HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-04-23, Page 5i • • V° Special Values in Spring Goods at Zwicker's, Crediton We have just received several consignments of Spring Goods and offer special values in Linoleums, Carpets, Wall Papers and Tapestry Squares All sizes Lace Curtains from so cents to $5.00 per pair, We have the best selection of Lace Curtains we have ever shown and never better values than this season. Our Dress Goods= In all the latest shades in Eolines, Poplins .`.__ Chiffon, Panama Cloths, Venerian, Tweed A�Iillinpry Department=Do 11ot fail to visit our Millinery Department under the management of Miss Armstrong. 1Vc arc showing the very latest and up- to-date millinery at very close prices. We have a splendid( stock el -the W. E. Sanford Ready Made Cloth- ing, Considered to he the best line made in Canada. We have just opened another lot of Dinner Setts, beautiful patterns from the best makers. Our stock of Groceries is always fresh and of the best quality Butter, Eggs and Apples and all Farm Produce taken in exchange We want 1000 Bags of No. 1. Potatoes CHAS. ZWICKER A Call Solicited YOUR SUI —Will look better —Will fit better —Will feel better —Will wear. better if you get it at J. If. Boltzmann's. We are very busy but not too busy to show you our swell Snitings and Overcoatings and take your order for a Suit or Overcoat. If you can come here to- morrow do so, and make a selection early. If you can't come to- morrow conte as soon as you can. and we will do our best to get your Suit or Coat made promptly. J. H. HOLTZMANN, CREDITON The Sick Made Well Without Medicine Precious Life and Health can be saved by this New Method All Sickness is alike. to Oxydonor It applies to all cases, no (natter what the form of disease, may be. vitalizes the human body with OXYGEN from the air. OXYGEN is a Necessity—the greatest necessity life knows. You can apply OSYDONOI; at home while you rest or sleep. No toss of time from your work or business. It is easily applied, safe and always ready for use. Its force never exhnuste. it will serve the fancily, children as well as adults. iVrite for FREE BOO)( No. lie to Dr. if. Sande & Co, ati1 St. Cat belle*. St. West, ,Montreal, Que. 1 1 re - vital ri. 1 Some day shaving ly force up mt every masa At frit it Hoes rot Goatee what sort cf rarer is use t-• lather's pet Carbo Magnetic or sa,!'ter's fond Dirt/ day gill or nr. eapentive t-Jety w.ta its toostant Cita rf new bled±s-;•est co it 7`e bear3 soon ►,if:eaa aa'i then i the real, sitalcueatioatri.ec.:" Why 1 dnr,e't favor hold its csg„ vni- k f fora!, f.otn heel to Lead without bona; or grind;nt;T" Shaving has now borne,^ a necessity -bet the comfort and salisfwetied of a daay, cool. clean shave Is very•'+ t.. a -t ob- tained. PcGs r And ia:art.r„ ;^ t! -.e us•:a1 outcome of the (Hort, svh,iyrr you sSwe yourself cr hAse it done is roar fit Brite barber's (Lair. You rs.st call n !e res ,. k "Why i"' Tbe temper cf the blade Is not t:::dorm, !taken per:odicat booing and coat- ing a *are se sea'," is cur tamer. TR, Lade of the Car:..+ Ms;-•.r;ie gal.,- it finished ) y:, secret 01 ffeetrlo Tom g ^ss ll+or/np t h a t pow irs:y mates every pa••icle of s than (tele life of steel) into the wk.();- ring a d/eartorsd.//Aro dnoss uniforaily throughout the bade—something •bso;t.tely Im- pos+:Ste s.itk Ere tempered steel eased A M trio -king all other razor ttoles. Me test tt:'s no lionlrsg, no ivd/ng, earenditiroatiy eed titer in your ewe home -•;r Imre y,er barter use it ca you. Dios, .:4 a posts:. Cr better -: t come .n and see os and we will It:vr fM row propos,t,oa for haslet 1 the., rater% tested without obhga- a tion to put(hale, together with cur F• tree booklet '• Hints on Shaven g.. ,1' $ E' E X i. 11 .L .h TIME S, APRIL !:td l }It i, In Time of Peace prepare for war. In time of health keep the resistant powers of your body unimpaired. Thu is the wrest defence against disease. An occasional cup of "BOVRIL" supplies that extra strength and nourishment which everyone needs to escape the ills which are so prevalent at this season. a6 Crediton lace atA't Vermillion,y Alta., when dding tookClara, daughter sof Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Clark formerly of this place, was united in marriage to ;lir. A. Bretl,h pros- perous p'oung fat•tner, of Dewberry. The wedding was celebrated at the parsonage Ly 'the hays Aldridge, in the presanco of the immediate friends tit s-• was presented &Mettle f0,• tr friends -Ott hearing of your ine iitlen to remove front our midst in a few short hours it its n:•s<ll,•s•: to say that our surpriso was great end that our !ielion was of necossiI r hurried in Grit r flat st. rut yhl amain - tale the tra!Iitions of t}1 • t.',.r as ris- ing to the reluir,'111.•Ilc- tit 1I i vres- en( o.casjon. 1 uu '1 j 1 oat -atm us however, 'when wo say that this oc- casion demands at one • our )tig1 ..•Kt oI the enntr•)eting parties. The. enconit»s and atrongesr. w•uloeislic b'' .gid In a etravAling utt suit of n..s• a:.lo ladies cloth with .hat to Match. She was unattended. On !their return to Dan brry, where they twill make 'their home, they were tenterect a •reception by about forty of their friends They 4vore the recipients of many useful and costly presents. Mrs. 111rett was n former resident L r.•, and is a sister of Mr. te. W. (71 irk, and i- well known and rl•str••et..:1 by ): •r' ! rge circle of i t 1.•, 1- w leo %, ish t li u1 both a long and L.11.1,t Acrd,(••.( }if 'Misses Josephine' :u11 Nona Cough- lin, of !London. epent Easter with ft"'it. parent. dr.::t;:t `•1r.. LL ('ough- t j►i, 1)r. and St r,. ' I(Cuo and rail', son spent Sunday wit!: Mrs. AleCu.•'s par- ents in Centrali 1. The baseball hogs hacl their first practice on the diamond Friday even - The sway 'they handled themselves eugurs well for th'ir sucoess the coating season. ;!faster 'Arnold Coughlin, of London Business College called on his friends in rote,' on (Saturday last. hill smut in your seed grain with Formalin and buy it atMcCue's Drug Store. Crediton. Mr. Fred and Edna Brock, of Exe- ter visited Mrs. 11. 0. Clark, over Easter. Mrs. 3lcMurray spent Easter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Coul- tis. Exeter. ' 'Al r. 'flick \\:dell one of the C. 1'. 'R. 'surveyor's was in town Monday. Mr. Frazer Brown, of Stratford, is visiting his parents over Easter. 11 r. (mon 5 'a t Ill. S of Ila' . le • ) ' lar• y s. Ont. .c ccompa m a r►cd , t ! [ Ids Y c sister . Mrs. 0. 1 ,;;Lech, of Waterloo, are spend - n. t' -iw clays With friend:, iu the willi_•'. , S1i.. Vivian Bea ver ',,• it the Eas- ler Soli l 1, with h'•r cis1,',• Mrs. !leery 0:.,•r. Dcrrojt. Mr. :Ind Mrs. \V. \V Kerr, of Win. •ii••l. +• tan we retuetah- r that %with chi• exception of a single year, your `livor 9tav,. :been spent among 5)8, 1111( Wheel Olt retnernber that almost. every phase of worthy human endeavor 1189 'been touched into renewed life 'by your efforts eve can truthfully say "if you aro only 1 lu1entbered by what you ht cir done," 11.31 memory Will long nl,i.i••. 1u public entcrpris,'S :\!r. 'Slarshall has been a leader', and at great sacrifice of time has continually' aaerw•ed the interests of iso public. 1u his busi- ness relaIionsbips, his narua aloe been the synonym for uprightness, and having filled many of the !nor..., inc- portant offices in 'tli • gift of elle church, he em•a'ges from 11ir•In all ns n man having "c(e in hand, and n pure heart." 'Mrs. 51 i r, -h-,' 1 also has h,' :t leader. In the \1'. Al. S., ,in the Ladies' aid. and Junior League L•ar leadership leap been [alt. lo the S. S. stork, her ef- forts have been untiring, having taught some of us in the sway of Life, in our youth, she now teaches that way to our children. 'Miss Edna, in an unassuming modest and yet inial_ ligent manner has ever .been ready to assist in every goodAvorcl and 'work. We would ask you (therefore, nes :t tu:u•k of our npprecia'tion (o accept, Mr. and .Mrs. Marshall, Gael. a 'Mor- ris chair and 'bl=iss Edna a dozen sterling silver spoons. I)ut not merely as n souvenir of 1: irk ton would we ask you to accept .1 hese, gifts, for tooting 'as they do. more particularly front the church 'we are certain they will have a deeper sig- nification, I aft ort (they . . r R'• tl l have n sweeter etc• sound. r nl. T !c - t will y t remind tt d u of sweet communion. Solemn vows and hymns of love and praise. Let us hope, dear friends, that these mem- ories may with you abide, q.roving in081,11ve No further action until the' songs of earth shall be lost In t lc: music of heaven. Signed on behalf C •titrant Sunday i►► the village,) 0 o►n• Dr.'W.'It. Carr, John O'Brien Doe', forget lnI. Grand Easter D.N. 1(azlewood, Walter llazlettoatl. 11. t' . r1 • . 1.1 to-morro •%, Friday night in `':vier. \\ , fr. Roadhouse, Ziett Evangelical church nothing like 1 J. HCUl in; 'FO TK IIF 'I'I,IMES. j+ ,'1 r ek-en in sail church. As per 1 :SI'ItSGlillti% rl'Ott TUE I'iSiI:S. ;,, „ • "; there will b' choruses.! +" '' rlu.'ts, solos and •scrip- I " lel. :,•wjt1t101 , A special number • 'That languid, lifeless fe'lrly eill I • the nr•'e chorus. that comes with spring and early summer can b • iuickly' changed to The committees in charge of the24th a fer:ling of buoyancy mut ener;y by of May celebration ate waking such the judicious u..• of Dr. Shoop's Iles - arrangements that the coming event ( torative. The itestoretive j will eclipse anything ever before .. emitted in Creditor. It is not likely thele will be any counter attractions in tele i sating towns roil everybody will be expected lisle for the defy. Our • ti edl spattc s actually indoor tlifcetlof win - boys are enthusiastic over the !natter ter nearly always lewd" to slits sh and will hale spot tB that will be worth 1' conning miles to ser. Jliss :della( i Tnick spent the 1'::t=• 1'•r holidays tinder the parental roof. •51i-- Trick holds n position as book- k,� 1'.'r with the Pepper & Co., 'Lunt- !. r leaf. Stratford. 1 1. • Us t -•-r song 8 rvice given in you are usjn • r peso . You i , •! n 1; =t church Sunday nist, , 11. t lis ri• ht remedy, o Canadian Hair Restorer 1' ` ' :,11encieci and coma fin', will easily and surely nolo the anti, ., • / a ; re(d, change from day to day, :Sol I by W. Ala Ira (frown spent (:aster in I1 t- `' Ifwvey. lin. —+ A pie 1, ion is being circulated by if sick headache is misery, what the tillael. Trustee for the purpose j is Carter's Little Liver fills if they of get tin; tlr: f,,.'ljug of the ret_: will d'osiliwely cern ill People who payers re laying of Setae, %worth of : have used thorn speak frankly of ("r'a'nt ❑ de. They ha v.• already sr. their wort h. They are small and cured t he r:•. wired number of names ' easy to take. ant it it i� expect;'( th,, nork sA ill - -�--- cornrn0no • tet once. lisle•. Sljller, an old seethe. of the A 1,u, do ,d of reintives and f1.i •1.15 thirst concession of 'Jlot•ri., en Sat_ of :51,. iobia4 (:north;•,. 1):I81)WOO1 ! tinily. Apt it 1(;, passed a15ay It 1)1' surprise Hint on Good Ftiday by a'-"' of 86 w 'rs, Mr• Miller swat on: calling un hint 111:1 .penfiin4 th • dle o[ the (11011 r. of th.. township, bow•. Mr. Frei Finkb:•iner, of Luniert. ii'g come h r ' over 50 year, .1 ro. Ito visited hi, mother over 1•:Iste(. 1.''!V If o,IOW. (Ivo son. ',.1 1hr,.• Air. Mai 01 a irk 1 6 r Int leis R 1L ,• 'c , the runt r let o; ht t . i t t l cull ail" parotin? Mr.,. Luton ifo.igin+' ,I„•Alin: bores.. is 'si 1 1, occur i I 1 'Ir. 1), Niel-, �.', iii Lo- • • toich.Preachers Opinions Alt-. E. It. at4!;I,n i- �:,.,r,,iii,.: 1•: �.- Bev. P. K. McRae, Forks Baddeek ter )olid ie. ,t 1,j. Font • , ar I;w'Ii (. C. B.: "I always count it n pleasure to 11r. ,'. u It•deer(, of s recommend omme n a 's nt 1 1 th o Dr. r 4 loci s .• un Remedies miher t,.• is 1 ` h:';t :r ho(id.1r.. A(;Ih to my parishioners. 1 believe !hero hien !• t is nothing better for throat and lung Oter 11,•'•) butchers. .\.,•.arse Stitt, l- . troubles or weakness or rundown sys- holt x .� Nicholson v ,• inR a snwk, hon+•� .,t.,i+ tw''`'k Ltw- 'tern. For speaker's euro throat I have elect :it 1i.• found Psychino very beneficial.” tee:it no 1h jr 1)1)101) ' shop. Alf. Ft • 1 Yowl •S' •tet NIP i , i., ' Rev. \\•, 11. Stevens, Paisley, Ont.: London. "Psychine seenttsl just the stimulant my wr s . •1 u 1 511.*. .10101 1..,:::: syst••rn needed. 1 shall nila my testimony ei''' 1 e, • holid iv. s i= t 11 r 11 i :,.I. 11i to its efticacy 11t e•ye.y opportunity.;, t.•, Rev. R. lt, Ilron•ne, Amherst Bead, 1. 1';11 r, :Snow•, I:n'in N.s., "i 1,.,ve otter+ reeomtnended \V. 11. .1,r„ • Psychine siert- taking it myself. for it ! ; . 11 ,' t is a cure for the troubles ynu specify." •• ' he Royal, %A .1: I ie faxes .. Jton,t•ty. Rev. ('has. Stirling, bath. N.D.: "1 '. A•• e I l! e , s,, from hoot herr... have axed Psychtne in my family; the %% i ` ,, '> : ); • ne)(pit in %ion ' results were marvolouv. 1 have visited i•:1 r .a lie, 1 church next Steel.av • people who state that they newer. used 1:1„"'j '. };., i,l rni!.i011"1 t%• (•C1• jls equate 1 strong(}' recommend it. (cello', • ,_ n ne ill holoili of the t! : y c , ua� Rev. J. S. f. Wilson, les o f le, Ont.: Sort • .. :11" n th Cana:i,at. 11I have taken two bottles of Psychtne Mf. 1'.' P. Ir. •1 ;Cab and nit( (,leased to say that I am greatly ilroa•n. i improved in health, 1 twos troubled ••f I . •I :: it• with my throat. bet now 1 fi:,d it about wtf)"..;- "t'' rs.te eel to its nettled rue • ': ins. 1 , 1:1"., :., , nt i - I 1..: work very it(((ch ' ss 1.. • i u;, w^r• . lo'.v, 1 believe Psychine is all c}ai,,, •I 5 tittle tonic ,to tit -,t, 'run-down nerves, and but n fess dose's is nee led to satisfy th euser that Dr. Shoop'a Ilea• t owels and to sluggish circulation in general. •Tbe customary lack of ex- erciso and outdoor air ties up the liver, stagnates the kidneys. and oft - times. weakens the Heart's action. Use Dr. Shoop's Restorative a few weeks and all will be changed. A few days' test will tell j411i Before / 1 .* ,...t `ms `s ,0A After Ali '' ` Will restore gray hair to lea natural color. Stops falling hair enlace to grow on bald heads. C'uresdandruir, itching, scalp diseases. Ily its use thin hair grows luxuriantly. 1 Contains no oily or greasy ingredients. IIs entirety unlike any other hair prepare. tior ever offered for sate. A good, reliable ('ana,iian preparation. .i.K, 108*lItlted Testimonials. 'ct Faith A. Burke. MO--ionary IL At. C•hurob i Cr'.. Akbin.hn. Egypt, and frieeds,Kroatlypleased ;ere ' with results after too years' using. VZ Z 1 r.. A. Mapes, Wittier, Montana. My heir and 1wl G• ,I r -a ken a m for• rd to natural t • c/•,MI rnl el brow •enlist, k brown,using 1r . by t Canadian �•K 1a lin `errn hair Ito tore 60 klef W. S. Cole, nruggist CJ -it. 191 "16 C'e 111 X11. boars the � 1'' R"J Y. t hat? ig,a tare rn M.Ornin, hnrge.,villc, Ont. Comedian Rate Z Itc.torer is the t .t I have ever used. Z,John O. i11,11, New Aberdeen. ('ape Breton. Canadian (lair Restorer has worked wonders, to Aly head 14 nearly all covered with thick growth hL.ekhnirorll(Inalcolor, nn S 1„ 1 1} all s hn l.esn t.o a n i r e tel ld z enl ga l. t. ,I olna1"•I , onpri,1,1r:+•.inthAeaohmu•tflnic►drcwoNbd TN Il'Nt.l. Windsor, Ont., Canada..bj Hold in Exeter by W, H. Cole, W. , S. Howey :end .1. W. Browning, Drug. •. I gists. 1 HOMESEEKERS' 214D CLASS Round -Trip EXCli;'3i0n2 TO MANITOBA SASX.1TC11E%AN ALBERTA GOING DATES April 14, 21 Jun. 9, 21 Aug. 4, 1/ May 1!, 26 July 7, 21 Sept. 1, 16, 41 r1, tart. doo,l ill return .%Ithln GO days %'i;RY LOW RA 1 t:s f l as !Lewin(wwlnn) a s.,," "11::•!111 betneeI; n {,Irnnn,on sluresin'''l n 11:' 0 Ticket. i%s0ed to all . ,r •,-,•. ,,, polars. TOURIST SLEEP/11S .w smite,( "''i•t s,rrg ('ars ollt ho run nbon A k ex.-to-giro, hilly vinare( with he,1,i,g. etc. ltrrtlu •aoul.t be secured andrat.l f. r through local •Rent at least els d:) s t'ef•,re etcursi(sn leaves hale% and full information ennttr;ned in fres Hnmereken' porn, ),let. Ask near est 1'. 1'. It „gent for a copy, or wllte to C. 9. ►05111, Markt Pers. 4p., C.P.L. twssi. s of the i Irl(tot) pope, of Psychine. Thev know where• of they speak. Psychine cures all Theser n e earnest pie -ache. f)r, I, throat. lung and stomach troubles. it In•-,(Iw •.•ni71:r the �,:�. ins1.. •:051, r of' fri •11•1. of 51r, is a great voice strength . ne •, netini� j' •111,1 5l, - 11. '.1'r.1, .11 r )t1,, r' ,1 in direetlt• on the Voted, re.1.eatery rind Abert), n 11.11 10 tasty 1was re410•e,. (lit/cativo organs. thus.(.ec•iall}• adeetc'd before sirs •)11.1 11 r. .Mar:hal( nmol to Public speakers. At en ilraggiste, family leer for St. :Alerye, wh'r„ 11i,,,• .,AI' and $1.00, Or Dr. T. A. Slocum, Ltd., intell to r'aid'. tit., follooing at}. Toronto, Dashwood ell-. it. G. 'Dunlop. manager of the h !riders' bulk here spent tho holi- days jn Londe,. 1. 5\•111. Lovett of tie. (tend iris 1!! flu Otago on Monday. tenl,•1101::: :hat by buying y'our� shoos at 'Leeman So Edighoffor's, you not only save cents but you strike •loners. - •lliss anteli.t Cook, of London, was Louse 'last week to attend the (lutcerat of the tate bars. Isaac Cook, who dial on fruesday last and was buried ou Thursday. The Wishes 'Latin and Mary Cook • and Mliss'Laura Croft and Mr. Lewis Croft spent Sunday _with friends Zurich.• I Groceries. Alatchee, regular 15cts. • for 10 coats a box ; peeded raisins 10 cents a ,lb. package ; salmon ere- • War 17 ots. u can. S for 25 (lents ; Pork and Beasts J c.ns for 25 0snts� at 'ficunan & Edighol, Jlr. I''rayer and Ali,. Della litowi, of Crediton spent Monday with friends itr Dashwood. Siebert ER Co • Special Values i'or This Alontll 6 only Men's Raincoats, (t►rrie's make, regular $lo t.)r $5 to only Ladies dress Skirts.. 2. I piece red table Damask �.. off regular price •Ladies Planer lace collars re job at •it'c yard Ladies ' g = 5 for sees .'oc 20 for •15c ••.,IOC Ladies " Canned Corn Tillsons Premium Oats , , , , • ...... ' ' ' ? 1.1r 2 5c JUST TO... HAND 25e Lace Curtains, Tapestry Carpets, Union Carpets, Linoleums, Oil Cloths ' 15 for :\ll to fix up your homes. you would not be sorry see our millinery before you make :Miss d"inkbeiner and Miss Callas your' purcharc of head dress. wjsjted irjends in Croditort i h — fore part of this wyc<k. 111 Sieb bliss Annie 'Lhlgel'uach, of I'a w:- ! Siebert ik Co. stuck spent Baster Sunday swjt is friends her.. Ifartleib Block. ' Fancy Patterns, reg- ular 15 cents to 25 cel Illi _ e S•atet•n Pr•uts ' • ., cents a yard for 10 cents the yard et 'roman & Edig- boffers. The farmers in this fiction are ).Ow busy seeding. The (tank hero was closed on Jlott- day it beim; :e bank holiday. Mr. .furl Airs. Jacob Kellermann and Gamily Fp011t the holiday's the u: -1- of .51r. and blrs. Al. Fenn. of Parkhill. A full stock of Ideal Fencing, also coil wire and barb wire. Price; as low. ns t he lowest. Tj m 1n • & Edig- hoffer. Creat S of Home Furnjsh,nor moods Make y our purchases now. Great price inducements are offer- ed to the early buyers. We. offer you note New Goods, Spccial Prices, Tapestry Carpets, Union Carpets, IIemp Carpets in a varietj- Mr, McLaughlin, of Jlanitoulin 1ofdesigns and colors. Islan,t js f Ile guest of his brothr Dr llcl.:ur;hlin for n few days. Mr. Buy your Wall Papers Specials in specter:(+(in is a public school in- Hosiery specter. The newest effects in line wall pa- Ladies Black Cashmeie hose. Mr. Archie Routledge of London Hers for kitchen, dining moult , p:u'lors Ladies Black ('o spent the Easter lloljaays with his and bedrooms. (ton }lose. t;iris till -wool black Cashmere Hose, parents. all sizes. We are aol,) agents for the Sher- Lace Curtains 1 Girls Plain Black and Fine Ribbed wvin=\lrilliaals paints. The kind that A large range of new Lace Curtains, f Cotton Bose. goes the farthest and nears the lona• special designs, all sizes and !rices'Boys School Hose, heavy Black Bib. est. Tiernan & F.di3hoifaf. from y5c a pair upwards. siz Also a fine Prices! Miss Link, of London, and bliss Jda range of Art Alusta's and Art Sateens, I bed Cotton Hose, Double Knees.n Link of Exeter, spent the holidaysChiklrens Hose in Tan, Cardinal and at their home here. Linoleums andr white. Mrs. J. \Yellin, who left last week Floor Oils Ladies Gloves in Kid, Silk to attend the funeral of h.•r brother In 4 yards wide tllso'2yards i and 1 rho late .lir. J. Detrick. returned yard wide. e, Beautiful designs and and Lisle Thread, 1R in, long hence on Saturday. colorings, white Lisle Gloves JQC pair. 1 r. -John Broderick. o: London. Paints 1. , ;: few days this week with his Sheetings and Linens I , r• n: We are sole agents for the. Sherwin 5't in plain and twilled Table Linen Just U s of tWilliam arrived, hal r ,u It dpaints, • fullv alt ' nr line ostains '� trn thea ..)c of all yd. a reteIu( tt newest kinds;upwards. t - and c 1 �ma la styles its ;lien'.;makes your furniture look like all kinds, 5c and upwards. elliCotin stiff hats and fedores, also ;grin new. Towels 10c 15c and 2 re a caps at i'ient:Ill %i, Edighoffer's. Special Sale pair'• eclat Ladies Wear Linen Damask 'Towels '�'( pair, special The Jlisscs Siebert and Mr. E. This seasons goods from the best for Sielxvt spent Sunday ill 'Lunch. lb 2, !rakers, I MillineryEaster guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Pre Ion Nightdresses.leCorseet Coverscrs\ Vests, 1 `1 finedisplayt of Baster Hatam Mr. Jack Brokenshire has sold his Davers, etc, the In the Millinery farm to his brother Silas. Nit•, Brok- bou •bargain and geode were the Easter holidays. �' Line for enshire has bought the house of ,11 r, you bought the benefit.Call entwly will give to call, y You are invited S. ,hiller and will shortly conte to live Dress en our town. Laces, Embroideries and insertions Ho not Goodsfail to Department Dress Go ds• Mr. teed Mrs. Ezra Tienran and fan,. to match, all widths and prices. Bee Department as we have all the la fly returne ti hone on Tuesday after our special Is inch Embroidery at 25c and most fashionable Dress Fahrice. spending }caster holidays in Stratford a yard. teat with Mrs. Tiernarls brother, Mr. S. • shown this season, irehind. i1 full line of Fresh Groceries always on hand bir. W. Henderson visited friends hole during the holidays. , Market Prices for Farm P 1"1ire Susje Schroeder who has been 1 Produce. in London for the past winter r•etrrn- ed horn, last Sattudav evening. '. Miss TIEMAN & EDIGHOFF Schroeder will remain here for the ER Flltrflller•. There diet( on 'Tuesday of last week !Corner Store, Mrs. ileac Miller at the age of :17 years Mrs. Miller had not been well fot• Nome time and it was only a few days, Ile - fore her death that she giew worse and death relieved her of her suffer - hots ,m Tuesday last. Deceased web well known here nod was loved by a Targe circle of feienls who syu.pathize sons inle tliei rloss(4 og n!sving wife anod nd mother. This funeral took place on Thursday for inlet ;pent in the Luther - inn cemetery. Grand Bend - Mr. :and Mrs. Dell Mollard :teal family left for their futurr, hoot., in the west Monday. !Bch 1Iamijton was ,- i! tip last week with the, rnurups lei: is able, to be around ngain. , \\'rn. Devine, we nra all pleased to hoar• is slowly recovering atter a very r,ey.'ra sickness. Keep up your spirits •'I1jllje," Mr. and Mrs, 1\', 11. Oliver were both 'laid up I1st week •with the G r )c I 1f Grippe. having i lu mho R ;o 1111( a touch of bronchitis ns woof(. 51r. C;erinotte, our baker, has Mfr. '1,0t' from Forest. rebuilding his bake, oven this wt:•.•k, Look out for more bread now. A large bus r g1011!C ace 711ei ri R 1 � t , < . i r. and 'Sl re.)el r 1 1 Alone feller( to Parkhill on Monday 'to see them off for the west. A }meal many fanners 1,',ve com- menced h,•,' .Il' 111 .t •11 r 1 Beet' 1011. Saye "Mr. Editor," one time. there %c:1< 11 woman. wt ho lived not far from a targe hotly of fresh i%at'•r1. ,1d who wee intent on ce•asiitg discord. 1»' 1 w c.- 11 her •,eishbors. She imagiru'd (1710 day Phi -.At 01 to lit tic boy ehokio: another. 1 af''•1 mak- 1110-11.11111.,••••••• ake rte- -.. -••••••1 IP1 Pstn In the head -pain anywhere, has Its earls. ?kin is congestion, pawl is blond {{ rete.nre-nttthfna else nnlal)y. At feast. an 501)5 Dr. : heap, and to prnve 11 h.• has (rested n little pink tablet. Tha( b:et—fstlled 1)r. sheep's 1leadarhn Tablet - coaxes blood pressure away from pain coders Its effect 14rhartmng, pl<aiin`lydeligtrtftd. remtly, thnn.h safely. It surely cgu*lli,cs the blood deco Irt!cln. 11 ou hate a headache, It's /tone) preeure. It les ;atoll') periods with women, same cense, tf you are sleepless. restless. nervous, it's blood tonl••%llon-ieGod pressure. 'bat surely It a certainty. for pr. Nhoot,'4 Ilradacha Tablela stow 11 to 20 tnlnutes, and tl..• tablets simply distribute She Unnatural blotxt pn•se' Bruise your enter, and doesn't ft get red, and swell, and pain you Of course it does. lt'e COM leaden, blood pressers. Yeti n find It where pa15 Y—slwaj i. It simply tommen Perls.. Ws see at 2i cents.:.nd cheerfully ,eeosucubil Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets W. S. HOWEY. I)ASHWOOD Oflportuojtjcs 01 tIlG Seion Spring.timc is upon us again and as usual is full t-! anticipation and opportunity. Brighten Up With Sherwin-Williams Paints and Varnish, . We have them in the lead;ng shades. Call in anti sec us. IVc arc pleased to talk Paint and Varnish at any time t special( now n Large Assortment of Paint Brushes. B. W. F. BEAVERS, Farquhar Paints Paints Paints 1 have a large stock of ARK BRAND PAINTS The best paint 1D the market to -day. which 1 till( selling at cost to reduce my stork. Having purchased the hardware stock or Mr, «' 11I Leigh, I ata offering it at greatly reduced price's. If youare needing anything in this line it 1vill }) y you to call early in order to secure the best bargain. W. MOORE - KIRKTON Mg euro she hart been the means of 1 h L't .,i '•1,;. .,Len irij.•nd parting thein, .went back in her lipase put. and after :t time fit fir' tr. ling w/. sonic ,\1 mein;. Sep 1;lis tints of oar, o[ fix boys P ? later. s 3 coin{ nlonet t et reet. Sot et Mr. '.- '/,too. o;:: tailor, who has or for sono otherisingn(0 ttsk�id not teen : i I u , ,for scone time with to -'0 '' he door but rap(rc(1 on tit- win. say, i• inful lee. i+ tiro tiro +Vac! to wsy' r ''irr; consi'tc:abbetter. • . to attract their at bent ion, \\ sen she got on'• of them Within •b}iso Mills.ills. ea: r .cherer , is spending • he thing t hat keeps out the cold she her ) I )y- `' • homy in Btrat. b ',flit to talk so loud. and Bine her ford. arms nrouml 40 fast and (:,r, the Ab) •`,am D1111 (lino is all srnAleJ. m'•i,rhl,or 'thou;ht he haft better ,tet its n ;;jr.. Itin; uhf AI'''.ou 1, Awloch lig*di<! without more ado.' -- __�_, "An'l now" wh0)I the whole thirtcr -Iain, nny1ll re can bo Anne got straightened out, it n11 raft.',1 0p'sto t ,• the a one no t h • reel of her yarn's.' Hain a bkta one t) means a r11Q�i it amounted 1 , nothing. i lion unnatural t)loo(I,_.p}r1r.'►5sure, J The licher', an aro preparing for 1ahoope link PainTablets nim1 . •heir walla, - svo:;;. Wet. 1)..wey. con congeetiwo Mioosinway from pain having pur..l:tsod a new ;asolin • i c,-atrtr, Theta! t.l,lcts- known 1,3 bolt. Sy (%:,•011 ha= his boat over•idrugai;n ts s Dr. (+Loop's h•alfla06o baulteIand a new -• 1'. lits • .•n rine tablets. -simply t• tu,lito tbo 1.1003put in her. The Grand Bend Turf Club are sparing( no r11ns or labor in Pullin; 'their track in first -ohm shape for circulation and a 1. n pain niirays dc. parts iq 5Z0 mit,. 21) tnIlils 23 rf•nts, Writ.‘ Dr, Shoo(,,'flee o 'WI , for ire(! inekage, (gold bg W, 0, IIowefl7'.