HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-04-23, Page 1r uteri THIRTY -FIFTY YEAR—NO 1802 _ EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, APIUL 21rd 1808, •♦♦••♦♦♦••♦♦••••••♦•••••••.••♦••N••••••••••♦• : • Expter Gun Giub S�S1166ss- JONES shoot Bf p i Tip-, , CONFERENCE SESSION & CLARKS'Tip-, 41th uu,ual session of the E'Hone No. Canada Conference of Ctrs Evaueen- 32= ♦: eel association COuve::ed at et. -Ja- ♦ cobs. April, 16th. to 79th. Bishop S. S lend! ' -The annual shooting iournaweut The evaut for th> club ti apes C. Rreyfoge) of Reading P. p d Arra o f • of the Exeter Gun Club was held at cd considerable interest. 11hrc: „t sided, _ , pr;- • Y • the Club grounds last Friday, and the contestants, Gloe r, of LOn • The to conference a territogy was di- • although there were. not as many and Kerr and J. Treihn ,r of i-. t • y: y wid d into three. Presiding ):!der die- ♦ visitors as last year, the resulte of had clean scores, all 1 it I,:ts n e - -„ i` t `jz North and 1::1-1 in Un ♦ the slay were better than :he gtem- to shout off, miss arta out rule$ _uty t'r1O and \or!), -west district coni :• hers of the club hal expected. The erning. Treibner w:N the fir's to toes! shootaR wcra pii.ing Manitoba, Seek,. and Alberta. V Goods :: uior.e in evil�ucti )piss and Frc Kerr a:,s the r, et, so Rev. r iY.s fiaisc Was retsly else- ; Cream1)ress this year unci did e4ually os a"ell if 'that Glover was decid• d t its %tint . ted as Presiding Elder. ♦ no't better'than 'the crack shote, w'ho Day, of 'London, the teinu.•r of tIIta The brethren 1V, ,), came from n distance, 11r, Fred trophy last I'idd,"' J. di'err, Ivho is rated as on Of the with a gold medal i+ticonun�morat�un Darurn, N. !l. 'Rciblin� and 1•:. J , Create Dress Goods are ver .♦.• Dnrnm were. grantee! Jic. ase as pr°_ are real neat and clean looking and imake up tverya natty Suits, :: best shots in gaWcote�lh a dayrn Crook attendshi tutu ear's tvinnin batiohers. Goats or dresses for Ladiesthe lest avera Y 6• 11r. I)ayf acw, E • S girls or children, The correct fabrics ♦ • ♦ dO11 ° the cash prizee of $!0 otfared and ex tress. (lions tlft01 orcin t.tttt• Ctrs 1 Ifi,.cocks, of Uunville, • twill be found here in Lustre, Panama, Serge, Loliennr, Albatross 4 fur high awera;c. John Tr�ibn.er is ly surprised at the��xr�llent u11I1I t Om.. utd Itew. J. 8, Burn. Iienrnill^r • Nuns Veiling. Venetian and Crepe de C , All at tote prices. ♦ ♦g tied.- Oirit,• were orctai,'cd, ta,, rapidly conning to the front ns n deacon lord the Jitter as eider-, • • ahccicr. Ile divided tttir 1 and fourth their ltolurnau, i `�,'i` r Rot's condos. T1a. .r :ting .hat t!, -- -,c report of the Ftationin!' come • s high over::;,, with Al r. S)nitlti o[ he h:i crcents tt. r,' better than aa) matte: was as follow,. ♦ Lovely Styles in Millinery !Kingsville, an in the ten events had he hats attended. Following i= ,!:.' LAST llIST1tICr ♦ :: four clean scores. score.- S, 'lt. ). Damm Y. E. •• Berlin, G. i). Damm : Hamilton, D. ♦• B. W. Glover, London 1? 17 l9 17 20 18 9 114 17 8-I�el ISS ll, Ming '1'orouto. W. E. Lovely styles without number grace the shote eases and tables• :• 11• Day, LondonMeese t of our Millinery section, All the prime the show favarites are here, trim -1!) 19 17 Il 18 18 9 17 1!i i) -i81) 149 Campden, •\V, O. helm ; lt;,ittham, .1. $..1. Webb. London 18 12 16 1!) 18 I i 9 17 l K -IS+) 119 Hied and readyto be trimmed to suit the wearer's fans Our Kingsville...... 19 15 IS 17 18 l 9 19 18 19-180 1111 Clemens :aid \V, ,I• F large stall of Milliners are ed busy, eo do not leave your order �: W. A Smith, Ingersoll. rsoH. 1 ; 18 Ili la 114 15 1! ei !des : lrorrfston R. B. Harris, In a 'T• • '.\forlock ; llc•�pelcr, A. 11, I'ty_ : too hate. No two hats alike.W. Morrison, Owen Sound .. 19 17 19 21) Irl 10 lu 21) 18-1till lt)0 Icy ; Niagara, W. Bean ; Gafnsl,oro ♦ • • • S. Fitton, Exeter 8-180 led E. Al. Gischlcr ; Dunnville, B. S. ii - -7 17 20 15 11 12 7 17 17 tl-!SO 142 } J.E.JCantelon, Clinton .liscocks; North l;astliope', 1)ierlauim lli 14 14 11 13 11 i 1lig 16 8_184l 128 New hamburg, W. J. Yaeger; Tav- 2 Ready=to=Wear Garments F. Kerr, Crediton 18 19 20 IS 29 16 9 1!) 19 10 -iso 1(48 1=tock, E. Burn; Sebringville, J. G. J 'lifelines, Exeter 15 20 15 13 .0 20 9 20 18 11›.180 Litt. ; 'Fullarton E. Eby ; Milverton, 1V, E. Buck, Blenheim .... , ,17 18 17 l i Ir. !9 1 17 1!1 11 -1St) 15 ' L'. Meyer ; :Aldboro, W. 91. Si Our Spring Couta, and Sep- ♦ ♦ 0, Laing, I . Be nhei Liswethachs, J. s. peel ; At -eerier. O. G. Hall- ♦ irate Skirts are made up in e � ♦ W. E. Sanders, Exeter 18 17 19 17 17 117 15 15 9 la 18 7-ltlu 147 Burn : ,Llcnheint, ♦ the height of fashion and of G' • F. . E. Saes, Exeter 1.. .. 0-130 ICY) ` L. A,n•tet,n.. . • the very best and toniest ma- .r-, • i 18 lU I7 18 18 ill/ - 130 rat resist. r. D. Hartleib, Exeter , ,19 18 16 17 18 18 9 17 17 8-18e 153 • C,• Fritz, Zurich 17 Irl 10 Nothing nattier than one W. J. Kerbyson, Ingersoll....1.1 1+} 19 111.-- t) 4 �: of our New Spring Coate. G. East, Clinton la l9 17 6 19 l:, 111-160 120 They are perfect fitters. , ♦: C. Stanlake, Exeter 17 14....ii• ••) 15 70 57 Our new Skirts are ver , ` • N. D. Ilw don. Exeter 11 g " - 7,1 Ir! • neat and all tailor•ntade 8 • W. Johns ltl 1(1 16 -7ti 46 • Tweed, Black, navy and the •♦ W. Smith 17 14 K -net +0 W. Yearley 9 7 - 3'► ;fK popular Browns in all the - en 0 new Fabrics. You cannot do better than get one of theta tic to be neatly dressed, H URON&M1DDLESEX GA ZETTE Dainty New White Wear Nothing would please you better than a look through our \Vhitewear department this season. You will find us with the nicest display we have ever shown. Dainty new White Waists. new Skirts, Crew Gowns, new Cor- set Covers. In feet every- thing new in this department Long Gloves • They are all the go but are very scarce. You trust have them this year. Long Silk, Long Lisle, Long Suede and Long Kid Gloves in all the new colors. Jones & Clark ♦ Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. .Sanford *: Cloth ing also 11igll grade shoes and wall papers, •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••♦••••♦••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••.♦♦♦••••••♦••••♦♦♦••♦♦• Meril Will TeII The truth of this saying has been proven by the wonderful success of NAMELESS COLD REMEDY In all cases of Catarrh, cold in head and throat. It is our ab- solutely genuine preparation that Has Merit Buy a bottle of it now. Try it. 1 and if not satisfactory to you we will refund the money. le this guarantee good enough: THE PURITY• 2 Canadian Express Building. j ••••••♦••••♦••••♦♦•••••••• Tne Osborne and filbbert farmer's Mutual fire Insur- allGO Gompanp Head Office, Farquhar,'Ont. Net silent -.1. L. it 1 S.8KLL. q•„, ,. _1 recid.•n-\\'. 11. 1'A881[(>'RR DIRECTORS. VIM. Rol•. RoKKNHoLIN P. 0 WM. 13kr,t•ti IVIN('ltt•:LsEA I', O. 1', RYAN, DCNLIN I'. Oi IIOHF,RT NORIRIS, Staff,. AGENTS. JOHN ES8I 1(Y, Exeter. agent for &Usborno and )tiddulph. OLIVER HARMS. Munro. agent for Hibbert, Futl'rton and Logan, B. W. F. BEAVERS, 1 5ocy.Troas. Farquhar. rIIlI1(T1'_ 14Utt:sl GLAD)MAN A NIA e et it V. Selloff or( 19th 101 Air, (and tMrvy11ii1t 1'1 bb'', ('nee ,Maym,r \1'))it,') n daugh(,,ritt the >largarct tet.: ii !el ( CAMI'ItF:1,L-At Zurich, o,s, e . t ,1 :t sear.. inst. '10 Dr. noel Mr-. (' relict of 1 ho 1.. \t tn. i1:a cit. died a ton. Friday morning :thou( 0.30, at 1he1 home of her eon. %Vm. [flack. Coe. 3. i1ORSF 11 s I \ Tuckersnlil h. 8h.• has been ill for , O 1'TF: \ TION. awe. k.. the result of i .Peer' 11t. iris is the e,:,,p ,,; th,• your tack of pneumonia. Fite weeks :,.;o tt hen you tti!I (r' tt 1be ng your ahs 141401.0d a great M rca�t'm, n[ ou its horse bills. if you want them gotten t he death from 1'neuntonia of h.'► son. out in a t,ic,1, testy nsan','r Ileo. Black. tt ho Bred In I S•• rime' "harts! get ce rm {,sins '.l , the home. Since then.!.' has been grad_ "TIMES” office. A ft, ne teeny si e . given race i. - ua1.I t►.. for 1 .t o u . k aetlin-e 'their bille to : t' t toy us. .one MASONS, CARPENTERS. T• cw t1 . 4tt'1 ' I l b• un- dersigned fill Frill: y ' uvetjki;l1 'flay 1st. at 8 o'clock for -lbs erection of a new 11a11 for the C, O. The plan and eli'cifications may be the guest of ;Miss 'Hazel Di;nan laat seen at the hall, Elimvitl,•, 011 Sat- Sunday. urday evening April 13th nL 8 -A Congreealional ten twill 1e.• o'clock and again on the followitie Tuesday evening, Slain fit. Church, betel in the urch, Friday ' The :lowest or any tender not nee_ evening. cssarily accelet'd. Joshua Johns. Sec. of Co,,,. F,IiutwiUe. April 181.11., 1908. Locals Ida Prang spent Sunday at Zurich. --Airs. We ,a. �':a(hant visited rela- 'tives in Acton. -Miss Jennie Taylor spent the hol- iday at Shakespeare. -Mr. Frank 'Ilutit, of London. is visitfing his another. -Miss Vera Campbell is wisrtin • • -Campbell's Varnish Stains .Ire 'the original nett only real ".trrish Stains ever offerod to housekeepers. They !work like colored( varnish pro- ducing .beautiful effects without ob- scuring the grain of natural woods. 1V, .1. freeman sells 'this line. -Itis Lordship the 'Bishop of Ilu- ron held confirmation servicer in the Triv1tt Memorial church Tuesday relatives itt 'Bornholm. . evening. He 'took his text trope Phll. -Miss Ilene Dodds visited r•elativ,', 3, '13-14, and greatly impressed the at liarristo,t, over Easter. congregation with his Otto discourse. -Miss Hazel Browning was home ; After the ceremony the following from Whitby, for Easter. candidates shore confirm el • ,T:un - -Miss 'Harling, of Grand Bend is f3weet, Owen Atkinson, Clifford Me_ ( _�-` visiting Mra. Thos. White. Aroy, 1G. 'lt. Dyer Bunion, and the -Mrs. A. Q. Bother and son. Maur- :Misses'Wteideman and Sanderee, 1 Centralia ice, r pent Easter in Buffalo. ' �_`� -Mr. James Itonthron, of Toronto, I -There died in 1V4:iilipeg on \Wed. spent !:aster with his +sifters, nesday of last week, Mr. Jntn,'s Leng -Mrs. tf. N. Howard visited over' a former resident of this s,'clioti. Easter (vitt, relatives in 'Acton. and one of the pioneer settlers of -Miss Clara Musser, epcnt 'Ea=t r ' ,llcyer ; hocking/eon. E. 11. Dorsch. NORTH DISTRICT A. Y. Jest, 1'. E. \Vatcrloo, M. 'L. Wing; fit. Jacobs C. 0. leaatz ; Elmira, J. G. BUM; LWal- lace,i11..11. • 'Leibolrl; .Normanby, A. \V. Sewer ; Walkerton, G. F. Broun .Mildmay, 4,, \Vhittich : Hanover, W. J. Zimmermann 7'r. Elgin, E. 1). Hecker ; Cbesley, 11. L. Merner ; Elm- D. Gisclrler ; Dashwood, 1.. N.tcEidt 1 Creditors, K. II. Bean; Tavistock, 1?. Ilurn; Stratford, el. M. IIaucb;t Parry Sound. To be supplied. ,NORTH \V EST DISTRICT L. 11. Wagner. 1'. 1:., Iteei,'a. Seek. Winnipeg, A. J. Bechtel ; Iteg`nu 1'•. Af. Graff ; .Rosthern. 9. F. Braun Medicine .flat, J. S. Damm and V. \Vilhelm; I)idsbury, C. S. I4inkbejnnr. Siebirtville tans! Alayto,L 1). Hiederr; Neudorf, J. V. Kovor : Warner. M. .1, Connor; Davidson, to be supplied; Saskatoon, to be supplied. Nelson E. Nicks, ".',e,erralurOO, d'upil of London ('or.•enatory 14usi�neIl SItuthKen !Ie•lron:dd, Charles 11•hite,london Eng., Ernest 0.4 Jtaniky „ dor, Eng. A limited number of pupils "ill 1,eaccepted- Miss the northwest. 11 r. I,anq tuns I:orn! Et lie Coughlin, of London. tett! Ler parents of Dashwood. I Lesmalra o, Scotlanrl. March ill,.: -Mrs. Fred Fisher and Mrs. Alrz.' , g spent Sunda)' at her home here. Dyer le Easter Fisher ".1rs,l, ljf•A• At 'the age of five be cion • to I Et -ter fes, of Ge. s 1?+eery, of -r spent, Crooks, of Clinton, called i Canada with his father Robert Lang Ale:, `ft�liott, college. EG 1'hOrrl�s; on friends in town, Good Friday, r who settled in this country :ttt,l h b lieu,.'mime., of London : Flora llep_ -Mrs. James Gould and dao hter I girt to hew out n 110/11O for l:im=• !f, but n of London • 1V !f 1 r q ar d f, • c,la were in London for Easter. r trolly, After legs th.ut o:r• -Hiss 'Lame '!took, of Detroiyear's residence in Canada t,- 11r• i..ana;'s spent Easter with relatives here, father died, having n widow an i -Mr. Samuel Gidlcy of 1e i•th three children, the cldeet only c•iirl,t parents., years of nee to mourn his loss, In spent Good Friday with his til -Mss. 11. G. Beldon and children 1850 Mr. 'Lang tray married to Annie spent Easter (lith Heiden in Inger- Simpson, c.Atilt survives, Eleven moll. q children, scree ions end tour dau_ia. -17 r. L. C. Fleetin • tc weeks of 50%re illness is greatly a ire. proved. rratlY m- -Mrs. Berry, of Ingersoll, is vis- iting her deueliter, Sire. 'lt. G. H •1 - don, -Mr, 'A1'w. llorgan, of London, tris ioronto 'Medical Collc • talc` of pwrits, t rieit,•d their Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Pink. of London, spent Sunday tt}t1, Mr. and Mrs. An- drew ]licks. Our school teachers, elisse: Bot_ terrill .and Swan have returns(' I/ODIe for their holidays. torn hood nndt ti nanhtootl.s In 1'ri',1 >Ir. )i1 II. Brown. of(( Toronto, spent Mr. Lang with his [amity a, l,l ,o Easter with his roister. 11r•. Mese)11 Hutt. Manitoba rind settled oil tt faint t: .r Ale. Percy st the is agneuing tice. - Manitoba where they remained for .is i'�arnt:uit. in the villagg years. n (ter which they removed 1,e� Aire. 'n. !licks Is visiting hu':' son the Killarney district, where 1.. w, I: uik' remained until 1895, when they t�eat .. Aliss Addison, of Norwich, vii- remained i . re 1Vinlli ,e .ting her /lister, 11r, Nellie,' (licks. t g. where for e.•veral sears Mr. Lang conducted a whole. Ile Mrs. 'Spencer, nee Lily Anderson, fruit aril commission busin.'t le runt her husGard politics M r. Lan{; was , soother, Mrs. AndcrRnh,tisiti++u her iif.'. \Ire. 1'. Neil I lbcr;tl and In reit;ion aataunch+ is visiting her parents Presbyterian. He tt in London, The Eseter ser•'ic.+s iu t he church acre simply grand. Th tonerele- hoes 'were la rge, t ha music super 9 and the offerings more f ban asked for. Mr. C. .1. J'ink, London's cel- ebrated t'nor. charmed ail nith his delightful bolos, while the choir did bet ter than ev,'r, the :utlh^ms and $'ty, I've KolaMillie brother, choruses rolling out in eel tett cadenceNeyer tea••d to t' 1 f HOARD OF HEALTH. A meeting of th • Local Board of lla:tlth held in the re fico of the 'Sec- retary on 'Tuesday. Alen 21`t, nt 8 0. fu. All the members of ,i,,. board pre=- , eat. 1' he ruinutes of the Inst reatular meeting were rctd and approved. The hccretal)' reed teporis of 5 sasca of scarlet fetor within the ,t1Ujeip.tlity. 1'he tante having been reported by 1he. Doctors. Holder Dr. Drowning .t, sec. c;.s by l(-..'vc of the 1'ublre School be instructed rich the school i.�• disinfected during ,Easter week and that Inspector Bissett '!ee after and I erforru same.-Carri,'tf. Per A. Q.:nobler ser. by C. Chri••fe that the usual 8►nita+'y no:ices b.• eecurcd and distribhteal throughout the 1lunicipelity.-C., i.1 d. I'er A. Q. holier that lies=t s. SA:). dere and Ch+istie ttith t1. • 1'' p,'ctor pay a visit of inspection to Mr. Thos. Drock's pterni.es in,i it !Quin(! in any. way unsanitary. order the same IC be clamed up. Reeve Ilobicr e aS added to the committee and reset to tion neconde(' by Dr. lirow•hing.- Adjournment by J)r. !frowning. J08. 8EN10t:. tsee'y, -Mrs. Jae. Vier, of Detroit, tis- itcd her lath •r, Mr. 11 'm. Pugsley r convictions, faithful as atotnl, f (tie, le. at Easter. tats to bis foes and of most genre• oust and kindly heart. He poeseo.. ij in a marked degree '(hose atirline ncterlatic eofrrtshel gcolti Hheart rac from wor- hichwhich he sprung. Ile is aurviv •,1 by Isis widow and the following fereify Robert N. Lang, 8l. Marys: Wu,. S. farmer. Vir den, 11an, ; Itev. Al).111 -Ars. McMurray. of Crediton, seas Lang. !'h. U., Hubbard. Ohio: .It=•v. 1)• r, Ole t l a guestLang. of h• a i M. i siet••r llre. \Vont R. 1 A., Si. ibn. N. 1i.;' Goulds over Sunday. Ia,. Warren 11. Lang, Tiber. ,Ut::,, --Mr. Jas. Saye,s. of Shin/auk.; Ur, Ben. E. 'Lang, Lenore, Man„ Mrs. tsar the guest of hie cousin Dr. (1 .luhn ,Moir. tilts. :ilex. .inhnsto11 :1:,1 'itoulaton over Sunday, hiss Annie Lana• ail of tV'nines z. Farquhar -Mrs. Jas. T. Scott, of Ilibbcrt, visited her cant, Mrs. 1). Mcinnl, over Sunday. -Alias Anna Martin visited her 3i± - ter, Mrs. It. A. Cranston. of Palmer: sten ler Easter. A competent housemaid wanted to go 10 Buffalo, $18.00 n month. Ap. ply at Times Office, -Mr. 'font Carling. who is attend- ing the Uuiver'ity at Kingston., is home for a few days visit $t,00 per year in advance FENCING SUPPLIES !deal Woven Wire Fencing 7, 8, and 9 wire 35c to ;tic per rod. Stretcher toane.J t l•;tt up. Cleveland Coiled Spring Wire, No. 12 and 13, Weaving and Barbwire, Galo Fence Hooks and Galo Staples Poultry Netting 12 inch to 72inch ;c to roc per yard Curtain Stretchers, 140 Camp Carpet Whips at 15c, Carpet Sweepers $2.50 up. Paint, Alabastine & Brushes HEAMAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE Paint Protection You rcali,e the necessity of protecting your house with good paint, but you .lo not realize the necessity of protecting yourself against poor paint. 11 all looks alike in the can, but one kind coarses off, the ether stays on; one kind soon looks shabby, the other keeps new. 'Inc kind that holds on strongest. look: nt'.v longest, is THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT Tt is the result of a quarter of a century's paint -snaking expe■i- ence; the product of the largest paint factory in the world. 1Ve sell it. SOLD BY T. HAWKINS & SON, EXETER. R ruwwwwwiAnnnntinniur OUR IDEAS His NE W BROTHER of \what, constitutes good clothing 1 differ from 171 K tl the ideas of most other firms. W(' de luand and use in all our Snits and Overcoats only the best material and the highest class of workmanship Give us a call. W. JOHNS Merchant Tailr.r f A) BOSSENi3ERRY, ZURICH i:� Licensed Auctioneer. Saks con ave run nut ler, r ducted in all 1 -arts, Terms reasonable u+, majestic i and satisfaction guaranteed, Rev. '1V, 11. Butt, asked for $75 for They jure aetor rrt he s here. ,. e'ht ahead and bought him; , Connexion ,l funds and receiv,'d near_ An, Irtst, , ek Cho doctor brought hirn, lB. H. l'111 LL1! ti, EXETEi[, Lit' ly $R:e, llorh young ars,! (W were ` a\ •.su't that r{neer? ensed .auctioneer. Hales con delighted with the services. Vher I hc.ud the news frons Molly.(!acted in nal parts. Terms reasonableOfljce Mr. \\. i:u;:. of Toronto Medical Why, I thuuytht at first was 'oll !Orders can be left at the TnlEr+ OJIIcP• 1't,iveleity, is spending his vacation ('ease you ace. 1 3'. at Lis home here. - -- 11r. R. 11. Wendell and !r i n osed I could go and get him + Auction Sales. - Oli Olive. of Londoli, vi.iled daughter _ i►ter An' then mamma. course would let'm 1 Il,,ndford'. nt . r. Jas. Plat with me -The Woman's Institute twill haw0 i Mks 1{ate Elliott rind hs, Ilauisat, ,,, -Get your ieho .bills printed nt this n 10l of dainty cooking for talc at1 8c'c il. \\', I: --, But when i had once looked at him, I Times 011ie°. Free notice will bo their s(ahial hridaY afternoon. Srcda, 11' 's 'r a choice 101 of London, visited the fossa^r's parents "1Vhy. t says 'Aly sakes is that him?' II given in the paper when {title :tr •' -Hiss [.aura .lecke!!. leacher at Mr. and Alre. Copeland and family °ter Sunday, , ,lust that mite, 'printed hire. We can have your bills Uxbridge, is s['c iodine the holidays at of fFfronto ) Mr. and Air., c. ,1. 1'il.k ., i fans.' ThPy said '1'es,' au 'Ain't he cunnin?' ready dor posting front two to f Ane• t' fly wi•,it'd \1 It d i 1 over Me. 1[ tome, London !toad, north.florin nre guests of 31r. and Airs. i r. 'Hiram rt t 1 -31r. and Airs. it. 11. Samuel. :eel Miss H1tl)R:lyand Miss Tera ('1111j). child spent the Easter holidays twit}, heI) of .?ester. tw,•r.' t(uect's 31r. and Mrs. Joseph Ili%S d,•m. Louis' of 11ir. -Mess,-re Cbarlea and Clarene.•i A lnrin�nun,berrfro l roFrith).te Miners, of London. a;x•rtr tIt • holidays '''1 she funeral of tlim hero Attend. nt the home 01 1hsir tele •r. `e,. win, G. 'Ratcliff,., ;,t kirk ton soh llond'v 'Miners. last. _Among the out of tarsi, ti+it ire Mailer Thornton Fear. of Fxel.•r is Goin! Fred ty and Eaeter were-Garl tot trresent visiting at llessr-.. Vino Bele '-1 , •r,• nn(1 daughter, of Itr,,:t . i Bron and Allan's. ford ; \\ 11. Gregory, eittet'•ti ; At. , 1t. 1). Turnbull :ung W. A. 0.. rdiu. Moor' . London. 4, of St. 37ar . -A meeting of th, sports conlntil - holida}c ttith theirs parents ro aln'r the tee aw111 }r. h; 1.1 in the Town Mali, l Alta. 1). MrNicol twho hee sp,'nt the 'this tthurrday i'.enina:, to take up Past too neek, ttrth her de ugh•..,. the'natterof lb.• Victori_t Day e.•l,.�llr.. Cecil Russell r 1t oration. Several meetings have levee Iu 1 ),uta very email repr,'seeta11011 of the business anis have twee pre(. eat, and uyless the meeting to -nicht binge out a ereatcr tiumb'r 11b,. ides of a celebration 'Otis }•.„r t. ill •turned home on 11orday last'u,h•, re. Aliases Gardiner entertained a v r. al of their young friend. on Feelty eii'nin,; Air. .1. Thacker lies enga;.•.t \ti's, 1f r, W. Ward c r 1 e, euro!'er. dropiR(1. Some \ ar 1 fo 1 t,a•i charge of Cho re/el/rations n few I ti ited hetrtssister,ri3ira. of At, ll.sr}., maty thought Lt T they • Thos. ►y{ h Rundle el' r(1 their a from a tr oak eluting the holida}•�, rnonet'ary etaltdpoint. 'lIio,, 11 r. end Air.. it. W, 1'. Heat -tee ti.- wLo Irate 47,41 ngitctin; IV, iui.flot .ted the 14111,—t',, p.s rials at Salem, on this Ii do not vest' to have (hie Sunday fast. ones upoe them ::r,.1 unlees the hu, 1 ne to men 1:'lad th:•it co-oreratien they ti. �anar f. 'bine parents one teach ae��ii: + 1 110 1101 care to go on t,ith P. Ar. `NV alter (otwar,, Irl 1111115)11 id d:. rangentents' th^ holiday.. f i t uwght they must be tannin'-- hours otter the order is received our Miss i • 1t1 r 1 1t . 1 a 1, 1 Onf - I 'r hOt 9 f ea�:: t it +1 ,• ti•irir,,; .mall. iteJnstamnzin',r. t• Alen.\,tit .stn. Corner rela1Is in London. And you'd think that tie wait blazin', John and t' -•'tee atrt•.'tA. barn. Mrs.' Ti,.' boys hive organized their bassi lie's Chi red • Elliott. ; :,,:,Iieine?`a. Ii. 8. ' hill tram for this EeasrntCl/il. 1 And his nose is like a berry we., Auction. r. Two o'clock p. m. And he's bald as Uncle Jerry. On his head. Why, he isn't worth a dollar! - I ` .•.:11 wr.:ry r,.•,tiii.; of All ne does is cry an.! holler Permanent Results ..!„ Tliti1t Memorial - church is as , More And more; held Aloneley evening. '111,' eardeee's Von t eft up, you cant arrange. him- "1 had been sefferintt far over two inmost report was surd and conaidrr- ! don't see why pa (tun's change hint months with an obstinate cough, as had ing the hard time., the report shots. At the also my little girl. We tried several ed n e,aCCe,sful y , r. Afessre. .I. J, Now we've got to dress and feed him, remedies common to any drug storo Riiie:ht and 1'. Bat: kilts we..rc elected And we didn't really need hint without obtaininganya nnrtleri,; N. 1). Burden :rod 'r, c.• Morena frog; apparent relief, Cac,•, lay d^1••q:airR : C. ll. Minders, y the d hu a hubrut her in fact we were growing worse. 1 got a A. Q. 1l0bfrr, a. 1Vli yy y gout' bottle of Coltafooto Expectorant from Atkinson, Tho.. Ca,o Whetn the • know I'd ocd deal rat is”; dr°([JTimt and inside of two da E. I;Ilioit, L. Day. .1. I,..wi•, J. liars. !lave a dog. cough}s the dirt. General Contralto : 1'. Senders e a dog- -- permanent and stopped, rapid that weedct'i /0 A. Q. Hotelier. E. Ellie 1., day, C.—l',lr.+ n,,, c.to-tly , anJ (a tdexl Senatec and .1. !).tris.• tulrkly to keep it in our home cnntinuall . "' -re. chrck�'d nit! Dr, Hhoo ' s i31e is O' mho. To prosy it ipaill B ant f. A R. station, ROBERT I ALF,A3. mail e. COitafOOte Es[ email tri,! box as a convince. ing t,'at. Simply Expectorant is recognized addr- 4 Dr. tbo world ,ver as the best prescription t' Shoop.w Racine P n c ate 'W .P 4r• WI,. 1 ter used au us r 1 w bythe r o ' would m a •rl,� el profession ' r. tr ar not .n f fele! it free unlrr.s 1 "ugh'. coo", , 1 r -as C.:r. K oda ('►oup, Hronrhiti. :Ind titin Iint Ur. Shoops Angie Olntrnena Tightness of the ('heat. +'hil.ir(n lisle The Kind You Han Always Boughl "'°u:d Rtnnri 1)10 t, Remember it J it. To introduce it into ie made expressly end alone. for swot- will seir !.. v vy yhopk we a free .ample to every person Bears the len, painful, bleeding o,- itching, � servile heir nano end a'Idrese to Dr. PilrS Signature of either external or int.,rnal, Large T. A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto. Hold jar 110 eines, Sold'by 1V, 8. kloaei._ Ib?_ in_ arr_taetai. d....t.... _...L ----_- . r• .nd1. 1 •. .. .\. )licks. He's a sight. Mod Island Beds eggs for sale. Apply at this (office, CASTOR IA For Infants and Children,