HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-03-05, Page 4te•••••••••••••••••••••••••i 1 SOAPS ► ► ♦f SOAPS • SOAP Just received a large: as- sortment of the finest soaps to \\h:ch we invite your at- tention when baying. Toi- let soaps, a great variety to suit everybody, also Castile, Carbolic, Tar. etc Don't fail to try our specials, Benzo !;Iycerino and Olive Oil and Cucumber; :; for loc. They are dandies:. Call and See --We can please you with quality and prices. Brownings Drug Store • • 2 • A••••••••O•••••••••••••••• The Exeter Times Exeter, Ontario. Terms of Subscription $1.00 per rear in advance. $ 1.50 jnaay be urged if not so pi:d. To United &etes ,subscribers, $1.59 strictly in tttdvance. No. (,aper discontinued Until all arrears are paid, unless at the option of the publisher. The date to whit(( every dubscrl,'tiou is paid is denoted on the label. Advertising rates on application. TUE EXETER TIMES I"T'G CO. Limited. VAILWA Y IMPROVEMENT LEGIS- LATION; At the special meeting of the Hu- ron County Council held at beaforth oU 'Tuesday and Wednesday of last week to consider the advisability. of adopting ;i County system of roads, ►:'itti the object of participating in tbt 'Government eppropriatiou for 400t1 roads, the Council rejected the ,sition by a majority of five and they ore to pe complimented for their nction. ► As many of our readers art not A Doctor's Statement Baie tit. 1'au:, ., Que. March :.:;th, 1907. "Dr. 1'. A. Slocuu►, Limited, Toronto, Out. :;entlenten:- My (many thanks for P8ychine and Oxomulsioti. 1 i1 ►t,- toed teem with Very great satisf:.1tion both in my own .ase and in That of naw friend::. It af- fords the n1u,•h pleasure to recommend remedy tchiell is really good in eases for whit•I+ it is intended. 1 ate, yours very truly," Dit. ER N r:a•1' .1.A LLARD. Doctors recognize that Payckine is nue of the very best remedies for all throat, loung and stomach troubles and all run down conditions. from whatovet cares('. It is the prescription of one of the world's greatest specialists in dine t•aae3 of the throat, lungs, and stomach, and all wasting diseases. Ask your druggist for it, at 50e and 1.00, of T. :\. Slocum, Limited, Toronto. payable in thirty years t such hums of phoney as may be necessary to ttlr 't any expenditure on highways, but in no cast shall the debenture exced 2 per cent. of tate a lu:,lizcd nss.'ssrnent of the county., All iniprovc'au'tits arty to be clone by a capable commissioner appointed by the council. Any municipality may apply tiro whole or part of the moneys to which it may be entitled towards paying any expenses that )nay bo incurred or the purchase of toll roads within such municipality or for freeing t•he same from tolls." After looking up_lhe 'by-laws of the county we give some reasons why the, county of Huron has not taken any action in this natter. In 1856 'the county council issued debentures for 8500U to bo expended towards the building and improving the roads throughout the county' (which at Miss Ethel 6tewardson is visiting that time were county roads) and toll friends in London. roads were established throughout •Mr. and Mrs. .1. A. Culbert, . of the county. 'askada, 'Malt., are visiting at 'Rich - These debentures ►t•e.rp drawn for nrd Fulberts, Itid'tulph. twenty years, bearing interest at Fix -�-- per cent. In 1876 the balance of un- -Tick ling or dry, coughs will paid debentures was $265,000, and :utckly loosen %when , &using pr. new debentures 'for this amount were Shoop', Cough Cute. And is so thor- issucd for twenty years, and, in 189,6 ouglily harmless, that Dr. Shoop tells the amount of ,$7x,000 was still left , mothers oto use nothing else, even for unpaid and 'for �wltich new debentures very young babies. The twholeeonte were 11Dait1 issued and at present the ( green leaves and tender sterns' of a county is still owing about $25,000 lung jtealint; mountainous Herb give on tho County Road debentur,l debt. the curative properties to Dr. Shoop's The toll roads were abolished in 1873. Cough .Cure. It calms the cough, and The nnajority of the representative,: ` (teals the sensitive bronchial ►nen1- to the county council t►ave always brane.s. No opium. no chloroform., of !11 opinion that the County nothing :harsh used to injure or sup- w HE3. EXE'I 1 R TIMES, MARCH :)ell 190:x. Lucan A %.-rs pretty double wedding tuob 1 silted in St. Patrick's Church, :Sid- i dulph, ou Wednesday last. when .•!r. r ttobt. Spiith, G. T. it. foreutau of 6tatitote tall( l'atrick Boyle, of McGillivray '1bwtlship, Wer© Wart i d to 'Miss. Mary and Celia Jacktion 1-c6- 1 pestively, rs- pestivcly, daughters of the late Woo Jackson, of Boldulph. The cer.•utouy was performed by. this 'Rev. :Father A101enatnru in tho presence. of a large number of friends and relatives. Thu bride were assisted by their two sisters, Kate and 1i- n% and ti,: groomsmen were: supported t►y MieL- ael and Janes Jackson, 'brut ln,,rs of the 'brutes• tiliSa V ioI' t. Cal Let' is visiting in To- ronto. On leer return she . watt 1 '- i I*U c her l,ositiou at . Stn,allluau a: Ingrain s. :Conduit. . A. 1.7. \\'a-riug, of Arkona„ has ac- c.ptc•tt a position with Jas, Park. Mrs. Mc i'urk entertained it large. nutub'•1 o[ young .people at a literary party on Wednesday .welling. Mts. C. Stanley's progressive card party on Friday night was one of the largest mid most enjoyable in the village 'this seaso11. Al (the boom of Mr, and ,Mrs. Jo - septi 'Watson, tenth concession of liieidulph, their youngest daughter Annie, 'was united in 'tnarriao.► to 11. A. Iltevinoton, also of liiddulph, .on Wednesday. '1'11.' ceremony was per - retailed by 'Rev. 1). J. Cornish, rector of St. Thomas' church, Crouton. The bride was supported by her sister, Jessie, and the groomsman was Dan- iel IHevington. Guests w•eret press Itt from Toronto, Etobicoke, ..Glencoe, London, Lucatt and Granton. -Mr. and Mrs. 'Itevington will live, oil the second concession of I3iddulph. Miss ,Lee and Miss 1Ctthoiin are at- tending t - tending the millinery( openings :,t the Toronto wholesales. IMiss Annie Montgomery, of Lon- don, is visiting W. It. Ste vardson. conversant with the workings of til., Peen re K of Huron has already improved its press. Demand lir. Shoot's. Take no 13ct. ww t will give n synopsis of it. 1 onkel. --W. S. Ilowwc The Act was passed ill 1901 and ;IP:- roads, practically in conformity with -- y• tate Act Ott account of the enormous!-T-- prot'riated ti 1,000,000 to aid itt the int- rxpentliture and the taking; of[ of 1 -�---- proven,ent of public highways. 1 For any case of nervousness, sleep - It further says, "Should n county toll roads. council claire to take cldrantabe of In 1903 .t public sleeting was held , lessness, weak stomach, indigestion. the Act, the first situp would li) tto in Clinton, at which all of rho coup - dyspepsia, try Carter's Little Liver arrange with the township councils tits of the rural municipalities were lcdicinelief is sure. n market. The only nerve its to what roads shall be assumed. represented and w•era addressed y t medicine t[hc -c• roads should be such as the. Mr. Campbell, the Commissioner 'for 1 +--- - council and township councils cotisid- Public Highways. The matter was i -tt'100.00 paid by Dr. Shoop for then left to t he local councils to re- , any recent case of Grippe: or ttcuto port to the County Council and by n I Cold that a. 25 cent :boat o'[ J'reven- large majority the county council was tics will not break. (low is• 'this for ;asked to take no action. Sinccl then . ran offer? The Doctor's supreme con - the matter has been under consid-ra- i fidencr in these, little Candy Cold tion by the different representatives , Cueablets-Prcvt•utics-is certain- andit is for that reason that the ; ly complete. It's a $100, against 25 meeting was called at Seafortic fast , cents -pretty big odds. And Preven- treek :and the decision not to take t tics, remember, contain no laxative, any action in the matter taken. i nothing harsh nor sickening. l'neu. In all probability they will ask tltouia would never appear if early the Legislature to grant a c .rlain ' colds were always broken. Safe and sutra out of the appropriation for the 1 sum for feverish children. 48 pre - purpose of building county bridges. , wt'ntics 25 cents. -\V. H. Howe)), The atnount which the County of ; ----•+•----- Boron, could raise. by debenture. un- S Farquhar der the Act would ba $120,000, f cr the most useful in serving the roluiretnents of the peopla ii each b; ct toll. Tiles' roads may consist of one road in each township, or sever- al roads ; or part of one road, or parts of several road, may be select- ed. The roads should preferably connect, so as to form n continuous system, -but it is not' necessary that they should do so. 'Under 'the Highway Improvetn:•nt Act the preliminary'! steps token sly ',the county councils has been to (told a conference of all municipal coun- cillors r r tl O s o c of th coun- cils 1 cils within the county. It then Tests with the county council to pass by-law definitely liyin'.r down n sys- tem of county roads. Any highway in order to conte un- der the provisions of this act as to aid, shall bo constructed or repair- ed aecordinz to the regulations of the Public Works Department with respect 'to hi..rt•ays. The road mileage to it designated 6111(1 nssomeit ill accordance -with this Act. Shull :e4 nearly as practicable. t' it. proportion to the ;iso'sseil arca Of r'nch lo .w whip and county, provid- d always that no too Hollip or coun- y ..hall f,•cc•iw:• out of the sunt of 1.000.00(1 mote 111.11► t he sum to which it is entitled. On the completion of any work or oad 'improvement the council of the unicip:iIily wider wthich static work vas carried shall submit to the Pub - ie \\'ork. Depart ['lent :t-1ite'In7nt' et tine forth t he cost of such work, uclt `ia1 -ineut to b:' certified by r► 01111 elr111 rnt!UI, lower. olio: sleell fur - her cert.ft• 1ltat. the regal:►•'tions ut he l'uhlie Works -Department. .h toe Pelt complied w it h. anti 011 lrreeipt 1 1ic1 Mal Illy municipality' ha 11 he ent11hal to rreeiv out Of the' loneys Irl .apart. for public high- ways an amount. a 1u 11 to one-third f the e'en of the ss of t:, hilt not to xct•,d I h • proportion of 1 he ,i prop - i.ttian 11) which such nlutiicipality is stilled. Thr ntullinip:a1 101110'91 of any town- 1111• (.r cnarlty' (.1kinir :Idvatlta,1c of his act may 1 tis( by drbentnrr•s Pale, Thin, Nervous? 0 Then your blood must be in a very bad condition. You certainly know what to take, then take it -- Ayer's Sarsa- parilla. if you doubt, then consult your doctor. We know what he will say about this grand old family medicine. Mt, to the 1 ret questfnn rent 't,'ctnt wnt.!A +k: ere suer 1H, (els regotar'" 11. knows hat d.,.ly action or 1'•.• b.•wets is a1•selntety ',ertt.% to ter,.Y,+rr Keep y.•ur Iver sense tut y„nr 1•.••Ye'• r••,tu`ar by 1•kiut laxative nate 11 ere i'tl1s. i'a.tobrJ.C.Aserr'�,Toaest,]t.as Also ma.tn 5 ►nets of HAIR %IGOR. lifers A, (IRE. i1? E CHERRY Prt:T: Q1L V. P.•v• no •.et•tst ere p•►1•:t.t. the formulas of $11 Out seedteuiea. ° Stnart honest boy Wanted to l,•arn which tate government would tt►e •mercantile business A ► ,ly to i1., one 'third or $10,000 after the work . Apply is cotnpleted, Providitvg Gm council (\\Thea re wI3cawrrs. has accepted the propositionpropositionanti the. (ill b.' an oyster supper in work gas doncl under the Act and the Thames (toad Presbyterian enureit Monday evening Mar. 16th. calculating the interest on the de- A ,hood tithe. is exp:'ctecf► bentures and the probable cost of an Thc' li3oard of Directors of t be 1 " .- rntzinccr the aro 1tt pinion 1bit1 I borne and 11ibbert Mutual Firt' la - the• repres^ntativesof (law;:oacted Wise- surance 'Co.. met here on Monday. ly. Hut We .pre further of the opin- ‘Ir. ,iolltl Tucker is able to 1 ion that the Legislature should in :irouud •train. some way amend. t- i Acti. whereby Mr. \\'rn. \Vard has during the the County of lluron t;hould receive twilit/•r delivered about 100 cords of its share o[ the appropriation( to be wwooel to the Kirktora .1lillint,• Co. expended in Ilia building'of county' mu. Thos. \\'tire( of Mitchell. tis• bridges.ited his brother William here last Although debenture'. were issu: d in w.l,t,h. 1806 for $72.000 ns tii,oketltof in one t\ir. .f. A. I'urdon left (taus Friday • tb • preceding para, raplea there is! Toronto. a, sitlkin,r fund ort Mill pay off' Mr. and Nils. Art -hie \%'scilla•, stem,. all but about 625,000• 1 for.(, spent `;undlly :1:1 d .\ioa.c:try t hr Tht' proposition 1, probably a good 1 �,ueFts.,f Nlr. and ,\1,•s. Att1:111' ('ant;►- one for 1tlosr: cottnti:'y still ,having tell. toll roade or their roads. mb1 1 e in 11 r. ,1:11.4)::::). lit'atyPr�. who s si'nt I shape, hut for I1urou County ww(! scey t•ral olist w.•rk i,t '1'010111(1, cart sly. 1 t bits the'. hest road:t, tak!•n itturne•en Sitturdnr t•ve, ns '.t u1toll^, of n'iy counts in 1itt Thi' \fiv'ry SI.•tv.t,t atttet'ib.'d t11•' province•. tt ttielt is ctrl( ten ,10111,1 f 0 we'ddinga; of ilii Pringle Itt lta1n+h Intl OW Hellon 1 1keu. by t he council in 1ayt tvc•ek, the middle part of last cent urs :tea 1 .1'ht• n:,ir►•i:,wc' .r1 Jlir s J.tnrL 1t3.tlle n the zoo,t work that ►was continued by ti,t.' to Mr, ‘viii Ii tt►ititotl t.r►k pi'n'e sUCCeedill r (onneils. at. 111! rt's.dt'tc. ut L!It' ltt'i.le''t t►:II'ellty - 11%'1.4'Ietl:ty •tft.et•nn )11, Mat -1-!1 1 'file "' 11a 1e0 ' vide lo:►ked eh-srtr.ir-g in is h•t►nd-on►•, :gown of hail 1 emson'dt'rr. e•iri ying a1 Ile.OI't:I( AND SOU IRE. ; large b •net 1• f of ru-es. Toe toa,r•;age A wiry pleasant n11.1 iin'tt Y event cer,'t,lntlw• o r+ 1't•rf.•rtne 1 .1t fox t►'t•l -t k took place at the •hour• of M1 r. ;mil by 1 h. I1t•w. ('olin f'l.•tt•hwt• its the ores Mrs. George 8luire. Whalen on Wed- t•tive (4 a itt ge nomhor of gip sire A1- O 5(18y February 26ti,., wlien their tt'r tits► it'1('111 :xy Ill) cart (1i,..r, 1., as d 1uglilet- 'Jlisa E1 tie E. was united sutu)►tuoue r•'I, lit. OW titles•+ 11$•1 fig in the holy; bomb; of matrimony to b''aantifully .i••r,.•.trt••1 f•'r 1h.'.t(' •a.:+ l►n. Mr. Edgar J. Hooper. of .Met ropoli- •1'hr evr,.i•.>t ►t t- .1,••t,r 1,1 utu•it: 111.'9 tan, Raw. l,. lttrtlt't1- o[ \V.todhntti ii‘11::.rici!li.inii:11.1,111:11-s:':11:1,:•11:17"11.11; •,).rvon••g c'rup!t.offici,itt•d,t't'ceis'l,rart:►o'clocka.r.l..►-tw-stlotvi•,gthrWeddi,tttstarch.. o •,Elsi b, 1 w1,1. 1i they :tit blisti Adelaide 1'e'Irkin,on. the bride 1, h,•111 to 11)'; r '•n'o ...t t,•, M.. a►''t ‘1( ! itler.•d th i, (riot le mini: 011 tilt N.ttnilt.•n 1 34"• h•• I,.•.t \t• -lies I"(a► ,• , • t het fither beaulifnlly gown-; 1"t >~ an" Il,1i 34" l'"•"''''' - 1.. l•. •-1 ,t. '.liit silk w•itl► Ila• ittitt.it :and carried •1 shower tnlu in.•t of white C1ri11tOI19 Hoop-, I e'r. sir' et- of t he groom ,'t-: it Sts brid •sni:.id :Intl looked chant(n•r in :1' ::C •, ct white t:tult:• and Cart l'•11 ;';t,r. e;,, •, it ton 1t.. 1 t Ink S (list,•. in 0- 111,1' -tti r (,f 1'+•• bath • nl►Iti supplort. d the groom. Al,'r• cou,;rallttltions t1., t:n. st v ►tuu,t►.'1 in,. 011 • t:tt:t•lr al on 1 ''e-hty rill partook of th• sumptuous rep -is: prop) r ••! in 11, 'lits n•: 1 (1010. which t rtu I.r• t t ily decor it •.1 for the occ •'ci0i1 nft'•r +which the ov nolo was . spent in spe •eh .s and mo.in i,v 1lie \\'oadham choir and 'others. The wedding ores'ttt•I were tilut 1(11154 ;ti -1 costly e:liow i►► t hew rsl,•,4151 in w Well the Totlnf eon;i1r ar•' held. 31r. Jir.1, llooi,••r w•.11 re•id' on Mi. nom, er':3 'f:1rn, ott 1lo' Pt h. lin- of Itiait The Last Great Ere Del not (ahs,' ; ' mine h sufferinc to the hu,nelesr as many a':rise or N' enta causes its miserable victim. Anti the relief fund •It,1 not bring so tttttch j"} as Hood's Sarsa- parilla t..vs given thnuaands of time•. in r' 1i'•witlt' the agonizing it. ping and burning .f (.',.eels -tortured people. Eczema "My sister suffered from chili• 1:.•...1 from eczema or salt rheum ..1. her hands nn.1 arms X11!' cart•+ treated by eminent specialist, in /cites.. ,I ••r the skill without r•crnlsneht r••ii, 1. 5-h.• ',a.= then entirely cure'.( l,y 111.4 ,1': Sarsaparilla." 1•:. Loves♦ i -YM Ntns, Z2•2 M:,►n,tr•I `t.. Il:ilitax. N. S. Tied the Hands-" We• I,a.l to til+ tear hands .•f our two-year-old 4nn "n art -mint of eeLehl:t on his face and iimt... No ,nedietne shard. Tio'y heist wishes ret helped until we u.wl Hood'. Sarsaparilla whieh .,•..n completely rurr'd." .11H... A. V tyr.',i, 151 31.•ntconlery St.. Paterson, N. ,I. IItsst's Sarsaparilla Is sold evcrywhf re. 100 Doses one 1►o!htr. Prepared only by C. L Hood Co., Lowell, Mars., U. S. A. n hoot of friend{,, for n long met t• t. t(1 h� ppy Ir. 1 ltf ` IHOO1'Eit-SQ1-I Ii I.-:1 t \\• I:a1�•n, 1'('b. i 2fit1,.. Ali... Ettie E. 8 t re, united. in the holy bonds of matrimony to t Mr. Edgar .1. Hooper. ' 1 r.: a • , : The ICintl You Ilayo Always IZotlk;lit, null w1. •.. `. t in use for over :iO years, ti'ti, ]tats lto1':t(' tl:o : • .. •:_: e et' and lots I)('c•tl (halt(•, Itt3 - :::.; pun. 1jC k• son:tl supervision ;,:n:•,.! • inii:tl • • • Allow noone to(': itOy.att • All Counterfeits, Intitaltion-; and ''Jtt'i :•.-••-oot:'' Lsllerinit'ttts that tri:!:` 'vitit a;ice end: 1:. rthe 1.. f•i' Iufitllts and Children- . xI►rrience a;;,:i:.;t Exp- • :: L. What is CASTQft\ Castoria is a harmless substitute for Cask:. ' ii, :hare. goric, 1)rops and Soothing Syrups. It. 1.-i I' tt:•;i11t. i t contains neither Opium, ItL/tri,llitrc' tit,:• c):'-'..rc•t,t1,3 substance. Its rtge is its 1-m1r:intro, 1 't - • . \R',1-•;7:-1 anti allays Feverishness. ss. i t (owes 1)i.:. , is . C'olie. It relieves Teething 'l'rettthles, c•':r. �• duct flatulency. It assimilates 1In. Stomach and Bowels, git iug healthy :t: I The Children's l'auacea-The -Mother's Uric_ GENUINE CASTOR . - Bears the Signature of •-. : s 1 :.i - The Kind You Have Always BoF_„: In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, 77 MURRAV STREET, NEW 7006 CITY. t7.� sl3•1'O ti.A.. Bears the The Kind You Hare ANNays Suet 8igaatcro of Huron Jas/+ph II. `.Tlrtsack'+ proprietor of the ',Morgan House. Eiiuxtrdine, has) made application for the transfer+ of the license of that h.xstelrytto John J. Kelly, of 'Goderich. Mr. Kelly is expected to takct possession on or about the second day of March. The Doty Engine Works Co., of Godericlt bas received 11 , contract from 'the Dominion Government for a marine engine, boiler and outfit for a steamer for Lake Winnipeg'. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • se Molsons Ban • • Established 1`53. • • BEAD OFFICE - MONTREAL. • • •CAPITAL PAID U P - • • $3,000.000.00 • RESERVE FUND • • • • • •' • • • • • • $3.000'000.00 • Assets over $33000,000.00 (General Banking Business Transacted. • • • Savings Bank Department • • • $ 1.00 Opens an Account and interest ad1 ded FOUR •• Times a Year. • • • Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. H IJ RDON, Manager ••••••••••••••••••••••••••sd••••••••••••••••••••••••.� INVESTIGATE DENTAL D1t. A. I1, KINSMAN, - L. D. S,, D. D. S., (sutler graduate of TorontoUniversity. Dental Surgeon Office over (Iladtnalt & Stanbury'e Main street -EXETER. Into the merits of the CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. It is the? Most successful busi- ness training school in Western Ontario. Our Commercial Short- hand and Telegraphic Depart- ments are in the charge of able instructors of experience. All our courses are thorough, up-to- date and practical. We have be- come one: of the largest business training schools in the province, Get our free catalogue and learn what we are doing. Commer- cial schools as well as business !nen employ our graduates. Stu- dents are entering each week. Enter now. ELLIOTT & MCLACIILAN, Principals. DR. G. F. RO LSTON, L, D. S. D. D. S., Dentist. Member of .'1p. R. C. D. S,, of Ontario and Honor + Graduate of 'Toronto University. OFFICE: -Over Dickson & Carling'© Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former; dental parlors, MEDICAL ▪ TW W. BROWNING, 111, D., M. 0 • • P. S., Graduate ti'ictoria Un rerdty, ofllco and re.ldeneuco. Dominion Laboratory, Exoter, Associate Coroner of boron. Lis Tlionias & Nutt6r Civil Engineer & Architect ++++++++.:44-+++++++++-:-4.++++ (Late Department of 1'u'. 1ic Works, Canaria.) Consulting Engineer for Municipal :mil County Work, Electric railroads, Sewerage and Watens orkt-• S1 stent Wharves, Bridges and lie-euforeed Concrete phone 2220 London Ontario A Six octave �uN+YTOLOAN __ - PianoCased We have unlimited private funds for (emus earl upon farm or viltago rroperty at lows*. Thi, snakes the third contract the sans of interest. ('atttl,any has had from the Dominion Organ DICKSON (�AItLIN(3 Government during the. hast year. Exeter The jury sittings of tho dial Court DICKSOti' & CARLING, fore honorable Mr. Justice Mabee.1 First Class Condition &resters, Solicitors, Notaries C nyey Commiasi•)nees, Sollcitora Notaries, Moises ho for Bank. Eco, ney to Loan at lowest rates of Interest. OFFICE t-,IAIN STREET, EXETER, it. CARLING ts. S. L. ti. DIS - this County opened Tuesday be - Mrs. '\V. J. Biggins, as widow, wile lives alone on Joseph street Clinton, v. as 'found dead in her ltotsse at noon Saturday. Master Milton Cook a neighbor boy, who carried water for her, went as usual, but could not get in, and at noon, thinking soull•.- thing inight be wrong,, he and his Ifa- tiler tforced an entrance to the house and found her dead on i he floor. She 83 Fears of age, and the doctor at. tributes her deat.11 to heart failure, Bole's Preparation of Friar's Cough Balsam Cures Coughs -4`.j:z -..- Stf.ns tll:n11 right off. The first teaspoonful , noes good. Itt a few hours you notice that z " tight feeling disappear -tete coughing sptils grow farther and farther apart --tile throat is easier --and the soreness gone. Cure yourself at home -for 25c -with Boles's Preparation of Friar's Cough Balsam. Solei by all druggist:. NATIONAL DRUG & CHEMICAL CO., LIMITED LONDON, On'. ae • -FOR SALE -New t Ivo story louse itt l:xet.•r. te.•i1 located. t.Ibt A!•r•I to (Gladman hurl. . brick (;oo•l Stan. AuctionSale -of- t-ARM STOCK :\\1) 1111'l.EJlt':NT:3. '1'hf•d nutlet -iarn.•d net 1011 (r JI 13 been instructed to :ell by public aut'tion - -Ott-- 1.0T 17. t't)NCi•SSION 3 STEPHEN -cm- FRIDAY 1M1AIIC!i lath., 190a, At one o'clock sharp 1 he fullust itt profit, ► , •. I at ) HORSES 1 ware rising 5 years old in foal t dreary draught mare rising i► years in 'foal, 1 mire :► years incl, 1 colt by 'Milo. CATTLE cow- due to calve itt li-trcli 29th. I cow due to calve in April. 1 cow (sur 10 c live in MM:ty, 1 colt milking due to a 'Ivo. on 8.' 1t ember steer: 3 w• • trs old.:f steers ri-i-t,t a years old, 1 steer .'. years olds steers rising 2 years old. 1 heifer• 1 year oat:. 1 t horolt,4hbre.l 1)n► ham bull rill 11I moot h', 41!d, 11(x(:s3 1 sow litter at aide. 1 hors r,- t.11 Ifor market. 8 store hog's, :111out 110 paha. :f i urkey h,'ny and on.. loin. g,00el youn,z stock. Ili I'I.E'.11:\-F 1 Deering binder, 1 mower, I hay - rake t9'ed drill, cultititor discharroe roller, art diamond harrows; 2 lum- ber twngoit•. 1 hay stock and 1►e•,•t rack combined, 1 n ul Plow, 2 Plow .t ' sugar beet 1ifter, cutting box(. root pill pe r. en r slim* roars nncl 1 aull,'ya 1 complete, (adder 30 feet, l:1d.l 1 - ft f1 lon!', dog wheel. wheel (barrow,(' Chatham incul►s_tor and brooder. bug -t ata rim syeanar,.loter t►y, cuttep. f iunin,' min. 1.0001'0unct Yyears and under sea le, scorner, 1►•ttional cr.-1 Ill sep,tr-� Shirt• ator, 2 .:•1s (Inutile h emoss. s't. Stallioi 3 yesr.1n'I single ha mesa, snglr kelt(•, about 12 stallion 2 yrs and under tons ofMi(' 0.:. good hay. to Is' f'.old for each Rest I'.nheror. stallion • rtl:ltir:olifs. cads postai. a 1111111- llacir,e� her of good anchor post •. lura.' Coal Stallion 3 s eArs and lover Left (PI' n.'rlrly 111.1%. bc'd- roots -shit Stallion 2 trwnn't under nearly naw'. laid 1, burenn, bedstead 111 Heavy Draught.. r j i wont mare retri'ci l :1 +tar a, r) ntr•, P0n1 kitchen chltr , 2 still: earls' In t [ epilra. furies t<hr►relk. Itroo.I mare r'gi.tered ri. ng 1 ,vett. 4.. + 1:1 i 13 rind Ilton.( mare reKistere•l r •tnu 2 ve it etinin4 hoes and numerous other n'' I (aeldin,r:1 t•t•nn• an1 0111' tie1ra to bo solei tvithon( reserve. (testing rising t }ear's 11;1131st-A11 elutes of $5 and under t?can► fit harm.. 1 Family of t hate eolts of 11).►; • : over that. amount 12 tnotlt1.' At:ricultuttl credit will to giv.•n On (nrnishing , Team in harness. Int pr re r-rtltit•ttor value npi;rowed joint notes or a di -count ' Stu donated by Thos at'irphs *Tent ter of 5 per cent. orf for cash on credit l'ecring W46'. Brood mare 3 a ears and ever 1st prise sit. ;►;notlrl(4. i ter cup iable 012donated 'a .Molson 115 Thos. II!'oW11. Atlet.. .1. T. lite, ; 1 ave. Filly or gelding rising .1 veal's Proprietcr. I Filly or gelding rising :> yeari Auction Sale FARM STOUh The ur►dersigned Auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction -on- LOT 5, S. 1'. 11„ 1-SBUIINE T1•H:sI)AY, MA11('11 lith, 1908 At 1'"clock sharp, the following pro- perty. 1 brood mare t il('Itchasc 1 heavy j draught, 1; wears old: 1 draught geld- ing, K K I ing, t years, 2 geldings, agriculture, rising :i. 2 mares, ng' icultural, rising :1 2 mart's, agricultural, rising 2 2 cows With calves at foot, 1 cow clue to calve at time of sale, 5cow•s due to calve in April. .► steers rising 3 years, n(.tt•iy fat, 1 steers rising 2 scuis, good gran. Pt's, •I heifers r1'-ing :; veaars., (1 calves. 3 brood soar', 211 brigs nearly ready for market. 12 store 'nig-. '1'1:11 MS -A 11 )s:turn of :4.45 and totter . cast(: over tlltlt .Moun1 !1 (11011111`' credit nil1 ' g.'iwcr► on furnishing• ;,?1,proved joint notes or t discount of t; ;ler cant. per annum off for cash. N.► i eset•te as the prop►'tel or is going wt 1541 '1' I .111 Et{ON r1ND. (; I ON Auctioneer. 1'roprictor. Htii'oln County Spring Stock Show Clinton, Apl'iI 2, 1908 t t'.11)ce Five . i (, (, Fr('('. ,111 nlis�itll) .►hof► in Ptir.cs IIOttst:s '1 1 1 •. .i 1 , 11 4 •2 t. i 5 :1 -2 b .: 4 6 4 50.00 5. Mdrtln & son WESTERN CANADA 1F YOU THINK OF MAKING A HOME IN THE WEST YOU SHOULD HAVE THESE Free Books "SETTLERS' GUIDE" "WESTERN CANADA" "TOURIST SLEEPING CARS" TIME TABLES Just the practical information you need Apply to nearest C.P.R. Agent, or to C. 8. FOSTER District Pass. Agent, O NT T RO O General t'uri)o '1 • am i„ pante:.+ 1 tett Ib• and under I. f [roadsters stallion 1:. ". hands and over Stallion limier 1.4 hands iu Carriage horse in harm•+s equipment eon 0 1 2 to 4 2 i; 1 '2 sitlered Roadster horse in harness (�arriafrt• team in it tilt •- Roadster team in harness Saddle Inn se Jumping over hinnies Cattle al.ort Horns Iiuli 3 3 ears and over (sail 2 years :tett ttncic•t 131111 1 year and undo - 2 (1 1 .I 8 5 5 :{ 5 :3 ('ow :t yenta; and over 5 3 Heifer 2 y eats 5 :i ili•lfet 1 seat' 1 2 Ages to (Lite from September 24 1lit'for,i= 13101 2 yells n1).1 over 5 :3 (stall 1 year and under 5 :3 Cow :3 3 ' 11 s aril over 5 :3 11(•tfet• tinder ' r,8is 5 3 Poll. 1 An i t Bull 2 years and over 5 :3 Bali 1 year nod nnel. t 5 :3 (Cow 3 yenta 111111 over 5 3 ileifer under 2 years 5 3 :i ., ., 1 Dairy Cows. and rat (`attic'. Dairy cow any age and breed 5 :3 Fat heifer no(' c„;:shier(( :t 1'111 miner age , .>n+ul(trd :; 2 stock steers a -. ui & Wider 3 2 stock heifers 3 an:I ttnd-'r :•Swtecpstak� lie.t Iloilo. of stew ate. 13•at remit lr' a.nw age, Vest :t of any lot ed 2 yrs and tinder with bull ".• It g•'• tot Grain & Seed - 0,1:e•,11 ec• 1-evite.,t :a..w• vtiII. tw ;i r I ! 13 t(h a I , ,• 1 . n I r s � t, ! K K i donalted by J. Fnit, 1•.,.• Fairs famous fl.•nr 1' 1' I. 1' 4 "-; Oats black i; Oats white 3 2 2 HONEY TO LOAN. We have a large amount of private funds oan on tarn and village properties at lowrsb interest. 01 ADMAN, it. STANIIURY Barristers Solicitors. M tin St.IExeteo; MOP'S 01 Ole C011ll o� NeiJH WeS1 HOMESTEAD 1i1'( t'LATIONS. A1 (71 bek i►on,iol aif) scan0itoha,nums0akatcredhsexec atn a;ndof All.erta;n,n exceptindsng; 8 and 20. not reserved, may be hcn,esteaded by any person who is the sole hear) of a family. or ally male over 133errs of arae, to the extent of one -guars ter section of 160 acres, store or leas. Application for entry must t:e mail( ii. i e: • ct. by t he applicant at a ttctitinion Lands .' . nis , r Subs agency for the district in which the Is; d it situate, Entry by proxy may, howeter, be n i 1e at an Age(• cv on certainconditions by the fait, r. mother. soil, daughter, brother or sister M an i. u, nit.): home. it c-ader. The homesteader is required 11. pith -um the Homestead duties under one of the k,in wing plans! (1) At least sit months' residence ni r t• and cult(• t atioi of the land in each year for tl u t ears. (2) A homesteader may, if he so c'. ri,t r, l erforCI the required residence (halts b • 10ifanning r, ' n faing land owned solely by him, not less thr. . iphtt acres in ext*tt(, in fete ticinity of his hcmceteed. Joint ownerohip hi land n ill not melt this rt quires meet, (3) 11 the father (or mother, it the tatter is de. ceased) of the homesteader has permanent resident, on farmingland owned solely by him, not I,, than ci rtio 00) acre:= in extent, to the ticinity rhs homestead. or upon a homestead entered for by his) in the vicinity, such homesteader may perform hIS own residence duties by lining stiff) the father Ot ntothor, 4 The teen "sit -hill)" in the too preceeding paragraphs is defined as meaning not more than nine miles n a diret line, excltisise of road allotr• antes creased in tha n► l 5 A homesteader Intending totpertorm his resi- dence duties in accordance with the above whilf living w ith his parents or on farming land ea ned by► himself must notify the .tgent of the district of sues intention, 811 months• notice in writin;.• should be giten t0 the Commissioner of I►ominion Lands at 01 tass a 0: Intention to apply for patent. W. W, CORP, Deputy or the Minister of ti:e Interior N. it. -Unauthorized pnblicatiou of this adrertit>: merit ((ill not he paid for 1101•11•MI Alan Tne Usbornr, and Hibbert Farmer's Mutual Fire insur- ance Gompanu Hoax Office, Farquhar,;Oflta t t -idem-.1. 1.. 111 ss i.. \ i''.•-Presid •Ili - \\ ii. I'AsSN1(011F: [)1111.:(7T0lty. tV3t, 111,v, !if 1:411t11.D1 1'. 0 1V'r. Ilttltete WIN( 111-:t.sl•:A 1', 0. T. RYAN, I)rnt.tN P. Oi 11011ERT ItT NOJI11 PA, Stan a. ,%(31; NTS+, .1011` t:S�f:!(l', 1:xotor. igont toe 1 s4tort,'• led tla,ldulph• oL1 V ESI It .\ RMS. :►1 ti•iro. spasm ft,' nib/ter?, 1 t,' trtr►n and Logan• 11. W. F. HEAVERS, Socv.Troag. Farpuhar. OMAN & hT;. ti 1' i It r. gotieiton Barer two rottteO 11111ley 0:Z roe•Ptl Pens 'fluent by ;lover seed 1 1 rl:.ti • •l Poi Aloes any en Fly vitt 'et r Potatoes any 141•.' ear i •t .1. SNBLL, J. F.111: .1. \V. Pres Tr•. -4 :i 2 V .3 2 3 11