HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-03-19, Page 60.0000.00001106000000006 YOUNG FOLKS THE DOG TIIAT DANCED. It was Saturday, and so. of course, there was no school. All the week the 1C4 aft The ponds had been grc,s'ing thicker and thicker, to the great Joa- o( oyof Ihc• Conway boys, James and Arthur, Anti their friend, George Arnold; for their fathers had toll thein that it the Ice was btrong enough by Saturday they !night skate down across long Pond and go through the pass to Big island Lake. It \wits found thrit the ice was thick enough, so about ten o'clock they start- ed. 'Their moth( rs 11ac1 put up lunch- eons for thein, and the boys were go- ing to build a fire on the ice, near the shore, t4► keep warns while They ate, And perhaps cook some bacon by stick- ing the slices in the ends of split sticks, and holding it over the fire. The ice was so clear tout the boys, by putting their faces down close to It • conal look through it like n pane cf glass, and soo things on the bot- tc.►n, near the shore, and dead leaves moving slowly along toward the out- let. ()lice George saw a fish --a big pick- erel, as long as pts arm. By the time they reached the foot of Ding Pond it was nearly noon, and the boys Were 130 hungry that they de - Aided to have their luncheon at once. They wanted some dry wood to niake 'the fire, :o they alt !oak off their skates and laid them down on tho ice by the boxes of luncheon. Then they went Lack a little way Into the woods on the shore. for the sticks. Each toy gathered a big armful -so tag that it stuck way up in the air in front of him earl almost kept hien from be:Ong where he was going. But they pushed their way through the bushes to the ice nga'n, and dropiel the wc.od it a pile for their fire. Just then they heard n crackling in the bushes. They turned and saw a lig. hinny-Icoking dog coming out. Ile was shaggy, and a kind of dirty brown in color; and be had small eyes, very black, that twinkled, and a sharp nose that kept quivering and wrinkling up. When he saw the boys he stopped n moment, and put his nose up in the ni' ani sniffed. Then he stalked slow- ly out on the lee toward the boys luncheon. His ts•alk was ungainly. RHEUMATISM IN THE BLOOD Ogre it by Enriching the Blood With Dr. Witham$' Pink pillet There is only one way by which rheu- matism can be cured. 1t must Le treat- ed through the blood. Lintrue&Is and outward applications may give tempor- ary relief, but they can't possibly cure the trouble. And while yoll aro expert - wonting with liniments the trouble 16 every day becoming rrnore Brialy root- ed in the system, and more difficult to cure. The poisonous acid that Ct1USCs rheumatism must be driven out of the blood, and you can only do this by making new, rich, red blood through the use of 1)r. Williams' l'in'k Pills. Mr. Chas. 11. Lumley, of Brlckford, Ont.. is ono of the best known farmers in l.amblon county. About there years ago, while Mr. Lumley was engaged in threshing, he became overheated, and this was followed by a severe chill that startoi the rheumatic pains. Mr. Lum- ley says: "1 did not think anything of ',what a big dog he Is!'' said James; it at the time, as I was accustomed to diseases hospital erected there at it, Dost of nearly 47,000. It has leen arranges to form an Ohl Edinburgh Club, whose aim will be in collect material which may aid in in- creasing accurate knowledge of the city. Overcome by his emotions, a specta- tor of a lnekelrarna at Dumferrnli.ne rushed on tt, the stage and ilssaulle•,I the villain. Ile was removed by the '�►olicc. The estate of Glenlee, \Wigto'vsl'i.•) has teen purchased by the Ilon. Gil bert 11. Campbell, brother of the tie •a of Loudoun, from Mr. Prince Slni':h, of Keighley. A Portion of Dundee s (sigh street is to be laid with granite from AbPete�•- (ken, another with (, head, and still another with g;rari't from Neorway. A plait of Admiral Lord Nelson's 15a'r has been discovered in a house nt K'rk- p'►atric'c tillage, in tho pariah of Close - burn, which is in the occupat.:on of R. Anderson. dcakr. The quantity of coal shipped from the various ports in Scotland during 1007 Was 14 .770.U13 tons, an increase of 845,419 tans over 1906. being exposed to alt kinds of weather. about As a result 1 was unable to, g`Otins next morning. 1 had severe p in my arms and legs which 1 !rented at first with the usual bongo re,uo(lies. As these did not help me, and the trouble Was growing worse the family doctor was sent for, but he did not have any letter success. Ile told mo I was suf- fering from a .cvere attack of rheuma- tis, and there can be no doubt about zn it, ns 1 was confined to my home about four months before I was fortunately advised to try Dr. Williams* Pink Pills. 1 silt for a supply, and it was not Ion before 1 found they were helping me, and by the time I had taken a half dozen boxes the trouble had entirely disappeared. In other respects the pills also greatly unproved my health, and I never felt teller in my life than 1 have since taking them. I tl•erefore most cheerfully recommend Dr. \Vil- hams' fink fills to other similar suffer- ers." 1)r. Williams' fink Pills make cures of this kind after doctors and common medicines fail, because they actually snake new blood. They don't cure the mere symptoms. They go right to the root of the trouble In the blood. That is why this medicine cures anaemia. indigestion, neuralgia, palpitation of the heart, and the headaches ant back- aches brought on by the ailments that (11► the lives of so many women with misery. 1)o not take any pills without the full name, "Dr. Williams Pins.. ill Pale ale 1 eople, 011 the wrapper the box. Sold by all medicine deal- ers or by mail at 50 cents a box or ax boxes for 82.50 from Tho Dr. Williams. Medicine Co., Brockvtlie, Ont. and uideed he was -bigger than any the toys had (ver seen before. "Alai what a funny wall( he has!' Said George. T1ien the other boys noticed it too -a kind of roly-poly, waddling walk. as if he were made of jelly, all stalky. They had never seers a dog walk like that before. Tho dog diol not pay any attention to the toys, but kept right on tower.] the lunch -boxes they had left on the ice. Ile did riot stem to be cross, and they went a kw saps toward dila. and eh:,utrd and shook sticks at him. which they took from they pile of wood. 'Then he growled, but kept right on toward the luncheon. "Throw your stick at him,' said • James to Arthur. "Perhaps that will scare him." Arthur threw the stick, but as it (whirled through the air, the big dog suddenly stood op on his hind legs and (aught the stick in one of his paws, just ns a boy \vitt cutch a baseball bat selach another boy tosses to hint. Then the toys were astonishe:l and terrified to fee huni begin to dance on his hind k•ga. moving in a circk. Lalancing the Stick swinging h.s head up and down, MUSIC AM) INSANITY. Some instruments Useful in Sone Ilarnitul 111 Others. FROM BONNIE SCOTLAND Cases, POWER OF PINE HEALING 1you have ever taken a walk through a pine {ores), you will remem- ber haw, aliswst unconsciously, the head was thrown back and lungs ex- panded ns you drew in, with long deep bleatl►s, the pine -laden air. 1IOW in- vigorating it was -boss' hculingt 'Chou+anis of men and women suffer- ing !nom lung and bronchial affections, but whose circumstances present them from seeking rene el health in the pine tweets, can be relieved and cured in their own home by using Virgin Oil of lane (pure). 'Titin preparation cun- toins all the health -giving properties of the forest Imes, and will t reek up a cold in 2.1 hours and cure any cough that is curable. It is also a per fect neutralizing agent for uric acid, f11 t affords speedy relief in cases of rheumatism, Tare -back, or other nffea- lions resulting frons disordered ki4lI1t'y . Virgin Oil of Pine is put up in aa -oz. vials only for druggists to dispense, each sial enclosed in a round wooden case to prevent breakage and exposure t(• light. This case is sealed with an engraved wrapper showingthe rat -- Virgin Oil of Pine (purPrepaneil only by {.each Chemical Co., Windsor, Ont. --plainly printed thereon. 11 is well to get the genuine. Should your druggist tie unable to supply you, jou can have a 3, -oz. vial mallei to you by sending 50 cents to the Leach Che- mical Co., Windsor, Ont. Tho effects of music on both the sane and insane depend more on the kind of inatrument or instruments employed than on the variety of the musical pro- dt•ction, writes a physiciun in the Medi- cal Journal. Strings and horns have a soothing effect; more stirring effects are obtain- able from wooden wind instruments; n-,cre enlivening yet from brass; and the most agitating; and thrilling of all from drums and the upper octave instru- ment'S, such as the piccolo. A string; orchestra when playing lively dunce nnusic calked some increase In pulse and blood pressure and all awak- ening of attention among the depressed, and increased motility among the excit- tdk'. Such instruments as strings and horns, especially playing soft or plain- tive music. would be positively harmful is depressed conditions, but are useful lit some 111atliil C::Ses, etc. It tins hcen noted lately in experiments on the effects of music on breathing that m the normal individual, listening to organ music, major or minor, loud or soft, shortens the respiratory pause and snakes the breathing faster and shal- lower. in hospital practice 1 found it useful to subdivide the concert orchestra for ward purposes, using certain combinations for certain cases, depending on effects de- sired, as previously described. Pa- tients should also be allotted freedom of movement (luring concerts. Pallia - live effects at least are nearly always obtainable. in matters of amusement. diversion and occupation, in disord"rcd mental states, it is found necessary to have vilr'- i( ty. The s01110 diversion cannot as a rule be long used with the surae pa- tients. If physical training is t.tilized, various methods are employed; music may he used to occolnpany the exercises, and the mune and instruments rnny be var- let!. Basetall games interest the entire hcusehold and cause diverting oonversa- lic n. The sante is tr and inthese se hospi- tals, respecting pool bowling matches; and the benefits of patients' dances have been a platter of common observation and continent for years. Rhythmic exercises, MOTES OF INTERi.ST FROM iIER IIA\KS AM) BRAES. What is Gering On tn the Highlands and Lowlands of Auld Scotia. (anim to be the oldest living Scots- man is 11,8410 by Archibald MacCl ilrl- n on, of Skye, nged 109. 'file Duke of Buccleuch has been np- p>ointed president of the lbenfre►y ;tars_' And snaking a funny noise that was 'Territorial Array Ass(,cnitie.n. BEGGAR'S SANK BOOK. .1 Clever Gang Captured by the Bdrlin Police. A clever gang of Turkish, Gre-k and Russltln proles.aional beggars, s+I1) huwe been "working' Berlin, (ier•nlany since the in delle of Deoeniter atter a series of successful operations in other con- tinental capitals, was captured toy Ii►e 1>< -.fico a few days ago. Their proflta had amassed at su: h a rate that they were compelled to cp^n a bank account for the storage (,f their ill-gotten gains. Thor aa•hernc was to :end out four -if the youngest members of the gang, who made a house -to -he -415e canvas of vari- ous neighborhoods in the guise of de af and dumb 1 -errors. A trotted appeal which the "mutes" presenlel lord a har- rowing; la') of how, during the last Turkish -Bulgarian Ihns1ilit:os. their par- ental tonnes had been pillaged, and the longues of all the children of the house - ):old cut out by bloodthirsty tioldiers. Subsequent attacks of typhoid had then rotobed then) of their hearing. "llelp me, merciful Christiana' con- cluded the plaintive prayer, anal God will rea.mpense you a thousand times. The "beggars" often came home at night with pockets clunking with gold and silver. The swindle crime to Tight lr14t week in consequence of a piece of bad management at the headquarters of the gang which resulted in one of the beg - :ars applying by mistake at a house which a colleague 11.1c1 successfully "worked" a couple of days before. partly growl and partly as if he were A skuned glass window has i,(cn trying: to sing when he had n cold. erected in the parish church, I1C nes;. ret mentory of Provost \\'e!sh. Darntig,o to Tev:oldale Mills, 'hoick, and stock, was caused by Ilia) to the extent of about £2,000. Crieff town council will borrow Ll t,- OOC to meet the cyst of the proposed sewage purifle�a t ion works. On the Athol! estates there me lest could reach the shore, the bear. mov- small hoklers, and hardly n big farmer Ing in a circle`. had got between there and the land. rind in trying to lura, Janes al pied and slkl right Whent!, to- ward the t ear. Ile set up a great cry, tut ( t rge and Arthur did not Id go oI hint. although they. too, were very )nut h frightened. "It's a bruit It's n tear!' cr:e 1 George and Arthur together; and getting James by the hand, they all three started to Aril. Nov every tar�y knows how hard 1t Is to run on ice without skates. You keep slipping and sliding, and you can- not turn quickly nt all. Before the boys who was not once a small Igo .er. . Mr. J. Campbell Lorimer, K. C... Oat been appointed Sheriff of Ayrah rii. in the stead of the late Sir David llran;1. A medal has been struck to cesrninem- orate the Ki1hg's visit too Aberlour (linn(fshire) Orphanage last °ultimo. I hen. all at once. there come a great There is over £7.5;.6 at the cre(!tt 4 f shouting and crashing in the bushes. 267 deeosttr rs in lnnc•rl'ithen and ? n- and out lopped a little man with high twilit* (l'4cblcrhire) Savings Bank. hoot rind n red flannel shirt and a 1.ast year G.62a squirrels were 1;1'le.' fur cap. It.s eyes w4 re tug ane) Clack. iso Inverness, )toss and Sutherland. The and his ha.r curly; and in his ears he Unities paid was at tW race.' of 4:1. per pact tattle rings of gold. ile talked very o tail. loud to the tear. and teemed to be A fend for the poor has teen pro- acolding' hien. brit the 14 ys could not sented to Errol, Perthshire, in mercer), understand what he said. He wnikc•1 •of the late Mr. Janus Bello, hot;:•:ce D right up to the hens and slapped him 1a 1( a across Itie fact- with his hand. The bear whined. and began to (lance nt, 111e faster. Then the little mnn tcok n Lig ceotinr from h s pocket and strap - eel it rotund the t+cnr'e neck. and lie- -ran e- -gan to lea,1 hem nosy by a rope. last before h(+ sent he turned 1n the boys Anel 5nid. With n Fnlile that showed his whit(' tel!). "Bn(1 11epp>w ! Run away. fati like dance. Get cord. get seek.'- Y(o11 hes Companion. 4, f t.EA!•\�"T Fon J.1\II:S. FROM ERIN'S GREEN ISLE MEWS IIV MAUL FROM IlIELANT)'S SHOItES, llappenings In the Emerald Isle of Interest to Irish- men. The Central Central Nuontalrseries bs', Buoy Drapes -Ines, Noweif splendid value Raspberry. Itykoi&ad R 81mrsw yPI is In 'grislier ll well grows. MAO. depeudable stock. awed for air urea Prised cata- uo. e ship direct to our customers. with satisfactory results. Try etc IS h year. Meed Potatoes: Climes, Burets. Eldorado, Peck's Early, Early Kiss, Uold Coin. aid .them. 'Ibis ad. will nut appear again. Ae Ce NULL IL $3N, ST. C1f�iLAINES, ONTARIO. MEN LION THIS PAPER, HEARTY. "Tarte back the heart that you gates); With a kik of regret tie said, aro the ssaatreis olio stood gestate hirci), "And bring mo liver insteai." DON'T OVFRD AR W YOUR SANK ACCOUNT. Jas. F. M. Mullen, J. P., of Belmont, has been appointed lligh Sheriff of (ark for the present year. int. S.r Chnr!es I. Brett has been nppo ea pores dent of the Belfast Chamber of Conlnlerco for 1908. Antritis road residents are agitating In favor of the purchase of the Canlhill A \Whitewall Tramway systems by the Belfast corporation. Alderman Sir i;obert Anderson has teen elected mayor of Belfast. in place (blind or bleeding), bad legs. Inflame.' of the Earl of Shaftesbury. Councillor patches, rheumatism. neuralgia, scluth- g� John McCaughey has been made high ca. obsces4es and all di'eased. injured sheriff for 1908. and irritated conditions of the sk<n. Ott- The corporation of the city of Belfast tainable of all druggists and store.:, and the management of the Forster- or poet -paid upon receipt of price Preen Il .,r purl have between thein from Zuul-13uk Co., Toronto. FOl'R HOSPITALS FAILED. James Heard, of Morton Park, Ont., says: "While employed at the Specialty Works of Newmarket 6 or 7 years olio, 1 brei scxl ray' ankle, but through neg- lect this bruise turned to an ulcerated t r turning sore which caused ngreat gloat deal of suffering. 1 tried a 111111)1 el* of doctors, and was in the ho pilot four times. 1 tried almost every- thing, but Clothing did me any gcod. 1 could not sleep `at night \ith btct tfomcat 1- rng and burning pain, e first application of 'Larnbuk 1 never lo: t any sleep. and felt nothing more of it than if 1 hadn't had any 50 a al all. 11 started healing and gave me no further trcutle. I persevered swan it find my enkle is now as sound and well as ever it ua';. t cannot speak too lOghly of %nln-Bak." lana -Bak cures cuts, horns, chaplet! hands, chafings, toll sores. it':h, : tains, eczema, running sorc5, ear e throat, ba•1 chest, ringworm, 'aka To overdraw your bank account, whether mentally or physically, is more suicidal oven than to overdraw materially. Repair wasted tissues. str.ulethen shattered nerves and rejuvenate your rheumatic system by visiting the famous Mineral Balt Springs of the "St. Catharines Well" of St. Cathar- ines. Ont. A postal card to J. D. McDon• aid; District Passenger Agent, ()rand illustratedTrunk lway System. descriptive matter..' will bring NO DOUBT ABOUT IT. agreed to pay for twenty-five new beds in the institution. Four men and two women have teen arrested in Belfnst, charged with the To tat:oluv our goods sad that we may *sad you oar catalog, •►tet♦ eootaiu hualre.ls of barst11Ma is soap Ilse of ge►ue1• Ws Nu you lata bstrdsonue gs►14 Qu Bisset Etas, with raised scrolls on odes, sada►le les mea. Ironies or a ai1dr. s ; ars su the rets et the p seat 00s0 Postpaid with our sestets for 1 cents Rood sajrated uta��Nsb. bouts os►:a *atm 1 MB W/NOUN cu.. Dept U.a. brldysport,Ceno. Guest (in cyoueap s m r�ls u� ink)ruins waiter. are y turtlo soup? \Vash r--Gour'e it is. it was made from water taken from n pond in the park in ss loch two turtles were kept a'i surnulcr TO CURT A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE ItROMO Quinine Tablets. GROVE'S ists sIz wtore is fund onteachfalls bus. curs. *10. W. NOBODY WOULD KNOW. Doctor (to lis cook, who is just 1eav- ing-"Well, Miss, 1 and sorry, but 1 can only give you a very indifferent ci:;.aructer." "Well, sir, never mind. Write, it just like you do your prescriptions?" HER ONLY CIIANCE. A clergyman twice refused to mnrry theft of 4202 from the t111 of Dennis a couple who carne teflon, him. te.i C1 -Flaherty s spur.. store. cause on both occasions the bridegroom Two I'crlfast constables. sent to a rest n lunatic of the name of Lanigan, had a strenuous time before they ef- fected tho capture. The elan was armed with a razor. anal both police - Men received ninny bad cuts. 'Ilio Belfast health authorities report another outbreak of spotted fever 'n that city. Owing to the use of a new scrum, the death rate has. however, ereisc'4 such es -bicycle been reduced to thirty per cent., as riding; on level !,round, are useful in slates of pnrtial exhaustion and In the spnssnodic neuroses. Golf is frequently prescribed in many nervous disordcrss as u form of exercise the dosage of which Is easily regulated. Calisthenic drills to increase the atten- tion are apt to be too exhausting for cliental cases unless sufficient renction time is permitted, or the teacher an om- any his commands with a performance cf the earns movements to escape permitting imitation. which is not (lc- overpowered, he managed 1 turn In an alarm. e r. he late Mrs. Agnes Shcrs' .cit et' Christie. Ilr.ughton Ferry, Lequeathed 49,000 to institutions in Dun fee and district. The death re:ently took place ( f \ir. Win. Spink, Arbroath, n teac1» of navigntion, an inventor of the terrace- lesticol e. Sir Donald Currie is to restore pail er Dunkeld Cathedral "1n the spry 1 of the past," there being no replica cf the original w4,1(c. Mr. Pune; Jnrvie, who for n quarter 0! n century boa tern stn1.on-lna-,te•r nt iinsin Statia•an. Kir•kintilloch, has re- tin(l under the age limit. Jedhurg!h has ngre ed to comb'ne with Meirrse for 11►e'. u: a of the infectiot•s When \1r. noncom won 1.:s bride he f(It 1,rmperly hurnhte at securing such n prize, and In the after years Mrs. llansoul never allowed pial to lapse ink Mroe'fulre•5s of her eondescen- s.e n. le, r r(n'ly cared fcr rile. I'm sure.' sai•i \tr. 11111) ,m. "Thal is a great ae infa•rt--to thank 1 didn't urge you fgninat y,ur v.i-,pts." ••J.:rncs," !:Iia \Irs. Ran91m. in a tone Eluted W her impo'ing and s onlewhnl n.arsiwe ap,penrfnce•. "how could you Iver d'ubt my nifeclkn' Ilnve 1 not is ht you that 1 Lal Ir'' posa's tram men who wire b(i;l ant. hand o;ne and tat- tnl(d. and pas -ins them all by, Jams', 1 c Ilene your 11c is a mann man who will dollber• early talk in h s skcp kr the purport pf keeping his tired wife awake. r' himself, thus ngalndt. seventy per ccnt. in last year's epidemic. Investigation into the Irregularities In the Belfat treasury depnrtn.ent has revealed n defalcation of 46,800 in three words alone. 1t is thought that the total shortage will he about 415.000. Awakening from sleep, Rev. I.:ndany Cullen, of llangor, County Down. found the gas issuing from a bmkcn pipe anti the furniture In flames. Though almost companied by nearly as IIIIIC1l mental exhaustion ns the close and prolonged tatition of the attention dernnnded by following rapid commands only. Duplicate waist 1 have found of irrl- me11se value in many mental cases of knit standing In which there is not int:ch deterioration. 11 controls the at- tention for considerable periods, to the eaclresiof of annoying delusions and hallucinations. Many h spitnIs are schools, the object provided which pcdag.ogic is the awnkcningt and re-education of dormant energies by netunl` participation i,a stuffy' or di'cus.sk)n. Spelling !;;ental arithmetic; geography of colul- Iries and pinces of sperinl current news- p,nper mention: reciting or reading aloud --all have their value. ILLS OF CHILDHOOD, HOW TO CURE THEN mance There is no meat^tne cnn equal Baby's cl £l li (10f1. and On the recommendation of the Earl cf (:ar., sfort, H. M. 1.. for the County cf \Vickksv, the Lord Chancellor has a1 p ointcd Mr, Christopher Charles Her- bert Hall, of Knockrahecn, itoundwood. to be a Justice of the pence for that county. The bridge which Connects Cruit !g- land with the mainland collapsed while n number of young people bad ns -em• bled on it for a banes, many of their. being thrown into the sea. Since the institution of a bath at Bal- lymoney workhouse only eight tramps went through the ordeal, and were re- ceived In the ssoI%4house, compered \lith fifty tramps received in the correspond- ing wee': of last year. Mrs. Alurgaret Fagan, of Cummings - town, West Meath, has just passed away at the ase of 104 years. 11 is reported from Dublin that the Duke line of steamers has Loan pur- 1 IN G. & J. Burns for the surd was intnxicatelf. The clergyman said to the bride: "1 cannot understand why you come to church with a man who Is 10 be your husband in a state like this." The young; woman burst into tears and said: "f cannot help it, sir. Ile won't oJme when he's sober!" Own Tablets fcr the cure of such ilia of bnbyho(►(i anti childh god as consti- pation, indigestion, dlnrrlloea, colic, simple fever, worms ;ive t(hitii e thngnrou- btes. When you g, to your little ones you have the guarantee of n government analyst that it is per- fectly safe. \Irs. Tho;. \fids. Ethel, Ont.. rays: t have uses Itanv'a Own Tablets for my little boy nn.i find thein just l he medicine needed to keep Unties heathy. 'ahoy are ensy to tithe and al- ways (to good." Sold by medicine dea- lers or toy- trail nt 25 cents n lox from The Dr. Williams \ledicine Co.. Brock- ville. (int. Rata have disnppefrel tern Little Cumbrae. where, before the recent ex- pyvinhenis sv.th n disuse fatal to theta, they were so thick as to almost ITC. Old(' the habitation of the island. Miring a gale, n crane nt Beardmore k Com; nny 5 ynrd at Dalmulr. while Nang pl ee% for the new loatt'oahin Ag amemor.n, was l tt•n into tho river. Two men Were carnet! with it, and were drowned. ----- The -The le.giod rrr,.nt titer Pre 1. ;i•'4 at lo; in M► a,, e . 1t wn' kilo, ar.d 1t tonic too horses !1. 40111 ,1 arsine? '] fr. t n drag In an A. £20,(%%' kr his social work, and had earmarked it for taint purpose. At Doncaster Oreo. Peary Finn, an neater -footman at Milton flail, was com- mitted for trial, charged with slenlirlg n diamond tiara, the pmp►e'rly of his mistress, TATO in en(kas r;ng; to r'setro h!S (lag• care of honing,Bllad, IllNdln or protadial which had located an otter burrow nt I.1:•e Is $ to Hass or m may rerended. soe. (:l.,n lerlaw (;n. Clare), John Cassidy p.s`, ) o,,nrnlerc ntel'cswcrc c't1 had his hand so badly bitten by ono Paring not(w, "1l hatrave ).ernrs tcrwm• e�e o! 111e ct'ers that an amputation hal s, on ," said the first. "and have only tc be performed. t four order.'' "That Lank ate," ,nit lit'ce of 'he Longford Agri- Kt' cu te c•urns Eat cue ty propose to •1:'.c ntinue nat(1 the other; "I love leen out four the annual show, in consequence, of twee•:' and have only got one order. the load ng;ital on. 1f they take entrlea rind that s thorn the firm to cornet borne.' jc.1 Pit l if they rcft1'e such entries the itard and aeft ctona cnnnot swithctnn(1 C t i A Benefactor to All. --Tile ac,klier, the sailor, the f-hormun, the miner, the farmer, the mechanic, and all who live lives of toil and spend their existence in the dull routine of tedious tasks and who are exposed to injuries and ail- ments that those who toil not (10 not know, will find in Dr. Thomas' Eclec- tric 011 an excellent friend and Lene- factor in every time of neeJ. AS USUAL. Mother's buying diamonds, And sister tr.nkets fine. And brother's buying shares A "salted' copper !nine; Willey fades like magic It almost gives ono thrills - And father, poor old father, Ito has to stand the bilis! in What should be Forgotten 1 Everything that mars. What should not be forgotten? he P A L" Menthol Plasters ; a postive cure for musca• lar rheumatism and neuralgia. Tho Beggar -"Please, sir, will you a lndly nssi,t a 4 caor ninn who has three wive; to support?'• '1'11e P4destrian- "\\'hy; do you mean to say you aro a bigamist?'' The Beggar -"Oh, no, sir. Two t f thein are tho wives of my sons - In -law." elle A GOOD TIME TO BUY CLYDESDALES '1't,oae swho know farmers who are praying for their fauns and making money usually appreciate that to raise a Icer foals each year is a sure money maker. (aydesdnlc horses arc recog- 1,ized to be the hest heavy draft herd of horses for Ontario and every up -to - dale farmer should try this yeilr. when prices are low, to procure a brood mare al the current prices. Quality and pedi- gree should always he cons:(lered when purchasing to breed from, so only high- class mans should be procured. A nurnt(r of chances in the way of auction sales have gone by. but there is an important tant sale to 1o0 held al it►•aver'on. March 12th, where marry tr><od mares are 10 he rold, heavy in fool. 'this is an opportunity to to taken advantage of. These snares are Owned by Me« -r.. Donald Gunn do Son, the pro- prietors Cf the famous l)unrobin Stock I -arm. The reputation of these men is sufficient to guarantee a grocd sale and good animals. Farmers considering (heir sown interests would do wer to rtnunat.er the date. )dress in Bolfnat General Booth announa'ed that a lady gave him exwe WANTED to bear from owner having A GOOD FARM for sale. Not particular about loeatton- Please giro price and description, and rea- son for selling. State whoa possession can be bad. Wil( deal with owners only. L Darbyshire, Box g$4, Rochester, N. Y. TiRB • tQ oECeA.L :. �TEReoRQUQH $EMO IDR CATALOGUE An Important New Book by a Canadian Novelist ; THE ROAD TO DAMASCUS Ay N. A. Mitchell Rea;e, author of "lie Thar Eatoth Broad with tie.' A beautiful portrays of the marital relation, with a powerful treat ment of coeducation. Pronounced by critics "ItAti1LY 0!a6 01 YRS itlsAao\'S BUST NOVELS.' At a'1 bookstores. 81.10, or sent postpaid on receipt of price, bythe publishers, Small, Maynard d Co. 1 Beacon t., Boston, Mau, Buckle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup is an unparalleled remedy for cokl4, coughs, influenza and diseases of the throat and lungs. The fame of the medicine rests upon years of successful use in eradi- cating these nik-ctions.and in protect- ing mankind from the fatal ravages of consumption. and ns a neglected cola lends to consumption. one cannot be too careful to fight 1t in its early stages. Bickie's Syrup is the w upon, use it. A REMINDER. A cold wave always reminds a man that he ought to have ordered more coal a day or two before. One Irinl of Mother Graves Worrn Bxterininntor will convince you that '1 ha: n4) equal as a svorin medicine. Buy a Cottle and sec if it docs not please you. FEATHER DYEING Oleaa Goa Osritas at Eta 01 a.4 V r also cwt by ler . PS' BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING Cie M07RiWAL Stubbs -"Yes, the Colossal \Vild Animal .Show went to p:ocea. The cre- ditors seize,' everything until they reached tlio creature in the last cage. Penn -"And why didn't they seize that?" Stubbs -"It was a porcupine.'' Brown-"The,e cigar. i am smoking aro pretty expensive." Janes -"That's true enough; 111 !oat one you gave me cost me a doctor's bill." ITCH, Mr.nge Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious itch on human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wcl• ford's Sanitary Lefton. 1l never falls. Sold by all druggtats. iso--"P•o you think blondes have more adlnirel s than brunettes?" She -"I don t know. You (night oak Mss Turn - hair. She has had experience in both capacities..' VAVI 1 -7-c -77 Strengthens! . Develops: Inv l aerates! t . I f you suffer from weak MAKES ,S ',t... shattered nerve.. lett MEN• vitality, waning poser..or• NEW ` paired memory. meats •stale• melancholy, weak back or premature cid are. Val•VIto ,n11 ,rake ou strost mud vigorous. Val -Vito •Ill buil. up s system that hm rwn/errs, no matter how long antic led orwbattbt cause: billeting both bol and mind back to their normalconditioa. ��� 1A�'r' Dna rto t 41 sit Peek ar.4 /At 1,00,1.1•0,...a. 'qr Val-Vtto contains oo harmful &elm 1t 1s • NHRVB 10011 taut Iiia. ty, ss..* t4rni s,4 restores VI ALU Y gwkk1r ao4 pe•r•ranrnt!r. The price of thl$ marrelous remedy Is to a boa (4a 1814), but is order to demenrt•ate It, merit•. orders received prier to April s, w 111 be Ailed ter to . seat ppnn,tpahl In plain ora opts. hinny back If, not r.t sfactor (orresposaencerewlicite • STERLING1 Roo* ., N w Iro S '• ity t tV, CHILD'S DICTIONARY. "Snor'ng--Letting off sleep." "Apples- fhe bubbles That apple trees blow." "Backbiter- A mosquito." "Fan -A thing to brush the warm off "Ice --Water that went to skcp in the cold." WHAT CAUSES 1IIEADACHE. Prom October to May. Colds are the most fro- neas oats* et Headache. LAXATIVE BROMO QU1NIN mutes Cease. L W. Grove ea boa tW "Yes, dear." salt to petted young wife, examining her birthday gift, "the a diamond car -rings are pretty. tut the stones are awfully small." "O{ course, my dear," replied the dip- icmat.c husband, "but if they were any larger they'd bo out of all proportion to the s.u• of your ears." Suffer No More . -There are thousands who live miserable lives because dys- pepsia dulls the faculties and shadows existence with the cloud of depression. One way to dispel the vapors that be- set the victims of this di.sorier 18 to or- der them a course of I'armelee's Vege- table Pills, which are among the Lest \egetable pills known. being easy to latae and aro most efficacious in their nclion. A trial of them will prove thus. A It cOognited Regulator --To bring the digestive organs into symmetrical working is the aim of physicians when they find a patient suffering from � to- rnnchic irrrgularitiea, and for this pur- pose they can prescribe nothing better than I'urmc'a•e's Vegetable fills, \which will be fantod a pleasant medicine of surpris:ng sirtue in bringing the refrac- tory organs into but;c•c tion and restor- ing Il:ein 14 1,nrmal nction, in a Ili^h condition only they perform their du- ties properly. Litl'o Girl--"Myarnrnn is nwfol! strict. 19 yolirs?' Little fle�y--"Ochil.' Little Girl -"But she lots you go any' - where you want fa. and - Little It,,y-"Oh. she nin't slriet with me." Little G:1.1-" rl,r•n who is she strict ssith?'' 1,:111e 11oy- -"tea.' e.A Grave yard cou[h" 1• the cry nI tortured MI aTOItDAY9 h Innpp for mercy. titre t em Allen's Lung Balsam. which Is aae1ed witb gete►d effect eve. to oonsalap• .F.9 CURED IN • OINT•IEVr Is grtranteet to etre arrf : lion's slily at.r$es_ A in11.F31\IA'S iIOIINS, The young lady sighed deeply and was almost affected to toms. 'Iin,old." she sa:d, "declares that if 1 don't marry him he will 0nd his life. And 1 nm nfraid he will." she et.tlertl a sob, then continue!: "and Ittinek►lph (l0. Imes that if 1 1, n r merry him he will go Into (oldies ntul become great and famous, nn•i then Holloway • Corn '. from Iho graziers the people will ob- Department of Agriculture will not give the annual grant. The flul,tin Gas Afeler factory was totally dt slmyea by fire last week. A ht;ndred min have ben thrown out c't t lilt what they dein t know is tit fiat to employment. but will he taken on ea, in order to obtain it. again ns Ston as new gimlets can lir zucttred. Mete Iron Needed 1n the Montt et pole, i Th re d icd loot ors -k, \ira. \(.:1. Net- d rwn pe•,ple. '• 1►err,'ito, the t.t►tt tonic. will s- n. 4:f (earl' Ck1)n•Shr►nn �i.. nt the age' yut it thee•. At all g`ne:ai store* and UPORgidt of 1('a. \ira. Nelson ment thmugrh 1)10 \Ve men enjoy twc:►r►r1g; Criniein War 83 one of F'orenc" N:ght• ing;rlle': tante,. On her death S'1e was t*v aU t' it 11 81,4 111.'111 ly reco':pt of an annual pension of Mt14. when they take them off. Ilr(' 1 s effectual eVery time. (h1 a lottle at once and t.( Says 1 shall see ss tint 1 hnse !stenos. And 1 am all aid he sviil keep Itis aorI, te happy. too." \tact p aaplo talawwhnt they went, 0vor'ome by emotion. She ',oriel! her lice in her hands, not knowing whe- ther tr, 'ave n lite or to spare the coun- try ,anoUlcr r0l.tician. She--'"fhe new tenor singer in the choir used to be a lock'milh." 110 - "No wonder he always hits the right lacy, then." 1iotit al.)!flea f et: i so good w w. Like • bad habit a skin dMeass grows. Seen - loos humors..s& and all eruptions may be sand u edigen kcrryreles Carat*. , $u i tod Internally byWeaver's LiTTLE AND LONG. One James Little 'loved a insides As did nlso one John bong; Rooth would call ss•i1h bontlJ ns laden And on flowers troth were strong; Best sheet tickets lath kept buying, (loping thus to please the maid Each one with the other vying - Competitions s gcotb for Ir8Je. Both of thein 111e maiden ar Uul Used to meet with smiling eyes. hitt wl en each pour.•d out his he artful Gave indefinite replies; So she kept them loth n -guessing, But she hummed a little stung To herseif her thoughts expr:•asing: ''Love Mo Little. Love Mo Long.'' engtomer 'top frrvry r'- "I w.31 you would not give rhe rt weight kr my money." Gro(er ' I swish ye 11 would net bite n:c s1.ch a long w..1 for minol" ea>_ .4M.MIIMISa • ISSUE AO. i I - C3.