HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-04-23, Page 2Fashion
Trarul,.n�s are ultra-teshionebie.
Listen is clic (f the season's lands .Ii
1'hnhel skirts are plcc:sed to remain
es eepular as ever. •
Lingerie frocks are sold at all prices
and in all shades.
Waists are chore or ekeis. ore high,
whichever you please.
Vugue of outline is the must imprce-
lave feature of imported costs.
Most o! the tatter made suits sheens
in 1110 strops have skirts trimmed with
The Louis XV. waistcoat, copied in
brocslded dumusk. is the lutest variation
on wonlcu•s vests.
Th( eiain5.b(rough and Farm►o)• arc
shapes in millinery ttiuL wtl! Le le:.ud
tit st be-couting.
Sleeveless coats of cloth, silk, lace,
and pongee ore going to be much worn
than summer.
Youthful locking new coats have bele
tea backs, In \violet the belt posses
through a slit at the side.
Some of the jauntiest of skirt models
Jove just ono wide band, which gen-
erally is cut biaswise.
Alt shades of purple and lavender are
Intra-Loshio able e_ d }ext iu a"- r aretheminis l�iic�-to v $siiivat ►n vogue
Blue is cons.dercd the luc:..est color
14 r the going away suit of the Wide,
but it semis that gray Ls worn as much.
One of the smartest effects of the sea•
sen is the modified Prince Chap model
with new French dip, back and front.
Otte of the most popular nnuteriuls
kir summer is dotted Swiss, and this
per it. is shown in all sorts of designs
and colors.
'tiro big bow with ends which is to
Fire, Lightning
Rust and Storm Proof
Durable and
1 Ornamental
Let us know the size of any roof
you an Making of severing and we
will more you an interesting offer.
Metallic Roofing Co.
( Limited
(at .
111T OF K!�Ut,\ LPIl4;l
Inti cstin(i Items of Information About
you I:see:(1 • J.
The only country at thu world where
the fashions in worsened dross du not
change is Japan
It takes about three St eemts for a meg•
:era! to go from .ine end of talc Atlan-
tis cable to the oilier.
Among birds the swan lives to be tt*r
oldest, 111 extreme ce=des reae•htng,
years. The falcon has been known 10
live ovtr 162 years.
The value of all kinds of fish land e d
to England and Wales in one y r
ever $35,000,000, and rho number o
niers and boys employed over 40,000.
i'utt ilg up telegraph wires on poles
(eels $155 per mile. Laying the ernes
Teeth Vary in FOStlr ❑iid Nuutbrr \tore
Than Ari) Other Animal ()roans
-Incisive Stories.
Teeth arc not bones, as most people
imagine there to be. Though they are
enriched W the skeleton, they aro net
tater of it. They eve
,:.ies underground %%ill cu=t more than
t4.11 times )hut sura --about $1,850 0
Red plass hastens .vegetation, while
bine gloss suppresses it. Sensitive
plants. like the minto."n, grow fifteen
lanes higher under red gloss (bun un-
der blur.
Trained tato-ins, to carry de: pntchcs
in the time of war, have been t'sled in
the Itis. Ian army. Their slued to four
Beres as rapid as that of carrier -pige-
The Town leek of Birmingham, Eng-
land, Mr. Edward 0. Smith, has just re-
signed. Itis salary was $10,000 a year,
and he will now enjoy a pension of
,('.00O a year for life.
Tule ' 0l.N(. MAN R1:141%13WD.
Tells /tidy Te ru 1.a Red Ma of Ail
Catarrhal "Troubles.
Bad Eaten a "Sacred Potato," and a
Niasyw►ary Saeed 111' Life.
11 it Le the case that the imagina-
t:on Iris much to do in the healing e,1
Ih• sick, us all physicians admit, it is
not unreasonable to hold tate surto m e n-
1:,1 faculty respotuibte for many Ill-
nesses. The author of "Forty fears at
New Zealand ata., a ani` ,+)nary among
the !Maoris halt a century ago, and had
to care for the bodieslC.s well One as forr
the souls of his pop
medical cases was of peculiar inters. t.
As an example, su)s the missionary.
1 may cite the cast: of an ulhietic young
matt who %vas brought to me one day
1'; a venerable old chieftain. From head
ei toot the )Dung Ilan was trembling
with excitement. Ile had conte for some
medicine. The cause of his tllnees was
that he had by accident eaten a "sac-
red potato.' Ile most firmly .sacrilege believed
that for such
an act of had entered his stentuch
offended g
111 the form of a lizard, and was on-
sutning his vitals. Unless l could &-
liu' him, he must die. It was equally
von to laugh, or to reason with super-
elil:otls fear.
After making the orthodox cxamirla-
hon e1 my patient, i gave hint .oma'
aperient .pills, and told him to keep
quiet for a while and he would recover.
The next day I was told that the young
man was stilt ill, and would de. Ile -
pairing to the village, 1 found him pale.
haggard but resigned, sitting ul. one
enol of a long but *pert in front. F10111
twenty to thirty chiefs were seated near
Mtn, smoking their pipes and discussing
the current news, The old women
were preparing the ovens for the en•
tertainment of his friends, who would
flack to the place on tato report of his
Another Triumph in Canada.
FOR THE SPRING �'1 A Relief to Breathe
Nature Needs Assistance in Waking
o I develop JIOnt t
derul s or Skin, and are, as a rule, wade New IIoalth-)living Blood.
up of three eubstanct'u-"dctiline," "et -
be went at the hack has appeared In
Varies and tturateted to rnake every
we.man look like the fireside cat.
Satin chramcuse, which already has
had such wonderful success as a fabric
for gowns, will be ntuch used for ev-
crttng wraps during the owning sea -
Sleeves for the new coats may be
either so tight Ihnt they cannot be
drawn c,ver the body sleeve or they
►na,' have the mandarin w•idene.B o1
lint b881111er.
111 many new gowns the pure while
of the dewdr(41 spangled net gown 1s
exteeved with traile of silver leaves In
place of flowers, ivy leaves and laurel
being the favorites.
The enormous pearls introduced Into
re ;no of the atone designs and the huge
tet -ellen emeralds which, though iml-
tatwns, k o* ao reel, are cha•actertslic
el the splendor that is now site don -en-
tail note of dress. But there Ls nothing
Ill all this display that detracts one
iota from the stern demand of fasiuon
for studious refinement.
'tittle is chosen for the veil In nine
veto* out of ten, even when the bride
can eflord lace. 1l Is roti and become
Fog and drapes beautifully from the
wreath of orange blossoms.
The fosterer) of decorating the hair
teems to have returned to popularity,
end rile most (directive butterfly may
be mode at 110010 of shlrrcd chiffon on
a wire frame and Stings edged with
spnngles (•f peaccck green.
One of the tads of 1)1e moment is lite
matching of tho undergarments with
• tat
t % ho
wears n
'l'tesheck The ws of pink will start with white and
gradually approximate the pink of her
Everything in the way .ed women
'dress Ls as far removed as po:sesiblc
foam the Louis XVI. period. Oriental
satede of drapery, Byzantine .olcmnity
and simplicity of line, or classic purity
e 1 design characicriie the spring fash-
in England tiny girls are being; seem
4' portiea In knickerbockers, which,
'04 rn under a cunning little smock.
ireuve the double purposo of keeping
the child more comfortable nerd reliev-
ing the mother of beholding a torn party
The tunic takers any and every pns-
e bio sha)oe. 11 may be in the slope
I 1 two (prods, one behind, one in hent,
both long. or it may be n singly over-
ver•sk rt, writhing the waist high, reach-
ing in front only part way to the knee
•ndr dropping behind into long tails.
A Bite fur cravat has appeared fee
the prelettion of throats used to the
.!vele. It its made of chinchilla. sent, or
ern. 1e. Ione! to keep it in place. and
fastened under a dashing ribbon bow
wtlh kng code. The bow may be ti-
ther at the side, under the ear, or even
1,t the back of the neck.
The latest petticoat outdoes all others
!n the sheath fitting effect of the tops.
1.Iv1'0 i.a a deep belt that eetemis the
entire depth of 1110 hips and atom this
tic►e feta it flat 'limner trimmed with
111IIumernhte hrcrlinns or rows of rib -
tons. 'fire I✓,Ilon1 i' finished with lit -
410 frills. and ruche. Such a skirt
lakes up little enough rconr end adds
Irrprrcepl'ble hulk.
Lung tinea are most Important
huri c t Die Josh finable costume. nn.1
1., (Alien such effects many resources
i e s that
are employed. Cent effects. Umtc iat
afutng grnccbtlly on the figure trout
fibroid. r to n pe int !•tt%• en the skirt.
itiflies with ting hanging poinle. sachet,
10t4(. and all the det.'i:a known to the
litres+maker are brought Into use.
Fear warns \collier the cont. 4•f lace
Mid pongee that entirely reoer I'
in the .hr ulg! )(-ur s}Slcun needston-
mcnt," and "enamel.'
• namel is the hardest of all entitle! ing up. In 1110 spring to new healthy d
su;bslanccs. It actually contains mere turd shbn£ you must have t ,
titan era) tit parts in one peof \aluie. demad iest os the lrees nds itrlanti ust havenature's laws
ew sap.
of mineral utalter-mainly phosphate
lime --while brine contains only 60 per ..r.• inexorable. Without new blood
cent. This accounts for the fust that ..:, w:.+ feel weak and languid. You
teeth are more indestructible than any ' tt.ey hr.\e twinges of rheumatism. or
other part of the animal frame. ' the sharp. stabbing pains of eurrag a,
What is more wonderful still is that !).ere 'tiny be disfiguring pimples
the tooth Is the keynote of the frame. trupl.ous of the skin, a turd feeling n
Au expert anatomist needs only to bei the mornUlg, and a xnriable apps
shown a tooth or two in order to re- !Those are some of the signs that the
construct from thele the enema fro i bloodlt s oat
hs of sin ler, that
! ong)tntry.
wwhose.jaw they originally can d I t;
this although the animal itself las bees; told upon you. A purgative mcelicire,
dead ton million years, and its kind • such as oolp vmany ou. 1pe gpl ives le take
in )i'rgal
extinct kr almost as long. leant
Not only do the teeth show what their top through the
sdo for aand
tell ll you
owner looked like, whether it Was tine weak y nerd in
real, lizard, flsh, or bird -some extinct that this is true. What people
irds used to possess teeth -but a study the spring is a tonic medicine, and in
all the %sorld there is no tonic can
ecelual Pr. William,' Pink Pine. Every
(iOS4 of this medicine helps to make
new, rich, red blood -your greatest
need in spring. This new, red blood
clears the skin, drives out disease and
ntakes weak, easily tired men. women
and thedren bright, active and strong.
'I-ry this great blood•building medicine
this spring, and see what new life and
energy it will give you.
You cnn get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
from any medicine dealer or by mail
post paid al 50 cents a box or six boxes
for $2.50 from The Dr. \Villion's' Me-
dicine Co., ilrockville. Ont.
of a set of these useful organs will
show what the creature used to
on, and, tncelentally, 1e11 a great
An elephant has usually only four
teeth in use l.esides his tusks. But
ore big enough to make up size what
trey lack in number. The teeth of the
elephant tribe are eo different from
these of other nntntots that, when a fos-
oxsil is dug up, the ger,ligist can at COM
le ceitael to what race of creatures it
belonged, and Ls able to reconstruct the
gigantic mastodon, or hairy inemmoth,
in whose jaw it origlnalty grew.
At the other end of the scale, in point
:,t number of teeth, comes the snail.
The common garden snail is the happy
[assessor of 135 rows each of 105 teeth,
or a matter of 11,175 teeth in all.
The teeth of fish vary mere greatly
those of stay other knownrea-
lures. 'Their teeth are not tUr.ded into
incisors. canines, and molars. as in
mammals, but almost every tef(ere'st
kid 4.1 115h has differently -shaped teeth.
Sharks, for instance, have several rows
a teeth, all extremely sharp -pointed.
'1 he front row stands up erect, bill
hose behind are more or tees reClnn-
Freely Once
�{ 11. G. W. MARTIN, Dartford,
1 1
Ord., choir leader at SI. Paul's
Episcopal church, writes:
Verona is a wonderful remedy for
catarrhal troubles.
"I have been troubled with catarrh
far a great many years, and always
trying something for it, but was able
only to secure temporary relief until 1
used Perrins.
"Only the bottles rid my eyelet's 0'
tai traces of catarrh, and I have not
noticed the slightest trouble for several
"My head was stepper) up, my breath
offensive, and it is a relief to be able
k breathe freely once more."
btnt. There is never any difficulty 10
identifying n shark's loolh.
Ra)s, or skates, have their mouths
lire) with n sort of pavement of Irony
n;utter, quite unmistakable. The woll-
ilsh has pointe.) teeth in the font of
Its jaws, and strong crushing teeth in
the rent of the mouth.
One of 11611 services n, andieace is in
n table
destroying Ix
example of this was afforded recently
1n Ireland. On the night of October Sth
last, a fall of black rain, leaving inky
pools in the roads, occurred in matt), ink me homely, 1 may mol Ile Y .-
parts of the is►und. 1l was noted at ` Petty, but I'm certainly not as homely I.1 colds than others, contracting de -
1 Pl he is -e" rangemcnts o[ the pulmonary organs
Lord Ret te, BD n observatorytionf e a i taoc the slightest causes. These
Burr Castle, and Il investigation ll Mel \IIS« Krtox-"No. dear; but that's l
niwa)+ have at hand a bottle
the LIMO
conditions exult wasas al
the Limo lollo%ved. The result was to nt day sotcrel6m remedy for
Thera /a Only Os.s ,.
s' Brom° Qurinine
That /a
Laxative Brom® Quinine.
Always remember the full name. Look
for this signature on every box. Rao•
TheCreat Frelioh
Will Relic%o Those
Suffering From
Neuralgia Rheumatism,
Mt, Colds, Sore Throat
finales aid Pains
Frt(e ss sed go Cents. All Druggists•
or by mail (rum
The Pango Company, Toronto
death. In three days 110 was to die,
and they were making preparations for
the event.
1 expressed my regret and disappoint-
ment. and re-examine,1 my patient. 1
found out m)' nlislnk0 hail given him
medicine internally. 1 would n:,vv ape
ply it externally' and with on air of
the greatest confidence, 1 assured them
Iltat he would recover immediately on
ifs taking effect, and this they would
know by its producing a stinging pain.
Or. this 1 sent hien a blistering plaster,
with direction to apply it to the chest.
In less than an -hour the young roan
cried out, "Il bites! it bites!" and all
said, "New he will recover," and SO he
Tres October
gfiat 011.
UININK removes (muse. i. II. Oruro on boa Ma
!t1(i1MV.. (IF 111\1,
Muss Mugky-'•-I•he idea of his call-
'l'he. "lul.ernational Limited,' the pre-
mier train of Canada, is indorsed by
everybody who has ever had (he experi-
ence of riding on it. It leaves \lunlrea.
at 9.00 a.m. every day in the year, ar-
riving at Tor into al 4.30 p.nt., Ilunl-
illon 5.30 p.m., London 7.48 p.tn., De-
troit 10.00 p.m., and Chicago 7.42 lento
following morning. It is a solid vesti-
bule train -modern equipment through-
ol't-with Pulln►an sleeping cars
through to Chicago; also Cafe Parlor
rind Library car service. Have the ex-
perience on your next trip \est.
"Don't cxpeet to be too independent
in dis 1110, said Uncle Eben. "IJ(: matt
dat kin git along wifout everybody
else is mighty liable to be a roan oat
everybody cLe kin git along wifoutet
SitLARATIVN BRO)te) Quinine Tolstoi*.
is retturt money If 1t fella to cure. S. W.
is uatare is on each boz. tea
Jl-'SI' AS 0001), Bl T -
to May. Colds are the most free 1 Biggs -
t tisalache. LAXATIVE U80tlO "\\'hal do yo'l know about •
Ilianks4 1s he as good as 1115 woe .
Diggs -"Oh, yes; but 1 wouldn't be-
lieve a word he said,"
some persons aro more susceplrbk
and Closely'. Wats is a...1.1, with the
Mod ,astlestere by pal land we smears to aa' lar
$./larges Na tgg. Yoatreal. -
simply because he's bigger than you
arc "
of iiickle's Anti -Consumptive c,Sy�rp,
the prose
coughs, catarrh and inflammation of
the lungs. It will effect n cure no mat-
te: how severe Iha cold about naynb . You
cannot afford to be
Ike Ilickle's, for tt is the best.
show that there had been a nw%ernent
of the air over the central part of the
British Wandls such as to carry soot
from the manufacturing districts of
eangland over the Irish Channel. Ex-
amination of the block rain showed
that its± color was date to the presence
of an extraordinary amount of boot.
"\Ir. Bong." said the secretary ed the
Fearful At dent Insurance Company,
'be sure and drop in at old Curmudges
e:; you pass ties mooting, and express
your sympathy over ilio 106.5 of his bro-
ther In the railway ucc)aent seekoleo
Express mine also to him."
"But old Curmudg" had no brother
in the accident,' said the canvasser.
-"N (41, what has that gc 1 to +b with
i!?' said the 504.rctar), cheerily. "All
he can 114) is to 1(11 you sec."
"But 11 might uuncceseari}y alarm
him." persisted the canvasser.
"'Flue's the point; Mats exactly the
pt int," returned the secrelnry, ohcerily.
"Merin hint as much us possible. itis
own Feeley rens out next month. and
it is t ne of our doers to remind our
patrons Ihut in the midst of life we are
.l:reoundcd by accidents. And. Mr.
\lost fish hate n great nunttm. of Ik nr. he fueled, as the paltentclne
It your children momndare
during sleep, coupled, when awoke,
with a lois of appetite, 1
.once, picking of the nose, etc.. )'ell may
depend upon it That the primary cause
beth. 'file dolpin, for Inslatice, lino I oleo r deported en his errand"hike
sesses two hundred; but there are others
-like the sturgeon --which have no teeth
nt all. Almost all fish -sharks tsper.•i-
ally--shoal their teeth frequently, and
ge,wn are notiopensall'. (:horrify ,
f' sntnrter than 111e credo ne 1 It at
Inge, flint hive leen d•4ne le` de:111 d
In;; the hna by 1 or Three stios-nu. ('r4 • ,
de (1'114, tet, %rill be usesl for the
of wraps uh .se functions is to writs;. t.
rrtlhrr than protect the le it4 Ito. The
rotor eon' ect. n this year lis tete r• n
Ih• hat And 11;4' w 1np rather Ilan t
twe(vi the hat and the gntwn.
Snakes teeth -the poser -tangs, thht 1
is -have the borne peculiarity. 'here arc
always Irish ones in reserve to Luke
the place of those which get broken. 't
rattlesnake may hale 0s `i'onPy a sate
of Riese reserve teeth. g-
me very sharp, very elnstic. and, con-
trary to ceenrnon belief. never hollow.
t ul provided u ah a groove, along wbelt
!he poison flies.
The sharp Wake of the crocodile and
all Ilesh•eating lizards neel only to to
seen once to be easily identified after-
wards. Some reptiles nue k,olblees.
These are tortoises, turtles. and tonere.
A frog may easily le distinguished from
a toad front the fact that tate latter hos
0) teeth. while the former tins teeth inn
)tie tipper pm, but none in the 'ewer.
As for monkeys, it LC one
ilor ',reel
according; to
of man from Ihtse animals Ihnt els the
monkeys and apes have thirty -loo teeth,
n' 'r.nge( very simiiariy to vur cello-
!. Altseel'a.
Happy are the mcrt•ied 11,:e r•
tut up) a Losse in w htch there's flu
nom 1•'r doubt.
Men should
O�A�f look for this
Tag on
�4T(' Chewing
Tobacco. h
guarante1 sthchigh quality of
Black Watch
the lee el c range peel and put is
cot.? en the trent steps. It is by
att...1 •-;l to delft..., flint the .'rima-!ry
f 1r fe,.l businc:• built up.'
.1. - -
. 7 the trouble is worms. Mother Graves'
Worm F.xierminntor effectually removes
these pests, at once relieving the little
Mrs. Chugwalcr looked up from the
newspaper she had been rending.
"Josiah," rho baked, "what is the
onion cure?'
"Tli(re's no torch thing as an wiser
cure," answered Mr. Chugwater. "Any -
(Lady that's got the 0111011 habit Is ur
*SRO OINTM RN r le gaa►anteed Io care au
=i of Itching, Blind, Bleeding` or PcNudty 1
Z1ke tad W 1s days or woe/ re(uMed. We.
The tefoe11 54.1.0 then like to go
home n1 n r'I,l is b4rfuse of the plea-
sure ,1 goes loom to go awry again
the next tie riling.
Everybody in town should get the beet
paint u, paint their houses. 1t is Rem•
!ay s Palish that %awe ,toed the test as
the he.t paints for over be years. Your
dealer bas Piet received a big stock with
cards to a
u W rote
A. Ramsay aion 1.Montreal.
for pack
of 1'ouveuir Picture Peet cards of Homes.
A w'orsen'st i'zt hat and ef efix it ower
take an old
ht a eo1'.L of $1l. Fc that it will kook
like new.
For inflammatienetteEye
Among the many goed qualities
1'armetee's Vegetable Pills posee ,
be -
cities regulating the digestive
a n mases
Ib. it efficacy in reducing
of the eye`. It has called forth many
lepers of rerommend0lien from those
w•lio were afflicted with this complaint
and found a cure in lite pills. They
affect the nerve centres and the blood
in a surprisingly active way, nd tee
result is almost i,00U(liutely seen.
6.ad no your
warn4 and ed drape -
for IS piece. of
Iewery top pellet 11cants sack. When told send u.(l,e•
®®I"t i0 P. Wetr„r yeawe will send withihou �+wet* and,.t IImeend
tiled tj cr .
S eRrharQeewig. N P209Ip71t0 1r 9 �.
lar \\'A) nit:IIT.
"You are loo fl)',' he said to her,
In a straightforward fa,hiis on;
And then, as if to prove ion.
She flew into a puss
selling these wonderful
Scissors. V. C Otebner,
Columbus, 0.. eol42: pairs
In 5 hours, made alts; you
eau do itshow
Special Inducements to ranaAlanAcents.
TAemag M'T'gg Co., 502 K at. Dayton, 0.
tea+ten recovery to
After Wasting P
YES. health by the clog of " Ferrorim.,' It is the best
fouir. It builds, strengthens and $lose new
1t lakes a mighty hard, long. tough ! 'itattty. •I•ry i1, 1L w 111 rnake you )eel ,tronf.
elft winter to affect ff t a girl's oppl•lilc for
Joe cream
BO r y e • (n '11,1'4 Is %t 111 promptly
r,nd sits t y cure all the minor ailment.%
c.1 bat .• a and young children, moll es
(4.0.1ip•alie:n, colic, indigestion, der -
Moro, worms. teething )rouges. They
1•reak up scado prevent croup and cure
simple fever. The Tablets conta,n no
poi0ltot1s opiate or nen-clic, as is k's -
tilled by a got crnmtnt analyst. \ire.
Ik;nnkl F. S'1lfk d, Palmer Depots,
Ont.. )nasi -"i have found Baby's Own
Tnbie151 so satisfeclory in curing the
ailments of ehildieeet )hal 1 would not
are 14. 1'• \Vilhe'ul 118'111 111 11e home.:
t , , 1.• ire dealers. or by mail
at le - a tie from '1114' Dr. \Villiersee
\led, , e • i 11 ockwtlk. Ont.
\\ l\ll - \NIL FIe11.
A singular Oilreliont`tneehhas late-
ly been brought to 1'gt
pito, ; ng du(elion of the wind on Pie
! New Soleil \Wnles and the (Iv -
i1 of fish. The winds lnfite
•! ,. , can curuent5, which in turn
1 •, ee. Le enures of the ash. 'These
1111,101.4'5 1111w0 periodS of three or tour
(years, ')'hug in 1598 Mete was a goner-
r.1 scarcity of 11,11, but afterward Ihry
became no -re and more abtmdant up
to Itllil. lit 191(5 Iherc was °nether scar-
city of fish, but the nest year They be -
raft to return in Increasing nun:b(rs.
i t cause f 1 these sarint:rna woe a
i • •.. Ivry unt.1 the 04' naitk'nce with the
: 1 \ ailing dine tie n e f the coastal tt•;nds
t,,;la noti"ed. Now it i.. (heli fht
I !110 shuly of the winds the ► pfrit
r the ('i"herm(n may Ie pnJ.cl(d two
cr flute )errs in advance.
for sale. Not particular abort location.
please Rive price and deecrtptloa, anti res•
son for selling state when possession con
be had. Will deal w ith owners only.
L. Darbyshire, Boa PIs, ldochester, N►. T.
to hear from owner having
M soda.
Tinytubercles scrofulous
nn the s
kin of stmt u
loua lamria' Scrappcigh
1 w
a contounJcd
e.oees roses woe in too. will eae the akin i\ItstataiDel h --Well, Jobe. mar-
Syrupl. aeeetea red lar lite.n't changed you al)!%o produce e the kideousdiseasetilledlipue.
w when I get married!
from destruction. Apply
Nothing Melte more ugly then to fee
n person w ho,e hando air. cos Bred
11(lx-r t •F: moon
bri••ai,t. the be.t 19
Tot use on sewing machine• blu•le+ and all
requiting a Hns ,
Old 1.1111y 'who had given the tramp � purposes est in the end. (tannin, Mincer oil Dan only
five cent } Now, a hal will you do with be obtainedlady hating
at ing used any makeelstrewing.;
Any Antinp
machine for 1 years or more. wrier Singer
--- )•e .ee, mum,' arAene (b, afrtnrl�np C'Anwrhtrs.
Hungry hi it enough ojo-vnfn far beau)\e'd fain eJ Nn sourrnie.
a 1 buy an auto, there g .11' situs 0/ Ontario. krer for asking.
meet with Kart.. Wily 118%4. these die
ligurt•mc•n1s on your pc'reen when a
sure oemever of Ill w arts, corns. etc..
can be found in Ilollowuy's Curt t:ure.
ieft to hire a bottle. bo 1 goes
get a eche,oner of beer. 1 kin bundle
that nosed.
A Goad Name is to be Prized. --There
have been imitations of Dr. 'Thomas'
Et iecthe Oil which may have been in-
jurious to its good name. but i! so, the
injury has only been temporary. Good•
noes must ahw(yS come to the front and
throw into the shadow that which Is
worthless. Si i1 has Iron with F,ikc-
tris Oil: ne imitation can maintain 1b
toll against the genuine article.
11(1\\ DIFF'I.RE\ I 11' SOUNi>S.
"Mother." whispered lack Graham,
"1 bow a great secret to tell con.
star), !newtoll proposed to loo last
night, and 1 accepted her. Oh. nlolher,
Fit n such a lovely girl. and so roman-
tic! 1 ala sure we shall to sn happy!"
Bid wl►y carry it any further? Its
too ridicukus, even if it is Leap Year.
OE COU11`;I•:.
The Puke (1 mol t:end's exleneive ('c -
totes ronipriee 100010 neves in t:aillmtss.
17.000 .n Ayrshire. 12.(100 in NorllrrMs
lx•rinnd. 1(..(t0t► m Ne.11ingttan,shire, and
5,000 in the Midlands.
Zinc et(line nee largely u'4d in Von -
no. but Ile more eater -reeve on(" ere
rr•nde of (Opfer. find cost ne much ad
!2.•',(1(1, utile It 1n are and copper col.
fin recently made for a Mission nroti-
clukc ccs! over $5.000.
Metals p I I.red re Keil ns 1,'.
111►ngs. Te,(gi nl,h wins are better ,
ette `('r
duelers (in\Imloay titan i
account of their S:inlay rest, and n
rest of Ihlee weeks adds 11 pc r erns.
k the mull I,%:l)! el a V .rc.
Twenty tt: 1'• wages e' \•'•
t nrh(m. ):nglnnd, 1:;11.41. twi re as
high es $34) old $35 n week. and the
profits of the empkn'ts ranged up to
1(0 per cent. To -day. if a man is weft
Inc fuel l'me, he may tarn from $11t.50
W $20 a week.
O \1 \\ l 1)O.
Bink -"At the Leveling cling of lite year
1 started to keep a diary.'
Winks --"And did you carry it out?'
i1ink---"1-cs, I carried i1 out the other
day in the ashbox.•'
They Drive Pimples Away.-- A fico
cowered with pimples is unsightly. It
tells of internal Irregularities whit
sheuki long since have been ccrr4►:1
'the liver and the kidneys are not per-
forming their fnnclten% in the healthy
way they should, and these pimples are
to let you knewVegetatble
the �blood
ine plodnwe
them all many, and will leave the skin
clear and clean. 'Trey them. and there
will be another witness to their excel -
"1 hear your cid ntinl.5ter has gone
in for rilunlism?''
"Yes. he's gone wrong cetnpletely.'
"‘Why, how can you Say (hal? ile's
el! rite slow, isn't 11e?"
Guide Wowing pinees of historic in -
In this room that \\'el-
hngk,n received hie first commas" on.
\'es. sir, it. is it fact,"
Mr. Einstein-"\'oL percentage of dem-
tnissein del he gel?'_
17('.11, Mange, Praline St'rntfh"s ant
every form of contagious Itch in human
or animals cared in 30 m,nutes by \\•o1•
frris Sanitary 1etton. It never failS
Sell by all druggists.
Its 1 L NO. 14 OR.
1I1N til:\\•:\ttD.
A fnilhf►1 Fervent had grown old in I _ --
11•e ' rwice of it rnilvay cemlpnn . and SL iloh
t t 1►crnme foo f j1
Zhc l"�`'
(i.i•rre.5lO 4. TO TAR/O f4VtOt M
The Beetate Chest
Canoee.Sar ,LevrlaMeSte
rotnlGes have "tees. ,,' as most people
1,nowi but bow tunny aro nit are that
certain coninien garden and wild flow-
ers are similarly equippe,l? The nastur-
tium. begonia, clover, wood -sorrel. and
bhtcbcll, among others, hero eyes ptatxsl
on their leaves. 'Utley are tiny protl-
bcrancee. filled wah a transparent,
gummy mixture, nivel) focuses the rays
u' light upon n sensitive pntch of tie -
sue behind them. A nasturtium plant
has Ihousneds of such "eyes" on its
k•atcs, but it is not yet known if thn
vont inn acluolly see. Are the sense+
ltt,pressicna telegraphed 10 some central
time 0.rrC Wilding with the brain of
t e animal hinge nm? in addition to
this visual organ, many pinnies show n
WWII of kotisitivcness that points 1(I
further rrSetiibiniiCO to animate; while
cerlain seaweed* and Inotses in nn early
singe of )heir existence air, able N acts,
ally swim through the water.
rtobnbl)' the most expensive of fur
coals is tete one a man is apt to final
(n his temple the next morning. ,,r• -e. _
t r� erbte to twnrl:.
Tho general manager was a-h.vi if
the company would not do something
for i►inl, ES he was very poor.
"flow long has he been with tis?" the
oflictol inquired.
"Over forty years."
' "Always did his duly?"
'Never m,csrd a da)'.'
"You say he is very old and feeble4'
"lite. The chances aro that he will
never leave hit bed again."
"Il'mp Poor fellow! \Vo Must (:e.
fr•in4lhing for him. 1'11 give hint a
free pass kr life ever all the company'.+
1•a.lway a)1lem.
t'se Shiloh's Cure
•7 for the worst mold,
therliarl,cat cough
-try it on n guar-
antee of your
Money back it it
doesn't actually
CURE Tricker
than anything you
ever tried Sale to
take,-n„:hirg; In
it to hurt even •
baby. 31 years of
Success corr.irend
Shiloh's Cure--'
21,c , a0:. Tt 1. Sal
and Colds