HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-04-16, Page 8•
. U bj E; X +.E E R 'L' 1 M ±t 8 APRIL loth 190s,
Sluing is here. Business is good, yes, great. The Big st,ore
is chuck full of new airy spring goods. New Colors. New Styles,
New Combinations. IL's easy to buy froul a selection such as
the are showing. Proud! Yes. we're proud of our new spring
showuig. \Va want every lady a tl • to conte and look and study the
new etyles. Buy if you want to, but come anyway and enjoy a
pleas:.ut hour in the lig store,
47 I=2c a new n►irtor flal-
ish Dress (foods,
Lure wool, clean satin twill
lace, swell for Dresses, Suits
cr• Skirts. Comes in Browns,
Greene, Navys and Blacks.
Regular value Mc.
50cthe yard for a new line
of natural Haw Silk.
"called VELMA." The color
is a natural Paris shads. 1 h
weave is very even dice effect
A gieat wearer and perfect
war her.
47 I=2
For a special lot of
shaddow stripe
suitengs. Pale grey grounds
With shaddow stripes in
mauve, green, blue and black
Itegular value Inks.
95cFor the very best guar-
anteed Black Chiffon
Taffeta Silk that we have
ever shown. Every yard
bears the maker's guarantee.
The price is low when you
consider the .duality.
(;ive us a fair chance and we will more than please yon in
your new Spring Ilat. DON'T leave your orders too late as the
► uels is on and is going too stay on. We are turning out Trim-
med hats from our own work rooms that would do credit to any
city store. Our Designers and Trimmers are experts. have you
seen the merl'y \Viddow Sailors. They are very smart. \Ve are
showing a full 1 huge of them in all the leading colors. You are
cordially invited to visit our show rooms and study the new
styles. Bring your friends with you. Conte as often as you wish
something new to see every time you drop in. Come the invita-
tion is as broad as it is warm.
nn for a new line of ladies
a short Spring Jackets,
ailor made, figure fitting.
made from fine box cloth.
they're rare value.
7.011 For a lovely line of
Ladies' new Corset
1• it ting Jackets. Trimmed
\with self strapping and stitch•
ing. Tailor made and very
small. 1. Fawns and Black.
Ileys a swell pure
8.50 %tool Room Hug. Lov-
ely Floral Centre and Oriental
'herder. "Got carpet beat all
Buys a very natty
Tapestry Hoorn Hug.
Floral and Medallion centres
and new Oriental borders.
Suitable for Parlors, Dining -
rooms or Bed -rooms.
S. A.
For the swellest
Wilton Room Rug
that you'll see this season -
no seams, all one piece -in
beautiful shadings of Brown,
Fawn, Red and Green. The
pile is very close and velvety.
Tile wearing dualities of our
Wilton are great. They come
direct from the makers in the
old Land. \Ve save for you
all the middlemen's profits.
Get orae of our Wilton Rugs
on your parlor and see how
proud you'll feel. You need
beafraidwalk on hent
to k t
tor they are made to stand
all kinds of hard, rough wear
We have about 50 Rugs for
you to choose from.
Dressy young men all ivear
King Hats. "\V esell them.'
•s+++++++++++++++++++++++ .-1-+•r++++++•t•+++++++
Market Report. -Tho following 11
tho report of Exeter markets. oor-
reeted up to April 161h.. 1908.
Wheat 88 cents.
I� iable
Perfect in Construction, Pos-
itive in Performance We again
call attention to our Grade of
AVatches. Good Material, Fine
Finish and Accurate Adjustment
are combined
Our aim is not a question of
price, but quality. Like in every -
n e
the end. So if you want a RE-
A. rlarchand
Jeweler, - Exeter.
Daley. 50 to 55 cents.
(lit,. 47 to 48 cants per Lushel.
l'e:ls, 76 cents to 80 cents.
Blended Flour (STAR), $2.15.
Bran. eat.
Short $_5.
Feed litFlour. 81.40 to ;1.45
. to k10.
Dried ripples 5 cents ler pound.
Clover Need. $8 to $10 per bushel.
1'ntato(•'. •5c. to 90e. per bag.
Butter. .:i a •,1,. 1.•1' Lound.
1:1 0 • nl< 1,••r ruz�n.
Mot's, lir •:teG_li1 ti(i.10.
11(V,:s, c e17.; i.
Remember the Store one door north of
Post Office. _,_..E OLD RELIABLE
The Store where you will get the
Best Goods for the Least Money
This is the season of the year when you think of new
Floor Covet iugs 1'cu cannot use anything better than first
class Linoleumn. That's the kindtC
(Nairn's X
is the best. Splendid range of patterns Call and sec them
and get our prices, because if you dont you arc likely to pay
•••••••••••••••••••••••••� more money.
• •• I.00ALS • TAINS
- schpnl 1.,„,..„,1„.,1,..,1„, afternoon. We have just received a full shipment of Notti:lgham
and Brussels net Curtains Never shown such beautiful pat-
terns and fine quality as we have in stock.
for •t h,• East r holi(k►ys.
-1ti•s Milli• Martin is confined to
her room on account of illneee.
- Mr. David Hack las purcheae d
th • house au:t lot of \Vas. !Mitchell.
-Mrs. •t;eo. t5anie,•11 ••utertainc-1 a
number of friends 1:.*1 Friday even-
- M1. and 1lE . Geo. A. Barker. of
London visited -Mrs. P. Frays., last
-hiss Lotti,' \Valper, of Berlin. is
visiting her _randfnllrer. •11r. \Val.
Hoskin. Exeter North.
--Mr. Thos. Fitton is erecting a
new :fence aroun(1 the rear of the
(lank of Commercs buil ing.
- S. Fitton. issuer of marriage li-
censee, also complete line of wed-
ding rings always du hand.
-eft. Mentis{:. who has be''ii con-
fined to his bed for the past few
weeks. i, rapidly recovering.
- The 'License commissioners sleet
.it Brue.•fi I•t next Tuesday to coisi3-
(•r the s !plications for licenses for
the. rotten. • tear.
- \V.• it • pleased 'to state that Mr.
A. 'E. fent, e• ho is suffering from up-
pendieiti<. .ul.i who underwent an op-
eratiott art.sday of feet week. is
- Mr. P. V••rity and Norman Creech
of Brant for'. •ltld former resii.mts of
Exeter, Ilia v•• been elcetei presi-
the Brantford baseball
-11r•. 'Herbert Aso is laid up with
a Fore band caused from n cut by
a razor.
-The batchelors and hanedicts' ns-
senlhly `will he given in McDonneq's
hall this 'Thursday evening.
- Mist Mary Mack, who has been.
studying et W. C. Coo's Busines%
college, London, has b.x'n awarded a
diploma by 'that college.
-The annual vacating of the Exe-
ter Canning Company was Lsldir ys-
terday afternoon and ns %•c go to
press Is still in Session.
-The case under the Fruit Insp c -
Prices 5o, 75, 1.00, 1,25, 1.5o, 2.00, 2.5o, 3.75. $5•0o
--thoroughbred •\\'lite Wyandotte:
eggs for sale. Apply to 5. Powell.. i
-Piaiio for Sale.-Lleintxul ul Grand'
piano, nearly new, apply to 11rs. A.
Q. nobler.
-Here is n good offer, the "Times" We have Many good kinds and can
and Weekly Globe for the remaindersupply the one best adapted to your
a you
n that
u[ 1908 'for $1.00. case. It I6 just its important
-Marred Plymouth Hoek settings jget &perfect fit.
for sale. $1.00 p.•r eettintc of thir-
teen. 1'. 11. Carling.
SALE -Good street. 50 cents a doze and (lo not charge you a fabulous
Fco. Bili, \': s.t:lloo street, '?xeter• j price like some of those so called
-FOIL SAL1•:.-Eggs for Incubation. truss experts.
lent.v flay ";,teed Becks; 'big Consultation Free
heavy 'layers ; eggs the year rousse
Here you get Both
Spring Clothing
for Men
Our Clothing department is a very spec
feature this spring. We doubt if a finer lot of
clothing can be found anywhere. We doubt it'
smarter styles can be reduced by tailors. We
doubt if you can be better fitted by a tailor than
we can tit you. We know the quality of goods
in our suits is as good as you can get in tailor
made clothes. We know our prices on Suits
are a great saving over tailors' prices. When
you need a suit see our new spring line. It's
worth your while.
1si Ithe natter of the estate of Isaac
\V. Johns. late of the
'L'ownship of 1 ,borne, in the Coun-
ty of Huron, farmer, deceased.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to
It. S. 0., 1897, chap. 129, that all
creditors and others having claims
against the estate of the said Isaac
\V. Johns, who (tied on or
about 'the 23rd. day of March 1908, Between all stations in Canada
are oft ^ y 011908,beforetst; 5th
1 also to Detroit and Port Iluron
Ghanian & post prepaid or deliver_ to Messrs. Mich., I3uffalo, Niagara Falls and
Suspension Bridge N. Y.
Easter Excursions
AT --
L C 1'l -
-11:\ltREI) ROCK EGGS FOR of Exeter, solicitors for the Execu-
\Ve guarantee a fit with the proper tors 'of the said decease", their
• e t r.r•: -1 tom prize layers. Cock from style of truss suitable to every case or chrimtten and surnames,' addresser
' and descriptions. the full particu-
lars of their c1'lims, .the statement
of their accounts and the nature of
t he securities. if any, hdld by .Y hem.
And further take notieo that after
such last mentioned date the said
Executors %vitt proceed to distribute. 1 Commencing elpr'1 lith and cou-
thr, assets of the deceased among
t tirtuing every second 1'uesdaa until
cb:unpion layer of Cana
eg s in one year. Q daysullets Parc
laid 90 a es in 1
eg,s for 75 cents. Wm. Johns. Elim -
,, of goon. will be at the Comme30 1'.l Fa rd best the russ yet,. Can be worruss" the n with
and secretary. respect,\ ly u a !1.30 a. w, to 4. I Inn Y
11 club, hotel. leo r fitted and dig- ease and comfort.
nae Glasses properly
-Ther was considerable discussion the eases of eye ear and mos. treated. �,,
recce -
11151 week as so when the Fenwick \ext vi=it. hrida,, >t::y 1st. 1902.
grist nail at the north end o[ the (;tole -Miss Jessie Brickwood is recce -
tot\ -n was destroyed by fire. The fire -The offer of the Weakly sting from her 'event illness.
'rt 1
r Y
me'who 1 rGould, }
nd (ou
daRichard occurred 011 'the night o[ .'.•bye 8th.. & Cotta'
188^. cents 'with th•1 Exeter Times to take Flit -Mr. 111, is now able to takes nn oc-
--elr. Frank Weekes, elle for seine on May 'first. Those. wishing
Buse has been working in Listowel, is bhouldage of this send in their subselr excellent
ca-Mrs. (Gco. Young, of London, is
it home visiting his Sather. }let isi
lends lea%iuF shorn, [or the: north- encu. \\ro gall also give you the the guest of Far parents, Mr. and
%vest do „nga3e ill husirlr li en his Weekly, Mail and y:ntpire for thirty- Mrs. Jas. Beer.
five oaths. -The I�fisscs'Lillian :utd} Rc.ta Rowe
own account. _�-- left last evkining for Clinton to vis -
'Harvey and her moth r have -yliss Amy Johns 'well spend the tit during the Easter holiday
returnCel teem.• again after ha vitt( .,aster holideys with tier sisfer,'11r;.1 _\ir. Fred lIunkin, of the Thames
a,,: nt tk %in: r eery pleasantly with Goodieon, of S.1r1in• ( .toad entertained a number of Ese-
tl latt.•r'( d,tl'I1t:r and her hos- -\1 r. 7R. .toes ins rented hi farui'terites and r.aidentcrs of the Pham::
1 Id, 11 r. and Mrs. 1i. ldlatch[or-l. Heal 10 a taffy dpull on Mousiay
.r '13r1h. �F'.'.1. on London Road north to II. \\m.
Monteith of the tSlnPies 'Roast. 1 night. The evening was r'pcnt enjoy-
-To-morrow, (Good Friday) twill b.' ing the hospitality of Mr. Iiunkin
f 11 b' �hoolin r lour -`1't 'r:,l Yount; lads around town t '
. •� were clever- � and impromptu 'songs by the visitor..
W. S. COLE, Phm. B.
Sold Agents
Hon Act. in which Mr. It. Lang 3'
interested was to have been tried be -
for tomagistrates et•(ha m
f t s a.r
ing but was postponci until the `23rd.
-Mr. Lorrie Ragan, who for the
past year has been clerking for W.
' c
awe ' a evening for
8.It % t ru ..de c ni
o left
Y g
1. .a br thtr
Dlooscj:e\w %vlaere he ha o
practising medicine.
-The following d':cision will be of
interest to the hollers of bank ,+tock
"The dlecbsion of the Nora Scotia s•t-
plrctnc Court in finding Against the:
Yarmouth bank directors is taken to
mean on immediate hetio)1 againet
the Ontario Bank Directors=. The
trial judge in the Yarmouth Cal.: de-
cided 'that it was unfair to hold di-
rectors guilty of crime for somethin;
of %hich they tv�•re in ignorance.
The buffet's., court reverse. this de.
cision. The Ontario llank'directors
have 'been elasited their npplirltion
to 'have the actions tried by a judge'
without a jury and it looks in the
face of the d'cision Dei( there is uo%'
uo iu►peditnent to the bringing of the
cases into Court.
The Ontario 'Legislature was pro -
G s togucd Tuesday afternoon with the
, usual ceremonies. His Honor Lieu-
tenant -Governor his en-
nor Clark nt. l r
t r o4cr
try in ist.Ate, And rho stark of the
House recited 116 measures, to which
l I
A number' of New
Browns, Wood col-
or's and Elephant
Grey Suitings just
The correct tiling
for the spring sea•
Merchant Tailor.
Conveyancer Accounts Collected
;est hanat ds hu Sallae.l.
Office, Main Street. Exeter
t he occasion o he big 11x(tctiamet uueler the auspices of ;Me f, \t 110 like to play Jn a --'Phe Exeter Bargain Store will be
ESC( (Inn Cluk.t It is expected a . i i.leav'.'k, juatth`c..ust they atttcInpt[ closed to -day. Thursday and Friday
big crowd o[ shooters twill be pr,'act't, r meson. 16th and 17th of April, to arrange
as the prizes offered by. the Exeter
ell It'o it trickselm : nlsp the
just as %ell and mark don'u nsr stock at big ti38r-
club oro .411,: hast in \1'81.10. Ontario. tel ,y can. .{ust. atter *tusk on that Rain prices, :end oft tock day. )ttorn-
-A neo• floor for $1.40. A half ' James Grieve was
sittin; int; at nine o'clock this crncki ala]
gallon true of Campbell's fluor Fist- ''t' ccinb.
ish %ill ,n ll:•• your old floor IaJk as •to\wn •,reading hfs tsteps on theptrout 1 cheap sale will cotumcnce. No 4ren-
good .1, n•(d• This Finish conics in ne , ilk 181141 O0I1(onft(trlth' door ballilslc to show goods. 'Perms. -Casa.
J. W. Broderick.
(Id1)1o,IucinKs rent •tbr101ihll imitationls° with stale s [ l''"...`. '.li,c.iw,•ini (t d, a acre (worltaen(,ef• 1 ��
j (igy of •flitted olonleR f. II in alt(, lIOMESEE1tFi1 5' 1:\C['1tSbON .
natural %Dods. \1'. ,I. Ilea man .tells fug
it •' doorway. Ile Eaw the joke in :, 1110- 1 The Grand Trunk 'Railway Sys-
-The debate on "Resolved that the .
input and also naw tit % boys "skidoo -
kill issues second' class retort
total pruhitiel of the Japanese, %cull
ing" :1s fast as they could. lie took ,tickets at nducel rates to principal
be for t!i• Il.•1t'Int'tlt o( C3113 i''''. iter th•'iiiandsucceed+.1illrounding'points in Manitoba.
Will take plac in the: Opera lions•' th in up L fore They
had gone far.
Ind Alberta. (keel Eels. April lith
this \Vet}nessiny .•%mine. The attic- 'f1. • 1,,,!. 1, ,rs.•d to be he go. but Mt.nd 118th. tit ly 12th And 26th. June
[native by Ur. hcotty, Dr. Itoulston 1111•,1. , ,eve them the alternative of
!Ith and 13th, July 7th nod '21st .\n(;.
and .1. M. Noulhcott and the nett l it 11.r t,pologizin, to Nlrs. Grieve or it unci' 18111, Sept. 1st, 151It and
t t'
•1 x a ' 1 T N t h
t .t • ( •(•tort 1
n. - the Tickets good 1 t. 1
• bl.
-ens f-
:1 •t
• on and oft,
. urJ If
Alger. 11 uncomfortable tic • by '1I.s r.. A g, 'feeling nate 'they
I,nnr• tiny posture for t"'\'''lal (Mrs. in six.}' days. A tourist sleeper will
-Rev. Andres, of ('re (Won. occu- ;,ccept• d the former proposition anI► L attached to each tresis. For full
pied the Pulpit of the: Main absence
information tales etc., apply to any
( Trunk Haile -41y
\ t a,Qnni ru►k
ofthe r
Geiser. �
"n the :1 bsancr mall. church, lust Sunday.t -'f hr young •,a eel Se -Steen.
Of ilteV. F.;u•. 1 ho preached cosines- of Daslwep,l. who %aa are t_
feast s('rvices in 11 r. An tretv's church East week by Constable 63111 on a ,
at Crediton. 11r. Andy. 1%s is (' do- charge of este rill; the store
ern l( rr. 10,h regular
o tlar-3orm Ihisl period covers
iq ful-
;ucnt bpcaker and ;;a c,• Iwo excel,.
Fiji gboiler, at ilaxll\coorl.lv
beastly good eersi►ons, which were' nl:anded for'tri,l. \v:,s brought before sada shin the
lhe center
;ing Vellus periods
greatly appreciated by the con ere ea- Ihd jUIWI'. an•1 ,� his solicitors claim. j ,•lied. Moon is
} be hal not beet eiten :i proper 1 ;It ILe extreme
t lone.
Organizer 'Hobert Ilirtuiu;ham. of 'hearing •lielur . ibc J. 1'. here, and
Toronto, '(will visit Exeter on Thurs. 1, •esu• t h • l'ounly l'un,tahi,• hn l
(lay. :11ay 7th. nal to n little anis- * 1 111 ' flet 1• • had Ise s accused of
The to %ork for the; re -organized
Osler. committee: se her offetie s, the Cl's•
The sod:,' %ill L.• r-or;Anizr,l on ,,,,, a,r:ein referred to the• .' C•trr
Ilett !kat •. NII . let mine hatn i. one I%,eat retest. Claimer \tilt brow ht
of the very Lest oo to I``e fowl(' any- dee 11 from Goderich on Monday by
%here for such \fork. A. ISI. Todd. County Constable. Guudrs.. accfmhy'�.
of I(;oderiele has consented to visit reel •Ly Crown Attorney Wager.
Exeter on Ihr Kama ,kiln and assist .was 'taken before the magistrates an 1
in th • %ork. the slew charges brouzlit against hint.
-Innaatr. of the ')louse of 'Refuge ; 11c was allou4d his h •,•dont 00 lis
lune s.•lit - r.'Hugh t�ipackm:ut their personal 'Volgihiz nee.1 It 4 :WI'- II'tli.
Tickets good going April 16th,
17th, 18th, 19th and 20th. Valid
returning on or before April 2Ist
fiomeseekers Excursions
the pa'rtieti entitled thereto, havinz
regard only to the claims of which
t hey Aral( then have notice end t1.at
the said Executors shall not Pc liable
for the said assets or any Dart there- t Dints in Manitoba, Saskatchewan
f t%9ros
r persons o
n• r o
n o so
[ to a ixWinnipegand
o S•pe
• a Rates
been 're-
and Alberta.
have n
nob o
' R 1 "GC H
9 n t Ot I
cl u � etury
Delved by (hem a t the time of such return $3:..t,I) Edmonton and r
distribution. $12.50 Proportionate rates to other
GLADMAN & STANBURY, points. Full information from any
Solicitors for Executors. Grand Trunk ticket Agent.
Dated at Exeter the 14th day of
May 1908.
The London Conference'.
Sept. 29th. The Grand Trunk Rail-
way System will issue second class
return tickets, good for Iia) days, froth
all stations in Ontario to principal
thanks ler four pall...e of maple tore
•ouch ,3•clination and tee inert 'r.
A, awe center into 1hi, 1' •Iiud: 1 he
temperature Mill rise phenourrt11111
1:1•11 in southern western and! cent ra1
s. (lions, the barometer %ill f ill 10
correspondingly low nestle r-. re t
from about the 21st to 111 23rd•
many vicious ,corms of 1i�htnini.
thund'e'r, rain and hail trill visit wile
((.•:es as the storm centers sweep
oeastacross1 count f, nt west to this Dun t.
:\1 the reluiieation of this period say
nb0ut the 21s1. ''22nd and 23rd.. no
read'r of these forecasts Rhoulrl les
R ru r \t tech tit • x -harder rent to Geiser is young. not Ir'. !.''v.•14- ,
wholly surpriseds.byy wtelent if not
Y l lornndic mtorns. \V,• mould not tar -
them last week. When !Nit-. Speck- teen or eighteen years of 8 '. 11(llet get the fact that the
Jupiter and St-
u L .
• epossible1 periods re � force. t 1
turna sl II n fur ,
vote i S
Council r
t Co e 1
:Ullll r-
ll11t itt the Ysentence.
late e, t,
•( R
( 1
Rmlltt degrees. u f e •.1 .'
cone. him on R ,le.v (. ((. adding
m}t*.'c 1.' 1011 idfout�Juel' of ltvhnl •twouhd uaindin(l him however. that if h, 4111' r or I ! rr 1 r I I
Ih ,elates of 1LD old people. Cmues lx•for•' him nl(n}n on another Ihr probear h 9 of srw.•re irrturb:l-
them }atverrdr ,tions o earth :and air. Central and
the royal n�s�nl .will b• acr0r,•,r• and makes it n point to rewenlbtt charge. lit will be morn northern port. of the country may
them (very so oflrsi, dealt with.
reasonable :utli(ip'lle 011.1%' and stud-
• , men .11
hast•• c o unseasonablyc
w( n hnn . 1oo n
1 h
It is announced dhnt an effort %ill • -A gentleman.11 !eel
1 R
' b( m d_ . t t1 County, Temperance opportunities SayMr, Grain Grower be inattson'to be h Id Ontario s t 1i' f tobserving
Indi.+ f ter thrs Rloims .tt tram aloof the
I1G 1 c counlry and Who II' I s huns,l( 111)011 •,•i 1 to ^ftl Or I r l ucl r
Save Work
In the matter of the estate of
Jane Hodgins, late of .the Tp.
of Stephen, in the County of Hu-
ron, widow, deceaeed.
Notice is hereby zh•en pt:rsuent :o
R. S. O., 1897. chapter 129. that all
creditors and others i�ari^_
against the estate of the said
Jane Ofollgins, ''. ho died on or about
the fourth dray of Deesunbsr, 1907,
aro .pipped on or before the
5th. Clay of May 1908, to sand by
post prepaid or deliver to
Messrs. Gladman & Stan bury,
of the Village of Exeter, So-
licitors for the adminietratrixof!t�he
said deceasell,their christian and our -
Ile tne•s, addresses and descriptions,
the full pit Oculars of their claims
the statement of their accounts ed
I the acture of t he securities, if any
t• « And
further take
theme held t, tl t
notice that after such last mentioned
date the /laid administrafrix will pro-
ceed to distribute the assotsof the de-
Ccried :intone the pat ries entitled
to th
regard only
le o having
claims of which they shall then have
notice and that the said ?tdmltiintra-
trix will not be liable for said assets
or aur part chert -0t to any person Do You Require Oats ?
or Perseus of . tt'hoso ciaim notice
.Felt not l:.ive sten received t:y then
at the time of suet' distribution.
Solicitors for said administratrix
Date,. at Exeter this 13th.
1!ac of April. 1907.
•1 to des of observing ''' -(' the fowlers and northern lan5e►al of
o t
.. t: rio et. un to o e
church. Clinton, April t r. om_ t• hori, e... r, 2 r ,. ,ins 3 y • , c.
tuenci*1g at 10 o'clock. to °I. -7,1111.i.,', /I,•init a• prudi+nt 81114 }nlparttal jut;e. 111118 Noul/t 1*' natural :Ilii 111 • \tars
every Couttty1 municipality , Endo 'us t11e follotvint, as the' r.•sult ; „.rind. will by Ilia lin, nae.• t. in-
gels s•
s el , h'a .-
leu f sun) ran h 1 � •.n lalton•ot
s 1 I► h
'a a V:Iti
nr►. 1-
local option is not in turd, pith a of Id, ob: r moan and 1weetle for the remainder
view 't0 having the law conte into Loa met blomnin^_. \\'inrhanl-Ass- of April std} much of 11.ty. A� !II effect at the same time in all to« n<. ' loon* l'ut i nl)14 rl.f 111i,oro -Th *11os111in' .1upilerr ,,,:i71,18,1:11‘:::!:.
nd salurn intlu.neta are•
1 t 1 1I1terlroa1Ihfl%nth •► ptt•r•rnd Dirt
villages and 'townships. Sin Li,
Lire dime , • . -Intellect-lnt(•llectnal nn 1 dolt '••creasing. 0r• h•lievr 11.11 no.
for the return trip o ► n ,re for mar -
for this (late• v ve i,14 -'. •11 t hen h , ( • notice anal that
-The 7lrucefield Fair %as held or retie..lieu.cele-The most truthful.!! tl ',el ,•strcutors %ill not be lieble
Friday last and lite to the sats it' of i•fi ed -The Most demmost rt Cru I�LifeFondthee
in Every Dose foe fel ns,ld't1 or ern pert thcrc-
wnR t;oodt, very little can be raid of i I cannot speak too hi hl • te( of t u ••y vermin o: l�e•rsnn1 9f %•hose
h�r1 1 rh moat anxious to he lot- ., p g y ll!1iy c1 :int- 1 40 shall not leave been
r e� it •1 by them et the time of such
•li�" iLu1 ion.
1G1,Ai111AN a::!'l'ANIII'RY,
Solicitors for said Executors.
Deed nt Exeter Iles 3Ist da,• of
March. 1008,
t'se llowcy's hormaldehyde for
smut on grain, especially Oats
or Formaldehyde aIds
has been
used successfully for the past ten years
for smut on all kinds '1f grain and is
the only positive cure. 1f you want
the strongest. purest awl best for the
letutt money go to
Howey's Drug Store
Next Door to l'ost ORice. Exeter, Ont.
IRSome new lines of Chocolates for
Easter. Don't forget our Post Cards,
big supply to choose from,
Highest Prices Paid
delivered or in the
Centralia Saw Mills
NO'1'1Cy, 1'0 C1t1�.U1Tf)It,S
In th • twitter of the estate of Geo.
Man h,nney. late of the Township
of re peen, in the County n't ltu-
nun. nticman, d.ec,��accf.
liereb, given purist r't Come in and get our
It. ;. I, . I'"., .:hap. 1:!1, that :1u
.: I others hating cl:►imi
1e. .111 i c 1: • .•-tato of the sat" Geo.
Mae hem. y. who died on or about
the 110h day of March. 1908. are re-
tail -,
( of
1(- 1n
• I t
the S
�. � on or before 1 O e
1 ll•t
May, 1008. to send by frost prepaid
or deliver to Messrs. Gladman &
4Ianbwy. solicitors for aha execu-
tors of ilea estate of the
s:1el deceased their christ ion
(. nl(1
and surnames. addresses t (1P .
Clip(ion=, the'roll furliculars of their
cl Stan .. 11•. 1:•1. tete h u( their ea -
e,,,, n • • n•l 11 • 1, .1 ee of the Re -
S1111 1. , ,1 ,I,e. 1., 1.1 by thein. And
tuft! • i cels. 1.e011•1 that if:• -r such
l' 1 Execu-
tors*wettest' •d .l stn th•• see
tors %ill prec e ,o distribute
the &•seta of tI* d. d ninon;the
- .• 14 d 11. . h:tvinre.
•1 (J 4,4.1% 11• ' • inc'i of Which
We have ,just received '_'OOU
bushels Feed Oats and will
be glad to supply you in large
or small quantities. We are
prepared to Clive you an ex-
tremely low price on largo
the theft. The entries in aha stock o(1. t.oderich-The most anxious (o, ells_, for it is the greatest medicine I
classes were very small, only three ever used. I Ras just clout 'all in'
or four horses beinpl eho\cn to the` 1i'' neirried. Bolins•ville•-Seyet tent -
heavy vias•. th:' light cLtsses were i per.•l and unassuming. ICipls,t►-I1n- 1 when i began the treatment, and in 3
r forth
forth fl
•. ck
le l
b•tt.�r represented and in Ihr cel• sophisticated end ' monde I Rae ns well as ever. it 1. a
(1' classes only a tett were exhibit- -Tit' beat musicians.
\%ith n Rlront 1 great tonic for weak and tun down peo•
leaning toward!, flirtation. \'arms pie. There is new lift in rvr. dosser'
b' This years show i± =fid to have Thore ore none. 'they all :lin ,•Dung JAS. f3TOLIKEII.
been the poorest in the hi(tory of the I or tro\v up into boys. \\'roxeter- • lhid etown Ont., Dec. 10 19011.
society. '1 he 1enson given, win; thatf and ulisclli.'•0a• Zurich g ' Mars ptriod• %ill not fa:tan u(ron us
breeders have .oat interest in Rho%• 00041
clod vconalulrxion and u.'f(t1. Clln/0n 1t is anoint not to tell your sick friends Bond prolong.<} card and un+,.' sprblo
ing their rock so +•Arty in tl.' year. -Serious ':111') business like. with' n &Lout this wonderful prescription. Gond}tion• ns Pre wail d in the sprint;
111. 11. Smith, of 1?Xehr, lark first a cream 81.1. lung and stomach tremble:, and of 11!07, in \t'hicll (c nt it
weaktn'rss Ifo. era pee and is all run down conditions quickly cured
Prix(' (or n on? year 0111 !furious , ,osed to old mei flame - Y will Its aceta• r. rainR And :loans
bull, els. only anlm:al txhihifed i,v��hota(�IrOt'e�taer Inken fresh a (ire of by its use. At all druggists, 50c and %%ill be mor' tropical and be. follow -
him• About a dozen from I?xel. C i {tat 'lisle s'' of 1hAtt. «1.00, or Dr. T. A. Slocum, Lime Tomato of by mild••r changes to cooler.
attended the show.
[dster_Term •
Candia darcate.' :Thain of I1i,(Ird:rade /'-
Bn.lnea. Collelrea. *o' ated at•
I'rtr.artmem .,n 14'1(401,48
('1.1a fes 44't1.Rrar^•
I /a 4(4nr' ss.l.r. (J(.Malldl
follows the einem, of bn•11,en ron,rr.a and
takes no aatatinn
`(tenegr'apher.. Kook keepers awl Taegu'.
hers are in (treat demand in July, A.Ku•t.
September, and 1 retole•r.
We train mote t mixt pimple 1hu, are,
'Abet management in felted°.
There mutt he a recant*: ((Ate for it.
MAlr. C()t•IRRkM
r USINF S 60156f GE
1 %Nigt. R. Env. Vice. Feiner pa
010). Start -roe, Principal. I.