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Exeter Times, 1908-03-19, Page 5
Zwicker's, Crediton '1 H E EXETER TIME S, MARCHMARCH19th )9i We beg to announce that we have opened an immense stock of new Spring Goods and invite your inspection, We have increased our stock in 111any lilies and (•1111 give you a large selection from which to snake your choice This is the Time of the Year for Nouse Furnishings. Rugs and Carpets Lace Curtains om. stock of room) Ruse are the hest Sp(•ciaal values in this clepaat•tn,ent. $11,00 to $t2.'.(1.1 each We have also al Laces, Embroideries, etc i l'n- Illfe hahavee ever shown. All blies_, from A Constant State of War. To successfully combat the germs of disease and sickness, of which the atmosphere is full, you need something more than ordinary food. .1 daily cup of "BOVRIL" will give the extra strength and vitality to enable you to successfully resist any attack. Keep " BOVRIL" in the house. s4 large stock ul Brussels, '!'(►)►carry. our „tock of Laces, Insertions, Ewn- ion and HempCarpets drpets at front 20 to 1 1.10c per yard, brolderiea, Allovers, has arrived for Crediton i your inspection. r Linoleums Cress Goods + D I{. !', J. MaCt5f:, MEMBER ON - Dress TARIO LOLLI• VL• 1'i1Y 1C1 IVe import N irn's Linoleun►s. ‘Ve(eons, /Successor to 1)r. have the new Floral, Tile and Block , 1�'e show the very latest };cods in ; inti and Slur patterns in all the different widths. I,ithis departmentdepartmentall the newnewshades in I B. A. Heist. Ore(iiton. Ont. N ' Panama Cloths, Taffeta Cloths, Pop. NI1ss Oltr'i.t Holt twine wishes to airu n uol�uulb give the best saris- lies Tweeds, Venetian Suiting( and 11►110uuc; ti'"1 1e"ivc 1 1iva- fact ion of any line we have ever hand- etc. hoof(. r of pupils fur instruction We e will cut and lay theta for on piano :1n l organ. Miss Voltz' yOt1. Our prices art right. Staple Goods ftmaim hose!,. t11.O cert icor Our stoc • ofSkirtings, Cottonades the Toronto !University on Piano and We have the Staunton line. �>llso:t y , lite Cottons, Sheet- ,eory• Unci of American tunto beautiful ,nt inks, flannelettes and etc. is marked Mir. E. I). Mahon, of !Lurie, ha- 1 at Very close prices. h ru Ledger Keeper in the terns from 5c. to _3t. per. roll Border Ceiling ;and wall at one price per. roll Ti ROC E IZV STOCK brancit� !lank of Commerce Kirkton ---lir. John Cornish. :I11; ul,l end respected resident of this village died on 'Fridty, '1lrtrch 6th al the' ago of 611 seers, after at, tllr,ess of over two years suffering from heart truuhle. The deceased was born near Darlington :eel moved to this sec- tion u tion about l tient y.•nrss :Igo. lin Wall papers L I u•a. :a ineinb of th(, 'Methodist 1 (tre • Cottons, 1Vhi ' '1'1 church and in politica was: a !Albert - al. He is Survived besides his be, reeved widow, by one con P - rank, who lives it1 rth.W 1 S.,' and three daugh- liere. tors, riltrs. Nathan I}oupo and Cora WASE] Goods 1 Our Grocery Stock is complete, also 'Miss Armstrong, of. Exeter, hes and Ethel. The remains were inter• I our China and l)innersvare stock has this week taken charge of the mil- red in Ili •. Kirktun cemetery Monday Our stock in this line is complete the best make of English been increased. See our swell New finery department of Mr. C. Zwick- afternoon. follow.d by :i number of prints (fast Dinner Setts before making your p11r- er's store.. sorro33 illi.• friends. colors) Gingliatus, Chaanlhray's, M119- chase 1Ve have the leading nlar.u- Mr. line &c are shown in this c)ep:artulent.John Brown, of llarrt_on, ;,lith, - �-- facitlrers Roods in this line, who hats been visiting his brother Mr. NEW THINGS FOR THE HOUSE - Barney Brown for a few, days 'has , utter, Eggs Dutch Setts and Seeds wanted for which we will pay returned home. Kf:hl l:lt the highest prices A number of our citizens wet last 'Lt the :\latchmatt l's Moyne Cout- we:k to arrange for a celebration pinion Intrude,Merritt erritt harmer gives to b,• he d 011 the 24111. of May. The her uttelltioll to the )1Nel o: the following officers Swans appointed.- young iiiousekoeper, gild I1.:r talk is s Presidents,Presidents,Presidents,Wm.. Lewis and‘II. well 'worthy the careful reading .of lion. L•'ilber, eP. l'. ; Peelle: Ira 13rotwn ; any women of the horn -• who is Ott the rice's.,A. E. Kuhn ; Tr&is.; Johu lookoutl,for new simple :end good Young. It was decided to celebrate B the 24th. and urrr(ngenieuts are now A n'"n rareebit i- it -t gens• of her being wade for ct good program of sports. A special Meeting of the council was held here on Saturday to make A Call Solicited CHAS. ZWICKER A Young Man's Success Depends largely on his personal appearance. 71'baat "smartly dressed" appearance has a great prestige. If a young man starts orf seeking a position, whether in town or city, how closely he is sized up If he is well dressed his position is half secured -it well dressed he has a pri:le, a dignity and confidence. These help a young man on won- derfully. Be Successful Young Men "Smart Clothes" swill help to make you so, so let us give you thi` important boost.. \Ve are here with the goods and the KNOWV-I10WV- TO-MAKE•'i'11ENI. See ol,r new style plates for spring. Get our prices. J. H. HOLTZMANN, CREDITON OFFICIAL PM�a�[4cm LABEL �erc` �. Just try a blended flour once and see for yourself that it does make \V 1 I ITER and tastier Bread and Biscuits-- L.IGHTER Pastry— MORE DELICIOUS (. a k . And there's food reason for it, too. Blended Flours combine the rich nutriment, the white::;•;:, lightness and delicate flavor of Ontario wheat \vith the strong qualities of Manitoba wheat. For all home baking—no flour, milled only from spring wheat, CaO compare \\ ith a BLENDED FLOUR. Look for this trademark on every bag or barrel of flour you buy. Take no other. OFflCIAL. 1'sn>�rm� LABEL DRS.KENN EDY& KENNEDY _i }bit1 to r. ei• t1 —05 43.03 elsessellemn • Located in Oor ewe .; 1 • es; I 1 -,e ;see 1.r•.U;rK. successors to DRS. KENNEDY Al KERSAM NERVOUS DEBILITY CURED Riteesfies gild indiscretions are the eanso of more Itorrow and stint,'(.g than all other diseases combined X1'0 %e•t• the sictitns of %scions i.abit* on "very haaei• the sallow. 'Mooted face dark circled eyes, :stooping `oral, stunted '1t'.tlopnlent. bashful. melon rholie cvuntenaneel and tanii,) hearing' Coro Ode, to not tho tworld h14 folly and tenet to blight 1 i3, xiz<:ence. Our treatment positive - Is, cores ail veal' men t,y overcoming and r,•moving the effects of former indiscretion's .1 rind excesses. It atom all drains and quickly ?,1tores the victim to vhat nature Intended n healthy,and harpy rear •.e i' ll phy si al. men tell amt tier%e 1...3e, r ('': 4p'. tt. For over RO years Drs. K. & K. have treated ',tri the greatest RucceSl' oil 1 diseases of men and women. . 1f you have any tsecr, t disease that 1'. te•'rry Reel a tn,'naee to your he alt( coo- it it physicians who do not h'.%, 1•, 00 fou. \\'egtrnranteetocttre NERVOUS DEBILITY. CLOOD DISEASES STRICTURE, VARICOCELE. KiDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES. Consults. ton Fre•. It ur.at l.� t•e a til, t, rite for a cu.s'lon ):lank for Homo Treatment. Dios.heirK.r. . t r ti4l1KENNED Cor. Mic . gan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. many good hints to lsuus:•kcaap.'rr. "Just the away to use. the 1 est, of the baked beans I Melt two tahie - :spoonful of butter, add one tity- arrangoments to fill the vacancy ei ooilful of salt, one eighth of a caused by •the resign ttion of Andrew!'tttieepoonful of paprika, one half cup - Hicks, of Centralia. Nominations to 'fol of milk and Wm cupful of cold fill the vacancy will tzka place next mashed :baked Means. Stir until thor- Monday, ouglily +heaated, and acid one half cup - The old and highly resl►actc,l pion• ful of grated soft, milk cheese. cors are passing away arid, the ruem,- As goon :as the theses•' Juts molted. orof these honor: d landurtrks will serve' on small • circular piecses of e •ter be forgotten by the preste�,t t toasted bread or zo'phyr. t 1 s. it g••.tk ration. The .last was George may the readily seers that this recipe . . I is raelml'i ib .lawhinn(y, sr., of thtj nth., „„o„,...� ly adapted 'for ch.,fint,(llali cion ill his 79tj1 year. Ile was bort! Iu.,>n,t• it, Armagh, Ireland on April 171 h and when 21 years of nge.• came to (111a - de, landing at Quebic. Ile then catue I as far as London, awhcra Ita spent some tittle and in 1861 came to Step- hen settling on 1111 farur oil which he lived (tor ultuost 44 years. Ile W:18 married t%Viee, his first wife dy- ing 18 years ergo. In 19'03 111e was ire.., �,�- married to Mrs. Willis, of Lucan "" ZOO PL45 S.. who s,. rvives hint. Ile leaves u e ,, :;.,.,• ,,., large family of tett children, colt- No.2 sisting of five sorts and. five (laugh,- - Lets • George, David, Robert Thomas Steel is relined iron -iron wsthout and •William, all of Stephen ; llr_t, arc, dirt or foreign substance -fused \\' m. Yearly, of oteph n, :Yrs ltobt, with carbon. Carbon gives tough - Keys, lowa ; 'Mrs. John Schroeder Re ' and strength -too much makes y' ► it ir:�•le and wortlitess; to0little, Stephen, :firs. Win. Alar tin., Step- soft 1:..: pliabtc, No Honirig— No Grinding heti, ;Intl r31ts. James Lawson Credi• Steel varies according to thegrade4 ton. Mr. Mawhinney and been en• used, tempering and quality"( joyiig ,good health, but a, 'bow drays employed. Uh.less you have devoted h •sore his death contracted a se v- on your time wits manufacture you k. cold, which dcvelopettinto know the almost impossible task was judging the finished article. TO tete •u,not118. In religion he ,uneh Presbyterian and in [)optics break the article and examine the t1.1, a Liberal. Although never az- twain, hammer and file it to note !tiring for municipal honors, he. took c qualitylabor, and other qua ly destructi►e tests is out of ( deep interest 111 everything leer- the question. There is but one real tattling to the welfaro of, the totwrt• test for you -tyke it and try it for a ship. The funeral took place oe. Fcriod of time. Tuesday last to the Exeter oenm;.ry, Cutlery steel -such as is used Erie attcndanos being large and many making Carbo Magnetic rasors- tt •• ro the'. regrets at the passing away . crust b^ of the finest selected grade of soon a worthy CiLIZlell. tempered uniformly throughout to .1. 5. ;Mutz :swill Saturtla diamond -like hardness. Fire,w,thits y. iia I,on' varying temperature, will not dothis. duct. un obusiness. , Mrs. Russell ,lluxt:lble', of 11.1,,,;1. Thirty years of most careful re- loh, is spending a 1:..w4 tl as i n t he search aid study have shown a way to add carbon to the Cubo Magnetic village' razor steel and merge it uniformly At the annual tn••etillg 01 the Atli• throughout the metal byasecretproc• letiC Association held in the Fire Hall • 511 of Electric Tempering. An es- 1\'edilrstlsly last, the officers for the I elusive and severe test of the finished ensuing year were Clefted. Tho t'e. blade results in an absolute unsformity port of the 'Treasurer Showed a tat- 1 in the line, and we are thus ena' I•d to rt„r• its t hes Treasury of about $7U, enoonmf/owally guarantee A '.,v st run}; committee was np- l ever! Carbo Magnetic rasor used, t►oiitt• ,t to make cal arrangements for cut test this no bon/w0, no ;.'Itti of May cel •(ration. Every ef• grinding razor tn1your owl home fort will be put forth' to make thisf --or have your barber use it on you. al grand succr,•ss, ( ' Dro;i us a postal, or better yet, Mrs. 1'itiklx•itlrr•, of Milverton, come in and see us and we will give c;►e. of :1 [+ tw days in the village as it 11 , you our new proposition for having t 1:1tia'. these razors tested without obliga- ,tiiss \\'a11 a 11111 who has bx•cen at. tson to purchase, together with our t••tlelitlat !Wit School at Harlin i+ ' free booklet •• Hints on Shaving.” e assail :a f. tw days at her homy. here-. 1,dlr. Win. Brown, Ugaslttt•ood,j W S Cole, Druggist !•111-711!•111-711'Thursda y • in the villa e4 • • , til r•, S:Irnue•1 Ilrow n epetit Monday 1 __ _ - - Dashwood t Seibert tic L:o eft. \t•. G. Graybeil, of lurid,, who 1. ,. 1. for Mr. J. Pita 1 clerking ( r of that village, has taken et sinii;- 1 tr position :with lles_trs. 'l'ie'u! in & Edighoffer anti coultu..ncrtl hit du- ties this ra.'ek. 1[r. ,I, Ktll:rut:x1111 attend. 1 a When it «•t)llll'll ih(�1'(11t(r ,�prci .1 iii ,tint,• of Stephen Council .,1111' cons!de :S her .�1/1'lll r Need • in Credito,! on Saturday to make ar- 1 she wants to buy where she ,rets the best • t tangent:tits for tilling the war:attc • . ' `' . t �'et ll(' for her y Illoll©�• I1e1t1 t forget \\•c hil\'t' nte11' and fresh goods to range by the resignation ion w Sean Andrew "' flick,, of Centralia. A nomination 1choose from, and not old and 8lll'If\\ ort stuff, a non tint int; will be ltoja ill Credi- showing , Our S�)ring tots urepresents 11 n onest value, .!Onuses next. Isll0\1IIl,,, is about complete ande_ Miss herr, of .Milverton, milliner for Tiernan & Edighoffe•r will arrive here this sa•eek anti take charge of her millinery department. Jlr, D. Tiernan has just received 1 :1 elf load of the very best metal • roofing and at i;1 bell it, as cheap as; can be bought i;lsewhcre. 'ead Hie•,t,ert .& ('o's, advertisementthis week. e1.'o:ne t:4.11g interesting loththe woute n Mr. Otto u{est.•rulayet', is leaving' the tinsmith trade of Mr. D Th.111311I • Where to Go lir sRrli�g Gootl� Come and See Our Lawns —Persian Lawns —India Linnens ---White Spot Muslins ---Mercerised Muslins Plain —Mercerised Muslin !Fancy ---Printed Dress Muslins --Sllirtings —C'ottorlades ---To'.vellin€, - -I'ottels --Sheeting —Sheets Mr. R. ffl'ietnan has moved into the —Hosiery house of Mr. 1'. kraft fortge'rly own- ed by 'Mr. J. 1(111: A new lot of Silks for 'Waists and Dresses Mr. Mtohi1 iln rEdighoffe•r is visiting f,ie•1,t1s ill ouourlei , JWatch this Space for our Millinery Advt. r. D. rllaulilton returned homehAdvt.l:,,, \Vediosday after Spelltli,tg t1,' list few 'weeks ,n British Colttn'bi.1. :Hiss 1'hib from t h •I lith. Con. is visiting in Iowa i 1t:t ;waif of •,Hiss 1 1liller, Miss Pearl .\\'urtz, of Zurich, rei- turned horn.) on 1londay, after spelt:i- ing some butes here with' her cousin Miss Kellerman)). lit•. \Vill l' Ieiuste.iber has accept • ed :t position .seitit 'Mr. J. i'reeter of Zurich and left oil Tuesday for that villagf. We are sorry to sec Mr. Kleinstih•.r leave our tot+'11. 'ltev. L. 11. Wagner, of L'erlin, C011- duCted tit a Quarterly meeting here, on Sunday. The Misses Finkbeiner were the guests of Mr. 1). Tiernan 011 Suns day. lir. D. bctiro.el r is this week mov- ing his 'family to tows!. 'Mr. 1'. :Whitt! will t11i-, w:•;•k mune to the (farm which h•' r(•cent 13 hough( of '11r. 11. Guenther. .lir. C. 5chroed r will move. into the house of Mu. Tobi Guenther. Miss ]'tall \\'uItz. of Zurich, ale;,.; $I.00 opens an Account and Interest added.t times a year, visiting her cousin flies 1•;t lid Kel- i Ierolanm last week. Do your banking business at homc and keep \'otlr account Mr•. Milton I•atig=(offer, of Sarnia, i the harmers Bank of Canada.I - in is visiting bis brother G;:oraee this Dashwood, Ont. Miss I'file• est►: lIt a fete days tlli, , we••+'k visit at iIte honk of Mrs.' A1:1ry Miller. a Siebert 71& Co. IIartlelb Block. L)ASI-IWOOD, he Farmers Bank Of Canada. IIEAI) OFFICE, TORONTO. W. R. TRAVERS, General Manager, Toronto, A Bank for Farmers Authorized (':allitatl $1,0t irt00 Where a General Banking Business will be transacted. Savings Bank Departm Whalen Mrs. F. Jlorley spent the past two ti. .ks with her moth •r, Mrs. J. Cor- nish. of Eden, who is )uite ill with (conchitis. For any case of nervousness, sleep- lossness, weak stomach, indigestion, dyspepsia, try Carter's Little Liver Relief is sure. The only nerve tii»dicine in market. Russeldale On Thursday tIi�111 1,f i jet ,Lost !I Special C1eari n a contest gain:. of ;,, ugrec.ivc: Lost f gSale eek ileir was 'played in the C. 0. C. F. !tall lx•taa•eeen the ,married people and of which full announcement will be made next week, Remember the young Y►,op1e of this neithbor- our 'Millinery Department, all the latest styles and designs in hath )food. A - •ri: s of 128 games were l gr elayed, r :111 t inr; in a victory for ; the form by 72 to 56 gamey Mr. ! Remember \ve pay the Highest Market Prices for all kinds Of David 1!e,i. ewes scorer and rciferee. Farm Produce A ret urn match w 111 he played in t he t►�:tr tnture•. TIEMAN & EDIGHOFFER Mr. and lilted t wi Airs. e! Dow enter- O Fj ER nuin1 ti- :,f friends to a social on 'Monday night in, honor of Corner Store. theiatt is 1we sisters who have -- _ 1► .•11 spending .1 couple of months -.o_ '.'i(h th•'ir parents Mr. and Mrs. G. I'r• luh:irt. They intend returning to their homl''s in Dakota tl.is week. 'ite•v. \ir. fliclntosh, of Mitch'11, pr, acleel trrep•lr:atory lsr'rwic{•s in th:• c lure.' 00 J'rnlay :(ftermoot. 8aer•t- nl"►lt ,‘"is ohs •r31•(1 0rl Sunday. The 1:►t,tists of Ptrllirton, are hav- n1.► a stocking social on i'riday night tr, aid in raising hinds for their new (•hurt!!. The progressive Kirkton, Telephone 'o. have just completed :a long dis• :Ince wire to onr burgh' which has 1 long felt. Avant to our businessNewSateens, Shirtings, Towelings and Gingliams. 1 nett. 'I'he•rc 3,re 11 few who have tapped elle( boiled th it first half -gallon of X1.11►1n syrup.__- , Smart honest boy wanted to learn the Mercantile bu ine 1 t G. P. ASH, Manager Special Clearing Sale ‘Ve wish to announce this week that we have purchased the general business of Mr. J Kellermann and also to announce that we are through stock taking and arc now ready for business, and we invite all former customers and friends to call on us, Having 'poked over the stock we have decided to have a I)ASII WOOD SPRING GOODS See Our New Prints Made 1)y Grafton & Co., no bet- ter made, in all the best shades at 1.2,3c per yard. Other prints at 6e to IOc per yard. Oranges and Bananas this week in London 011 huxiness, .I r, chap(. '" icker spent13tint::ay in l Chronic Coughs Cured London. I h" .„0 adults llibl.� classes of NE"..!cram,!! Eccles of Dromore. says: 111•• hvniig.•lical church Sunday t chooi t e e 1 to„k t or i bottles of Paychine, consisting 01 over fifty young she'll1and a tough i hadcontinually for nine and ladies Iaro 1)119"Y eng,o('(1. diall months disappeared. fl is the beat tiring for their East 'r Cant :1 t:I (•1t'• 1 remedy fur chronic coughs that I ever tit led "Priest rand king." „ ('1,OV]'.it, '1'1\lu'l'lll-• AI.SiNis ANf)111eThousands of livisig witnesses pro - :1151'.1) (`A'1'�3 1'u13,,1�A1.}:' pounce Psychine the greatest medicine We have a tock of No. 1, heti Clo- I in the world- it iy not a patent meed(- : r. 'Timothy. and AI-.ke clover sera � lir Also ;l limned tuinlity eifle, but a�prescription of a great 1.hy- of -Irish \\ )rir••'• Q:r( o:its. This eieian. 1 ut it to, the teat in :tnv o:al it tt fait in color, plump and case of throat, lung or sternal -it trouble lien t y. not :,fle'e'ted by smut' or rust or any ran down or weak condition. At 111 inmm neo yielder. C. '!.wick- all druggists. 50e and $1.00, or Dr. T. c. (, :±(ton. A. Slocum, Limited. Toronto. ....••••••ww••ww • YEAR 010 BOY COULDN'T STAND! Limbo Weakened by La Grippe Mado Strong by Zam-Buk. Mr.. T. l:r:xtree of 5 Woodworth Ave., St. Thomas. Oret., says • " 1 had had some r xp^rrence as to the efficacy of Tarn-Ruk in heal ng Bores, cuts, etc., and had lir: rd good reports from friends v.• io also tried PSIS balm. .1, Sheri a year ago frit eeie 1313, four )1.31. e.1 ,stir, Nns icer weak /n the 1,•..hi at the result of .t severe lt: t 1, of tt tlurnra, i began tubbing in the lain ltuk. His It''. Sere so ate -1. he woairt trcnihtr and shake ao'' 1t .t• 1ial,ie to, •rami for an) lent;:It time. F'inio nt applications n' this ointro- , tees int,tred in, .e. .1 t•• • :engti tla tiini dairy. Nast in a very short titne the shaking and trembling in his iiml.• • et lyes I..en3•heel and 1 e sheen gi.1 strong ,aa�n,l able to von about, thanks 10 am•Itc1.. ' Z.,m Ce.tr is a ap'eref',t rtnlNocs,te,,i for rhermat:.m, viatica. •te.. end i. nations lig 181 VG'1 AT ZAM 13VIC 0URIC S. /.em Rule ,,,es .-at.. 1.01 ., aI•!...14 era, ringworm, itch, 14r',•r's ..ev1, 6.411 Hg, a.e;t t!,ru r, ae nal•,,,. ;I..-••.-. sn.f art ,ria 1 afore. .iia• ►f .'1 ILI t n .,sees t(nilar3 Abt t� ,� . :. .i 1•ett f.. FREE ! Ser.•! e: , ! 1r. ma • , (... cur- 1+, '171 rin_ BEFORE AND AFTER TREATMENT. Cana,diaii Tottering i` an nbs•,Iute, certain care for Ecrerna, Acne. Rosea, Tetter, Pimple •e, iilackhe Ids, Kingare,rtn, Barbers' Itch Scaled bead, Itching riles, Ulcers, Sures, aced all cutaneous and facial blemishes. Ms been thoroughly and successfully tested in hundreds of Ro Called i1,Clltat,1C ctSCs. It is entirely unlike any other preparation, mixture or oiuttncnt that has been se,111 or pre- scribed. 1 few application; will convince that Is has svi,n•lctful medical virtue and intrinsic tnerit. 1t is made in Canada. .1 go•.,el honest Cana- cll"itl (,;el.arati n Price one Is,z Fifty Cents, or five boxes Two Dollars. Mailed to any address on receipt of price. sold and re•e•,nitnencled by all leading Drug. gist; in Canada. Pamphlet tree to any address. Manufactured and sold by the sole proptie. lors. Th. Tetterine Chemical Co. Windsor, Ontario. Nulcl in t:.e ter by \\'. 5, Col... \\'. S. hone 3 -,net .1. \\•, 1111,31 rtin,t, Di lig. gists. G0 YEARS' EXPERIENCE I TP -1.10E MAR!', 0C5I O COPYRIGHTt1 Anfnne RARdfng a sketch *net ettes,•rtptf,n may Ot11ct1 ascertain cur epinl••n free whether an Invent! n Is probably pat math• r•nmmuntes. ttnns•friettree,neett•netat. pIAND8ti01( on Valenta •pat fr1•o ('Diet ag etie'y tor P•'e•11Wig jilfif ey,a, Patents taken tt,n.ueh Munn .tt (o. receive Weida Ro((c , without charge. to tho Jlmerkan. ♦ dfslse.oe,ety ulnar*te•d weekly. L.ar,r.•.t ri1• 4Istton of any scientific yarns,. et rn. far 't e -;S a liar postaee p 3'*stet. $old by Vat pY set ow.a,,Nw r�rt t s ss, apt? y O B. W. F. BEAVERS, Farquhar Kiriton Hardware S tore Sap Buckets, Sap Pans, Sap Spouts Everything that is neer'-,ry f.)r making e Syrup in stock now, and sold as cheap as can be had any wl•'' The Best Paints always on hand. W. MOORE - KIRKTON • To intro(luce o••r ::e w1 ('seta." we till give tJ et Cntalogro a ),dc:':Sgt of r(;.t turnip grow'nss di+tri•. ..f thc<c turnips tJ the ('ttit .tan ((Cllr" never g!')e:a to: altt'ots, atul is of tire al passe If Cott prefer, v... will ke .: • 1><►•lpy or " Cattail. ltunl)e ..' 1,\ 1,t, to -day : Se cd. oflhesN�'.r vr.te parch & Hunter Set Turnip Fre, Mensal!. Ann IndliMINNIMINNI.... the " t'aieel:.1rr for our New 1908 elute!). free. The shipped 40o cars .t season. " Cana- , is free front nide ge of oi'r '• :.I:r' 1 ;pato instead of 111, tr choice. .1., London, Ont. H seio►ia t, :Irl' ale the tltn n tip _ft) dents!, Th.• only daughter of 1 The death occurred horn on Mon:laay 1 anti Hrs. 1.11 .rye p.is"ied away sea r l greening of !;tat week at the residences , ttt....ka 115:0 711111 this nlflict'on' WIS 4 of her cot►. Mrs. Prank &alerp. of }Davy on,: nn tlei mother. Strn.' Holl fiiitcardine. Thee deceased wag vis!' tory had el, en n resident vt Hinesp . ting with .her hon. Dr. &Veru a$4 din, and W'1 a it► beyv 53rd. year, 0 two weeks /he re her death was,tak• ., I en tilertonaly I and remained.m'ieon • ' 8L'BBCRJIIh roil TUE TI e 7