HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-03-05, Page 6i1•+1i-iii 4-1"1 1 i"iii•• 1+b
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'1711: C\I•ti.INE.
although the exaggerated pompadour
dndal.ous and ubsurd extravagance.
false hull' no longer aro indulged iA
snort women, pet the to holiel to �
I(furu really requires as nmue! if 'tut
are utkntion and caro than the form
mere conventional style of hair dress -
g. Tho lines and effects, which ap
ar to b.: the acme of unstudied glues,
O root easily obtained ant 'dallied.
)•inti the early part of the winter so
uc'h false hair was used to pad and
niece out" one's own locks that the
allure simply had to stay in place.
et with the de'ree that false hair, or,
least, a great part of it, must go,
le problem of having a well groomed
rad became a difficult one, especially
✓ an evening or theatre toilet.
Mals ere so largo that it is almost
)possible to wear them without crush•
g the hair. Locks have been burned
id "chewed" with the tnnrcel Iron.
gar ornaments, while neither so large
✓ eccentric as formers!, are more
Mite., and so crush easily.
11 really seemed that the dreadful situ -
ion could not be bettered until some
marl women introduced the "cape -
le," which really Is the old-fnshiened
'need" slightly changed. Many of
nese coquettish capelines are being
ado of dainty taco ruffles, heaped high
pyramid fashion with as many as
Wen troops of sail satin ribbon on
A particularly fascinating capeline,
'luminous in size, shows a lovely
ade of shell pink silk lining through
• lace. \Wide bands of ribbon arc
n through the lace, around the floppy
wn, and lead under the chin in a
ft bow with long ends. Rases of chit -
and silk give the finishing touch to
Ls charming creation.
❑other style more suited to en older
.nem was made of black Chantilly
e over a foundation of white chiffon.
the left side of the capelin a spray
reses, consisting of a gold rose de-
;'ly`7inted with violet, a rosebud,
d golf' leaves colored a soft green.
e effe'_t of this headdress was won -
fully beautiful on the tall, handsome
ddle aged woman who wore it.
'lightly more pract:cal are the latest
porlations from Paris—capelines of
ratxwls—that soft. fluffy feature •o
-hionnblo during the fall season for
!es ane mufti. While this style of
el is thicker and less delicate than
lace or net capelhie, yet tho effect
just as dainty and becoming. They
.e in pink, blue, lavender, and white.
particularly fetching model which
d not shote wear as quickly as the
delicately colored ones is of a soft
an shnde of marabout with a pure
lite lining. instead of being finished
the (rent with ribbons, several strands
marabout are brought down the
in a wide stole effect. For a cold
these marabout capelines are par-
t lv well 1:ked, as the soft, downy
hit affords conslderabin warmth.
the debutante, capelines made of
of accordion plaited rubles aro
nr. When these charming head-
• s ern made at home they prove
ch k -s expensive then If bought in
shops. Tillie and patience are need -
for snaking these snoods, for the nu -
roue 'ranee of lace, net, or chiffon
to be sewed to the foundation by
if the hair is soft and flattens
easily it is bust to wire tho cape --
but if one has the kind of hair
'etays where it fe'put." as a ha:r-
r remarked, lovely lines can lie
ed by letting the snood fall kose-
gracefully around the face.
eta reline hes proved popular not
-nose it Is fashtonable, but also
matt of its b.'ootningnass. The
illy laces and nets tend to soften
ei of the face and give a youth.
penranee to faces that have lost
of th•it freshness.
JAIL It11t1►'S roll1 \I:.
lian Centel Left pekoe n Rich
siending half his life in prison
ler police supervision, the con-
rolatno i'asquale, at the age of
tie, row finds himself, through
111 of an aunt, the owner of n
fortune, and the proprietor of
l Como and at Crnve:onee Italy.
tale w -ns torn in eti1 u1. tend came
hands of the l:o!ice. at an early
k was frequently arrested, and
Int sentence, one of four year,'
nment, in 1906. While he was
in the prison colony on the is-
Lnmpedusn In April, news came
death of his aunt, Guiseppinn
in. to whom, it was found. he
ret heir. The woman diet) in -
and Pasquale. though he was
aversion, Inherited trio estate
her relatives had tried in vain
le has been reli'as'd. and will
o to flnl..h his terra. which or.
eolith' not, be ended anti) 1910,
err•e,i a wkloa' with ( tie solo.
1 the first days after itis mar-
ur:onsty in Como. co -,n. how.
became homesick for Lem -
where he returned and passed
ler part of his honey ineon in
the place where he had toed
he received the money, one of
ncllens was to Fend lo Lam.
great Cheek, whtcll.chimea the
The prioners he says. found
inbeerab!e on occastene. the
broken silents, of the nights or
, and would have been great -
ed if 'bey could have known
y listen had .et to prise before
ns for the Volute ere meelest.
ls, he say-so to live on the rev.
le estate as nn Italian gentle-
hts wife and stepson.
Will Be Lessened By the Timely
Use of Lr. Williams' Pink Pills.
1k V uiuill n;coit•y is wantc,l on use -
lose medicines. (low much time is
lost; how (ouch pain endured supply
because you do not fund the right medi-
cine to start with. Tubo the earnest
auv'iuo of thousands who speak from
experience in laver of Dr. Williams'
fink Pills and you will Gfivd lime,
money, and above all, will Pc
health. !'roof of this is found Ju the
blatertlent of Mr. J. A. Itoberge, a well-
known resident of Lachine, Quo., who
says: "1 am a boatman, and cr. nse-
quently exposed to all conditions of
weather. This exposure began to tell
en fey health. Tho cold lend to weak-
ness, moss of appetite, pains in the
lanb.9 and side. 1 tried several medi-
cines, but they did not help me. My
condition was growing worso and a
general breakdown threatened. 1 slept
poorly at night and lost much in
weight, and began to fear that I was
drifting into chronic invalidism. One
day while reading a newspaper 1 was
attracted by the statement of a fellow
sufferer who had been cured through
the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. 1
had spent much money without get-
ting relief, and I hated to spend more,
but the cure was so convincing that I
decided to give these a trial. 1 ain 110W
more than thankful that I did so. Af-
ter the first couple of weeks they be-
gan to help me, and In seven weeks
afkr i begun the pills 1 was as well
as ever 1 had been. I am now convinc-
ed that had 1 tried Dr. Williams' Pink
tills at the outset 1 would not only
have been spared much suffering, but
would have saved money as well."
Rich, red blood is the cure for most
of the ailments that atniet mankind.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills actually make
new rich blood. That is why they cure
such common ailments as anaemia, in-
digestion, rheumatism, neuralgia, heart
palpitation. erysipelas, skin troubles,
and the headaches, backaches, side -
aches and other ills of girlhood and
womanhood. The pills are sokl by all
medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents
a box or six boxes for $2.50 from Tho
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
What Is Going On In the highlands
and Lowlands of Auld
North ilerwick burgh has had a clean
opt of health for nearly a year.
There were 11,374 new depositors in
the Edinburgh Savings Bank during
Several iron worker, at Coatbridge,
Lrnarkshire, are closing, owing to dear
ilusiness in Rothesay is in a very bad
state, and more local failures are an-
Mr. David Houston, Cnal agent, Green-
ock, dropped dead• in the street on his
way home. ,
Lord Galloway's eluates in \Wigtown -
shire, were exposed at £487,000, but no
offer Was made.
I'itculten !louse and grounds, Perth,
have been sold to the directors of Mur -
ray's (loyal Asylum.
Lord Overtoun has
vice-president of the
Rifle Association.
Them were 337 on the roll of Knowe -
park School, Selkirk, and 370 on the roll
of the Bu►•gh School.
George Brown & Co., Greenock, are to
Luild a twin-screw steamer for service
on the River Plate.
Estimates aggregating £12,417 2s, 3d.,
have been accepted for the erection of
the Gnlashiels Technical &hoot.
M, Duddington I'ark, Portobello, re-
cently died Mr. Robert Donaldson, head-
master, Lochend load School, Leath.
C:ambelltown fishermen complain that
the torpedo practice in the Clyde inter-
feres with fishing al Ballanlrae.
\Voges in Dundee shipbuilding yards
aro to be reduced live per cent. oft piece
wcrkers and is. per week on time wages.
A gift of coal of 5 cwt. each, to 104
families of the poorer classes in Dal-
keith was made by the Duke of Huc-
Tho output of shipbuilding work in
Greenock and Port -Glasgow last year
was 215,971 tons, as compared with
£•6.194 in 1906.
Lnst year Glasgow imported eight mil-
lion bunches of bananas, equal to about
two dozen bunches to each of the popu-
Alex. Stephens & Sons launched the
twin-screw steamer Ilesperlan, of 10,000
tens groes. for the Allan Lino at Glas-
gow recently.
The Corporation of Glasgow is asking
In appoint a Municipal Relief Committee
to deal with the distress among the un-
Ginsg)w Town Council has made an
,appeal for sulcacilpttons fur an )nem•
f toyed aid fund. The Council has headed
pie liet with £1,010.
been appointed a
Scottish National
The Name of
s Ta on a Plug ofck Chewiry{SIUN IK �utlt7. a Ta on a Plu ofck Chewing
StaNs t•r tullty.
1:XiItkontrI\1111 I\TEL1.11:1:\C1: I:X•
IHU1ll:D 1\ PARIS.
Only One lititp Out t 1 Nineteen Acts
rbc (ow Ord and Refuses
lu laulio
Quite an unusual sight was a itneesetl
the other day on the race coulee of
Vincenties, France. Instead of steeple-
chasers or trotting horses, with their
multi -colored joekeys, the passage, or
inclosure, was taken up by a curious
collection c,f police dogs and their mas-
ters or trainers. The "Club Fruncais
du Chien de Defense, de Garde et de
Police," an entirely private associa-
tion of anuteurs, had obtained nerulis-
sion to use the race course for a mks
%f exi:el invents, t) wh:c't the roli;e au-
thorities were invited. The ground was
frozen, and the Immense plain of tho
largest race c -nurse near Paris looked
like a piece of some remote desert.
About fifty persons in all, including
three fashionable women, had come to
witness the trials, which were to con-
sist, first, in a test of Ilio dog's obedi-
ence and intelligence. Ile was to walk
quietly beside hi$- master, held in a
leash, and Iben loose, to explore the
ground, sit on guard, crouch down in
eoncealrnent, or bark at the word of
oommand. Rolf was told to bark, and
a deep rhythmical sound came out of
his throat three nines, as 1f he under -
stool exactly how many times was
sufficient for the occasion. All the
dogs went through the first part of the
programme with success.
The most interesting trials next were
the roan hunt and arrest of supposed
burglars. Two men were dressed up
as Apaches (toughs). They were thor-
oughly podded from head to foot with
mattress -like coverings, and well did
they need them, for the dogs look their
business in earnest. Each roan also
wore an iron mask and a steel helmet,
at well as iron gloves. A dog was first
told to escort ono of the prisoners to n
given place. Ile marched close et his
side, ani woe to the man if he made
the slightest attempt to escape.
The dog would [Hake a Ilerco bound
at him and throw him down in an in-
stant, catching, as n rule, the mattress
padding where it was thickest, and
burying les teeth viciously in the man's
supposed flesh.
An armed attack was then represent -
oil. A man representing a burglar
crouched with his back against a wail,
stood concealed, armed with a club and
a revolver. The trainer came along
with his dog, and was not supposed
to see the roan in concealment. The
imaginary burglar suddenly pounces
out on him, fires n shot and catches
the man by the throat. The police dog,
however, hardly gives him time. In
an instant he seizes the man and bowls
him over, belaboring him at the same
lime with his teeth. Tho men is al-
lowed to use his club as best he can
on tie dog's back, but the animal easily
has the better of him, and the blows
only stimulate his vigor.
Only one animal out of nineteen, n
German sheepdog, reftteod battle. _wad
acted as ceivard:- Ali the rest p^rforni-
e' their port with powerful conviction,
and it nine well bo surmised that a
real burglar, though armed with club
and revolver, would have fared very
badly under such an attack. Seven
dogs especially distinguished them-
selves by their clever and almost scten-
titic behavior.
The best of all seemed to be n big
mastiff culled Garcon, who has been
for some time already in tho police ser-
vice of Roubaix. Prizes have been of-
fered by M. Clemenceau. the Premier
who 'ekes a great inlere't in these ex-
periments, and by M. l.epine, f:erfect
of police, who was represented at Vin-
cennes by the police commissary et
Jcinville. M. Ilennton, chief of the De-
tective Rurenu. will be present at the
next trials. Further experiments will
Moo be !node in n few days with ambu-
lance dogs. in which the Wur Office
takes great interest.
Tho one chief desire of the mother
is that her little ones shall le healthy,
bright and good neturcvl. Every mo-
ther can keep her children in this con-
dition if elle will five thein an ocea-
sanal dee of Baby s Own Tablets.
These Tablets cure colic, indigestion,
constipation, diarrhoea, teething lis u -
tiles awl the other little Ills of chikl-
hodod. Mrs. E. Lcllrun, Carillon, Que..
says:— "Baby's Own Tablets have leen
of great value to my herby. 1 have
need them to regulate her stomach and
bowels, and for teething and always
with the best of results." Soid by me-
dicine dealers or by mail at 25c a box
from The Dr. Williams* eleiicino Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
She was n vistas of delight,
A tylph-like for;n had she;
Her face an angel's and her eyes
\Vero bits of heavens tc see.
She seemed a soul ethereal,
Upon ambrosia fed,
Until, one day. 1 saw her when
She had a cold in the head.
91 is strange how some people cry nt
weddings." "Yes, but you've probably
n,tticed Met it's never the single people
who cry!" "Well?" "1t is only the
married ones, who realize the tragedy
of it!'
"Father; protested little Alfred. "1
don't want to go to achexil!" "But, my
sem." said his parent. a successful
p:a'kle-maker, "den't you want a good
rducatkn?" "Ne, father." replied the
ye ung one. "I'd rather flow up to be
lust Ietc Au."
Astrolonpet, Foretell :UI Sorts of Calami-
ties for the Present Year.
If astrologers, especially those who
k retell the happenings of a year before
ilei birth, really believe their own pre-
dictions, they must have none but the
gloomiest of outlooks for the year 1908,
and mist, indeed. bo miserable sten.
Decrease in trade, increase in the price
(.f money, wars and rumors of wars, se-
dition and revolt, political ups and
downs, earthquakes, international trou-
t:les, disease and other troubles. are all
re -edictal for the coming year. The price
of wheat will bo high, says an astrolo-
ger, and there will be a failure of root
One astrologer predicts :-
1Tho year 1908 is likely to prove one
r f the most fateful in the history of
England. Three major plane's, Neptune.
Uranus and Saturn, will hold cardinal
signs, and Le responsible for the (level-
ot•ment of great political crises. On the
third of Junuury there will bo a total
eclipse of the sun in the sign of Capri-
corn. This falls close to the position of
Mars in the royal horoscope, and as
Capricorn rules India, we may look for
an outbreak of sedition and revolt in the
"Uranus continues In the sign of Cap-
ricorn and in oppesilion to Neptune in
Cancer during the next two years, the
result being that New Zealand and Bri-
tish South Africa, India and Egypt will
perhaps be the sieves of sedition and re-
"The position of tho Government will
tie tremendously assailed and effectually
undermined in the spring of 1908. Mr.
Joseph Chamberlain will effect some
signal successes In July, and, given a
continuance of the present improvement
in his health, 1 judge that he will be a
most prominent figure in the administra-
tion of affairs. Saturn will then be sta-
tionary in the horoscope of the present
Mr. Chas. Noble, of 375 Colonial
Avenue, Montreal, the assistant chief
operator of the (i. N. W. Telegraph
Co. and several of his family have Leen
cured of eczema by Zarn-Buk, the great
herbal bairn. He states the facts as
fellows: "Tho disease started in the
Lark of my hands in the form of small
sores and eruptions. These were very
irritating and when rubbed and
scratched turned into very painful
scres. I tried waters, lotions and
salves, but the diseases continued to
spread and so 1 consulted a doctor. Ile
treated ole for a time, but still the dis-
ease spread and 1 got no repel. Then
to my alarm the eczema spread to sev-
eral of the children. The pain and ir-
ritation in all elm' cases was very great,
end we were very much disheartened,
es all we lrrod proved unavailing. Zam-
Ituk was reconuaiended and 1 obtained
a slrppiy. 1 tried it first on a small
patch of the eczema. and this showed
rel much improvement that I was con-
vinced %am-Buk would do good if per-
severed with. and therefore obtained a
supply. Each application greatly re-
lieved the Itching. pain and soreness,
and It was not long before the erup-
tions and sores dried up and disap-
reared. In few weeks from commenc-
ing with 7tatn-Buk every spot was re-
moved. Tho children who had also
taken this disease were !rented in the
same way and have each Leen cured."
Of all druggl-ts and stores 50e. box
t r farsapael itvw• t e 'Lauf-Buk Co., To-
"Alas!' moaned tie defeated general.
Whet division which fled in the attack
iiy the enemy, was the create of niy
'Yes," bitterly
"whipped cream."
Givo llolloway e Corn Cure n trial. It
removed tout corns from one pair of
feet without any pain. \\ hat it has
:lone once it will do again.
retorted lits aide,
TiGHT \\':\DS.
"Whin l sees .1e headaches some men
acquires while ge:tin' rid of dclr money,
snid Uncle Eben, "1 doesn't b'eme some
eo defer tameus rich folks fah holdin'
on to a da L'ar so hated."
A Nagging Cough drives sleepand comfort
away. Allen .1 Lung Balsam relieves hard breath-
tnF. pain in the chest and irritation 01 the thluat.
tine it freely to the children.
I11e entered the shop hurr eely. Those
whose he pissed at the doer heard hum
1e1)Cating under hs breath a formula
which he sexnxd to fear might Blip
away and be lost.
Ila approached tt►o counter like one
wire, wishes it were well over.
"1 wish to get," he sa:d boldly, "some
ribbon for a tett bahy."
The shop -girls blank stare is. riled
to arouse hila to a sense of sol:w lung
lee knit.
"That is," he Said, "1 would like s etre
baby lir a red ribbed en e"
The asslitant was smiling now, and
fur others, n sleepwalker, and seven
s' s'onctS, gathered and grinned Si
ile began again: "Treat Is—of course,
you know. 1 Olean gime red ribbed
baby for one.—that is—some red ribs
for one h aby—oh, 1:ang it! where's the
way out?" Ile departed w.th speed.
"1 wonder," said the shop -girl,
thoughtfully, about an hour afterward.,,
"1' he (mid have wanted some red
baby ribbon."
and brings to you in your own home alll
the healing, heal,li-giving properties of the
giant pines. All the therapeutic virtue of
the forest trete are cont.:inri ill Virgin
00 of Pine inure). it heals the lungs and I
bronchial tunes, gives almost instant re- t
lief to the irritating cough. and will break
up a cold in 21 hours.
The action of Virgin Oil of Pine on the
kidneys is also most beneficial. It is a
perieeb neutralizing agent for uric acid.
and promptly relieves rheumatism, lame -
back and other ailments due to dtsi•rdercd
In the preparation of Virgin Oil of Pine
every precaution is taken to insure fresh-
ness and puretY. It is put up. for dispen-
sing through druggists. in one-half ounce
vials only, each vial securely sealed in a
round wooden ca6o. Be sure to get the
genuine—Virgin Oil of Pine compound pure.
prepared only by Leach Chemical Co., Cin-
cinnati, 0.
Mistress—'Jane, 1 saw the milkman
kiss you this morning. In the future
1 will take the milk in."
Jane—"Twouldn t bo no use, mum.
11e promised never to kiss anybody but
We All Iiave Missions In the World.—
There is a work to do for every man
on earth, there Is a function to per-
forin for everything on earth, animate
and inanimate. Everything has a mis-
sion, and the mission of Dr. 'Themes'
Eclectric 00 is to heal burns and
wounds of every description and cure
oeughs, colds, croup and all affections
of tete respiratory organs.
Mr. Flippun—Maria, hetes that $25
you say you need for a new hat. By
the way, Maria, do I ever talk in my
sleep? Mrs. Flippun—Thanks. No,
Jahn, you 1:ever do. .
Comfort by day and sound sleep h7 night fol-
low the use of We tvor'a Cerate, for skirt troubles,
no matter how tormenting they be. This oint-
ment soothes and cleanses
Mistress—' See here, Jane, I can't have
you entertaining company in nay kit-
chen all the lisle."
New Gook—"Faith, an' it do be your
own fault, rna'arn. Yez should 'av' ad-
verlo:scd for a plain cook."
impurities in the Blood.—Wheat the
action of the kidneys becomes impaired,
impurities in the blood are ahrost sure
le follow, and general derangement ( f
tho system ensues. Parinelee's Veee-
table. Pills will regulate the kidney
ee. that they will maintain healthy ac-
tion and prevent the complications
which certainly come when there is ea.
rungement of these delicate organ;.
As a restorative these Pills are in tho
first rank.
One of the furious 'Wogs about most
people is that they would rather have
a lot of hair with which to cover no-
thing than to have something worth
while with no heir to comb over it.
If the charity that begins at hone is
the real thing it soon contracts the
travel habit.
1PA7.O t)I \'renes r Is guvrsntee 1 t ) care any
(case of itching, Mind, Bleeding or I'rotudiag
Piles in 6 to 14 days ur in easy ,+funded. We.
1 iO\V Ill: MADE IT.
"\\ hy, Johnnie," said Mrs. Mugging,
"what aro you doing here? Is Willie t
party over?"
"Norm," blubbered Johnny. "But
the minute 1 g)t inside the house, Wil-
lie father told nut to slake myself ut
hem, and I came."
it is easier to prevent than it LS to
cure. inflammation of the lungs is the
companion of neglected colds, end once
it finds a lodgment in Ito system It Is
difficult In deal with. Treatment with
Rickles Anti -Consumptive Syrup will
eradicate the cold and prevent inflam-
mation from setting in. It costs little,
and is ns satisfactory as it is surpris-
Ing in ils results.
i.ittle Mollie—Rol they always make
me come home leo early, Mr. Th(Aim-
scn. When E m grown tip I shall stay
at a party all night, the way father
The Wretched Condltlon of th tnsands Is due
graft give mC a place iny< fir to the fact that they neglect the simplest cure of
heart? their health. When in this conditt.ni " Ferri:00m"
She --Yes. if yell can pay' tee rent, will bol i y"u up and giro you strength.
ITCH, Menge rnitric Scratches and
every form cf contagious itch on human
ter animals cured in 30 minutes by Wel•
ford's Sanitnry Letion. 1t never fails.
all druggists.
Sold by
First (teat Mute (making signs) --"Did
your wife complain because you stayed
out till after midnight?" Second Deaf
Mute (chuckling) --'Did she? You
sheath! have seen her! But when it be-
gan to got monotonous 1 just turned
cul the light." _-_
Plentnnt as syrup; nothing equals it
as a worm medicine: the name is Mo-
ther Graves' Worm Exterminator. The
(fleetest worm destroyer of the age.
"is the master of the house in?" in-
quired the smooth-tongued book -agent
et the little Loy who had answered his
"Nope." snid the Lr y.
"Iitt!c boys should not.tell falsehoods,"
said the tock -agent. "Isn't that your
'ether read ng the newspaper there by
the wind_w?"
"Yes." was the answer, "that's pa all
right, but ma is out."
Teneher—"Where do we ellain cont.
Freddie?" Freddie—"From the mai•beds,
noes." Teacher --"Bight! New. Jenmy,
weera' do we cbtaln feathers?' Jimmy—
"Fre m feather -beds, mins."
The successful man not only taken
advantage of the (pee-tun:tees that canto
his way, but Le manufactures a kw
`ler Llmsclf.
A traveller, finding that he had a
couple of Tours in Dublin, called a cab
and told the driver to drive him around
for two hours. At first all went well,
but soon the driver began to whip up
his horse, so that they narrowly es•
caped several colli -cone.
"What's the matter?" dcmnnded the
passenger. "Why are you driving �6
recklessly? I'm in no hurry."
"Ah, g \van told yez," retorted the
cabby. "('ye think I'm {conn to put in
the whole day drivin' you around for
two hours? Gitupr
Sw•eele ;archly) ---"None but the
wt ids to man are erten flat,
To provide a restful environment without
sanatorium restrictions. to enable tired hu-
manity to recuperate natnrally, to secure
to the average elan or woman the needed
change from worry and care, and to do
these at moderate cost, is the mission of
"The Welland." the home of "The St. Cath-
arines Well." Apply the manager. St.
Catharines. or any Agent of Orand Trunk
Railway System.
Many a man who was born to Le i
leader has been out of n job most of the
time because he Couldn't find anyleole
who wanted to be led.
Take LAXATIVE iiROMO Quinine Tablets.
Dru;►gEista refund money 1f it fails to cure. )r. W.
GROVE'S signature Is ou each by:. r,o.
Mrs. Henpeck—"iter husband simply
won't listen to herr leo peck—"I
en earth .foes the lucky fellow manage
A Cure for itheumatiim.—Tho intru-
sion of uric acid inlet the blood %easels
is a fruitful cause of rheunialic pains.
This irregularity is owing to a deranged
rind unhealthy condition of the liver.
Anyone subjected to this painful affec-
lion will find a remedy in Parmelee: s
Vegetable Pills. Th -.Ir action upon lir
kidneys is pronounced and most bene-
entficial. and by restoring healthy action,
they correct impurities in the blood.
Naturally a young man's best girl
Is all the world to him—which explains
why all the world loves a lover.
What is the Best Thing to strenZben week
backs? "Tho D k I:• Menthol Plaster. I1 will
care lumbago and rheumatism. et rolls makes
sena tic piasters. Davis S rawreace Co.
A prosperous Scotch farrier, pain -
tally exact in money matters, married
a widow posse:-s:ng in her own right
the stnn of n thousand pounds.
Shortly nfter the wedding a friend
met the farmer, to whom he offered
congratulations, at tate same time ob-
'It's a geed thing for you. Sandy—a
marriage that means a thousand pounds
t•) yeei."
"No. quite that, McPherson' said
the farmer, "not quite that."
"Why," exclaimed the friend, "I 1111-
ders!ood (here was every peony of 1
thousand pounds to you,"
"I had to pay seventeen shillings and
sixpence for a marriage license,' said
Sandy, with a sigh.
to take orders
Made -to -Measure Clothing
Ingest line in the Dominion. (loaf Comatlsulou.
l•'u:1 information
Crown Td !oring Co., • Toronto
c.1\AUk's BEST TA1Luia.
Gad es your
,awn and at -trees
1.4- 11 pl.‘-e• of
Jewelry P• WI et 10 coulee -era. wt..., gold .end a. aM
��gg1. QO .n•1 ae wli leh,•.0
end r.•,, te TWO Sill ID ' Li)
rrt.t,it IiSR1 we truet•ou .1111the Jewelry and will
eon., ti all charges paid. :tad esti sa your nems age
-ITAg 11,7'41. CO.. O. S. -- —
--- HOE CO.1'
Ont, Canada.
5u fOR (ATAtoWIC
sts4 all Maids of bouts IIsoetuas, also
L101 CURTAINS DY[Dolbs%F "a
Write to us about yours.
SSITtga AMIIISAM SYMIMS iia, ties ltd. 'Amstrad
- • - u, To totrotuee our �
goo2s sad that we
war seed run our eatatog, ■hleh
sM� ` eootaias bnodrelt of hariaine to
sur, line of goods. We will a..t��7t+
you tbts baudaome 5o1►d Oole
pipet Pine, wl:b raised tomlb ou alta, suitable for
Yu+uen, wowes or ,hildr.a ; are all the rage at the yreern
tune I'oati slid with our eaost.s for 12 cents. Herd
eairs's3 i,.taUls, S oma rs:n ea: a e o t,C,sa.
t kle UORDON Cu., Dips 0.2, rJtlt p r
Mrs. iloulihen (sobbing) --I never saw
ye till the day before Inc unforctutit
Mr. lloulihan—An' i often w-isht ye
hadn't seen me till th' day after.
From October to M.oy. Colds are the most fre-
quent collie of
ro•quentcoutoof Head tette. LAXATIVE B1t('.MO
QUININE remweacause. S. W. acus, on box 220
In this day, herr Lautersteln had been
a busy instructor of many music stu-
dents; promptness and eccnomy were
two of his watchwords. Now that he
had grown old and taught but sparing-
ly. his habit of speech often caused a
What time shall 1 come for my les-
son to -morrow?" asked cue of his few
You come yen you get realty," said
the music master, "but be brompt, so
as not to mete my time nor your own.
While two men often stand and chat,
Two women dared and chatter.
Quick ease for the worst cough—quick
relief to the heaviest cold—and SAFE
to take, even for a
That is Shiloh's Cure.
Sold under a guarantee Ceilidhs
to cure colds and coughs & Colds
dicker than any other
�,edicine—or your money back. 34 years
of success commend Shilob's Cure. 23c.,
1.0c., S1. 31,
child. Cures
Great Western Railway
MR. E. W. Rosch, the recently appointed GENERAL AGENT for the
G. \V. R., at 428 'TRADERS iIANK BUILDING, 'FORO.NTO, will giveevery
information in regard to facilites for PASSENGERS and FREIGHT from
and to CANADA.
Gen%ral Maniger.
Paddington Station,
London, W.
1850 - 1906
a world•wido reputation f- r it. hono-like r.n.-
forts and the cxt-elien,•y of Ilia ers-ice rendered
10 seekers after health or rod, by it. staff of
physicians, trained nurse' and attendant.,and
the lnere.uing patronage from Canada anithe
Protinr:es Is very app:eclative in its c- mmend•
nOon (Jour work•.
in the use of the i,e.t in Medi, .0, Nurslc,ti,
F.iectrlcil aryl Ily,irotherapeatic 'treatments
and the flne-c treatment rooms in the country,
we can assure our patrons of the selection of
that ahtrh will pr,oe most helpful and suited
to their bruits idu need..
re those seeking A MAVEN OF RBST we
extend special feature. that will not he faun 1
elsewhere, and we in.fte your eorrespp nd,•nee
and inspection. Our noes are most liberal and
our service Is ant 1 ialleJ. No tubercular ur
Insane cases rest i, ed.
Write far booklet X and particulars.
A easel/east tes•story /re proof addition Isest being completed. making 15 m
1, facie',
hostelry the newest and soot sp to•dste el Atlssttd Lite Plet.iS. • sew fester' Ir tse nausea!
else of the bed rooms, averaging 1s het sisal,.
Very room eommande an Geese flew, bath attaebed with sea and fresh water r'rte•ai-
g1a's in every ohaseler. Temperatere replaced by Tbermosda1t, the latest Airel Te
, e it Is
stem bootleg. Te'epbone In 'rim/ room. Golf privileges. Capacity sm. writefor t.Iattrate,l
D. R. WHi'LE, Pros:deril.