HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-03-12, Page 8L• ,t; t:; X .i; T i h 1' . tvl t! S MARCIE 12th 1.►uz~, ,t'• +i• : • :• •:•3r-r•i••l•+•1••ir•i•++•i•+i••i••1••i•t f•1•f•: -: •: tri•.;.: •:-ff i••:••i••:•++ 1 ► • • ri•t ?:.-.. t. + tt • Sailor boy Japan tea the 3QCAIixawat.ta mixed tea, or '•t• t Z J esU .g, ,.ttue old quality at thea I31ack Beauty hl�tck tea, 4-sese t•.iinc old price. realy worth 35c.ttwo prize winners try there you +4. to -day. •trill like them. + :- •1• I3uy s from us the swelles7t 108 piece Semi Porcelain ,f*•I' 12.543 China Dinner Set in the trade, known as ('antilly Roses. Its a pure white hard body, with small • 1• rose decorations and traced with gold. S. A. BTEWART SThWART'S Are you re1(ly for spring' We are really. Our Sp! `t(c•k is ready for your verdict. We thick our showing for this year will ))lease the Most ('\:i('t ingr. Just a word for our House Furnishings f 'ur Wall 1';il)ers collie to us direct t'ruiu Colin 11eArtl►ili's factory, Montreal. 'We believe the 11eA� thin. line is the best all round line in the J)omllinion 5 e,Ihce roll for lovely neat sutalliine fie roll for :t very pretty patterns ir-tper suitable for, lilt of new dotal and con- hrtl rotors and kitchen pir►ksivent ional designs in papers all blues browns ceilings and hoed -'gold traced and stippled in the er-. :►c. per. roil. new pastell shadings ceilings and borders 1t►.•. per. roll Sane. as _ -papers. 1Ve have about fifty odd lots of gott.1 Spaper faint last season .i to 10 rolls in a lot some have borders to match and <ou,e h-twe o,}:1 borders. If you want a good paper for little ',weer. A, k to bee our jot, lots cheap. Job Lot Pugs for RAre wring. Ouc�Outt for stock of new Room 'tugs i- ' :. far the hest we have ever shown. Wools, Tapestry, Wilt - ons, from $7.5l) to $28.00. Ask to see our imported medallion lugs. They are the prettiest We have ever shown. `cairns Linoleumstthat's t ht. );inti we are selling. 2, 3 and 1 yards with.. in new floral tide and L ock patterns. Our new line is complete. Ii you \want: Lite-OenVI t.:at locks well and %wears well. you want to buy our line. We can save you some money. 1\•e impel t theta direct. Etch for as nice lot of Ent•II 25 Each far tt•.e swettest, lot of 1 (' Lhroided corset cover ends • new lawn shirt waists that 1; yards in each piece for real you are likely to see this season and value you'll find Embroidered front with frenct kine snappy bargains in thisval insertion settings our iange i ••. sof new ehirt waists is v.•ry large. Are You getting Redpaths Granulated S(�. �� it's the only kind we sell. It's the best by test f1�ar • and you know it. pays to pay for quality. �..:--:•:•::--•:•:-+-:•; •+:.•.' .•• •-<a.+,,t , •..•.,,-. ..a-•.:-++' -++ :-4-•4.-''..........:-- •se ee: • :' . . , e'1'.' 4.+ +: *•i- ++ +e. e- + + 1• ++ +$ + :- + +4 ?• See ✓e. . .-'e }.•'r es . . -r .I. : es e. •te es e. Market Report. -The following is the retort of Exeter MA s, cur - r. nett up to March 12th.. ii,Ut. Marley. :,U Ct'rtts tt► GU cents. Peas. 75 cents to t,ii cents. Blended )Flour (S l':1 it,. . _. ri. Bract, e.424. Shorts. i►:3. Oats. 50 cents per bushel. Wheat 9:1 cents I. •r bushel. Feud t•d I'loqr. $1.41 to $1.15. Hay, $12 .O :413. Dried tipples 5 cents per pound. (" iver seed. $8 to $lU per bushel. 1 .t•,toes• 75c. to 90c. per bag. 'r•. ' ► et'nts , •r Ib. s. .0 cents i • .•• .:c::. (•r t„ $7.25 a to':. 1' . ic•ken, 9 cents per lb. a:. 9 cents; per lb. Ducks, 9 cents per Ib. Turkeys. 11 cents per Ib. flogs, tivewei.;}tt • 51.'`0• flees. .1r• 1 Seen. • T REMEMBER the STORE.TIIE OLD RELIABLE One Door North of Post Nice. 60 Daus Fast Seltin '1'hc'y oto ripe, come and pick yours. ! 01 Dress 000ttS, Otir new spring :top Boots and Shoes, Etc. !aro ripe. Splendid crop too. Our Dress (goods, Eulieroid- `eries all the newest fabrics front F asho::d )111. New Giiig- v/hams, New Prints, New Laces, Now Llnl,roidt'rie , New Ties„ New 1l:its, New Shirts. Our store is brim full of new $5,O oo to ortll of Dry Goods to besold in a hurry• %roods of e\ t'r1 description A display \worthloolooking over, tt t►1 E` too small110111 big stock recent;„‘ !, may 1)t' it is 'd little eal'!V for spring goods but we are ready ornossamimililt►1(•d. for •t the spring rush. We expect a rush this Spril►g• Our �eo•e00000000♦e•oo•oo♦♦••+ , �1 twill i 11I' 1• (; )it1) .'11''1, il,'' •,tai at greatly goods and our prices ;i1t' 1)1)1111(1 to in tke it. Whenever et y ori L UUO C ♦ til • ► t, - r the in tolyl C01ne iu allO look our goods over. The new 1( duct tl l,l l•'t ill interest you anti if ou 1)tl • you will :;t t the new - 9 things LOCALS • •••••••� 11' tl f t'l ()•1'III \(' �t 1''u ► 'tt '•ready reduced) �' J .�.s.... $2,(11)0 I (li' 1 (► r lest and best at -While returning from Parkhill prices es last •+aft -k with tin.. curler.', Mr. 'It. j�1[ worth of' lit.)O 1, ; &; `�1It)1',� ('1e1i1'ing O1't flit llloney Saving Prices G. i[c 'don becatuo suit. ill. lie on $ 1 O confined to his bona• :.,..-„,..1 days on t0O 11tat nccouu' neat 11 reduced1)rlc('s. Collie in and look around anyway. -iter. W. M. :1l:artitt t •ft. TuesdayTuesdayIcons of WALL PAPER selling out at greatly for BattleCrest; to Spend :1 cunt►):• t reduced prices. of awe:•ks Martin♦ wilts i:+ 161011.111.1111 at'�O st �,l`ace. t, et the SanitariumBig Reductioli Sale in Store One Door North -1)00 LOST -Fox terrier with yet- ) tow leg, black' back end long tail. of Post Office. Answers to the name of "Sport.,, I:indly lav, at Times Office or with A. Stnale, Eliutville. -'Rev. E. A. fear left this week for I it.tsburg to attend the International Young People's Movement being held in that city. Ile is representing th. 1.ontlnn Conference. SNIML & ROWE -.1\'e ore this t%. ••k '. 1010 14 out :: jory Selden. FT lit') SW,:i. JCSSiv number of bills to thosl n ho ar't its Ilrickwood. .1,. •1 Beverly, and Olive arrear; for the; 'fines awl would be 1ieI)oiiald. Cleopatra's Maidens" ideas el so have a prompt rcnuttanct'. Gladys Carer anis Fera Marshall. -Miss fToin has moved her dressin;; %lose who have not received bills "Pages" Jo • I'ollick and Tuck Stesv.- I'arlors over Manson's shoe store would t•ot►fer a favor on us if they art. "Crown Bearer" Dorothy. Ma r• v. -here she will be pleased to at- %cool•' look a t their labels and rc• garet White. "The Mother's chit • tend to the %%-ants of her many eat- reit the amounts due.drew" Gerald Fitton. Joy Snell and eons. 1 an Charlie ,Ford. + :?. (:lpprrnt ice, %%'out •1. til Charles Harrison, at ho for the It is impossible to give, a descriiie highly but it is !Kett- -:- '' Ult. OVENS EYE As1) 1::111 .tit;,t- bast fourteen Sears was a 1 tg fly fico of each charnct••r. ( eoe. %%'its be at t he Commercial respected resident of Exeter. died at less 'to say that each and everyone- : Mutt• :, 1lourst 9.30 :t. in. t:t 1.30 I'• the home of his da ug; ht^r, 'Mrs. Y;• took ;their starts well. The hall was -s e.. ie. %:lasses properly- fitted arid, dis- .itooke, Wednesday. March 4th. at crowded to the doors and the amount e.. •, , of eye ear and nose treated. extreme old ag3 of 82 years and 6 taken in teas ti 112.00. e.•.;• \t t visit 1'ritla�+. April :h -d.. 1008. months. The deceas's'I was born in As many from the town and coutt- I.ockington, Yorkshire. 7.11,1'. and try were unable to attend the enter- -BeautifuI imitations of natural wood ,[finished twitli varnish may I,. came to Canrtdt when 23 years of age. tainmrnt, ithe hragud has been re - first settling in Beverley townsh1p. Tuested Ito ,tui: it on again in the obtained ,'Ly �applyino one coat c.t where he resided six years rend tons 1 treat future. The matter was ttis- ('arnl►brll \Ornish Stain. W. -.i. married to Elizabeth Jones, who 1 cussed at the meeting on Turstl cy evening rind the matter left over for a, time, but it is zuite probable it will the put on again. x'+b► ••••00.0•••••••••••••••••• 14, Give Your Body a •• • Housecleanin•g • • this Spring! • • Of course VUlt ale not. O o ill but you 1ci11 enjoy the • summer better: Yon will 6 1 • r ' able to do More. work • • and better work 1►v real()- • 0 • • vat mu your whole .system : • left11 • i VAL'S 1 • 0 • It gives new <1)riltg to : : the muscles; makes yott : • e'tt more and s;ecp better i stimulates 1110 sluggish : ))rain iutO fiTsII flotiVitV: : gives you it real pleasure i • ill your daily tasks. 0 • ♦ Only $ i a large kettle at o • Howe3!'s Drug Store e .• ♦•0•♦•4000••••••♦••••••••• kiable Watches Perfect in Construction, Pos- itive in Performance \Ve again c•.t11 attention to our Grady of \\'.itches. Gooti Material, Fine Finish and Accurate Adjustment are combined in our 11igh Grade \Vattch2s. Our aim is not a question of price, but quality. Like in every- thing e1 -r' Quality is Cheapest in the end. Se if you want a RV - 111.1.: WATCH. ('ALI• ON 1'S. A. Marchand Jeweler, Q Exeter. Great Reduction In Suits For 30 Days S18 Suits for $9, $10 and $12. -"Ilul'SE 1'01t 5.1f.1: 1)11 RENT" •• a reds al tint 'fifties of fico. -Thoroughbred beagle !found fo: stale, -Apply to Tinges Office. -S. Fitton has alarm clock= ..t 1.01.21) each that give satisfact•ont. -Mr. Jas. 1'c•art, of Chicago, is vis- iting his brother .loltn in 1&.bornet Miss Morlock returned horn. .Silt • urday evening after at tootling the millinery openings. S. Fitton has just rcceivel anoth- er lot of )Wedding Iti•!,Zs. Ile also is• sues marriage lieet's's. .Aire. Collins. Misas llonthron and ( Iiss Katie Collins spent Huntley and Monday )%kith friends in ilen'iall. -Just look at this offer, the Times and Weekly Glob or Time and \1'cekly 'Mail and Empire for $1.:15. Miss. Dollie Dickson returned home i 1st week, after a two months' pleas ant $ieit ;wit)t friends in `Montreal. -Miss Jessie Manson• vett' plcaA• .aptly entertained n number of h:r . TAlAN • friends et h• r pont' last )'tido} even• tai;. 1\[c'�::a:tf Tailor. 1 -Mr. A. 1t. Grabatn. of htr .throy has 'been appointed a clerk in : he EXETER, ONTARIO. Canadian Bank of Commerce branch here. ----- -- - -Spring Las at last •arrive•tl. or .4..1 least the harbin. era of sprint late. CRNFST E:i LIOT ;Sundly last crow, end robin were seen. Conveyancer Accounts Collected Ileantan carries a full line of all ,survives bias. From Beverley he colors and sizo cans. Color card 1 moved to Owen Sound, residing there fr about twenty years, after which he The marriage took 1pl.►c•e :it Haw carete to this section. For eleven ilton on Wednesday March 4th of years he followed tho occu- M;r.!: Edna, daughter of Mt. John pation as fruit grower at 1to;ervillc Chappel of Hamilton to Mr. Pcrcy L. awl ;about fifteen. years ago decid- Lyons. 'Mr. end Mrs. Lyons are to move to Exeter.. 'Thee deceased t CARIJNC BROS. Have You a The pleasure of a 1'liona- }.;iaj)lt as an entertainer in the home. cannot be guessed, you mint try it to knoll'. Cough or OoId C. C • COLE'S COUGH CURE will cure you when ;til others fail. Your Last Cough When you cough up twenty five cents for a bait t le of Our Guaranteed Cough Curt' or 1 and you can buy one with veil money refunded. little outlay. (_'orale in and see Auction Sale -prepared by- them. P1-101N7t- \oil can 11e:11' one at 0111' store with very little trouble l' 11 honeymoon %with rein- bee of the hl.tht• BEAL . ..'& i', STOCK. 1\D 1`•1 -1Iis• .1. J. Allah. Eye Bight Spec• M°'t.'' t, 1•:,►n at lo*est rx;es. lalist nil Refract ins optician will be \or,hwratlandator3ate. at tyle Commercial Hotel. Saturday Office. Main Street. Exeter 11atclt Mitt. spending c icer '. . tw•a3 n staunch rnt'm • .. . rr • v• sprv,u)u, rives inand around Exeter. odist. church. was a good living man 1'LE, :\TS E Dispensing 1 1 kind 11 tie is survive 1 1i ihennas Cem •roe Las received EXETER - ONTA1t10, o' the re -union of members' nnd ex- besides his now sorrowing hellarrtat a instructions from Mr. John North- members of the County Council is by Annie, of 1 ir•kton.: Mrs. Nam'). colt to sell 93' public auction oft -timing ti definite slap^ and doubt- Hobnail, Crystal City. Man.: Mrs. 0. • WEDNESDAY 'MARCH 25th, 1908. 1••- . will ),' a happy :Ind memorable Rooke, Exeter. ; Mrs. \Ven. Ford. of atone o'clock Rherp, on se . herin,�• It is expected to.. re- ; 17sborne : 'Mrs. Richard Tapp.Virdeit. PART LO'1.' t, LAKE 1: 110.\1), 11.11-. on will take ',lace flexr June. . Matt. ; Mrs. Arthur Francis, Uee ih efolio win g --Th thatw on Friday made tiro borne and Dr. J. W. Harrison. a pro-' one horse, (farmers' driver). duo _ treets-ome%wnat slushy, but it reinter. physician, of Detroit. The re- cows, one milking and one to calf t main, were interred in the Exeter ire April. two hogs nearly, ready for gave the merchants the c,tr.nc. to 1 get the walks clean of .ilio %%litter's' cemetery last. Friday. market, a tuautity of fowl. one, top accumulation of snow. The corn-' -The "'1•cruple of Fame" given. by • bop, y nearly new. one cutter nearly tnissiona• had s•'veral %nen busily eft• the Ep'%'ort 9 League, of the Main , netw, one single Morse wagon, one raged vI••:1ning out the sever inlets. Street church assisted by other local , straw cutter, ono single harness -The offer of the Exeter Titres 1 talent and 11is:r Lillian Elliott, of nearly new ; one. s. t been used, one • , Centralia t% as one of the. most suck cutter robe. horse' blankets, one :and the Toronto Weekly (,fol►, and Canadian Farrier for $1.35 is extend- cessful entertainments ever gite.n in churn nearly new, one kitchen rang-•. ed to .lune 1st. Over 150 of our I the Opera house. and u,uclr, credit is one cream separator warty new, subscribers have taken advantage of •• due tttos ewho had charge and the magnet 350 lbs. capacity, two bet!• r characters who took part for the ex• steads. one bureau. 011 dining•rooua this liberal offer and we aro nnxioust the ft 'r table orae drop leaf table' half doz to increase the number to 250 be fore the first of June. Anyone who is now taking the 'limes can get the (;lobe. by paying us 35 cents. 'hetnist. -The idea proposed some tint afro and n kind neighbor. t )or. - r. HERE ARE A FEW SNAPS In s&onU liantl wdt6lis One open flee stem wind Waltham movement in nickel cellettt. ut:inu,'r 1st which tc n ai • kitchen chairs, one lounge. a nuns ease, good as new Price $, 4 teas carried out. Over eighty pcopl•. , t took part in 0, r,•present in.y famous her of carpets. milk pails. barrels. ;• women in poetry. music ,art. i►hilatt• forks, shovels, hoes and other articles' Oise open face stella 11'111(1 thropy, society, literature. history too numerous to mention. \Valilla1ll fllOV('alle[It 111 Gold - anal the hones. moots► I of the gowns ' No reserve as the proprietor i9 Eft'- filled !Use Price $J 00 t%t re most gore. ou-. %Odle others iug up his farm. were represent:atons of the tuaint • The real estate consists of part lot 1 t styles of years ago. Mrs. (Rev) E. No. 4, Lake 'Itoad North. in townships One Ladies watch solid gol(l A. Fear took the part of the (iodde-•t of 'slay, consisting of ten acres of . 1 4k t1ilntlll; Case $12 the in •t creditable ,nano •r. Miss _Mary land, oil which there is erected a i -It is not likely this Agricultural Society %%ill take up .the emitter of holding :t :tth of 11ay demonstra- tion in Exet,•r this year. cold a meet- ing of the busind3s then and those int.tirested will nt:et at the Town 1Iaa11 )Friday evening for MO purpose of seeing if something cauno't be done towards getting up n celebration. Everyone intcreetcd is re 1ut1-td to b: t,r.•s:•ttt. -Owing to Rev. \V. V. Martin be- il: itt 13:ttth+ Creek 4.11.4 stew. E. A. Fear t)c'itit; :atway a t t radii:; 1 his coo •..•ntiolt at Pitt shuts. union s'•rvices %% ill ;be held in the: I'resbyl .:elan send )Iain t3treet churches next Smelly. A supply has been secured from Lon- don end its the tnor!linx h' will preach in t ho Presbyterian church THF. PURITY Can. Exp. Budding. Watch Window GRAND TRUNKSYs E�"1 Reduced One way second class tickets will be on sale ins Feb. 29th and daily until April following points \•ancouver Seat tie Tacoma tion F tae:c ;sen San Diego Gilley rind, ,Airs. W. Powell rtprd�(. first class brick house. with tour 'gold 111 the %'1156 of this watch tinted Mary Queen of Scots and La'Jy rooms downstairs matt three in 11; •15 worth '10.00 in waitin,t; Jeptha•s daughter t% as upp'•r storey, with kitch^n and wood represented by Miss 13�•atricr_ Howey Riled with hard ends soft water, also •1 Hese• `%ritt('llt's al't' :t11 ill A1isk�t Sip;cf t and 1ti;;s 11 . ltuRto't. barn and stable nnd aria house. h r. Elft class u)nditivu lcutl Will Queen Elizabeth :1114 Lady in Wait- and pig house ; ,rood orchard with all inf.• ; •Mrs. F. .1. 1Vick wire and six kinds of fruit. This is a b:•autiful' give satisfaction. young holies took the part of Mir- ' horn,'. %well situated. Easy t.•rins tar . we 11;11'C a number 7f Others font rind Maidens ; '•ilelrn of 'Troy" 1)o)'rnent :and must he Fold. %% ►g rc•Ipreslntcd by Ailsa L. )'fife attd 'fl•:It11S--All sutra of $5 nstd int! r 11'lltc'll 11'll1 1)t' SOlil at 1'Ph3' 10W ' t \E� I illi 111 1' 1 • cash : Over 'het amount R month' 11nd.u,r Patti" ►y t. � • 1)riCeS ccloiiist c•)lnmenc- co:rltiiluillg 29th, tr) the�r•- Victoria I'ortl:tnd Spokane Los Angeles Mexico ('it y For tickets and frill information c•a ll •a .l. J. KNIGHT, Depot- Agent, os• u rid•'- J. 1). .MTCf)ONA1.i), Union1)e'o', Toronto. Ont. t lion. 11ra. Geo Manson loot.' d of credit will be given on furnishing 21,- ! ter 11,- part of "Frances 14" Mari. Proved joint notes or a discount of while "Jar. and Mrs. .Josiah .Men f► tier cent p •r annum ot1 rill credit I til 'it church the ‘“'re iraper'celnate•l U) 11 r. 1. J. t ouuls and in the :Nitwit' Street '. c aurc t in ►• 'Trans of real estate made known evening. � %'� bile ;ted 1Trs. Powell ; ;Mrs. Clarke � t I I t ( Isabella. oft d.ay of I r 1 1 r John • - made n1) excellent " ?u.,: rl . 1 " o a ► , - o .1 reactionary Storm 1.1104 is ten* \lis. 1retr• !landlord in :1 full suit Nortlicot1. prop. slay 0. (1.. or to T. ••••••00••••••0••0♦00.00.0 l ral on the 1lth.. 1'2ti.., nrid 131i1. • ')'itis period is tit. 1 9 • (-liter of the Mercury period. The annual magnet is rind electric crisis (deo falls cen- trally on lurch lith., extending for S. FITTON of Armor look .)ie hart of ".Ictltt of Camrrou, Auctioneer, Fel- iu1►ar•. Arc.'' The part of "Madame Nordic:t 1% s taken Ity JTiss Anna Atariin ; l:v• Palltitalion of the ).earl, ner- ang;rline 11i« l.. Johns; "J1:1 rtlt:t %•ousnes4, 1rcmt,lings. nervous heatl- • " 4 • hack and other forma of %weaknees M r L 'soingt : • -Florence Nightingale". s S o: "Melte t U' Flanagan t Mrs. '111atc11ford ; "Miss Ireland" Miss -• ----- Brooks B Huston "Gr:;c., thertt�•" ',lisp Ai' Didn't Agree: with Me " 's M. Nf ertin : Mr., ,' i d \1 •rshing ton •IlsS Cola 1 owl t1 . ',cite, colts hands nna tees, pain to the • several days otl either side of that )litho 1 rlmro�t Mi s A. tlo%% ar 3 . date. Hence peculiar and phenornen- "Victoria. • i ntpress of G rm tny,' re rel eyed by Carter's Iron Pills • •• a1 pert,urbetions in earth and air twill made specially for the blood nerve- • mark ibis period. and most likely ex- l " an 1 complexion. • Telegraphy Ittghr•t paid n i ♦ p 11 r.. L i t t a t l e u►nd ecd d p) tend •throu.rh the last storm: period covered 1)y the Mercury brace. -'The "Exponent" issued in Lon• ♦ 'd o I' ials mere once o •erate's. Demand exceeds su • l rix thousand need- ed dtuMg next test )ears. ()memory hswe secured i.irr'are'I salaries :nil eight hour day, t lltooles . "The 11ot h • don has the following to Fay about 1 ord . Ilritt.tnta 111.s Arthur Tennison, �s I ondott t t ofthe merits ofPsychineter all " ' , ". '' stomach troubles. daughter of .\d r. and Mrs. Wm. ine on alit Ikcy" •1r4. �.. `'. Ilwrd )Welker. Exeter North. "•ftwo r •a I. ( nn•l 'Thornton fear ; "Portia" "S'by• tion rind dyspepsia. I tried scores of i itis by Hiss •1 •"n Walker were •,a• lock anti Antotno" Miss S. Gregory . remedies. My mons reseiuhle•l a .Inig ccptionally %well done. the young etc• and '\irst'rs. 1). A. ,toss rind I. O.' store with nostrtnr.:t %which 1 had b)atg})t. cutiottist giving. t•wide•nc.' of pro- Souther)! t ; "Mist ('an oda" Miss 11'. , i'.wentuall� I u�cd Psychinc, and cwer_v nattered hist rionic ability and sower . Howard ; ';liarbar:a 'Frei, chin" Mrs W. dose brought permanent to . ef." 'ler fineness of sensibility mek''4 l.er11)alkttill ; "Cleopat11'' Miss 11. Dig-• All throat. lung and sten1::eh troubles cbaraci -r Et udies true to tit:. " tion : "Mother Goo's Miss M. ilortt••y quickly cured by Psychine. It is the T11;' concert given i,t the Op -rt "i'1ora MacDonald" 1fiSs 1'. Filet' : prescription of a gnat epecielist. At !louse ,Tonctay everting by the SI►^riot^ Concert Company under the auspices of the Caren I'resbyt',rian church choir was highly enteertiininM 10 the sort : "(t'a":'tt Vision 1" M1s. 11. 11u- NOTiCi'. '1'l) G0t. 1't' 1("TUdt9. Iarg" and appreci:ttiv,. auili:atee. ston : "Oite,•tt Alexandra" Miss T. ' )'enders for Oil cotastrue' ion of t tae Mr• Gavin Spence•, ltutuori-I and ten• 1.9'11, •'(;a trds" Messrs. •1. 1•:. .tortes ' I • -Black Creek llronc II No: t h hrnicl•, or. who has appeared hsfor'r royalty. E. Brick 1 t ).ikon and 1t kept the .audiene.' in rood humor during the entire .'renin, with his witty t,•apintp•a :anti Scotch' swiss. rano. baring a ring- of Ihree octav".a Minnie Amy. filly Ro%%•.. (►looks hip Contractor is reiuired to "live; pet t• itf:tctory bowls to the Council for ' flue completion of the •,fork. a 'record nnh,rnllelrtl in ruusieal hia•I cry. leills o Honor " - Information information re0( of the.work. tory of the day. ler singing was St Marl K-a1i'• ('fillies. May Jewell may be o1bteiii ed from it, under- grr:atly -appreciated. Owing to iin, \•knit Amy. 1.111'•.1, Snell end (;lady• )' secitlr nt, Missr Newcomb'''. the cel • L st 1'. t'It)'.t a' :a;:vie,.." ` �iRnCtl. .1:a tion 111 ttchford. T.-,1 11 • 1ndfor'. 8t'•11aTitc' Io%ta•'torany 1 ndrr1:•btr::c•list :%was nrtahl'e to bit %with the coir►e••arily;,cepfeta.parry nnd her place %was takretl 1,y `.put het 11. 1.11>1' 1.1:%nch. S' Mica Margaret Strachan. pianist. twt o ()unlace. .1:•,11 S •I•lon. )'e• Orr 1Tn•1 F1(1.I) IiF.sS. 'r.. ?I,.•('ltr;;• is alt excellent 'piano clatter. Bert. ulna Johns. Lill '/.:.0 \1 r• ytrrich. tii rch 1019. 190. we lirepare yo;, in shortest time ;If t 1.1r.. .. Son tome' iate upon graduation. Com Competent instructor•, un+urrasst l mem, aide experience. commercial meeteta free. ►• •, r taott, 8O %twat ion. on of Exeter's young 1 rdi'•r 'who "sniff ppt• \Tlaq Cobblydicl, -Silent immediately 1 ;Street, T t ♦ • oron u writes enthusiastically g,*:a %.• t wo readings at a Scottish lent Quakers" \ltsses Sanders. 5 t 1 . concert t in King L t. ► Y • 5 Presbyterian Ilan end Niter. Statham • at atnt Church last week and who is the ,\lrll,a li ss 1 folies \1t• i art •• • for seven ycurrr 1 have hail tntlages • •'tl 2 chat ge •' l •' = i Logs Wanted ••Itut9" Miss i:dno rollick ; "Si•t•'rs all druggists, 000 and 41.00, or Dr. T. of Charity" Mrs. Northcott nnd Miami A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto. Quancr . "Mrs. \'::•e.r ." Mita .1. Mee - comer.. L. Qiiincr.. "Ilei altl" fir. C, It. 1(o%%ard, will •1►e received by tit • Council of '''['a umir tor" Mr. W. Perry. "Accent.. the Township of Bay. tip to one I►ani�t" \1 r. W. . "ltiri�m'i o'clock P. M. on Wednesday tl►•' 1st, . . ' day of April 1.90Q. Miss Nannie Straeliatt is :t pure• cop -1 Maidens 111«• o F.th, 1 ilrick %noel • • sett. ilirtiar' Ilo%1' .'nd Myrtl.i Daun• • reaching to i• natulral ttovr% high C. „` 1 it Kathleen' GLINTON BUSINESS 601,15f GE 1) It I. I•: Etax. \'i.• I'rincil•,1. (:rt,. Si•oI"!•i\, 12iineiltal. Highest Prices Paid delivered or in the woods THOS. ELSTON Centralia Saw Mills Custooiers flttcflt1011! \\' c t'; it:ld like to announce tat v.'c ate in a t)Oiitie•it t ) CX- •♦♦0♦♦0♦♦•••♦♦♦••♦♦•0♦•♦•• CORN for wheat, rats, ;tnd b;tr!' y. We want ah-)ut 25000 bushels of wheat for t hich we shall be coci I pleased tr) pay ti', high+_st pre- vailing market price. Remember } ()yr ('cur %%ants Wood Wood At the Mill 120n cord of haat %rood. 19 s' (taint. an lirot111)tly attended to. ity. )'rices accordirg to grsde. Wood rut to shit custotttere, seed c will be ru:tiling 011 a (. \Slf 1,1'tck. Ii, -IS aftcrt�latch is:, Ordeis left at Times ORita ba will be aI)1)rzciat'•c1. Thos. Har tnoll HARVEY BROS. • -.t