HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-03-12, Page 4H E EXE '1 r' R TIME S, MARC II 12th 19Wi. 40••••••••••••••1•••••••••• SOAPS SOAPS SOAP Just received a large as- sortment of the finest soaps to which we invite your at- tention when buying. Toi- let soaps, a great variety to suit everybody, alsr, (.'astilc, ICarbolic, Tar. etc Don't fail to try our specials, Benzo Glycerine and Olive Oil and Cucumber; :/ for lilt. They are dandies. .i Call and See- can i please you with dua`i'-y and prices. • =Browning's Drug Store ;i • • !. • • • • • • i • •2 2 • • • • • • • • N•••••••••••••••••••••••• The Exeter Times Exeter, Ontario. Terms of Subscription $1.00 per year in advance. $1.50 4nay be charged if not so paid. To United States subscribers. $1.50 strictly in advance. No. paper discontinued lentil all arrears are paid. unless at the option of the publisher. The date to which every subscription is paid is denoted on the label. Advertising rates on application. TUE EXETER TIMES I"T'G CO. Limited. A Prized Cough Cure ..,., not been without a bottle of C'a tafoote Expectorant in the house for •. r Mut, years. At that time I procur- al it for a bad cold 1 bad. It worked such wonders then that it has been a household remedy ever since, and we will have no other for coughs and colds --it is so pleasant to take, and all of my childreu look for it as soon as they get a cold at all. Nearly all of them Wive been subject to croup, and that's when I find CokUfooto Expectorant use- ful. You aro wekc(,ule to us(' this testi- monial as you wish:" AIRS. LEWIS Ni dI. Free Sample of Coklfoote Expectorant will lir D.'nt to ant person sending their mune and address and naming this paper. ft has established a wonderful meord its a sueeessful cure for coughs, cells, sore throat , group, whooping cough, bronchitis and all irritated con- ditions of the throat and chest. It is the prescription of a great specialist in medicine. At all good druggists, 23c. Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto. Send for Free Sample To -day. Which Is Right? "The Dominion douse of Commons worked some overtime last week, one continual sittings being from 8 p. nn• on Thursday to 12 p. m. .Saturday. The o } sition is anxious 19 to probe in - to certain affairs antheMariae Dept. but the Government refused to bring down the papers and in consequence the long drawn out battle ensued, en- ded only by the approach of Sabbath" Exeter Advocate. or "So tar as we can gather from the sleepy reports which the papers have red up thn authorities In all par struggle which went on at Ottawa I been able to give us of the *terrible , of the country to make provision for extra exits [rwn buildings in rase of during the last three days of last week i fire, 'friss smatter should not be it was a fight far more readiness to overlooked +by our own town ofticials bring down informatiop. Now an op- I steps should tx taken nt orae to position is certainly justified in de- I andave buildings where t large munchers mantling the fullest information. But 1 havecongregale, pal in shape that in case the Minister who was behind with his I of fire (hero will be no danger of 'information' explained that his de- disaster. e e understand the James pertinent was getting it ready as rap- Street (Church officials have for some- time as it could, and that he would time 'amen thinking of making en- v,., Thamt,y Road The ladies of the Thames (toad Presbyterian church are (Irran;ing for It grand oyster suptaer to take place about March 10th. The sup- per will be followed by, an excellent program. ('reparations are bean_ Stade to make this the event of t season. CATAR It II IN TIf F, IIEAI). Catarrh is an inflammation of the mucous membranes, and may affect the 'head, throat, stomach, bowels, or bladder. But catarrh of the bead is tate ptost common, often coming on so gradually that it has a firm hold before the naturo of the trouble is suspected. Catarrh is caused by. ;t cold, or successions o'f colds, combin- ed with impure blood. its local syn• (.toms are fullness and heat in the forehead, klrync4as its the nolo on 1 back part of the throat, and a disa- greeable. discharge frons the nouta. \\'teen 'the disease hams a firua hold and becomes chronic, it is very dui- zerous, being Iiabltt to develop 11,10 consumption. The eyes becomes in- flamed and rel, there is a throbbing in 'the temples, ringing noises in th' ears, headache, capricious appetils. and sometimes loss of senses of smell or hearing. Ifood'e Sarsapar- illa is the remedy for this ever le - creasing malady. It attacks at once the source of the diseatskby purify- ing and enriching the blood, which as it reaches Ma delicate passages of the mucous membrane, soothes rind rebuilds the tissues, giving them it tendency to health instead of dis • ease, and ultimately. curing the nf- fection. At the sama time llood'h Sarsaparilla builds up .the whole sys- tem and make* one foal as if made anew. fecting the election result. 4--1Iand bills, etc., printed during election roust. bear (he mina of the printers. 5 -Aliens are forbidden to Pako any part in elections. t _I'enalty is provided for the tearing •down of publicproclamations. c 7 -Nomination papers the nominee's addrass. 8 -Tho ,bribery clauses of the! oath for voters is to be made clearer. If -A special numbered ballot is to be allowed to voters whose names :.re omitted from the list, (but who will take the oath that hey are atm 1ifie d, 10 -Where the federal sub -divisions are not identical with t ho provincial authority is given for the transfre of names from one classification to the other. 11 -No ballot shall be spoiled by any Mark placed on it by the •deputy returning officer. 12 -The penalty of disfranchise. went and dislualificat,Ot1 for leder- at office for eight years is added to s' bribe - givers ribe- the present penalties against b i -talc rs. . •: bribe -takers. b giver_ an 13 -Improvement i3 made compul- sory in all cases of tampering with ballots. The disaster at Colling.vood, Ohio, last week in which 104 school chil- dren were burned to death, has stir - soon lay it on the table. He did not refuse to give the Information; be promised to give it. The result was that the Opposition kept parliament sitting at great cost to the country through three weary and empty days while they protested againt a Minis- ter who could not turn out informa- tion faster than his clerks could work. Obstruction is the heaviest piece of siege artillery available to an Opposi- tion, It is, moreover, a gun which Can very easily blow itself to pieces. At \Vestrninster it has blown itself to pieces and that is a free parliament. At Washington the very pieces have been blown out of sight, and the min- ority lies helpless at the feet of the majority. The Opposition should think of this before it out its rune hundred -ton cannon to brush away a Hy. If the Minister positilely refused information, then the situation .would be changed. If the information when it comes down, reveals seandelous wastefulness or worse, then we shall expect the Opposition to snake the most of it. Hid it will only weaken its power to attract public attention to great wrongs if it insists upon flagging ttie fastexpress of Parliament every time it m ants to ask a instil clerk 't by a letter has been delayed". -Montreal Star (Conservative's trances at the rear of the church such cmergerwies and it would% Ira a good idea if the school board would look over the school building -,to see if additional exits could not be put in. The expense attached to such re- pairs would not amount to a great deal rind would mean the saving of many lives should a fire occur dur- ing school hours. • Croup positively checked in 20 min- utes. Dr. Shoop's 20 minute croup remedy acts like tuagiC. No vomit- it- ing, nothing harsh. A simple, pleasant, depen1dab le croup • up ,syrup, plea U. S. SUBSCRIBERS. a . • a 0 ilou. A.i). Ay sworth'L bill amend• ing the Dominion Election Act was the feature of Mouday's sittit,g in the horse of Commons. In 1 he, min- igt• r of justice's bill thirteen arnend- pa •its of importance are 5ug; ea ted. The clauses in Out resew Lilt are as follows. - 1 -Contributions to election ex• penscs paust L • snide through the candidate's hl':1'''411}• •'gent. who must utak • t Le • • tri • public. 2-11eaty p.ee.ities ars provided for cont Abut lot.- tri el' et lett funds on the 1'Irt of "rport (10ns. :i-Circii1 11 sou • t false statements r'g'ardina the '• or character of a candidal • t enalized if shooti to be circular' .1 .tit n ,view to 51 - Ask Your' awn Doctor if he tells you to take Ayer's Cherry Pectora•1 for your severe cough or bronchial, trouble, then take it. If he ha anything better, then take that. We have great confidence in U will0 this medicine. So y when you once know it. The beat kind of a testimonial Sold for over sixty quire." Foes May tri a, C. Ayes Co.. Iowan. Masa- Alfa raampaA•ter•ra et i SARSAPARILLA. gersNAIR MOO A• days Se a awes • Ws robin:, W Al►sst•I•a et .n est msatetaaa- •t with on• of MR on•. Will please note that we have to pay one cent postage on each paper going to the United States. This means that your subscribtion must be paid in advance. When you see your subscription ex- piring remit $1.50 for another year so that you will not miss any copies of The Times. STEPHEN COUNCIL. The Council of the township of Stephen convened in the 'Towns 11x11 Creation, on )tonday, the 2nd of \1:arch 190e. All 1101111 •rs were present with the exception of Mr hick". The minutes of the prcvioue il':et• ing were read and adopted. I:etlermaltt-Sanders -- "That the Auditor's Report bsreceived M a they be paid lheir to $1t•00 each:' -Carried. Yearley --Sanders - "That the ac• scuta of the Exeter Advocate POW - ine Co. be paid." -Carried. Thnt the ••:Marg -Yearley' ion s li i Engiuttier Pain can bo quickly stopped. A 2 cent box of Dr. Shoop's headache tablets will kill any pain, ciserywhero in 20 minutes! Resides they are thoroughly' safe. Painful perio:is with women, neuralgia. etc„ quickly cease after on.1 tablet.'(:. 8. Howey S. S. NO. 2, 6TEPIIEN. The 'following is the report for 6. S. No. 2, Stephen for t L.• ntoutltr of February. Names are in order of merit. Sr. IV. -Lillian !Feist, Philo- \" - Lilian a Coughlin. Jr. I 1 men g t 1E 'and ' a i -L at England ' 1 Eli Sm I 1 6t. bis, t ► _. I - 6 Melvian sEngland, Johnny Coughlin Gertic King, Viola Cornish, Irving -Stahls, Andrew Flanagan. II. - Myrtle Sims, Cornelius Coughlin, Berber( -Platten, Cecil Jonas, Lizzie Sims. Sr. Pt. II. -George Carter, Syl" via Jones. Jr. Pt. II. -Charlie Brake Cora Stahl?. Jr. Pt. I. -Merle Law- son. Helen Coughlin. Hattie Chapman, Teacher. -Tickling or dry. -coughs will quickly loosen when drain; pr. Shoop's Cough Cure. And is so thor- oughly -harmless, that Dr. Shoop tells mothers' to use nothing else, even for very young babies. The wholesome green leaves and tender stems of a lung healing mountainous herb give the curative properties to Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. It calms the cough, and heals the sensitive bronchial mem- branes. No opium. no chloroform, nothing 'harsh used to injure or sup- press. Demand Dr. Shoop's. Take no ofhcd. .-11'. S. llowey. Grand Bend The snow has about •til di,,; i ,t:• ed snaking it look mord, like spritt_c. Quite n number around here hay, been laid up with the. mumps, but most of them tare now on t he nvay to r ico.ve ry Miss Polly 'bbilson who has been with 'her sister 'Mrs. \Ven. Patterson, for the winter returned o her home at St. '111011016 old Wedtic•(1day. 'Mr. C. 11. \\'ilson and wife and Sol. l'ollock and wife visited at the bona) Of Mr. '('hoards Mollard on Friday. W. iI. Olid --r accompanied Station and •Jlitchell to Lucan on Wednesday. Alex Wilson preached a vary nc• ceptable sermon in 11n' Methodist church 'here on Sunday (light. Ezra tfrettn •r of Shipka, visited his parent,. 1e re at Sunday. 'Mr. .loll111.-, 1utp01ia1 Lite agent of Iasi. It" .1. • call on the '10 n 1 1 1'' • 'Corer this completion of th. M I. Ilan Award on the fiout1, Home ('once(+lout. as SO0)1 as the 1 p •r nits." -Carried. s is 11•rm:,nn-Sanders --"Thal tho bus r-dohn star• Ma fc 1. n, 2 . '••,ncesslon, h . . •t,cn ili. owned by 11(11N•rt Col - lo I Onesiulu" i)isj,rdine h' 1 r until the April meeting•" • 11(1 ting oil -re were paid.- ('' . lea it. ,alatv' es 111tliter R8,IU1 London. aisited this section week and scent -sit a number of poli• cies. You can't make ti mistake by insuring; ;u the Imp ‘rail. Mrs. .t. \\': I10l1 is around again after ih^r recent ilh►eas. Mr. John Huffman and George ICellerntann of Dashwood were vis• itors in our village on !Friday on itt the near future son place in 1 his Jelin Young 1g :at preset busy putting up his stock of lee fur text summer. Any 0111 1 ince does ,lobi►: It has In 'it rumor• 11 :Omni that a five ern, Auger party is to be lista lit Ih enear future some {'lace in this neighborhood. A ure storm near of band. 83 the frogs Vivre heard on Sunday J►ight. 13);iyfi_'Id ('io•, I.,: • for Last Week). M^sats. llil', Bro=.. of Mitchell. the y with e ':.n„ of men Luild.11, n •w iron br1.Ij:• hero nt prea• , . •'4 O: t h • Erl_lneer r int. ince ' tin rt c •.' enforce main ten to n Miss Lizzie Perninon. of Toronto. ' 1 I l the n'tl meting of CSTORI 1) o Mop s) k'egafabltPraprationforAs- $tlnilatiligtigropdalutlle uta- tidg the,S lomarhs and Bowels of !NI -ANIS ( It1LI)Itrtf-s PotnotcsDigestion.C)eer mopen ,Mriinnor Mineral. NOTNARcOTIC. )ac(Fir eau ri'St1?ZillITS11d11 I in S,rrd- .IUt!duYw • 1404.11rSda - 6i JoL • t�ra� an /7oim: A parted Remedy for Constipn- flon. Sour Stom th,Dlarrtwea. Worms ,Convulsions,Feveri s1l- nes$ and Loss OF SLEEP Tac Simile ,signature of NEW YORK, ;\11, mutein.. old 33 Dotirti --3. c r -Nr% EXACT COPY OPSgaAFYCB. • For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always fought Bears the Siguat ure of r6+ ....................................................1 1 • The Molsons Bank 2 Established Itiai. MEAD OFFICE MONTREAL. 2 CAPITAL PAID UP •••• •••• 53.000'000.00 • RESERVE FUND •-• •• • •-• $ Assets Over $33000,000.o0 General Banking Business Transacted. 2 Savings Bank Department • • I $ 1.00 Opens an Account and Interest added FOUR • Times a Year. Solicitors. N. D. H U RDUN, ;,tanager • Dickson & Carling, S • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••0••••••••••••••••••••••N! Spring Term Opens April 1st. /vCENTRAL ows STRATFORD. ONT.- '1'horoughness is the key -note r; •1• • JVr • Thirty Yrs CAS of this institution. Our school stands for what is highest and best in business education. We have three departments, Com nnercial, Shorthand, and Teleg- raphic. • always ter• nates t ad •a) is On 1 h . succeed. If interested get our free catalogue, ELLIOTT & M('LA('IHLAN, POD Cipals. -1•-F : is1'x•14.4-•F3•':'•1••i•''r'ro1•: •1•d•3 4-1••3r•i'•1• DI{. A. It. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. 1). 5., honor gradt:ate of Torout0 University. Dental Surgeon Office over (iladtuau & 5taubury'a Main street-Eaeareg. DI{, 0. F. HOULSTON, L. 1). 13. D. D. S., Dentist. Member of R. C. D. S., of Ontario and Honor Graduate of Toronto University. OFFICE: -Over Dickson & Carling's Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former dental parlors. MEDIO&L T W. BROWNING, M. D., Id. 0 cr • P. H•, Graduate Victoria Un varsity. office and residenence. Dominion Laboratory, Exeter. Associate f Coroner o Huron. A Six octave 1L,IPfVls, Tno»>as Sc Nutit�r i Tat ClNTAUM COMPANY, 147W YOaa CI:Y. Miss Jlary Porterfield. of Bclgrave is visiting her sister 'Mrs. Jamea Fer- guson herr at present. Al r. 'Frank Regan returned from a visit 'with friends :'.t llibbert. Dr. .Smith our Reeve. attended a meeting of rho County Council at 6e:ifortlt East week. Miss Scott. of Blyth, is a guest of airs. Ed. 'Reid at present. 'Mr. harry Armstrong, of Clinton, spent Sunday in town. Grippe Sias given. the most of our citizens a day or two off, the past month. 'Airs. hallo: a cf the Albion Ifotel, who has le• n sick with pneumonia is now reeovet •..,',t err' a who iris rc Ietll most of the 'tinter til • ',tied l Il tt iii the ute:ul.• 1 Ira : :Illi 1 • ('1 al: tresis 11)) Euigus 0r her li011te 1, 1 •. returned to• the city evoke]. of his necount as on Wednesday where Sib is tetgaa^:I • 1•.ot vie 1. 1 ns test maker in n tailor shop. ,:It -Yearley - "That 1h•� ..i clo..iee t.:•• raid m1 the '' . Good Name at Home "ie a tower of strength n:.road"-and the excellent reputation of C. I. hood Co. and their remedies in the city ..t Lowell, where they are best known, Inspires confidence the world over. not only in the medicines (nailer ceilzer salary as' nu11itor. )?RI but in anything their proprietors say ,\ )toe:, e Print ail Co.. print ilia :Ind ll about them. -if Made by Mood It's (loofa" hooks. airoa,a2, C, Wolfe and otlt -r4 "I believe Hood's Sarsaparilla the best a1l- RlaOvr (ling 'now 1 $.:10 : Mud Creek round family made -Ina known today•" Mee. neh'nt are (rp's. portion of M. C. I). (1. 1). FAai.ar, 662 Wilder Si. Lowell, Mass. $138,30, .\W, \\'nikcr. rep. culvert and "1 recommend Hood's Sarsaparilla Pe any plank 12.00. Jai, Hraman roe. cul one.- Joie it. Duerr. 14 Auburn Breast, Cert 1(I cents. J. Wilhelm and otheti Lowell. Mese opertine Crediton road Seale. 11. 1' ••1 am a strong and healthy woman today. Cellar vitiate hall and ,Pas fixtur •st from taking floo.1's Sarsaparilla. whish 1 21. IL F. Edger. rare•takin,z tat, keep in the house for all the family." Mas. I.; up, .1 years. $0.00. FA1rN1[1tAL('R.10ll.evcrett t.,l.a.wcll.Maes. t Council adjourn al to Wet n in the 1.°"*" Mali. Cr' '1400'011 "1 tnnsbber finers Sarsaparilla the hest t`.l•, t 1v. the felt of Apral 190A ni 1' �xtmSr 113 ih.l.rnylSi. 1,owr11.1M. 1'. 'i. at tahich meeting the p.iihma' Hood's sarsaparilla is sold everywhere. 1 -. Ib11nd Reet,!!fe and Ft'.nee-riots-i 100 Doses One Dollar. Prepared on17 by rr= r. ill b•appointed, 11. EILBEIt. 1'p-C1-rk, �',,. C. I, food Co, Lowell, Maas., U. S. A. Mr. Kenny Moorhouse, of the \Vel. - tern Motel, spent the pas(tf week- at his borne hero and return'ad, to Lon- don. on Monday. rorie 'Ross returned to. Niag- ara after ri visit with -his pareltts her,•. lfir. i\Vm. Ferguson was it visitor at Seaforth last week. Mr. .Win. Jowett has purchased the property known as the 'River Ifotel and is busy fixing it up. The Orangemen are holding a Scotch concert on March 11th. and it promises to b' something up-to-date. Mr. Wit. Sturgeon returned to Hamilton after a visit with his par- ents (here. 25c to Sure Your Cough )toles Prelim .r i•.n of Friar's Cough Balsam conies in such it big bottle -and the prescription from which it is made is such an excellent one -that one bottle cures most coughs. Bole's Preparation of Friar's Cough Balsam costs only 250 a battle. Your dealer has it or can easily get it for you. Sec that he .lo: s. It is 1tOI,1('S PREPARATION you watt -the cough cure that cares coughs, 37 NATIONAL 011U0 si CHEMICAL CO. Or CANADA LIMITED, LONDON, mosSIMIIIMMINPIMK -FOR SALE -New ttto story house in Exeter, well located. sa :ble. Apply to (Badman & Lary. Auction Sale brick Last 'afontlay was the 42nd miniver• Good j s:Iry of the departure of the Coder. Stan- ich volunteers for Sarnia to tuell a Fenian invasion which was daily ex- pected at that /cant. -ot- 1'AItJ[ S'COCK ANI) 1J11'LE\IENTS. Thed undersign -4 auctioneer •ltas been instructed to eel! by public anet ion -Ott - tArr 17. CONCESSION :t H Int 1' ill( C STEPHEN Huron County Spring Stock Show Clinton, April 2, 11908 -on- hltlU.\Y INIARCl1 131lh.. 1.'1(18, At one o'clock sharp t n • folloe iiia property. 1101(51(8 I mare vicine 5 ytnrs old in foal I (heavy draught mare rising 5 years aft ,foal, 1 mare ti years old, 1 colt by 'Milo. CAT'f 1.1': I cow due to calve itt March 29th. 1 row Clue to calve in April, V cow clue to calve in Ally, I cote milking due to calve on Brpteneber lad., 2 steers 3 years old. si steers rising, :1 years old. 1 steer 2 years old►, 2 steers rising "2 yeas' old, 1 heifer riain,1 1 year old. 1 1liorou,4hbred Durham bull ell!' 10 inmate.. old. 1 l(!1GS 1 sort litter nt side. 4 ho;s reedy 1 for market• 5 store howl, nbont: 110 l hang, :1 lurks • la. -Ila rind ntto 'lona hood young stock. IM1'l,EMEN'ra 1 Deering hind •r, 1 mower, 1 Lay - take sad drill, cultitator dissharrot•: roller, dot diamond harrows; 2 luta-, her ttagorts, 1 hay s:oek and beet rack combined. 1 e nt plow, 2 plows sugar beet litter, mitt 'le bort, root wittier. car sling ropy: :and pulleys complete, ladder 30 1-''-?, ladder 115 11 long, do,: wheel. tyhael barrow, Chatham incuha1or and brooder, bug- gy. cutlets. tamale; mill. (.000 poiind� scale, rseufflei, national erealll s•-plr- otor. 2 s -I5 double h•trt ••s. 3 s -t. single harness. sti 'tr kettl about 12 tons of geed hay. to lie sold for cash .ease mann:old•. cedar posts.. n num- ber call her of gond anchor posts. 131'41. grater nearly 11•tt. Lal -loom -shalt nearly new. (111l,1. bureau. bedstead some kitchen chair., 2 Milk cafta to ,•i: pails and spiles, forks' altov"l- rnving hoes and numerous oth,'r er- ticles to 1t,1 sold without reserve. TE)1MS-Ail sums of R5 and uti't• r cash : liter that ernotnit 12 months rredii at ill be given on furnishin; approved joint lades or a di'count of 5 per cent. off for cash on credit etnouns Thos. Brown, Auct., .1. T. Hapless... Profit actor. r'. Fre('. . tlrnistaion :Sinn 111 Prizes. HORSES C1} dcs'lales Stallion 3 yeas and oder 2 years and tinder Shirrs Stallion 3 years neer Stallion 2 yrs and muter Pemnerot' Nest l'ereheron stallion Hackney Stallion A years and over Stallion 2 yrs and tinder (Late Department et Public )corks, Canada.) consulting Engineer for Municipaoral County Work, Electric railroads, Sewerage and watrrwori m Casedil_on ' Ststemwharves,Bridgesand ItePianophone 230 n Untarl0 Organ HONEY TO LOAN Wo have unlimited private funds for invest eub upon farm or village rroperty at 1owee draw of Interest. DICKSON & CARLIN() Exeter DICKSON & CARLING, First Class Condition for 50,00 S. MdrtIn_& SOR WESTERN CANADA 1st 2nd and 10 ti :t O 4 2 Heavy Draughts. Brood mare n•„•tertsl :t years and over Brood mare rct(isteyed rising 3 } ears Itron.l mare registered riving 2 years t:.•Iding3years amt ottr fielding rising 2 } eat 4 Tram in harness Family of three colts of Val; Agricultural Team in harness, 1st pri1P 1,11114 .tor v..loe APi donated tn- Th,e Murphy agent for IMcr: I ► t Co. ru Mfg Wood maty 3 yeah and oder 1st prize sii- ter cup tline 512donated !n 4101.on Ilk Fiji, or gelding rising :1 years Il;l ,-1 0/117114 riving 2 rears I 10 0 3 6 4 2 H) 5 6 4 2 u 4 '2 r, 4 2 5 3 2 5 1 1. :r • 3 S 1. 4 0 4 s 4 •, 4 :t t a Path in the head -pain anywhere, has its ansa Pain Isconxestion. pain H blood pressure -noshing SIM visually. .tt t-ast, so sax a Dr. Shoop. and N prove at 1).1 has created a little pink tablet. Thal blet-rall-'4 Dr. Shoop's Hada( ho Tablet eoases blood pressure away from pain centers Its effect iseharming. `letuunsly delightful. Gently, though safely. it surely equalizes rho blood cireu 11410. If you have a headarhe, it's blood pressure. 11 it's pan,(td periwig with women, soma caul4 11}nu aro sleepless. restless. nanous. lis Mood nano sem-tilt-wet pressure. That surely 1s • certainty, for Dr. Shoot's Ilradac ho Tablets stop 1t 114 1) minutes. add the tablets simply distribute the unnatural blood prt'ssure. Rrule.•our anger, went doesn't it Ret r. A, and 'well, and pain you? 01 course it does. It's con. ration. blood ,ressure. ' -u. II find It where pain 1I -always its simply Common sense. W sell at 25 ants, and cheerfully recension Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets W. S. HOWEY. IF YOU THINK OF MARINO A [TOME IN THE WEST YOU SHOULD HAVE THESE Free Books "SETTLERS' GUIDE" "WESTERN CANADA" "TOURIST SLEEPING CARS" TIME TABLES Just the practical information you need Apply to nearest C.P.R. Agent, or to C. B. FOSTER District Pass. Agent. TORONTO CANADIAN PACIFIC MIIWAY General 1'uritos : Taut In harness itoo Ib• and under ltoatlsters stallion 15hands and over Stallion tinder 151 hands Carriage horse in harness rgnipm(ut con aide -red Roadster horse in Larne.. Carriage team in harness Roadster team in harness Saddle hose Jumping over hurdles Cattle Short Horne Bull :t yenrs anti over Bull 2 Teats and under Hull 1 year and un.ler Cow 3 seers mei over I' Heifer r 2 tent K Heifer I year Ages to date from September 20 Ilerfords 111111 2 yea: s 111.(1 river (lull 1 year and under ('ow :t years and over Hafer under 2 years Polled Angus Dull 2 years and over Dull 1 year and and( r ('owl. :i yenta nrad over Heifer under'2 years r, 1 111 Ill arrlsters, Hoiicltots, Notaries Conve aaoerl) Commissioners, Solicitors for the Solemn Bank. Eto. Money toLoan at lowe,t rate, of Interest. OFFICE t -MAIN STREET. EXETER, P.. okittwa 13. A. r» H.DIOilO>g (IONEY TO LOAN. Wo have a large amount of private tends oar on farm and village properties at lowrsb0 Interest. O1:ADMAN it STANBL'RY Barristers Solicitors, Main SLIExetes' SyIoIIS of lee C000tliaa Norm W 1(O.iEHTEtD H Y - 1 L i LAT O. 8. Al sten numbered section of Dominion Lands In wanitoha, �aekatchewaa and Atherta, excepting b and 20, not reserved, may 1* hcmesteadr(l by any person who is the sole head of a family, or say male oter 18yet rs of age, to the extent et one-quar. ter section of 160 acres, more or teas. Application for entry roust be ma.'. o l ;...7,r4 n t he applicant at a Dominion Lends / _ •, • y ••r Sub. agency for the distnet in which,thr :• a tt is situate, Entry by proxy may, h o c er, lc n.adc at an gen. cy on certaincondions by the fail .r. mother, 0D, daughter, brother or sister of or inter:ning homes steader. The homesteader is required le !Worm the homestead duties under one of the ,tri. wing plans! (1) At least six months' resident, uptn and cunt - at ion of the land in each } ear for there } ears (2) A homesteader may, if he so dtsir. s,ertono e he required residence duties by lith ; i n Laam land owned solely Ly film, not fen thr,. eig1 l () acres In extent, 1n the vicinity of his lwnitstead. Joint ownership in lard will not meet this squire. meat. (:1) If the father (or mother, if the father Is des ceased) of the homesteader has permanent residence on farming land or nest solely by him, not kr. t hap eighty (.•I(1) acres in extent, in the . iciuih• et rhe homestead, or upon a homestead entered for lo him in the thirdly, such homesteader may perform 1119 oven residenceduties by lit ing with the father Of riot her, 1 The lens ",kinin}" M the 130 pree(•edlog paragraphs is defined as meaning not olhap nine milmm miles n a diret line, exclusive of road allow. anres crnau.l in tha measurement. b A homesteader intetding to perform bit resi- dence dunes in accordance ttith the al,o,c 1411115 'snag with his parents or on farming land owned ti himself Hoist notify the Agent of the district of sues intention, Six months' notice in ariting should be given tO 2 the Cmundasiona r o1 Dermalon Lando at Ottawa 01 2 Intention to apply for patent, W. W, Colt Y, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior N. H. -Unauthorized Jape -:.ti,:. of this adtertls• ment will not be paid for r 4 u 1 2 fi 4 2 () 4 2 ( :1 2 5 4 2 k 5 a 2 5 3 :i '2 4 2 1 :, :t 5 3 :r :i Dairy Cot's nn'i Cat Cattle. Deity row tiny age end breed 5 :1 Fat heifer ng(' vonsiderrd :1 2 Fat st e1 -r n ge' Ot n+td(•► c d :t 2 2 stock steers 3 years & under 3 2 2 stock heifers 3 and under 3 2 Sweepstakes Its ,1 mule of tIIIT age. Best F iane1e 1,1 4 age. hest:3 of any breed 2 yrs ar,d 1113((1 with hull `i5 Diploma tir.,in & 5 .-d4 ('all wheat :111y• vat arty Bag Michigan Amber, ptizo donated by .1. Nair, Lag of i'aits fareet • 11. in 1' 1' t 1 Oats black Oats white :i 2 Inc Usborne and t1ibbert Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur- ance Gompanu Head Office, F. rQ uhars' V rttr I'ti sid••nt-.I, L. 1(1 55l•:1.1•. \'ice_Presid,•,it -W. 11. I'ASMM(PItRI DiRIE('TORS. WM. i(OY, }fuHNHOLM P. 0 \V51. 111110 ): \\'1N IIELHY.A P. 0.- T. RYAN. DUBLIN P. OI Ron EItT NOlt11L5, Mr ((1. Ali EN'IS. 3011 FEST RV, 1'7xetrtr. agent taR 1'.ho-nr• :arid iti'Idulph. OLIVES i1Ai111IS, Munro. *OM for 111111a rt. ('ill Trion and Logan. B. W. F. BEAVERS. Secy -Tritan. Farquhar. 'i1.A DMA t; r} NT.t' 1'1'11 1". golleitor Harley two rotten Ilatler siz rowed Pen g Timothy ('later geed 1'oa ,toe, Pul11 tors at-tl- esr:y vsr:el y Pot at pee anv !Itet•nll-1y i 2 2 t 2 .1 2 :t 1 .1. SNELT.. .1. }',\int. J. W. SHAW Pres 'vera • Seer 3 2