimviltc.
Women Worry
More than men, says Dr. Nlct'olnb, and
one reason Is that their nervous organiza-
tions are more delicate. True, and Hood's
Sarsaparilla Is just the nerve -builder, ape
petite -giver, and blood -purifier they nett.
AIIIng-"My mother 111.1 been sick for
some time. when she gave Hood's Sarsaparilla
a fair tri l,hvith the result that she Woe rapidly
restored to health." MIKAVee A. Iieowe, 116
Market St.. Hamilton. l )nt.
Indigestion 3 roars -"1 was troubled
with indigestion for toren year.. 1 rend of
flood's Shrimper/11a and tried it. After tak-
ing a number of bottles i was completely
cured." Mrs. J.11. RALLev, DeSoto, Mo.
Nervous, In Pain, no Appotito-
"Ila.l riser health Ler yi are, pain In shoulders.
ba.•k and hips. with constant headache, ner-
vousness and nn appetite. Took Hood's Sra•
saparilla. rained strength and can work hard
all day. eat heartily and sleep well." Mae. E.
Uirrsr.i. Moose peak,'. Minn.
hoods Sarsaparilla Is sold everywhere.
100 Doses One Dollar. Prepared only by
• C. 1. flood Co., Lowell, Mass., V. 8. A.
SEALED TENDERS addressed to
the undersign rl and endorsed "Ten-
der for Wedelns," ss ill be received
until Fri.l,e, M ty 15. 1908. at 4.30
1'. \I.. for tired;iti ) c wired at the
col Iu •t fn 111 lees in 1 I'rowinoe of
011 .1 rib.-
Iturlinc(on, llltlid River. Ite avverton.
Collin se wee Cobour,t, Gekterich• Ilnnl-
ilton, laineIrttilt^. (Little t'urr t•:.
Midland. Mee ford, Owen Sound, Nis --
ger ,int( 1.•1••;raph islands. Point Ed-
: !sward, i'enetnnituishen,. Port Bur-
well, Fort Elgin. l'ictou. !itondcau.
Sumnlerstotfn, Themes !liver. Toron-
to, Thor
nbur►. T,r
1xumbel' :
Dark Channel.Channel.\Vr
ton :out Wingfield Resin.
Tr mlers twill not Li conidered un-
ites suet • on th:• form supplied, end
signed with the actual signatures of
tender. r..
CbCombined,;l)eriticatiott and form of
tender can h• ohtten el 1tit Depart-
ment of Public Works. 0llawit. The
'fenders must include t h.• towing of
the plant lo and from the works.;
Only dredges can hr .•mploycd which
are register.'d in Canada at the time
of the filing of the tenders. Con-
tractors must be ready to begin work
No Honing
No Grinding
N. 2 '
Sttel is refined ire•, -iron without
air, dirt or foreign substance -fused
with carbon Carbon gives tough•
nese and strength -too much makes
1t brittle and worthless; too little,
soft and pliable.
Steel varies according to the grate
used, tempering and quality of labor
employed. Unless you have devoted
all your time toits manufacture you
know the almost impossible task
of judging the finished article. To
b:eak the article and examine the
grain, hammer and hle it to note
of labor, and other
equally destructive tests is out of
the question. There is but one real
test for you -take it and try it for n
period of time.
Cutlery steel -such as is u'ed in
making Carbo Magnetic razors -
must be of the finest selected grade
tempered uniformly throughout to a
diamond -tike hardness. F
ire w
varying temperature, will Dot dothis.
Thirty years of most car -tut re-
search and study have shown a way
to add carbon to the Carbo Magnetic
tasor steel and merge it uniformly
throughout the metal byasecret proc•
ass of Electric Tempering. An ex-
clusive and severe test of the finished
Fine Stationery
S. Marin
L t is Thomas& Mate
Civil Engineer & Architect
(Late Department of Public Works, Canada )
Consulting Engineer for Municipal and County
Work, Electric railroads, Sewerage and twaterw•ork*
pts SODnt
Stetew'hancs, Bridges and Ite•cnforced Concrete
/V�t�e phone 220 London Ontario
Good Breeding Horses
This is 'the season of the year
when you well- be wanting your
horse bills. If you want them gotten
out in n sic,, 'tasty manner you
should get them printed at the
"TIMES" Office. A free, notice is
given for two weeks to any persons
getting 'their bills printed by ns.
within prettier dnyq eft t h ' (11; ' blade results in an absolute uniformity
they hate t.•eett testae l of the aceep- j la the line, and we are this ens ted to
truce of their + Ito! .t. i srneondlflonaly guarantee
An accepted ei 111, e:1 A charter- every Carbo Magnetic razor used.
ed bank. r•svab:" to th,• ord,er of the t But test th,s no honing, no
Ilonourable 4ht' Miniat,•r of Public grinding razor inlyour own home
\C ticks. for six thousand dollars.' -or tate your barber use it on you.
0•1 nth, airier Le deposit'd it +'0U: iii Drnp us a postal, or better yet,
• 1 dredainz w•hieh Il ' tenderer •' come in and see us and we trod give
tet, to perform ie tile• Proyinc you our new proposition for having
(tit aria. The Che lu • will b,: re- these razors tested without oblige -
turned Ill Cas^ of tU1it-•teCeptanCe of tion to purchase, together with our t
tender. free booklet " Hints 0n Shaving."
The 1)ci'artmeht does not bind it-
self to accept the lowest or any 'len-i t `
der. By order. V. S. Oita, 1)1'11ggist
Department of Public :York. •
Ot lowr. April 2:1. 1901;.'
Newspapers will not
be pie! lot C sweet10 c
this ndyertisernent if they insert is * Cast ,_ imam
without authority front 'tial Depart-
We have unlimited private funds [or invesb
- ant upon farm or village rroperty at lowes .
apes of interest.
&resters, Solicitors Notaries Conve aaoere
Commissioners, Solicitors for the Molsons
Hank, Etc.
Money to Lean at lowest rated of interest'.
It. CABLING B. A. L. 11. D10aSCW
Monday, Will leave his own stable
ilryanston, first Monday in May.
and proceed to 7f. Armitage's, lot 11
con. 8, 'London 'Tp. for noon ; thence
to 'A. 'McWilliams' lot 7, eon. 5, for
Tuesday to F. Fitzgerald's. lot 4,
con. 7, for noon thence to his own
stable 'for night.
Wednesordnigay Yo Vm. Beanie's, lot
12, con. 13 tor noon; thence by, way
of 'ltirr to P. Ferguson's lot 17, con.
15, fht.
Thursday to C. Eeddy's lot 8. con.
10 for noon ; jhencc to Shares Hotel,
Granton for night.
Friday 4o E. 1). Perrin's lot 21. S.
il. litddutph, for noon : 'thence to Jas.
llisby's lot 3, con. 15 for night.
Saturday, by way of Con. 14 to
his own stable where he will remain
until the following 'Monday morndn3•
F. 11. 'NESTLE, Prop.
'Bryanston, P. 0., Ont.
This celebrated Stallion well eland
for .nares es foltow•s.-
-Monday. 'April 27th., will team hi!
ow•n .;table, int 20, con. 13, Ilibbert
and go 'to Cliiselhurst, then south to
John ')lorney's for noon ; thence to
his own amble for night, where ha
will remain nil dayl Tuesday.
\Vcdncsdny io.Tobn Johns' for noon
Then to Joseph Hawkins for night.
Thursday 10 -Michael Fletcher's for
Loon ; 'Vlen to Sam 1loully's for night
Friday, to John Reiland's. Man -
shard, for noon; thence to Oliver
Ilerris', 1 ullarlon, for night.
Saturday to Barnes Scott's,-Th.•tmes
Itoatl for mum; thence to his own
o to
<: following D
• d' I I fn in 3
1 Lli h 1 K
RI a t)
GEO. el \ ItTINs Prop.
We have a large amount of private fund*
Oan on farm and village properties at lomat*
Barristers Solicitors. Main St.iF:zeter-
spools 01 the Conation Norm West
Round -Trip Excursions
(;OI,t(; I) %TES
April 14, 21 Jure S, 21 Aug 4, 18
11 i 12, 23 Ju'y 7, 21 S'pt. 1, 18, 21
ti. heta ynnd 1:, return within (i0 does
\'1:11Y LOW RA Il y art pints
t.. untarie.
hanging j 1' 'peg end ream 412.00
between 1. e.; etee and return $4250
Tickets issued 1 e all Nt•r,h-tweet pants.
number • f
1'ouri.t Sleeping (-arse Ill be run nn r^^ii
excursion. fully egrtipped with 1 e ' •
etc. iterths Omni f 1 s secured and r
through local agent At leant ns
before excursicr, leaves.
Bates and full infnrrnntion e r Y i
in free }tome jokers' ps' ditet
*1 C,i'.I(. agent ler s e"1'y. r
C. R. fOSirl. r) ur : t res, tp., r r R , Toe id,
ANw c,en numbered Pert ion of Dominion Lards In
I+auitoha, 'askatchcean and Alberta, excepting
e+ and 2ti, not reser%«I, may he homesteaded by
any person who is the sole head of a family, or any
male over 18 yet rs of age, to the extent of one -quay
ter section of 160 acres, more or less,
Application for entry must be made in persr n by
the applicant at a Dominion lands Agency of Sub•
agency lor the distnct in which the land is eituate.
Entry by proxy may, however, be nude at an agen-
cy on certainconditions by the father, mother, son,
daughter, brother or sister of an intending home.
The homesteader la required to perform the
homestead duties under one of the following plane:
(1) At least six months residence upon and culti-
vation of the land in each year for three, ears.
(2) A homesteader ma) if be so desires, perform
the required residence duties by living on arming
land owned solely b) him, not less than eighty (80)
acres in extent., in the sicirdty of his homestead.
Joint ownership, in land will not meet this require.
(a) 11 the lather for mother, If the father Is de.
ceased) of the homesteader has permanent resldeoc0
on farming land owned soletyp by him, not lees than
eight) (NB acres in extent. in the sicinit • of the
homestead. or upon a homestead entered for by him
in the vicinity, such homesteader may perform his
matt residence duties by IfsMg with the father Ot
4 The lents "vicinity" In the two preceedIng
paragraphs is (leaned as meaning not mote than
nine miles n a diret line, excluef, a of road al.ow.
antes crossed in the .measurement,.
6 A homesteader intending to terrorist his rrsi•
dence duties in accordance with the abote while
tieing with hie parents or on fanning land owned by
himself must notify the agent of the district of birch
Six months' notice In writing should be given to
the Commissioner of Dominion Lands at Ottawa Of
intention to apply for patent.
W. W. COM',
Deputy of the Minister of the interior
N. n.-Unauthorlzed pnblkatfon of this advertise
ment will not be paid for
Is the leading husineee ain-
inschool ' Western Out
11in. +
give tv thorough, practical Commercial training oCommercial Subjects {{..
Isaac Pitman's Short hand, Touch .p.
Typewritirp{, and in Commerc-
'o n
ial and Railroad Operating.
Enrh department is in the Mantis
of experienced instructorit. We
assist students to positions.
Our graduates always eneceed,
for our courses are the hest, •!•
(;et our free catalogue and learn
more about us. You may en-
ter now.
11 • •; to our wit•eil
I e till our lives.
I.. , huay 1►et•s, with homy,
I s ease our chocks,
I i • n otir socks.
Atel elven(' most all our money.
81 11t4('ItltlE 11)11 THE TIMER.