HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-03-12, Page 51 H} }.; X i.; T J; li TIME S, a1:11{l'1i l_'th 1110•
Canadian Hair Restorer, Crediton
B re
At ler
D!t. 1'. J. MIDC1'1•:, MEMBER ON-
jane std Surgeons, ducceattor to Lr.
E. A. Ifaist. Oredi to n. Ont.
'Will rc,toro gray hair to It, natural color. I bliss Iltobinson tt'Lo hob ben teach -
Stops falling hair calms to grow on bald I tug in the public school for the past
Leads. Curesdandruif,itching, scalp disea,ea. ! two wears left Thursday last. iter
My its use thin hair grows luxuriantly. (natty ,friends were sorry to s -:,a her
Contains no oily or greasy Ingredients. leaver"fr
Is entirely unlike any other hair prepura••S• tclal iron; ber<+ attended th.
tier. ever offered for sale Temple of 1:atns couc.trt bit'tlt
A good, reliable Canadian preparation, itt the Opera house, Exeter, and re•
furolleltest Testlulonlals. porta good concert.
Edith A. Burke, Missionary If. M. Church Mrs. J. F. Brown is spending a
F • .t ft, weeks in I Trott visiting- her
and c ►
! frtpnd.
• -I,YI ret j g'
w•ithresultsaftertwo)'ears'usngllyplcasucl daugl:tt•1• who underwent an opera.
L. A. Home. \Vilncr, Montana. My hair lion.
rind wwhi-kcnc restored to natural eolor,dark 1 Revival meetings have closed In t
blvwu. by using Canadian !fair Restorer.
1.1.Orum, lturgessvllle, Ont. Canadian flair
restorer is the beat 1 havu ever
JO. ohn
ora.Canadc lairResor workd nos.
11y head iy nearly all covered with think
growth black hair, oribisn) color.
Sold by alt wholesale and retail druggists.
Drailed to ally address in tho civilized world
on receipt of price, Me. Manufactured by
?HE rime 'IV c0., Windsor, Ont, Canada.
Sold in Exeter by W. B. Cole, W.
(;. ilowey and J. W. Browning, Drug-
No Honing-
No Grinding
OT le 451
o. niuonr. i:t.,
Some day shaving is forced upon
every ms'. At first it does not
shatter what sort or razor is used-
fstber'n pet Carbo Megnetic Cr
atotber's fond birthday gift of an
expensive safety t:lth it: constant
tax of uety bledcs jest eo it
The Lean! tec-. st: c• c:: i then
the :cc'' :it.!quest ion ari--e "lib
doesn'ta razor hold its edge uni-
formly fr'ni heel to bead without
boning or grinding?" Shavirg has
now becor e a necessity -but ch
comfort and satisfaction of a daily,
cool, clean shave is very scldoc; ob-
tained. Puling and ars is the
usual octcon:e of the cEcrt, whether
ion shave yourself or have it done
o your favorite barber's chair. You
persistently seas "t'!hy?"
tempt, of the blade is cot cr.:f •r
making periodical honing rni grind•
ing a necessity," 13 co;
The. blade of the C:.rbo rlagetic
razor is linis}:rd by a secret process
of Eloo fr!o Tonspnring that
;positively merge; every panicle of
t tbon (the. i:(: of steel) foto the
theta!- f- v i n g a ,d1r.eson:l••111:0
Reas eir,oa9 U:ifi,.'^:j tbrccgbo:.t
the blade-sornet'.riv • �•salt:tely
possi:le s -rich fire-te,; 2ered s: • • 1 ,:..
La making all other ?a.;•r Y: e
But test this Wit. peer ig, a
grinding, unconditionally puaraa•
teed razor in your own hor.::-•.:
4n your barber use i:11.3 y;n
Drop us a costal, ur better yet,
came in and sur us and we will give
you our new p -°position for having
these razors tested without obliga-
tion to purchase, together with our
s free booklet "Hints on Shaving."
111111111111 101111111111111IMENNummir
TakeDashwood( Seibert & c to.
T ake Milk at Night \\ ill. rt._Ths hotqu of
111. ,.;: 1 '•ti-, lkury \Villcrtof Don't Lash-
�..�. hoofs. 11.13 tin* acerin of a pleasing
1 ri! U,
l '
• ,Tuesday evening,
rice •
Yb Ilr
�lllli: in any f011ll taken at night is apt tU ' at lin• o'clock, wthcn their daughter
Call6e digestive disturbance. VVoui' night's i Ellie E. was united in holy bonds of
f' u,:irimony to Mr. William 11. Klein-
1'('St IS nut 1'et•1'eslllilb. 1 U appease !lunger, o}' tet. iter. iter. 1'hun, of theLuther•
merely f01'C011lpally's sake, "BOVRIL," in the ':t church officiated., w•hi:e tl,,tt-ed.
Orin of a bouillon. or stn}dwiche(t
thin bread and butter, is excellent .
After this light supper you will sleep s'eli
and awake refreshed.
Evangelical church. out last fall to i lar
'Mr. Garnet Batter, of London, paid take ' 1• tyL wlto W.I. to Farquhar
our tillage a flying visit Saturday, possession on rho first of bltrc.
last. • but the deal leas fallen thrpufih. JI';• \`'..t. Turnbull left on Mon.
bliss Locda linkbeiuer is Earning 'Tuesday
concert which was repeated d.ty I'at for Brantford to visit her
the dressmaking with Mrs. Chas i lu^sday etenittg teas 1101 as wc,ll tt -' ha rents Al Ts. and Mrs. M. Eacrclt.
itoessler, tended os it should harp, been. Tll- �Irs. \\', Stetwart sr., torn has been
The Misses Siebert, of Laah+too 1 programme was a choice one, with!;suite ill with La Grippu is coltales-
were 'the guetits of 'DI r. and Mrs. b., tho 'Imperial Quartette and a choir) CCitl..
Brown the forepart of the. week. of [Orly +roir,•s. Al; rues nt tl:.,.0 l :►l r. Nelsuu Couch, of Stratford,
Mr. Irvin Armstrong, of Exeter. ! delighted an.l Mr. Nelson ,tick.• ,I ;•i sprint Saturthty uud buuday the guest
f James Harris.
Mr. Clarence Gowans spent from
1'ding su:,rch was played eby Miss Linda
between sister of the bride. The. bride. team-
ing on Lite arm of d,er father, miter-
ed the parlor which was decorat t
with an arch beautifully trientut l
with evergreens and pink and white
carnations. Silo looked charming in
creao, chiffon taffeta trimmed with'
silk overlace and ribbon, and carry.;
ing a bouiuet of white carnations
and ferns. Mess Bertha, 5i.;tt•r of
tho bride acted as bridesmaid and
eras handsomely dressed in whit • eats
taffeta silk, trim.,t,••( with lee•. Mr.
Robert Ilayter act, 1 as groon,n, In.
Miss !'earl, youngest sister of the
bride took her lilac() as Maid of honor
dressed in white Persian lawn, it int -
teed tt•ith white valcnciennes IIc
and insertion. 'bliss Ethilda Jlel--
sac, deice of the groom cut,! Ali-,
Myrta Hoffman, cousin of the, .hride,
dressed in cream hrillianain • 8111 .
carrying n basket or flotsot, load,;
very charming little flower 'girls.
After emigre tULttions the .!nests
num'lx•ring Otte hundred and t n,•nly-
was in our vi l- e.' Monday' pn busi'• oertes praise for such n r •t r' i yes t.
nese" rho omni, rs-try of the \V. 'M. S.
Miss Lillie Lawson of the 11th, `i: F.:• held next bunday, when the erelay till Sunday with his parents
spent Sunday with lir. rind Airs. Jas. 1 . 1I. :'..:t will preach on the, in Illanshard.
Lawson. i t, ;whin - • . Christ in the mortiin;; Mr. \\r, A. Gardiner and 'It. 1).
Mr. ,Chas: Zwicker was in London and deliver a song sermon in thea Turnbull spent Sunday .at their
over Sunday visiting Mrs. Zwicker
evening. On 'Monday evanino `t I homes here.
who recently uudcrw Int an operation social will b3 held followed by t 1 Lloyd leavers is visiting at
1 Mrs. Y.wicker'd many friends will Let good programme. Ton cents admin- Itis lhomc here.
pleased to learn that she is doing' 51°11 is Charged-
. -____,. Miss Jessie 'bouillon, of Moth2r-
us well as can 41c expected., ----- well, is visiting friends in this tiei°it-
bliss iklary 13 rock, o[ Exeter, spent ; 4 HOSPITALS FAILED. I boyhood.
n dery days this week with friends : •}:nes ilea rd, of biortol !'ark, Ont. J[Iss JlcGee, of \Vungluun, atttt d-
irere:. s yG.-"1\'hiie employed at the S e. cd the marriage of her cousin titins
'Miss Olivia Boltzmann wishes to sas omornJanet dlallcityne last week.
announce that she will receive a lint- ye"trslty ago1Vork, 1 of bruiNn •twP myarket ankle0, but7Mr. and )les. J. 1':..MeNicol mover!
ited number o[ pupils for instruction through neglect this bruise turned to Their new horse near Cromarty on
on piano and organ.•bliss llto an ulcerated or burning sore. Jiouday of this week.
nuuun holds two certificates from which caused uteri a great deal of Mr. :old Mrs. Dickson, of Walton
Toronto University on Piano and .suffering. 1 tried a great number were guests of Mr. ands Mrs. James
'theory; of doctors ;utd was in the hospital ilnllenlgne last week.
Miss Ida hinkbciucr of the GoshenTour 'times. 1 tried almost. every,• 'Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Kay, of Exeter.
iine Aiwaa tett days last wveC1: thing, ibut nothing did me any goof, nisitcd with friends her during the
with :Mrs. Jas, Lawson.I could not sleep all night with the wreck.
Miss May Armstrong 1188 been' cu• scolding and burning pain, but irons Miss •I'f:aff, of Dashwood, is bait-
�ed as milliner in the milliner ing with Mrs. James Gardiner at
presen t.
',Alt. de and Miss Annie1
the 'first application of Zant-Jluk i
novor lost any sleep, and felt nothing
more of it than if I hadn't any Bore Beavers,
department of Mr. Chas. Zwicker.
Miss Armstrong comes highly recom•
trended and will take charge of the
department on Monday- next.
The ;branch of the !trnk, of Cotn-
Schroeder who tco.ntlt boo} t th Do your banking business at home and keepyour account
at hits It started healing and \\ oodham, visited with Mr, and Mrs, butcher bus;ne s of Air. Ezra Tie- t nt
gave it. ,W, F. Beavers on Monde malt twill move into the house vac;tt- the farmers Bank of Canada.
me •110 further trouble. Shortly :If• �- y last' ed by Mr. Tiernan.
ter this as I was getting on a step.,:
tnerce opened her oil ';Monday of this car, my 'foot slipped and I carne with -0100.00 paid by Dr. Shoop for There twill le. special services in Dashwood Ont
week after a delay. of a few woks. all en)' might down the( edge of the any recent case of Grippe or acuto the Evangelical }
Few' flhiitS
-\\'e sell the %Vm. B. Hamilton Co. Shoes. 'There are none mutter anti felq
1 as good.
--We sell the McCortni_k Biscuit, the best ntako in Canada.
-We sell lferbagoum, the Lest stock food. Try a package.
-\ 'e sell the best Groceries that money can buy.
--\\'e sell Coppley, Noyes & Randall Clothing, noted for good wear and
good fit.
--Try our 25e tea, its a winner.
Jlen's extra heavy wooled sox at '25c.
-Conte and see our 1':nglish and American prints before you buy,
-Blue Cups and Saucers with block handles worth l)Oc for 75e.
-The merchant that sells you the best t'oods for the least money will final.
ly do the trade.
Come and see us. VVe want
to get acquainted with yon.
Siebert & Co.
I Tartletb Block. DASlIWOOD,
five all partook of :the 'sumptuous;
supper prepared in lite diniu;;-rewm,
which .was prettily! decorated with
with evcrgreeeis for the occasion, lit.:
ter which (Ito evening was, ((Ment in
music, singing. and James of various i HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO.
desoriptions. The wedding gifts V, ►
were numerous and costly showing ` R. TR`i� ELS, General Manager, -
g Toronto,
The Farmers' Bank
Of Canada.
)Ir• esteem in, which 1 he young couple .
;,re held.
\I r. Ezra Bender, of Blyth tial Mr.!
Edtcard Axt of Zurich, ore here this
wc•vk assisting •\1r. .1. Is 11ar►uaun •
Lak,• stock.
JIr, Ezra 'Tiernan. expects to move
into the residence of Peter Croft ot:
Mann street, formerly owned by ; $I.00 opens an Account and Interest added 4 times a year.
Mr. John Hall, of London.. Mr. !)alt;
S J rr u
A Bank for Farmers
Authorized Capital $1,OIv),OOO
Where a General Banking Business will be transacted.
Savings Bank Department
The ;bank is welcomed h ret by the step find brave; my toot a terrible Cold that a 25 cent -box of I'rcv,'n- and ,under. the sacrawenl will hu
citizens o[ our village. al r. W. 11. mangling up. This made it far woiw,l tics will not break. liow is this for aadministercd eunt!•,y menthe, i --
James who has been in Exeter since than ever, but I started agaitu with nn offer The Doctor's supreme, con- Ic t tot Il,c6so1
the :taking over of the Soy:reign Zanii-luk, told it did the same work fidence in these little Candy Cold
bank there, is in charge of the batt!: over again as it didtat first and my Cure Tablets-I'rrcpnlics-is certain-
:r t 'for the present, ankle is sound and well Its ever it , ly complete. It's a $100, against 25
whotsbass t betnosa l'rvis ting therf parents. '!.ani-Hukwas. I ennot speak, too highly of tics, centsrernetnberetty 1r,�6contain no laxative,
Dl r. curd Dlrs. J1all1►ew Finkbeiner.' Zatn-I3uk cures cuts. burns. chap- nothing ,harsh nor sickening. l'ueu-
for n fete necks, lcav(- ibis neck red stands, chafing sore" itch, chit- lanais would never appear if early
for Berlin. A tintnber of friends blains, eczema, running soler. sore colds were always broken. Safe and
gathered at their home of Monday throat, bad chest, ringworm. piles.
sure for feverish children. 48 pec_
(welling for a social time: in honor1(blind or breeding), baJ legs. iu[latrz. verities 25 cents. -\t', S. Ilot,•y.
of Miss Rosa. 'Fit • evening was ;patches, rheumatism, neuralgia. sci-
A dainty lunch was served after jured and irritated conditions of the' .Mr. Joseph Banes, of Crediton, ,was
which a pleasant evening was , skin. Obtainable of all druggists
brought. to a closet with kind ex• :and stores, 50e. or post•p td upon re -
last week on 'business.
oressiots of the hospitality of Mr.' ceipt of price from Zatn-Iluk Co. Tor -
and .t1rs. Matthew Finkbcilier.
church un Saturday
pleasantly spell in t;vme's and untsie, sties, abscesses and all ells..^aseJ. in•
t onto. , dress making with Mrs. Calfas, of
Dir. Alf Tiedem:ul, of 'Grandt.Jletut !Dashwood.
was lit our village 'Monday on bust.- � r1 's tll• al r. Isaac Gower is hating a sale
ness. i of farm stock and implements( 111-1
ge blrs. Link who has been 'Mend -
6ellery. 11 hu was ill at the , tail north of Hhipka next 9tonday
j ing the millinery openings in Tor -
of her sou here, ,has greedyt' 'Alt- .1. U. Batman was 'in London
W. S. Cole Druggist onto,has returned and is again tak- improved. I last �1'u allay on business.
Cole, ing chars(' of the millinery dtp1, rl• 'Iter•. Dr. Smith, of St. Catharines Mr. and Mrs. A. Armstrong and
- - --- - - :tient of Mr. S. !frown. Mrs. Link occupied 'the pulpit of Carmel church � family of annul hent, moved back to
.NN.♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦N♦.♦3 eeintnenced stork on Monday last, last Sunday morning and evening, the. • hhipka last week.
O \Ir. Bristol Essery has resigned his OCC•tsion lbehig the installation of , Mr. Neil !McKinney, of Heater
♦ posiliun as ledger keeper in'tLe bank lite electric lights. The Dr, is an ; Don, spent Sunday in our midst.
ENTITLED TO PARTICULARS ♦ 1, r.. having accrptad n similar pose tilde and clo pient speaker and was bliss Diary O'Rourke, of Detroit, is
:t wtith til,, Union Blank;
greeted by very large congregations. at her home, and is on the Rick list.
One ounce Fluid Extract Linde- . The Royal hotel his1141c.n!re-paint- At the evening servioa a mild chore; Mr. henry Kuhn, of Crediton i.ast
lions id and othent'isn improved iu ap• us Of 20 voices lead charge of the , was in our vicinity last week 011 Buy -
Ons minor) Com ound Salatone; t• rtrince. nervier of praise. litres.
Font OUXICOSs Compound Syrup Word was received here on •tupelo}• Mrs. \Viii. Kemp left here last ' Don't fail to attend the school con.
Sarsaparilla • this week of t lir d..tth. of Emma K. `reek for her new home nt Oil ; cell to -morrow evening, ,March la.
Mix, and take a teaspoonful after lirou•n beloved w if.• of Mr. ferry M.
Springs. Admission 10 and iii cents.
ttttsaLandatbedtime, dru,ktogplenty Humble :Monday at the hospital in Mr, nod Mrs. Getty, of Moosojitw., ---�-
ot water. (Uc`troit. Dec:•as• d ort; a bright Sask. who wero here for atiteral EASY 'fU MIX T1118.
months visit 1. Irl
n their v
?b aboveprescriptionut.ln friends V •,
has 1K \ t.
f,I t 'wc' I,
reCAyoungwomen mad hod out lie11 •t I Ica
, 1 y avert• 11 r very interest
found InvaluaDeInthetreatmentof Imarried a few months. The re• and rcl,tirra returner] to her Lonntt to many people here is the article
kidney,bladderandurinarytroublw, mains were brought home and tlt�' in the \Vest last wreck' taken !front a New York daily paper,
and diseases silting therefrom, such I funeral took place from the r.sluenec In a fast and furious ,;;toe of giwine a simple prescription, ns for -
,as rheumatism, sciatica latae back of her tither Mr. .1. F. Brown Thurs.. (tocke, played hertz Fr'id:ty night, mutated by a noted authority, who
and lumbago, and we feel that the day for intervent in the Crediton Clinton O. Ii. A. leant and Hensall claims that he )las found a positive
tablle are entitled to particulars c;ittetery• played to a lin :I all. The teams remedy to could almost (my case of
oncerning le. I All who were pres.nt tot hear the we're %airy evonly matched and it uas backache or kidney er bladder dee
A prominent physician states that entertainment given by the Choral •inylwdy's !tame to the 'finish. Ti rangement, in thn following simple
e excellent results that have been roil LY of Crediton and Centralia last first. half ended I to (f favor of prescription, if taken before the
f�ltai fromh
ob redt euseof he mixture Clinton.
t ml tutbut u the locals � C
\1 bad much � stage , ionday aright assisted by the 'm-
ars the tea of Iiri,Thl's disa•as^.
ars due to its direct action upon tho 1ti.1ial'altlo Quartette received a rare better of the t .rcoml. coming up Fluid Ee1oast Dandelion. one-half
kidneys, assisting them in their work I r,it "Wasn't it " strong at the, finish and scoria 3' ounce, Compound So rcol, one ounce
of filtering all poisonous waste matter grand" is t,h(1 re- goals to Clinlwl:r 2 in this half. Compound Syrup I Sateeparillt, three
ut:ttk� heard oil nil .ides. 1'h•• (bor. , 1 Y' L u
and.cirls rornthebloodandexpelling 115 s 'were masterpieces and Mr. The game was by niuttiel rou nt•t left ounces. Shake .well in (t after
same in tl'u urine, and at the name flicks who drilled the same, deserves a tie as Clinton did not �•etn to take in teaspoonful doses after tach
time resterir.:;the ki,lco)ston healthy /rats for the way he rnrulueted him- %visit it played off. A. Wbitc.•VdC- areal nod again at druggist
condition. Quartette was nt its best refirped t uy fcirly. A eell•kno it druggist herr et
s•I1. The
He further stilted that anyone suf.
--- lionlp, when asked regarding l
feria from r tt tions of this nature and rendered soma fine ,elections. 3 this ue•
The solos byMims Clara If;iist and CA�TOHTA. see nil 1, staled Ih:tt th• ingredients
will ed It to he very heneti -int, and
the hind You Hate Astrals d are all harmless, and can be obtained
suggests that i, be given a trial.Dfiss F.Iliolt received h,arly ay- �wrstlu
nt a small cost from any good tires-
(option pita emery. o• 1h'• mixture
these days• his wife he ring pr. seined uoull 1,e put up if nskod to :Io 1st).
-- him with a baby boy. Keno mb,•r that t%h. n the atom -I Ifo ;further stated 111'tt while Ihirl
n •t' h- D1rs. Daniel Coughlin. of Centralia' Orli nerves itis or weaken. Dyspepsia
prr.cription is Often prescribed im
LEARN DREG-�i1AK1►du (visited her daughter. Mrs. (Dr.) Me. or Indi••esliot must always follow.lrheumatte afflictions ititIt 'splendid
BY111 A 1 I., In t'cur Spare Mr. ,lora lbe•ccle r entertaim d t std uerwrs wwilh Ir. 'Jho° , s Itrslor- would not be n splendid comedy
Tinto tl. lfonte (numht•r of ftien,la froth the villa,: • alit' rid then Is/oro.
.Fou Iuiekly i for kittney and backache. as it has a
R'e want ..ur course t•, be i, c -.-; h me in 1 utt Wednesday tee to assist in cele• h• all h trill brain to ret urn. \\',;ik:( peculiar action upon the• kelney
Ontarin,where there are lad+o..., i,::vedecidrd brat ing the Anil, hirlhday of h's' Heart and Kidney nerves can nlso be
structure. cleansing IBosi* utast i/)1•
to ttivc.. dtncl t•,thc pub!•,• im;rovrd Si'?courant organs and helping them, to
course in dressmaking, i• ,--.Lute our Lodit- ntol her. Tho • Id r J1rs. IIOPagler is at ia•11 {glllell,`II +with the Restorative,
It • R st •tSift. i (`
Ta r enG•r.wh•d•va., i1f end flit from Y t. .. ii M , r l til lh blood tt b o 1 t h.t
very .' o '
r �marf f II t 1
n 1 1 I t her •a e, d ',viten. r e
r r 1 It m I r Heart •a .
Y R rt 1.11 , t' (
Pants, al ,intro ;Ole, 1 or
• I ti
As 1
A IhetC AR`, , .
1 ,` ri t r
tats:r, r
n pi . carr foul acids and tl:,atr
matter w
rf011101.t. r fact
cars ill (banana o • 1
t 1
t tl n n t.hly r.n v l c• l;' t ••
o r h.• rir • w
Y t o Olney ', k 5 'v
le . c J i 11.5 r.
sal it ,,,1 !,a sap t••,, ',ern by mall , )1)011 t CALM(' SICk112t! i1Pl !Mitering. 1h09e
we toil :end ststcm ao•1 e,<,:n (nI"e L• cas!(/n of so many friends being gra• Don't drug the FllonIseIl. aur r;t' -,of our readers who suffer can make
teat -tee Keg i., ,Hake a • : ,• fitting uai.v slut and wishing her a continuance Iain• The II..irt. or Kidneys. '['hat' is
rvii:tend 1 , a le a.bire.. , , ,r After you of h:.. •5roltlt. 'fro to the eau,+ of 1 h.•- • ail- no mistake in giving it n trial.
are esti;tt:•,1 y .a (al r..r r:rt 8 00 aril we
will f.raard till c.•a..c . t .,its. Erase d.. - ' in •Ills, i`itrenlr1boll ) 1 hese a, ak in. Saintsbur
net a -td node. -t w .., N-i.h t • 'e rn dr,-. ,akii:::; aid rlerv.•v with I)r. c3ho0 i s 'ReStor-
Centralia 1 y
antes• t , ,ve i +sI to am , ne w e canted teach. %, ,. - Production .
TI•••, 1,•::•:1 a-tch 1'.+v 1., cut fit and put Nelson F. II. rsS. t•.vl Will nuts Iw t •11.
6. o i, r. A,: ct.o'.t [nm the p{•lainest shit0-4,e-e.t.a..,
aril : n,(Inu.
.,•,i. e•u' t., h• : r. • ':nl'nnte dr,n. hist, r"1•ilnf tenant, 0.4,e-te freebie
n 1,, It. Huthten,
a!' • r m r .:• t: rl..t eh • n}. 1 ,soli McDonald, (•rule. White. free bie Et.. . ,.rnest O.s, Zurich
r., 1 ' . h ,•. • 1..1 n 1. Nc Kenney, London. Y.ng. A limited nun.' - r of pupil
h.• • . :- • •, • • . ( • • c.,• : h:.ve L -,ahs will be uceptc.l J1 r. .M. o,i,It of S •a furl h i vis
' Mir? Air. and Mr,•. .loth Geiger on
pl:. uses. 816naaatsiC�h�
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦00♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦ Mr. Harry lietwer is all ami:rs s.1
Cu', 'Monday last. lint stt'•ngtli ii tbase 'saute wve.tk, in- i -r . a. hr could tree net r.vnion why
we an• <,r,• .,•r.,.rr r•n b•ani that ve r.etar
:11 ice am; ,?et tw•II. A simple. single Mr. Fred Davis •rive rho yowlt
folks a plc:lw:oil hots MI Mond is
evening of last a ek. rifler t%hirh
oyster. and other rleliraciee over(
served by atilt hoar. when all r,.•
paired to their ilotw•s well 1•I• i,; ,I
with the e%enine.
A 'social %vas held et Mr. Phil)
itickene in conee•etiot %%ith the La•
d(•s' Aid of the 1•:nfrlisl( church last
Tuesday evening. Entertainment w;t.,
furnished by locsl talent essi.ted by
'mean. Proceeds of the evening R1'.
1111.' 1• rl • . • et, - ,L,1 cw, , 'Miss it ne ilandfor.l. Ex t :. .p alt the Bronson Lone.
cla•••t • t •. • . , r • lr •• le lh• Tit -s 1 v et . -ring will, Mies Hutt nt ' Miss ,Mahle tVenzel. of Crediton
mash .. .1 1 •.. ., e a t. . noire the 11:tr� ,i. rte. rigs the
crit, • .1• •,•,- *wont ,r:1,,,... Irw .M of 'Mrs C., liilt/rr.
+t'•,t:•f r t.�ver,:,.+ NV r up ::1,11 to Writ 'fiat \1r•. G o. Mrs. Thos. 11iucli and titught••r
Ad err:- .'!4DER.• DRCitt-cl1TTIN(7 FCHOOL Esser). our popular livery mitt. i• : Itoe ar.• visiting friends alt Iliege-I•
11 tee .'te t, 5t,.tff,ud. (1 - Canaria. likely to remain a it h tis. Hr sold ' or.
While '•Ir. Cie:i McAllister. of 11e:-
•••� ••� �- - Parr Line w.•ia 341••nditlq to his hor- �;
.a."`.r- • --' . !tax a feta day• .Ito on 1 of this. animals Like to Try Psychine
\+1 - l,' seeds Free kicked him in t h • fees the eyelid toil
t i ••.: 1N M eh e k -bon • 1, •situ Lailly col. " Please send me n battle of
t I.t,e gr as, ,( p'pyic:nay.: "w.•ut Het. 1.. I1. \V:,• 1* r. of 11 rlin of- t
1 Psgc- .t:e, [ have a child afflicted with
',, •santaRosa'is an exceptionally fine nt•N• ficial rt tt t e r 1'rrlrar.ttor} Aprvic .t
\ \" lure of lthitler 1'n rice, h far the ln•t ,• e 1 ,, sands, and have bsen advised
M y in 1110 Kroll•: I:ell church last H t- to tryemir nu•dicine b: our e„,„ey
t ;erste:'_ a hawesccn" 'We will give ah.olulc:y furs ilyd•i)' •Ifte1 •io••n rill/! preache 1 at the
' ! b: �' - package Rts:.n w� t doctor, its he says hr cannel 1 :soy.
I t g 7 t Leer ie.• Note' •vrnine..
i,' 1 ;:�r will acrid for our new hand.' rntly Illustrated NE., M.'u •r 11 •Airier. of Detroit, thing more for Inv child."
�wi.t" \ \ iVOR Catalogue. 11 yen prefer. sum n:.:, is viainint i.•iirev hero. MRS. If. ST11'I1F:N�T.
••-•"...,\e.:/, e ►, 1 races roc•:a: of ourcanadianctm rti:tti1- Mr. .Cont:. Trimmer. of the 11Ih. Arthur. Ont., July 14, IAO,.
Y�. y f . • or Cir.' 1 ralv Tomato seed in glace . , fell un 15,1 ,Ce one day 1 tat a...•k,
.: row t .,.- thee, l•; elialoe.iline ' .- shoulder. 'ftwo Zur•
�Li>1;i ,(I' v _p.h .- Y• Write ,t,'.t..i mime year ch, :,r
jet. 11o110,4 al tends 1 11e.• injury.
At the Iiet meeting of the Ifni' stomach troubles yield t• its curative
Township Council :t motion .•tholkir•
Ow tal:t1 n•• hbor wt as ndoptedl tin 1 .a tower. At all druggist...-. •.• and AI.Oa, or
lhy•1;1w still his p.•1«ed t0 that effect. ur. T. A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto.
Darch & LiunterSeedCo., Ltd.
Seeds of this heauii(uI ".Santa Rosa" poppy London, Ont.
Cr• chest absolutely fr•e
Psyehine cures when doe•tors fail.
Mart• are sorry they 'lift not try
Paychlne first. Throne• lung anti
Mr. Ezra lender f
ou Monday of this week sorer: he 1
has secured :I situation as tinsmith.
Mr. Ira Brown and sister :Hiss
Brown spent Sunday the guests of
Mr. anti Mrs. t\', L. (Sir:bort on Sun-
lr. 1. 1•r. ea •r, of Zurich visited
with J1r. Henry- V. inert on Sunday.
Mr. Edgar Siebert, of Iterlin ar-
rived home this we •k and trill assist
his father in the 5101'.•.
Mr. W. F. Si, i t -t lees .;:•etit -si Jars
Symonds, of London, to t:Ike•t charge
of his .millinery department this sea --
son. Mrs Symonds has just re turned
,from ;attending tete openings in Lon-
don and Toronto. Mr. Siebert has
had his millinery; rooms nicely lay-
ered and whited and is ibbsy getting
ready for the spring trade.
Mi. J. K. Kpllermann, who' for a
number of years successfully carried
on a general store business here last
week disposed of his 4,usines.e `to 'the
Jles,rs. Tiernan & Edighofftr, two
well and favorably knutvit readails'
of I)asllwood. Messrs. '1 kitten .nlil
Edighoffcr have taken possession and :
will be open for business $Saturday!, 1
Doth •these gent.le.metr are stmight • 1
forward and honorable men ani
should be able to reteiti tha largo!
business connection established by
(Mr. Kellerm-Inn and there is no doubt,
but1 (hey twill do ego. They stave•
leased'111041.• 5(011 for tt (crud of yorirs
and have engaJod Mr. John :Grnyboil
of Zurich. as manager. 'Don't, fail to 1
in u •xr.week's paper
showing 'lite ext•,•1Veit bargains of-
f red 'by the n:g. firin. 'Mr. ;Edig'-
half r IwiII continua his %ho; thusie
news :7 1. the old stand.
Neu bank in Dashwood.- When
lhr branch of the late Sovereign
hank 'was dos •,1 here. and it was
(1.'cidetl 'to do ass ly ss it h t It.• hiauch
• 1i..
err n
1 11.1 tit
.ir11e , tatting
community found it euitp an incon-
venience on account of haring; Jo go
to Exeler and other places, to Junket
deposits. The Farmers' (lank had tt
representative here n few weks ago
looking over the situation and found
prosprcls so good that hes decided to
have rt branch este bli- harp. The
1..utk ie tlotwi open anal .s retching
.I Posits and doing a general dams•
hie business, paying interest four
limes n year. The Farmers' !rink is
:1 strong institution. with tread of-
fices at Toronto. Tho Dashwood o[•
fist. is itt charge of e,\ir. G. 1'. Ash,
formerly ss it h t Hover -ice Hank.
at Thrdforel -in I his assist:ulti tiro
Messrs. 0. W. Greybeil a►teit A. 11.
\4'eltin. 'flier.. is no doubt but that
the new truck will do en extensive
busineem here.
Mr. .1. Ktllerm tint, who is retiring
from '11n• general merchant Business
in Det
ani +
Iw Ot \''
0 1 •
1 hso l Ir r 1 •
n r to
tl •r
n m
( AU9 friends
tool custom 1 to hit
sincere 1i,altks for their suit d pat•
rotage during the past 11%pnty-
1l,r••r years in whiclt 11 has been in
business here. itaving gold out to
Messrs. Tiernan and Edighoff,•r. who
are bot -k 'town in this 1- et ion.
\V.• bcit;, tik for th.•.tn -I titer.:sfu1
end prosperous Buain(11 c a; •
Dir. William It Oleg Is fenrninl rho
tilack,nril)r It rpt.• with \1r. A. '/.i►n-
Mr. .1. \Vhidow• has r -thud Lis farm
to lair. John [trod.•. _Mr. \Vhidow
w• ill 'move to Zurich.
Mr. .1, Ncldunt 118a move,1 into the
boils. of Mr. 1•'. \1'illett'i formerly
(,ceipie'd Ihr• \ir f alp.
G. P. ASH,
MEN. you become disheartened
when yon feel the symptoms of
Nervous Debility and decline stealing
upon you. You haven't the nerve or us
ambition you ed to have. You
feel you aro not the ratan you ought
to be. Yon feel like giving up is
despair. You get nervous and weak,
have little ambition, pain in the
back over kidneys, drains at night,
hollow eyes. tied mornings, prefer
to bo alone, distnetful, variable
appetite, looseness of hair, poor cir-
culation -you have Nervous
Debility, Our New Method
Treatment is pour refuge. It
will strengthen all weak organs,
vitalize the nervous system, purify
tiro bloat and restore you to a man-
ly condition.
Pay When Cured.
READER-ire you a victim? lave you lost hope? Are you intending tomarry? ,lax your blood been diseased? nave you any weakness:
Our New Method Treatment will euro you. What it has dune fer hundred or
others, 1t will do fur you. CONSULTATION FREE. No matter who has treated
you, Write for an honest opinion Frro of Charge. Charges reasonable. BOOKS
FREE -"The Gulden Monitor'' (illustrated), on Diseases of Men.
C. O. D. No names on boxes or envelopes. E hing confidential. Question
list and cost of Home Treatment FREE.
Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich.
See Our New Prints Made by Grafton & Co., no hot-
ter made, in all the best shade
at 1'�'.ic per yard. Other prints at Gc to 10c per yard.
New Sateens, Shirtings, Towelings and Ginghams.
Oranges and Bananas this Nveek
Smart honest boy wanted to learn the Mercantilr ..o,siness, apply UPB. W. F. BEAVERS, : Farquhar
A Young Man's
Depends largely on his pet•sonal appeara•
dressed," appearance has a great prestige. If a t •.
seeking a position, whether in Lown or city, ho •
if he is well dressed his position is half secured
a pride, a dignity and confidence. These hely . •
I'bat "smartly_
mann starts off
' o he is sized up
I dressed he has
a .: man on won -
Be Successful Young Men
"Smart. Clothes" will help to make you ' give you this
important Boast. \Ve are here with the go • •1.1 t t, • KNOW-HOW.T0-MAKJ:•TNFM. See our new style pi . • • • - •ring. (let our
Mr. Loris itorde\\'r was ill London. J. H. HOLTZMANIC , CrrI EDITON
Mr. .1. 11111. of London, is here to ---
- - -
move 111e bat saes of itis goods that _ - __-
lc • Led stored in Isis house anti stable. f Headquarters
6t'ItdCR1HF FOR THE TiNIER, 1 Skates, Axes, Saws, Razors, , loves, Pails, and
CASTOR IA ' Lanterns
We Infants and Children. e have on hand a Humber of Mitt- :iii 1 (:loves which N. •
The Kind You Hare Always Bought will sell at rock bottom III'ic,s,
Don't forget that we install Furnaces Am! k:}ep On hand tits
lArgt,st supply of all knots of iTalti\ware and Stoves
Bears the
Signature of
to 1►f' found any'whel['.