HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-04-23, Page 6HALF A MILLION WANTED Statement of the Quebec Battlefields Commission. dc;onfch from Quebec saes: In con- Ithe Plains of -tbraham and t St. Fos, •nd not to expropriate such buildings •t, t• nectem with the work wh.iiBattlefieldsundertaken by the Nate mal 4.' ,unrissi0n, and which include; the nmaketg of the necessary arrangements (•'r• the Champlain tercentelt`U talebra- liciul y tt the following etateme es the jail and the 'Boss rine tat. t utlto '1 t►a coneueseasn desire, various subscriptions, to obtei 1 •ales the arrival of the Prates! au . alout $500,400, in ardor that the an - de at that time Utt, M •)uncement ma) tit need.- n I that the fields havo bean redeemed so fa as title to the -_-- vested in the Crown i:, concerned. !g) Arrangomenls are about 1.) 1'c leads for the systematic tr)lke•tion e ( s►.bseriptien.a throughout (:anuria under the supxtrvi-len of a central cummitte'o n1 Ottawa. •tp;tie.l) J Geo. Corneal'. Chairsirm 1}' All subscriptions. given either by privates individuals or 1►y public bodies. outer l'io'n the Dominion Government, vernmiho H.1: be appl!cd strictly ands Y to 1 beautifying the work of reducing au• i utt!otiel(1 . and not in connection with the Champlain tercentenary fetes. at That at present the ails of 1 the ► H rha.•,t! the tis not at present TILE WORLD'S MARKETS WHEN GIRLS PROPOSE Ill:rOIaT9 F11011 T11R LEADiNG 11 AM; CEN! Itis. Pekes of Cattle, Grain. t .ices* ID) Otber Dairy Produce a1 Donis and Abroad. IlItE.t1STUFFS. Toronto, April 21. ---Manitoba 1 )r mini -Mina, delivery. No. 1 northern, 1.16 at OwenSound; feed wheat, Gles No. 2 feed, 63e at North Ray. For May de- livery, No. 1 northern, $1.10%; No. 2 t;._rthera►, $1.06; No. 3 nurtheru, $1.R4. Ontario wlo at --No. 2 white. 884: to 894;at point of shipment; No. 2 red, l4 tied;c; No. 2 mixed, ti7'•;•'; you -'e, 87e. to Sc.R+p{,att• American, (awns -Firm; No. 3 }. Toroth. freight; No. 3 mixed, lc can u ► it. ton 13to { I ge(;.ssery to redeem the battlefields; o' Nalene! Battlefields Commussa m. TUE FISHERIES TREATY. Was Favorably Reported by L. S. Senate Committee. A d spatch from Wa-ihingteort says: The t1 her1es treaty between the United eaatee and Great Britain regulating Killing in the lakes along the boundary Lite between the United States and (:ana(la to -day receive.1 the fav- oreb'e endorsement of the Senate com- mittee on Foreign Relations. ti(ecre> tory of State Root went over the treaty. it ,retail with the comiiiitt('ee and also e•'eplained the treater providing for the (Larmar'ettinn of tho boundary between les United States and Cana,ln. Upon tho con,'lUsion of his renlark9 the o xt►- mitle) decided to report the fisheries treaty, but final actions on tih another er convention was peau meeting. - $7,0001,00 [It IA. FOR 1.0M/ON. flan, ut Obscure Young %reltitee•t to be Reali,.ed. A dt',patch from 1 i)nden says: The London County Councit has d,'cldeb t•) ',Petard with the building of the pro- po.w'd ('unty Hall on the site selected nn the banks of the Thames at West - ter It is estimated that 1t will 11!1:1' tit►\1I.11alre Maki: t1 1.Eft Results of Refusal ire Often Disastrous -Curious !'.ase of f'entiniup infatuation. \Vhila maiden lades of uncertain age r.r( fue•eliou.5ly bait! le await with eager- ness the advent of a 1) leap ul beiit ng 1 made dont ono bears of a rot t•y a heroes, either in a leap or any other ;car. And in tho only instance which is known to lima) taken place, last leap year the incident had a very tragic : c(luel. In 1901 it woo reported thut a beautiful Austrian girl bed taken advantage of the piivilep o, R was at a tall in Vienna, where she become so infatuated o ith a partner that she then and there invited hien to beisone bee partner for life. Iler proposal being most uugalluntly rejected, els) was bO mortified that blw went !tome and com- mitted buicide. It may be that ilio paucity of feminine proposals is directly due to the fact that kap pear is the only year in which they ar. considered permissible. At any rate, it+ most case, in which offers of marring) have been mado by members of the rex which usually receives theta iho "leap' I(a' been ntado with bupremo indifference as to taw year. For example, the lady who boldly offered her hand and heart t,o hurl Stow - e'.1, brother of Lord Eldon, did not pause to reflect as to the year. 111.3 lordship was an Admiralty judge. and once had Ie try a son of the Marchioness of Sligo fee. tempting some naval then to dessert to his yacht. in the Mediterranean. While the judge was lecturing the de- linquent the marchioness, who was in ccurt, was much impressed by tho sound advice ate ens giving. Indeed, it im- pressed her so much that she iturue(ll- ately wrote out a proposal of marriage, which the Lusher obligingly handsd up to the bench. With adntlrable prompti- tude, Use judicial luminary accepted the proposal on the spot, the lady's bold move being thus justified. MAY AND DECEMBER. Barley --Very dull; No. 2 offering at 55c t•) G0,'. lases -No. 2, 88c Matilde. Bye -Strong; No. 2, Cu8c to 87e. Buckwheat- - No. 2, 64%c to 65c.4d on Oats --No. 2 white, 46c outside, truck Toronto); No. 2 mixed, 43%c. special ELECTRIC HEADLIGHTS. {'lour -- Manitoba patents, brandy. S6; second;. $5.50; strong bakers', $:;.aU; winter wheat paten!.,, $a.40. Railway Conhndswion May Insist on Its Bran --Full cars, $21.t►) to $25, 'Toronto Adoption. freights. a „•t,. n►i113, The Shorts --Scarce, 821 f. : ►e�trh from Ottawa says: --The A tk Beard of Beltway Commissioners has sent out a circular stating that owing to the ntuneroiut reports the board has received from its inspectors relating to the poor condition of the lights on a largo number of l000lnotivo engilteeS 19 use on the different railway systems in Ce:nada. the board has had tinder exon- siderattOn tiro advisability of requiring the railway cont{1911103 subject to its jur- isdiction to ube an eloctrit: system of headlights, or some oiler good system. that will give satisfactory light. for Thee proteetic)n of lite and property. beard asks companies to tile with it in writing. at as early a ditto as possible, such observation as they may wish to make regarding the proposal of tho board tz issue all order as su1gastod herein. cast $7.000.000 and that seven years will be consumed in building It. The t he total tall�olSo �7 entries nt ing made inti the United architect 13 Ralph Knott, who 111 won that position by competition wan Slate; i 20 were unomn�l from ` iku nsin2 an ohse%ire assistant in the city arch!- froth .I toot's office. Ile is 29 years ol,t. Ilis 1•�lent Februaissuery, 1907, e3the number <cringan land t(.(1s a,1 atc:hitect will an►ount li r'bout pI arca of 263,-100 acres. For the month of 1'• bruary, 1908, there was an incresase ;,r 5S) in the number of patents, cover - leg an inereese of 741598 acres in the area patented. nted. ----W tR.s111P,4 11) Visit QUEBEC. - MORE HOMESTEAD t:NTRIES. Increase of 739 Recorded During Janu- ary and February. A despatch from Ottawa. says: A net irt•'tea•;e of 729 in the number of home- stead entries during January and Feb- ruary, 1908. is reoorhd, as compared with time same months of 111x)7. Of a JOHN BULL'S COLONIES NI ANY O1' THEM t17at1: i-(►IfCED ON 111% Al: tINe7• HIS Will.. Nutt (:real and Prosperous Colonies %%'htn h l'ly time ltritisb flag. It is surprising bow much of John lt' l .. m{•►rt0 bas been literally A t1r'soat.h from (Halifax '►'s: After 101INT TEMPLE FLOATED C. P. R. Steamer Has Been Stuck Since Last November. Lv a vas .1r ► kneed on him against his will hew having been ashore on 1!►(o ledges at much of it lha.s hasI l rec ivied will! 6rwrth Ironbound Island, at the mouth of the lu►g I)rutesb instead u[ hearty thus s. mto�t , I.nhave !liver. since Nuven,lxer .0 last, COUNTRY PRODUCE. Butler- Still scarce, with good demand. Wholesale prices are:-- 31c to Sac Creamery, print., ............ 31c to 32c (I.) solid; 25c to 100 Dairy prints .................. Q4c to 26c c do largo rolls ............. 2.1c to 5 (10 solid, .................. 2110 to 24c Interior ...... ........... • .. .2 0 do ?lcc Straine'<i (steady honey-- pl.'1 lb for GO -Ib pails and 12e, to 13o for 5 to 10 ib pails. combs at $1.75 to $2.`'0 tan dozen. Potatoes --Ontario, 85c to 90c; Dela- ware, Ste to $1, in car lots on track primes Beans -Firm; 81.70 to $1.75 for p and $1.80 to 51.85 for hand-picked. Cheese -Finn; 1J,c for large and t( r !wins in job lots here; new-mnko, 13c ter largo and 13};c for twins ,ellen. Maple Syrup -$1 to $1.10 per 6 Baled Straw -$8 to ;1 per ton. Bale(! flay -'Timothy 1,, quoted at $15 t• $15.50 in car lots on tracks hero. $200!)(0• ONLY TWO `F:\\' \t' t1ts1111,S. Pr...ie!.•nt Roosevelt's Request for !'our Ignored by Congress. A despatch from \Va,hington says: in rp•'mt(' of the President's urgent recom- mendation contained in his special nre'4- aage Font to congree on Tuesday that four battleships be prnvid t for lin the gavel appropriation bill, re- fused to authorize more than two shtpa, ih presentative lk)b:tense amendment (0 tile navel appropriation bill providing fel four bat.tleehips instead of too wos .1. fenl.d by the House. 71) to 190. 'trio m,,ti1t was received with loud applause. - %IONF:Y 1011 Jl NKI:TIN(:. 4,I.Ilni That !Former •N innipee twined leas Disqualified, • ♦ despatch tram \\ nnipeg say'c: The ato,t•e, railway has entered a r•ernarledee nefem•e in a suit brought by the city to cY►utp(•l the company to pay damnt e..-3 for failure to fulfill the running schedule 41 -mantled by the traffic. 'the cont• leaky will maintain that \\!het the coun- cil of 1!t07 passel the by-law under w-t:i,•l% the action is taken, a tnnjority of the Aldermen and Controllers pre- set' were disqualified. through having Singapore 6 bur and away Johns 1 valued possession in the Farthest East. P. bus been called a Gibraltar artd�a l.iverp►c►o1 Combined, end i% posse's 11 La, given U►o British the unquestioned dominance of the Malay Straits. In 1819, Singapore, which is now 8 magnificent port. with innumerat►le ware- ltot.Ses filled with priceless merchandise, and a big harbor crowd4'd with bhippung, was a swampy island, which Dobxody tlicught of any value. Nobody, that is, e:.cept Sir Stamfottd Rallies, a brilliant Colonial Governor, who had forced his way to the front by sheer merit. A :WART MAN RECALLED IN DIS- GRACE. Raines, with unerring instinct, saw t'1iat the swampy island might leecoue. Be was at tete time Governor of Ben- coolent, in Sumatra, and, through Itis instigation, Singapore wnb bought from the Malayan Sultan of Johor for 113,500. This was altogether too enterprising a "deal" to please stolid John Bull -Or his Cevenimnent of the day. Sir Stamford intoes was practically re- called in disgrace, and the Government would have handed Singapore back to tee: Sultan had alloy dared. Bet public opinion compelled Uhont to keep it. flow Many millions the island is worth now nobody could say. The whole of the Strait• Settlements were practically forced ore John Bull. ile didn't want to be bothered with the Mulays or their islands. But his enter- prising sons went out there and took possession on their own account. Erigtishnian, Sir James Brooke, had him- self made Rajah of Sarawak, a Malay State, without walling to ask for permis- sion from the Ilorne authorities; and when lie requested to be taken, along with his newly -acquired kingdom, ender ttie protcclion of the British flag, his re- quest Nes acceded to only in the most grudging spirit. the big (:. I'. ft. Lamer Mount 'temple sett.; successfully t'ou't+,! on Wednesday night's tide. 'flo stoanmer weiS th'e'n with air, and with the rising t1(1te and tm1,• as.;istanoo of three tugs she slid off tl,,• nets into deep water. 'flus was the third attempt 111a410 to limit tier. tinder her awn ;;team th.a Mount 'lcrnpkt started for II►hl•fux, 1►ut owing to a heavy 601ll14ea :A r.turrt► eel - ting un she was oblw41 4) nha1:.% 1.t11.9n- 1.erg harbor for shelter at 11.31) \\'t•.in. - 1) f'ork- Short cut, $21 to $11.50 per bar- rel, mess, $17.50 to 818. Lard -"Pierces, 1 %'- c; ttit,s, 1 17;,.; palls, Smoked Salted Meats- l,ong ukeJ and Dry clear bacon, 10c to 10%e; tons end cases. halts. 'medium and light, 12c 10 13c; lulus, large, 11%e to 12c; backs, 1Gc to 104e; shouldc'le, 93:c to 10c; mile, 10c; breakfast bacon, 13c to tic; green meats out of pickle, lc less than smoked. MON'!' Ri:AI. 51111K Montreal, April 21.-i:loer--Clunes til ring wheat wheat Patents, $0.10; seconds, et • winter wheat {entente, e5.50; r ... , o k1 $5-'25; d in togs. Cantada'y Invitation to Washington' straight milers. $.i _.3., t1) $2.50; extras, $1.80 to $I.1)0. y ) tt Ill be Ar(epir'�f. \i►lifeed--Manitoba bran, , _2 to 823; .t (t•..patch fr m \Washington may,: shorts. $23 to $21; Ontario grain, shorts, A tat•orable response will bo made toy gee to 822.5n; middlings, VI to $25; to short: , $25 t•) $27 per 4)n, including the United Sinter' Navy Ufa►)artmm1 1lt p pure grain nwuntle, $32 to � the oourteou9 invit.atk,n of the Uomin- bong.. and g fon Government to be represented at Moderate trade is pas.•rin at firm Quebec by a wor vessel at the coming price& visit of tho Imine of \Valets to Canada potted O`ts--18312%, per 51.beg. bag. ill July. 'Che present Intention 19 to de. Cornmeal--$1.67e; siirtEast $l Canada No. a tag. sp•akh the fine new battle+hip New Ilannp>_shire, recently put into tonings- have declined %c; eastern Canada No. 2 :ion. and in oon)rnar.d of Capt. Lamer while' oats. 411:; per h> 1 cl ex slur No, No. 4, oil 51.11. \V n-,tew. The flashing tench- 4S3..,c; rejected. 433 e es are 11 ).V lr`In3 PIA on tho vessel. and Manitoba rejected, 45%c to 46c per * - bushel, ex track North nay. DIUI"11:1► illa.l'I.Ias IN t R(►tT• Cheese rSe> tembertitle arm I i) a forrns re cololred NI. 13c for while and Two Men Traveled 2M1 \lNotesin the Gulf September e} sworn. 13y . (, nl alexic.). Futter-I:reel' creamery, 33c to 35e per ,t .1.npn1elr from \'•'r1 Cr". M('xioo. Ile be.( tall make, 32e per lb. ee '1'1x' first engineer and the cook of p: t►h;-18c per dozen ter single lots and the disabled steamer • �1 t 1 1 !s'te'w In the gulf fora {tole! iome natives short cut mess, The sante happy result did not attend n similar offer made lac; than a decade age by a young lady belonging to one tiro most noble families of !tome. he was Signori] jl i,90 mast, ant� though only in her twentieth year, hacl teen the recipient of several proposals in t.c•ndon a short limo before. Each and all of titese she firmly res• fused, and on returning to Rome as- tounded her friesids by presenting Iter - self to M. Guillaume, the famous octo- genarian £culplor, and begging hits to marry her. Like the sensible ratan he Was, Guillaume did his best to convince her that no happiness could result from the union of May and December. the In this, however, he utterly faidled, the !air proposer becoming grey tlyss- e*', and, Indeed, quite inconsolable. Sale dcclaret' lime!! to all intents and pur- pesos a widow, and arrayed herself in sembro mourning garb, which site vowed st.•. would never lay aside until a change crone over her hero, and she could real - lee the wish of her heart. This young lady was ono of the most beautiful girls in tho Italian Capin'', and np•parently acct) one of the most whitn- sical. It is Interesting to recall that. the lute Baron de Lesseps enjoyed a like novel eperienco in his declining years. When an old mon of seventy he was proposal to by a damsel of 17, around whom was (ie glamour of a moat romantic descent. 'this fair creature wee the great -grand - clay night. Thu Mount Temple register.' C.661 toms, and the underwriters agreed to give the salvons $200,0041 if tier floated her. When tho sterner ter:milked she had over Got) passengers On boar!, and nil wero saved. sit.) will canto to 1lalhfax iu (irydteik as soon as the weather per- mits. The steamer had Aboett drn'ca hard on tine ioeks to say') the lives of the passengers, and the rocks prntrud- ,vI through her bottom in e.everal places. The work of floating her was One e,t the tweet difficult ever undertaken on the Atlantic coast, and the sure'* S of Uw is regarded by marina experts u notable achievement. to restioncible for tt•hat bapprcnett 1') them Luker on the Now Zealand Land Cc mnpany wac formed to lake lite 'deet steps toward changing the beautiful island into a British colony. John Bull was quite annoyed. tlo didn't want Now Zealand. Ile did everything he could -Utah w, the 114)1110 Government of the day did- -to dL 'o'irage the new oom- pa.ny and throw obhstae-le: in its way. FRENCH NEARLY GOT NEW ZEALAND It was not until nearly eighty years atter its de. ovcry by Captain took that John gave t sulky con. it to his flag being formally run up over New 7saland. Et -en then he only consent('(! because ho was informed Utat 11 h(1 didn't the whito (beaters would hake Uungs unpleasant. A little more delay on his part, and the rrench nag would very poaribly now be floating over Wellington and a French Governor bo sitting in the soul of tho lata "King Dick" Seddon. ac0•'pt•`+ eXp eI1.9e3 nr,,n•1, s ft )r junkctI g trips thrt-'mlgh the, ('n►','•1 States, c•tn- tt it" to the dialler. 11 creat."i a sell - /01,0:i n civic , c+ . KI'o1\I; 1: ashes 1',tOIllltl 110. (1. m l (►n \Ir.li. t)I 4.r•►nn(1. Vie Rule for 1.401401* be'h•►ol,. •':itch frons 1.0rndon1 segs: The . • nncil has •►.+sha4'1 an erdlnen••c 1.,t ,. ng children attending County ..)is to plan game. in which I 1►�; Seine a pail. '!elle hie►i•t te'a'•h- t('t1 to see 111,ht stick ,•� ere in -fru; t •, aro (IiseonGnt:e•l. The reason tar the prohibition is contair el in a ,.•see of the eir••.tinance. reeding: • , e, -heal grountte the practice is • .•.1 u►ndesir•able.' CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS It is entirely John Bulls own fault that the whole of the Literal of New Guinea, which is nearly throe time.; a-. largo as Groat Britain, /toes not belong to him. New Guinea was actually in full poss(is- slon of John in 1793; but he was Indiffer- ent. to it, and lett it lying unguarded and t,tuelnined in U►e soa. Tho Dutch took part of It, and the Ger- Mane looked longingly on the rest. And, U.AI-i'CNINC.S Flt0.l1 ALL Ot••-t Till GLOBE. Telegraph Oriels From Our Own God Other Countries of Relent Events. C.\N.\1)A. JOIIN BULL. GROWLED AT GIBRALTAR John didn't havo any notion of taking Gibraltar for himself. A wonderful son of his, named Admiral Sir George Rooke, returning home from a more or less un- succcssful cruise, made a sudden, t,nex- pccted swoop on the rock on his own account, and took it from a weak Spanish gsrrison before they knew that he was really there, to to say. At first John Bull growled and didn't see what good the key b1 Uro Mediterranean was going to be to him. the ed 'te Sonora, which has 1- , to 17,4c for tvhole4.ale1 lots. loon drifting nc p - � . week, arrivesd in this city on 3'ue day in $21; halt barrels, $10.75; clear fat baek, an open (.oat. They traveled 250 miles e2,: In s23; long cut heavy tuess, 820; half el they mercy of the twine!; and current.: barrels do, $10.50; dry hall long clear et tho gulf. They left the (beelik % t ec el to $7 711 bulk il to Senile), mot,►1ng at day!.rank in tho open 1.•tit nit the Trinngl.e Islam-', near the 1 m:catan ev)nst. Weete>sels have been cent ut t•► to:ale the rneeeing steamer. She 1 Ls a cargo Of cattle`. 52041 0\ N11It1►I:Reines Ill:ti►. I Rett aril for ( :11.1un' ((1 1141(1 \\ h.) Shot t mislaid.. ail Verne. A A.:ap.atclh from Ottawa .:'y •: The comptroller •,f they 'loyal North-West speeded Police bens authorized tho of- fering of the regimlar reward of $ 200 for information which wtll lead to the arrest and conviction of the man or men wt:eh shot (:unstable Wilmot, at Vi aim'•:. :\lberta, the other day. IONTMiA. TOWNS DESTROY 'g and Cascade Wiped Off the Craig Advancing Waters. \ !-I,st,lt fro:n ate ••na, \1•'n'.. says: \n mine eitroIable !leads! 13 repel.) ani' ng upon Great Tales. a city of 15,- 1oe i.opu!ahon, a11.1 it is believed that the Ilr,:b'n and NIontans smelter. on@ of the target el the t.41r'•1, to doomed t•, S-:trmi••tion. The .n. -suer. `xlin ore Inlet •=n the tit er bank, ce))t' ' then $.'100 tnen. The employee tt ere entt idt`el all fmte`.t- day night In the COn,truc;r>n of a "wing .levo" erounel the smelter. 1'repnrati 1i:+ nave also been mad. ao that they dans( !•;cies. 10'�c; barrels pint.. lee , . ... $15; half 1%lrrele 11.1. $7.2511:\1► Tit.AGIC I'N1)1\(;. heavy nnc:moi beef, 510 to 811; half laurels lard. K'•;•' to Not long ago. necoriing to an Austrian •1•• compound d.�otno woman, ti ► (co hen .t T 1 •v t• A- ('r r. a ler •; pttn' lard. 1 i �c to 11%c; oelllo ren- r.e•w:poi . , .•e 11 !'c to 12e: baths, 12e to 13!/e, 1 who was one of the gtne»'t, of \'iemma der 1, tie es st►ciely became enamored of a good -look - John Bull personally-nitways, of course, as typified by his Government -- hod very little to do with lire founding of his Indian Empire. in the early days Le declined to send oMehl' reproiemlta- Lives to India, but allot`:ed a body ot pri- %ate merchants, who banded theniselv(ts together on the East India Company, to try their hack In the great Asiatic Em- pire. At first the company were satisfied with strips of land on which to build their factories and warehouses, and leave to (rade with the natives. 1t was tiro French Government who 1 ent. All through hen tho still, olsl New e first aimed at n European Indian Empire, o! being proprietor and bent two brilliant adventurers. Du- Guinea, John Bull own., something tens plelx and Lally, to see it they could win It:an a quarter of it. it Their it was that the oonnpany began This article does not by any moan ex- t! list of colonies which have 14.e'n The Dominion (joeernlnent twee induo the British authorities to continue the subsidy to tho (,ver -seas snail service. With the possible exception of thus* in Illinois, the coal 11111ners 110w on strike ut the United Mates will return to work. ler. McNamara has been promoted from the Local Government Board to be Parliamentary*Secretary to the Ad- miralty. Toronto caterers havo been asked to assist in feeding tho.,e who attend the tercentenary celebration at Quebec. A letter received in Toronto states that Canadian capital 13 wanted to es- tablish an electric car service in Are- t1uipa. Peru. eeel longshoremen objee't to the as NOW Gt)illea is very close, to Quoins- ( `lou.. land, the people of the latter colony trinug►system the latter fro usoced yto wab°i shipping U were uneasy at the prospect of having men. William Pugsley announced in German and Dutch neighbors so near 1.0 their shores. WE WOULDN'T ILAVE NEW GUINEA. Time atter time the Queenslandcrs irn- plcred John Bull to step in and take pos- session of New Guinea.l lwouldn't do it. 11e let the foreign a ter bit of it. Finally, In 1683, Sir 'I'Inotuas 111cllwralth, the Prime Ministerof Queensland, was driven (0 dospereeon. and, resolutely taking action into his own hands, gavo inetructlone for U111 an- nexation of New Guinea. John Bt.11 was actually very bad tem- pered over this. Ile at first refused ab- solutely to a.row the annexation. 11 the Qt'cen panders had riot btood resolutely 1.y their Prime Minister, he would prob- ed ly rob-ally !)ave insisted on tie) portion of the island which h(t.1 been secured being fcrthwitJl abandoned. in the end, however. 11,1 growlingly consented to keep what hi; sons in 0001131.and had forced en lien as • a pros - 114)11. the Muse that hanger -s t1 e. Ierbog thoe question of deepening Ula lake.* to twenty-five feet. Inspector Leake Ls working on a plan to give normal school pupils three months at Guelph to take r•!omrse nis in industrial training before B d as teachers. daughter of a woman of rare 1>^ar.l}'. 15110 fight, not at first wilt' any !rice of t\ e; {belie(! up when s Lobe on the battle- waking oonqueste, but simply to save Pohl of Waterloo, tmme�dialel- atter trio tt:e+mselv('s from being :swept 1►l inW the e;t'a tluht, ey their french ithals. What Is more extraordinary still, the 1'lIE CO\11'.\N ti' THAT RUI.F:D INDIA. prr,poeal tuns made in the pre ace of the Baron's. nwn son. Stall wonder, there- fore. 'Ivey to that ho thought it was not intend- wonderA tor(if theyhow(tler,l turn beganio tables 0.1 for hila, t,u! for !tit (tion. However, ty turning the I�rr-u•:Ii rnrt, and wars en being cirliglttctre(1, ho (pill not reft)•�o \till► lite Nuidoo rujah4 folle)tt•1SJ. John lin.► offf•r, tett t►,•••ep10t1 it. ant! married Use wasn't !lost. )le;nsceef when news reached fair proposer. Nor did he hove o:cnsittn 1'iu, that oat le his wandering OIItm'!W runs had lu regret c doing, for during 11►o trying time of the asenealten1al Panama eetindnls inid tlhelrf uneldia atiwinningoneoth Britisgreath haltl Ent- ! tz faithful ►tel -wits t;os the only solace Eire in t: (,I {'lrts.�e}•. The old gentleman s.+)w a anJ comfort the groat engineer had. vision of more responsibility fur hon, and grumbled, as usual. The lir:.t great conquests in India were mode by soldiers who sheer, strictly sp enking, riot Ju1In l'ull's al all. They heel's made by built,: enlisted and paid by the company, and it was "John Cotn- pnny," tms the eepoys called it, tthich iI've Clive hie first commission. The company ruled in India for a hundred years !►('tor(• the BI•ifish Government took ` i:ret• a few 110011 mcoltts(sd the expinsie►n, and • MO tats!:. n extinguished ne yet. of e1 the fire hes not bac general 'The four Injure`•! Hien are' in tit(, I( hospital. The Coroner will Imo brought iglu for from Marila the ingw.e:st. neeoriing 41 sire; break as to Cony: fresh 1:e; \\ inlsor bacon, 1 I'� . % kneel al►nitetir• dressed hogs, $9.5 t') 810; lice, $7 to $7.25. 1np; tenet then hinging nightly in ope elle to the Austrian capital. She shocked all her friends And tie- gt.uintancee by frequenting the theatre (►t ery evening and lane,\' ung bouquets to lite object of her infatuation and adver- lieing her pn--'Nin in various ways. But 1hr singer did net rc* ipro^nte her affec- tion to the e.lent of entertain a propo ul cf tnnrriage. After going from one extravagance to another. the lady went on the stage her- self; but her lhcnlrical career wa.4 not (tf long durnt'on. She finally berme quilt) t'\1"IIsi) ST.\Tl- M.\RKETS. Buffalo, :\pril 21.--Wheal--Npring 411111; No. 1 N,►rthe•rn. $1.02%. carl(tn•I,; \Win- ter strong; N•'. 2 red. We. Cone -1 irm; N(►. 2 yellow. 71 ,c. (k,La-.Strong; N... 2 mixed, `►t,`; No. 2 white, 55% to 5('c. Bar- ter -Se to 95c. Bye-- No. I, on track, flee' Nennea l 9e J u Iv. AI.% .. • irresplonsihlo for her achene, and had to 't *.r• No. 1 GRI::\'!• BRITAIN. Bills of the Province of Ontario for nearly !telt a million sterling have cboesas enooUnit'�l ill London at. three per UNITED STATES. The din's Owner.; and Operators, sent As - sedation at Fairbanks Ata kn, to Seattle for ten thousands men. appointment of A bill providing for the al 1 a commission t(1 Inve„ugatt! \\'opt street speculation moo introduced into (110 Sew obs at New York. GL\EI1.\1.. A Government bill 1103 passed aswomen thle Done ane ash 1'olkettii1►g allowing t alt oorinllt►nal electi•)11.s. .A (:alnadien flour miller named Rennie c�entinitted suicide at hong uHong by l.attst ►c forced on John Brill's acceptance. But it' jtetmml►nog ot'•'rlxoarJ from should be sufilcient to prove that. what _„_ over hLa sono may have dorm. on tImOir own account in the grabbing ,lint, the CHANCE 1'011 C%N tDl tN !)Intl.!-' old gentleman in the white bre` e.he s n the lop -boots Is not himself quite Suri a 7 r nnst 331 fl:n Art-matted n ''r�1a�11 iii�rtnmp�itiun greedy grabber as certain of lu.3 ent•ntia3 in Menet tl ulpeQe.--Pcat'son'a Weekly. .', (1.espatch from Ottawa says: Premier -# -- louLa llo11'a, of the 'Transvaal, ha•inlin sent - THREE S11:1 KILLED. a !eller to Sir Wilfrid Cover. pointing in Tt111 __ out that the 'l r at ►lo�iurh in the Old \lin(• al ('.anmorc'. coaperatien with the Transvaal Chant - 1 �►t lice of Mines, h(►.• arranged for w pow - A ti,,al fried of Rnra11 reel: Brie S. su,UmlitC Ger merely st(1ping work, s• " cr tl►n A J•fii►e killed from d :f ►nfplotheg ers' serious- 1 t rnndttiuns obtaining on the \\'11- q py' burne'ri 1n ane e,P•,, :\i- � •, compete. Mille 1Lsin1; 1;(•111 were ktllel an,i ,sir o tve.r: n etpk)slon at allot 13 t\nt'r'. Itanl All types of nee.: drill wA 1 11 rl ►( P (.e t e eligible it ti- \ it a ere 11 li 1.0.,,,-,‘,..n a., tho no ( g h p.�eel nit will be step{!!.`.{ t\ r 1 berth, :,!meetly elle•!. 10 o'clock on \\'((1ne''' sore varying from 60 supplied 7:► pN tm 3 per day morning. 'Tate dead are: --titin Cople- c at the working face. Two ran and Malt Saari, 1' lath, actin ant! Mr. Sc wire inch prizes of g 1.ra10 and .E Lr11M) r•:speclive•ly te!!stein, an t:r►g'envi alh, acting d. fin- nr11 utter(••.. 1'h.competition i'v o. 'he 1110 tea , \ a tvl l came out nrly in p: l tvtll last nom. m'v of four little ones, t\Ise) only !neer e e It Ls nut yet b;), 1114 MHO. .411,-.-----. Girls. who ntak•e ''. 111.'Ir b(ts'neFA 1q look for hushat,,lr; are opt to lin(! therm. lett they seldom b, t -t of their finds h1 a S soon as pN .. ► later years. The Chartered Company forced a big track of Africa on John 111111. ile had no wi.li to grab it himself. and would hate t. t ked on with calm indifference while last tracks of South Africa were being annexed by the Germans rind the Boers. But the Chartered Company, with Cecil Meeks as its soul, $I.R23.. be put under restraint. MADi'. \\'Alt ON T.Ol L\('L .A. I. 1. Northern. N. 1 1 N„rla1.00. nail}• inelan- Nrnlhern. �ko` 14) $1.110 �: No.. 3 A testy }cars ago an (� noel conquered Mateb•ele•land and cheeck- e. ,!leen. twee t•, 97 ye.. Flour --First dicey tale befell n charming young Paris rill the ik,cr and German advance. nlentc, She fell Had Join not !held hi• cons in cheek el.`nt:, ;:►.1:► to lt3.3O; Be`crtttl p tt•k)tn\•-aloe, Madame \tither. e5,(►:, to $5.20; first cleat's. $1.05 le $1.15: I desperately In love with a neighboring end frowned on them when they wanted Bran -la i resident, alto. however. revelled her sial- t(• l,e, enierprieinu, the German i inpire net er have been founded. b(''ai.Fe that second clears. ,:1.10 to $•1 0• 811 to $21.25. a \iilwawtnkee. April ?I. -Wheat- No. 1 Map by N. rthern. 111.01 to $1.06• No. 2 Nom thern. 81.02 to $1.OIY-?: May. 91%e e l•itl. Bye -- No. 1. sox, to Stc. Barley- No. 2. 8'e: sample. 65 10 R,',r. Corn --No. 3 cash, G3 le 66e; May, 6714c asked. Duluth. April 21.--Wlicatt--No. 1 hard, 61.01!~: Ni1. 1 Northern. 99g; No. 2 kern, 95 ;e; Jul}•. 98e; September, p !4,1111I -West Attica% would pmbnl►ly 11 r: eat t'a't -,from which the smelter Merl:rs item power, may be dynamited iii a last res ort. Craig, Montana. p:obably was w;peed eft the insp. although an far as to ktioe n. all of the 400 intiel•itsnts es- caped. Cascade, 1 town of 400 popu`e• tion. 69 mi'eels from llelena rind 2.. mile ne'rth of Craig. Ls now tinder water and in danger' of bong ewapt away. ricer id !holly strewn wits dmbr1s et rsn;h lieteeee. \tent anima are bat- tling at- ua n g 1)1 nadir Mail ill 11141(1004. Nert 993•:C.Ne. New York. April :11. -Spot firm: red. 99'.e-' rlevator: No, 2 red. 51.(10',: f.o.b. afloat; No. 1 northern. Duluth, $I.6$ f.c.b. linnet; No. .1 herd winter. $1.05 f.o.b. afoot. '11 1:irg of Italy say, 1110 I1;a h Item!. ai hrown in .America. Is simply an nr• gon17)tI;n of de'tolled nvalefar.te)rs, not a branch of any Italian soCIey►. t nr,c.'-i. inchlding an offer of innrr'tnge. Ti.ereiivin she, retired for n time to \ietz, alien, she had relatives; lint F11nr•tly , fierwnrtl her d•'nd body ens fmultl on time fo(itpnttt just (!tit idc the lionise of 11.e man she lover!. in her po I:ets were scvcr111 tellers ntl- (pr(Z:Ftstl to hien. and before committing suicide she lied thrown into his garden her pocketbook. containing banknotes. bend; end other aseeurili0S. contpriein)e . tier estate. together on leer lost a ill end testament. Jty the baa nanwd she had rondo thio enl(I, i:nimpre'.c ion•able' merlin her P01.' heir. Feminine infntrtatton Li ttr►nietiniee ut- terly 11-torly inexplicable. o►.- - Ther.' are in the world. M nearly as ►. ►(•e eomr►t,toJ, 1.1A0.(100,(I00 per►ple. (e• rte e.• 1'1 miltk)tta live under the Oldish Ng. Ina of the world 4Il1(1 have 1+(•(`n pont- ,�,p f►•itieh red before the subjects of the Katieer got near 11. John Bull certainly grabhom Canada arid Australia nn !tic own initiative. Taut ive to New Zealand. it IS not owing to .le lin himself that "God's e\\ n� country" Id hes first visit to the island in 1769- 11,( sane y. nl•. 1 y the 11 Hy. \t lti.•h rnty \\ etre lata Quetws''. but for generations Jelin Thula would have nc.lhine te do with it. 11 \\ n.: left alone for any nation who font!,`( it In lake 11. As late as tell (dstinate el. it.' as good ni le►1.l 11(6 nessie)n.tt i(:4 \t ht. a.•nl to Now 7.ealand 10 fry to (Y►nveiI liter Maoris 11131 the ri k they rats by tie) elan,►, woe en- tirely n-ti eely their own concern, n i•t he wouldn't ►.e•1 ingc to hint !4:1st . ('et. NINE `DREAMERS' ARRESTED. Leaders of the Peculiar Sect in Alberta Jailed for Arson. A despatch (r;1l,;lot from leaders, nine eot 1 says: the sect The 1%i i . st knmvn as "Dreamers" is caus.r►6 a sett. ,.anion. to Joef1ph Lehr.a fanner, 6 alleged some is ay to have incurred the enmity of the sect. i.nt•e1y he rccciv(ti.l lettere K I;e•rtu.►1m. si nevi "Revenge." threat• m ; ening t , ►umnhie helmet.� es a nnhen(a1i1ny 1 y night tlti g ,, healing n noir, ant dLicote'nsd 1110 y ee- calllafamily ed iwitht.t►Int •r• liveded and night' rat., • eve' . n„ ►Y- ng cansume'•1. The IMO is e,t.na:it,'(1 at $5.000.aa Mounted Polite,C, rislahto :\alba', ei nt Irvine, hear -1 the' story and rad' out Ia Inveelignto the occurrence. Ile i1t- 4. mediately wired tor .reinfuree'it1,'nl Corp. Ilumbv. Iwo constables awl Idle, rifler all night Ativittg, arrested 11:4 }nese!e of nine "Dreamers farm':et. A e't ninnstration el force \s •(s neeesaary to even awe the other eettl.1'.4. who ti:ouught the areae t W:18 1 31114tn+)unt 14 e ent•iction. \Velem 1,,+.1: ..f settler -3 arc oom'trtii VI attend the tr'it1