HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-04-09, Page 4CASTOR'
For Infants and Children.
1, HE EX E 'I ER TIMES, APRIL 9th 190S.
The Exeter Times
School Reports Salvation Anny Praise
"I feel it my iluty td testifv to the
Exeter, Ontario. - U,•, . ; to til, wrflott• of copy the
1 benefit 1 have received from tiro use of
Psychine• While travelling in New On
Terms of Subscription •1,G0 Per report- for No. 1, Stephen, No. 6. tan°Psyc inO. ting special ing i meetings 1 Ou-
r to advance. $1.50 inns tae Stephen, No. 5. U borne, diirkton con-
tracted n very bad cold, which gradual-
ly it not rs paid. Bt Uly In and Crediton schools tire t 'l 1 over � ly developcsl into Bronchitis of the
tes su':�cribi,rs, e1,5U strictly in until uezl tceck• worst funs. 1 was advised 10 try
advance:. No, eeNee disca>,,tinued Psychine, which I did, and after using
th but a few bottles I eras cumpl tett rte
theall nrof are aid. ere he I:NI:TI:It SCHOO- L Iti?I'O1tT FOIL stored to health. I recommend this
Satoption of the publisher. u' The oIt\1II
sate to whichseeeveryaubseril'tion is _Kai 11. wonderful remedy to suffurt r3 front
said is detloted see tie late:, y ter, lienors-TCalti t'o!ti,l- 7j, John Bronchitis and other troubles."
AdvertisinA rates on applit+tion. (1.i-tr=loher 76. 1'+- 1•ill;:ln Amos,Lattr: "I wish to add that my voice,
9 P'T'G CO. 69.
r rnit,,,t ,1r, honors- Ida Marchand 79, since using Psychine, is stronger and
Pees- :Alt'a McMahon 71, Loney Hey- has much more carrying power than it
wood 68, Willie 'Birwy CII, Lillian had before i had bronchitis, and the
Snell 65. vocal chords do not tire with speaking.'
No. un roll '30; ;laity •tveva R 28. P. TILLER, Capt. S Iv 'n. Army.
}. L. GREGORY. Ann St., Toronto, Aug. 13, 1907.
Throat, lung and stomach troubles
cured by Psychine; also incipient con-
sumption. All druggists, 50e, and $1.00,
or Dr, T. A. hllocum, Limited, Toronto.
h see all•
The local option bylaw was at- { Commercial. Honore -II. Rupiah W.
tacked by a potion made on babel! i II, Hack Si. L. llirnee
Pass -
Of JroLl Campbell PrePri�tor of otic I D:tyrtkvt 71, A. Wood 70,
of the hotels here before Chanocllor I Itonors-A, 6urerus 84, II. Morton
3oJd in'foronto tact '1'Lurstlt}'. DT r.
41 78, II. Jonas 77, +G. :Nestle{ 76. G. Gacn,•t 1'us,n,orr. .loLu _\, 1 u: ulnul.
)�amphall claimed that the Clerk I Ford 75. Pass -T. I' •nLalc 71, A'.
Meryl Snell, Bert Blown. Jr. IV-
• Atte.d and that 'lice
. (loll haat agreed Sweet 71, G. Hooper 69, N. Amy 69, Kenneth IMcNicot, ;Peres:' Coward,
ttsithy 11. Carling 68, W. :Bradt 08, II, Treib- Percy Stone. Sr, III -Annie Turne
Whit G M2, t•,`1s omsed lho ran for votesn�•rIioyk• G2, Let blch euVern 6_, Milton 'lodged, Willie Jeffrey. Chas.
11e. secured an r 'peal number of ' average 33, Allison. 'Mid. 111 -Jean Allison. Joe
�rotns for the denied
The nGreig. No. on roll A.38 51,1 JOHNSTON.
tpOnspiracy is denies by 'Slee Greipr.l :Anna 'Monteith, Liut& Pollen, 'Nellie
Whe case was laid over•RUOJL IV. Stone. Jr. Ill-Llewelyand Stewart 1
1 fibs Itensall flouting frills have Sr 4, Itonors-Harry Fiske 82, Jessie !lodged. Sr. II ,- John A.
pnC2 more resumed operations afterClair Wood el Latimer Greive 79 El- lfodgcrt, Harold Turnbull, Charlie
being closed down for tl►o past two Tno Howey 76. ] ass-'ilaymond Dear- Coward, Garfield lirotctt, Eddie 'Dior-
*leeks oring to the dome tnavin; Ing 7', :lets/ Knight 71, Cecil Pick- risen, Jr. I1,-1Iazel Ilunkin,
blown off 11,a hello!. (t :was found and 71, Lloyd !fivers 70, harry Sweet 1 McDonald, Elaine Stewart, John Cot- I
1pecessary to replace the damaged 70 Lily M. Frayne 68, Chester Ilareey I tel, Harold Jeffrey, Vary McDonald,
boiler with n m: wore, as the old 67, )Wallace Euless 67,'Wilfred/Stewart Jr, Pt. Il, -Gladys Duncan, Charlie
troller mull not be repaired. 60, Earle Southcott 61, Lilian Boyle Collet, Charlie Turnbull, Eddie Pol-
Adau, Berry a former resident of 64, Annie Jackson 61, Blanche At- len, Charlie 'Monteith, Roland Wife
this Mace died at fit. Johns. Mich.. kinson 61, Minnie Jewel 00, liams• Jr. L -James Rodgers.
on 'March eith. Jr. 4, honors-- Reginald Liissett C. .. Gowans.
.fhc businessmen are 4rying to or- 81. Pass -Marvin Mitts 68, Clarence -+--
/anew a grass band. Ileytvood 61, S. d. ,11 0. 4. leSUORNE,
C. A. McDonnell was elected Presl- No. on roll 31: )laity average 31. The following is the report of S.
dent of the Ilensall Board of Trade,, C, VOSPER. S. No. 4, Usborne, for`lknonth of Dlar.
F. \W, Smallacombe Vies -Pres. ani ROOD1 V.
Nantes are in order o1 merit.
John \\'r•ismiller, fScc'y-Treas. V. -Willie Esso -r3'. 'V. -Villa Davis.Th Sli-`-s McAllister of Hills- Sr. III, honors,- Madeleine Gtr- slake, illi to \\'ebbe! Balla avis•
green, have raer-,d Into 'Gee village. ling ,79,'Willi.o Heideman r78, `Fred Mc- Jr. I\'•-Ava Skinner, Carrie 51.1y,DI r. Fred Manns has re -Purchased Pherson 77, Jean Selden 77, Ruby
Wood n Leon Treble on Pass -Na- Thos. Coates, Healey 'May. Annie Mc-
Curdy, George Davis, Willie Walker.
Coates, Mary McCurdy,
Leda !larding, Attie lint:; Verna
Coates. 11 -Thelma Skin:••:. Minnie
May, Frank Coates. Sart McCurdy.
Irene Ford, Frederick Webber. Jr, 11
-Itoy Thompson, Verde hese. Roy
froze, James Logan the barber busy 1 Jones 74, Velma 'Eastesbrook 70,
Hess which he sold some months ago.
Russel Balk will 68, Robbie 'Fleming
'Mrs. Little, of Toronto, who spent ' 67, Irene Hardy 67, Grein Bissett G6,
EO[(te• weeks tt-ith friends here let; f Irene !Rivers 63, Mary .Acheson 62.
last week for her home.91,
Dlies Beatrice Ur�uharf visaec' Jr.3r111, llonors-James Welker
Linden llarvey 86. Bruce Walker 81
fl tends in T.ottdelt is:st weer.. Oscar Anderson 79, Lola Taylor 78,:
—'~`- Sydney hector 77, Blanche Quattro Webber. 11 -Gordon Hunt. \creta
Centralia 76,1Irno Sweet 76, 'Muriel Jones 75.I'incowbe, Harold Hunter. Carrie
fholnson• 1't• 11. -Willie 'l e Lipson,
Voice Production Pass -Marion Blatch[ord 73, Thorn- Harry Coates. E. Hicks.and Singing. i ton Fear 71, Maurice Quanex� 68. F. r -J. W. 11OG AILTIi, 'leacher.
c Music,Puppile,t London Consenatorusic, 11. Buthveni nest Ilarvey 67, Eric Ilurdon G'3. Itet t _--
ereoonald, Charles White,irondon Eng.. Erne.t0.1 11otve
62, Russel Flynn 61.
Eardley, London. Eng. A limited number of P11P 1t 0. on roll 48 ; fleti1y a t'crag, 40. S. S. NO. 8, IIA Y
Miss Gladys Essery of Alma Collegewill be accepted' ELSIE M. 51eCALLTTDI. The following is the report of 8.
St.'Phomas, spent Sunday with heel Sr. 11. Honors -Mildred Heywood Names Hay 'for
n onth
of Feb.
A new barber has conte to town and 84, Florence -RoweS_', Harper Rivers V. - 'Milton Oestricher. IV.-
reopened out in the old stand, �81. Violet Knott 81, Beatrice llodgert Aaron Oestreicher, :Cora Trueuiuer,
Tilos. Boyce, who purchased the 80. Maurice Senior 79. Wm. ,Manson Alberta Truewntrr, Moria Schroedh;r,
house the late nr• Tsessiontc,f (he 179. 1:' clay 77,E Cale AlbertaSKC Knight 77.7 r Pass III -Tusnclda77. Violette lein. Stella f uemner,ilger. itoland
time ago. has taken pose70, Klienf'ldt Susie Kleinfeldt. Jr. II[
one of our citizens. �-Edith Davis 7:3. Edger tllornay.. � conal r L.
place and become 5 c on- -Luella
The lice next
nad Monday.
old los. ollickG67 EttiecBo ey 66 'Messner, :Anna ,Walper, Bell Over-
takes place Sundayaand Monday, I old i 67, Jos. 'Nifty Smalla- holt, Pearl Broderick. Leonard
Hev.J,hart preaches Sunday morning ,Jessie Ilrtcko-ood 61, s - � Schroeder, Lydia Messner. Sr. and evening, On Monday evening a' combs 61.
ond tea meeting ;uiredito take u The
rt Lula :fast itis 75. Pas11i Tho?. Clark L Em iy Schroold teder, 1 Edwintt•IHartman,
•Bernard llarttn:un. Inter I I. -Gert io
Weigand, Tillie Kuntz; flora Klein -
[chit, Theodore Miller, Idi Messner,
James \Vimpray, Jr. I[. - Amelia
Miller, Hilda .Schroeder. Charlie
1:Iarttnan, Ottis Truentn:r. Sr. I't. I
--Emma 'Messner, Norman Klcinfeldt
Jr. ['t. 1. -Rudolf .,filler, Clara %V i-
gnnd, henry Becker, Ethel Kleinfel,li
Herb. rt Messner.
A. C. !Milligan.
Iollowing have pec
in the program. Iteve Andrews, Fair, I Lula iLastings 7a. Pass -Thos. Carl.
and Butt; Misses Follick and Howey ; 72, Jas. Craig 69, harry Parsons 69
and Mr. herb 8outhcott of Exeter, 1 Jennie 'Russel 67. Panni.' Bowey 61.
Misses Swann, Neil, Butt and t11r. Nel- Earl Cookson 60.
son flicks of our village Our leaguers No. on roll 39 ;Ma er g 35.
are expecting a good time and ate i ROOM VII.
Making every preparation for a good 1 .Srr. II. Marjory Ruston 82, Joe}
Mr. Nelson flicks was tnade the re- Ferguson 69.
cippient of an address and purse on Jr. H. Marvin Vincent 80 Melville
Wednesday evening, when about Olatiman 77,'Lita Zuefle. '77. 'May iler-
thirty co more gathered at the Meth- `� s 653.aud Eliott 61, Dorothy
odi r, par,ouag(.. Dl r. George Essery No. on roll 39 : Tinily vers, ao 33.
read the foliowi ; address: F. W. HOWARD.
_ ,Mr. Nelson Ilicks. --We a number of
your friends have met this a vtoling ex DI'e!. IL- ROOM. VSll. 91, 1'. `ares are
iFr rd r of merit.
under ituspicione circuinetanc t
press in some tangible way our ap- Jnckeon 90. inn Delve. 86. FlorencWe de.SehHilda
ldar,a Roeder.
Wade. Sr. 111.—Wil-
recintion of your valuable service in , Wood 82,. Pass. -flora Houlden 69. II Chris. Iter: r, M Rosetta Jr. I r.
the church with which we are identi - Georg Ort wean 67. _
fled. As leader of the choir of which Jr. 11.-B'rtha Horn, y_rr89. Ably Arttiurll,tItoyltl. r. 11
se., Tracks
we feel a degree of pride. you have Johne 79. Gerald Fitton r• • Vera Luther. Inter. 1L -Fred u ue1t to raise its t fticiency and Kunz. 77. Pass -Gordon Wells 72, cr.
MG►nd:o& and added hutch to the in- , Allen Clio 'r 72. Gordon Ford 66.\11 jr.all litihrey►\ CharieCtc. Cttarreri
e I 78 Will - c .1 t 1
I. I n
,. Sr.t t �
Salo Heck -
Edith from • l tt
' st•tce t
ser Oliver.•c r•. i
c 't
public 1
of the Ethel I
Turnbull. l tt 1
terest , Is tit.
Russ P •,•, T ru
- •'u Liu..
7G. I sees i
e Davie .1.
th t`
'f 'fell.
bath to ` e fu t tt The mem
choir have frequently expressed their - •11 frit Wilbur
odor T\V lsh 99. \\'i1= IIr•ck►nan'n• 1'--Itosab•Iln
deep I,11htedness to you for the vale• ' l r, ( , e t 1 Ethel M. 1: ii ....
able instruction emparted, And the lie Jacobi 10. Millie \Wa ker 89, Lit-
snasterly mintier in which :you have + lie l%alk.'r 87. Mar • Morlock 73. 8. NU. 1,
led in the service of song. I'hechurch 1 \\/'lte Le -Vera r nriees 0.s,t '.'I. Clifford V- 1'OitNE.
Lit -
as a whole lenve felt notch gratifiedTbc follovint; is the i eport of o.
for the excellent music furnished by 1 1Lallot 90. Czar 11-arn .s: 110. Willis S. No. 1, Usborne for month.al Dfar:
you and your well trained choir. As, hroxvii 87. Cla Fele.motley 85. 1111- S. No. are in order of merit. \•a
ft slight token. of our appreciation of ton Bedford f5. Paso -Coil Brisker, IV. -S. liin order ,i. Str t.
the services you have pat faithfully ci1T 73. Akin Cornish 70. L on Dear- toric '1tou'cllfIe. Ile sov i),i all. Go r. • ahoy rendered the choir and ing 67, don Oke, Arebi• !teeecliff.•, Cell
church we beg you to accept of this' No. on roll 11 ; d:iily
aver tt� 41.
1)ovne, George 111•.:chfor'd. Laura
purse, and We hereby a3sure you of :low'. v• Sr. til.-Joi Strang, Jann•s
our best wish, z for success and hatppi --r- Dougall, 'Romero Down, '[con t)uu-
ness where%.: .n the future your lot S, 8. ,NO, 3. I'BBO1tNI:. gall, ire Mole. Afrin 'Moir. Jr. 111 -
may be (.1.t. :•tint; heavens bless -Lire• follotint' is, the report of 8, Earl hell. Lila Moir. 'Itoy Whit,.. Sr.
ing may 1,••1 ,.:!s•1) I0)1 and your S. No. ;(, 1' shortie. for month of afar. 1i• -hazel Down. Wilfrid Dougall W.
esteemed wile, we :entail' yours on Names are (n order of rnerit. Strang. Oliver Itoocliff Elva liar•
behalf of donors \\' 11. Butt. pastor' V.-:Uberta Dow) .Carrie Copeland vey. .Ir. IL -Georgi Nair. Cecil Strang..
Orme. Geo. i..-ery, Coniunitte''• Iterti • Don1V.-Vl''tor McCutelyrig. Gladys Noir. Ross hick. FI01.le
Jos -i. McCurdy Iota Shier. John Niel. Hervey Niel. Sr. 1't. IL -Elgin
CI Zs. 1113 '1L` O 231 .dt.. ' Francis, Ethel Shier. O1iv•'r McCurdy Rotcliffe. prank .Tarrot. .1r. l't. 11
Vt.', -; ! Hi•e I4!t.a1SBOIIgM ! Arlon Cv land. f.tbdlt Turnbull.; -Herold Molt. Tr•t Melt. John Dou-
$i estrs he iloi it d McCurdy. III -Leonard ll::r- gall. Sr. 1't. T. -Maxi • Strang. rang. Nineei6natars �' - !j' -,rr t ti-. Eleanor Uoup', T1.-ido li- Dew-, May Niel. Jr. lit- i. --Tom
of i. --Tom
. .1 ode 11eCutIigh. Ite3die 1,oup•, Oke. Alice Diet,
Oscal Copeland. 'Perna McCurdy. Mee.J_ A. I tlutuell, Teacher. Donald Balfour. Fern frit.-
cls. I -Itoy Fletcher. Lester Me-, LUUMLEY SCI((UI, REPORT.
Cut, . (hellion Copel•lnd.Heber Shute; The folloninv is th report of 8.
(leo, . Harrah. Bella McCurdy. 1.11-' 8. No. 10. Ifsborne. for Marc), 1908.
t•tn 1: Y. Mag;1^ McCurdy. !Names 'tt•1• In orttei of merit.
I'nbe11‘ M. Gardiner. I Sr. 1V. -Mary Mc(?n .n. Ilarol:l
Glenn, .1r. 'IV. - A1ell- Morgan.
s. K. •NO. 4.STEI'IIEN. I May Horton, illos!orn And,; reon, 'Enr1
T! fol too ing is 1 h Te• r,rt of S. This r 1. Stephen for month of ,11nr.1 1 RIS Advertisement
N ., itt or4eI of Ni,r'1. 1 (1f Wood's sarsaporiiia 14 t , remind you of
'•1 •rn.•r Ell bur. Herb .11 its great merit asablood purifier. appetite-
vO ' I' r ry yclanarz. 11 •ul:ili (emit' . elver, and as a nerve, stomach and (lit
C". , 1 jIl ir. Ilerbie lir'tft, lee,' tie:dive tonic. Nothing els., like it, no other
ere'. - Lorne Mot -lock. Al,
has so good a record, no other will do you
Cor t.i . 11 t er V nsbit e. Jr. I':n,neh rood. it cures.
Edttin Ne -ie. Willie Selo%are. flat.
Coxwortl. Otto Brown, Gordon (' s Dyspepsia — "1 Ira.. troubled for
nl•h, Citnton Brown. f:m'r+on Merit - +oths w'llh dr•prpas and iMaid Anil cal
hnsthlnR atllwut dletre.•. 1 hrQan iwking
d.•t. (''e.tr Cornish. Mervin Ilrok , - Ilettrre Sarsaparilla and wns .eon Improv;
shin '.1 td•r, rl Eittmpp. Jr. 111.- ing. 1 took it steadily until 1 was cured.'
Eine: eon Ito 'zit' r. 113 Eilh, r. l.at i' 1 ritiA 11t WittaLait, Athol. ala. i.
Smit!. 1."'';'''1, Anly-, Claret \Wein. ,1 I,rrt,tinthfearrtl etotrvmpth;t41Shrntook
il.-Joe.. l.l chu arz. t1 rt ill ('n\ - tl„od's sarsaparilla and in a few month:' was
wort!. Emersion \\', in. Esbli.' Co:. hotter. etronvrr and healthier than ever be-
i'h. .\noi . Atlhin. Pt. 11.—At(.-I t: feroe).l'Shhaetedonde'r.T' toormnuel+•frrr,rh4e RRud
'cin. V tufts inhroeder, 011'" Co• - ;t.,ltamtiton. Ont.
01 1,, 1'. +tat Mot' lock.
Rheumatism -'•i was eererely afflicted
M. C. Jennie0to with rheumatism. my knees badly swollen.
Hood's sarsaparilla helped me after other
---4.--- medicines failed and it has lengthened niy
A. S. No. 2, t'S11OI1 N i' 1 life." Jessie Kr1.r.NaR, Middle (rove. N. 1 .
Th • fultoe. ir:i• p- 1!, It pert of 1 hood's Sarsaparilla is sold everywhere,
S. No. 2 l' .1,0t n • f u month of Mar. i 100 Doses One !nulla.. Prepared only by
u„•fettle Yo,arIa1.Yu La1ILOILSOMIEIVIL1111.1.ila
na.f.luenMAuu _ _
1V.Oe bl1TXeppra onforAs-
ell atil !Wood
gtheStp jlsaisj3atiet of
lNt \\ I', (iuLI)1u:\
Pannoles7ATesnol Cheerftll-
°'selrdn. �o}rueral.
A.s(rea/dm-a/R 1,Ru=
/perfect Remedy f or Const_
tloT1.SOUr Ston18th,Diarf ,
Worms ,Convulsions,tevetl sh-
tless and Lo ss OF SLEEP
VatSilti►le 3i$t)atufe of
S. 8. NO. 15, 1L\ AND ll STEI'11EN.
The following is the report of 8.
'8. No. 15 Hay and Stephelt for Mar.
The Kind You Have
Always taught
Bears the At
Y1 4
I! t)
Food ,'
Thirty dears
1 The lVlolsons B••.
Establiehetl 1855. t.
iCAPITAL PAID UP - • -. • • $3,372,500 00
RESERVE FUND • • S3.37.500.00
Z Assets Over $33,000,000.00
Triffry. Sr. ILL -Verna :Whitlock,{, Btahls, ,T r. t P. I. -Merl., Morgan, Arthur Cols.rc,rlt 11. Coughlin.
Glenn. Jr. 1II.-lioxt' Cann, John it Chapman. 1
Nell, !tort on McDougall. Sr. 1L- r_-. 1
Joy Whitlock. J:Aintty Horton. .lo•
,Kernick. .lr. II -Myrtle Pym, Er -
g S. NO. 3, eTEl'IIEN.
I' •uf. I't. 11.-lteta Cann. Mf•'- Th. following, is the report of S.
bel Neil. Blanche l Cann. Neill, Atf-1 S. No. 3, Stephan 'for neotlti, of Mar.
t>x !none Willie Horton. Byron Trit• Names aro in order of merit.
Miry . IV, -Honors, -G. Dearing 80, G.
fry. Pt. 1. -Robert I
J. V. ,Tin re. I Sanders '70. Pass.- F. Treihner 73,
S. 'Willis 69, E. Treibndr 67, W. Shape
S. S. NO. 2, STEPHEN. I -ton 59, E. Dearing 68, E. Shapton 56.
Tli' following is the report of 6. Sr. 1[1.-C. Parson, J.
Willis, E.
S. No. 2, Stephen for month of Mar.l Welsh,
els eato. Wrli , G. 1'\nhale, 0.
Names aro. in orde rot merit.
\',-11. Mitchell. Sr. I. ,-L. Haiti ParsonsI Sanders. C. II. -C,
eitanlake, L. T•
Willis, C. Dearing. L. Sanders, V.
Pteszcatot. Sr. l't. I. -Ili. Treibuer
V. •Box, C. Sand •r. J& Pt. L-1'.
Sanders, C. IIamilton, 0. lfamitton, E.
General Banking Business Transected,
Savings Bank Department
• $1.00 Opens an Account and Interest added FOUR •
• Times a Year.
• Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager '
Dickson ac Carling,
R. A, R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D.
Spring Term Opens R. S., Ilonor graduate of Toronto
April 1st. Dental Surgeon
Office over Gludnlan & Stanbury'e
Main street—ExETF..lt.
jALlt. G. F. ROULSTON, L. D. 13.
TR/i ! D D. D. S., Dentist. Member of
STR/ITFOROa ONl'.✓ R. C. D. 8„ of Ontario and Honor
.. Graduate of Toronto University.
Thoroughness is the key -note j OFF1uE:-Over Dickson & Carling's
1' of this institution. Our schoo�I ;. ! Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former
3• stands for what is highest and T. dental parlors.
best in business education. We �.
.:: have three departments, Com- 4 - MEDICAL
nterciatl, Shorthand, and Teleg- 't' ;
:3 raphic. Our graduates always d• J. W. BRO�VI\'ll\'G, M. D., M. 0
•,. succeed. If interested get our J a P. 8., Graduate Victoria Un
free catalogue, 4. ' rersltl• office and residonenco. DomintOn
4.ELLIOTT & MCLACIILAN, 8• Laboratory, Exeter.
Principttle. Associate Coroner of Nuron.
s. -1-
Organs [Awls Thomas SC Nllttor
Two 6 Octaveg Civil Engineer & Architect
Second I land. (Late Department of Public Works, Canada.)
Consulting Engineer for Idunicipal and County
CHEAP Work, Electric railroads, Sewerage and waterworks
I System Wharves, Bridges and He -enforced Concrete
phone 22'?o London (enteric
Also Two Pianos
Slightly used
At Great Reduction.
en0 upon tarm or village rroperty a0 Iowa
l sties of tutoreet.
P. 'Coughlin• Jr. 1\ .-E. Sims, .
I. .
Sr. li
Coughlin. ,ir• ]I1.-'.1. A:n,l nd. G.
t 1
.. err
1. St
ahls. V. ('o••nish, A. -Flails
wren. Sr. lT.-M. Si:.:-• C. Jones. If.,
Platten, C. Vougi.li•:. Sr. Pt. 11.- Preszeator. Win. L. Trcibn r.
G. Ctrter. $. Jot. . Jr. Pt. II. -
For the
To succeed these da} s you
must have plenty of grit, cour-
age, strengt;;. Ilo'.�• 13 it with
the children? Arc they thin,
pale, delicate? Do nor forget
Aycr's Sarsaparilla. You
know it makes the Flood pure
and rich, and builds up the
general health in every way.
TI•ee111^ren esnnet possibly bare/Not bos,th
•. ! i.. howet• are In proper ror.Altlrn ('ore
c r. n) -. t•'• ,?l n b, Rltintt .nail Iciartrn
......olr►re,'sl','ts *11,.geut':dssupreoattd.
]!tach n♦ J. r• a r^• r•,, • t.oweit. Wass.
a`10 .e•'1 .:•:!uTara Jr
nttR Ilene
ijes :t;1LaRir �ecrottit.
W. hae. nr .e re..I Wo pnoll.h
15. r,rma'a. cr. 1 .,ur ineni.aaea.
padRest thing ycough to ou everno tunetrie.t. It eases the throat—heals the lungs—breaks up a cold—
cures a .
Prepared by the largest Whole sale drug house it the world from the formol* in
use for over a century. nig bottle. 25c. At druggists.
The ; 00 Yzer Old Cough Cure
If th • throat is "raw,” -chest sore -bad cough
-and yo.. ache " all over "-take
Bole's Preparation of
Friar's Cough Balsam
, int: '::cx our New Swede Turnip, the " Canadian
I',es," ,. will give to every inquirer for our New 1908
Catalogue a package of these seeds absolutely free. The
r;rc:A turnip (rowing district near Guelph shipped 40o cars
of these turnips to the United States last season. Cana-
tlia I Gcl;l'' never grows long or narrow, is free front side
>:• s'o., is , a:id 11 of unsurpassed) quality.
� 1f von prefer, we will send a package of our "Santa
Y Ry';' poppy or "Canada's Pride " tomato instead of the
ti:rnip scot. Write to -day and mune your choice.
t:, , Pie swer'e Darcit & Hunter Seed Co., Ltd., London, Ont.
Turnip fre-� a�..�w...►••!
Sewing Machines
The best male at prices that
will suit yon.
Bicycles,' Baby
Carriages and Go Carts
Very attractive. Prices right
Fine Stationery
We have unlimited private funds for lnyea)
S. Martlll & sn
Nervous, Diseased Men
�TM ' Consultation
Question Blank
for dome
Treatment sent
We Uuarantoo to Curo all curable Cases of Stricture, Variously,
Nervous Debility, Blood Poisons, Vital Weaknesses,
Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Diseases, and all
Olseasea Peculiar to Mall and Women,
Don't wait.' yo'ir limo and money sal cheap. ,dangerous. experimental treatment.
they elates your
have pen st slissc.>•e rioat your t1T.Lritut Come tons lit c n fidence.experimented i we will ss h ! treat
seen c•,nscn•ntlously, hnur.,tly and skilifu1ly. awl restore you to health In the shortest !cog -
eddy time with the le•irt tne,ticinc, di -comfort and expense predicable. Each cave Is
trolled ns symptoms indicat•z (Inc New 6lethod isoriginef and has stool the test for
twNit y years. NNEDY
Cor. Michigan Ave.. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich.
• t f ' in order of merit. 1 C. h Hood Co., Lowell. Nates., U. 8. A. '
Sr. PV. -Ethel Hunkin. piny (web(
Neu for
arrlstert Solicitors, Notaries, (;onveyy_aneere
Commissioners, Solicitors or the Noisome
Bank, DCto.
money tol.oan at lowest rates of interest).
Round•Trlp Excuralana
April 14, 28 June 9, 23 Aug. 4, 18
Ltiy 12,18 July T, 21 Sept. 1, 15, 28
Ticket• flood to retort" wltbin (30 days
VERY LAW RATES from all points
un Ontario.
itnnging 1'', r rupeg and return 432.00
between 1 l:drmalton and return S42.50
1ic;:0e ir;,iel to all North-West points.
number of
Sleeping will 1x run
e,in Cars
Tourist .let g
excursion, fully equipped with bedding.
through loca1>"hl be agecnts at lea medand ia td for
before excursion Icsves.
Rates and full information contained
itt free I5.nneseekers' pamphlet. A.k neat -
e -t 1' 1'.It. agent for a copy, or write to
C. 5. lo5ii1, Dislriti Pass. Tomato
We have a large amount of private funds
oan on farm and village properties at lowrate
Barristers Solicitor,, \twin 8t.tEzetes
Barley yields more
than twice as many
bushels to the acre
as wheat,—is easier
grown,—and the
demand wi11 be
great this year.
That's plainly why
syRO Is North West
ANY then numbered section of Dominion Lands to
A,ianitol.a, Saskatchewan and Alberta, eaceptill
tt and 26, not reserved, may be hcmeateaded by
any person who is the sole head of • family, or any
male over 18 yet rs of age, to the extent of one-gttat•
ter section of 160 acres, store or lies.
Application for entry mint Le made iu len—�r�•p
t he applicant at a lrcminion lands Agtof .. Sub.
agency for the diatnct in which the Ind is ,:tuate.
widai. A
Entry by proxy may, however, ben 1• atgen•
ey on certainconditiona by theist). r, mother, *OD,
daughter, brother or sister of an til( nding home•
The homesteader is required to perform the
homestead duties under one 0 11 . loltow ing planet
(1) At least six months' resides,.. upon and cult[•
ration of the land in each year f, a 1 brce 3 ears.
(2) A homesteader may, if L1 .t• e. sins, petters)
the required residence duties Lv 1 ria F an darning
land owned solely b)' himretot lis, ri s r: eighty (50
acres in extent in the '.Neighs e f his homestead.
Joint ownership in land will not mitt this require•
(3) i1 the father ter mother, if the. father is des
ceased) of the homesteader has peso-.• o.. i.f re.IdeuCB
on farming land owned solely by hit-. taut lees than
eighty (80) acres in exited, in the i u itil, of the
homestead, or upon a homestead entered for In Fina
in the vicinity, such homesteader mal ',Worm hie
o•.rn residence duties by living with the father or
i The tens "vicinity" in the two preceeding
psragra .hs is deltoid as meaning nut pore than
rnthn,11e a a.liret line, exclusiha of road al ow.
aures crossed in tha measurement
5 A homesteader intending to perform his resi-
dence duties in accordance with the ribose whip
thing with his parents or on firming land owned by
himself r notify the agent GI the district of such,
Facet ion,
Biz months' notice in writing should i e git en to
the Commissioner of Dominion Lands at Oltat, • or
Intention to apply Inc patent.
W. W. Coit',
Deputy of the Minister of the Interior
N, It.—Unauthorized pnbliration of this ad+ertas
meat will not be paid for
it will pay
to sow
barley -
linty 48 lbs. to the
bushel, -;--and bright
Parley brought Soc.
Last year. it will
bring more this. No
chance of t: glt:tted
market. Plenty of
1 buyers. Sow barley,
--it will pay you to.
if you once try Corer's Little
Liver PiIIA for sick headache, bil-
iousness. or constipation, you will
never he without there. They are
purely vegetable, sin:111 ottd easy Io
take. Don't forget thin.
Miss .Julia Mason, of Parkhill. spent
Sunday with her sitter here.
Balk Tiros. of Parkhill wer e here last
week paperhanging for .1. D. Mannan
and E. Brenner.
Sucker fishing along the creek seems
to bs, the order of Ilse da v.
:Miss Mabel Alrtaert of Sarnia spent
Sunday here,
51r, dos. Hanna, sr., was in T,(nulon
last Monday on business.
Mr. Peter McPhee left last Friday
for Detroit, whet?. he has •t posit inn as
Mr. and Mrs, L Ilotlginr, of Credi-
ton called niton Mrs. Atinnta on the
Ii•,th concession.
5Ir. lVm, (lower is visiting friends
in and about Thedfold,
stir. ('has. Baunigetten, jr. of Battle
('reek, is visiting at his hems, here
Mt-, N.'leon St. ('fail' left for Wind►d
sor last week. ile intends going from
there to Van(r.uver.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ilawkins have
again leered into our village.
0'111:11'N: _ 11, (' • ' ill 1. Monday ',f , r•
28 to Mr. ire : '•t r'. DYnni5 O'ltri^r1
a titualater.
sit/OWN-To 1't ' t. on Monday. Api.
etlr 1908. Joe,. Down n.,! ,4 711 y,nrs
2 month• aril '' daye.
Bases At, T'e K. J 1' l Hayti iaAhu B4r 1*
el6oatata � raljrfl