HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-04-09, Page 81 k XE -11:1 t '1' 1 M L'. S APRIL 9th 1:90s,
+ i•-:•-:•++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++:•+,l•'i ++•1•++++++
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'i •i '+ 'i i --i ': Y' -i 't'-i••�•'i 'i"1' � '� 't"' 'i Y-
Spring is here. Business is good, yes. great. The ! tit; store
is chuck full of new airy spring goods. New Colors. New Styles,
New ('uul),in:ttiuns. It's easy to buy from a selection such as
we are ehowing. Proud! Yes, twe'to proud of our new spring
shown g,_ We want every lady to conte and look and study the
new st yles. Buy if you want to, but come anyway and enjoy a
pleasant hour in the pig store, •
7 '-2c :t new mirror f3n-
ish Dress (foods,
pure wool, (lean Satin t%►Ill
lace, swell for Dresses, Suits
er Skirts. Comes in Browns,
Greens. Navys and Blacks.
Itegular value tile.
50cthe yard for a new line
of natural ltaw Silk.
"cared VELMA." The color
i, a':crural Paris shade. The
weave is very even dice effect
A great wether and perfect
47 1=2
For a special lot of
shaddow stripe
suitieg s. 1'.de grey grounds
With shaddow stripes in
mauve, green, blue and black
Regular value t Oc.
95cFor the very best guar-
anteed Black Chiffon
Taffeta Silk that we have
ever shown. Every yard
bears the maker's guarantee.
The price is low n hen you
consider the quality.
Give us a fair chance and we will more than please you in
your new Spring Hat. DON'T leave your orders too late as the
lush is on and is going too stay on. We are turning out Trim-
med llats from our own work rooms that would do credit to any
city store. Our Designers and Trimmers are experts. Have you
been the merry \V iddow Sailors. They are very smart. "%Ware
:;lowing a full Lange of them in all the leading colors. You are
cordially invited to visit our show rooms and study the new
styles. Bring your friends with you. Colne as often as you wish
something new to see every time you drop in. Cottle the invita-
tion is as broad as it is warn).
5 00 for a new line of ladies
• short Spring Jackets,
tailor made, figure fitting.
Made from fine pox cloth.
they're rare value.
? 00 For a lovely line of
i Ladies' new Corset
Feting Jackets. Tritnmed
wit it self strapping and stitch-
ing. 'Tailor made and very
--in:lit . Fawns and Black.
o�j treys a swell pure
• J U t% ool Room Rug. Lov-
.ily Floral Centre and Oriental
(> 'rder. "Got carpet heat all
4,111 ,,.
8 75 11(1)'d a very natty
Tapestry Room Rug.
Vittral and Medallion centres
.41,1 new Oriental borders.
suitable for Parlors, Dining -
I ()oils or Bed -rooms.
For the swellest
\Vilton Room Hug
that, you'll see this season ----
no seams, all one piece -in
beautiful shadings ofd Brown,
Fawn, Red and Green. The
Mile is very close and velvety.
Tt{a wearing qualities of our
Wilton are great. They come
direct from the makers in the
old land. We save for you
all the middlemen's profits.
Get one of our Wilton &Rugs
on your parlor and see how
proud you'll feel. You need
not be afraid to walk on them
tor they are made to stand
all kinds of hard, rough wear
We have about 50 Rugs for
you to choose from.
Dressy y..ung risen all wear
Market Report.-The
rrf llo ging°is . Remember the Store one door north of
the report
rect. dup 1 u I,' is '..t 1,.. VM‹. Post Office.
\\' ltec►t tl3 Ov111 S.
I f irley, 50 t0 5J c::nt5. -----_______
�.� (�t. 47 t° �� c los per '�u,'"'. The leading store for Dress Goods
•g' •: Peas. 75 cents to SU cants.
++ Blended Flour (ti-1'Alt), $2.75. and Millinery
+ Bran, t¢24.
.� i;liort..''. Specials in Dress Uoods
+-t- 1•'eed Flour. $1.411 to $1.45. p
++ Ilay, i.9 TO IU. inch all wool Panama in blue, black.
.+}..•+. 1)ricd appics r, cents per pound. 54
++ Clover seed. $8 to $10 per bushel. popular goods of the season. A great bargain
Potatoes. 75c. to 90c. per bag.
tlutt• r _e cent, 1. r poutie. 50 inch all wool French 13roadcloth, Chiffon finish in
1: t+.:
('oat, $7.25 a to• all the new shade s of brown; green, blue and black
t 115 c: nt, pern(:uz.'n. ....Special per yard $ t .00.
+ hugs, fie.•,•,,i.ht :stem . .
re 11W_ (ic• •d '7.7:,. + 1`•l inch lil:(rk'1'wine Voile. splendid rich color. very fashionable.
�, a great seller, worth $1.25 tnl' t)3c.
:•4- ' • LOCALS • Ladies Rain Coats
.4. •:. i A very stylish collection of 1a(liri ; and full length Cravenette
: ; { ►e�e•s►(►e +•••••s• coats in light Greys and Pretty Fawns. Something quite new and
-i-=• i correct for bitting wearing. Trimmed with silk braid and fancy but-
tons ['rices $Sto$12.
Stiff fiats for Men are it
\Ve are show:ug; all the newest and hest shapes in teen's Stiff Bats
light and easy fitting; Prices 2.00 and $2.2e
The most
';'•1* 1
0 44
:t +
L >.
•r .�.
r w.
.4 414
.gg.. •r
Ming late. "\Ve sell them.' .►r4.
,,,.t..;. ;..;..;, •1. 4..l.+g. 1..4• e ,•.;.. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
4.-e+++ i••: +4+ : o' -++++++•i +-See• .•+-FF -1-4-e++++++++++++++
Ril iable
Perfect in Construction, Pos-
itive in Performance We again
call attention to our Grade of
\Vatches. Good Material, Fine
Finish and Accurate Adjustment
are combined in (•tit' High Grade
Our aim is not a question of
price, but (quality. Like in every-
thing else Quality is Cheapest in
the end. So if yon want a RE-
A. Marchand
Jeweler, - Exeter.
A number of New
Browns, Wood col-
ors and Elephant
Grey Suitings just
'1'11('• l'OI'Cect t11il1h
for the spring sea-
Merchant Tailor.
-All t'x p-Iyers CAN vote for tee:
fly -laws.
-)tarry Jackson hes retuned hotnll •
from 'Toronto. 1
-\L- lar sc spri to enjoy ) ngeriu3 SNELL & ROWE
i., t h� lap of spring. ;
---Dr. An,o= returned from Battle
Cr•ek Friday evening.
-Mr•s. D. Johns has returned from - Mr. 9{. S. lung, of St. glary Don' } Wastet i�lt with her daughter at Rutile.' .% ,a, in t u%% n yesterday. a
-\WHITE LEGHORRN EGGS FOR -Mrs.. \Ves. Balfour, of F'ar.luhar Flour, 'Litter, Eggs ani
S.\ LE -Good stock. 50 cents a doz. visited her sister. Mrs. Chas. Hack- '
i'._o. dill. Wt srico Ftreet, Exeter. trey over Sundae'. 'I'irue by using inferior Hak-
• Globe Use
-Th.' Exeter Lodge I.0.O.F. 'will' --The offer of the Weekly int; Powders.
attend divine service at the Main Si. & Canada Farmer for thirty-five.
church Sunday the 2601. cents with the Exeter Tithes expires BaKtllUPowUVr
ot) May •first. 'Those wishing to take�j 1CPS
- 11rs. (. o. \Vjllis of Loudutr. is,dvantu c of ibis gcellpltt offerVO
%isiting her parents Mr. alit% 1Trs•' should rend in their subscriptions nt -
1'. 11. _Mc(:Illuin. t vuco. Wo can also grey(, yeti t11(3 It is pure and always reliable
_VOTE. FOR '1'11E 11Y -LAWS. ' \Vet^kly�'bTail and Empire 'for thirty-
---\Villi:lul White, of Loudon •.to•l(1 five oe.nts. Once Used Always
North, who was guitrs i11 last %, •;•k. -Mr. A. E. Ilodgert 'has t'eeciveel
i; echoer ,tt to be recovering. ; an offer from the London Concrete
in • Favor.
- hiss Della Treble left Monday Machinery Company to go* to the.
for London, where she has accepted a west and open an office for the con -'i
tioition with the Wright flat Co. cern in Alberta or Saskatchewan for J
-Mr. a Mrs. 'rhos. Lunen, of , the sale: of their 'machinery. Dir.Ilold-
Loudon. were the guc=fs of .1ir.:rn(! accepts the offer it will be. necessary •r}t(• kind that never fails to please
Mrs. Thos. Barton, over Sunday.
for hien to go west at Shoe.
-Cha;. 1'.. tiackn:'y .411(1 lt. \Welsh -_VOTE 'FOIL '!'til: IIY-LA\W , 1
Lave purchased the lease of the -,Ort account of Easter the Grand
I l;tndford sale etabies from Mr. a 4
113ndfor(i. Trunk Railway System will Issue re -
4 turn tiek. is nt single !lest class fare
The Bobs; (,lass Works and (react- between all slallons in Canada also
n('at Furniture plant :it London, were to Detroit. and Port +Iluron Mich.,
d'.st.royed by fire 'Thursday evening. Buffalo. Niagara Falls and BuspLns-
Loss $_'SA.W O. 1011 Bridge N. Y. Tickets '.Sod going
-VOTI. 1'011 '1'111: 1;1'-LA\V,�. April 16th 17th 18th 19111 and 20th.
-Mr. and Airs. J. A. & 1V:1L t .411(1 > Valid retuning; 011 or b: fore April
the Misses Johns attended "The Ma- 21st, 1908. &cure tickets from any
dew hurt rfl,y" Opera at London last '21st' Trunk Ticket Agent.
Thursday ; tcniug, -'Th'' third Iluron County 6tock
-Mr. W. J. Mallett last week soli ( Show h:1d at Clinton hist Thursday
was a decided +success. Splendid in -
the small cottage and the west 33 duce encs in the way of prizes were
feet of land of his property on Huron
Street to Mr. Allen. offered in all classes, ait(1 th,; owners
i of stock 1 ere on •h.4nt} in large num-
bers unuual ruceti11gy of thei steel:- ! ,
btrs. Mr'. henry Smith, of Exeter
(4113 rs 11 the Exeter h, 'Peng, Coot- i took first for hull Sue year and un-
esily will 1�• held in thu Twin halt der : heifer two years: l�rt and 'iii
oil Wednesday the 151h• for heifer one year old'; •best female
-Bishop \Williams, of London. will any age and first for herd any aye.
1:.:::• charge of the Confirmation ser- -.••Chi•'[" Ilissclt rea'ived wor(i
1i. : in the 'iri%itt (Memorial church Thursday that the ii,rivatc bank of
:.sday etching; a.111 ::1st. Tames Merlurchle, i3Iyth, lead been
-Were we ever offered a better broken into during the ni;bt. Tho
proposition than that covere d by the (burglars blew the ;;lfe to pieces and
Connor Bros. agreement, Everybody% took bout $1,500 in Illvn-y. Air, BIS-
? cote for the by-Irt%t!. i sett AVON asked to be (411 t h,! watch
-VOTE 1'O11 TilE IlY-LA\WS. ! for the burglars :;i►oul.1 they come
1 -The storm shat was general l htlurgllis ar . U1 fell tray. wing to ltakcnrplac( nival +n
ly par of the Sort etreInvest tit( ear- burgl ri Ontario lately taken
locale in
ly part of last ►% Ca el& Fa this 500-w Western
ers save put el extra watches
tion and
t, were Fable anon' mitt late bank .
(.11 .tad lbe roads were frozen socia.
"it, cettainlv is and 1 thank you, Mr.
Optician for fitting my eyes so per-
fectly. I've had glasses of all kinds,
but this last pair i got of you heats
them all,"
a long time before he would let us at
Itis eyes. He said all glasses were alike
and what was the use. Now you
couldn't get hint to go elsewhere. We
are perfect "eye fitters," and that's
why we please Slur patrons. Try lis
and see.
W. S. HOWE:Y, i'hm. B
Chemist and Optician, Exeter.
1r. ltd I gent is to decide 'the location. t
o1's IaKinQ �Powtler
..--VOTE 1'olt '111F, ill'-L.\\W:e
-Thorough-brd Plymouth Rock
eggs for incul►ation. Apply to C1:r-
. nee Pickard.
--IEere is n good offer. the "Times"
and 'Weekly Globe for the remainder
of 1908 'for $1.00.
--Barred Plymouth flock s 'ttings
for sale. $1.00 p.r eetttng of thir-
t". n. T. It. Carling.
---ti. Fitton. issuer of marriage li•
comae also complete lino of wcd-
ding rings always on hand.
-M. Y. McLean, M. P. Mo11at-1y
mad- his first appearance it) the
house eine ' itis recent 'Mese.
-Chancellor Boyd at Toronto on
Dlondny (lismiss'd t les appeal of Rob-
ert Thompson from the ruling of
Itis lloaor Judge Doyle. declaring
Alfred if. Macklin elected mayor of
-Mr. John Morley Neill take pos-
session of the Metropolitan hotel on
the first of May. Mr. C. W.:ntlanl
who has been running the place for
the 1091 few sears has secur.'d a. ho-
tel nt Jarvis.
The school hoe r'1 h:1' le:cured the
service -6 of Miss .jean rick+on Il. A.
of Sentorth, to take e)iargge of Mr.
Fleming's room until the Raster holi-
days. \liss Dickson conunenc,'(1 Mon-
day morning.
ERNEST ELLIOTbatcb:tor• find hencdicts
11111 1x'1'1 their last i8s nlhly for Ise
Conveyancer Accounts Collected season in McDonn•11', Hall IThurs,t;ty
MoNt:1" t,, loan at lowest rates. evening April 16. Tony Vita's Or'
`nr.h West lands for wale. c?e"t ra of fie' plet'es btis brei en.
Office, Main Street, Exeter gaged for IiI' occasion.
-An old chair can be refittlishe;d
and made to thatch other furniture
l,y applying one co•it of Campbell's
varnish Stain. Anyon' can use ft
.::'t do gond work. W. 3. Neaman has
1)11. OVENS EYE ANI) EAI( S111t-
g(•orl, still be at tho Cotnrnerciil
Hotel. (lours 9.30 a. tn. to 4.30 p.
tn. (:lasses properly fitted and dis-
eases of eye car a11(1 110Ae treated.
N.•xt visit I•'ridtly. October 2nd.. 1908.
-Five huudred dollars to The Gibb
Comp;uly means if the town hitd to
borrow the money wolll(1 cost about
$25 a year. 'Their taxes till amount
;o about 850. Do we his try grant-
ing: I't:etn the money?
-Itev. Fletcher. of the Thaws
itoad 1'resbytr•ria11 church, List .eeek
%Indere%:ea ate operation :►t ffuronto
for the removal of set,' atones. At
ert•s=•nt he is very sick but 110
serious I mulls are anticipated.
hdtut Dow last Saturday r•• -
signed h. r position :'s book-keeper
for Jones and Clark :,n(1 eaten Is t:►k-
ingt up 1 nurse's cours' at the 'Toron-
to G.•n'ral hospital. hiss- May Woo 1
has taken lor position at Jolles and
S:\Li'.,-1'rutu prize- layers, Cock from
chamg.ion layer of C:Imidu recurtl 237
('g is in one year. Seven pullets have
101d 90 a gtzs in iq days. T1,irtoen
eg.s for 75 cell: s. Wm. Johns. Elitn-
1 it l••. 3t.
-VOTE VOR '1I E BY-1,A\W.., -
-Mr. Win. Mitchell. left )'ester -
d -ay morning for 'Togo, Sask.. where
h'., %%ill make his head.luarteras as
district team?cr for tin implement
concern. Mr. Mitchell wishes to
:hank hi= nt;lny patrons for the fn -
fors ex: ,od-d him when in business
A young sort of .1r. .tcDonalJ, of
t he Thom.); Road underwent tin op.
eratioti for the removal of a growth
in his throat at the• horn, of Mr. 1'.
flaween last Friday afternoon. Dr.
)tyndrn Irl asalstrd by as t.10 redid
t r not 1.01111011g►^11u' 0. 1 the, per ,;un. --The Mouth ituron Minist _Alai .as-
--lir. Luther 110A%ard. eon of Mr., socia Um] mr•1 Monday afternoon to
Wm. Howard who for the p:l•t 1,-e tale vestry of the Trivitt Niemorlal
years has b'en wet kine• it( the eil4u : church. Exeter. Alter the treneecee
room of one Ill' oce111 liners. has tion of routine Lu'itiass• Iltev• E. A.
h^'n promoted t I I, , position of Fear read a well-prepared pAper °n
cbi+'f •'ngitteer. 1 i position Is a "Soule 11od•'rn }reformer of th.' La9t
responsible one I Mr. 1low:trd is Fifty Years." T)r- subject of his
to be congratulated on Lis rapid a t•sketch 1(0! ren. \Villinm Rooth.
cane•+m+cit. Founder end Ii, ad of the Salvation
--Th.' int:' rlerloininatiortal debat., Ai my it was an ezhau!tiva tref! t-
ly•tw.-en en( nrbers of t 1. • Trivit: tn,•nt of a w, 11•cho!en tiubject an•1
'Memorial church and th' Jainegy
• ,, showed car.' and research In Its pre-
paration. All the 11, nahr.rs partici-
le;tRu • %%•ill be l:e'!(i In the ►;,1,,,1 in t h: (tiscuaiott �%loch toile%%
ra h tl�e on the 'mining of the l , . to be held
15t ° .. ed. The nest meeting i
15th. Tl,.' rul,j ct %%ill ho ilet!olw, :l In Ill" i'resbytrtinit c!►urclt, tlt�' fir'"
that the total prohibition ofh. the eat Monday in May, at 2.3A m. iter.
:nese would he. to the h.•tterment J )Tart. of Tfay. . i� 1(m p. m. :% 1''•
of Canada." A small collection will per on . of Method nn,' ri Manner nf
;ix -
be Zak r, to defray the expenses of Preaching."the cost of th,' ball.
Spring Clothing
for Men
Our Clothing department isa very special
feature this spring. «'e doubt if a finer lot of
I �
clothing can be found anywhere. We doubt if
smarter styles can be reduced by tailors. We
doubt if you can be better fitted by a tailor than
we can fit you. We know the Duality of goods
in our suits is as good as you can get in tailor
made clothes. We know our prices on Suits
are a great saving over tailors' prices. When
you need a suit see our new spring line. It's
\Worth your while.
-Several members of the Exeter
Lodge 1. 0. 0. F. wont to 1u3ersoll
on Tuesday where three degrees of
the encampment b:'::Ilett of the s!-
•was exemplified.
-Thr many friends of Mr. A. E.
l'yrn %cell he pained to learn that he
is in a very critical condition, sur•
feeing; from appendicitis. Last Sat- ,
turd:ly Mr. Pytn was about his work
ns usual but complained ut cwt feel-
ing well. Sunday he had to go to Between all stations in Canada
bed and his physician called, who also to lletr(,i: and Port Huron his i111tess (Inc from ap• I;uflal'1 Niagara Falls and
pendiciti5. So serious (lid his condi- Mich., , g
tion become', that. on Tuesday his life Suspension Bridge N.
was despaired of. An operation -was
deemed nec.•?Cs;;(ry and Dr. Chas. Tickets good going April 16th,
Moore. of London, wag sent for, and
• (than and Malloy, tho
I7th, 18th, 19th and 20th. Valid
returning on or before April 1st
from his bedside say that: he is hold- i Secure tickets from
Trunk Ticket Agent,
Easter Excursions
25 cents a pound. i with Drs. fly n 1
the opo rat ion was performed Tuesday
) night.. Mr. Tyra came throw ih It all
Phm. B. S. COLE, right and as we go to press reports
Dispensing Chemist.
-Mrs. Jas. Murray is visiting rel.
olives in Ilensall this week.
--Miss Kent. of 1Lucan, is visiting
tier aunt, firs. John Ilawkshaw.
--A meeting was held it1 the Town
1i1111 Monday night when the. pro -
grain for the Victoria '1)ay celebra-
tion was taken up. Another ,Weettng'
Is called for Friday night rut:I any
who fie desires may attend and tako
part in the discussion. L.1 there be
n good attendance.
-VI sley Geiser, about 18 years of
age, riving at Dashwood was arrested
last Thursday by County Constable
Gill on n charge of entering the
store of Mr. Edighoffer on or about
the fifteenth of March and stealing
money :tad other articles. Geiser 11as
brought to Exeter and arraigned be-
fore J. 1'. John Farmer. Ile was
cornmit.te.d to God('rich to ::tan 1 trial,
-Concert Monday May 25th. to be
given in the Opera house. Mr. Will
J. White. •.Entertainer, and Miss
Francis Wright, Soloist, of 'Toronto ;
mud Miss .1'•:1n '\Val%cr. of London!,
lt,;ader, together tint -Mr. \l'. IIroN%•n
_VOTE i'olt T1IE 11Y -LAWS. ) Pianist and Mr. Mack Vilicer►'t.
-The annuli tournament 01 the 1,adies nn) G.•nticnlen -ion't. forget
Exeter (;un Club to be held at the this entertainment. 1t tell! bo hovel.
club grounds Good Friday, promises amusing, instructive and artistic 111
to b' one of the h.st events of the every way. Watch for bills.
kind over held in Western Ontario. A r:g;ulal' storm period is central
'1'w re are ten laveurs for which on th 1 till. 150 and 16th. and these
money priz.r( will be given, the thee- fact s %%i11 add positiveness to storms
cl►mldisevelli, being omitted this and % either changes at this g►.'reed,
ysar. Mr. Day last year's winner of
Ths Mercury nud Venus Periods %%ill
th, handsome trophy has written' tile also intensify slot tit conditions on
club %het 110 %%ill be on hand anti and touchingt the 151h ntid 16th, at
w le inn a number of ►the London which time ( sudden rise 10 very
clue, heathers along. Letters save.' Ingoll'mlx'r .lures. at tended by rt
been received from other shouters, marked [all of the barometer and
\W stern O1►tatio and the prusp,'cts southerly winds %%ill presage danger -
are there will b' ( number of s loads Sus atoms. The general conditions
i11 hell '�vcnt. of :iirnosphcro and clouds ellou1'1 lt'
The congregation of the (.'aver. csr frilly noted at the culmination of
Presbyterian church tvagreatly sur-
prised on Sun(IIv %1 hen the pastor,
Itev. \V, M. Martin, 14. 1)., during the
set vice announced hi9 Intention of
tendering his resignation, to take ef-
fect, in it few ineset1te it %t'(a( help a
feeling of t'egr'-t 1.1131. 1.11e congreg(at ion
heard 1 he decision of their below( d
pastor, who so faithfully for twenty
Live years aduministered to their spir•it-
ttl wants, comforted then) in their
trouts of trial ((n(1 rejoiced with them
in their prosperity. During his pas-
torate here Mr. Martin has endeared
himself, not only iti the heart.) nt the
members of his flock, but all those
with whom he CAM(' in contact.
_voTI: 1'011 THE BY-LAWS.
-Although not yet committed for
trial, the Grand .fury in the sessiiotb
court at. Toronto, \Weene day of last
w,ek returned Iwo true bills against
Nercisse M. One. 1! 011 chase
of securing by fraud $2,465 :)n(1 120
shares of stock in 1 h ht. Joseph
Land Improvement and Mnituf:tctur•
ingt Company. Ltd., from Mr. Giln
Galllg1* r. The second Lill is on a
ch.lru.• of gr.•rjury it twin ol;timetlt
that t1r. ('Inoin swore f;.lselg to
John Fergusson that c(•rt:riu parcels
%t•. r( free of all encumbrances. ow-
ing 10 1 t • fact that Mr. Caplin h..=
not y. t 1,1'411 C01110iitt,d for trial his
00sa Isis fret' t to the May
any Grand
int,' his 01111.
-Death of John Down. -A life of
usefulre-•s' and energy came to an end
on Monday, April 60, schen Johi.
Down, a highly respected resident of
Exeter, passed to his last reward at
the age of 76 years. The deceased
had been in poor health for sotno
time. infirmities of old age being
the cause of his illness. Ile was
born in Devonshire. England, in
1832 and in 1850 carne to Canada 1%'Eth
his parents, settling on lot 27. conces,
siert 2, Usborne and being one of
the pioneers of the -township. 'Ten
years after arriving in Usborne he
was married to Miss Mary I'srkuts
also of Usborne. Besides his widow
11^ is survived by :t family of nine
children. Mrs. Wm. Kc rniek. Thanes
Road, Mrs. Jos. Ilooper, ht. Marys,
Robert Down, 'laborite. Mrs. \Vm.
\Vass, Itlanshard ; Mrs. Chas. Ilooper
Exeter : Frank ho.tvn. Usborne : Eun-,
ice A. Down. Exeter ; Chas. W. Down
lisborne ; Edgar E. Down. Ann Arbor
A little over Pix years ago Mr. Down
gave up the ar(lurous duties of farm
life and came to `Exeter to reside foil
became one of our most esteemed
citizens. Wing an active tnenlb, r of
the Methodist church for over fifty
years, he always took a deep. interest
in everything pertaining to church
matters. After service in the J3111e!
street church, of which the deceased
was a member, the remains were
taken yesterday to the Exeter cem-
etery for internment and. were fol.
lowed by n large concourse of sor•
rowing rein tiVea and eynipsthetic
The East, r 'l'erut of one of Cana-
da's most 11)0(1,:rn 1111(1 progressive
Business Coll. ges opens April 21!lt.
As the Clinton Business College re-
mains open all year. 1)0(1' shouldi be
a good tine. to enter. Those" \eho
cannot attend may study tat i)onle
this 11eriod. :is violent disturbances , through mail course,.
\1'i! 1 b e found :In excellent re-
medy for sick headache, (' r rt cc's
Little Liver l'ills. Thousands of
letters from people who Lave used
them prove t his fart. Try thee);
are entirely possible and probable. A
seismic lr: riod embracing about five
days. central on the lith. is also
-suite probable. Change to Welter
barometer and much cooler weather.
with frost In i110st 14'0(10119 cent raI
iiorthwa rd. oily rearO/l;:hly
expected betteeen the 16th and 19tH.
EXETER 11..4.
lir. G. 1:. Ily('• . the. 0ngineer in ,1. ua,ctin:r of the doci,•ty was open -
charge of the St. \itrys to Western e(1 on April ar(I., by the, Moll Cant
Ontario 'itailw:ly ('onlp.Itiy's nurv''ys 81 r11• n111'•1 s hying present. The ttlirl-
front St. Marys 10 81r110. says that utea of r he t.leliuus meeting were
the surveys have b.'^n completed so Wu tea(1 and adopted. Th.• matter
far es the field 'work E! coec.'rned. of 1.:tving the "At glome" was left
Three IEnes Wert• curl to 8arnhn. the it it 11 1IIe l;xecul i14' Conrntit (4.0 to
first one )'y 1 he way of Kirk ton. decide.
1•aitltville, Exeter, Crediton. TIo'dfor.1 '41;111‘((Aflfuwas the 1,I o. i a mroe811.14-1.and Forest t0811.14-1.'fpr Feeond r Club selgections.
line pn9.ing throu4h practically the lust ruin •Iltal solo by D1ils. 1. 110x1 d-
snme tnunicii'1elitiCs only a little to ford.
the 801311) of the first one, and the Th.. •'.lourn:rl" 1►y t\'ul. .Mel'.wen.
third lin.' aes whit i- known es the Critic 1. mai k'- by Miss Gregory.
youth leu.'. p:tNNiitu 111101:111 or near Ad g(lur11ul •nt.
Granton. Lunen. Ail'n Crake. Park• 11, It. 11001l:I1. Reporter.
hill and :\rkona to Sarni::. Mr. liyde �---
would I.••' ►s %%'Lich of the three
lines he considered the lest but 11'1 et] much itLeumatism here
admitt he 1 tit • south one was three Tice,. is
the a miles r+horter than the north in ton a itrl,l.orhood now that the I •
lins. and the crossing the Au Stubl,' follo,•i(.t_ , hie • le nn eminent cru- •
River better. The office force a r.• t.huliI y. t.t,o 4%111,s for readt'ra of n •
now min it'd 111 working ug, th t es- large 1 1st:',11 Deily paper.
tinlated cost 0t the three lines run. highly lip' *tett by those 'who rsuf- •
and, %\ Len this is compl''t . d I he 21111- f 'r. Get frotn any good ph.arinacy t •
t.•r %till he laid before th 1 (Itreetors the following.- + •
for their consideration.FluidI:5t ract 1):Ind''iiot►. one-half
ounce ; Compound 1:;11•gotl• one ounce ; •
Compound h\ rug, Snrsaparilin. the •
oun•e•+. Shake %1011 inn bottle 0n'1
L • .1 1'';t;pounful do.e after .•.tel, �
Didn't Agree with Me t eedt itnl'. Z
Mr. Arthur rthur 'Tennison' s' 1."n'1on it i' claim_ (1 (1111 tit' re' ar.' few j •
t ict inls of 1 hie dread tui tortuo•
Street, Toronto,• writers enthusiaQti' Illy , , .. %%.ito %%ill f til :0 Net ready r • •
Highest Prices Paid
delivered or in the
Centralia Saw Mills
Do You Require Oats?
We have ,just received 2000
bushels Feed Oats and will
belad to supply you in large
of small quantities. We are
prepared to give you an ex-
tremely low price on large
Come in and get our
Easter Term
ovens - S
--VOTE fait 'l It 1'. 1'1"-I,\ \•+'S.
(:an:011 s r,rvatea '1hain of High (gra+te
11,I.inet. Collette•. 1o(•ate.1 at
l'RT►nrn►R", .11 W11%011111/41
follows the mistoni ni bit.inetta eon'•em• sr►41
tikceno laxation
stenographer•. J1elok•k.epers anti Telegra-
pher. are i', ;treat tti maw* In July. Milord.
September, and '►ttoh(.r.
11'e t rain 1130re ) MIM( t•e(►g,te (1.1.11 504
other management in Ontario.
There ere mutt be s realm; wrtte for it.
1l.111. ('OURSR6
I).'NiEI. 1•:. E.,,-. vte. i'ri,,cipal.
film. 51'o'I'roN, IN i n c l g.,(I.
of the menti of Ptlychine f• r r,ll .'.fin thio sit!.til • 1101111 -Matt ,:111x1 ur • ; .•••••••••••••••••••••••••
stomach troubles. +,.'t ilk most fists s a to r::1�:::._:lt cur! ! - --
" For seven }'eats I have had in(liges- i- f 1r• result. blue 1 •I.sortl ra and cur t h• 7tIieu-
tion and dys~}►('elle:. I tried scores of A 1%,.11 -known druggisthere in met. •m by forcing tits Ki-In'ys to fil-
rerne'lie•. Dry room resscmble(1 n drug : tut% n 1s an thrtt. I hese ing red- ter end titre in 'torn t 11e blood and
rt(,rn with n(•►tr)m. which I hall bought. kilt, ale .all 1i:ti ntl('*! end easily mix• j sy,sl ,i all uric acid awl foul (t(•eotn-
Eventually 1 used Psychtne, and every ed 01 1101110 by shaking %%ell ill 3 Ilot-+ po!• •d wastes matter. which c:tu!o
(lose brought permanent relief." 7
tie, This mixture has a peculiar they ntfliction.. 'sty it 11 you arm
:111 throat. lung and stomach troubl(+s ' healing rend .00111i/it , ffect upon Mel not ,vell. S,1'.' the prescription.
011(0(1 by great
ne. It its the entire Kidney :end 1'1inary structured (. • hoer,' druggists say they %%i11
rreserit•tion of a g(rcat aI•ccitilit+t. At and often 0121 -con "! the wont forms .•it' r supply the ingrodients u1 mix
all drnggist9, 59c and $1.00, or Dr. T. of I:beurn:11 i.1u In jn't. :1 11111' \1 hill'. th prescription ready, to tak.' if our
A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto. TII;s mister'' i. ;(1 to r''movr+ all r,•:.. •rs s'k 11:r M.