HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-04-16, Page 1THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR --NO 1 SO1 xrirr ••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••~••••••••••- •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••♦•••- JONES & CLARKS' Phone No. 32. Are You Ready for Easter _ • Just a Few more Sho in sDa z pp g ys ♦ Easter is only a few days away, and every woman • should have her spring outfit complete. Come to this If Easter feel,..store and you will find everything necessary for your •: • • Lovely Styles in Easter Millinery • Lovely styles without number grace the show cases and tables of our Millinery section. All the prince favorites are here, trint- •used and ready to be trimmed to suit the wearer's fancy. Our large staff of Milliners are very busy, so do not leave your order ♦ too late. No two trate alike. : Our Spring Coats and sep- . Reale Skirts are made tip in Z the freight of fashion and of the very best and toniest ma- terial. Nothing nattier than one of our New Spring ('oats. They are perfect fitters. Our new Skirts are very neat, and all tailor-made. Tweed, Black, navy and the popular Browns in all the new Fabrics. You cannot do better than get one of there to be neatly dressed, Dainty New White Wear Nothing would please you better than a look through our NVliihewear departmentthis season. You will find us with the nicest display we • • have ever shown. Daintynew White Waists, new Skirts, new Gowns, new Cor- set Covers. In fact every- thing new in this department ► ' They ,are all the go but are very scarce. You must have them this year. Long Silk, Long Lisle, Long Suede and Long Kid (:loves in all the new colors. It! • )1111eSdki HIJRON&M1DDLESEX GA ZETT E EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL Pith 190 Gibbs and Connor By= Laws Carried Tee cutin;; on the Gibb and Connor 1'y-!a1%s 'took place last Frilly and us was expected were carried. 1'hrs following was the trate-- - kill's. Divs. 1 2 3 4 Total GIRD For 87 73 67 105 :332 Ageinst 9 8 17 19 53 CON'NORS For 87 76 67 108 :338 Against 8 3 15 17 15 As 'the tote ne.c.'ssary to pass the By-laws Was 306, it will be seen that the Gibbs By-law carried by 26 ma_ Kirkton Zurich Captain \V. 11. 1'ais' y, fitly years t T1,' .fiat Sell :net supper of Otte it resida•nt of liirkton, died Satur- season will 1►.. held in the Conimer- ut•day a t t he Mottle of his daughter. (oat betel on the 20th. Mrs. Oglesby, lilanshard, at the ad- Mrs. 1lussenberry is nt present veneers age. of 'J0 v'ars. Captain Pais_ 1 1.1 up with Illness. ey, ♦Vas born :. t 1)ath, Etrotgi tn(l, in for laiYr , Pfl1en.ib.rs ooff rho senior an.1 jutt- 1tc17. \\'hen rise attained iu h,� age A, the lvangelic e l of manhood he joined the British Ar- I ehut ell are Preparing for a I,ro;r•;tttt my sts a gunner in 'th'e Roy.t1 Artil-' to I, t;it<'at Easter buudaJ- (Venin levy. In !this cnp.City II.' served N1i. Nicholas Foster. 1has I�.is'rt 22 wears and received an honorable the John Koch 50 -acre ferns at the (ischarge, ])uric; Lj, 1►,'rjod of ,;,r- liahYlen (Line, for n term of two Vice 1,e Was Promoted to th.. positjoat 7(i0 - 1.00 per year in advance r • r, t., r• yenr's and trill take possession zit of drill instructor at Dublin and o other plac;'s in which capacity he served his country for a number of ' rears. At It he coronation of Queen 5 1,. Z� I J flay had the Connor By-1tt77 11}. 12 rctoria lits fired the!toy el Salute f f t fro 'the, citadel __ f rte__ _ ,ee in Canada ' , + where he served during the rebellion rice. Messrs. 111. Siegel and F. Boss'n- nberry and their families left last Veek for their new ]rorneS, the ormer 'to Detroit and the latter to 1,•rlj►►. '1'he. annual conference of the Evan- elical Association is c0nveneiltg (tt t. Jacobs this week. Bishop Brey- ogi1, 1). I)., of 9tenc e�e 1'a. oil) pre- side. • • '�'-"--- ` of 1837. Capt. lienees was disebarR- Exeter Council f ('(t ill 1837 and immediately to • Canadta. Bettye e ' •1 t ton, sneres It�� lived almost continu- I :1 meeting of the Council was heti uously until about a yc;t; ag he %relit to live ,with his clslott h�•n • lin the Town rlIall, oto ir'riday :\pejo ht, t, 3rd'. 1908. All the members present. Mrs. (Geo. Og lesby. 110 was !;incl i •• • t t,. •to w is os now Iiirk_ s Long Gloves I Headquarters forthe Celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing also high grade shoes and wall papers. *••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••Mg Tell •1 • , The truth of this saying has been proven by the wonderful success of •• • • COLD REMEDY ' In all cases of Catarrh, cold i.t head and throat. it is our ale solutely genuine preparation • 1 that • • NAMELESS Has Merit Buy a bottle of it now, and if not satisfactory to will refund the money. guarantee good enough? 'fry i t . I you rte • Is this • • THE PURITY Canadian Express Building. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 T 11 is 1 1011S 6110\V. The Fourteenth Canadian Horse Show so be held in the St. Lawrence Arena Toronto on April 9th.. 30th Mey 1st. and 2nd promises to out - shin, iti numbers and •luality of d,ors'•s ;ill its sred-'ces5ore. in spite -of the financial depression there will •u' ver have been so many high class horses brought together. in Canada Lome' of show ring aalibr,r are so scarce or else hold so high that. scv- <'ral leading Toronto .fie►►t l.'tnen have had recourse to the Nett York mar- ket and pt►rch:(se.s have been made trtire recently by lir. H. C. Cox, nn:) 'Mr. J. J. Dixon %%it11 the sole purpose of hecurin;; ribbon winners for the U'oronto `how. % very notable saddle !tors.. .synch has s5t,('.pt that ring in New fork 17 ill 1)e shoes It in May Morniies, formerly the property of She late J. W. Harriman. This snare nes bought in New York by Misq 1 Eva [tooth the head of the S.slvation Army in America 7s ho i= :tn ardent horsetvotnan and (1 •pen Is i:argely for `'er health on e lu.'.r rias rxereisd'. • condition of th'' fiat,' tn•tdt' by the •n(lor was 7)►it the mare should 1: ...OUR... PERFUME CREED in selecting perfumes we do not adhere to the line of one manu- facturer only. Long ago we learned that every maker puts out certain odors which are particularly tine and especially popular. So we male up our "extract bouquet" by taking perhaps two odors from one sour'. e, four from another, and s(, on. Our line is thus made up of gens produced by Atkinson, Iiouhigant, Pivec. Roger & (pallet, Colgate. %V.,od n•ort h. Our Satchet Powders are selected in the sante way. We have all the choice odors. «'e have two Apecial odors for Easter. Try them. W.S.Howe Pl yt t heuliat & Optician. Phone i►l1. Exeter, Ontarin, Dis t rict Tl�s tc,,u,utt'is of iHa nie5fing i ., i his manner, the soul of honor. a gaol Thomas Noah, Starch 20111 were ,reerid• and nl►pruVeat Episcopatise, al the. Chippewa Ins strurtc, Conservative, ' dish, charged With the. 'Hurler of :\b- :1 itelition signed by tllessrs, 1), C. 't henuin(1 manly man. Thi funeral salom vox, another Indian. hroday McInnes, (Rel. :Downey, L. ]lardy , C. took place from his daughter's resi- morning pleaded gzuilt eight others rtskins for a nem gide-1 guilty to ma�n- drnce 'to 1{irkion e•.u,,'tery. tTuesday slaughter and wA3 se'ntenc.'d to 13 walk irons the corner of 1)C%ington April 7th., under charge of the Or- years in the Kingston penitentiary St. to the river •was real and on pro- er'g's Order.tion of Councillor 7leaman see. by J, M. V. N. Shier last weak purchas- On Wednesday afternoon the hoe o J.Cd 'the int'tr•est of W. H. , of 1,1Ir's. 'Agnew,; nearthe railroad. Knight, the prayer of th.. Petition Jlarsh:rll in ' be granted.—Carried. the firm of Shier & '.lfarshall. Mr. ( Coulton, •awns broken into (luring her The followingMarshall and family expect to mow: I abstnc,, Sind Iansrtck.�d from 'top es g accounts were. read to St. drys, t bottom. Singularly, the only articles and }sassed. Harvey Bros. account ,add Iiirkton. , missed were a summer coat and vest. per coal $2.05; Fred Green, gravel for cemetery $2.50; The home of Mr. G.o. Dickinson. of The d'e'ath tool; hoses in 'Dlcliillop t y o Charlie Hughes labor Lockhart. d L the Thi rine of lilatisliard 5v i the on friday of Jnr. George t., at ci'mt''t,�ry $1.23 ; W. II. T,cvett coal ), for D. Gillies $11.06; C. W. Cross, scene of a happy> Deceased had reacher! the ndv.tnee.,sr went on \\ cdt,tas- age a seventy-six Bal, of salaryladay April 15th., when his a sister -in, J years and tent mos, 31st. at cemetery to . salt; 4aw (bliss Ettie lane .was united in e't death removes one of the earliest ary(ra3.0; W. J. Bissett pt, sal- marriage 'to Mr. Chas. Atkinson, a 311 x3:33,00; C. tJt, Snell street li�htlsettlers in the township, On(D Otte of ing 107.28 C. 11. Snell Town halt prosperous farther and esteemed resi- dent its most respected citizens. 'rhe fu- iightin, 3.60; Amounting; in all to of the same rotvnshby 'The neral took place from i:k late Heam213.7I ; rise • on motion of W. J. ceremony 15 as performed by ,1tot., residence lot 23, concession 5, SMcliil-' 'Beaman See. by J. J. !:night. Car- Veale, Rirkton, in the ttre?�ence of it lop, on 'Monday, April 13, at •..jI) vied; number of invited guests. The Con- 1'• an., to the placer of interment its 0 pie WC sore recipictnts of a number Maitlandbank cemetery. Per A. E. Fake sec. by J. J. Knight • of useful and costly presents front If you once try Carter's Little that 'th , ' Fuk sec. r is hereby, jnG strutted ao visit evert. thele esteemed relatives and friends. Liver Pills for sick headache. bat- ' yard Wjthh) Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson will move to iousnesy, or constipation, you will the corpur:(ti:►tt wht'r.� there are irujt fret's and if auv Wick Iittot is 011 r tote f:1ra, which stir. Atkins�tr }las never he without them. They aro such 'tr.•.•s to Motile the. party .or purchased from Mr. Diekin�ton. t purely vegetable, email and easy to parties to have the sante cut away i take. Don't forget this. and burgled within on;; w,. i; or outer- - -� cciscs to take action as IIT Village Tine work of pulling !lowly the Winchelsea frame of Sr. Joseph's Church to teak,,; liJ•_lan.~Cervi<'cU way Tor The new edifice, commenced I'er J. J. Is;nit;ht rtec, by 11..1. Ilea- ( Mr. John Dedbr; is g -e met ttith am . . on the old Jast. This buil vin in once man that the council petition to Hon. ' accident last Saturday, of 'the. oldest in Gunton, he year 11,'54 s Winn. Pattt•rson, :Minister of Custom,s blessed to ft S'l y, tthich w. are lerectd originally about the Praying 't lint le. make Exeter n port mature although '` not of a serious and used for a number of y�arsl 15Y of Entry.. and that a col►S' of I the• escape from beings so. t tt.He .was��s split- 1 ,i Resolution ( furti,:lydrel to the sit.. ting )voo(i, when n small once.; tlet5. ttr( n,.n,be rc of \\'l)ja eeonrgrthe er- !Il s iuc 1 place of Sresentp, lurch. tAs er- r member for South Huron, M. up and struck him 011 the white part wards it was used for Y. McLean, M. I'.-- ' � cction of the present church. after- �'trr ieft a short time Jtcssrs. N. 1). Ilur(1on ;en,! ;td. Bel.; which 'Ike blood leaking a gash tram } 11otted freely. Hal into a waggon shop. eft. Ventiti members don waited on •the Council 5' .it'iting a 1 it struck his eye a little nearer the Willis a itof io,l 1„s tn,'n11 L0' of sof donation regards • 24th of May ot'At'- no.�; the , 1 pupil of til.. eye .alight worship, ip, 'lurch the c•rrclionl sof tote bratjorr• Per A. E. Fuk�� F,'c. by \V, have been injured and the sight Johns.that grant of ?i.p0 be elven 6 int- present church. It Will Ik' V'I,lace.1 Jo s.thatittt','._.t of 2 it 1►aireA However it he injury was a by a handsome brick edifice. Adjournment by A. E. Fuke. Dp-lbridgune e 'consulting an(t n c,'saltntor ►St r. Jos. Senior. Clerk. Mr. John Fletche`t doctor. 111 r logit a valuabl; two-year mare last w,,,A. rhe ani- ____ ni- I:1F.TEIt MIMIC SCHOOLBOARDmat 1vas allowed out to Winter, when !another ilors5 kickt'd it iri the atom. ach a Public school Boardmet in the aboutausing tliree houlrsture. 1t died its ros5-n 'hall. Jlonc'.ty, April 13th, at - p. in. with au l n) embers pr.'se•it. homesn t,r�nit1110111 W;Ileood Stay wret tied ithrher 'file following is the or:l:.:r of busi- uncle, Arthur Francis, at Plugtown. !less duly submitted and approved. rhe '\\'incl,elee'a baseball team was 1'e r chair minutes of previous meet - organized Saturday Well( with ing. lteports of Committees, Supply, 1' hos. ,Bell, captain, W. W. (neer, Desk r.' tune, ,1 for 1), pt. No. 2, not manager, rind Leslie Robinson t rens yet procured. Teacher's Supply, that u ' Miss Jean Dixon had been secure(! as Principal's treiief and that hiss A. Martin 'was ready to supply in No. 6 until further notice. 1'er F. W. G111'Linan and S. 31artin that the action of the Toocher's Sup- Iply coot. receive the 0ndarsemen)1 oftu.hter of lir. and Mrs. \1b 'rt the Board. ; Ile'rryhill. of Winch:Awn, (3;,•,1 :It 1'er F. \V. Cladman mei 11. N. Howe Victoria 'hospital Monday titer ,i 1Lat. communication be op-en...1 vsit11 brief illness. ales. Orli vile was 21 Mr. J. 1). Campbell of 'Toronto 1 111- years old and went to London a few versos' in reference to 1 h' possible years ago. ltesjlh._5 her husband die vacancy of the Principal's room. is Survived byf' Per F. W. r;la(lnt In and S. Nnr;itl '1'hc remains were broughtve ! toExeterthe Grounds and Sanitary Coto. he by train '1'uesdcl • eight empowered to wake such improve- were taken to Wincicl.seafrolic 'rho fun - merits in t h grouted, and st elks as eral was 11.•!.1 1W.•,Irceatlay, may seem (L.sirabl,'. Per tl{. N. Rowe atilt P. \\',.Gladman 111(;11 1'Itl•::8t:11t DAYS. 't lust /the In:•i, •ctor's r,:port be ac- cepted tea reed. Men and women ..like have to pork Per 8.' Martin and F. Wood the/ 11. incessantly 751111 brain rind Huston 71s t l,,e hoard delegate to the 11IIN tr April n,,•:•tjn • hold their own nowadays. i g of 1 h:• Educational As- were the denote!, of business. Never socia t10,1 at Toronto. wants of th' fetidly. the reluire- l' r '11. Iluniiton nn:) S. Martin that meets or socir'ty. more numerous. the immediate re. luirements remitter- The fiat effect of th,• praiseworthy ated in the Inspector's suggestion for effort to keep rip evil!' al! these the 11. S. Dept. ba procured as coon things is commonly s.ert In a weak- ened practjeablc►' ened or dehilitete:I condition of the Per 'It. N. Itowe ani S. Martin that nervous system. ttiaicit results 11. Huston, the Principal, the ins ,.'e_ in both P I P i►aia. defective nutrition of •both for and the tiecrotary be n. Comn,i'- body and brain. and in extreme cases to • 10 receive Ills -stuntmen( re tui,•- In eons sl -'le ('•1 ccs per thefon'goinz matter. I ncrtous prostration It Per 11. E. 'Huston nn:i 8. Martin that the Secretary be tiuthorized to secure not more 1 hie six Copjea of the Educational Ae'ochttion reports Wit 1 b e found an excellent re- medy for sick headache, Carter's Little Liver fills. Thousands of letters from people who have used them prove t his fact . Try t hem ; Mrs. C. .1, Middleton jr.. wife of a prominent '1;005 rich Tp. farrier, was so belly }curt in a ruttawty ac- cident at Clutton 'Wednesday of last week that small hopes .aro heli' out for her recovery. Mrs. 3liddleton went to Clinton to visit her mother, and on leaving the house. 1 h.' horse started away before she got sold of rcr. They will play their first gamy the t'''ins and being along in thi 8atur(h1J evening. Everybody come. 1503 powerless 'to stop it. The !tori.' Phos. Coward was in 1•:xet.•r Tu,.,_ dashed clown 1hs' street at a terrific (ley turd Wc(tn:•sday unloading his pace and cam'' in contact with .t tree. car of cedar polis. The bugs), was 4urn.'(i upsid(7 down .tors. Jennie. It. O7:i1sj..•, sif,• of and demolished :led Mrs. Middleton is e' Jame, t)tril tile, and s conA ti was thrown over 3U feet to the ce- ment tid'ewalk and renllred uncon- scious, sustaining injuries to face and head. 7nor• ; ('ro7:• & Betray; George Peps for 19°7. per ; brown. There will be reduc- i"•r• 11. Iiu.ston end S. Martin i legit Cd rates on .111 r.ci1roids. the first floor be scrubbed Ihroueh- �—�-- out (Wrong the approachin r I•; f=lee or \Wn1:lilNO WOMEN AND BALLOT holid:ty� an builds; up tI►' whole sratern. "But if. loth for their oe n sakesanal fits niers aurn:•71 for these !,i;,rh Per iL N. Roel' adjourrun tit. sand f(►r the ood 1 .1. GRIGG. Seery. r pr' "Ore clays. of 1 },. Irl' stlbl jC, , 1! r)'arty seen that Surat is needed i• ' "1noicipality of $30,000) of a loan to • dry ; •'stern Ontario —Piles are easily , 1111(1 l'll('k 11• checked with 1)r. Shoop's ellagic Oint- m int. 'l'o prove it I will snail :l shall trial box :;s a Corttinc- ing test. Simply address ,Dr. Shoop, Racine 'Wis. I surely w 01111 not wild It f r, (• Omens 1 Watt cer- Itain Heat I)r. Shoopt's 1Magic 01 )trnerl,t would stand t ho test. 'Remember it is made. expressly and alone for sly -al- ien, len, painful, bleeding or itching piles, AINT1N Yes, We are ready for spring painting. Everything 1:1 the Paint line, Elephant and Martin Senours too per cent, pure paint. 40, 45 and 5oc per quart. Campbell's Varnish Stains all colors 15c, 25c, .15c and S5c per tin Alabastine and Murallo For renewing walls and ceilings. :111 shades. 25 and 50c per pkge, Tube colors \Vinsor & Newton's, Sc per tube Aluminum Paint Golo Enamel Buggy 'Paint.... Brushes, extra good value up, 25, -t 5 and 7 yc per tin. 25c per box. ... • • • • • . 25 and 45c Tins. • • • • • • • • 5, to, 15 and 20C. HERMAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE • Paint Protection You realize the necessity -of protecting your house -with good paint, but you do not realize the necessity of protecting yourself against poor paint. It all looks alike in the can, but one kind comes off, the other stays on; one kind soon looks shabby, the other keeps .new. The kind that hulds on strongest, !oaks new THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT It is the result of a quarter of a century's paint-mai:1i; csperi. once; the product of the largest paint factory in the world. owe sell it. SOLD EY T. HAWKINS & SON, EXETER. OUR IDEAS of what constitutes good clothing (litter from the ideas of most other firths. We de Inand and use in all ()111' Stilts and Overcoats ()Inti' til(' hest material and the high( st class of workmanship Give us a call. '�'• Joiil�?s Merchant Tailor Lucan Er) BOSSEN IJEII It Y. ZUII ICII The La;::t Bowling ,Clt:h ii;,10 ata ,Licensed Auctioneer'. Sales con ducte 11 in all l.:u•ts. Terms reasonable anuual me. ling on lfondrIV meta of and satisfaction guaranteed. last tweet' t .1e 1 following • and (. cle( the 101IoSVjng eltt,.'r extern:,) or irlt.'rnal. Large officers. --tion. Pres. John Fox. Hon. jar 50 canes, 8ol,Cl,•V W. H. Hooey. \'ice.•J'r• C. C.- ltodgens 11. 1'. 1'. The tit. 'Marys and Ws'atern Ott- pros.. W..1. ltountatn, 1st. Vice -Pres. tarts 11y -law was carried by 314 mi- C. 's%'. 11:,57kshaw, Secy -Treasurer 11. jority Friday and the C,ana:l.t Small- A. 3!c1:s5 ,.I. It Ivan d'ecidrs to built man by-law was defeated 1►y :31 totes. Both Ily-lass Actually polled about the same Vote, but the former re - Inked only n bare majority ss Idle n favorable vole of two-thirds of the voters' list was neces et ry in the latter case'. The successful by;7nty pr 05 ides for the handing over by th,a Khat tails Susi sin 1jt s}•teen. give the Ant 11 t ' & W vigor incl tones to t 11' 'nerves. and 76i110Ily• According to the reruns of diRr'stiwe' and •a'ajmjlativc the original by -lata (hi, n1oiiey was roe functions h ai111y elle active.active.i•'r0m c not to be paid- over until the compl.e- . rots tol •ge 55.5 c::n r,'c1•.‘e°111-_ ' Ir' (. ►e present by - mond p'rsonal kt 1 tt(1►I f fel 1 Tt mond ifood's 8irsepinilIn for this l,tt7 1'1ovi•t.,a for handing over the purpose, it nets on all the vital money now. The officials of for comps ny claim they trill h7 re the toad cornplet.'d and open for t rains front :fit. Marys, to En,hro t,r .i.11.' 1. worn, n of property and tvotnen of ' - . . - • —That Inn •aid, i- lif.•ie,t.•t ttelin3 should be enfranchised.- writes Jane SIiipk�» t that comes pith Ap►ring artd early Addams in 1 h, A ':'1 ' 1Wout summer cin 1, luiekly changed to ' t i cn'ce Home property and worncn of education Companion," "lar n,or,' is the po77er 111 r. Isaac (;ower' is all smiles tl►'=,' ta fe,uifjc n�hhuoy.ancc• rind ctiereyby of th' ballot needed by the ssorking days.—It's n j 1 1 1 u. of Dr. tihoop'a Jtcs• woman, whose stake kir!. restive. Th Restorative is a gene in the count rh( M.'`�er'd 11 t \ utile tonic to timid, run-down nerves, and but n ft'w doa.'s 13 nec.l,ed to satisfy th cuss!. that 1)r. 8hoop'a Res- torative is actually reaching that tired spot. 'roses indoor life of wain. ter ,i'.arly nlways leade to slnt.•.rish bowel` slid to s1031;ig6 circulation ir, general. The customary lack of ex- ercise molt outdoor 'air ties np t ha liver. stagnates the kidneys. end oft• . an. N. Shenk. of is represented by tier lite, her health Crediton enll,';1 -upon lir. Ertl:Qt h -r virtue, and the 51fety and happl. Gai'er :last '&nobly. n. ss of her children. The ballot is 31rs. Fred Gainer. who was in not Lott - not demand^ 1 for her because she it tion •t he past month. has ret urn.d to good or wvit'. or breau,e !ho sill her home here. make no mist Ike!! in Its use. Neither Mr. ('has. Finkbeiner. of t1, (;oeh- coodn,'Qs or oisdotn is the !tole 110<1'. en '1.111 sp►,int Stinday at hie 110111: pion of ' 1 here. Messrs. I. J7•st ird and L. relit, .r have rent.(1 the. farm of the lett. Mr. James Cron�-i of tl.srplev. shoed at 'Toronto. Ammer the ono . c ass. net! freedom, from oto, 1 idjntr a hit►otor. nr,' ilo u,ista1 s i' 1)1 privilege of none. Ado. and 511=. 11.'ck, London. 7vl,. t Working women need the ballot be- eius(e they must cover t hr' e0n.li t norma have (n new Ilrntt,'rl(: :1. Meagher, 1 of thine live 9irne0e ; Ur It F W ,bite O i and those of t h. it chll- limes. eeeken� tee I1,'art'. .action Ilse 1)r. 8hoop's 17�9toretive a few _ ( S1 r. and Mrs. Wes lledl,l`n. of ('r,'cli- weeks awl all 1%1111 he chaHRed. A r. t ;777.1 ; 1 dren ; and!. II this twe/Meth-c ntury ton Fast. spent Sunday- .« it to Mr. few drat-' t Ii7t►Rdlon \Wj:k=. (;:sit : Gordon world, th' haunt 1.1), offer= tSe, only Walter Baxter. t trill tell .0'.1 that 11( ►c(:.:'rQotl. 11 sn,ilttn : hr. A. 11. Mc- you are nsir►�; lb. ?tett remedy. You Coy. At. Cath Itinle t : AcDr.ius J . 31 ; channel through tt Eich tt:,'y can give Mr. J. I). II:mlon was ie Exeter. will ensily an(} serol note the expression to such Icgifisnnt,' � last :\1ond7}• to >tiwe void- no.. oil the Iltrtnpte from des to dad. Sot 1 by \Y • r. W. A. 11, t:(t r ; (}cot;a W. 13car,t- i trot ” :. crise of Wesley Glaiser. of Uaslovooa A. hooey. Ir. 8, 8UIISC11I BEMS. Will please note that we have to pay one cent postage on each paper going to the united States. This means that your subscribtion must 1►e aid in advance. When you see your subscription ex- piring remit $1,511 for another year so that you will not miss any copies of The Tilnpa. • CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of -1 large 1, w lawn, this spring in the 7 ball park. taking up rho apace b - . Ta y, P11 t l.LI PS, EX 1';'rl•:I1, i,1(; er,serlAuctioneer. Sales cern ducted in all parts, Terms reasonable. Orders can he left at the Tistt•:s Office* iween 'the entrarnee ,and the grand stand. Auction Sales • --Get your sale (bills printed at t ho lad ,1,c-, 8t7n1 • one of tits ofd^at , residents of Itidaut ,h. given in the palter when bills are [ passe.! awn! en I printed hors. \V,,, can have your (sills Saturday slight, April 4th.. :ttr the' ready for posting from two to four home of her son-in-law, Tho,. I1. hours triter 1ho order is received. Cout•sey, l.uean. at 4h►t nd'vnnced age of '81 years, 'Mrs. Stanley need in laid- On Saturday. April :',t -h. Corner dulph, for nearly sixty y, 'r'. ,\flee John atei Carling xtre. ; -. l,.,rrr. Mrs. the (!'.esti, of her Husband t`ht Contin- S. 1773077, t►roprietres=, 1'. S. Pt(jt- ile'd to live at the hom05tc•:,0 00 t he /ill/I'''. iuetione-'r. Coursey'Ljt►e, and only a few uionths ago moved into t iz ' 7 j117.fa'. She had been in phenomenally good health kitting the winter and it was only n Valsam uable['�t7' (lays before her death that any Misses Sam Stanley, widow of the + Tittles Offjce. Tree notice will bo (' s I sign of a breakdown' occurred. The ,'not carne rather sudlenly, but_ peace- '' 1 h.;l:.• ,;9.,1 your ('oltsfoote Expec- hilly. The lncrnhers of the family torant sera find it satiafaet(sry in eaa•'1 ,rot? living are.—lira, Thos. Cours.'y. ('t croup, colds or coughs. I have used 1.ue:,n ; 'Mrs. i''tttards, tlensall ; Mrs. It ever since I got a trial bottle, and John 'Ryan, l.omlem Township; .Sore. have teso►nmrndrd it t(► everyone ie Thomas hitt. (mean; William K. 1,11- need of it. Yon may use tiny name and cin ; 'I)r. U. N. Stanley. Brantford ; nddress for testimonials it you wish. James and 'Georg(', of Lucen ; Henry. doping it will benefit others as it bas Hidclulph Township. i►•'1 Jh'rnard. dune nn- ehitdren, I remain, who still t;51(1'•s un the homestead. 1t1t81. A(1NES ('OMi3ER." Sits. Arf'•mus ilia', of McGillivr iv 1069 1'ran.'es 't., London, Ont. Township, Bled on 'Monday, April 6. ('oItsfeote Expectorant is the groat- :trt(l was hurled at 8t. Jnmes' cent ._ est Bough and throat euro in the world. CIarol,•I,os•:', nn \\'cdncsriay tnornirtg• it its the fres, rii,ti«0 r►t rl renown*d Mrs. 1t•nj. Marr sister of Mrs. J. spl('cialist. In order that every family .1. 'Ilo(lrtins, 'Lucia, and d:, 1, ',liter of easy prove its unparalleled merits s e Mrs. 1:. Kelly, di'd at he :.om.e in will send a sample h0ttle free to every- 3Mc(;illiyr ay on 1'u..•,i ,y tri 1. Fail. etre who sends us their name and ad • rel took pose, on 1'rici.ay to to Ht. dress and mentions this paper. can he Janina c tnet'rc. t;l. '* fr i►gse. haus at ail druggists at 25e. fund your C. C. iledgins, e!. p. I'., has ti,:•n name to -day to hr. T. A. 8loenm, Ltd., unable to nttetid lh - closing days of Toronto. the bession at Toronto on account of Bend for Free Ban:plo Today. illness. pies Free