HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-03-05, Page 1xeirt HURON& MIDDLESEX GAZETTE ghat% THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR—NO 1705 • s •z • :•Z 2 2 jJones Clark • Clothing also high grade shoes and wall papers. •••••••••••••••••••••••N•••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCII 5th 190x+, ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• v•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• JONES & CLARKS' 1 -Thorne No. 32. A Magnificent Showing of New White Waists We are showing the Swellestt line of White Waists this season that we have put before our Customers. Every Waist bought in the latest style and trimmed with the daintiest of Laces and Embroideries. For $1.00 The best ever shown in Exeter for the price. Trimmed with Val. Lace or Embroidery, work For $2.00 For $3.00 kVe give you something extra good for this price. They are real smart and stylish looking. For $4,00 This is a swell Waist You get the best Waist and gond for the money you ever bought for the With Lacc or Embroidery price. Allover Embroi- trinlming. denied Fronts and Sleeves Our New Spring Coats Are now arrayed for your inspection. The tailoring is ah• solutely perfect and the styles decidedly smart. These Spring Modes Coats fit -yes, better than the majority of made-to-order garments. Made of new shadow stripe and plain fawn coverts in tight- fitting, box and semi -fitting backs. Also black in same styles. Every coat a stylish garment and just what will make any lady look smartly dressed. Rugs, Squares and Carpets If you have a root❑ to carpet ora house to furnish, do not fail to see us. \Ve are exceptionally well preparers to meet your demands and will help you to make your choice. Our stock of 'tapestry, Brussels, Milton and Velvet Rugs are not equalled in Exeter, while our Carpet stock is up-to-date. Gents Furnishings Now Gents you know we are headquarters for your line of wear. Mere you will find us right up-to-date with the new Spring slats, Caps, Shirts, Ties, Suits, (cloves and Fancy Sox. No trouble to show you through our stock, Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford School Reports • f EXETER SCHOOL ItfI'OItTt ICOR •= 1 Fs11Ht AI(Y. •Z • FORM III. .1r. Teachers. -1. Fer;uson 65, E 1 • \\ illis 62. Jr. DMatriculation.-, Bolder 60, T, Sanders 53, E. Going 51._♦i •• No on roll 20; .avemgo 16. ,' T L. C. FLEMING FORM II. • Sr. -John Oestreicher 70, Katie ♦ * Collins 65, Irene Handford 64, Eddie ? Jones .03. • • Jr. -Alga McMahon 74, Ida Mar- •• * ahand 70, Loney Heywood 61. Willie ::Hinley 6:3, Earl Copeland 00. j'Co. on 'Roll 30: daily nvorage 27. •• • S. L. GREGORY,. FOR aa I. • • Commeroral. Ilonors.-L. Birney 90 • •11. ,Mack 80, G. Bissett e6. Pass.- • • 11. .Dupla❑ 74, \V, Hayman 74, 0. • • • Wood 63, E. Wood 61. • Ilonors.-A Surerus 90, 0. Nestle • •86, W. Monteith F5. V. Sweet 84, L. • llern 76, 0. Ford 76. II. Triebner 76, • W. Hillery 75. Pass. -1i, Morton 73 • • N. Amy 73, T. l'enhalo 71, II, Carlin ••z 70, E. Case 69, E. Luxton 63, G. • Hooper 63. • • Number on 'Roll 39; daily; average • • 35, 22 A. M. JOHNSTON. •• • ROOM IV. • • Sr. IV,-Honors.=Latimer Grieve 81 •• • Pas.-lIarry (Puke 71, Elmo Ilowey • • • 7I, Harry Sweet 70, Annie Jackson • ♦ 67, 1Reggio Knight 65, Lillie Rowe 64 •• Chester Harvey 62, Lloyd Rivers 61. • Jr. 11 V,-I[onorse,-Clair Wood 92 •• Lily 1M. Frayno 82, Lilliare Boyle 78 • Cecil Pickard 70, Wilfrid Stewart 75. 2• •• Pass, -'Raymond Dearing 73, Regin- 2 ald Bissett 7,0., Clarence Ileywoodl •• C. VO>Sl'ER. Z 2IMOAO.OMI V. •• Sr. I. Honors. -Irene Rivers 81, • • ' Dfadel.eine Carling 81, Irene Hardy 81, 22Willie Heideman 80, Jean Seldom 79, • • 'Robbie 'Fle)ning 78, Ruby Wood 75. •• IPas"if.-Viola Iltowe 73, Greta Bis - 2• sett '71. Fred Brock 70, Stella South- •• cott 70, Oliver Ilodgert 70, Russell,•� Balk will 70. Abe Jackson 70, leen Treble 1 69, Va•!m•, IS�es 2•trrbrook 62. • Jr. III• Ilonors.-1113,tcho Quanco •• 89. 'lames Walker 87. Ernest Harvey•• 87, !Oscar Andersson 85, Linden star- vey 84, Lola Taylor 82, Bruce Walker Z •8a 'Marion a ri o n B1atch ford 75. (ass.- Sydney Hector 72, Muri,I Zones 71,2 Maurice [Nance. 71, Lulu ICestlo 69. No. on Stoll 48 ; daily average 41. ELSIE M. McCALLUM. 22 •2 • • • • •• • 2 • 2 'Z • 2 • • • • 2• A Great Combination (13V SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT) The Family Herald and Weekly Star The Canadian Red Book and The Exeter Tines. The Canadian Red Book is just the book that has long been 'wanted. A book on Canada, all about Canada and Things all Can- adians should know -26o pages of reliable facts, figures and infpr- mation of ail kinds about Canada. The Family I icrald and Weekly Star is the favorite paper of Canada. it is found in almost every home. It has no equal as a .family and farm paper. By special arrangement we can offer the Canadian Ked Book Price 50c), The hamily Herald and Weekly Star ((Price One Dollar, .and the Exeter Times (Price One Dollar) All for $i.85 Fntiuire to see the Itis„i, when renewing your subscription far the :t Owe papers at trot office. eak Wcn To weak and suint( women, owe. !sat . p to help. Rut wrath that way. two Ire lout to Combined ere is local. ono Is t „nal but both aM im .rtwnt b0 Vona!, tx tat q N ,' h sNl h l Dr. a t rum Is tt„i..xw . r g t t Dr. Shoop's Rrstorativr, the t'onctitutltx..N. 'The former- Dr. 'hoop a\ledt]tre-1s•topl mucous membrane suppository remedy. while 'hoop's Restorative Is wholly an interned t seen,. The Restorative rrnrhes throughout entire system. seeking tl.o repair of all n all tissue, and .11 blood ailments. The "Nish[ (\nre•'. as its name implies, doe, Wort while you sleep. It ,,00thes sore and ind •d matron, surt.e,•a, heals lo.rol weaknesses lechargea, while the Restorative, rears nen. excitement. styes renewed visor and ambits builds up s e.t.a tissues, brin`1ng afoot renew strength. surer. and ennrsr. Thee or. Shoo Rrstorsttre--Tablets or 1JQuid-a, a Reneral t. lo the system. For positive local help, use as w Dr. Shoop's .Night Cure W. S. HOWEY. ROOM( VI. Honors. -Mildred Heywood 94, Et - tie lilowey 92, Maggie Cax • }0, Al- bert:[ Knight 87, Harper l' ; vers R5, Edgar liorney 84, Florence Rowe 84, Ethel Day 84, Wm. Manson 83, Annie Day 83, Jos. rollick 82, Beatrice Hod. a 81,Violet r told Knott 80, Anna Bell 80, Gordon Richardson, 79, (lector Itowecliffe 77, Edith Davis 76, Mabel Knott 75. Paas. -Jessie 13rickwood 74 Maurice Senior 7.1, Wilbur Mitchell 73, LaBelle Iiandford 72, Win. Kyad 72, May Smallacotnbo 71, Wilfrid Mack 70, Olive Macdonald 69, Earl Cookson. 68, Luke Hastings 07. Jr. -lIarry Parsons '73. Jos. Craig 72. Norman hockey 71. No. no 'Roll 39: daily average 30. 1!. M. KINSMAN. 'ROOM VII. Sr. 1L llonors.-Marjorie Huston 86, Joey Ferguson F3. Pass. -Flossie Neil 69. Jr. 11, Ilonors.-. Marvin Vincent Vincent 89, Lila %mefle 82, :Melville Gratin -inn 80, May 'farness 77. Pass -Dorothy White 71, Maud Elliott 66. No. on Roll 41 ; daily average 30. P. W. 1 iOWA'R D: 1IO011I VIii. • Mid. TI. -Marjorie Britton 90, Pearl Jackson9 0, Florence Wood 84, Ina Delve 83. 1T.-llertha Homey- 96. Amy Johne 87, Gerald Fitton 80. Dorothy Kunz 80, Allen Carter 7.1, -Gordon \V,.11y 7:I, Archin Davis 09. Sr. 1't. Il. -John fla,shaw RO, Aiice Mitchell 88, Willie Davis F0, Mervin ItItsi.ell 70. Myrtle Gillies 65. Jr. 1't. IM. -Willie Jacobi 92. Mil- lie Walker 90. Lillie Walker 89, Vio• let Welsh 80, Mary Morlock 78, Frank 1:anson 71, Walter ifarnr•efa 70. Sr. P1. T. -Vera Sweet 91. Clifford Mellott 93, Clarence Morley 89, Czar Harness 85, Cecil Baskerville 70, Leon Dearing 73, Alvin Cornish 69, Willie ilrown 68, Gladys Carter OI, Milton Bedford 65. No. on 'Roll 47 : daily average 37. M. V. MA1tTI., 8. 8, ..N0. 4, u8ItORNF:. The ;following is the report' for 8. ti, No. 4, 1't,borne for the remit b of February, Nantes are in order of merit. V. -\V. ,E. 11. Fs.ery. !V.— \V. W. bber. Vin:[ Kerslake, 11c1 is l)a- %if. Jr. 'W. -Willey May, At•a Skin- ner. Annie McCordy. Carrie May. '1'. Coates, Willie Walker. Geor,ro Davis. 111. - Nei ry ',♦lcCurdy, :Mie hunter, Lena ('cotes. Edward Kellett. Leda r Hardin z. ♦ rrlhe Coates. Sr. iL- 1, Ford. ,Samuel McCurdy. Fred -rick \Webls'r, Frank Cote'. Minnie May. Thelma Skinner. Jr. 11. -Roy Thorn- ton, Roy Webber, Vcrda Iiick,i. I't Jt. e• ill( Thomson. one. on . lIarry Crates. 2. W. 110(i,lll'I'II, 'Iracl.rr. S. S. NO. 10. I'aillOItNE, Polson in r is the report of 14. 14. No. 10 1'sIorn+ for the 'month of February. Nam•'• are in Or (1.-r of merit. Sr, iV-Ilarold Glen. Mary McQueen. Itob,•rt l'astniore. Jr. iV --.1rchie Morgan. May Ilorton, illos cat tone Ander-u•a, Earl Triffrey, Sr. 111 Hat -Tmn i n. :Arthur Cole, Verna E. Whitlock. '1N1.. Mor,z.1n. • Jr. 111- der ..T hi, N.•il, Ifnxie (:nrn, Horton Mac- eat I T)on.all. Sr. 11. -John Ilorton, ,toy omenwit 1t pale co tortes. faces I Whitlock. .Joe Kerniek. Jr. 11.-- F.r. t. nn rets tt e 11 and disrou.•age 1, mill nest I'yru. Myr tie I'a.ma}. 1't. 11, - receive both tnental an -1 bodily vigor'Nellie And••rson. Mah'I Neil. Willie T lay using Carter's iron ('ills. .t hill)3 Horton. Byron Tr'ffry. 1teta Caen, S. 'IP made for the blood, 0"rvrs anal itl:rnch'. Cann. 1't. i.-ItoI,ert Heath. F,1 complexion. 3, V. Miners, Teach, r. i ,m• 14, 8. NO. 1, STEPHEN 17,e following is the report for S. S. No. 1, Stephen fot•,the months of 1Februari1. Names ant in order of merit. V. -Margery Hepburn, Archie Robinson, 3lazet hicks, Lily Robin- son, Joseph White, Gordon \Viiso1, Eddie Sims. Sr. IV-Gil(or3 I(o- garth John Hogarth. Murray Elliott. Jr. IV -Ella Baker, Edna Davey ,t).t- vey, Earle Gaffes, Iiubert White. G. Hicks, Joseph Davis, ltoy Callfas. Sr. 111. -Anthony White. Jr. 111. - Victor 3togart3., Everett Calla-, llurvan Calif as, itit1'line Habit, Rhea 'McCurdy, Willie Baker. Sr. II. -Mabel Elliott, Ethel Bowden, Hu- bert Neil. Jr. 11. -Carrie Davey, Oli.• yree Davis, Irene McCurdy. I't, 11.- —Ahur 'Robinson, �Ipriel Ilogaith, slayrtSnaith, Ehnen• \Nilson, or, I. -Viola Neil. Jr. d't. 1. -- Nettie Itrokenshlre, Leonard jlaist, James \White, John Whittington, Edna Bone. den, M. Itotterill, Teacher. -- — -- 8. S. NO. (3, t $IiOltNE. The 'following is t he report for 8. S. No. 6, t-sborne, 'for the month of February and also of January. V-.. EllaWashburn, Lilla Heywood, Vir• da Berryhill, 8r. Fourth -]toy Fair. Mary Cornish, Lulu Godbolt, Nelle Heywood, [Ella .Heywood, Clarence Crcery, tltoy Fletcher, Earl Johns. Jr Creery, 'Rhea G dbo t 8. 1V -John t0 1 Y. Brock. Sr. 1I1-Enuna Ileytvood, A. I3er•yhill, John Brock. Jr. IIi-Jen- nie Campbell, Earl Coward. Arnold Clark, .Charlie Bailey. Sr. 1i- Inez Crory, lltoy Goulding, Eric Coward. Jr. 4L-Ilardwick Cornish, D(a. Cor• Wish, 'May Clark, Ina Heywood. S. S. NO, 1, USBORNFA. The following is the report of 8. 8. No. 1, ['shortie for the 'eolith of 1February'1, Nunes are in order of merit. Trial examination in all sub- jects [for Entrance pupils. Entrance Class -Nellie Itowcliffe 8:3. Jennie Strang 78, Victoria. •Rowcliffe .74. Laura Harvey 70, lIarry Dougall 70 Ada Willis 69, Gordon Oke 68, Cecil Down 68, Archie 'ltowclirfe 67, Geo. Iilatcho(rd 60. 8r. 111.-Jtosena Down John Strang, James 1)ou;all, Rena Dougall, Alvin Moir, Ira Moir. Wil- liam Driver. Jr. III. -Earl Bell, Roy Letters were received intimating that white, Lila. Moir. Sr. IL -Hazel application would be made at the Down, Wilfrid Dougall, Willie Strang next Gen. Assembly to receive M. P. Oliver etowliffce, Elva Harv: y'. Jr. Craig of the Baptist church and J. E. II. --Cecil Harris, 'George it Gin- L Vnu of the It eaby terian church, C. dys Moir. t't. Ii, -Franks Jarrott, 8. A. A report from Grand Bend and Elgin elowecliffe. Sr. 1't. I.- John Corbett stated that they would reduce I)orgall, ifarold Moir, (Vera Bell. their grant from the Augmentation Jr. 1't. 1 -Mira Dew, Maggie Strang, Fund by $50. \Vm, Furgland of Lorne Oke. Aggregate attendance 35 Auburn was recommended as a stud - average 12. ant to the home Mission Committee .1. A. ilint-nett. Teacher. for mission work during the coming —♦► -- summer. The proposed plan of are 8. 8. No. 2. USIIORN E pointing standing committees for the The 'following is 1 he report for 8. Gen. Assembly was approved by the 8. No. Z, - t'tsborno [for 'the month,' of Presbytery, The union question was 1I'ebruary4, Names are in order of again discussed without being finished merit. V-Almer Steuart 176, E. and the Presbytery adjourned to meet Passmore 80. Entrance Class-Ethelin Clinton on the second Tuesday of Ilundkin 307,, Dday Darch 295, John I May. Turnbull 253, Garnet Passmore 251, Meryl Snell 166. Wilbert Brown. 130. Jr. iV.-Kennetlt McNicol 179, Ter• est Coward 170. Percy Stone 121. Sr. 111. -Annie Turnbull .900, Coursey Itrow,' 297, Viola Ilunkitt 218. Char- his sister, Mrs. Dickson of Mt, Forest. J'vf i,Ulison 11{, 'Milton liod•gerl 101, :qr. Martin left at once but, could get \\'illie Jeffery 132. slid. it1-grannie no farther than Stratfordowin to the Alison 197, Joanna Monteith 244, trains being snowbound. The fun- 1,innie Pollen 241, Nellie Stone 102. eral took place on Monday of this !r. 111.-Llewrlyand (Stewart 120, week, Jessie Ilodgert ;)5. Sr. 11 -Charlie Coward 116, John 'lodger( 113, Isar- DEATH OF CH. \itLES 1IO\WE. old Turnbull $1, Garfield 43row►t 81 ee's earliest settlers :and most Eddie 'Maude 'Maude 18, •fr. 1i-331zr1 nu”' -ter's earliest settlers and most res. km 127, Harold Tr•ffrey 98, John ected citizens died on 'Monlast Cot tel 57, Mary McDonald 56, Elaine' fr or,t, the direct caus'� of Listh death Stewart 63, Ethel McDonald 26. fest being old age. llc was 87 years and in spelling match May Darch. 11°11:75r 8 ;al( old. Thr, deceased t.ist-'fho[;i typo obtained over ,75 Loral int Devonshire, Fngland, an11'1111.7- t.errent. or over al the examination ter marrying Mary 'Mudd, who still --Ethel 3lantkin, May Darch. Annie survives lain, in their dative coup Turnbull, Coursey llrown, •1",.11311' Al- try. ;they carte to this country in Baer, 'Jewell -and Slewtrt, char” lt•50 nettling in Exeter. 'Mr. Ototve Coward John A. jlodgerl, hazel was n tr.ilor by.trade and conduct- ed a small shop jn the :front of his C. A. Gowans, Teacher, residence on Main Street, a short dis• Doupe. Berrie !loupe, Roy Francis, M. McCurdy, Sr. IV.- Victor McCu Alvin McCurdy. Norman Francis. 1V.-Jessfe 'McCurdy, It •ua Shier. iver McCurdy. John Francis, Et Shier, (toward McCurdy, Isabel 'Turn., bull. Jr. :11[. -Eleanor 1)oupe, Loon• n rd Harris. Sr. 11.-61a Irvine, J. -McCullagh. Reggie Houpe, Oscar Copeland. Jr. I1. -Tena McCurdy, May 'lodgers, fent Francis, Donald lialiour. Sr. 1'i. 11. -'toy Pletcher Lester 'McCurdy. Jr. Pt. IL -Gordon Copeland, Veber Shute, George Har- rah. I't. 4. -Bella McCurdy, Lillian Bray, 'Maggie J1eCurdy. ISABELLE M. GARDINEII, 1'cazhcr $. ,,5. NO. 13, S'TE1'lIEN. The following is tjie report: for 8. 8. NO. 13, btepnen, for t h. month of 'February. Nantes are in order of merit. Sr. HIL -Horace Pfaff, Nor- man 1"ord, Jr. I13. -Annie Green, G. Hooper, Edith Carrick. Sr. II. -Ethel Smith. Pt. 11. -Clarice Hooper, l't. L -Norman Carrick, Cora Ford, Alice seta f f. JDA ARMSTRONG'. $1.00 per year in advance i(ily Paints and Varnish ' Stains Fel • The Presbytery of Huron (net in Clinton on the ar(1 inst. Rev. J. A. Anderson of Goderich, Moderator, I The principal business was the receiv- ing of reports from the conunittees on I Worrell life and work, Sabbath Schools and Young Peoples Societies. These I reports had many encouraging ones - Gres together with encoudiscouraging ones. ; HEAMAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE The S. School attendance was lower than the former year, but there was — an increase in giving to nrissionar and benevolent objects. Tho stati tical report was read by Mr. Caravel An earnest discussion followed whic resulted in recommending to reiniste and other officers in congregation S. Schools and societies, that greate care be exercised in the filling out, o all reports. The Rev. E. F. Smith an George McKay were appointed men hers of the Synods committee on bil and overtures and Rev. D. Caswill o the same committee of the Gener Assembly. Commissioners to th Gen. Assembly were appointed as fo lows, Messrs Caswill, Davidson, an Hamilton, ministers, and Mess Lindsx y, Ball and Davidson, elder 3,16 Ladies are Deli4hted .. 115 CAMPBELL'S VARNIS II STAIN tar re-..teinin,j rind Furniture,Wood- work and Floors They aria du the t.orl. themsel,e, ..tat excellent results Elephant, Hollywood and Senours 1.►•eady Mixed Paints. yq..p..p. }.g..}.. •1••i :••c-S•d••Fo°•t •f• fi••i••I••l••t• •F : 3c••i• :- c ::••l••i•3.{..;..x.;..;..1..1. ;.. ..}.;. ;. ;..1.3•,1••il :•-I• :•-, 0.5: , :-•f ::• :••: Seee ,, :. e •8-: •t- -1-11- t l 11,.,'•,1•++.1-144 1.1„1"1, •i. h ' rs s f d 1 - Is u al e 1- d rs 5. -Mrs. '\V. J. ]leamau, spent Tues- day and Wednesday in London. Word was received by the Rev. Mr. Martin on Friday hast of the death of S. 14. NO8, HAY.tanmce South of the ;Lain Streetchurch. For •16 years lie continued The following is the report: for S. this business giving up when the in - S. No. 8. stay for Jan. and Feb. firmtlies of old age compelled him to Names are in order of merit. V.- do so. Ile is survived by besides his Milton Ocalreicher. IV.-Aaro'i Oesn aged !widow, three dauhglers, Mr4, treicher, 'Maria Schroeder. (Alberta John Kerslake, of the London Itoid, Trruntnrr. Cora Treumner. Stella Mrs. Chas, Rowe. Flushin,r, Bich., Geiger, Viola -Ate Eckstein. Sr, 11i.- and Mrs. John Brawn. of Exeter. '1'usnrlda 'I'reuntnrr. Roland Klein- The itunera1 will be hold today, in- felrlt.. 9uaie Klirtifeldl, hat❑ Miller ferment 'being. in the Exe::r cervi• ,lr. Iii. -Luella Kuntz, Olden Trount• tory. tier, Lillie Messner, Leonard Schroe- der, Lydia ;Messner, Pearl Broderick NEW rIIItUN31W1CK GOES CONSElt- Anna 1Vnlper, Bell Overholt. Hr. II. VATIVI:, -1'.dtvin Hartman, Ferdinand .hiller, In the provincial elections kelt( in Emily Schroeder. ithienhold Miller, New 'Brunswick Tuesday the Liberal Bernard Hartman. Inter 11. class-- government teas (lrfeatcd and in Tillie Kuntz. Flora Klie►ifrldt. Ger- stead of 30 Liberals ane) 10 Conserv tie \Wiegand, ida Messner. Theodora vatives. there aro now 32 Conserva- Miller. 31., 1i.-Itidda 8chroed^r. Am- 1 ives, 12 Liberal, and 3 indepenaents elm ,Miller. Charlie. Hartman, Ottis 3, Douglas Hazen in the 1 he new 1l•eten Ger. Sr, L-Iantna Messner, premier. Norman klienfeldt. Jr. I.- Ile my T— Hecker, Lloyd Schroeder. Rudolf Rumors n re still coining to the Miller. Clara Weigand. Ethel 1Giien• surface to the effect that Otero ie •to fcldt, Herbert. M(_alener• be a Donninion generil election this A. C. Milligan. Teacher. conning 01a11, 'fhe statement says that the eres •nt s •s'ion will close 8. 8. NO. :1. J '7 ,1 hr� • Wheat ,lune, that Fir Wilfrid Laurier The following is the report. for S. will make n two atom's' .\a.:3,81 No. 3, Stephen for alt•• month of irrg tour in the West. occupying July 1F.-hruary. Nantes are in ord•.r of and August, and that the elections trill O,t• brought, on in October or No- r. v mlpr r. it , In support to t o f Ihi'•t t 'o 11 h ry it is further asserted 1Jtt'1f 'Ibe. Do- minion voters' lists for Ontario nrn hoin.r prepared in the printing bur - ea at. While it 15 suite probable, rill this may b:' true% y.•t no eurh course has been officially. .t'cisled upon. owl it. V.- F, lfe:unan, Sr. IV,- ilofor - 1 e • -: t s (. U ar, t a, (i Sanders. .. 1' R. Ti whiter, it. SS' ail ie. Pass -Y. 'Willis E. Treibner, E. Shepton. 1'. Dearing. W. Simplon. F. Presse [tor. .1r. IV -E. Welsh. 11I,-Ilonors_.J. 1\'illis C. 'Parsons'. I',-ts.-A. Willis. 0. Pen- tode. 11. -It, 'I':ar,ou'. 31. Willis. G. Ilea man, G. etanl.3ke. C. 'freibner. L. Sanders. i't. 11-C. l'arfone. C. Dear• ina. T, Willis. L. tiand.•r..', V. Press• AH 11OIVALD-NE31\\'COil1111iEf),:-1n .Exeter or. Sr. 1'1. 1,-\V. 'Raman. P. Wednesday 1'e1, y. 26th.. Miss Mary triers, C. Hamilton. 0. lfatniltota. New to Ed. itonaid of Vu. i'resse.tor. Rest spellers in or- rich. -fL Mindere. P. Treihn^r. 0. Pre.- HAMILTON - BALLENT1N5 In or, .11. )'arson-. C. Decrin'r. 1'shorns on Wcdne?day March 4th, Wm. L. Triehner, T•'acher.1 1905, Mr. will Hammen to Miss ♦ ; Janet. Bolen( in,. 1 y IIIc Itev, Colin 8. 8. NO. 3. II81101tN l: Fletcher. he ,ollotviig ie the r, port for El. 0351) \n. 3. I1 b.nrne, for 11,e nrot,rli of 'WW1.- -10 Exel,'r, '7.,',, 'March ,ruarv. Names are in ort_'( of 2nd., ('harlesHow '-, :.•: ,I 87 year4 tit. V. -Ce rt ie Copeland. Alb.' la :and 8 months. ' � t + 't• -F• 4. 4 + ++ o,. -,f. T. HAWKINS & SON llealers in Hardware, Cement and Wire. ++++++++++.:.+++++„+++.+++++++++++++++-:•++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1f You Want Cheap Hardware Go To T. HAWKINS & SON Plaster Paris, Always in Stock at Lowest Prices, Galvanized Steel Shingles and Siding, Etc. Building Supplies Glass, Nails, Cement `,Where you will find a full stock of The Leading Hardware Store in 'i'own OUR IDEAS of what constitutes goo([ clothing difler from the ideas of most other f[1'ins. Wel de- mand and use in all 0111' Suits and Overcoats only the best material and the highest class of workmanship Give ns a call. W. JOHNS Merchant Tailor E.) BOSSENBERRY, ZURICH, Licensed Auctioneer, Sales con- ducted in WI ].arts, Terms reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed. SALE IHEGISTER On Thursday, March 5th.. on lot 1.1, Con. 16, 1?tephcn, Fnrrn Stock and implements. A Campbell, )'rots„ E 1. Ilossenbr'rry, Auct. On •Wt 'lncsday, March I1th. mi lot 3. conces-ion 12, Ilay. half mile North of .Dashttoad, Farm Stock :and Imple- ments, Danl. Schroeder. Proprietor, Ed. Iloss.•nberry, Auct. On Friday, March 13 at I p. in.. Lot 17, Concession 3, Stephen Kirin Stock and Implements. .1. T. Bagshaw, prop Thos Brown, Auct. On Saturday March 14th oil lot 21 concession 13, Stephen, Farms Stock and Implements 1i. Guenther. Prop., llossctiberry, Auct. On Monday, March )tlth at p. ru. Lot 13, Concession 15, 3 tepl!eu Live Stock and Chattels. I. (.ower, prop. Ed. Bosset.lrerry, Aust. On '\V •t r R i 1, _tar ♦ c' r i .far ,t l.tl.., on lot t41, concession( 10 flay. Farm stock and i►nplernrnts, E. Cies, Prop., Ed. Bosser,berry, Auct. On 1 i'riday, March • 0 t I .on ► . lot 33 33, Concession r n c, anon 17, Stephen, 2 1.2 miles West of 1)rshwood. Parra Stock and Implement. 01131 household .goods .1. Weide, Prop.. Ed. lloest•nb •rry, Auct. On Saturday, March 21.1, Auction sale of 1.rnt stock and intplem:•nl., in the tillage of Zurich, Chas. 0..• 1, prop. ; F. Hosset.berry, On March 24th. on lot 21 concession 13, Stephen, Parra Stock and Imps •• (rents G. Nicholson, p l'ro .. Ed. iso'• senberry, Auct. On Saturday, Varcli 2S1b nA miI° Part of %❑rich. farm stook 1 .d imple- ments Peter Lamont, prep. 5. I3os• nent•erry, auct. HENTj rARitANGiN(1 1••014 YOUR faun silk e)le make if, 1 point so have vo/r bilis utinted 11 the TIMES offlix. front bills will he nttrac. } a lively printed. :tad with rtery sato bill done at 'this office you will re- ceive free a notice of (tlto site in Ibis paper, which is read every week by hundreds of people iit this focal- ity and makes your a 110 known tp many who may never have the r.p- Portunily of seeing ,your bills. Shipka Alebs;s. 3. D. Hannan and Hare. J. Hweitzer were in Exeter last week on business. The school scholars are tansy pract- ising for the coming concert, Mr .i. I). Hannan will have a sale of faun stock atilt implements on March Ash. Miss Brenner, of Detroit, and Mr. Wender, of 'Toledo, called upon Mr. Ezra 13rertner last, week. cyORZ.A.. Beers the lie Kind You Have Alna}G 6:4d flicsat ere cf The Famous Pedestrian (Irnti r. ss [ nsa martyr 3catarrh •r to c. t. •arch of the head, throat nnt noI stomach. I was so bad the doctorit feared consumption. I tried many physicians and iiits1icine'. A friend suggested Psyching. I tried it and it was the only thing ever did me any Rood. 1 am ,IOW perfeetly It is the greateet remedy the world has ever known. 1 do not nee.l it for my health now but I nae it as a strengthener for my walking matches. I: owe emeh of my physical endurance to Prychlne," JAMES IREYN01.DS, Port Hope, Ont. Psychine is the greatest mire for catarrh of the head, throat or stomach in the world. it is a wonderful maid and strengthener of run down system, acting directly on all the vital urging, giving youthful vigor and strength to the system. At alt druggist' .50e, and $1, or Dr. T. A. Sloeurn, Limited, Toronto.