HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-04-02, Page 1!win HURON& MIDDLESEX GA i ETT E T1URTY- FI FTI I YEAR -No 1799 1 2 11 il ii ii • i heIIil re HOUSt FURNISHINGS Now is the season for house cleaning. You may nee-efeeereed a .New Carpet, nice Rug or Good Linoleunun. A good selection here to 1 s choose front. .t Get the Beet. Costs no More. ' STA l: NTON'S , 1 1 Wall Paper Newest 1)csigns Lowest Prices . Jones & Clark'i Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford • • Clothing also. high grade shoes and wall papers. ♦•••••••••N•••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••N•••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••,••••••••••••••••••• JONES & CLARKS' 2 Phone No. 32. • Magnificent Showing of Fancy i; Blouse Nets ZZ EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, APRII, hid 190'4, Fancy Nets are considered very stylish this season. \Veiare well prepared to Meet the drirand with a full line of Britonne Net Black Point I) Esprit Brussels Net White Point I) Esprit Oriental Net Cream Point D Esprit A new Net Waist will be the real thing MILLINERY Our Show Rooms are full of all the newest Paris and New York styles and our milliners are always ready to wait on you and take your orders. Colne early for your Easter Bonnet. New Spring Coats and Skirts Stylish garments and good material are the main points this season and is just what you wiU find here. We have something real new to show you. New Dress Goods Our counters are all full of the new fabrics. Nothing left out to make our showing a success. Do not fail to see there, New White Goods This will be a banner sea- son for White Persian Lawns Linen Lawns, Paris Linens. Organdie. Swiss and Embroi- dered 1►lushns will he found here in abundance. Long Kid Gloves b' button length, black or tan 1.75 12 button length, black or tan $2.25. 1 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• was mir'ri.J to 1st dee.:lscel husbu,,l • • in aha city of London, rind shortly J� in •ohn Triebner 1s f • Obituary ♦• alterwards they moved to Exeter • 4 anti lived with Mtg, flalkwill's tnoih- Times Trophy. ♦•1••••• •••••••• ere who years deo kepi the hostelry - I►, air of ears.liendrrson.-llr.:, a few miles south of tho tillage awl which at that tier. was oto of the -et r. .Penn •ltc..,ner 1t;•; the ,aiu- Jen Hendee -stem relict of the late principal slopping plias bet wean p1 1 of the Trophy presseuted to th . 1' i'•r lloudwson dice! nt the Rowe 01 London and Goderich. They after- Exeter Gun Club, getting n total of \1 n,. Northcott, Play, on Weeinettl88 Starch 25th et the wards erected the Halkwill house, rocks out tel 11)0, 111s handicap p advanced ageeof which for years Was located at the '+'is 76 teat) as all cont starts e, r, hK y\vet 1 worth and 10 days+ A south end of the village, but was limit:d to n12 per e.•nt. enajoteiy few weeks ago, Mrs. Mortensen was afterwards .moved (o the station nue over the percentage 011011ed thaw taken juiltp ill, but regained her but recently known 31s the Tem4xr- it will be wee' that ;dr. Triebner got usual strength and was able to get one.house. ]lesides looking after the full per tentage. Mr. Fred Kerr about the Louse us usual. On i\Ved- the hotel, D1 r. Ilalknill wits interest• brok.• the largest 'lumber of rocks, 9U wesday morning; she had done it few ed in the .dill. business. hc.jug a but as his p.,reenta'n may.; 84. it wits chores about the house, and was rest- tuner of .11 r. John Willis. Mr "`•ee-s''ry for hint, to got 1)6 to tie int; i,t a chair .when she Eaten few, Balk„ill died sem''• eight edea azo 1'reihncr'. Although he faile:i to I earl ga Ps utd pa sed array. 1'he leceas- 3the trophy. he IS to the congratul:,t,•d ed was a pioucer bAtler of Play and .ince then Sir's. lialk+vill Jived on his excellent shooting. some of with her son and elrtug/der on An- 1 Township, hating ft settled orho end. drew Street. The deceased was a which was delle from the• twee ty Concession of flay stlbotit 55 years ago. staunch 'member of the Jamas $t yard' murk. Mr. 8. Litton had a lan was born in Edinburgh, Scot- .Lurch, ;lad soltaneEcop wee. .tag=• of 75 and Peek,. land and %t•hen 19 years of age, cams great was her levo 84 also It. v •, y ••o•„i .cure. \Yeses. to Canada with her parents, settling for her church that she look a 113 81) \\%� JoLn. :mit 4•',.u,k 1'rt i1•n!•r also interest in es,'ryLhing pertninirl3 to got more thee their handicap. married Gnnrutojue. 1'hery. she was its welfare. It i9 slid that nt the I • married to Mr. 1fenelettyp►t rind to- time et her death, 81)' had been a gather they earns to Stanley where member of that church longer thin they arm resided songs Bale before taking any other adherent. She is surviv- up n farm in Ilay. liar hush n , d by one son and ono enught,tr. Wil - or about thirty-five years ago rural liam and Mary. The funeral took for several years, Mrs. Ifentiterson place from her tete residence yes - lived alone in the house on the farm 1orday afternoon, interment bente in but owing to her advanced rho she 111' Exeter Cemetery. went to live with Mr. Northcott't • • family across the road. the was a •• woman of strong intellect and was • • full of gratitude never forgetting ♦♦ those who had Clone her any kind of •• I a favor Told It is said she devoted , a coneedarable portion of Ler time •♦ in baking articles for presents iter •• Her handsnwerehe Rnlways busished to y. remember. •• though a member of the, Presbyter- •• tan church she attended the Metho- ♦� dist church at Sexsmith, and in her younger years nlways took a deep in- terest in anything pertaining to the ••ur welfare of tho church. She is s- •• rived by a family of nine children, i•all of .whom ere away from hero and ♦ living in different parts of tbo coup_ • try. They are 'Mrs. Stenzel, of Plur- •T I er Iowa : Poo.Chatham • Dr= Tho •• • Centralia Nelson E. hicks V01 a Production • and Singing. pupil o1 London Conser?atora liusic, 11. Ruthven McDonald, Chance White,i.ondon Eur., Enieat (1.e i:ardler, London, Eng. A limited number of pupil tail) be accepted The Epworth League of the Centt•a- lia Methodist church p'lrpose holding their anniversary services on Sunday and Monday, April 12th and 13th. Mrs. (Rev.) Butt has retarned glome after a pleasant visit with friends in London. Miss Vera Essery who has been vis- iting friends in Clinton and Mitchell returned home or. Saturday. Mr. Fred Kerr, of Crediton, visited friends here Sunday last, and .William. netroit; Pelee, Io*'a: Miss Alla Wilson is visiting; friends 'Mrs. Pnliner. of Kincardine ; Mese in trathroy, (Itev.) W. Hall. Ii . rock, 'Slinn. ; )Tae, Mr. F'rank Boyle who has been ill Calgary ; and ere. .11 aniline of Park for the past few weeks, we are pleased ]fiver. Dakota. The t uneral was hold to learn is able to be out again. Friday nfternoon 'front the residence Mr, and Mrs. Silas Handford of Exe- of Mr. Nort hcott, the remains L, ing ter visited at the home of Dir, Richard interred in the itodgerville cemetery, Handford on Sunday, r beside __weal, women•r tdc t 6 t hoprow ,l of (her >, and scl teen 1luslp„n(t rind into[ [ nw. jre I: ,ti h cf.. n h ► byu>' •tg d 1• ru eln e cughtar, Elizabeth, g Li1 t o Dr. eaIiI1 s I Night Cure, 'These eioothine, healing;, -Death of Harry Hoskin- Word) suppositories, with full in - 3 formation bow to proceed tire inter - was received leer,: Saturday tight. of otstingly fold of in my book. "No. 4, Zthe death of !tarry Hoskin, former For Women." The book, and strict - •resident'] okf. Exeter and. son of lefts 1yr confidential medical aJvice is en - \1' nt. I , n, I;sartcr .'or th . •rgc<L GU finely free. tiimwp ply rite Dr. Sloo, i• os years. The deceased baa n • attack Stacine, Wis, for my book No. 4. Sold of pleurisy- some five or :•ix weeks lee \V. le, Howey. . ago end it was necessary: to undergo an operation, but the disease had tak- "• en such :t strong hold on his con- FaI•gu"hnr stit,ttion. 111:11. the operation avail- Rev. Gauls, of Northern Formosa, .'.b clothing and he passe) :mak arts China, preached in the Thames Road stated 'above. His relatives here had l Presbyterian church last Sabbath in known of his illness, but tweray not aid of the foreign missionary society. advised that lie was in (1 serious He gave a fine sermon, which was condition, and the news of his eleelli came hs n greet shock to them, es. pecially his oged father, who to jail; 111 of present. The Int. Mr. Hoskin was born in Exeter rine learned the carriage end WO ;on making business at the south end of the town. Later Mr. :Hoskin went to work with: Mr. 'Robinson nt Winchelsea, and there. ho 1 1.318 married. to 'Miss 'Tillie :1'e,pwar- ben, .w Ito survives him. Ile later well to London and start el, in busi- netts with atwitter urian, but a dis- ast.rious lir.' burned them out and snots then 'Mr, Hoskin worked at his 1 rad`. Ile is surdived by'seal:lei his midriff' and father, several bro- thers find sisters,Art Brant- ford,: Ed. Charles and Nelson, of eelrn ; (leo., Woodtstoc • • !Richard. +it 'ton ; pad ells, aohn Mel, augh- end, !Mrs. Louis Wal ter of;Drayton. a unera loo place on Tuesday. interment x'ute S ort `an, Get on the Honor oll touch appreciated by his hearers. Rev. Fletcher is at present i11 in Toronto. His congregation and many friends hope for his speedy recovery. Mr. Harold Brown, Who has been visiting friends in England, for some time, returned home Inst week and has engaged with Mr. J. Gardiner for the summer. .JOHNTRiEHNER C tt ;1 Lackawanna" 1'hart.'41) shoote•rS •i:11.101 in t)l contea, but after the third week ill o y set•fn,remnin0d to t]lr:► finiglt. After 4 h ello0ting on Thursday, Mr. '1'reibm•r was formally presente 1 with the trophy, nlhick is his for all time to conte. In la t•ei•y neat spteech N. 1). Burden. 111 , president of the club, presented) to :\1r. 'Frank Treil►- ner the n 1 : 1 ` e, h, r nreel+,I, not as a booby prize, but for the .interest he takes in 1h+. club red for 1h. close race he Reefs this son for the, trophy. having conn. Anthill 11110. of tying him in the shoot. To show •leis uppr.•ciitiot of the members of the .club :end the donors, Mr. Trsibner, Thu, -div evening Sate an oyst sr supper Pio top off his good luck of the witty. Following are the names, handicaps lad scores of those` who remained in the shoot Until the firtlsh. Score ling W. 'Tell ns 111 5 1(1 17 14-78 74 .S, Fitton 18 3 19 16 17-81 75 .1. •i'riehner 18 5 21) 16 16-88 7(1 1'•. Ki'rr 2N 7 !U 111 15 -Ili) Rt s\ .Randers 17 1 15 15 16-74 79 Is. '1'riehuer 17 5 17 1 117 -fat) 71 Mr, Jos. Bryan, of Toronto. spent a I N. 1►. Iturdan 7 1 16 7 11-45 .1S couple of days the forepart of this week with friends here. Mr. 1). A. McNicol and family mot-- Winchelsea ed to Stratford on Tuesday, Mr. Mc - Nicol having secured a position with Mr. 1t•'nry Delbridee last o,• k lost 1 I t f 1 the White Packing Co., of that city, colt. last week from iufl animation. tl bur, of 11r�nt- 1L•, tunes Harris visited his broth- - Mr. Hew./ Delb,like last 11r:'k lost Honor Roll Our goods have won their place Cltl Pr Samuel in Mitchell on Monday, t vet)' tale:tole col, 11 r. Uelbric!;t,' Several front heir attended the cry- Ills h ,d bad luck Willi hie sloclr Edison Phonographs on the HONOR ROLL, several j k k • of stat wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Frank ilurin'_ 111 • I'.',1 .Par. having los, I Exeter �I Dt Bernick on Monday evening. within chic time, two cows, 11 steer. Records, Etc times over, In fact the arc; t uy, Sharon and 0 mood mare, Y Hiss Alda \Vest.lake visited frith Rose Shampoo ! [ friends here on Mondor Mr. l t;inklin Del bridge. matie ;g.r P always in it, no matter how hot I I ' f 1 k 1 y" of the farmers' flank at Cheltinc• C. & R, Medicinal and , , 1 t I 3 We were pleased to sec our fcieuJ the competition. �1 e stand back Hiram Borland taking a drive gist ham, accompanied by Sirs. Delbridee, Fancy Soaps iii., many tetrad; 01 11r». 1V n. it l_ week. I Ile visited with Mt. James are the guests of the iormer's per - of our goods, \Vc guaranteeI zlowoorl .w ill he pained to feint of Ilallentyne during the day, encs. Mr. 1)elbridee is on his vaca- lion. ENJOYME satisfaction to persons using them her deathwhiel► occurred .'rely Mrs, Cecil Russell, of Itusscldnte, Thursdny ung; nerri.Lurch 26th. Mrs. Tsitedher mother, Mrs. McNicol on "Laghur'rn l Td+y nft_oon i rt'cat- .Mcdiciriol Jells' Wouldn't you like to see and try IfnzIewood's ui'idfn Heine was Nance y' ad n lilMame missage from \Vinch:I- Aimond Cream them, Vickers end nes 67 years of age. 1'orsen, or late iv 1hiln Ma lions along th' the ixrst seven or ,light year's she hadWill positively cure sick headaot.o Petra iv th' new 1:11Iro:all what is or Tooth Cream, Fair Tonic been n sufferer front• Might's die - and prevent its return. Carter's issent to he built. :°skin' an,\ Yo mak Perfumes, flavorings 5518., but only during the past year I Little Liner fills, Phis i9 not trek ? profissional tall et 111' Capital on Nameless Cold Remedy had he•r suffering been intense. 'The but truth. Ono pill a doer. $eons- important 1nlsinese i►► connection wad }' ('till• 1:xpress BuildiI g, Exeter. cl'eceased .was en lowed wills many ex- veilisemen1. Small pill. $rnall tit' "Rivers :111' $ler:l)Il1 Rill" known cellenl cbatrrcteristics, arid although dose. Small price. ez IIP i'ym-.knees Drain. Tile voice MARRIED a sufferer' for such a long time, - ♦ at ie ithp'r incl iv th' lino Red it JlervSAVEETnIS ANYWAY. NYWA 1,• :nix- (1111- maintained a cheerful disposition, Ituz Billy Mock, but 1>egor•ry whin 1 DIN NIN-RA111)01111 - Al "lfa As a neighbor Rhe was hi4h1 • res. Shi ka turn az given b nu eminent au- ville" home of A,ridu's parents, 11i1n- ) p ba said "Ivy Gar 1 l hire to 8 Y peeled. and greatly behove 1 by her Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brenner and chatge th' :Msaa;o to John Dellarid;)a thority on Kidney dispenses. who beet, 011 Wednesday. March 15th„ !ergo circle of ac.luainlances. 5110 Dir, and Mrs. Vert. I'ritz, of Granth Not w'isLin' to disappant nay (hue +wan niakcta the atntement inn dispenses. York I'y 'Iter, ft. G. MoKay. M. A. of •as . eurtived by her sorrowing hue- Bend, were visitors at J. D. llannon's iv thin. i %% inn act Cromarty. Elizabeth .1dci, dlughlrr band nus len rows u p chip l'a'ne all IRst Suntl,i ompanieit wit a <lnily newsial,er, that it will relieve C ins ncnd lire, eth A9 . Harbour to 6 I Y' --lir, \V, H. 1Ving has plug iv ltet/on:delis. t z cLrars es not almost any cash Of Kidney It trouble it of whom, with the exception of two his stock here and commenced husi- allowed 111 the larleymenler taken 'before rho Pia t of cllright'R J'rn.+st J. Linnin. of ChiBclhurst• sans, ,were here attending the finer- ness yeste'rd,ay.- 11r. John 11e(saac at Ila' Capital. l 3 ) offices t hat g` BUItl1EtsTER-ltI I EMAY Ell -In rel. In religion 1lrs. Ilaelettoot4 was has started to work for Mr. (ire or toms net lame states pain such s+Ri Aide, Dashwood, Tu_ s 11 v. Mere)) 31st. by n member of t h,• llcthott"g church.'t -+3iul- K Y, 'there, wuz :1 lard Hoerner iv Rev. Thur, lir, Chris. Ilurnlelster Tito funeral took peace from her flax for the season hull 'tumpleve the I ratan mishit when 1 arroact'd eat. ire jup nt desarP to urinate rs!►ccially to Susie Restemayer. t H rid ry evening c i, 're wussint ant w inuuin sit night : ieainful and discolored min - DIED residence Sawed ay. interment being the output for the season was 93 tons. '111' :hall 1 3' mishit. ►tion 31rn readily uv^rfomr. Ilett' is LIED iii t h:: R(1 kion ('Ilion cemetery, than -dr. 8. Swedzee staided his sawmill ' r, t03.11.4. fur, lye in' N. Tills pro11' :u,' tti ,,Capt :try it. II0eileIN-in ilemopn, tiiturtfis. Mar. remains bring ((Ahmed to their Last last Tuesday hopes to finish i " nH' oeh r way.. '1'bPre wuz p,•- th., Ilaery Hoskin, for met I3' of resting i in t,tiun,ra .w hu auz allo,leye 1 to tote 1'111111 1•,\c nae, 10'131111.1301i• one•halt Exeter, 'aged 50 years. 1. place 'by n large number of few weeks, -Wm. Mason left for Ale John, me an' Billy eerie ; Coml,ound Kargon, ono ounce : 801 0,14itag r. Ial1118 and ftiends. \Wend ham where hP has been hi►rd 1 h non-vot,lr» ,ilea 1! ,11u� Among.Th' outio Compound Syrup :argon, n0 three 11ENDFItsON-In nay. on Wednes- K t hers. rh tkiy, 11•irfI/ :,nth, 1908, .inns Kyrie for eight months,- Mr. ('has Fink- d,.1in issenl coelia' gene •tnrythang, ouncesl Shake .well inn bottle and p 3 -lire, \V, Veal, of F.limville, :Ike hero.e left for the Goshen Line and 'telt me tonne, an' t did lent kick take n teaspoonful dost after each relict of the late peter elkn.lerbon, I \Vrdnesdee morning a ed 4:) year- will work for L. Glanville during the on hent' gerrymandered, or wh:,t• fitted 88 pears. Iter smell au, at bedtime. and 10 months. the etas.! of dentis summer. A e. Il -known druggist here fns Ifdnl'I`\'OOU-In Kirk ton ot'Thurs- bang rongnncptioH• Ilex maiden call that Thing whin ill' rucern- �1rwt is Authority that theseingred- y, March 18t1., 1908Nancy Vick- Intl) etas Amain /tell Anel she 1a.r --�-- ',tit rays yez got fer vote fern man ants etre all ,harmless and racily mix- ens, beloved wife of Win. Ilazle- born on c 1, foarfb eoncessiogc o f (lull headache i9 eery disagreeable t hal niy r bought yrs 1 rirnr int yen eel nt home thy *linking "well in a lot- 4%oo,1' eget 67 ermine, 5 months and UJsherne, Slap was tri.erried 22 years Take two of Carter's Little Liver i (oil.• (1 'This mixture has a peculiar 21 (keys' ago to bar now bereaved husband, 1 ill+ before retiring, and you will f Anny how 111' cd.'balhn' euz fast an' • healing and 181110nt leffect upon She 11ALEWiLt -1n 1•:x^fer. on Met eh and hives 'vete,'.y four citilarcn. land relief, They never [ail to do ureas all Ili' Mime sonedoinies. nn' aentire kidney and l'rinnry etructure. 30th, 1908. (;rant Hick■, relict of 1!►rre daughters and pus son. 'The good. .fohn, me ua' ►telly got inn lurrtt nd often overcomes the horst forms the ate Wrn. Bilk will, aged 76 funeral will take place Friday, in• --' ♦'--` t 1%1 ati :,,t' rola, goiters swift 111 0 of 7theumatism in just n little while, terment being in 1 b Jaiutvilln nem- Geo. A. Robinson, Science master 1, nil '1't, 1111eoct jh'or (rem; .Mitchell Phis mixture is �,.tl to remote all \ ISAL-In FlirntilIe. Wednesday Api. etery, it I Jo Collegiate Institute', Goele-rich,' 1111, di " )h' Plans "assent l'ns- btlood disorders and cure that Ithrnil Petr. Annie Bell. l ')oc•• i wife of lade joined the staff of the Collegiate tate ro hs dissent hath etntythinq to statism by forcing the Kidneys to til- \\ t°' Veal. dept 1'i ., -Uwe' by one the old 31f Arent ford: sty• t,•r and strain !role the blood and ---� pionecrg are Ihwrsd-ly nflornoon glee Honor Wan iv th' 111 lsn(ere reel aoln''w 1n lea vine us to receive this reward of had lrath'r on lit' brant„hut th' doc- systp m all uric acid and foul d• Cann a home prom:1C"i u• by oltr linker 'binds)" mo ere, 1,,,p ihf mayoralty slows waste c acidr, which t ,• c� `10 Ili• Ifeet, rely kingdom. Un tangle in Gn.l^rich. his verdict 1>,p. Ihor would look after hes 'tilmints, this, afflictions. Try it i[ you ;„ O nrily last lire. (Trace Kick., re- ing that 1)r, diirklin holds the seat There co:,Il anis. wee what look not well, yet. the PrPaeripHort. For Infants and Children. ' of the tete \1 m. Bilkwill pia. by :1 mejority of on,. off h. s foal' whin lb' rrnrark war. �- - ' front I his life et the 01.!0 of 76 ' ` p di Idfnl expect to see CI I.' CO a i . . The Kind You Hare Always Bough'i The teenaged Wag barn in T)n. C A IS T O A = Buhl in'. ,u,tshir•. i4ng(laIld. and crime to Ca BesntEe 1feKI dY�uHtieA111alSB0il�! i rod,i eft ]rile tinders, hand th' Beare the Ile tad You Han Alma etelit objict iv ill' ineetin'. there stili :On Namur. Bears the ('rpt wh:'n 31 young {;,I with her signature Q�••�• ���' panvrts. "'bell 1.R Years of acre she of "fr9I fie inanity debaters on each sold•, are of !�'u Signature of t' es far es M could Irtarn. Ili' eine I. nein I THE PURITY $t.00 per year is at::ancc 7 wires, 40 in. high, 35c rod. 8 wires, 41 in. high, 38c rod. 9 wires, 30,;hog, 35c rod. HEAMAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE '1'•1•i••h4.1• =•1••1••(••i••t•-111,.1.,1„1,4.4.•h•1,-i,.p1 +.7 {-1-- -:•.;,-1,{ :•d• },,ee-e•t 44t••1-+ ... •C •i {-•1.4••3•+✓ •:,+++{,++•i.h•8++,+,.•1 4a+•:••b :: , ;..::••1,•f •:••;.ac•1,+,1,•r :•:- •1.,I,or.,1.,1, •1- If You Want Cheap I Ial'(lware Go To t 1 h T. HAWKINS & SON •3• If you want a choice lot of .� f '1' F.... ield andr '1• r Garden i f {. $.g. + TRY •i, t.} d• +4. T. --- -gf ' .,.t 1. HAWKINS & SON Dealers in Hardware, Cement. and Wirt', 3: +++.:-:-.:-.:-:-:-4.4-1.4-÷÷-:-;-:-:-:-. +.14++++.1.4.:-.:•++++++++ +++.:4+444-1, 4. ,ter +++++++++++++++++++++•i`•L-•f..(.. • •f••f••H•F-:••F•F•(••:'••P I••L•-1•fi•(••1.9-•1.3••1••I••1`t•F•F•!` rInnArianAttrtnnnfuulluwijunP OUR IDEAS of what constitutes good clothing (tiller from the ideas of most other firms. We de- mand atl(1 use iR 1111 oar Snits and Overcoats only the best material and the highest class of workmanship Give us a. call. W. JOHNS Merchant Tailor ------- who buys er,akfust food fer th' _ horse. on ! ho railroad; had set (h' EI ') BOSSENBEIt IIY, ZURICHmpany i1? ( (1 rennin' ' rway Licensed Auctioneer. Sales con lhracks 0% r to hirktort an' thin ducted In all !.arts, l'erntg 1easonnble »coMidi kite++iso111an' x11'11' Llhuca o,ailput. and satisfaction guaranteed. tin' a lot iv us out iv our jobs :mil just to };ac Oven a committee was -�` 0pdeg>til to saga a petition to hue.'Auction Sales. 0 deg machine, here John an' me1 , /1 ingineers ant' run a ('inti over (t,rninat l:irk lou. hitch on high Cceek 'Get your 51118 .Lill. printed nt ttIS an' dog; ., ,titch over to (:reset Bind, 1'aurt's Uf(ice. free notice will bo an' If a+,• daddc'nt flood 4it' lake, to given in lhr gpapfr +when hjj19 ars shtarl n In;u' iv boats to xhat men- rein ted here, \Vey can bare' 1s: R,fUs user resort. ready 'for gosling front llto to four 1 thought th' proposition n eon(1 hours after 'l !►n erste i» received, Ivan .fer mo nn' John an' either shek- in' handy avid Billy, promisin' to �--- I t •hire collect th' money, 1 shtnrl,'4 1` • . , % , . , fer home to draw up mile plane to 50n U1I�'J• 1U Lj{i:])l'1 01{8 what farrutns we'd run ill' ditch 111 c h urctter el tort of fico, through on' fil,rer out awliat 1h' llawi,innef, )ale of tee 4own!hip township teas give us far promotin' of Stephen, iu the County of Hu- t la' af(site-Cony. non, gentleman. dcc,'aed. �-- Notice is !tetchy given vurrtuant to You hardly realize that It Is ined- It. 8. t)., If97, Hens 12!), that all tetra when taking Carter's Little1.1. C1('dalot"t1133111‘. t :111(1 athero having claims ver fills; they are very small: no against the canto of the• slid Gco. Li - bad effects; 3111 troubles from tor- Mawhinney, alio (111(1 on nc About ;.id liver are relieved by their use. the 14th „day of Mares, 1908, are r. ----- ----------- --- Shy.nn or he fore the 21�t day of Stay. 1908. to s 1nd by poet prepiid Children Enjoy Itdeliver to ,Messrs. Madman & or Nianbury, Solicitor» for 120' execu- 11 have used Coltsfoote Expectorant tors of the .stare of the with the greatest satisfaction with my said deceased their elm-Whinchildren. It is a wonderful cure for and surnames. addresses arts do" colds and sore throat. 1 believe it env- criptions. the full particulars of lhrlr eel the late oe my little son, who ads claire.. ilie st:11rrnelit of their 00- very sick from a protracted cold on his count 4 adlll the net hle n( the •,- lungs," „ulitifa, if any, held by them. And 1(114. ANNIE: BRA 1111LER. fiat ther lake notice that after such Orangeville, March 15, 1907. last m• after^(t darn 1h-' til Execu. • tors will pros .cl to (Retrained1 Rill greatiy pleased with the good •� the assets of the' dec,3315'4 ninon; the results we got from Coltsfoote Expect- 1,1r•11e4 entitled thereto. h•ivinx re- torant. i get great comfort with it for gird only 1 r the rh•ims of which nay Children' 1h•y shall lh^n flava notic,h midi that MRS. WALTER il.\lllfuND. the fetid executors will hot le, Bible 17 1 A,fgyle St., Toronto. for the s aid assets et- any /rat there• Coltsfoote Expectorant is • n great- or tr► ally person or 11(,1.20118 of whorl est horse prescription for R11 t •rent and el igen•' notice NIvill not hove teen ehest troubles in the world. No home 1, reit; 11 by I born :11 1 hr r ime. of such shotild he one hour without it. You di-'1Reit ion. can have free satnple by sending name 1;LAI)\t,\\ .0 R'r,1NI:IJIIY, to 1)r. T.:1. Slocum, Lt(l.. Toronto. All S:0161014 for said Es cutors, goof) druggists keep it. Price, 25e. lie,,' r t Exeter :11;. ^'lot day of Bend for Free Sample To -day. _41 1Meryl,. 1901s.