HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-04-23, Page 8l' ti ; h: X .E 1 E i 1. M r S APRIL 23rd 1tt)U' ,
+4.e •: -tete: +++••i•++ :•+ :•+•-e + .: +''r + +-+•1•++++++++'1•+++++
How About Your Spring
House Furnishings
are right in the swim with one of the big-
gest and most exclusive stocks you are likely to
see in this section. Our strong points are quality
and value. You know it pays to pay for quality.
Room Rugs are taking the place of Carpets to
a very large extent. Nothing so pretty in a room
as a pretty rug with a nice border and should the
floor not be good enough to paint and polish as a
margin, we can supply you with English plank oil
cloth which makes a complete margin for a Rug.
$2.50 to $30.00 for English
\Vilto!' Room Rugs. No
seams, soft pure wool pile,
made on solid body frames,
new designs in medallion
and floral effects, rich shad-
iI:gs itt Red, Browns, Greens
Fawns and Blues.
$5.50 to $15.00 for pure wool
Room hugs, seamless, made
from imported yarns, colors
guaranteed All new pat-
terns with matched borders
pretty ttoral and Oriental
designs in Greens, Browns,
Fawns, Red and Wood
$8.75 to $20.00 for genuine English Tapestry Roots Rugs -Floral
Oriental and Medallion designs -swell looking and great wear-
ing qualities. Our Rugs come to us direct from the makers.
You wive all the middle profits. Money saved is money made.
Se to lilt the roll for a beauti-
ful lot of new Wall Papers
in pretty sprig and
patterns. suitable for kit-
chens and bedrooms.
121e to 25c for a range of new
\Vail Papers that will make
you wonder some; style.
quality and value are com-
bined \Vill you be good
enough to conte in and see
our new papers.
$1.00 the pair for Nottingham
Lace Curtains, 3ii yards long
48 to 60 inches wide. Extra
special values.
$2.00 and $2.25 the he pair for a
big range of twisted nett
Lace Curtains. Every pair
a big bargain. See them.
The Great "KING HAT" for Men
Our stock is now complete. to Stilt Hats are "it". We have
all the sew smart shapes in Black, Castor, Brown and Beaver;
and in the new Fedoras for young men and smart boys we show
a splendid range of new Browns. Fawns. Beavers and Edward
Greens. King Hats are correct.
Dont forget that we are
headquarters for genuine
e 3 and
Linoleums, l
1 yards wide. Imported direct
ft•on the makers, You save
the middleman's profit, I
a retying too.
Are you getting Redpath's
extra standard Granulated
Sugat. We e
sell no other
kind. It costs a little more
but you know its BEST by
TEST andquality counts.
.v 1• .
i +
.1-!-4-1-4-1-444-+++++++++++.:-++.1-:-+ " .4-1--'.-++++++++++++++
Perfect, in Construction, Pos-
itive in Performance We again
call attention to our Grade of
Watches. Good Material, Fine
Finish and Accurate Adjustment
are combined in our High Grade
Our aitll is not a question of
price, hut quality. Like in every-
thing else Quality is Cheapest in
if y
ott want
a RE-
E -
T.1 A 13I.}
A. rlarchand
Jeweler, - Exeter.
A number of New
Browns, Wood col-
ors and Elephant
Grey Suitiiigs ,just
The correct thins.;
tut tilt' ,pl'illg
W. W'
Market Rupert The fol►otb is Remember the Store one door north of
the report of Exetere w
Exeter arkuis.cur-
rected up so April ::1d., 1'90e. Post Office.
Wheat Pit ots,-
- Miss Edna Follick visited in Lott -
don, Easter.
-s. Fitton. tt of issuer [
u o marriage, '
ceiei,a, also complete lite of weed•
ding rings always on hand.
-Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sweet spent
the Easter 'holidays 'with friends ir.
-Mr. Fleming.. of Cobuurc. visit-
ed his son 1.. C. Fleming durin y the
past week.
- Mrs. Alex. McPherson and daugh-
ter Alma. spent the Easter holidays
in London.
-Mrs. W. J. lice, of Ailsa Craig
visited et1. and Mrs. IBichnti) Gidley
over Easter.
-Mr. Frank Oke, of Toronto, spent
Good Friday with his grandmother.
Mrs, Clarke.
- Mr. C. 91. sanders was confined
to his house last meek suffering
from .lumbago.
1 , l
tet o
-Mr. C. 11. Tebbutt, of (;alt, is
spending the Easter holidays ,wit It
friends in town.
-.Mr. and Mrs. ,loins Spackman
spent t1 he lie holidays w•'f t
L tl y i t
friends in London.
-Mr. f. N. Northcott and family
of Stratford, visited relaliveg in town
during the past week.
-Miss %iululerinaut►, of Toronto.
was a guest at the ltotne of Dr.
Browning. over Easter.
-Toronto was favored with a snow
storm along i.. Four inches of the
be•tutifu' 111 in the olty.
- Tile Exeter Lodge i.0.O.I•', ti ill
attend divine service' at the •Main St.
church. Sunday morning.
- J. G. Stanbury is in Toronto this
wee:: where he is cnga;ed on a
legal cease at O!;ood,( Hall.
- Don't a to at end the om n
o f f I t 1
rsale of fancy coking it
Institute fall cooking 1„ 1
Senior's hall Friday afternoon.
-Mr. Harold Bissett, was •house
for Easter. Harold has been 1R►tis-
ferred front Toronto to Atnherstburg.
- 'rho Mies.•s flea -tie and Ethel Har-
vey left last Thursday for Lapeer.
`,tick., to visit relatives for a few
-aliss Louie w\'alper, of Drayton.
who was visiting her grandfather.
\\•nt. iloekin. returned Monde)* to
1 tt ole.
her home.
-The Misses llarton. of Lotnloti.
were pisnsantl). entertained by Mr.
and \Irs. Thee. Herten. &urine: the
past we••k.
-Miss Stella Gregory visited her
sister in Woodstock during the holi-
daee and M%•,s Johnston ni(lt friends
in Toronto.
TAMAN- E. horns and young Ron
of \1'alkertille, spent the holidays
with Mrs. llorne's parents, Mr. and
Mrreitaet Tailor. Mrs. John Tarnier.
- ONTARIO. -au,. Ethel Northcott last tt,• •k
stcl.ped on a rusty nail, the point of
which entered her foot, causing con-
sidet able pain for several digs.
ERNEST ELLIOT -The betcbelors and ienortict' held
their last nss-mbly for the season in
Conveyancer Accounts Collected McDonnt II's hall last Thursday even-
inose 1n len at 1-.eet rues. Ing. There weie about fifty couples
x.,reh west Lana. (M sate. In attendance. folly Vita's London
Office, Main Street, Exeter harpers furni•lad th • music.
Marley. 50 to 55 amts,
t,tt<. Vi to 48 cents ear Lusitel.
1'.75 (rote to 80 cents.
Il1,it.i d Flour (STAB). $2.75.
Bran, $14.
Shorts, $25.
Feed Flour. $1.40 to $ 1.45. •
.)lay, Se to es10.
1hied :welts 5 cents ter pound.
Clover seed, $8 to $1U per bushel.
Potatoes. 75e. to 90e. per bag.
Gutter. e3 cents it teem!.
Coal. $7.25 a ton.
les:. - 1-1 cents pet sews.).
11". -. ticett.•i. I,t x:6.111.
• • •
We have just received*a full shipment of Nottingham
and Brussels net Curtains Never shown such beautiful pat-
terns and fine duality as we have in stock.
\'rices 5o, 75, 1.00, 1,25, 1.50, 2.00, 2.50, 3,75, $5.00
The Store where you will get the
Best Goods for the Least Money
This is the season of the year when you think of new
Floor Cord ings Yeti cannot use anything better than first
class Linoleumn. That's the kind we sell, , Nairn's X quality.)
is the best. Splendid range of patterns Call and see them ,
and get our prices, because if you dont you are likely to pay
snore money.
-Another Stock just rev, ived at
the ExeterIlareaiu Store. All nett'
and up-to-date goods. l'he lta1tlind!
Cheap Sale will coiniu •Ile.• Thursday
morning 23rd of Apiil. at 10 o'clock
and nill continue n11 this tse-k. The,
stock is for sale in blocks at a rate t
on the dollar end the store is for safe'
or rent. -J. W. Broderick.
-The `',Von•:ui'- Institute will give --Thoroughbred White \\'yaltdot'•
a .Weis.) and iday, afrom t in Seta- t•gas for Dale. Apply to S. Poo-sel..
ior'� .)tall leridnt•, from 3 to 8. Gran'
i [ S l lI tntzinut
0o uta. Admission
Q, 13obicr• 1
-The t:lilroads will likely put a
brut ou the Merry Widow" hats or , -(fare is n good offer, the "Times"
charge double fare for those w•earin; , and Weekly :Globe for the remainder
them(. 'flat churches should tisk for, of 1908 'for $1.00.
double collection and ask 4h:' wear - -Marred Plymouth ''Bock settings
to lake 1In' hack rents in the r•tl for sale. $1.00 p.'r stetting of 1bir-
leri <. i teen. T. 11. Carling.
-Mr. :tn:t Mrs. Will Morrison. of , se
Owen Seton.), were the guests of Mr. j SALE: -Good stock. 50 cults a doe.
and 'Mrs. Saxe► Fitton during the Feo. hill. \Vstock.o street, Exeter.
past. week. Mr. Morrison took ret:: \ -FOR SA:LB.-Eggs for `Incubation,
in the shooting tournament Good\ Incubation.
g biros:
Friday and dal some good shootinee 1 Pure bred Barnad 7tocks
taking :,ccond money for hi=p aver- hr.tvy layers : eggs 'tht e year retina.
en ni.
-An Indian very much und-'r the -BA1111ED .1tOCiC EGGS FOIL
inlluence of fire %eater was arrested. SALE,-Frout prize layers. Cock from
d 237
r,tut day night by Constable Ili==^t• champion layer of Cnnadn recur
:,r theNorth Nand of the town and eggs In one yent'. Seven )pullets have
to Ige L In the lock up until a[ondar laid 90 :err in 18 days. Thirteen
There still be a sale, of Domestic -nano
or a e.- e
C k' 10 cents pialto, nearly new, 'apply to airs. A.1
Ext -TER,
uwrmili . The redskin cave his eggs for 75 cents. Win. Johns. Elim -
name but refused to divulge where Till.', 3t.
he e,'•cured the .)liner. lir was re -
leased• goon. will be rt rho Commercial
Col..Sergt. Berry 'Lloyd, of the 28th hotel. Moura 9.30 a. Lit. to 4.30 p.
Pert It Regiment,' I rat ford. who tta': in. Glasses properly fitted and die -
taking treated.
• of instruction at of eyande nog
t:►kin1;' 11 coot .se eases )e ear
Wolseley Barracks. London, was shot Next visit, Friday. ales. 1st. 1908.
by o'te. Moir. of the ttoyal Canadian -Thr otter of tit Weekly Globe
'Regiment Friday night and dice from
Lis injuries within an ]lour. Search & Canada Farmer for thirty-five
t ntttL the Exeter t
ing parties started after \coir, but
so ftr he has eluded capture.
-The young man, .Wesley Geiser,
alto was remanded ;to Goderich for
trial on n charge of lerenkin a into
stores at Dashwood and Sltipk:I, was
brought before the jud;,' nt Goder-
lest 1'hursday morning. Ile was let
tea 011 suspended sentense. Lit mother
anti himself goin security for his
go .d behavior for Iwo years-
-.\( the last meeting of Exeter
cents Tunes expires
of slay 'first. Those wishing to take
advantage of this excellent offer
should send in their subscriptions nt
once. \Ve can also give you the
\Vecklyt Mail and Empire 'for thirty-
five ocnts• •
leader of the affirmative taus al-
-Visitors tit )orae. Art Wood. Tor -1 lowed 'five minutes in which to reply
onto ;'Edith Sanders, Kincardit • : El -1 to the negative debaters. 'rhe
na 'MCCallutll. Toronto : Cor:, Prior, judges, lltev. W. M. Martin, F. W.
of London : 'Ethel tewe.t, of Si. stiMarys Madman, mei L. 11. Dickson then •'• piston, I'arkbilt; Percy went over the points for the ;decis-
ion. It was announced 'tliat the de-
cision was not unanimous ns l0 ,which
side had 'the better of the nrguinen't.
although the jud;es were united in
saying the debaters of the affirm-
ative handled the subject better than
their opponents. in their addresses
'o rt
• L•1 -sec (l 3
1 1
at't. .1 1
the tic 1
up 'the matter of restricting Jap-
aneso imtnigrabiott to Canada, anct
this fact had not ., lit tie to do Wtith
the decision against them. After the
"1•hc important thing in buying
a Truss is that the right one be
selected and that it is properly
Here Uou uct BOth
Because we have an adequate
stock of the latest and Best
Trusses and have for years made
a study of fitting them. The
better service costs nothing ex-
tra. Consultation Free, We
guarantee a fit with the proper
style of Truss suitable to every
case or money
ded .
W. S. COLE, Phm. B.
Sold Agents
For the "Perfection Truss" the newest
and best truss yet. ('an be worn with
ease and comfort.
.. „Ige 13. 0. E. No. 63, the followitt; Hooper, London : harry Huston. Al.
.,f}cers a•'r. installed by D. D., 3l, %•diet: Georg,. Annan -one. London:
packmau : P. 1'. Bro.11. \V. Diuncy Mary Murray. 1:rintsby Centre : Al-
ro. 1 of London :
Pres. Jiro. \V. Dearing ; Vice -Pres. I frrd Wilcox. llderton: Sadie \Valk,'r.
Ilro. ,Thos. Dearing ; Chap. Uwill Knight, of London :
Thos. Harwell ; Sec'y. Bro. Jos. Sen- Llan Bendiest( London : Ed. Barrows.
for : Treas. Bro. N. 0, Burden : ,Conn -1 of Loudon : Ches. 'Miners, of London :
Dav .. Al
mitre, Bros. A. Long, y, 8. claviA.
rent• Min. 1., of
J. Mallr'tt, C. DAudit, P. Howe-Bros.-Arrangeutents have been remitter -
Sweet, elarSwe,'tand AAmos r: , eras- 't for 1 he tisit of the 114°c°I''ac° of
tees, J. Spackmate T. Hamlet! and waste` to Quebec its July to attend
1L '\V. Dinlley. • 'the tercets :,ry celebrations and icontest each (h'bat,•i was mrtrmly
-.)'he. hunter Arms Co., of New ;tuFuratr th - nlonumettt on this plainscongratulated un the (that nttt►n,r in
of •Abrnhau►, to Wolfe end aIo►Icnitn' which hr 'look 'his part,
York, have pres.'nt.:d the Exeter ,(lel tie men who fought tinder them
Gnu Club with t beautiful vaso us for possession of what is now the Do- -The wv innipeg Free Press of
a trophytto be slot for by the moan- minion o[ Canada, TWA will be the a recent data slakes the following
hers. The contest will be at fifty i reference :lo a former Exetee
targets, twenty -fir. to be Allot at
to -day (Thursday) and twenty -fit's
next (l'hursday. Th • vase is a beauty
in a handsoine else and is well
worth 'trying for. Those 'who wislt
to participate are 'r•• lueslod to he
at elle ground'+ not later 'than ,four
o'clock this afternoon.
-James Street Sunday School will
hold their anrtivers.try, auudey and
ail nn, ..711. ser-
Jlond. y, -Apia n
mons 011 Sunil t t :I1 lot 10 a. nt. Lind
7 is. ut. by Hee. I). I•:. Martin, of
llyett Ave., Methodist Church. Lon-
don. Also ti itt iss to ting in the
afternoon at 2.30. On :\londay even-
ing :1 :rand Sunday school enter-
t,tinut' nt consisting of 'Music, dri1le
dialogues. etc. by the school. Ad-
mission adults 25c. and cli, dfen lis
15 cent!. Doors open at 1e10. Con-
cer• to begin, at P o'clock.
Spring Clothing
for Men
Our Clothing department is a very -s )ecial
feature this spring. We doubt if a finer lot of
clothing can be found anywhere. We doubt if
smarter styles can be reduced by tailors. We
doubt if you can be better fitted by a tailor than
we can fit you. Wo know the quality of goods
in our suits is as good as you can get in tailor
made clothes. We know our prices on Suits
are a great sexing over tailors' prices. When
you need a suit see our new spring line. It's
worth your while.
In Itho matter of the estate of Isaac
W. Johns, late of the
Township Of Usborne, in the Coun-
ty of Huron, Farmer, deceased.
Notice is hereby given pursuant. to
11. S. 0.. 1897, chap. 129. that all
creditors and others having claims ,
against the estate of the said Isaac
W. Johns. who died on or
about aloe 23rd. day of March 1908,
are required on or before the 5th with
day of May, 1908, to send by
posts prepaid or deliver to Messrs.
Gladman & Stanbury. of .the villagtt
of Exeter. solicitors for the Execu-
tors 'of the said' decaaseo, their
chr}stiatt and surnames: addresses
and dcsoriptions, the full particu-
lars of their cPaims, the statement
of their accounts and the nature of
the securities, if any, Ldld by 'them.
And further take notieo that alter
such last mentioned date tho said
Executors will proceed to distribute Winnipeg and Return $3.2
the assets of the deceased among Edmonton and Return $42.50
the pat lies entitled thereto. havin> ctionate rates to other pointe.P.
Pro o
regard only to the claims of which
all rail via North Bay
they air then rs shall ao and that April 28th, May 12th, and 26th, Jane
the said Executors not b' liable 9th and 23rd, July 7th and 21st. Au
for tiro said assets or part titers. ust Ith and 18th, September lst, 15th
of to any person or portions of w7tloso and 29th, I909. Excursions dates via
claims notice shall nob have been re- rail and boat. Tickets will be sold to
ocivc+i by (them at the time of such permit contlitucus passage for steam-
GbuLAr)AN & STANBURY, ers sailing from Sarnia at 3,31) p.111.
•Solicitors for Executorson following dates: April 29th, Nay
- +�
Dated at Exeter the 14th dry of 13th and .�. ,th, June 10th and _4th,
May 1908. July Oth and 22, August 3rd, 19th and
31st. All tickets good returning with-
in (30 days. Full information from any
Grand Trunk Ticket Office.
Canadian National
Horse Show
-A .number of t1te stockholders of
the Exeter C:utniug Company mel at
1 be 'Town 1(311. •wrdnesd:►y 'afternoon
of last week for the purpose o1 re-
' p t and r 'totes
r or t
r• •'t• a Auditors' t t th •l
c t
I I~
the election of directors for the corn-
ing year. Five of the directors.
Messrs. J. G. Jolles. Thos. Harvey,
A. Marchand. John hunter and Col.
Young. of Goderich. withdrew from
the 11'•1d. Of those who retrained
were :l.'cted. Mt ssrs• tiatuuel Mar-
Sand, frs. (
d L
8ne11 and C. 11
tin. Jos.
The other six are J. A. Stewart. F.
W. Gladman, W. J. Beaman. A. Q.
Holier, C. II. Snell end Chris Luker.
After the meeting the newly elect-
ed director:• met In the office of
Messrs. (-iadinan its. St.unbury uti(1 el- Burden followed for the negative.
ected officers as follows -8. Martin, and the Manner in tchich he handle'I
Pres.; J. 'A. Stewart, Vice -Pres. and 1,:. subject •tamp+ him as a com-
l.'. \V. GIntlinen. di'cy.-Trcns.
prince's 'second visit to Canada. t to
first hating ban nearly ten years
ago. 'when returning from his world
boy, who is rapidly coming. to the
front in the 'tVesI. and 14 itk.•lyt to
tour, he visited all Ilse chief loI
and also .spent some time fisbittg and have a scat in •t h: next Dominion
parliament. 11 t•ays-"\"inions Mel -
hunting in the northwest, This lime seine Martin. who evils selected at n
however. Ito %till go no farther than contention n[ the Liberal party, held
Qurlx e, nnd his Stay 1t i11 not ba . x- at '.)Regina, in January, to contest the
tended over a fortniglit. The prince Dominion constituency of tltegin:t, far
trill crow the AtLuUic on :1 [est the• next election is a atrti.fer.
cruiser, probably 'the Minotaur. which practising its tlteziun, n nt••tt,r of
will be accompanied by another cruise the firm of Balfour & Jlnrti11. It
cr as all escort. 11. will .)este Ports-
is as a businesv nem. :1 men of af-
tnouth July 16th : it t each Quebec faits who has minded his own busi-
the 23rd. The lit iti.h .\ILuttic flee. ti•• 'pith rerun rkable t•.'sults that Mr.
will go Deer in ad% etc • of the 'Nino- el ,t t in i• 1 A. known to t ti t ?public.
•e, ie .t s
n mintier, ter Lt
ire 1 11 1 1
' part.1 (: t'1 t�• :,lid tl L 1 1
I .1
u tak
r COrI
Its 1 r escort 1 1 1
lour t
the celebration end Aiv,• a filtn; I,It .s Is it tit• gam.` limy. nf[able
tccicotr.. :o 1!t hit to the 1►ritl+h :,rel genial, nod ho inspires both con-
1hrote. Ili+ Ito'.11 lliglu►rss still h' fielence anti (;ood will• hitt a
accompanies.) int n itjiliuit staff, so you(tg man with n business to bulla
that none of th • pomp and ceremony up. he has not hitherto found touch
will be missing• spare lime '10 upend in eirl►er l•ho
-Those also failed 10 attend 111,• ntiilticipal 0r (hi: political ;u it . 11.
debate bet even members of th' Tri- has aitvn)a Fern r.col Wised howcter,
tilt Memorial church end the lip- •ts keeping in touch with public of -
worth ',Pepe. of the James Street fairs, and in 1906. 8.ts n tined lit con -
church in the Opera house; on •Wed- yenliol1
.of the Lib eels
of \\
of last week. maimed A. i 11 .a to fill t e vaeocS rans
ri rare treat. '1'h•' sUbjeet "Kesolt.t ed by the retirement of Hon.:\\'alter
it'll the Prohibition of the Jnpans'' Scott, but he Mitt not allow his name
would be Beneficial to Canadl;' ! to rentain before the convention• Ile
handled admirably by lath side's. has not {lashed himself into politic+
Mr. t'. 11. Carling the chairman of but has been %,ought. out. When the
the evening. after n few prelin(inary Liberate 1 f 'Retsina district looked
called on Dr.
c. 1
open thdebate for the :affirnta,tive.
the Dr. had his I.ubject well in hetet
and gate an Inter saline fifteen min-
utes (alk on who the lap:uteee should
be kept out of the country. 1)yer
5oc added for admission to
Horse Show to
Toronto and Return
From stations west of Kingston in
Canada. Tickets good going April
20th, valid returning on or before May
4th, 191)8.
tiomeseekers Excursions
to the Northwest
Winnipeg Free Press of April
thu,'t i
r and rn t
a -"A lar
1st. . ays g
meeting of ex -residents of the coun-
ty of Huron was held last evening•
Mr. A. Ilabkirk ht:ts voted to 1h•'
chair, (\hilt' 'Mr. 1•'. A. Wood acted tie
secretary. Atter •lielening to happy
speeChe+ ht 'Messr'. •1'. 1'. Melt. A.
1 cksot Barry Beattie• Dr. A,rd r -
son. A. 0. Crit ter. L. Elliott. 1'. A.
Wood, and trinity others. it was tl•cid-
ed to form alt o'gitliiation 10 b•
known es the Huron Old 'logs' As.
soc;ntio t M1. llahkirk ,tae elected
erot•i!ionel president, and 1', A.
Wood provisional !secrete ry-t reasurer
and n large commie tee w-ts appoint --
ed to !'cure a list of all the oid Hu- ativc for the affirmative nnd h•tttdle't
seniles in 1h• city." Th• re is 1 hie subject in such 't tnasterty man -
a strong colony of old IIuronite. in tier that it wets an easy nt•tttts for
Winnipeg n•1:1 1Itey sbonitt h' able to the judges to keep account of hie
forst •1 strong nsenci:.tion. We hope t'oints. Mr. Al or finished the de -
that after fornnut their nseoci.'ltiott bate for the It •ative. Mr. ,leer
the next mot,' stilt 1,' a visit to the devoted moo of 4 tint' in At►sty."-
old Huron homes. when w,' cm lis- inn the points bre Of out by his
sure thorn t right royal tt;icome opiasitiou and was
and a first ells time. in refuting then(.
leg orator. His points were el enrle
brought out and everts ait•.•n in
• , ••• •' ►r: manner.
c 1 •r 1r
very y [
t3oulhcatt w.as the second &'•.)soler o
the iftirn►ativ:', and allhou0 1 it was
his first appearance on tate public
platform. one Would scarcely believe
it. ile ,shoved his hind in his pock- t
plante,l both fest on the floor nnd
trent after his subject like n profes-
sional orator. ills points were
brought out in ;► very able utann'r.
?.Ir. Arthur Long then took up the
side of the negative. nnd althoualt he
had hots excellent pointe. he ('ti.t n•-
ty did not give as much ntlention 'to
reheat -eine arsine hi• ntidrsrs ni the other!.
Dr. Itoulston was the het represe nt-
utte ettec.•s+ful
'Molloy the
In the matter of the estate of
Jane Hodgins, late of the Tp.
of Stephen, in the County of Ilu-
• ron, ttijctow•, deorased.
Notice is hereby riven pursuant :c
11. S. 0.. 1897. chapter 129, that all
creditors and others itavitt_ :isims
against the estate of the said
Jane alodgins. who died on or about
the fourth (lay of Demember, 1907,
are eluipped on or before the
5th. Hay of 'May 1908, to send by
post prepaid or deliver to
Messrs. Gladman & Stanbury,
of Lite Village of Exeter, So-
licitors for the adminhstratriz ofethe
said deceased. their obristian and sur-
names, addresses and descriptions.
the full particulars of their claims
the statement of their accounts and
the ittturo of the securities. ;1 any
I,cld by thein. And pother take
notice tt►et after such list mentioned
date the said administratrix will pro-
ceed to distribute the assets of .the de-
co teed ninon/ the parties entitled
thereto Laving regard only to the
ci elms of which they shall then have
notice and that the said ttdm'�tistra•
trix will not be liable for said assets
or any part thereof to any person
whose c
f ho_
or per..ons o
Shill not i:ave seed rccr:ten es :diem
itt the time of such distributic:t.
Solicitors for said admin:et rat rix
Detest at Exeter t
tiny of April. 1907.
in the. matter of tiro estate of Geo.
Mawhinney, late of the Township
of Stephen, in the County of Bu -
ten, gentleman, deceased.
Notice is !tetchy given pursuant to
It. 8. 0„ 1897, chap. 1211, that all
creditors uud oiliern having claims
against the estate of the slid Geo.
alawhinney. who died on or about
the 11t1 dry of Marc)'. 1908. nee re.
attired, on or before the 1st, dry of
May. 1908. to sand by last prepaid
or deliver to Messrs. (Badman &
n eras o rQ na t r. 1 Stanbury, Solicitors for the execu-
ed around fora candidate, eahey s.,w• tors of the estate of the
c istian
their . deceased e
„ cl d a
in Jlr. Martin an
ahs lawyer, nt sac- ..nl
ceeeful business stene well versed i : and surnames. addresses and dee
politics .hotte:h not e politici:It, .e eriptions, Lite full particulars of Deer
forrihle si,rakcr tcilhout any it, r. •-. r I ,i1111t, 11141 statement of their .tc-
,ion to be :111 orator. :1 men • ` u 1- t CO11111t, and the mettle of the ee-
bleelished and 11: •v r Ti -i ! entities, if any. held by them. And
to tlie conciu•iu•t tam h' '. further lake entire that liter sues
P011 of loan 11.,•4 66:,nted. err. `•1 1 last mentioned darn the ".ti1 Execu-
sin ie the non a1 I1 t. \V. M. \I ,t t fn. ; tors will proceed to distribute
i'ieshylrri'ctt nlini•I t. of l:x,•Irr.
Ont.. and tin* hot : 1 eore Rh. Ox.
ford. Ont. oft April 11s 1Q- -. 11
family removed elinin: his ::rrly
year! to Exet••r an'1 hr received Ih-
rudiments of his (ctil''Itfon. nt Ex
•1 :, .1•Ia:1
blc.r► of t ( n
tier T u t to ►
Cure for Weak Lungs
the assets of the deceased amon; the
pears entitle 1 1It ielo, having re-
a of hie
, Ir the r I 1
• rd golly 1
they shall 1 hen have notice and that
the said executors will not to liable
(o' the slid :lase!! or ey pert there-
of 1,, any pe,:tet yr persona of whose
chime pulite .hall not hive been
t 1 c••ived by them at the time of such
11'' + lilts.) 14111.
t:LADMAN & a'I'AN111•I1\',
3olteitors for !teal lit.•eutors.
"I bare nsrd your Psyching for retreat 1,,1.4 nt Exeter th's 31st day of
six months, and hate feunet it en ex- dlarch. 1908.
cellent remedy for pneemnnia and weak
lungs." Ronald Johns"n. Farewell, Cnlleuiat.' 1,,.ti1ut '. in ll• • fall of
Ont.. April 15, 190i. IE91 its et►tered Torot►lo 1'niversily
"Psychine is one cf the best medi• I gift. firs( class honors ill cls=ties,
cines on the market, and for all throat i English and history. and in 189+4 )pct
and lung troubles is unexcelled." -A graduated with first class honors it;
word from a man who has tested it. cla!air!. Ile nttenrl d Ontario Nor -
Pneumonia, Rmnrl itis f'oughs Colds mil School in M a and 1E99. nod ob-
Highest Prices Paid
delivered or in the
Centralia Saw Mills
Do You Require Oats?
We have just received ' 040
bushels Feed Oats and will
be glad to supply you in large
We are
quantities. or Hall
prepared to give you an ex-
tremely low price on large
and get our
• o i Superiority
D ace•
♦ thnrmrKnnetes, r.roKrte:altt
• i utility, enthusiasm. esl*�+srrllacs•
• C ►rt err etch stool•. Can,ntr
• ` . iwl, 9'enatrsi'h%. Tetetn\phy.
Nail ('str.e• 10 9,.} .si)als.'
♦ era
Vn, runt ion.
• Clinton Business College
• 4 / =
•f 1�
e� 1 t i
tcn11011 1 : 1 Osgoodc
i1a11. ' '6 r • ; ''on r.,i :1 scholar•
slips iu hi` i t -I t • cowl year.
and r11so studied law iu the office of
T. C. Robinette. K. C.. of 'Toronto.
in 1113 hr wont to Regina anti form-
ed a Ipat 1nership with James B,1four
whit ' still exists 'under 11,1 tem. of
Boll er rind. Martin. .ile has not
neumo t ► mar intcreata outsid e Fusin''- :! ,d
and all throat. lung and stomach coined •t strr'eiali!t e-'rti[icnt. its efts• pol; ea. but in lee college rill+ L•'
troubles yield to Psychine. At all dreg. • sic!. For two yr.►rs she taught cats- toe I prominent pets in Toronto
fists. 5tte. and $1.0n, or Dr. T. A, 'ir. owlItislort• in Ilertliston high 1', •rsity tootbell net.)across•
locuo, Liroited, Toronto. -t Lott. in the County of \\', 1 ',nuta•i. to ile nIso play •1 footlit11 in
Ie the fell of ]401, hurn
Ise ted his at- lir .1,1 rill 1160 )'ears