HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-04-30, Page 1xrirr ,g, I: ,� ':,i 114 ,\ `MieS THIRTY -1' 11'TH YEAR—NO 1'sO J ••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••• JONES & CLARKS' Rhone Ione No. 32. WASJ-I GOODS That Stand the Tubbing Now is the time to buy your 1Vash Goods fur the Spring and Summer. eVe were never in better shape to supply your wants and can show you the Largest and best selection ever put on our counters. Below are a few of our many good things. ~trop early before the warm tveather rush. Linen Suitings That gives such good wear and always look so dressy White, Brown, Pink, Pale 13Iue, Copenhagen Blue, Colored Muslins Real dainty muslins in the New Stripes, Dots, and Flor- al effects. in all the new col- ors. Colored Chambrays Nothing prettier than a nice chambray dress every piece a perfect washer all the new shades' House Striped Gingham One of the new things for this season Green, Blue, (:rev and Brown, stripes are very pretty and real new. Check Ginghams The reliable checks are again to the front, all the dif- ferent colored checks. Noth- ing looks better or wears so well. Delainettes Something New that looks as good as Stuff' material ft collies in Creams and Navy Blues, with Polka Dots and Floral, Dress Ducks Good and heavy for school dresses, Wears like iron Washes well and makes a very pretty dress. Keepers Attention toget,forys our honme,or busyseCome toason anlusowithlyour Wantwil have tI ilstnand New us help you to choose your New Carpets, New Rugs, New i.inol- eutus, New Lace Curtains, New Wall Papers, or anything New you may need in House furnishings. We are head quarters for such. Jones & Clark Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing also high grade shoes an(1 wall papers. ••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••N•••••••••• •• • if • • •• •• •• •• •• ••••3 •• •• •• •• i� s•� ii � if22i 22 22 22 22 22 22 S�• Tne Usborne and Hibbert 2 Pure White French • Farmers Mutual Fire Insur- ance Gompanjj GdstJlGSOdfl2 i ••• Fancy Soaps and Toilet • 2 lb. bars 25c Articles. THE PURITY • 2 Canadian Express I3nilding. 2 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 11(JRON&M1 DDL ESEX (AZETT E EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL '30t1► 1908, Victoria Day Will be Royally Celebrated in Exeter. VECTO111,\ DAY TO BE ROYALLY CELEBRATED. The Committee r Victoria Day Celebrat oahof asbeen st meeting and greatly augmented t, stn'loday� night ththe ee r was such a good representation of business men present, that it •vas decided 'to go ahead Avith the matter. The h program mapped out for this year's celebration augurs much to making it the best In the history of the town. 1 Several new features aro to be in- troduced and the program will be considerably varied from other years. The stellar attraction will .be Marathon race, open to the tovnshi of Crsborne. Stephen, I3iddulph, ul1 etllivray, flay and Tuckersmith i eluding the Villages of Exeter an Ilcnsall. Prizes 'to the value of $ for first $6 for second and $3 fo 'third are being offered. The rout of the race will be :—Start from. th Agricultural grounds nt one o'cloc West to Main Serest, South to th etansion House corner, around eh East five mile block to Exeter Nort) thence down Mnin Stree ty enter th North gate and once around th track. This event should bring ou a number of good runners and sev oral are now getting in shape. for the oven't. The morning parade will consist of the usual Calithumpiarts, trades, sol- diers, etc., for •which good prizes are being offered. In the afternoon, besides the Mara: t hon race, therewill be a long list of attractions nt 'the Agricultural grounds and excellent prizes nre to be given. A new feature Will be the greased pi; catching contest. Mr. Jos. Bawden has his eye on a dandy specimen and by the 24th it 111 'ole in pilt»e condition to elude file most proficient pig catcher, The porker goes 'to the capturer end he will be Cn1it.lcd to it by 'Ube time he gels through. Another new feature will he the live fish catching contest. The fish wit/ he placed in a tub of %water and the first one running fifty, yards. grebting ,: finny and returning tot the staring point :gots first prize. There are &menti and 'third prizes to this event. Anoth,;r event not to previous pro prams will be /the eating of apples! eueirenlcd from 'wires. -11.w• a Do- bler has promised to supplt the ne-s I ccssary "spies" and any on,' can en- a� Ps c- n- cl 10 r Gun Club Notes --The Exeter Gun Club has ap-• pointed Messrs. Fred Kerr and Jobn Treibncr to represesent it et the Blenheim shooting tournanl.nt to be held on the 7th. of May. —lir. Day, of Londe!), the winner of last year's Exeter Gun Club tro- phy, is' trying to arrange a five man team hootnfor the 2411, of May to take place nt Stratford, the Manta to represent, Exeter, London, Ingersoll and Stratford. Wort} has been Rent to IMr. Day ante if the arrangements are ►•rt'sf• ► .icto r the local 1 boys will accept Cita invite tion. —The first i,hooti,a, for tate Hun- ter Arms Trophy. which was seated to the Exeter Gunn took place last Thursday ternoorl• Ten contestants part and the appended scores that good ttveraees were mode. pre - Club. a f - took show The auung ltw•enty-five" rocks will be shot tat this Thursday afternoon, 1'. Kerr 23 \V. E. Sanders 21 N. 1). IIurdon 15 :3. Fitton 20 .T. Treibner 22 D. Hart I.. b 23 hns 21 F. Treibeer 22 e 1 T. �Caelling 1:1 C. 8tnnlake 38 c e c FRED KERIt Chanipion Shot of Western 1 Centralia Nelson E. Hicks, t olnl ronduntion st g Ontario Pupil of London Conservatory MiPir`, 11. Ruthten lctronald, Charles white Loudon Eng., Ernest (1.. Eardley, London, Eng. A limited number of pupils rill be accepted* ter. There will be a race for men over CO years of age, an event to cause much merriment. harried farmers will also have a chance 'to exert themselves nfter the spring seeding, and by the way, the understand Hob Sillery Is getuin3 in trim for this event. There are also ceme good events for the boys and girls. During the afternoon then' twill be some good horse racing. Instead of as formerly, thero will be a 2.50 open 'trot or pace. with four prizes and a running terace. • with three prizes. The committee in charge t he races is fissured' of a number stood horses for 'these event. Don't make any other engagemei for the day. You'll get snore tl your money's worth here. There may be n fir, Iworit's displ n t he evening, 'Ind if 50 nnnoun vent will he made later. BA 11 N heft SALE -28 by 40, tv* 11 trddirion of 1Sfeet. First ria Miller /and in fair condition. \Vitt ell nil or part. Apply to J. Wood. excter• 3.5 4 2 Mr. A. E. I'ym, /who a few weeks go underwent nn operation for ap. tendieitis, %vas again operated on uesday morning, in order (bat a eller drainage of aha t%oun(1 could o sccared. The latest reports from is bedside state thalf he is geltin1 long us well ns can be expected. The annual meeting of the Reform Association of South Huron; exeon- stituted for both Domidion and Pro. rincia1 purposes oilI tee le el in Dixon's 91:11, 13rucefield, on 14tturda May fit h. commencing nt 1.30 p. n Election of officers and other ii ortant [natters will come before tl Miss Elsie, •lfasidford. 'London. is %•iIandeiunfordq h.er consuls, the Misses llrs. (Iter'.) Ji,n11 is Inking in the 3ible leading'; of .Miers Chapman, in London. \Villiatn Abbott and wife have been isiting friends in Strat'troy and Ar- ena. Miss Alla 'Wilson has returned ren an extended visit among riends. The leachers, 'Misses Hotterill and wann have returned to take. charge f their respective schools ows of l tookt�place lay ratauction \}offal /'sete of tle Hotel. c1110 cows brought a great price. its Sometimes a magistrate would b,' ,an of good service her,', as tramps and drunks are becoming troublesome. ay Mr. Wm. J. Smith accompanied by Ce- Miss May Irene Morrison. of Detroit, visited at the home. Of the former's parents n few days last week Head Office, Farquhar,:Ont. n 1'1 'iO4 nt—J, L. Ri'SSELL. ;ce-i'rrsidotit—R'. Il. I'ASSMORR 1 DIRECTORS, WM, Roy, IJORNHOLM P. 0 1 Wer. JJiiu It WIN/ IIE1.sFA P, 0. T T. RYAN, DUBLIN P. co; b ROIIEIIT NORItIS, 8taffa. b AGENTS. h a ti Ret'. Butt preached two bright and 59 inspiring tiernlolls 10 large congrega- tions on Sunday last. Miss Gladys Misery, who has been spending her holidays at home, re- turned to Alma College St. Thomas, on Tuesday to resume her studies. M.r, James Handford and daughter Miss 'Annie are visiting with Mrs. Will Foster, of Toronto. lir. Hand- ford is attending 1 he Cana/Man re.. Bonet Horse Show. which is being held there this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ito:ldhouse, of Kirk - ton, /were floe guests of Aft.. Luker on Sunday. Rhode island Reds eggs for sale. Y I Apply at this office. n- —Thr schools opened Mond:te with ne I a good tit tend;ince. JOHN ESSERY, Exeter, agent for irstrorno and Iliddulph. OLIVER HARRIS, Munro. agent for Hibbert, rton and Logan, B. W. F. BEAVERS, Socv.Troas. Farquhar, GLADMAN & STAN[3pRY. Sol)oitore Victoria Day Celebration at Exeter __ON MONDAY MAY 25th, 1908 Best program everiven in Exeter Calithumpian and Trades rocession in the morning, The leading feature of the afternoon' beMarathon well a Marathon Race of six miles, followed by Atheletic Sports and Horse Racing. See Bills for Particulars. 1 11 meeting. Miss 'Mary ,Gidloy, v: ho for anutn- ber of years Lias been a vulurd mem- ber of ltho '}fain Street choir, and who 'recently resigned, teas 01) Sat- urday' 1 evening presented by Mrs, J. Blatchford ,and Miss Huston. on be- half of rit • choir, with at, address. a pearl brooch and :Methodist hymnal ss n slight appreciation of their in- debtedness to her in assisting in the sersicc of song rima her welkin; en- cr:•i •s In everything 'pertaining to the work of the choir. Following is tie nddress : To hiss Mary Gidley. 1 0 Dear pias Gldley,—A few of your 11 ni•iny friends %%ish this evening 10 t acknde ledge our indebtedness ns i, 1 church and people 10 you. Yon have been n good and faithful friend and I --Mr. Alger, actin; manager of the Ijnnk of Commerce. was in Toronto last friday. —Miss :efa'ttie Follick left Tuesday for a few days' visit tIith friends in St. Marys. —Mr. 'Wm. Monkeyis itnproving the trrof veranda. s ran bsidepoe y the additionof n e --Hon. 'Dr. Willoughby, tnemlrer of the Ontario cabinet died at his home in Colborn' on Monday. His death was due .o Bright's disease. —Tire Woman's Institute meetingn friday at .three o'clock sharp. in enior's Hall. will be of a public en- ure when the. tltev. Collins will de- iler nn address on i h • •'Prosperity of Canada." 'fhtis Aloe r epi Gals to all. Everyone lusit'•d. it per to Main Street church. in your 'attendanc^ awl in your assist- ance iti the eervie& of song, untir- ing in your energies and endeavors to snake everything n •access, you lyre been of special help Jo us in voicing the praises of God hi bis house, :and while we have thus work- ed togelher, we have been helped and profited, rte trust muttielly,and will hope that the associationsof the fufurr ,nay be as the past. profit- able to us 1111 Ar, ;t slight token of our kind re- gard for you, please, accept this brooch. ;nti this i;yrnn book. not for their value but ns n slight stark of esteem. Signed on Le), elf of Main Street Church. a Aft.rSToitir .• Beats the Pe Rind Yau 11315 Ahtats d'tri Signature or 8. S. No. 13. 11.1 Y cent'lprornotiohexaminations examiow are te results of the nations in S• S. \"o. 1:3. Hay, Names are it order of merit. Sr. iII. to Jr. W.- 11 1'faff, Norman Ford. Jr. 111 to Hr. i11.—,Lnnai't Green., Edith Car- rick, 'Greet Hooper. Sr. 11. to Jr. 111.--Etht•1 leinitb. Jr. 11. to Sr. 2 Elena Chaney. Pt. )l. to Jr. if.- Clarice .Hooper. Pt. I. to I't.. 11.— Norman Cirriek. Alien Pfaff. • 1. 11. Arptetrong. Huron 4 The death occurred in eleIiallop par Sunday forenoon of an old and res- pected resident in the j.c•rsot of Wil- liam Fletcher Graham. D 'ceased had reached the ndvancatl age of sixty- three year.: and six luonths. ite was a son of the late tier. Mr. Graham, of Egmondville. If you once try Catter's Little Liver fills for sick hcudache, bil- iousness, or constipation, you will never bo without them. They aro purely vegetable, small and easy to take. Don't forgot tittle. Mr. /William Henderson, of Sea - forth, who is He the chtptoyc of the Canada. 1''urniture Cow patty, hap- vened /with a very dangerous accident on Saturday. lle was carrying a board in the factory, when one end of it caught id n belt, causlu; the other end to strike him violently in the face, giving him a very nasty cut across the cheek. Th,, force of the blow 'threw him tvitl( the lop of Lhls bead against the end of n pile of lum- ber, jnflic'ting an ugly scalp wound two and a half inches in length on the crown of the heat}. 1'he wounds were t,oth quite 'deep and bled pro- fusely. Eight stitches .aver.' neces- sary 4o dress the wounds. Mr. Hen- derson has been rather unfortunate of late, this being the second accj- dent be has enet with within •• the year. \\'ii 1 b o found an excellent re- medy for sick headache, Carter's Little Liver fills, Thousands of letters from people who have used them prove 1 his fact. Try them: One Of The sturdy yeomen of C erne Township passed away Mom orning in the person of Gord oung, sr., a't 'fife age of ei,ehty- ears and two months. Mr. You as n native of Scotland and ca o chis country when only /clew ears, and :frac} :resided ever since 1e Township of Colborne, assietit 1 'the clearing up of the land or uffering 'the hardships usually 1 dent /to pioneer life. Mr. Youn ren ,un'ti1 quite recently retailed rgo amount of vigor and ester„ id :1 chat with the venerable gen tnan was always a source of rest and instruction of life in tl rly days. the was a member o e Preabyterian church. and in [to eswas l staunch al. Ile last of the family, Lbut ris survl by three sons and six daughter If sick headache is misery, what Carter's Little Liver fills if they 11 ave positively used th em speak frankly y tle w of eir worth. They aro small and sy to take. Fatal Accident.—A sad and fatal cirlent occured on the 14 concession Jlc Killop, on Good Friday, where - a young man named \Vm. J. Deni. . son of lir, Thomas Dennis, lost Iifc. •IIe was drawing file from ntbrop for his brother John, an s tidying along 'rho 14 concession cn the tiles Alia forward and PPing on !the horses' heels, fri.;ht- dher tilde and they jumped into the h and ran into the fence. The no- tunate man was herr thrown off L m Y Y w t y' t it ei s c la al lc 10 ea th iti th cd is wi It th ea ri C of by nis his Wi W11 tw 1 aro ene (lite for ol- tay 011 six ng me en in tei rnng -, g n Y. t- t - 10 1 1- i 5. d T. HAWKINS & SON, the load and hail his neck broken. Shortly before the accident haPpenned Mr. Dennis overtook n young mato named Fareulrarson, who got up on the load with him. Fariuharson had just got up beside the driver when +the tiles slid. was thrown into the fence corner, but was not injured, and immediately jumped, up and caught the horse=, which had turned trod were starling off again. 11e lawn 'went •to the assistance of Dennis. but he was beyond human aid. 'rhe unfortunate man was taken into the home of .Mr, Peter Gardiner, in frorit of 'whom) farm the accident took place. 'Medical aid was at once procured, ,but it was of no avail, ns death had apparently b':'n histan= taneous. Deceased lens 38 years of nge :,nil unmarried, itis untimely death c,1111e nN n, severe shock to his many (ciente,. tend the sincerest sympathy of n11 Will 1," . stcnd.'d to 'the bereaved relative.•. C/.11. 'Z'OILX,A. &ante. Ile Ked Y;uuu Hate A-nais BOseit 6;aaat¢re • —Omer elochette, the (2ueboc man who was tried on n charge of poison- ing his mite on November 17 last, was /Tuesday found guilty and con- demned to be hanged o►t Saturday, June 27th. Hick's forecasts A regular -torn/ period is in pro- greec as w • n..•r this 11)0111)), brin; central on th'• en.li and extending to t l.e (t11. Tit^ center of the /Mars 1•0ri00 falls on the third. 'within three days of the cen.er of tho Venus le lied on April 291h. Threaterrn.z storm conditions will appear in West- ern ret lions by the Ist. The fele r, r- ater•' will be high. %sift, rapidly fall- ing tier °meter. much humidity, south winds and grovine cloudiness. From Sal tit day 1lie 2n1, to Tuesday the 5111, netalrty the 3rd. and 4th., vio- lent if not tornadic storms nerd not he a surprise to nny student of thew forecasts. A very low reading of alae 'barometer, /with sultriness. fit, ful south 55 Mile and restlees cloud .Emla he regarded as nimoat po'itis' indideeone of danger at this 1;vera. Heavy 'downpours of rain and hail will visit many parts of the country, ands the western tangents of the storfn areas come with tieing hsronn- eter from the northw.'Rt,•Jnle !opens of nnow enol sleet are more than probable. Change to 1111101 C001, r. generally, with frosts over many s.c- tions. will be nature? iter ise.'n the 3rd and 6(1, 5.. $1.00 per year :.t advance SPJijNGSUPPLJES Ideal Fencing 7, 8,1111(1 9 vires 35 to .}tie rod. /-'oiled spring %vire and Barb wire. Wire Stretchers, Fence Clinchers and Pliers Evel'ything for 1','Ilcillg. Poultry Netting :111 sizes up to 72 in. 4c up to roc yard. Lawn Mowers 25 Lawn Mowers to select from at $3.75 to $800. Brockville Mowers are the standard Canadian Mowers. Example our lame stock of 1]lowers. It will pay ou. Shovels, all kinds; Rakes and Hoes Another big lot just to hand, Curtain Stretchers "t only Stretchers, complete, special at $1.40. Elephant, I Iollywood and Senours Ready to use Paint. 15, 25,-to,!45,'and 5oc HEAMAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE 1 Paint Protection You realize the necessity of protecting ~•oar house with good paint, but you do nit realize the necessity of protecting yourself against poor paint. It all looks alike in the can, but one kind comes off, the ether stays on; one kind soon looks shabby, the other keeps new. The kind that holds on strongest, looks new longest, is THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PANT M It is the result of a ,il:artcr ';f a century's paint -making expeltti- ence; the product of the largcst paint factory in the world. s We sell it. SOLD EY EXETER. rUtannartnaAnAMUllinAnnAtil OUR IDEAS 414 L- of what constitutes good clothing differ from the ideas of most other firms. We do land and use in all our .Snits and Overcoats only the best material and the highest class of workmanship. Give 118 a call. W JOHNS Merchant Tailor 60 YEARS' BOSS ENBER,Ry, LUHI EXPERIENCE E,) L(:H Licensed Auctioneer, Saks c•r,n ducted in all i.arts, Terms reasonable and satisfaction gut.ranteetl. PATENTS TRADE MARKS DEIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyene rendtng s Pketeh and Ar•erI •'I.a, nifty entckly ascertern oar opini'.n free whether an fnrent nn is probably pntenrahle Oann nada. tMIROPtrictIfmnedentrat. HANOBdOI on I'm rntIll *ent 'Uat a Punt': n nnirn l'atefonSu takelAen througgenfy hf)loo-un A Cpato. recclr•.rs *Placa nave, without oh arse, to tee Scientific Rmerican. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Lar¢e•t culatlnn of any ',dentine journal. rens, f� r a Canada, s $ rear pcimAge prepn1A. t..lA by MU neCpLuIeroad s,. New York 6J6 et.. SVashtnston, D. c. BLLS. P111AI'5, EXETER, LiC • ensed Auctioneer. Sales con ducted in all parts. Terms reasonable Orders can be left at the Tt>trh'1 Office Auction Sales. —Get your sal, 'ells printed nt tho Times Office. Flee notice will bo given in the paper when tills are printed here. \Vn can have your bills ready dor posting [rout two to four Lours after the order is received, Farytlhiir A Doctor's Statement ,hiss John elf Nicol and %%'m. %Vext- lake visited Mr.:andL Mre. I). A. .Me - Nicol, of Stratford on Saturday end Sunday. Mr. Thos. McCurdy has been on the Hick list. Iluy your well papers from 11. W. 1'. Heavers. lir. Joseph Vence has eold his fain' to Arr..1. s. fbailanlyne, Mr. Albert McCurdy left on .}Mon- day lass. for Vancouver Il. C. Mrs. ,fns. McCullough is Bufferin; from nn nf,tnck of Grippe. A few cyclist, have dared to ven- l torn out but the roads ar' not ink good rnndrtiot for the ew A. . ;.f x,tir;iria. Mau.. is the g'i'st of lir. 'fhen.� hfurtkirt olid of her (ri' reds fn this vi. einieve. ?Jr. j)atli,lg formerly worked' for -11r. Hunkin nude few years ago I %went out" 1Vcsl and has succ','d' 1 remarkably twcll. Bale tit. 1'40, t;.t.,Que. March 27(13, 1907. "I)r. T. A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto, Ont. (tenllrmen:— My many tbanke for Psychine and Ozomulsion. I Lave ucod then/ With .. ry great satisfaction both in my own 'ase and in that of my friends. It ate fords me mneh ;aearnre to recommend s renre ly whiter 15 really good in cases for which it is intended. 1 am, yours very truly," DR. ERNN,ti'r .1 ,11.LAR1.). D..ttors recognise that PsycLinn is one of the very best r.,n,rdie% f all throat, toting and stomach trot,Liet anti 51) run down conditions. from whatevep cause. ft is the presetiptien of ene oft 11,e w rtd't+ greatact specialists is diel' rases of thr throat, lungs, and atoreaAi, and all wasting diseases. Ask yew druggist for it. at 6tH/ and 1.00, otl T. A. glocum, Limited• Torooto.