HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-03-12, Page 6el 1-11-1-11-11-1141111-1-1-11-14 T' tN M r Fash ion .4- T I' Hints. ...., T ,..:- *11 • ••i..j•-1•4..t..1..{..1..1_;..1-4..$÷14-i-t' NEWEST MILLINERY. Tho hats now being shown for early spring are somewhat on the mushroom bhape, although much smaller and turtl- es' up blight!). In the front. A few are abowri iolloback straight on the lett gide, and there aro even one or two that are caught back in the middle of the front wall a (]t:ill wn at right angles to the face. Altogether there is no indication of au set fashion, fer it is too eetly to tell definitely what :sum- mer will Ming forth. For the bt twcen season it is rertectly safe to invest in a large, flat sailor, short in back and front. This may tither roll slightly at thi edge of the brim on the left side er else may be perfectly straight, trim - mid with flowers or quills. l.eghorn hats, too, are very popular, but they aro let straight in the back and turned up in the middle of the front. A 'ery small Panama Is shown with She Hem rolled back at the side and hell in place lay a chou of velvet. This terms the only trimming. Mealy of the hats shown for very early spring are made of horsehair and trini- ties! with straight, shot ostrich plumes. (elier'ltiateriabs used to a great extent are net and rualine bound all round with taffeta, while aigrettes and wings ueiially form the trimming. The model hats for early spring have for adornment bows of lace or not with large loops heavily wired. 'These stand out in ell directions and give the hat an extremely fly -away look which is be - coining only to younger women. The older oncs, by the way, seem to have been left out of tate calculation of the fashion -makers entirely, for there is hardly a model designed which would b(' suitable for them. Mals an' growing smaller and even those of the lingerie variety have silk bunts. There aro even a few straw toques shown for use in southern cli- --1Aates, but it is yet too early to tell positively what spring may bring forth. Golden quills aro in great demand fo: spring hats, and what could be ea- sier Than to paint over those that fail to match any hat at present in use? Sozuetimes, too, the inporto;i hats are trimmed with artificial quills of silk, and scrrno of the new qull!s are made of chiffon on a wire frame. These hast two are a great coonventence, for in early spring clays the wind plays havoc with the brittle quills, whiie, happily, wire cannot break. The cut ostrich plurno pompons are a feature of the season, and they are really a good way to use up worn-out plumes or those feathers that are too entail to use in any other way. ONE-PIECE DRF -Ss. The predictkVn of things tailor-made was largely instrumental in bringing fastest flo:.t of destroyers in the world. afoot a market favor for the onespicce •They ioint out that when the King THE 1L STRONGEST GUAItAN TEE of quality Ls in the association of names. Ttn name Leach Chemical Co., :, inseparable from that ct PIROIN OIL OF PINE which is put up f• dispensing through druggists only n'/ ox. veils, each vie1 securely scaled in a neund wooden case. \Worth:e-s imitations have been offered to the public, but always under an as- sumed name through which the imita- tes hides his identity and endeavors to evade reslonsibil.ty for the deception. Virgin Oil of fine compound pure *ill teeter up a cold in 2-i hours and cure any cough that is curable. The nitrite on the wrapper is your guar- ant:•r': LEACH CHEMICAL CO., CINCINNATI, 01110. Properties, noes and directions with every vial. ENCOURAGE\iLN I'. "George this is leap year." "i tem -nn." "And I've much." "11-rn-m." "An:l I've saved up $28 of my own.'' "11-rn-in." "I've already made thing." "11 -in -m." "i don't know just Motu to say It, George, but you know my father is wealthy and I'm his only child.' "Say, \iajorie, go ahead and say H. Don't hesitate. I'm not going to bite ycu. What sort of a proposal did your tela father authorize yr,u to nlako to mc?" enjoyed your society SO throe of every - calculations with the destroyer U'stifrl- ino, which made 31 knots. England at once raised tt.e limit, and with the Al- b:Amiss she again gained the record, this last named destroyer reaching speed of a little over 32 knots. But England was not yet contented, and pieiceedei to build the Tartar, which first reached a 33 -knot limit, then itiCretzed this to 35, and finally aston- ished the naval world by reeling off the. weedy run cf 37.037 knots. i:t-i1(t!'F GRo 1\(: CO1.111:11. Vinesai'l' i-Iourished Centuries Ago \%here Grapes 1)u Nut Now Grow. The growing coldnr ss ef the earth's temperature is something en w•hi' h sdentists disagree, but certain data collecte+1 in Europe would scent to an- swer the questi-in in the aflirnhatisc se far as that continent is concerned. Hammer -sin has collected figures civ- . ring w- ring the last six years, which seers to show a falling temperature. eft Paris the thernlornctl•Ieat readings have been ore degree below .normal. Other reedings show even less fav- orable re Bills. Tho fall is more no- ticeable during the sprang than dur•iiig other periods of the year. Similar phenomena are recorded is Great Ii,•i- tain, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Austria, and Germany. In the days •;f Philip Auguste, in the thirteenth rnturg, the wines of Elnnipes and 11 u ;' ais were the favorite be -ver - ages at dart. Henry iV., a Ironoune- ed bon vivant, frequently expressed his 1 .ndne=s for the product of the Sures- nes grnpe. At the l resent day there is not a v:neyard of tm! ortanee Borth .f Paris, and ns for the petit vin now made Di Suresnos, it has became the drink only of the 'po ,rer classes. BABY'S OWN TABLETS In the middle of the sixteenth cen- SAVE A LITTLE LIFE ttlry Mncr.n was celebrated for its mus - anted w.es, whereas 111' rnuscnted Mrs. T. Osborn, !porton Mills, \t., grape at this moment can scarcely be - 5 ct not think enough can tc+� made to thrive there. Ancient chroni- writes: ! o g said in praise of haby's Own Tablets !cies mention the cultivntain of the vine 1 am satisfied that our baby would not i In northern Brittany. where now even have been olive to -day if it tial riot ' apples are not plent`ful. Again, it is tern for the Tablets, as he was ,,o weak and sick that the took no notice of anything. In this condition 1 gave hint the Tablets anal they have made him a bright-eyed, laughing baby, the pride of our home. Ile is one year old, ha; nine teeth, and is now as well as any baby can be. bio sits and plays nearly all the time and lets me do my work without worry. 1 would say to a': mothers who have sick babies give them Baby's Own 'Tablets as I did ruin, and you will have healthy, happy lin- , tiles." The Tablets will cure all the ' minor ailments of little ones and are absolutely safe. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a Lox from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. SWiFTES'T SIM' ,11'LO:\T. The Destroyer Tartar Rectl)tly ;trade 37.037 Knots an (lour. England's naval experts state tn:at England to -day i•osscss s not only the biggest and most powerful warships, but that she los afloat the biggest and dress, in which rrmplo soope is allowed recently reviewe.i the home and reserve ftects, off Spithead, it was proved that of the 182 ships rev.ewee, len were able to leave immediately for the ma- noeuvres in an extraordinarily high percentage of preparedness. England tinder present Administration has slightly reduced her naval expend:• tures. Tho tetal naval estimates for the year 19)7 -os aggregated £31,419.560 ($158,000,(!0(1), as against X31,860.500 'R170.000,000) for the preceding year. Th:s economy, though large, is unim- portant considering the present great predominance of the cllrilish navy over all others. England intends to main- tain this predominance by building four Dreadnoughts annually, and it is the intention ef England to continue their construction until she possesees in ves- seIs dating from the Dreadnought era Mune as great a relative superiority over all ether nations as she possess(s to -day. The destroyer Tartar was built by John Thornycreft. Sae is a turbine, and her highest speed was attained in one of the six runs over the measured Admiralty course. The turbines aro of the Par'ons type. The dimensions of the Tartar are as fellows: The length on wider -line, 270 feet; width on water -lie, 26 fent; depth, 17 feet 2 inches; dhsplaeement, 850 tons. The shape which has b'. en ndopted for the vessel is that usually chosen by the Ttr.rnvcrofts. which includes the gra^cul turtle deck, in place of the rebel forecastle. The turtle deck The si;lrc•rintr•nth'nt •.1 m s • irol direct- threw% the wnter neatly overboard tri- ed tho teachers the other clay to nscer- stead of under the upper deck. Iter lain the occupations of thparents of iearmament consists of three 12 -pr. quick all the scholars in the r ee.s; ective class- firing guns and two torpedo tubes. es. The inquiry procct•tted well unit: The evolut:on ef Engiand's champion - the infant class a as reached, when a tenni!. ret -Leaded, and much-fre'kled k y cbstlnately refused to give any In- fer/tut lion. fer`individual effects, especially in the way of combining sknplicity of outline with elat'oratisin of detail. Here, also, the overskirt finds opportunity for ex- pressien. A charming model of Ameri- can design shows a fitted princess with two side seams left open. and the edges finisteel separately to disclose what arl- peprs to be a skirt of contrasting materi- al, but which in reality is nothing more than a panel Inserted and attached to the princess three or four inches from the ( dge. Another design Ls in soma thing •al the same effect. except thnt in- eteacl of the side simulated panel it Is in Ills front • and back, and. though ctosc d at the waistline, gradunlly parts again. the two sides cf the top portion bran( hing of( to the shoulders, leaving vielble a material like that inserted in thc skirt. Buttons are telling items in connec- tion well this style of dross. Large unci small they figure conspicuously end almost invariably. in the extreme tack►r-n►ade. cloth or silk -covered but- t. ns aro used. ex* the new ivory ones, cc.!orel or tinted to match the suit, but Ir. novelties there are myriads of beau- tiful designs in metal and enamel, wood, e nibr.idery-covered. agates. and pree:- ons stenes. One t 1 the prettiest of these i3 a pinin smoked pearl, with a tiny star cut in the centre, and a rhinestone as the central point. GAVE CT A`.,•AY. "Isn't ;*mar father living, then, John- ny?" inquired the ,actio.. "lass, tiliS!," was the glum reply. "i`ota�n't he ,wc rk? "No, nasi,'. "Blit he keeps yeti end your na,ther, de•n't he?" ••1'r:, Haas." \ is G11s of a greet 'er in checked suit end difunend studs cro sod the tea- ctiera mind. ".totes hy." she risk, a.. e "w hat. duels your faller a • There was a me ;ra- rt' i.r; the asts in thio sill : 1 • . It g;.,n e rive te the fre:'kied "My father.' 1: • sled. "ain't in any trtg•'lar v'.. k. the 'rely witli whie- tieree at the ter: r,s. an' i;it !her mitt it 1 gist it ewes' she'll gee nae a !actin' 1 ' IN(.UNTLSTAf!.E. A griar,(trnoth4 r was reery v'ng her lit- tle grandchsidren fee making ee much neisc. 'Deer re. s1;.alree. ti n:c c rw:sy to-d1ay' Can't ;a;1 L. a iitt.r more quiet?" "Now, grsntl►nn. ycu mustn't sena! title You site, if it wasn't kr us, you R�ouidn't tr al grandrma at alt.." ship in the matter ef the swiftest (1e- atr,-Ier les in the story of n 1- ng strutr- g!e against the rosi'lance of sea a.nd winds extending over years. Thirty knots an heiir was the Spred aimed at, and in 1893 the i)nring al- mest rca-hed that point, making a trifle over 29. in 1$% this was cxceel• ea by the destroyer f)espernte. which attained the toseLd sp.c,l of 30 knots MI hour. T'han the Jnpan^sc lite el Err'and's to be 'remarked that trees which once flourished in the north ef France are at present found in the extreme Louth, and a considerable number have disap- penred a1'ogetller. Langucd c no loner grows the le- mon; there is v t an orange left in e Lombardy poplar, Fo picturesque in old French ings, is new nowhere to he French soil. 'These are !nets Rousillon. familiar line enc found o which, putting stat:sties out of Iht.� question, serve to illustrate the changes wrought by temperature in the great fruit pr' ducing c untry of France. .k— WEAK, PALE AND WORN OUT WOMEN A frank Statement Can be Saved From a Life of Misery by Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. Women are called the "weaker sex,' and yet nature calls upon then) to Lear far more pain than men. \\'ith too many women it is one long martyrdom from the time they are budding Into womanhood, until age begins to set its stark upon thein. They are no soon- er over one period of pain and distress than another looms up only a few days ahead of them. No wonder so ninny women become worn out and old !cok- ing before their time. In these times of trial Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are worth their weight in gold to women. They actually ami -r new, rich blue, and on the richness and regularity of the blood tho hen'la ct every girl and every woman depend=. Mrs. Urbane C. Webber, Welland, Ont., is one of the ninny women wife• owe present health and strength to Dr. Williams' fink ('ills. Mrs. Webber say's:—"About three years ago, while living in Ilnmilton, my health began to decline. The first symptoms were headaches and general weakness. After a time the trouble increarel so rapidly that l was unable to attend to my household duties. 1 lost flesh, !colied bloodless and had frequent fainting Ms. 1 was constantly doctoring. but without any benefit, and 1 began to feel tint my condition was hopeless. One tray a friend asked me why I did not tiv f)r. Williams Pink ('ills and men- tit.Thet1 several easel' in which she knew ea the groat 1 enetit that had followed their use. After 60111e urging 1 dealded to try the pills, and had enly used diem a few weeks when 1 legan to feel tone - fitted. and from that time on the im- provement vns steady, and by the time 1 had nod •lilout a dozen loses of the pills 1 was again enjoying the blessing of good health. 1 cannel too strongly vrge ether discourngel sufferers to give Dr. Williams' fink Pills a fair trial." Dr. Williams' Pink Pillls will cure Iroutaes due lo peer. watery blood, Pe-ru-nit is the lied Medici's* its file ll'orld. RECOMMEND PERU -NA. /They are Said to Cure i:ece«tve Per• sprit:diva of the Hands. A Gerrian physician has used the X- rays with success in tho treatment c 1 ,perspiring hands, a condition which is a source of great enllofunce to some persons. Acoording to the Medical Record the fact that the Minds of Roentgen ray workers become very dry led flim• to in- vestigate the efh— t of the. rays in cafes of this sort. While it has not been fc.und feasible to make use of the Rcent- gen rays as 11 rearms of destroying sU- lerflueus hair owing to the fact That in order to eecure permanent atrophy ef the hair follicles too greet alteralkon ct the skin as a whole must be caused, it appears that the functional activity et the sweat glands may be abrogated without undue risk. The rays must be applied in consid- erable intensity, he:wever, and in order to do this safely it is necessary to have a.' exact means of qunntititative control. ,4. WHAT CAUSES HEADACHE. From October to May. Colds are the most ire• Qvent canes of Headache. r.AYATIV II NSlKOMO 1'ININI: remoras cause. E. W. Oruro on box ISe TRUTH IN SIGNS. Jerks—That's a queer sign for a bar- tc r—"flair cut while you wait." Knowles—No; 1 seldom go to the bar- i,er's without having to wait while some other fellow's hair is being cut. Pains, Like the Poor, Aro Always \\'ith Us.—That portion of mans life which is not made up of pleasure is largely composed of pain, and to be frog from pain is a pleasure. Simple remedies aro always the Lest in treat- ing bodily pain, and a safe, sure and simple remedy is Dr. 'Thomas' Ecicctrle Oil. You cannot do wrung in giving it a trial when requ:rcd. t'si ion X (111'5. MR. EMILE MAR018. MB. E`.Ilt.l: MAIM'S,. 1879 Ontario stn et, Montreal, Canada, writes: "After taking nine bottles of Per'tma, i find that I am cured. "I still take it occasionally. For me it is the best medicine in the \\-arid. "1 have recommended it to a number of perms." Mr. J. C. Versus Pelietter, Dept. de 1' Agriculture, Ottawa, Ontario, writes: "The Per Tina is -particularly effica- cious in i.he cure of catarrhal affections of the lungs end bronchial tubes. "Six bottles aired ale this winter of bronchitis. 1 am completely restored and 1 owe thanks to the Peruna. "i have rceolnmell iOl this remedy to a large numberof my friends afflicted with the smile Imuble, and they have verified my good opinion of this val- uable remedy." LAWLESSNESS IN EGYPT COUNTRY THAN IN WORSE CONDITION UNDER OLD KHEDIVE. Iness year by year. 1f you are In need o! something to rid )cured( of n coag i i car cold, you cannot do Letter than try Rickle's Syrup. Dcaler—"here's u cigar 1 want yce to try'." Customer (a minute later) --"It don't deserve a trial. It ought to to lynched!' Everyone ThIeke his own croaii,the heaviest' When confined to tho hon,e with a pain in the ride for instance, Lut it would be quickly forfot• ten if "'rite D dt I.•' Menthol Plaster was applied. Ihey uuly coat a trifid, why not try theta' "Can't you wait a year b f• re marry- ing my daughter?" "I can; but my cre- ditors can't." Many patent medicines have come and gone, but Bickle's Anti-("onsump- tive Syrup continues to occupy a fore- most place among remedies for coughs Therms Is Only One «Broino QuInInC" That Is (axative Eirorno QuInInO 113(0 THE WORLD OVER TO CJI:E A OOLD iN ONE DAT. Always remember the full name. for this signature on every box. Look 25c. TILE FIRST STRAW. When a young woman ai lis a young titan to let her sew on a button the Beret lends Its l'rcath. They Wake the 'Torpid Energies. — \tuchinery not properly supervised and left to run itself, very 50011 Chows fault in its working. I1 is the same with the digestive sil•gans. Unregulated from tune to time they arc likely to become tcrpi(1 and throw the whole system out of gear. Parniclee's Vegetable Pills were made to meet such cases. They restore to the lull the (lagging facul- ties, and bring into order all parts of the mechanism. "Aro you in favor of clubs for wo- men?" asked the women with the (quare chin. "Yes," answered the old bache- lor. "Clubs, sandbtigs, or any old thing." TO CURE A COLD iN ONE DAY ira.ko LAXATIVIS BROMO Quinine Tabletis. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. Z. W. �OROVE'13 signature i4 on each box. we No real hustler would give two cents f•,r the things that come to these who wait. ITCH, Menge Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious Itch on human .,r animals cured to 30 minutes by \Vol - cord's Sanitary Lcthoil. 11 never falls. Sold by all druggLsta "De you think your anything.f 1 told hint we were goiaig tc be arried?" "1 don't know, but fancy he'd say something if you told anti colds, and as a preventive of de- lilrll we weren't." 1 Itstandard m' - dad would ta}' dad cay of the lungs. is n me - l (Leine that widens its sphere of useful- Suro Regulators. — Mandrake and Governors of Pros iners iie;nti Constant- ly Imtt'i•ft'red With by an Itinerant insl►ector. The lack of public security in the provinces, more especially in the Del- ta. is causing the greatest anxiety at Cairo, Egypt. Brigandage, theft and murder are ever increasing, and in his respect the state of the country is wOrse than 111 the tune of the Khedive Said Pasha. The cause is telae unwicldiness of the machinery of the Ministry of the Interior. Moreover, there is no high of- ficial in the Ministry of the Interior who has had any previous experience c►f police work. It is a go‘ ernnient by experltnent. Another fact which greatly militate; against the successful policing of the country is the fact That ttie police of Egypt are l,y composition and training esheeinlly a niiiitary force, a g;endernt- er•ie, yet they are administered as a civil force. ADMINISTRATION'S THEORY. The theory of the present Adminls- tration is that the Mudirs, or (;evernors 41 provinces, are abs.,lutely responsible to the Minister for the state of the dis- trict under their control. But, in rea- lity, their authority Is continually being tinkered with by a young inspector, who has neither a sufficient knowledge of the country nor of Arabic to knew when he is being wilfully misled, and who '.e,sens the responsibthty and weak- ens the authority of the Mudlr; in fact, lee irritates instead of soothing. What is needed 1s a resident Inspec- tor who is entirely cognizant of the conditions under which, and of the characters gu a oernh a f te � ne he is sent to old enough to help to have a natural authority. with a cer- tain knowledge of the country anti ex- perience of the people he is sent to gov- ern, a working knowledge of their lan- gunge, and. above alt, be tnust have tInd practical experience of polio, werk: In fact. a return to, and an improve- ment on, the sysicm 1n vogue bcfo•'c th.r Egyptian civil servi;o was started. such its anaemia. p neral weakness, indigretieon, neuralgia. skin troubles, rheumatism. the after effects of la grippe. and Such nervoua troubles as et. Vitus dance end partial paralysis. Sold ty nil medicine deniers or by mail 81 !iO cents n lox 'r six foxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Pat had gni hurt—not much more than a scratch. it is true, but his em- ployer hal t•is'.one et being compet!etl to keep h;rn ler life, and had adopted tllc w : (tiers° of sending hien at once the! lr sl•it'rl. After the house -surge. on had exmmined !lint carefully, ho said to 1110 sure.': --"As subcutanes..us nbras- ion is not cbser'clh1e, 1 do not think thi re is any reason to apprehend tegu- mental cicatrization (1 the wound.' Thein turning to the patient, he a'ked. quizr.:c'n1ly:—"What do yen think. Pat2. "sere." said Pat, "ce tyre a wonderful the ughtt-reader. dotter. You took tho r a:: efray out of my mouth. Tliat s pist a hut 1 was going to say:" All tir:t Many men save nut of life i� • i tits ii to buy then;selses tcinlalenes Heise they are dead. The quality of their many people less than their wages. Dandelion are known to exert a pow- erful influen^.e on the liver and kid- neys, restoring them to healthful rice tion, including a regular flew of the secretions and imparting to the organs work troubles complete lower to perform t.hier func- the quantity ( f tions. These valuable ingredients enter into the compoeitlon of Parmelee's Ve- y table Pills, and serve to rcn:ler them IntelligentTroatment with Allen's Lung Bat- it;t agreeable and salutary medicine brings are few ills s90 efiLC- ptein iu the c rest, overcomes those terrible colds t;ve as it in their action. earn i up the phlegm st' 1.s the c.�u^h andI lit y ors There p a-bi •h, neglected, lead to consumption. COSTLY BH.\GGING. Ile was a very tired -looking ulna Dejection was written on every line of his face, and as I was a stranger in the village, with nothing to do and no one to talk to, i relieved my pent. -up sr.irits 1 y expressing my synipathy with Mill in his troubles, whatea•er they were. "Thanks." he said; "ray chief trouble 0ernls to be that 1 am an idiot from ir'ietville, and thnt is incurable. I just jot into a bragging match with n stranger up in the pts!-nITice. Ile bet t,e was richer than I was. and I took hint on—just kr fun. I told him all i had and more. too. And after a while he gave in, saying he wouldn't have thought it. Then 1 said I'd swear t• - !!t, and be said all right. and 1 did; and by thunder, who do you suppose he was?" "I don't knew. "The income-tax ed. It certainly was \WAVERING 1N ALLEGIANCE. At the present moment all seriously - minded Egyptians, who have been loyal to the occupation throughout, are wav- ering In their allegiance, because of the apparent, inability of ttie present G ivernnlent to suppress crime. When n crime_ is committed in a village, there is not one man, woman or child in that village who does not know the author within an flour. Yet. In many cases which conte before the parquet' the po- lice profess themselves unable to trace the culprit, and in ninny well known ceases the wrong man itas been sentenc- ed. Neither the Minister of the Wetter nor the adviser has the power to de- mand to see n nevem verbal drawn up by one of his police. after It has cente into the hands of the parquet, n tart winch has Leen the cause 01 mush nbusi'. There is no reason why the Egyptian should not bee' ln(' n very ef- fkierit policeman, but he must learn. and at present he has ne one to iearn from, ns the knowledge of his superi- ors is merely experinrenlnl. There art► advlser3 to the \finietrr?, and. with the es.:elrtion • f th- Mini -try ef the interior. these ndvisers aro speeinlists. There should, therefore, be resid Flt nd:iv:is 10 the Mthlirs. who can insist en the right method being adopted instead of Inertly experiments ing. asst sserI" lie groan - n case cf hard luck. Hes mane time love yell weir) cut when invilcd 14go up against anOhor n{iin'; grime? Man's w(.rds to sso:tian (layer. Black Watch "Biggest and Best" Plug Chewing Tobacco CLEA INQo� p LADI e e . est SUIT* Ow be done perfsotly 1y our rroaea 1'racea.. Try a BRITISH AMERICAN onIWO 0S. MONTRZAJr, TORONTO. ONTAWA t (WERT° NOT WORTH IT. Todd --"There was to be a meeting of my creditors to -day." Tedd—"Well, wasn't there?' "No. They unnntmously agreed that they couldn't afford to spend the tine." T)o not give up in despair, you who softer. from obstinate disfigurements of the akin. Annoint Out sore sputa with Weaver's ('erate and purity the blood with Weaver's Syrup. An druggist. keep them. ODD OBSERVATIONS. S- me of us have fads, others arc fiats. \\ lien duty calls we are apt to say "Net at home.'' We must usually plant later if we cant le mise money. it Ls hard to believe the truth the way e me l:Coplc tell it. Il is soothing to the acres to be po- pular with yourself. il,'sides gathering no mess, a rolling sir' nc gravitates downhill. The truss you think about yourself. ter more others are apt to think of yc ar. 1f the question "Who is wise?' were put to popular vote, we should each score one. Some popple are so interested in mak- ing money that they forget how to upend it. "Mark my words,'' declnred Mrs. Terme, laying down the law to her long- suffering husband, "by the end of the century woman will have the rights she is fighting for." "1 cha'n't care if she has,' replied Fernee. "Do you mean it?" erica his wife. "have 1 at last brought you round to my w by c! thinking. Wen.' you really care?'' "Not n bit, Ray dear,' returned her husband, resignedly. "1'11 be dcad then." 11 n man makes eynieal remarks about wt-►r„t?n it s doughnuts to fudge that cne of than hriS been using him for a doormat. ROUGVFOTSR oECUD TfRd ORQUfiM. SE$DFORtATAIOGU1I MOUNT CLEMENS, MICHIGAN. Mount Clemens is (amour) throughout America ae an all -the -year-round health re- tort, and thousands of people bear tostl- mony to the benefits derived from its min- eral in kiudr d waters diseaers aetF'►r of biliouslatism aid liorer troubles, digestive troubles. nervous dis- orders. general debility, etc.. the efficacy of its waters is wonderful. Seventy-five perpp rheumaticscent of er cent: be entted cured Write J. D�i) Mconald and ninety rict Passenger Agent. Grand 'Trunk Rail- way booklet telling(or youhalldsome about d it. E`CPI.AINi:D. She (on the Atlantic liner)—Did you o1,serve the great appetite of that stout man at dingier? He --Yes; he must Lo, what they 0111 a stowaway. PILES (TREI) 1N 6 TO iti DAYS. atrant Icca ou.PAZ1 Itching,NBltndg B'.e© in j or t r) Notatine gy 'rites in 0 to 1s days or m,ney refunded. bee. INDUSTRIAL, NOTE. The wages of sin have not been rais- ed, either, in spite of the fact that pric- es generally have gone up. Help your children to grow strong and robust by counteracting anything that causes ill -health. Ono great cause of disease in children is worsts. He- nley° them with Mother Graves' \Vona Exterminator. It never fails. Occasionally a w-mhan is so decep- tive that slio will even try to make a man ;believe she loves Ilium when she docs. Puts you on Your Peet and keepsynu there That's what "i'errovim" does for all those re• covering from waiting diseases. It is tho best tonic in existence. 1t stimulates, nourishes and builds up the system. B slier, Goodman (irrtpreesively)—"Only think, children! in Africa there arra 11).(X0.0(0 square milts 01 territory with - cut a single Sunday -school where little 1—ys and girls can spend their Sun- days. Nuw, what should we all try and save up our money and do?" Class tin ecstatic union)—"Go to Africa!" You cannot be happy while you have corns. Theil do not delay in getting a bottle of llollowa,,P'a Corn Cure. it ro- nlovcs all kinds of corns without pun. Failure with it is unknown. Dr. Garnner Robb, e+f Belfast, al s recent medical gathering there, stnte4 that he had used serum in cases cf 61.11101 meningitis w ith giant success. Whereas the death tate toad been 70 per cent., It was now reduced to 30 per cent. "1't)ur son," said the professor, "lints teen laboring under a mieapprehen- sion." "\Vhat?' exclaimed the humble but honest parent, with joy in his voice, "ye don't mean it?" "Mean what?' "That J(.s'ar has been weekin ." Shiloh Cure Cures Coughs and Colds QUICKLY QQ ere Shiloh's Cun +ifor the worst cold, the sharpest cough —try it on a guar- antee of your money back if it doesn't actually CURE quicker than anything you ever tried. Safe to take.—nothing ►n it to hurt even a baby. 34 years of success cornnun<1 Shiloh's Cure -- 25c., 60c., TORTURING SKIN DISEASE AffIictd this bright little girl Mrs. F. Miner. of 3tr Suffolk Street. Guelph, Ont.. says: "A year since, while while living to Oshawa. Ont.. my little daughter Lorinda, six years of age contracted a akin disease ori the upper part of her body. This first 1 ruke wit like tiny water h':sters, atterrsards taking the form of dry scaly. These would disappear for a sleet time est Oise reappear worse than ever. The clothes tum: ;.i; in contact with the skin ct up such a severe irritation that it was impossible 1�. kerb her from scratching. We tried vermes preparations yet obtained no goo,1 result~ until we l•egau wing /am•Ituk. \\'ith each application the irritation and soreness was greatly relieved, and the child tested easier. Thro' continued using, the ern,.tions and stithe fait disappeared and in a short space .)f time the 'kin was completely cleared from the disease. It is now some month) since we used Zan:- Kok, and as there are no signs of any more eruptiocs breaking out oa i.er l►ody, we t clicve /Air •iluk has worked a comp:etc cure." EAs>o•ilak (urtrrs rut•, cnarped tarda, itch. ulcer., ecnrsa, running Ter. ar.d sit dis- • druggists agirt,. ()f air Ziastararawars, AnraRi•ts arNl vole, s • . • r frorolam Ituk Co., 'reform). 2r.IMILI XI Seed for a trial bee. Enclore coepen and ,c. entrap. address. Zam-liuk Co., r v,•nt.. 3Ka \EA MINtk Gtat Llai