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Exeter Times, 1908-04-23, Page 4
'The Exeter Times Lxcter, Out:rio. Terms of i�ubscril'tion *1.60 per feat In advance. $1.50 bray be sitar;ed it not so paid. To United States eubscribera, $1.50 strictly in advance. No. paper discontineed lentil all arrears are paid, unless a' the option of the publisher. The date to which every subscription is Maid is denoted on the label. A(ivertisin,; rales on application. THE EXETER TIMES 1"I uti CO. Note and Comment TL%: plot Lucia! government has, it sg itnderstood, definitely macho:! n conclusion to hold the general cite - aloes before Saturday .JUne 13. of the 'Re- ports of the prep are cry' lists in Northern Ontario now of Is chars etC1 which cot sidoes nwa y nvit.h all necessity for kion of un nututnn elect • ion. .HE EXETER TIMES, APRIL .23rd 190. School Reports + Psychine Missionaries A friend of Dr. Slocum ie'nt''•lies writes: "Send a bottle of Psyching S. S. NO. 1, c'11:1'11E\ The tullotsittd is ti,' report of S. to Mrs. \V... They have a daughter S. No. 1, Stephen fur mouth of April. iu decline, and 1 believe: it would Names at in order of merit• help her. I have mentioned your Jr. IV.- to Sr. I\'. -Flossie Davey retuedies to the family, and also cited Ell n (Baker, Joseph Davis, !:dna Da- some of the tniraeulous etirea aceom- t c, Hubert 'Whit •. Sr. 111. to Jr. plished inside the last 18 years, of I\ .--Anthony white.Jr. I11. to Sr. which I have knowledge.,, lei--\"ie1or llogaeth, Ella 4lndersou. T. l;, IR\VIN, Little Britain, Out. Rte., \IcCurdy, Dlad(•le ins' 'Ilnist. I1. to 111. -Ethel Bowden, Mabel U''i- lioi t, Carrie Davey, Oliver Davis, hew. McCurdy, Hub. rt !Neil. Pt. 11. to .14. 11. -Muriel Bogart le Arthur Itotkii-ot, Elmer Wilson, eV. smith. 1't. 1, to 1't. !1I. -Viol'► Neil. M. Botterill, Teacher. S. S. NO. t, CSUORNE. The following is •the 'report of S. S. No. 6, t•chorne, for month of April. Neches are in order of tcerit• Sr. 1V. -Mary Cornish, 'toy Fair. Lulu Godbolt, Nellie lleywood. Earl Jobns, Ella )Ieywood, 'stay Fletcher, Clarence emery. Jr. IV. ao 8r. 1V - John Crecry, !thea Godbolt. Sir. 111 - to Jr. IV. -Emma Heywood, !Alex. a . a Uwe tiichard itarcourt \%1U not b, Berryhill, John 'Brock. Jr. 11. ,to a member of 11h0 next Ontario Leg- Sr. 111.-Jennie iu lib ll 'Earl Cows , ialatture. While rlo public announce- y Sent of his withdrawal has yet been Roy Goulding. 'Eric Coward. Sr. I[ - made, !the member for n\lonck has I Dia Cornish, Hardwick Cornish, May 'written the ()Messrs of the 'Reform, Clark. Parents who have children to t4o� ,ocia/h tions rougfini1ClY udvising thth0 t the country l start .to school nt all thio year will el Run down conditions from lung, stom- ach or other constitutional trouble cur ed.by Psychine. .1t all druggists, 50e and $1.00, yr Dr, T. A. Slocum, Ltd., Toronto tutu an: inter,•-' •,i in Che urgseiz::s< of ttu 'Epworth League are t\sauese•.t to be present friday evening to el- ect officers for the year. !Bev. J. E. Holmes, of Lucan wilt preach un educational aarmolt et the elite eh next Sunday at 2.30 p. tn. 'f),•• Epworth 'League held 1L• t. opening servic • onSunday ev• RIOW:13 tt•cll :,1 is•tet d. tlensall. Dl r. 'Edwai.t Dignan leis sold his farm fu Day to John M. 'Richardson Jlr. 4tichareson takes posse.eaion in ,,the fall. Mr. 'ltuberL 11i ,itis left lest vi lc u ou a business trip, to Edmonton. 11 em of his retire- pleas, sod !they when school re- iticat life. 'Mr• opens, April 27th• expects to be gone eta: weeks.• Mr. J. Coulter was in Milverton pent front uctivc f' Ellarcourt has not been in the bast et 'health during the Yl . f •\v years, and pass 8. S. NO. 3, USI30atNE. this is understood to h the reason Below tare the results of the re - for vacating his seat. 110 has num- cent promotion examinations Medd in ©routs' -business iritcreett besides his Names are in order Usborne. merit. idtities as a member of the late firm i of Harcourt es Cowper which relaire to Jessie KuIV. 408a'Et:h00,M!in. 350. 70 his Whole attention. IIs = Beta Shier 437, John Francis 397, Ise- ia1 belle Turnbull 390, Oliver McCurdy290, !!Arlon Copeland 248. Jr. RI. to Sr. 1I1. Max. 65U, Min. 330, Eleanor 'Douse 456, Leonard Eft is understood :that ;the 1'rovinc tGo•; rnmcnt has practically decided 9 Sar Itho ielleral ole= fou June S or s o[ talon* It was stated that reports 'n 4 8. ' lists t 'err', 3 Cm preparation of the vot,,rs1l, t Dorthcrn Ontario arc now of a char Janie I3icCullagh 448, Ida Irvineto Jr. 111. aLta. 650e 391 'Reggie Doupa 382, ,Oscar Cope an( 350. Jr. to Sr. II. !fax. 650, Mins 323. May 'Itoagert 464, Donald Balfour 430 Tena 'McCurdy 410, Fern '1f raneis. Isabelle M. Gardiner. rtc'tcr which t.1oen ttway with all nece city for 'the consideration of an aut- umn oleotion. The date of Ate election in view by some et the ministers is ffueaday, June 9t1t, o.lthongb it i< not improb- able that the previous day Atonday, may be sclested out of cone' deratton S. 8.NO. STEPHEN. le -the great nutnbsr of comtnerciai following. 4, a correct report 'travellers who have asked for a Afton- of ThoSNot 4, isco for April. aty, The government. it is believed Names are 1.iorder Stephen, merit. opportunity- t., • vcico ►u tl 1 have ►t° Ugoing g %to the polls 11- , week earlier b r. 1V - crncr Silber i#, harry ut this docs trot now - •-m pos*tb''• Schwarz '73, Herbert Vein 70,Lorne It is reported that •tit • Conservative Morlock 69, :Beulah Smith 68, Leo - Provincial Associa'tion 1.4vO sent out and Schroeder 64, 3Ierbie Kraft 59, communications to the various rid- Alvin Cornish 54, Clarence Silber 49. irises en which candidates have not Jr. 4V. -Mildred Klumpp 61, Ed - been framed asking theta to call con- Witt Weir' 51, Willie Schwarz 48. vent ions tit the earliest conveisiella Otto Brown 47, Oscar Cornish 46, !M. date and prepare for the campaign• Brokenshirc 44, iMabel Coxworth 44, 9 3 •t •GordonCornish ora t tri, v G o Iwo o[ 4he Calvin^t ministers5 Clinton •Bre\ » 39, be 'tendered more til, •, on^ nomination Jr, ill. -Emerson tRoeszler, Ila EiI- 4lon Frank Ceche'', '.; name •tvi11 be lsubntittted to , a conventions for !both Sudbury sa femiskaining, !while Hon. Ad ,e, 4: •ek's name will bo placed in voile!: a ion at the con- ventions dor fLon•ton. Part Arthur and 'North Toronto. last week, visiting relatives. Special e''rvices and music were held in' the churches last Sunday. Ott Monday evening n •;rand sacred can- tata, entitled"The birthday of hoe.' was given in Cannel church by to teachers ttn:I scholars of the Sunday school. Agonizing Piles Mr. t'.'A,tii•1>:e, of 3 cit. I',tut St.. St. Catharines, Ont. says: "For fiv'• 'years 1 suffered untold agony wile plottuding piles. No one knows the suffering one has to entitle -0 ot11) those tvho aro 50 untotuual.: as t:, have them. The pain tutu- : o great at times 1 would almost. scream. i went down iu weight and Ball 110 ap- petite. 1 tried everything l i,.•,trd of for piles, but gut no ieli' 1. 1 a out to !several doctors, but ties !took! give rue bulla hope of ever ,, Itino rii of thein and I finally gat • op in despair. no a friend •.eav,'. me U day a sample d of 'team -Bok salve ;end told rue of someone who hal been cured. I decided to try It ani the relief 1 got was encouraging. 1 bought a box, and :the piles kept on diminish- ing- and tho pant was ;getting less. 1 used three boxes and aur now com- pletely cured. 1 wish I could have. got •Lam-Buk years ago, it would ofmis- ery �•�s d • •d mi:: a great Lave !lett t, . One 'thousand dollars would b. bcr. Edna Amy, Lavine Smith, Clang none 'too small an amount to giv' Wein. Pr. I1. -Adeline Wein, Carrie for such a cure as tnine. I wish 1 Schroeder, Olin: Cornish, Clara Mor- could convince every sufferer of the lock. 1't. 1.-!lazel l'reszcator, t1ary value of 'team-I3uk." Wilds. • 'Lam-lluk cures cuts, burns, chap - M. C. Jcntiison• ped hands, cold sores, itch, ulcers, CC- ----�.--- zema, running sores, catarrh, piles, - -Weak women get prompt attd batt legs, abscesses, face Bores, Fpriti3 tl1C'lei Sea lat,ting help hy'. using •Dr. Shoop's eruptions, and nil skin (lisease.. It ,• . 'f him healing, is good else for rheumatism, sciatica. Night Cure hest+ Soothing, 3, t . , ift!; antiseptic suppositories, with full lit- etc., when will rubbed tit. Of al! 'Joss chill; Itis rid lformation how to proceed are inter- druggists ttnd stores. rine., or from ostingly told of in my book, "No. 4, 'Lane -Buis Co.. Toronto. For 'Women." Tha book, and strict- ly: confidential medical alvice is en- tirely free. Simply write Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. for ray book No. 4. Sold by W. b, llowey. L'RINTEI) BY REQUEST Fluid Extract D,ndeliott, ot►e•liatt ounce; Compound Ii:ergon,one ounce Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces!. Shake well in a bottle and nephew Jo),,, (Mount Fors ! Miss (Ede '. Cowan who • 1 y, at ),-!, ! : uhull • ,! Robert ash., . . Clint - ham begin( - - :it Easter at their homes 1 '' Miss Vera 'Cow., 1 '•1 ieter Per- cy .Coward spent 'rest •1 i'. 1'b-dfood. 'Mr. Thos. tLotr.'r 1, was in 'London. yesterday on baart.,s1•. .ler. unci Dere .!snore of Chicago. arethe vit.,.s of Mr. aul Mrs. Win. Delhridge. take (t teaspoonful toso after ©etch \firs Gerii • Mil l.•r eutet•tainea meal and at bedtime. friends ;Mond -Is •'i0•rnoot►. A local drugsist is the authority)• Miss 'Ft- -Icn I: •rr, of Crediton. 11b it these rimple, harmless iugre:l- workers ersgeaathsting trotn 1t a sever [I listric;slto( ce /spent last ...•l: with \[r. and airs. tents can be obtained nt nominal cosi % orkn 'ounty suet in lh • Ontario tat. AV. W. Kerr. VI r. and Mrs. Ierr a d' u 'Sts, Met L from our hour r gat \{ctlrodist church Clinton "fhurr I ty return••,! +tilt ler to Crediton to 1• he tnixture is heid to cleanse iiiland!t forme':( an !Klin! tion to 11' spent 1'..,t.•'. strengthen 'th'l clo;cged and inaCtove• Miss Val iltytvoed agent last I•fans overcotuing backache Iliad_ knomIt ns the it Irene i of i • week e• i•` friends in Plugtown. der meek(' and l'rinary Yrouble otlUntario Prohibitory \II Falai. .1 'rail, of Itensall is vis• all kinds, if taken befora •the Finge of changes It) the ridite • itis,._ • t ' At r. Holl Bright s diseas,. I t•iid th iC cion -of '.:stun, l.: IMrs. ; • i 1 !'hose who have tri•'d it say it roe- and the committee` of organizatt.•. • — ---trivets- overcome; pain in the back. for eel in favor of one art of r•Ilie L~ . 1 t'3 11 O -_ ...al... y clears t lr titin' of r ediment and regu- f for 1 hr county, with vice-hn'-1 1 ,•. I- - ! ; • . Ss= A.'6311 BocritLor each o[ the thn�e ridings. t 1•"" t. - Bears the talcs urination, esp.•ci,lfy hl nigbt,'gates s‘ ere present from lliud,•ricl:, 8ignatnte t`l/ curing even tb icorsl form of binrl. r. der w(•akiess, \\ u►hrbaui, Clinton, Sra[urth. IS .V• 1 r, of livery man or !roman here mho Illy 1h Londesboro. Gorrie. Ilsienill •1. feels 'I lint 11ta kidneys nro not strong l Nile, Auburn, Veins, Colborne, lilt, or acting in n beal(fly Daintier slion l l 1 `:•I 1'11.1nv = 'ituad an I other 1•! .r t,. M' V'lliott, GTI°t•iell, act , tuix itis pt,•scriptio,) :It home tint � chairiteail !until the cl:ciion e,1 give it a livid, ;15 it is s:tit!' to do, new pn -i I a tt. Mr. Is. Ifuchas: • - '•! wonders for many p 'lames, 1 Wftoil mi. The commit te' 00 0,1 ! TheScranton(1 lie) 'lames was first !...,tion 1l' forted as follow. " I - if you once Carter's Little Liver fills for sick headache. bil- iousness, or constipation, you %vile never bo without therm. They tire purely vegetable, 'small and easy to take. Don't turret this. Wil 1 b e found an excellent re- medy for sick headache, Carter's Little Liver fills. Thousands 01 letters from pcoplo who have used them prove this fart. 'fry them ; CASTORI 'eQetableFrcparatiofifor uAs- SladiaSttnThfl hsS m$II33ot the Food w theels of iNl-.t' is ( HILDHLN Pciamotes'bigestion,Cheerful- t1eS,sgj 11? st.Contains neither Drum,Tlorphiite nor Mineral. AOT NAT CATIC. Ae1WtaeOld irto nyLPl?CILU J�blIk& Sea- /i'siblls - iw: Apcifect Remedy forConstipa- tieit, Sour.Stomach,Diarthoea. Worms,Convulsions,Feveri sh- ness Mad LOSS OF SLEEP. Fac Sunile'S►gtlaturc of e,)„ Istat! NEW YORK. :\I (, ntonIit-, ,,1(I EXACT COPY OP \!/RAPPER. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In M.; Fra lie, Thirty ..wars CASTOa1 T„a CINTAJ scar/ANV, M;W roar crrr. con. with perhaps oil's n few ex- ceplions will be free from the licens- e.! i ,r room. A strong r•.•,olutiion I n. ,:n.. v1 corral i u l and i ,- ,ro1 c d t enforce- . to1 • I Ick of 'the " l nt ••t ' !1 • (.I suer e\ct in 1:;.0t :tad - I1 111111 : 11 1 111^ re/est/tile-la tui';••,sked to put i t n••••v offic.•rs ,t I S1 d t A r.•solulion a\11. Saturday ' Luisa F. t.. of Detroit, spent t:,.,• :••r here. ,,1 i , S . • - . • , of Latt(lolt.. to print I his retuarknble prescription, open; I: -a . h, re. we :ire of th! opinion re•cr •,,lug- in October, o[ 1!IOfi, !tine•% tvL• n all c.il option that It i= D1 r. e•. for I:i!'i ) i i r• 1i•:1,11rig 11 t: al,apers of New York. when• 11 1 . •• - on• ',` :'•' I:u•ton. 1'hitareap11ta, 1'iltaberg awl to see a, many n umciivei it.., 4.- e sweetie to 010 sr un 8 caotpti�tt tut Rroc<ry �t(1: o, it 1 (11i ha v•• 111ad:' loamy tun 11, r ecu tial II Nil %tool I r r,, t:•• ...sir. .Iota, -• 10 . u, •.1+ (•1 • ; u:- 1•ot1:1c1 i,l els of it (0 tet• it readers. - , \it•! that r, i,. b• t ,1; n he this ..1 chase o! ,. 1. from i_ - 'Hawkey. et 1 , • 1 tion n'.'•1t ,ne rl •d tWI1 a ter ! Zion the' i , nl• a 1, .,'11:. ns ,illi p't' 1 Mi... i.. !•:dna Taylor. of Orillia. is I 111,?1". t i , 1x 44 t . h • i ill. line stun. .i.a." 11... ,i- .- • i I tt! se -n(Iitig [:aster• . w'hieli folio•,' i -'r ,. - ! ,1 `.ti - '.114(1) ntl id, LI rn of• oitlion way 11.,• 1 1 1 , • !I !on i'. 11-nt. last ne k. the des, nal :, ,, i,','i1, • '.1:-- Is ... u1 Let ., i. Via,t:n_ list pressed at the I.t.t't _,'• I!: •,1• 11 clef I t sr. '!. :7. -. 1 �:4 1-�C1n:' o. I•.s; -r is ria- an !net•.• A1• n"'• . • ! . E. Mart, cipalities in th• cease.. :" Shipka .n London last :s at eters • Pale, thin Al/„Yric,'ILS? a„e.a,0sa,�0sunaura ax..atirt�ere Thca your blood must be in a very bad condition. 'You certainly know what to I::ke, then take it -- Ayer's S:rrsa- phrilla. If volt doubt, then consult your doctor. V'c know what he will say about this grand old family medicine. This Is 1h4 Rm gass,tnn t•41i darter would set, ..At you, 1oWPls II' 'Ilan" He knows tt• .1 .14,!7 action ( f the bowels Is User active e•.ratlal to terorrry Rosy y .r•! y'••Ir Dowels regular ',y taking laxattr0 .trete P11b 11'14 :Tile ('. Ar -'r r, , t.owell. K*a *)tri .aan••tLaurort of u� �% -LAIR V10/Oft. t1)1P GLM. settees PECTORAI. tSs h0.4 ,:o sae:4•• W. eat 'Ask the foresu'a, cf sal ., •,r medicine. '•1 1•- I',rkin.0n. (;( %eh and \tingltttn (tt• r •, f1 1 c:tmy:ilrte Other plat- - • ! .u11 i . 1:.'. „ '!o•._ :, crr11, het -e end it t:hnu111 not he 1'4!•. 1, (tit {l•;. IA. 1 ••t; ', : . ' tl«tit Ow ter - l1 k. 1 "I've Had Experience' t John '1,1••111 '! .. sol,! .0,, et his team • ,.\\'ilh llonl's Sarsaparilla, And ata con• un,t 1 th , p' •. lei. ;: it 1, .• so1•1 10 \1r. Brock vinccel It is a great medicine,°' -this is the substnnce of 40,366 lettere by actual count. Neat i-un•i tv ec. ring \1r. {loin. •- recelvetl In two years. They tell of cure• ••( 1,uc.,n. will Pre:'c'I Iii • I':llucltiva (dallblooddlseases,Io.sofnppetite,Hlettntn- I v'rn1on:et Zion. 1itm,atter•teverweakness, that tired recline. \li,s (Susie :Ling i t el is ei l lin r or, nervous weakness, dyspepsia, catarrh. 01 t.th.•r Ii,o. L01.r,r•I \1,s. Lin:•l i d i• on 111e hick his'. Rheumatlsfll-"i believe Boost's tnr-a p ,ten the 1.r•t medicine for rhetnnati'•n+. {tett my lrtsband and myself have trate'! it•• value. and we are both perfectly free fr.-•ir• pain now." Ma%. 0. W. I'Owr1.L, ('oh url•. (int. EOZoMa-"i had eerema anti tried eters thing 1 heard of. but nothing helped ane net)! i 1•.••11 11a'd's Sarsaparilla. Tha',kt to tie mc'licine, 1 am now well." firottnE VASA:. ©wits, south Bethlehem, N. 1'. elves Strength -"Wo hive used )toad•• Sarxeearti;a fe•r thr,•.• year+ anti have al ens • .\ nuusli+ r of t h1 senna p. epi [0111.1 it a ttrcu¢th giving nsedicel' 0•1 it 1 hers Ap'ot a ►• rye pleas•tut Cieattov Smut, S Duke St., Brantfoni. Ont. 1 ,. . \t it h Nita. ,fohn ,Merle 111►i itaod's Sarsnparllla Is sold evcrywher • 1 at' ie. nine and a tally pal)' 10') Doses One Dollar. Prepared only 1•. n joys 1 by ml l prer,•nt. C. 1. (food Co., Lowell, Mass., U. R..\. ,'t nn"•ting of n11 old and W11 • (•n ! e!, herby ane! son 11:irv•t. I 'ninon for East. t h • gu -`i 1 nl '1 John Tale+. i lector Diill'on \% a• iet *Landolt. ,)n 1•;t,ittesae Saturday. airs H. .)cckell left Tess.) ty fur • , ,Mre. Jecke•Il and family at 1hoi ltt011n`I',. •; il to leer tic, •♦.♦♦♦N•♦♦•••NN••♦♦♦e•♦••.••♦•N•♦•••♦♦♦•••••••.. . :• The lVlolsons• Bank • : Estftbli:shed 1ti:,5. ZHEAD OFFICE • CAPITAL PAID UP $3•372•500 00 •• RESERVE FUND $s,372,soo_oo i IAssets Over $33,000,000.00 • General Banking I3usiness Trausvcted. 11 Savings Bank Department • }}t• • 1 MONTREAL. $1.00 Opens an Account Year ©rest added FOURTimes Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager 1 Two 6 Octave Organs Second IIand. CHEM' was also passed, condemning the Ithree -fifth's clause, and asking for its repeal. Another resolution 'dealt 1 with tho attitude of the vob-rs iu s 'x- gaLt .n Clem elections, ho i ,t ng le ' pecter! that the 'temperance peep will not support a candidate who does not favor 1I:• r - (,.'a1 of the three-fifths claws. BLOOD DISEASES CURED Drs. K. & K. Established 20 Years. NO NAMES USED WITII- OUT WRITTEN CONSENT Ile was surprised at how your tho sores healed ee )li:rel )1 Tin:albs! for :t serious Wood disease c r u t eheityeaMelt 1 ad consulte inflicted oe of physicians. taken all kinds of blood medicine, visited Plot Springs Red other mineral water restlrts. but only got tem- porary relief. They would'uelp the for a time, but after diseontinuiug the tne11- cines the s>tn;aoclt; would break out itgaln—nuinil•-, ...res. blotches, rheutn- ntic pains, It'l : •: of the hair. swellings of the gland;. !••• ,..s .-1 the hnudsscalhrg, Reitiuett+of the• ': u. •lya{,e•ptic stomaclh, ArrE1 TaEITWENT BEFORE TREATMENT etc. f had ghee • •• iu despair when a rich4 advised me to consult you. 11e vet• Lad cured him of n shutter dise•nse 8 years ago. I had no hope, but took his advice. fn three Ji' tlnie the rn�soresT for tne commenced (0 healeup had 1 became cl ever:wed. 1 couttnue`el the Newyears at !teen: of that time every sympt l had diisappc L . 1 s.1 %J a mired 7 hr nith ago met signs of any die.•a'e sine... My boy. y person to m" inly ran recommend your treatment with ate my heart. You can refer any I W. II privately, but you can 0 an 111Ilei: h•+Uneu.i•ti as y!,11w1-h.'. Si We treat NERVOUS DEBILITY, VARICOCELE. STRICTURE, VITAL. WEAKNESS. til (,U»,,' KI` and PRIVATE Diseases, URINARY, BLADDER and KIDNEY complaints of Men and Women READER • your blood Iwo, diseased? Have you any weakness? tour N ‘re Y011 a 0(41111:: !tare )011 Inst WW1 Are you intending to marry. • R:1 1w )1 1:1114.1. o for f r.e. Nor cure ho you. 110+Itreatethits 5 el�. writer fora hers ita,•`l'tdopinion Fres of Charge. Consultation Free. t'isurK''+r,•:ni.ualdo nooks Free "l'i..•t:alae11tl.'uttn,•,•'t111u.7rn'..1mit {1i,.•1%+'•v.dMerl . Question lislESJIJSE WITIIIO1! eeWRITTEN FRCONSENT. Eeeeythina confidential. Y ItiRs.KENKED&KENNED Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. Ontario 1:d1 wheat supplies «'llat 4Ianittlba spring \vileat lacks; \Vhat Ont;lrio fall wheat lack, Manitoba spring wheat supplic'. The right /'i'r.,l of the t\\'({ ]Hakes the only perfect flour for all tread and pastry. Just try it and prove it. f� Also Two Pianos Slightly used At Great Reduction. Sewing Machines 1 DENTAL D H. A. H. KINSMAN, L. D. s., D. D. S„ honor graduate of Toronto I 1 U n iversity. Dental Surgeon Office over (Heilman & Stanbury'o Main street-ExETER. 1Dlt.(:, F. HOULSTON, L. D. 8. D. D. S., 1)enttet. Member of ' R. C. D. S. of Ontario and honor Graduate of Toronto University. 1OFFI(E:-Over Dickson & Carling'o Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former dental parlors. The hest male at !)rices that 1 Will suit \'OU. Bicycles, Ba by Carriages and Go Carts Very attractive. Prices right Fine Stationery s. Mdrtill & son --I Sow barley for profit Irwon't pay you to grow what everybody grows,—get out of the rut this year and sow' plenty of barley. Get 3; bushels an acre from ordinary land,—.}S poundpoundindict,—ttrought Soc. spot cash readily last year,—ought to bring more than that this year. l3arley is a ready -money crop that too few Cana- dian farmers grow. Try it --you'll be glad you did. MEDICAL JW. BROWNING, M. D., M. • P. S., Graduate Victoria Un varsity. office and re'idcucuce. Dominion Laboratory, Exeter. Associate Coroner of Huron. l'uwis Thomas & Nutter civil •il E ng ineer & Architect i (tate Department of Public works, Canada.) consulting Engineer for Municipal and County Work, Electric railroads, Sewerage and waterworks System Wharves, Bridges and ire -enforced Concrete iphone 2220 London Outeri! lot 60 YEARS• EXPERIENCE ATENTs TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Ancone sending a sketch and free o.i•r! in mr ^t ' ' ' nienelaln our opinion free In•eut nn 1a prnnabl ppatent 41 if t 'em le'at•rtmta llnnssirtetlr eil%aontlal. 11Afretirin 0471 trra Ut1' % agency for,r.-molt pftr1•.. Patents taken through Munn & Co, te:colve syrrta�nom iimerican. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest elf, culatIon of any scientific journal. TeiW4 for Canada, f.t75 a year postage prepaid. Bold by M l°irwidei New York �, CO 3 1' 8roadwsy, �Og, � lr Bt.. Wasnlarton, L. l;. ON EY TO LOAN • We have unlimited private funds for Invests eat upon farm or village rroeerty at lowed 'tee of interest. DICKSON to CABLING Exeter DICKSON & CARLING, srrtstere, solicitors, Notarte,' t'onveysecere Commissioners. ollcltore for the oleOns Bank. 11(0. Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest. OFFICEi-bfAIN STREET, EXETER. R. CARLING n. A. L. H. DICEEStr wads5c sweet to Este A !teed' Nord Lail d% nONEY TO LOAN. We have a large amount of private funds oan on farm and village properties atlowrabe lobereet. OLADMAN & STANI3URY Barrister© Solicitors. Dttin St.1Ezeter lu- ;•!, 1 1!11,n • It us • Adolph(! •• x -'tit ... • i al earl , • 1i MI.., , • .,1 1' :1.1'1.1, ,end t •.4 0141,1 111-11l,.f fieuree , r linin:. ,1 .1 III Vic• 1 'tuntreal `•1:, Ly af- .I,nrl. 1 .li - . Sir „ •1 Un \11 •0ted. Ca ./%. m.ss TTx/L.. lr Hears the 1.:1 Y:',1 Hate Always BoegM —� ��. 8lgnalore of sew a \ I . l' i : 11' t t ss se '--u,: \ 1-)), I !I I. 10'1 il'1•1 11i)l 1. news � \'.'illi• '. , : � .• .� ' ,u 1, 1 t r.. 1 t,iv ' I tut •:: 1n, !1„ • r•, 114 • till Il. 1,1 .1 n 11111• ti. of t!!,. h, cnrre,pu:'- . sets .11 t 1e. 1. Is victors- of t. ;4• n't -it t0:-. 1.12 flet. • I i t. :is!' ! ser. .4 • son1 • • .„Men -h.1: •: it1 at its jI, 14. 4e it), 1 '11 ,n'• o .,,, c ••1 ••• !111' f.r - n:t 111 4'.1 ': 1- 1 + - Iry 1.111. • •'0lnecnl•ie publi•hii f • • '•t 1) 4; • .1 ecksnn. A favorite u n i i' ,e ' hi• w. 1!, of an (we ism!. epee: ee: "n Willis' Ibsen(' s, 44 )I• n tett ,' I 1 i desk.. Ir` \vaa cornpoi;n.: 44 i111 (VI - 11.'• Wier -1110n nn editorial which veined yiiO IS of Ins COIOOioo Norm west' 11 OM ESTEA 1) IgE(. CLATIO\ S. ANY etch numbered section of Dominion Lauds LD Aranitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. excepting 8 and 20, not reserved, may be homesteaded by any perenn who is the sole head of a family. or any male over IS yet rs of age, to the extent of one-quat ter section of 160 acres, more or 1e5s. Application for entry must be made 111 yet; ri by the applicant at a Demittion !.ands Apene) os Salt. agency for the district in which the lord is sit WU!. Entry b) proxy may, however, be made at an *gen. cy on certainconditions by the father. mother, sero, daughter, brother or sister of an kir, nifty home. eteader. The homesteader is requirrd '. perform the homestead duties under one ' • 1 . 1.,111.4- iug planar (1) At least six months' rem,.,,, upon seal cult". t scion of the land In each year h.1 I b,et.) ran.. (2) A homesteader nuns if 14 •o 0e rids,e 14•14011:0the required residence duties 1, laming land owned solely by him. not 1. •. no, eighty (80) acres In extent In the rieinity .-f I.is 1 omestead. Joint ownership in land will not n tit this require- ment. he (or mother,11 tl. r..•trr i, de. If the ret ► (3)I u cesd) of the homesteader has two n:::• . • e ,esidenoo on farming$ land owned solely by Lu, . s' 1 Irse (haft eighty (10) 110101 in extent, In t6. 41. mittof rhe homestead!, or upon a homestead . 1. 1 for by blot In the tieinitr,such homesteader ma' (true!, hie (44n residence duties In• Ilili g 4-ith tie lather olr mother. 4 The tern, •'v(cbdty" in the two ptetttdtng paragraphs is delimit as meaning not more lharr nine miles n a diret line, exctilsive of road al ow- aners crossed in tha m -n turement. 5 A homesteader intending to rearm, his 'ca- dence dupes in accordance with the rt me wtdt. living with his parents or on fartnieg lar d as not 1, himself must notify the Agent of the district of mels intention Sit months' notice In writing should be given to the C issiouer of Dominion Lando at Ottawa of intention to apply for patent. u•. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior N. II.—Unauthorized pnitleotinn of this advertise 1411 willIVA tie pal.l for CENTRAL STRATFORD. O NT. • • Is the lending l-usiteer• 1t t ing school in •\'ertt•tn Ontario. '*Vo give n thorough, practical • training of t' •rein! Subjects $ Isaac Pitman's She it hand, •couch !. i'ypew•ri11t se rind in ('otuucrt- inI nod itailrt•n(' Operating ., Each depnt•ttnent is in the hands . of expel ienced in'ttructore. We nitwit slndente to positions, • Our grndnntea nlr ny s succeed, .. for our courses are the hest, (;et our free catalegue and (earn • more about n5. Yon rnny en• • ter now. E111101"I' '1, M ( LA( '11LAN, i'o tieipalt'. :-4-4-+4-:•+++++++41.++4-4-4-++++++ ,1 4: in 10 erre. 11 u:u" ; ,'• e,ntl i'vantrr. 11 - 4 • • . y diet urh.•d „ .• •te after 1,ur- eL'-ii . 1," .1 all ore t,/101 rant•• back nti.'•r. ..1 ;hr peps r. ttitmel to the. .1,.n, I. .I alicr %s i1 b "Say, bub. K. t I•i •t• • of Attires. 41111 you?" - (*.et.. • Aldrich in Nee% York." Joy Ferri:' t%re, nelet. I11 1 he May Scrib- ner.