HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-04-09, Page 5Zwicker's, Crediton
We beg to announce that we have opened an immense
stock of new Spring Goods and invite your inspection, We
have increased our stock in many lines and can give you a
large selection from which to make your choice.
This is the Time of the Year for Nouse Furnishings.
Rugs and Carpets Lace Curtains
Our stock of room Rugs are the best Special values in this department.
we have ever shown. All sizes, from Laces,Embroideries
$e.o0 to $2,5.00 each We have also a , etc
large stock of Brussels, Tapestry, Ian- Our stock of Laces, Insertions, Em -
ion and Hemp Carpets at from 20 to broideries, Allovers, has arrived for
90c per yard. your inspection.
H E Eli '2ER TIMES, API{ILiithl;iu>;
A Constant State of War.
To successfully combat the germs of disease and sic -knew, of
which the atmosphere is full, you need something more than
ordinary food. A daily cup of "BOVRIL" will give the
extra strength and vitality to enable you to successfully resist
any attack.
Keep "BOVRIL" in the house.
Linoleums Dress Goods A pleasant sut'prls: to:trey was
We ast
have the pont Blort re:, Linel ands Veck We show the very latest goods in sc`dkt .wlhonr. ttall:outer fifty o[rkUteir
this department all the new shades in friends met at t he it bonus. A vary
Panama Clothe. Taffeta Cloths, Pop- pleasant tint was spent by all and
Stn inRs and
atter s•njuyine themselves until the
etc. wee sena' haus the party brokix up
Staple Goods wishing Mr. end Mrs. Clark a ton;
p Our stock of Shirtint's, Cottonades,
and . H. C 5veddad thee. y
Wall Papers 3L•. H. Clark, of the Royal is .make
\Ve have the Staunton line. a Grey Cottons, White Cottons, Sheet- ;ea -tete needed improvements ill
line of have
the a era bene. Also pate inge, Flannelettes and etc. is marked y, .. • it: leiperinft and painting,
,� p p at very close prices. gond , April 17th, 1908.
GROCERY STOCK M►s, David Manning and littlo
daughter Zeilla, of Vancouver 'Tl. C.
Wash Goods ] Our Grocery Stock is complete, also are the guests of lair. will Mrs. W, at.
our China and Dinnerware stock has Hill.
See our swell New '
been increased. a Rev. Fear, of Exeter, will occupy
Dinner Setts before making your per- .the pulpit in the: ;Methodist church
chase. We have the leading menu- hers next Sunlhty.
facturers goods in this line. Mr. and Mrs. Siebert and daughters
Misses Ado and Lanni Lund Mrs. Sy -
Butter, Eggs Dutch Setts and Seeds wanted for which we will pay 1"ondl avert guests of Mr. and Mrs.
F. Brown on 1� ridgy last.
ry Miss Jenne.' ltrock, of Exeter, is
CHAS.ZWICKER, tL, guest of \lr Het bete. Olark for
A Call Solicited Lj a few dn,s.
Mrs. Chas. %wicker. who recently
underwent an operation in Condon,
is the guest of her mother in Park •
b 1
alis 'Leah 'I?inkb:lnner, who spent a
few w eks with her aunt Mrs. 'Levi
Stahl has returned to her home at
patterns in all the different widths.
Nairn's Linolawns give the best satis-
faction of any line we have everhand-
led. \Ve will cut and lay them for
you. Our prices are right.
terns from etc. to 2oc. per. roll Border
Ceiling and wall at one price per. roll.
Our stock in this line is complete
Lest snake of English prints (fast
colors) Ginghatus, Chambrays, Mus-
lins &c are shown in this department.
the highest prices
A Young
Man's Success
Depends largely on his personal appearance. That "smartly
dressed" appearance has e. great prestige. If a young man starts orf
seeking a position, whether in town or city, how closely he is sized up
If he is well dressed his position is half secured -if well dressed he has
a pride, a dignity and confldence. These help a young man on won-
Be Successful Young Men
"Smart Clothes" will help to make you so, so let us give you this
important boost. \Ve are here with the goods and the KNOW-HOW-
TO-MAKE•THEM. See our new style plates. for spring. Get our
Canadian Hair Restorer
isr%` Before /
mr,„ Aft e r 4,41144
Will restore gray hair to Its natural color.
Stops falling hair causes to grow on bald
Bead.. Curesdandrulr, itching, scalp diseases.
Council met on April 1st. All pres-
ent. Tenders for the Black .Creek
Branch North Drain, ware receive l
as follows Chas. ltedanond $1315 ; T.
Laing $790; Joseph Lawson $761.
The last tender was accepted. The
work must be completed Nov. lst.
The following were appointe t let th-
Byits use thin hair grows luxuriantly. masters. Div. i, Albert \Villert2, N
Contains no oily or greasy ingredients. Jarrett, 3 L. \Valper. 4 J. 'M. Bell,
Is entirely unlike any other hair prepara-
t1or ever offered for sale.
• A good. reliable Canadian preparation.
tesollelted Testimonials.
Fdith A. Burke, Missionary 11. M. Church
ltkhimint. Egypt. nod friends. greatly pleased
with results after two years' using.
Is L. A. Tropes, \Vilner, Montana, My hair
and whisked restored to natural color, dark
brown, by using Canadian hair Restorer.
M. Onlm, Ilurgc:st•ille, Ont. Canadian :lair
Restorer Is the best I have ever used.
t John 0. Mill. New Abentcon, (apo Breton.
(anadian Mair Restorer has worked weeders.
5 Jas. Johnston. 6 F. Graham, 7 G.
Geddes. 8 C. Campbell. 0 J. Taylor.
10 11. McEs5•en, 10A A. Ingram, 11
Robe. Carlisle, 12 J. (I. Petty, 12A
Ii. Ivisun, 13 C. Aldsworth. 11 11. Tin-
ney, 16 and 20 1t. W. Carlisle. 17 St.
Troyer. 17A A. Luker. 18 11. Bickers.
19 A. (looter. 21 E. Dignan. 21A 1i.
Daters. 22 A. Reichert. 23 .las. Stacye
25 \V. layle, 21i G. Grant. 27 Jos. Ha-
gan. 28 W. ('nosh. 29 A. Foster. 30
II. Neel). :ti 1). Wit ver. 32 C. Vol -
31y bead is nearly all covered: with thick lame. 33 .1. Pf I ff. el .1. Becker. :35
growth black hair, original color. E. Ito:der. 36 S. Gingereisch, 37 .1.
Fold by all wholelttlo awl retail delegate. Koehler, 38 J. Bev jr.. 39 C. Baechler
Mailed to any address in the civilized world 40 J. Ne'ushw:wger. '11 G. Oestreicht r
On receipt of price, Soc. Manufactured by
TM $11121WIN CO., Windsor, Ont., Canada. 42 C. Matter, 43 F. 'Tref f ry. 41 W.
Sold in Exeter by W. S. Cole. W. Misstate 45 S. Distz. 40 J. Erb. 47
G, \Vi era. 4R ee. eieeeer. '!t1 ee.
B. Howey and .1. W. Browning. Drug- SchasvrIz, •I9A .E. l:.ae.rcher. 50 'C.
gists. ' Treurnner, 51 C. Sehillte, 52 \V. Daw-
r .'f I11 Kalbfl i'chrifi6riA.1 .I•Brisson. 56 E.
ID'•nomi'•. 57 S. Spencer. 58 .1. Jacobi..
59 Ii. Taylor, 60 'It. Campbell. 60A
1 T. Turnbull sr., GI A. 'Cornball. 63
' Jas. Cochrane 01' C. 'Troyer. 07 W.
! Tinrtl y. 68 1'. Douglass. 69 11. Boltz.
71) A. Hooper. 72 W. Pfaff. 73 S.
Drown, 71 J. Snell. 77 F. \Ve.ibere, 7S
J. \\'illert, '79 C. \\'alp. •r. 79A W. E.
J. Valeria]. It. Thompson. .1. nech-
IP.'r. .1. Hat,. .1. .'1'hp•k. S. Spenc,•r,
J. Turnbull. W. Snell. \Vin. II aver.
W. Mussell, W. C:alde5. ;I. \V. Chap-
; mall. \V. Thompson. .1 Cosh:au •. .1.
! llaberer. J. Hey sr.. 1). 8 era rns. G.
Ediehoffer. W. itchy. tem. horde •.
The follett ince account; were 11 e !
C. 'Waller work C. It. $14.00; 11. Mc-
Arthur work C. 1t. 712.50. .
Council will 511x• 1 again 011 W.•.'-
n,nd:Iy the Glh. 1113' of May at 1
o'clock I'. \i.
�.� RAZOR Tr.:i.`•
r' a
Have you ever c:tatted a 1 '.! T
Steel to stand such a 're.? a....t
possess unnseai gcality. 1:;:1 threat
every high grade idle wore do this,
just as any high rrade razor will
whittle a hair. Cutting hairs, low -
...mit a more difficrlt problemtkan
wh,tthag na.I'c, or ear. A higher
grade s.cei,,more e.ti'ya:
ferft.tly gmoon and sharpened Are
**Mt of the essentials per a 'ars,'
tcttizt edge for ha.:.
A r. -:r of V- is A ter:e.7 F:
erre, ...c tec a. full rato•a ••e
r:..: the teeth Ernie •n e•. rr
tura.r4 S:,kea, en tris::. tett
eft CAC:.
Cat_: s::•.' i, i:d f -e^
wt :r -J fee:,,.:
ksedteetit.. Croton gives 1.f'.
tenatsty taJ le•;.-;hness 1' there
te:th. Toast, ! inti perrrn:a-e ref
X per.e-'.j aimed in im?oss,b: • 1, f e e
tt,apt:sag. Fi:e, with
4,-retl of heat,< 'nsn.ree•- .•;n
-llse lucre ese.c8 Lha ^ •-1'e
tvnsenp rico -- rtsu!t, 1,.. r':4
trur .eery steel 4seb.
A 5'.y:zeeI tt t Iona 1 :. c. .
-*test pet cent. of card i ever
kr,srs by a t. -::t y:o<ed:s of electric
Stoat r •rose::r a r:icd aad aeseratety
uveas:r:J. Decatur of the added
to.c:betas of this recarboni:ed steel
the ter1S of CNC!) Magnetle razors
win 'lel?her ,end net break and are
eacastdermn0y va:aateed.
But test that unconditionally
gataeanfood razor i•t year own
lane -or have roc, barber t se It oa
yoo-ler thirty la;z
9.e,n es a purl:,:. :.etc: yet,
cotta is and see es an I ..•e v -'1 1 ,v;
yea our new preposition for hat. •g
Shen • razors tested w.:hout obl,ga• H))'fitii`
Iron to purchase, tor•rther With our )))
Pitt booklet " plats 0.1 ;ihA v'.e+'
W. S. Cole, Druggist
Th• work of the redistribution
Mmmit1'c' wa' 1,i 1 before elle house
On \Vice1ne.day et Ilei e.s•1: an 1 1
WINO.' matter di.cus.rel in Comma 1
Of th' whole. When th• Huron .chs•
chile caner up a change 'et -a. made
In Mouth Duron by which Tucker -
'faith will :dg•aln b' in the ridin?.
Peet tonne: hill acctrled- of nEP'l11!1-
inys :1 :ill. were In the Assize' ('U1111.
It for,. Chief Justice Mulock at
kir/aster) fast or 'k. A than name.'
Di irk wood tea. 011 tri,:. '1'h ;fir!.
Min.•t-sn '1'oppint:. r,ce brief t.'sli-
mony. but when ask•d for details she
rd to 1111. ''i-1, rs. "1'11 b' hairy
cd If I ' 11.'•
1.1 i;7
r.• , hetet
t ,
Coltsfooto Expectorant in the house for
over nine years. At that time 1'recur
cel it for a bad cold 1 had. It worked
such wonders then that it has been a
household) remedy ever since, end we
will have no other for coughs and cable
--it is so pleasant to take, and all of
my children look for it as soon els they
get a cold at all. Nearly all of then]
have been subject to croup, and that's
when f find Coltsfoote Expectorant use•
ful. You are welcome to u.e this testi-
monial as you wish."
Free Sar.ple of Coksfoote Expectorant
will be sent to any person s'u.luli; 1 stir
natne and addroes and naming this
paper. 11 has established n wonderful
record as a successful cure for celete).
,olds, sore throat , croup. whooping
cough. bronchitis amt all irritated ren-
ditions of the tbrottt and chest. it is
the prescription of a great specialist in
medicine. At all good druggists. 255.
Dr. T. A. Slocum, l,iiniterl. Toronto.
Send for Free Sample To -day.
Tlla Jettate on Tuesday night on
Money 5•s. Character was von by the
uffermi tive. There was a 1;irge
crowd present and much inter,•! 'Vas
N:utif:est, Besides 11, • (islet e t here
was :engin; by Mi-. II en. 11,ttie
Hunt -r and Miss Buee.-I nt n .,;:,1 >ti.
and .\lTs. list Andrew.
Mrs. O. Broderick, of Pigeon Mich.,
is visiting her cousin 'Mrs. '1'ho+. Cow--
erd. Mrs. Broderick was Calle 1 her:
last week on account of the death of
her sister Mrs. Veal.
A number of our young people at-
tended the surprise party on Mallin
Brown and his siter at their home
on the '1'haulcs Road, Friday night.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Thos. Coward enter-
tained several friends on TucsLa
night of last week after the debate.
Almost the entire village turned
out last Saturday a[ternoan to assist
Robt. Robinson with his summer's
supply of wood. During the after-
noon Les. took a photograph of the
woodworkers each of whom wore a
bewitching smile when the snap was
The Eighth and Ninth Concessions
cannot be beaten, w11'11 it comes to
raising ood horses. Last weak Wee
Brock showed his tine matched team
' c a rl u a 1 s• 1 he
[ A r t e l ., den , t kClin-
tone si y a
Spring Show and carried oft first
prize among ten entries. all of which
Shipka, were the pick of the County, some
beat -
`Mrs. 'Levi Stahl, who Las been on
of which had never :pelota been beat -
the sick Jtst for a number of weeks. an -
is slowly recovering. WW1. Turnbull had a evood bre on
At a •Irrc'vting of 4Le sports com-
mittee here last week, it was dccidcl the neighbors all turned out and
helped. They cut a fin, lot of wood.
en' did they!
Mr. 1•:v,•rctt Skinner was the guest
01 Chat 1. s Dclbridge last Bunchy.
go ahead, with the celebration for the
24th. and she program is now being
ar•rnged for a big days sports.
Misses Etta and EthA Clark vis-
ite 1 over Sunday with ;their brother
Mr. A. J. {Mark. of Ailsa Craig.
Mr. Herbert Either stn 1 'Mise Gir-
s'in spent Sunday in Exeter, the
guests of Miss 'Robinson.
A special meeting of 1 hose inte.r-
estrd in base ball nvas 1or51d in the
fire hall on 'bfondtay evening of this
A number of friends met at the
home of Mr. null' !Mrs. Eli 'Lawson on
Monday evening 01 1Ids week. A
very .enjoyable evening was ,pent b1
ltev. E. 1I. Venn attended the Minis-
terial meeting tit. Exeter, Monday last
-Two buss loads of Y. 1'. A. mem-
bers upon invitation from the Dash-
wood Alliance spent a very enjoyable
evening at that place. After a very
interesting program had been tender-
ed at the church all adjourned to the
parsonage where every dainty lunch
was served and an enjoyable evening
Owing to Mrs. Hicks being called to
the bedside of her father at Norwich,
she was unable to take her classes at
her Audio this week.
Mr. Albert Morlock had his atm se-
verely cut on Monday. As he was
breaking a piece of casting with a
hammer a piece flew off cutting ages!'
in his arm shout an inch long Also
cutting a small artery. A piece of
the iron lodged in his arm. Dr. Mc-
Cue was called in and it was some
time before the piece of iron could be
removed end the wound dressed.
-Pain, nnywhere can be quickly
stopped by ono of Dr. bhoop's'Pink
Iain Tablets. Pain [neaps conges-
tion unnatural blood prrea(Ire. 1)r.
Shoop's Pink Gain 'Tablets simply
coax congest lee 1)100.1 1155 8y from pain
teethes. These tablets- known by
druggists as Dr. :?hoop's leettlache
tablets -simply d' utilize the blood
Circulation and t1i.n pain always dr-
ptrts in 20 rain.. 20 teal, le 25 orals.
WI Ile 1)r. Shoop. Reins Wis., for
feet package, Hold by .\V. S. Itoevey.
If sick headache is misery, what
is Carter's Little Livor Pills if they
will positively cure it? People who
have used them speak frankly of
their %worth. They are small and
easy to take.
Magistrate Praises
alagistr'it' Itasinus,ien, of 202 Mar-
euette St. Montreal says, -"For many
years I tens troubled with a serious
eruption of the skin. This was not
uteeehtly, but It wens at times very
pallet:I. I first triad various house-
hold i emetics, but these !proved al-
together useless. i then took med-
ical advice. Not one but several doc-
tors In turn ware ronsultc•tt ,but: 1
was unable to get any permanents
relief. Some time back 1 noticed n
report from n Justice of the Peace
Magistrate l'erry, J. P. for B. C..
who had- been cured of a chronic
skin disease, by 'Lam-lluk, and f :to
termined to give this 1Salm a trlel.
After a thoroughly fair trial. felon
say i 11111 delighted with it. i have
the best of reasons for this conclu-
sion: because while everything else
I tried -salves. embrocations, washes
seeps and doctors' preparations -fall -
cd absolutely to relieve pain and ri l
me of my trouble. three boxes of
Zane -Bute worked n complete cure.
In my opinion 1 hie balm should b: -
even more widely known than it is.
and I hope that my experience will
lead other sufferers svho are in des-
pair to t ry this le:1h1l healer. Zatn-
For healing eczenrl. rumen.t Fore,
cute, bruls^s, burn.. boils eruptions
scalp sores. pimples. spring eruptions
iteh, chepprd hands. and eliseases of
11:e skit, %rtiolluk Is without elual,
All drug zisl s and stens boll it. 51)
e-nts a box or postpaid from 'latn-
Ituk Co.. Toronto.
A Blended Flour
(of Ontario and Manitoba Wheat)
Makes the WHITEST l:S'I' BREAD
BLENI)E1) FLOURS are TWO flours in one.
The famous Bread and Pastry snaking
qualities of Ontario fall wheat -are combined
with Manitoba spring wheat, whidl adds strength
and nutriment.
13LENDED FLOURS are not only the
best for all home baking -they are also the
bread, cake and pastry to the poured than any other
Try it, and you will use no other.
Tit's is the sign
of a
" Made in Oniario"
END •'
O?TICU1 rites LAItt
;z oos
Be sura and see fiamnn tlq Edig-
I offer's nice range of spring suitunjs.
They have just opened, up u largo
range of all the newest ,goods and
Prices as low as the lowest.
Mr.'(;. P. Ash. who has been acting
as wauager of Lha branch of tht Far-
mer's hank le re has lest:tees, and 1
leave: for the \Vest in a few days.
where we understand he linen Is go -1
leg into business with Isis brother.:
Mr. 1t. G. Dunlop, of Montreal. bait
been appointed manager, and has
commenced his duties. The bushes.'
of the batik here is growing :lds we
wish thew every success os the bank
is a great conve11e1oc5 to buslnass
Mr. Jos. Fade who reointly bought headgear.
n flour mill a i Linwood, expeots to
leave 111 a couple of works to look
,titer thy, mill th••r.•.
Mr. 'Lewis Klein i.•is•er has s'cur-
eri, It position as 8855 y- r in 'Mata' .Ill
and comnenoed work this week.
!Remember that Tiernan and Edig-
hoffer's big sale is raid: on.
A company from Montreal has pur-
chased the flax trill and business
here and are putting in new 51lachlu-
ery. They having teamed teen loads
front St. Marys atilt expect more Inas
chinery in a f: w• dugs. They have Hartleib Block.
now 11 number of their machines in
operation. The company has bought
Siebert & L;43.
(Jur text t('1- .i; week will Id'
Millinery & Dress Good
Although Tuesday being a very unplea�al:t day f
Millinery opening, there \vera quite a number of :.tidies fro
le Vi age au( country' in tc, attend the opening, and all a
mired our hats and not a few have bought or It•f•ttheir ord
Remetnber that Airs. Symonds can suit your for yo
We have just opened a case of
Fine Dress Goods and will be
much pleasd to show thein.
Siebert & Co.
the flax :old' rented the trills. Mr.
Du Vernet c e l Jat•k, recently of St.
Marys is acting as inane _ter herr.
Another large shipment of new
Dress Goods just to hand. All the
latest in Poplins, Panamas, \reeks,
Venetians, etc. nt 'Tiosna n qQ ::dig•
-files are easily ,515151 lack ly
checked with 11r. Shoop's Magic Oint-
tn'int. To prove It 1 wilt snail a
small trial box a convinc-
ing test. Simply aduress Dr.
Shoop, Racine i4
LsuralY would
not send it ft- r 11111x: , I was cer-
tain that 1)r. elem ' s Magic Ointinent
would stand ( 1;-, 1 et. 4temem•ber it
is made :expressly and alone' for swol-
len, painful, bi tiding or itching piles,
either external or internal. 'Large
jar 50 cents. Sold by \V. S. llow•ey.
The ince. 1'. A. Webster. of St.
Thomas, who has beet) filling the pul-
pit of the Presbyterian Church here
for the past two Sunrklys. left on
Saturday for tit. • Helens 519 a tetnl-
pornry supply.
A very pretty weddling took place
011 \\'•ednesday evening. April 1. at
the residence of els. and Mrs. 'Thos.
Morgan, liri,sley, 5s hen their eldest
daughter, Hannah, was ,unite:I in
marriage. to Chester Le -s, son of Geo.
Loa, also of ilrinsley. '1'h' eerc_moAy
was perforated by the Bev. 11••.
ltloodswortb, of Ailsa Cra before a
i 16.
large number of invited guests.
Both bride and grootn were unattenf-
ed. They are both very popular in
the neighborhood and received many
v: ry• handsome gifts, which testified
to this fact. After the ceremony a
sumptuous repast was : crcert and a
few hours spent in social .amuste-
r/vents. The groom's gift to the bride
w'n9 n handsome gold watch.
J. 'It. McComb, who [-veal). ntly sold
tots Irr•st hl he Luc:ut MlinC.
9.nt Cl,oll .tlilt here onilg t(onctayo
for Ve•greville, Alberta. Mr. Mclaomb
Intends taking up ,farming and his
engaged the services of 131r. and Mrs.
A. W. Page, who have been employed
nt Bernard Stanley's for the past five
years. Ile took with him a car 3031-
,'d with household goods. farm ma-
chinery and a pair of heavy horses.
Ilia ngest s. Ol, and Iles, M.
Combyou, left on on\1'cdr::esamorainee.
Mrs. McComb on Monday night teas
presented by the ladies of the l'res-
byl.•.rian Church iv it a farewell a1-
dresI Ind a handsome easy chair.
(Too 'Late for Last Week).
The weather of late has been such
that the run of sap ,bait been slow.
however a number of the fanners
around here lin ve tapped and report
n very good make of maple syrup.
Mt. Victor Sanders. of 'Landon. 1'
visiting with his mother.
Mrs. Morley end daughter Bessie
returned house after visiting with
Mise Motley's daughter, 'Mrs. Ernest
1':u kinsotl.
,lir. Edgar Williamson. opprent1c'
at the Centralia crd•a;, viaitee
uilh friends here durhlo eine wecl:.
Miss Ethel Hinson spent a tea -
day. (stilling on friends In our burg.
The de :Hit of little 'Mildred Avery
e.itu • as ehd news to her nanny
ft e 11de hare. The lilt le girl was the
victim of a severe attack of :severer
tacit is, from which she mover recov-
ered. She was nine years of age and
was a bright little ;Irl, Th•: funeral
took place on Monday from London
sett the remains interred in the Zion
c••m, .1 Pry. Cationic. The family ha 5e:
h• sympathy of th•-ir many friends
11,e •.
\Ve :Ir,, all proud of our eplendi 1
choir and the gamble by thele is of
such a high chnracter ns to win for
them tunny applause?) from 1lir en-
tire conere;ation. The .pccial to -t-
ines carried on by 'Revs. Fair :end
Keys ha5.• harp both a bl,'ssi,t :,Wel
t.rofil to all svho attended.
I►eftII-.\ sudden gloom we- c est
t ee! this 'lit ll''• eolllllltlnity t•. it''ll it
I have found ei tried noel t••sted euro for Rhea•
rnatism! Not a remedy that eta straighten the
distorted limbs of throttle tripes. nor turn bony
g rowths hack to Mesh again. That 11 Impossible.
Rut 1 ran now enroly kill t1.n pales and peer of
this d.•p erti c •1!>eetit
In d. rrmanp-with a Chemist In the elt, of
I)arrnstadt-i found 11..' last Ingredient wIth
which Dr. 5hoop'a Rhe tnatic Remedy was made
• perfected. dependable prescription. Without
that last ingredient. 1 successfully treated many,
many r'a•.•8 of Rhea:matism ; but now, at last, it unl•
lonely rue• all curable rases of this heretofore
touch dn•ad••.I disease. Those sand.111m granular
wastes. found 111i(h.eimatie Blood: seen, todis.olve
t x' . I t his remedy as
WA one t: wtIon o t
and sass lett ca r
a r
freely as does sugar when e•bled to pure water.
And d ,• poisonous wastes
n 1 thea when Alexdve . these s0
freely pa's from the system, and the cause of
l;heumatism Is gone forever. Ther.. Ls now no
real need -no actual excuse to ,utter longer with-
out help. We sell. and In eoandenco recommend
Dr. Shoop's
Rheumatic Rem
Grcdt 6IcdrIofl SaIc NOn
We are offering Bargains in all lines of goods to re-
duce our large stock. Note a few of the many bargains w
have to offer. Space will not allow us to mention thein all.
Dress Goods regular 40, 45 and New !Tints 200 patt:rns to choose
50 cents the yard for t5cts. Dress from, 5 cents the yd. to lalets.
Goods, regular 35 for 20c the yard. New :Gingbams, Muslins, Victoria
Dress Goods regular 25 for 20 cents Lawns, Persian Lawns, .Organdie,
the •d
y Fancy Muslins, s
, Factory
Da not fail to sea our new Dress worth 12 1-2 for 10ct.
Goods. All the latest in Venetians, Towellings 5 Cts. the 3•d and ups
I anamas, Taffetas, Voiles, Poplins, wardsr
sec., etc., at close priors. Skirtings, Cottoned •s and Denims,
Men and Boys' Clothing House Furnishings
A largo rind well assorted stock New Wall Papers, New CarpetB,
of Mens' and Boys' ready-to-wear Vete Floor Oilcloths Linoleums Lace
Clothings. Curtains, Art Muslins, Art Sateens a
Mens' Suits regular $10.00 for ;;8.00. prices that will suit the most fastidis
ious 'housekeeper.
Mens' Suits regular 9.00 for 7.00.
Mous' Suits regular 8.00 for 6.00. Boots and Shoes
Mens' Suits regular 6.00 for 4.50. Must 0 sol!? r _;;;dte.s of cost.
Boys' Suits for $1.25 upwards. Hardware
Ordered Clothing a specialty. Bar- Sherwin-Williams faints, Oils, .Vere
gains to clear. See tho very latest in nishes, Spades, Shovels, Forks, Nails
Drowns and Grey i\\ orsteds and Fan- and Shelf . Hardware, Ideal Winer
cy4 Sultings. Fencing, Coil Wire. llarb Wire hk
A. full line of Gents' Furnishings, close prices.
Hats, Ties, Braces, Gloves, Collars,
Mens' Caps regular 25 to 50 cents
for 15 cents.
,lens' Dress Shirts $1.00 for 50cts.
Mons' Shirts 60 lo 75 for 35 cents.
Grocery r
y and y Department
A full line of Crockery and Glai9.b
ware, Our Grocery Department . is
cleats and fresh as'ith new goods aria
prices as low as the lowest. W0 saiP
Itedpath's Granulated Sugar, tho beat
by ,test.
We respectfully invite you to call and take a look through
our stock. Our motto is "Good Goods and Right Prices.'
Market Prices for Farm Produce.
Corner Store,
OortuD1tIcs 01 the Scdson
Spring time is upon us again and as usual is full of :, nticipation
and opportunity.
Brighten Up
With Sherwin-Williams Paints and Varnish(. We have'
them in the leading shades. Call in and see us. We arc
pleased to talk Paint and Varnish at any time ' specially now
Large Assortment of Paint Brush s.
B. W. F. BEAVERS, Farquhar
Paints Paints Paints
f _ I have a large stock of
the best, int In the market to -(lay. which 1 and selling at.
Ito L▪ . cost to reduce my stock.
- having purchased the hardware stork ()I Mr. W. M
Leigh, I am offering it at.. I eat ly reduced tali es. If you are
needing anything in this line it, will pay you to call early in
order to secure the hest bargain.
• John 'Mock"y. of 1'Ia:till,•. Mich..;
w et leant l tbat 'Mrs. Joseph Me- \Ire. Jolie GiliiC.::,. of London; •Mrs,
(',rthv h:,.1 11;1•.''1 n way nt jhr. no.' John Hestia of St. Thomas; Mrs. Wm.
McClintock. 1
in Del ru' :
of 50 years. lleceasrd had apparent- 1 Mrr. Thos. tIiy-
der, iia,-isete : Mr-. 1►ennie O'Connell
le up Jill \fond -1 y. March lath.. en-
•►i- Orillln, Tratifyine 10 the reit clan>I In
joyel good health, schen engaged nt w hick .:n d' c(sas •et was h.•.1 1 n very,
her hem o dM ics she Fuddanly hecnme largo t •..Icours' of -riet stricken r.•I-
111 and )ter daughter sesta; 14 IL, tva.+ntives : tel s w Inhale friends tol-
nnl f' .line! wc1) put bet to tn'd and lowed r• r� 1118111. to the Roman
s'nnl:u nr't1 Ih fam'1; phy.iclan. T)r. CntbOli•• church n. ar Lucan, where
l �. a. o. t;rnn!on, app it tea. Irdnt•
the Po Mit i'ri• t 'peaking from the
e'1 deet she was suffering from n 9t•
words; • f the Psalmist idat In th'. tan •
%et • ',Iralytic stroke. from w•hlch g
ate• 11 -sr -r bream,.con.eiou. leap, uaptet ..out
of th depths
have =
e'nnuprh to speak to her husbtnih or cried tette The, O. Lord an t thou
children and 051 friday evening Mar.
I'''st It •:a rd my voice." He touches:
37th. her Is. took dtn flisht. n,'- brictlyt but feelingly on the b.•auti-
• a: •i was a 55oman beloved by hey fol Godly chnrncte r of th'> departs 1
ter and u I
. 1 r h' •►
s bearers rs tl,•
� r to
ss i faoil I;ron1( ihiehlyi rca V9'le1 svonnaln 11117 ,for Such n sudi�'n Call t►9 this
ss ),o'•• words w re few and ev5o11• (`s'hlch he said might coma to any ref.
cn� •rl. 1l'r o.aidl -ss name was This•, t hose. prt'.ent. 'fits: family Lava 11
h a r t f a ,: t
ale.'Ih Mackey '5111 syn9 rho d•tughtor 1t Fymp I by Of thele mac
of Mr. and '•Irs. John Mackey. In I, in this, their ad and ton .
1884 she w•a' marri 11 to Joseph Mes • hour.
('art hy, whr .' 411 six children aro left --- �"
to mourn 1',• los., of a loving wife l7,A.teT0211'4!►e"IP
Anel kine( mother. I; si les her family 1Ce R ^J Y,) N)ie A!trl
1 .he l- eras 114 -' brothers anti fire deem:.
Silleri. ns follows.-Vnlentinc ;<i:,c. filgze-hrs
key. 'Timothy Mackey. of iieldulp't st