Exeter Times, 1908-03-19, Page 1xrier H URON& MIDDLESEX GAZETTE TWTIRTY-1' 1FM YEAR -No 1 l iii EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MOIRNING, MARCH 19th 190`, ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••♦••••••••••♦•♦•••♦••••••••••••N•••••• JONES & CLARKS' Phone No. 32. New Wash Goods for Spring You would be surprised to see the amount of Spring \Vash Goods we are selling. But it gives you the first choice and' am- ple time to have it made up and rea.iy for the fine weather Plain Mull One of the newest goods this spring. It makes a very dainty dress, comes in pink and blue, per yard 2.3c. Dress Linens Another of this seasons leaders and very durable for ceaeuettwear, pink, pale blue, Copen- hagen blue and brown. Also stripes and checks of different shades. 23c. i Ginghams The old reliable wadi goods for school and outing dresses. ..arge and small checks, fancy stripes and plain. 12tc. Muslins Our stock this spring spark- les with all the new ideas. Stripes and floral effects in the latest colors. Our New Coats are Making Quite a Stir. "No wonder" We have the correct goods made up in the very latest styles and cannot fail to please you. 77.00 Burs a smart. fawn covert cloth coat, very correct. in make and finish. $9.00 For a neat black Broadcloth coat, loose or tight fitting. $IO.00 Millinery Our Milliners arc now busy and prepared to take orders Our formal openings will be March 27 and 28 z Jones & Clark :: IIeadeluarte:'s for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford ••• Clothing also high grade shoes and wall papers. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••♦♦•••♦•••• District Locals -Mr4 Wilbur Martin is spending • I Mss Minnie diest, who has been the tt eek in Loudon, • ♦ teaching school for some terve at Zn., -urs. F. W. ,Gladman visited • (rich, has resigned to enter, the gen- friends in London last week. ♦ ,oral hospital at Toronto to train for -J. G. Stanbury was at Goderich 22 a nurse. on Tuesday on legal business. , ter supper on Wednesday everting of Ottawa, is 'visiting his )nether. ♦ last week for Mr. James Ilia• -Mrs. John 'Sanders has sold her • ,h elichael, in onor of his,85th. 'birtly fare( in 'Stephen Township to Fred •day. Kerr 'for $ 1500. Croup positively checked in 20 win- -Mies Maud Taylor, of London, utes. Dr. Shoop's 20 minute croup aPent a couple of days this week at remedy recta like magic, No vomit. the !tome of her parents. 22 •• :2 lag. nothing harsh. A. simple, safe • pleasant, dependable croup syrup, 2 •• 60cents. W. S. IIOWEY. • • I The congregation of Knox. church, •• So arts, `Man., of which Rev. J, H. j * Mulde'w, a former Huron boy is • • pastor, have increased this salary; of the pastor to $1,350. •• 22 2• I22s •2 •• Pain can bn quickly stopped. A 2 cent box of Dr. Shoop's Ileadache tablets will kill any pain. everywhere in 20 minutes! Besides ihry are thoroughly safe. Painful periods with women, neuralgia, etc.,quickly cease after one tablet,\V. 8. lfotc•ey While a young son of \Vni..Bur- rows, of Goderich, %vas trying to rev wive a Lira -with coal oil, it suddenly blazed up bell • burning his hand S2and wrist. ♦♦ 'Messrs. Milne, of Myth, Leckie, of ♦ ♦ Brussels, and the Warden, constitute • • the com.mitteo to arrange a welcome • • to the ex -officials of the: county net the meting to be held at Goderich in June. 22 22 Get on the Honor Honor Roll Edison Phonographs Records, Etc Rose Shampoo C. R, Medicinal and Fancy Soaps ENJOYME Medicinol Jelly Almond Cream Tooth Cream, I lair Tonic Perfumes, Flavorings Nameless Cold Remedy --01100.00 paid by Dr. Shoop for any recent case of Grippe or acute Cold that a 25 cent box Of Prcvon- tics will not ',r•eaJc. lfow is this for nn offer! The Doctor's supreme con- fidence in these little Candy Cold Cure Tablets-Preventics-is certain- ly complete. it's a $100, against 25 cents -pretty 'big odds. And Preven- tics, remember, contain no laxative, nothing harsh nor sickening. Pncu- pionia would never appeat if early colds were always broken. Safe and sure 'for feverish children. 48 prc- ventics 25 cents. -W 8. Howey. A quiet, ibut pretty e editing avast tslolemnized at the home. o! Mr. :and Mrs. Thos. Bielby, Morris. on Wed- nesday, March lith., eh n their daughter 'Margaret E., was in irried to Jams G'il r. -Tickling or dry; coughs will euickly loosen %viten ,using pr. Shoop's Cough Cure. And is so thor- oughly harmless, that Dr. Shoop tells mothers to use nothing else, r : en for very young babies. The %wholesome green leaves and tender sleets of a lung healing mountainous herb give the curative properties to Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. It calors the cough, and heals the sensitive bronchial mem- branes. No opiurn, no chloroform, nothing 'harsh used to injure or sup- press. Demand Dr. Shooks. Take no other). -W. S. Howey. A bylaw to amend a former agree- ment with the Doherty Organ Co., Clinton, and enable thein to enlarge their business and form! a joint stock company with increased capi- tal was voted on at Clinton on Mon- day and carried by a good majority, 318 for, to 4(1 against. -Itemeinb'r that when the stom- ach nerves fail or weaken, Dyspepsia i or Indigestion must always follow. • Ilut strengthen these game weak; in- oll ,aside nerves with Ur. op's Rtive And then see ..hoJlow luicklyestor- health will begin to return. Weak' Heart end Kidney nerves can also be strengthened with !hes Restorative, Our goods have won their place where. heart Pains. palpitation,, or Kidney t‘'-eakiiess is found. Don't on the ILONOR ROLL, sc vcralDon't drug the Stomach, nor stimu- late the Heart. or Kidneys. That' is times over, in fact they are wrong. 'Go to tete cause of these ail- ments. Strengthen these weak 111. always nerves mall Dr. Shoop's'Rester- the competition. We stand back nti'.e and get well. A simple, betel° test will surely( tell. of our goods, ‘s'c guarantee A serious fire occurred Friday satisfaction to persons using thein morning at nil early hour, iwh.'n the barns of Mr. Charles Nicklert, of the Wouldn't you like to see and try - v nth concession of McGillivray. them, -.,.•r.• completely destroyed. Mr. Nickles was attending to a sick !torsi. and had n lighten lantern standing behind the stall. when the animal suddenly backed. upsetting the lantern. which exploded. The whole building was ablaze in a mo- ment and beyond any possibility of :living. It is said that there was no insurance whatever on barn or co►n- tents. so the Ions will ire very Meavy for lir. Nickles. THE PURITY ('in. Express iluildieg, Exeter. Auction Sale ford at rear of Ross & Taylor's Lum• ber yard ;end muse h' gold. C. E. Hackney, l'rop. of Reel Estate. TERMS -Terms of tical Estate Mr.Joseph Real estate stock and implements. made known on day of Rale. 'TermsI Achubetzcr, an old Mr. Thomas Cameron will sell by chattels $5 and under cash ; over that di .1 r nt o'1el11 ome sof his► son, in-law, tiublic auction at Hackney's gala ata• Amount 8 mos. credit or discount of lir. Jolts llonuncll at Goderich, bies, at lumber yard. Exeter, on G per cent. per annum. FRIDAY MALIGN 27th., 1908. Thursday tit the nae of 66 years. Enid commencing at one o'clock sharp, the 7 days. Mr. Schulpt lrir came from following ; prig general purpose mato FARM 11.0 It .4 A L le . Alsicr-Lorraine, .where he is surviv- 7 yea's old ; 0110 pair of Inmos rising A wood 101 acres on lot 17, Con. cd by a f tinily. Ho' came to God. A :3 years old, have done some work. , Iilanshard, on West Boundary, 1 erich about five yeirs ago rand as. ; one pair geldings 3 1.4 miles from Woodham. On 1 he. sist,•d hie son-in-law in erecting' .the !w old, have done some ork, ag• farm there is a good brick house. Two St. Auau•tin^ Church. ile also ns• yearsural ; one gilding rising two good cellars. \Voodshe 1 and Rummer gist• d in the rr •cline of the building kitchen. There is ,t barn on is put up a fee years ago for the Soy - 40x00 nlso horse stable and cattle ercign ,Hank. 11e took part in the shed 35x25. Driving plied. Hog pen. siege of Paris in 1872. and 1505 of 2 never failing wells. on • et the French descent. house and the other nt the barn. 2 M r. Edward Kenn ely, highly es. good orchards. 40 acres seeded. 9 termed nsidint o[ nl:unsl'ard. passed acres fall wheat. Fall ploughing all away at his home' SundayMarch F done. The farm is well fenced. 400 in his 119(11. year. Mr. he•,nnedy owas, rods of n ire fencing. This farm stricken with paralysis while out must be .old as the proprietress will driving some then' %week. ,1 ro and or due to cite' in March and April. gfive rst day ofrming Apr I. on or 'le ms easy.e Fthe or j radue o 1i, leaves his death. Medics One rubber tire open bug,ry► new ; 1s n inutile of two rubber tiro top buggy nearly new ; farther Particulars apply to eine lel swim and ;our daughters. Th % fun - one fop buggy nearly new ;one ctrl- Cornish. Woodham, or on the prem-'t.ral took Once to Kirkton cemetery ter nearly new ; one rouecart : ono se,. Tit •s.lty and .n•05 )nr I• Mr. Kennedy had been assessorleof Ret now single harness, 3 sats •(axis -v �y harness twee used and soniq trop pigRI'I{At. TELEPHONE CO. ' Iily fret for over 20 years line! was troughs. On 8aturdey .starch 21st n mer(. highly te •e►ned. Hie family have ItE:\1. ESTATE.-cori..tinQ of a ing will he held in the Toe n Ifni t1,• Ryn11%114 of the community in franc dwe Iline hello,, et roonte. on'• the object being to arrange for • third ace, Of Ili el irurn•efi.atelt .east !lural Telephone Association to op.'r ee years old. agricultural ; one filly ris• ing 2 years old. agricultural; on. ire 0 years old. general purpose; one farmer's driver 0 years old; onto tarm•'ts driver 8 years old; ono agee horse fit for third hor,, on the farts One lady's driver 7 years old; one driver rising three years old. fast ; one strong driver rising three years old. Eight roes with cast nt f'tot of Saler slab!.... .\Iso the sale ate the unoccupied country adjacentd19'1`OTA. R• barn will t%to %ill.(: • 1014 nn etech to Exeter. Anyone interested in t. i F•ea» the /11'1 k'1 Yoe Hae %'tars Bert 1h.• Isnrrt :a hu i ' b it Il.• and. ePl ones will plea', take this intitn.e 8 6''?=Te �� � l� .crty form rl}� mined by T. E. Ilan'%• tion and attend. cf C� Jj� � I -b. Fitton, issuer of marriage li• causes, also complete lino of teed- , ding rings always on hand. Urs caro there is improving nicely -bring your children having de- and feels confident of fully( recover- feetire vision, headaches or crossznercial Hotel nig. ^ eyes to Mee. J. J. Allam at the Com,- W. '1'. '.pollard, of Reghta. Bask..- arrived at his father's on /Sunday for a few days visit. 'Mr. Mollard, being Government building Inspector, makes his annual vi.ic to Ottawa, %viten ho stakes n run air to sere his people here. 'Mrs. \Vm. (Fritz had a luilting bee on Thursday, twliicli 44 ,s attended by all the nobility Of the e.ty. The only disappointment \, .s that: "Vine" could not find the cat to roll in the guilt. to see who would 'be pier - tied 'first, but OR sit has gone to her home since, it look's as (hough it might be her. 'Air. \\'w. Johnston and Ed. 'Allen intends starting for 4hei west next Horthy. they are taking a c.tr•load of goods with theme Abner Atollard )tad a wool -les, on \\'ednerelay afternoon when he got et fine lot of wood cut. Farquhar Grand fiend \Ve are baring very fine wenth•r fleet at present butt it looks ee it it won't last long. rltr. Dell Mollard has sold hes Lara to Hol 'Pollock of the 21st. Con. Mr. Mollard is staving a saIn 011 the 25th after which his int'n(ione tire to go .\\•est. Syrup making is all Hee rage here just now no doubt it' will uta,teristls ly affect the price of that delicacy. Mr. Win. latterson is laid op with a Fri -lined back. We hope to seg hint around soon. . We aro glad to hear that Mrs: 11, lloseenberry who is visiting! her sis,• ter In Galt but is also under the' -Mr. C. E. Hackney is offering a number of work horses, colts and drivers to be sold byt..auction at the Metropolitan hotel Thurs. March 19 at the close of 'Mr. Wm. Mitchell's sale. We have applications from sev- eral parties wanting servant girls, Full information can be had by applying at TIMES office. -A )meeting of the officers of the a3rd. Huron Negiment will be held Thursday at Clinton to discuss tho matter pertaining to the 'Regiment going to Quebec far the tar -centenary celebration. The wemba s of the ,k, Company, will be meaeured •tor 'iicn clothes this we,ik for the itrip. r --Mary Ann Liddicott relict of the lata Peeiva KesIlo died at her home in Stephen, Tuesday, March 17th., aged 86 years. The deceased was 11 native of Cornwall, England and after her parriago to Mr. Kestle, they came to Canada settling in Stephon about 110 years' ago. She is survived by Vivo sons ; George, Thos. Joseph, William and Josiah and t neo daughters Jennie at (ligate and Mrs. John Brown of Centralia. Tha fun- eral took place front her late resi• denoa to -day for interment in the Exeter cemetery. -On Tuesday evening the Epworth League of .the Ilensall Methodist church visited the. James, stretlta league. and a very enjoyable even- ing was spent. Tha Hensel! league furnished the prograrn, the toj,ic l e, ing 'taken by Mr. 8. fiwazie. There were also readings, a solo, and. sev- eral selections on the violin, cornet and piano.'Rev. 8. L. Toll gave a short address. (('ha program through- out was very entertaining. After the program reit-pelmets/its were serv- ed and wore 4n harmony with Ht. St. Patrick's day. Lunch for six was served in green loxes. Thefet- tendanc' was large the basement be- ing well filled. - -Special cervices were Lcld int the Thames 'Road Presbyterian Church on Sunday last. In the morning the pulpit was occupied by the 'Pastor and iii the evening by (Rev. D. W. t!rluhart, of llen►iiIt. The oyster slipper on Monday evening was a ide- cided success. The nttenda:Ice was The Itight \Ver. Bro. \\'bite, D. n. largo rind there were oysters in :thum- per G. h1., of South ifulron,c occompxnnte(.t dance besides many other good things by \Ver. Bro. Constable of St. James the ladies bad provided. After sup• Lodg,. A.F.&A.M., of St. \larys+ paid per and excellent program was siren an official visit to Irving Lodge hero in the body of lots.tho g church. Mies Jean on Thursday night. After the rou- Itobb, of (London, gave. several ex• tine of work at the Lodge morn rou- cel1,•nt recitations and solos. Site fsh, hvismprnted byI Possesses a good range. of vokij and about iniedthirtyte resident itorsaceomembers, sat nn of her numbers were well receive down to a sumptuous repnst at the rd. Th:' male ,lit rt"(1e of. the Ca- Central hotel. The usuel of veil Presbyterial' church, Exeter, ingi L. C. 4letoasts interspersed with •ong and govt' w'veri pleasing nulflheri ng sang a solo and \iistory were indulged in until on early add n•rre. e Ji r. hour. snumberUr luhart, of 11. nsnll, give n :heel Geo. !Crawley, of Exeter, who cam byre n year ago, and conducted i -i - +- livery busan.ss until h:' sold out to CAtBTO71l McFalls & McLean last fall, has been Bears tee 1M Kind You Har? keel Bogged appointed agent for the Massey Har- 8i6nattu. cis Co. of 144.e. �4�'-, .e[?I91201t\ f XCii,r The oyster (supper given i,y , the Thames !toad Presbyterian church on Monday night last proved a success. The night was ideal. but the roads being in it had slate for travel pre- vented a number from attending. The program .was much enjoyed. The Exeter Quartette sang semolina sel- ectione, Miss Jean Jtobb of London, delighted the nudience .with her elocution and singing. The proceeds amounted to 1;,130.00. Mr. W. and Miss 'ilfill•tn, of Kirk - ton visited at Me. '1t. Gardiner's this wee k. Mr. B. Scott bought a 'fine dorsa from Mr. John Kay Last 'week. Mr. and Mrs. \V, !Hamilton; visited at •Mr. Jas. )lallantyn^.'s, on Sunday 01111. nMonday. I3. \V. 1•'. Bea v, re is showing a fine range of well papere for spring. Owing to the maga of *he roads the mail carrier was unable to get track from 'Mitchell on Friday. 'Mrs. W. Bray is visiting Ther moth. er, 'Mrs .l1odgnrt of Meter. Mr. Wm. Stewart was in Et. Mary= on Saturday last. 4t7AIBTORTA. bean the , 1140 Kind YOU Hate Astrals drlel sig ole Lucan Palpitation of the heart, ner- vousness, tremblings, nervous head- ache, cold hands and feet, pain in the back and other forms of weakness are relieved by Carter's Iron Pills made specially for the blood nerves and complexion. BORN 1101/GINS-Ili Stephen. 3rd. Concei- s:on to Mr. and Sirs. Alfred Hod - gine n sort, 011 March lith. MARRIED Cl. AItk-IIROCi:-in Exeter. Wed - waylay. Miss elnry A. to Mr. 1i. C. Clark. of Creditor). Ulla) ['IIANCiS-its ['shor,i• Tp., on Marg% 12, 1908, Jaynes Henry Francis aged 57 years. 4 meal's. elA\V1i1NNJ:Y-L► Stephen. Seturd:ty 'Larch 11th. 1!10R, George elle-Inn. riey. sr.. at:e ,1 711 year% and 11 mos COI{NJ311-In leirklnti. ;March lith., John Coroi•le nged 67 yea r5. KFSTLE-In Steele!). on Tuesday. !larch 1711.. Mary Ann Liddicott relict of the late 1'.% ni Kettle. •.I Re vin r.. __gee Women with pale co tortes% faces who feel soak end diseouraged, will receive both mental and bodily vigor by using Carteret iron Pills, !which ire mole for the blood. nerves and nrmplexinn. We very often have requests from people wishing servants or help and et present know of five or six placer where geed farm hands can get steedy rrm. Moment or whore scrrants ran get good situations. The names 1%111 lr^ furnished to any• true by calling or writing the Times Office. Council nut Much 7t'.,. All the pe'tnbers mere present. 1 he minutes of the last meeting nerr ready and approved. The Auditor's report as read by ll. Strnng 'was adopted an 1 100 copies ordered 'to be printed for distribution. The following persons were ap- pointed I:athsnasters for this year. \yard 1. -James Ilandfor:d, John Salter. Gcorgo Buswell, A. McCurdy, \Vitt. Higgins, it. Quinton 1{. D. Hun- ter, \\'m. Ford. ,James Brook, John Johns, John Miners, 'Rob%. Woods. Join Johns, sr., B. Hedging, .Ward 2.-Janies Jeckell, Peter Case ,Min elowcliffc, John Ilodgson, Lu- ther Okc, Robert Down, Win. II. Wood, F, illatchford. Joseph Yellow. Geo. Etl erington. Peter Moir, 8.1 Passmore, John Cann, John .1. leteernor.', John Cann, John J. Colo Samuel Horton. Rich. 'Terry. Ward 3. -\Wap. .1. Brock, Tom. Brock, Geo. Delhridge. Sam Brock, James 81uin, Harry Ilod. .James A. Carni. Nelson Fletcher. Donald Dawson, 'J. N. li.zl•wood. Fergus Harrah. Dan O'Mara. Ward ,l. -Wm. Coe -e•1. A. Ho.l- gert, David Cottle, \\Fine Br ly, Jame., Anderson, Nko. Keret ie • \Wm• fetew• art two divisions. Win. A. Turnbull W. 11. Kay, John i)ni a in Jr. t wo'lir. Reuben Shier, A. A. Spence-, er, \\'m. It. t$telvar(, $1.00 per year in advance SapSupplies SAP PAILS SAP PANS SAP SPILES SAP KETTLES We Make everything for Sugar Making, House -Cleaning Needs Elephant and Martin Senior Ready=Mixed Paints In 1 5c, 25c, 45c and Soc Tins Campbell's Varnish Stains All colors for staining wood work of every description in 15 and S5c Tins Alabastine and Murallo All shades in 25, and Soc packages Paint and Varnish Brushes 5C to 150 . 25, 451 HEAMAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE - --- - ----_ - - - -- ---- --- - 1 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - :>v4 @ .: i h>:. . : ✓ ..: } •: •: 1 1 .••:• t :: f i : >o•A 1 }•1 i -1 i••1••i�'i' If You Want Cheap hardware Go To T. HAWKINS & 4. Plaster Paris, •1, .;. + Always in Stock at Lowest Prices, $ Galvanized Steel Shingles ::: *$ * and Siding, Etc. : t ++ 4.+ Building Supplies 4.Glass, Nails, Cement :`44 ' •s Where you will find a full stock cf Y 1- + The Leading Hardware Store in Town 4. 1:-- -- - ----. F T. HAWKINS & SON 1$ •` 7 -'`• Dealers in Hardware, Cement and Wire'. a 4. 4, :L ++ •:••f ee-e .;..:..e -e-; ;..:.. . •: -e• {. ;. i ++++++-.++++'{. ;....:'++++++++f.4. ♦ .1•+++++++++++44++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ t•g;.+++>o+++++.i..i,+++d•:•>r•.m.+4.'.:.+:•:•>+> ++-t++++•:+->,..{•><.:.>o•1••i•p• 1, ruvvinmvvinitnnAnnnnzulsur OUR IDEAS of what constitutes good clothing differ from the ideas of most other firms. We de- mand and use in all onr Snits and Overcoats only the best material and the highest class of workmanship Give us ft call. W. JOHNS Merchant Tailor E.) BO.SENBERRY, ZURICH, this paper, which is read every meek Licensed Auctioneer. Sales con- lee hundreds of people in this elleal. ducted in all I.arts, Terms seasonable ity and makes your solo known ith and satisfaction guaranteed.,many who may never have t he op- portunity of seeing your bills. Auction Sales, Elimville -iii i- ,-,,•t. first street North of Mr. Henry Andrew after spending lletropobi et hotel, Thursday, Mar. n couple of months visiting 11iii sister 111, 'll•u-'• and lot and horses nni and mother 1. ft for hie home at farm it peen.•nts. W. Mitchell, Prop. 1lamiote on Saturday morning last. Ed. Iles. ub- cry. Auct. No reserve ns Mrs. \Vatter Vern is spending n the prole,ttcr is going West. couple of weeks visiting under lhcw On Friday, .!larch 20th., on lot 33 parental roof of Goderich. 33, Concession 17, Stephen. 2 1-2 Several of our young men from the miles \Vest of Dashwood. Farm Stock village end 'vicinity with their hest and implements and household goods girls attended the, oyster au per at1. Weide, Prop., Ed. Boseenberry, the Thames •Itoad church on Monday Auct. rr,ninp;. ?fir. 8. Wilson has been confined to On 8atunlaj, M:(rch 21st. Auction the 11005•' the past week with Schiele off firm stock and implements, rheurnntis►n. in the village of Zurich, Chas. Grob The Elimville Circuit Epworth prop.; j:. ilosseeherry, nuct. Lague convention W1111/11held in the Elirn'ille church on Friday. A On Marc), 21th. on lot 21 concession splendid programme of topics, al'. 13, llny Verne Stock and in►plee dress's and music is being prepared sen meabts erry(1.. AXicuct.holeon, Prop.. Fd. Bos • for the occasion. E:ai. , •. body uelccn \Wed:miday, 'Mei eh 25th, 10e.-Atic- lion elle of real relate' stock ser: ; Vauae Samples Free implements on twirl Lot 4. Lake r�, tlblSpP !lay TP., at on • o'clock. John Non h• "I have used your Colt/doe.' Expec- Cott. Prop.. T. (' twenty. Acce torant ami find it satisfactory ;:i . ries On S3Inrdaw, \larc•h 2S'h, one anile of croup, colds or coughs. 1 have used east of %urich, farm stook and imple- it ever since I got a trial bottle, and meats. Peter Lamont, prop. 1' Holehave recommended it to everyone in senberry, acct. need of it. You may use my name and address for testinnnnials if yn;t wish. (loping it will benefit othere as it has dyne my children. 1 remain, Mf{'S. AONE$ ('OMJnER.,r 1009 Prances St., London, Oat. 4. On lot 12. S. H. Stephen', 111 miles .. (^ltsfonte Expectorant is the great• south of Crediton, on Tuesday Mat. est cough anal throat cure in the world. CASTOR I A r 21t1i., farm stock and implements. it is the prescriptioner of a renowned John Ileyes prop., Janes Slanlny, specialist. In order that ,very family merit, we A 'few accounts were passed 'and Clearing nuctiot► sale of velutnl1 orders issued in payment. horses, stock and implements, nn Council Ihen adjourned to meet Thursday •March 26th. Lot 22, Con. Saturday, Apt. 41h. nt one o'clock. 12, Hay. C. 1., Mos -r, Prop., Ed. Bas- le Mnitf.EY, ('I •i. k. w•nberry, Auct •t' Atiet. may prove Its unparalleled t •p \VITEN ARRANGING i'f�lt YOUR will rend a sample bottle fret! to every - The Kind You Hare Always Bough( farm stock s,le rnake I1: n point toltno Rho sends 111 their name and ed• •` Ince your bills minted .at lite TIMES dress an.l mention% this p per. an be 1Lad at all druggiste at 25c. Send our •{' lieges the �j ! -� office. Yew I.111. 11 be ltrac- r Sig :a?ire of j ,'•G000�ttvK lively printed, and %telt every Bale name to -day to Ur. T..\. 8!oeam, Ltd., • hill done at ibis office you will re- ceive free a notice of the sate inj Send for Pres Dsapie Today. For Infants and Children.