HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-02-27, Page 8t X .b; T E lit '1. 1 M i S FEBRUARY 27th IROS, II Pr* li + +i 4. f;.4. 44 HI +: 44- 4+ 4+ 4+ 11+ 4+ ++ 4+ 4+ i+ ++•:+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-I+++4 4-1-:-+++++4•++++++++++++++-:•++ ++++++++++++++++++ STEWART'S 1 illy you getting Redpaths Extra Standard Gran- Wated Smart -We sell Redpaths and none °diet -Remember it's the Sugar of Quality and it pays to pay for (quality. -1 e(1pat1*'s is Best by 'rest 25 (I N'I'ti Sailor lioy , uncolored Japan Tea is the best val- ue we know of. It comes to us in the original cases direct from the gardens in J apan. :30 ('ENT's Mixawatta Mixed Tca a Beautiful Blend of Cey- lon, Green and Black Tea a rich, nutty, Flavor, and good clear Liquor, -try a pound. 30 l'I':N'll'S 131ack Beauty black Tca is all that the natne im- plies. It's a good looker, a good drawer and most satisfactory. Will you try a sample. Try our special Teas. They will please you. Cruors Prints. The kind that wear. The kind that hold fast to the color to .the very last. We believe that Claims Prints are the best that cross the ocean. 1•es, they will cost you a. little more than the com- mon prints, but see the difference in quality, and y on know it pays to pay for quality. ('rums come i_ n light grounds with small neat figures and Cadet Blues Lilacs and Navys. You can boil them, they won't fade, the color that won't conte off. Ask for (.1'111115. Fur Coats For Men, Fur coats ttir Ladies and fur lined coats for Ladies, all at prices that will make you wonder how we do it. ‘\e have a few Beauties left, we will refuse no I easonable offer. 'J'hey must go out quick, -Conte and See. We are selling lots of goods to our Western friends. Visi- t ers from Manitoba and the West will find in this store bargains that will set theta thinking. Just think of it a fur or fur -lined coat for just abort half price Ladies' and Girls wool lined Lubbers, first qual- ity, regular value S5c, clearing at 50e S A. S'2'EW AR'T +++++++++++++++++•++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4.:-++++++++++++++++++++:•++ '+++++++++++++++++ alCMINIIIIIMININIMMIll t _ liable Watches Perfect in Construction, Pos- itive in Performance We again call attention to our (Grade of Watches. Good Material, Fine Finish and Accurate Adjustment are combined in our High Grade Watches. our aim is not a question of price, but quality. Like in every- thing else Quality is Cheapest in the end. So if you want a RE- LIABLE WA'l('1[. ('ALL ON I'S. A. rlarchand Jeweler, - Exeter. sommeimmi Great Reduction In Suits For 30 Days $:8 Suits for $9, $10 and $12. W. W TAMAN licr.li:tnt Tailor. EXETER, ONTARIO. 6••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • •• O Broml-Laxine • • • •Td•- T •a�pt UU� • The Premium PI'eSCri- • • ption of a successful phy- ; • slcl'tn compounded espec- e • ially hr the cure of Colds t • and LaGrippe. • •• Breaks up a. Cold in a • single day. • •• Z Sold only at 11 oR (y s • • Drugstore Exeter,• •• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• -"iIOUSE FOR SALE 041 RENT" cards at the Times office. -Miss Doti Atkinson, is visitin,.t Mrs. Win. 11;.ket 1, Lucia. -Miss- Ella Link. of Crediton, is the (guest of Mrs. \Nat. Kuntz. -\t r. Russell Southcott visited s t friendsut Sitit. 'Tliom:la last %e, k. -Mrs. Fred. White of Loudon. spent Sunday with her p:ar,'nts. -S. Fitton has alarm clocks rot $1.25 each that give satisfaction• -Miss ,Mabel Walter. of London, visilin; nt the home of her father. -Jlr. Ed. Beaver, of Ilensall, call- ed on 'friends iti IOWII Monday even- ing. -Mrs. W. .I. 'Thomas and son. of 8; aka toon are visit in, frimda 4n town. -Miss Mary Brown. of Zuricli. is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. .1. It. Mc- Donald. • -Ai\I'RENTICE WANTED - To learn the bolter trade. -Ed. Willis. Exeter. -Mrs. A. E. Kennett and daugh- ter Greta, of the \Vest..irc visiting Mrs. McDonnell. -The ieneses \Veslcott. o[ Seaforth were t4ie ;nests of Mis'. Grace Cud - more last week. -Mr. Clark, of Ailsa Craig, wl� a. ucst at tho hople of Mrs. Mar- shall last sundae. --Mr. David Chesney. of Crystal City, Manitoba. is visiting his sis- ter Mrs. Geo. McLeod. -Miss Gerlie Monteith, of Thames Road. wag the Quest of Miss Vert Campbell. on Snndiy. -Miss Florrie Anderson, of Lon- don, is vi'itinz her parents. Mr. and Mrs. 'Geo. E. Anderson. ERNFST ELLiOT -Mr. Ilichard Gidley, of llemilton. is vier hos grand 4,., relit 4 Mr. Conveyancer Accounts Collected and Mrs. Iticli iril Gidley, Mosev 4.1 Iran at towr•t rates. North W r+. t [Ands for Sale. -Mrs. ,1, G. smallacombe was call- Oflice, Main Street. Exetlf ed to Stratford °eine! to the illness of her daughter Mrs. Kelly, Market Report. -The following to the report of Exeter markets, cur- l -cud up ;o r.hrutry 27111., 140.. Barky, 30 cents to 60 cent-. Peas. 75 cent:, to hU cents. Blended Flour (STAR,, •e2.73. Ilr.i,n. $2:1. Short;, Oats, 50 refits per bushel. Wheat. 93 cents per bushel. reed !'lour. $L441 to $1.43. Hay, $12 to $1:3. Dried apples 5 cents 1. r pound. Clover seed, $d to $10 per bushel. Potatoes. 75s. to 90e. per hag. Butter. 23 cerate p.•r Ib. Eggs, 22 cents per dozen. Coal, $7.25 a ton. Chicken. 9 cents per Ib. (;ecsr, 9 cents per Ib. (lucks, J cents per Ib. Turkeys, 11 cents ser Ib. iso^,s, liteweight• Hoes, dressed, 611.75. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • LOCALS I •••••••• rti.••••• -Mr. Carroll bus rented 'Robert L.athorn's [emit on the 2110 con. Ste- ehen 'for a term of four years. -The •bachelors and benedicts gave their postponed assembly in elcl)on- nelI's hall, 1ondrl)• evening• -,lust look at this offer, the Times and Weekly Globe or Times tend \Veekly Mail end Empire 'for $1.35. -Mr. Will Crockett and sister of Dorchester, were th(4 guests of Mr. and M rs. Soml. Martin, last week. -Mr. Herb Soutlicotl, after being 'fined to the house for nix weeks on account of illness, has. recovered. -'rhe music in t he .Mitt Street church t wo weeks front next Sunday cyc g will be taken by the male choir. -•Wm. Westland. of 'Wyoming. who is ultentling school in London. visit- ed Dr. 11. K. Ilyndman. a few days the past week. . -Mr. 'W. D. Clarke has rented '1r. C. 'Snell's dwelling on Andrew tercet north of Victoria street and expects to move in next week. -Mrs. \\'igmiore, of London, and son It. C., of Datvsotr' City, Wero the guests Tor a felt days of the for- mter's brother, Mr. 1.. Hardy. F i uville who recently rented his Lamm to Mr. Greason, of Medina. is this week moving his fancily to Exeter. CO L E Ph m • �• Chemist and -Mr. Alex. McDonald, of Sudo • 1• Druggist lioisa, California, has sold his 100 acre farm on the Thames Road. to Mr. 41. Brown, of winchelsca. . -hear harry Lauder, the Scottish. -The following is well worth re -1 CURLING comedian, and other artists, 4n the piembering to try in case of emerges- • 'Toren hall, F rtday night, at 8 p. m. cy,-eWhen a splinter has been driv-1 Admission free. Everybody welcome.crt deep into the hand it can be Two rinks of Lucan curlers visited -Lloyd Godwin, son of Rev, Wee extracted by steam. Nearly' fill a the 'Exeter curlers last Thursd•ty, Godwin, the former pastor of Main wide bottle withhot water; place playing in all four games, all of Street Church, and late of Anterst- the injured part ot•er the snout!' and which were teen by thelocals. burg, is seriously ill with typhoid press it slightly. The suction twill flldltNING GAMES. ter. seriously draw the flesh down cuicf, in a min- d.UCAN IEXETE11 -Miss Cora I'riur left last week ute or too the steam( will extricate Cou>s"y skip 10 Rev. Collins skip 16 lei London, where she has nccepted a the splinter and the inflammation al- Hodgins nkip,15 II. E. Huston skip r0 I together. AFTERNOON u ,ion as sales lady in the wi114ures -Got ens again. At the Exeter Coursey skip 10 .. Tartan skip )3 d irtment of one of the storesIlodgitis skip 12 84 Sweet skip 5 1 to Bargain Store, a brand new stock of In the evening _two rinks ,from -The servicein the aim Street 13oots and Shoes. This cracking ;bis came 1'8rkhil4 cae over and %vent lttay hHDi church next Sunday willtbargain sale will continue all this be devoted elated over the fact Glatt they trim - to lhe eii deliver catilspccialtlsorvice e to the flit- week.k. We mean business and all the me goods iii the store .;o nt rattling eiig a our boys in both g tne=. The t le 01105. bargains. Terms Cash. That means 1'A'Iti:l1ILL EXETER 41credit. We certainly sell goods Sweet skip 8 -Word has been received by Mrs,' very cheap. It's lha cash that does Ellis skip 11 S. u A. Taylor skip 8 sister. Mrs. Moss, of Livingstone, it. No trouble to shotgoods. J. V\ttceI1 skipto Broderick. Also for sale very cheap, • -The 'Exeter curlers who attendedCollin3 and Miss Bothrothat their Mont.. Is very i11 with inflammatory one new Nationel Cash 'Register, one the bonspiel at Seaforth return:el i!militia tism. new Steel Safe, and 2 pair Counter home Thursday evenin,z and although w t -Mrs. William Treble,Treble,who hes Senses. The tilers is for wile or rent. they failed to pull down( any Af the been visiting her son Richard :1111' A rcactionaly storm period avid be trophies. are well pleese(t tt'itl( t14 other relatives for the past two in progress as toe tees :roil' February showing then made. in the first months left for her horn,( in Huron- into March. the culminating stages event .they continued in the game Wille Sask. on monday Iasi. t of which tyill fall on, March the 1st. until the se►ni-finals, Luckuow boat - ••••••••••••••••N•••••••• and end. \\'r expect much cold, umi - ii111(.111 011.. by rt few .points. III -un' 1' at 1,,• ui '111pro vile of pleasant weather in !larch, and even the consolation they drew bye and in the U ierr up to the end of April. The last nt 4he next round pla yeti with Sen- tlie1 entitle o[ fu, [ hal( of April forebodes beavy storms, forth, but were defeated by two 11011, 011 1'hursd:al March 5th. will ,with sudden revulsions to cold mid points. Le 1111' pint 111. of Ili.. Nation l Ch'r't'frosts, sufficient to endanger fruits ♦••••••••••••••••••••••••♦ and growing vegetation. If the rule• governing the Mars period holds good Exeter Council the tvcather will be cold and precar- ious far into May. Let us, hope for The Council o[ the Village of I:xe- a slip in the cogs. ng`' ter met in the Town hall on Fri- day Feb)... 21st. 1909. Members all present. Minutes of the last melee; held on I he. 711i. inst. were rend: rind npprove(1. / A communication from the Hobbs, Mf a Co'y.. London, ,re -fire ale rut bell read. After discussion the clerk was advised to secure prices for a 30 in. fire alarm bell. The report of III., Good Roads By- law es laid over from the last meet- ing was re -opened and aliscusse.1. :401: Exeter. lames Vit. RS11 ; Me,- Motion per V. Johns sec. by A. .E. $ ler. Main .s . $272 ; .M. 11e! lrnn, $7; Fuke that whereas the amount of $381 ; Ethel $251 : ,(lord" $24708; $400,000 has already been expend •d on Wroxeter $Il Inurwa1 $iia; ,Aah• County Roads eithitt the County of field 5282 ; 1tolmesville $211: 14lyth Huron 1)1(1 as 1110 principal roads in -It 'eve Bolder and ex -County war. $321 ; Dungannon 5211 ; Nile 5270; den, Hugh Spackman, ettendrd the 13enmiller $158; Auburn $533; Wal. special meetingof the County conn- ton $10!1; Londesloro $307: hayfield. • til which suet at Seaforll1 on Tues- $82 ; Vat Ili. $24:1; •Ven(rill 1 $I39,; Psyehine •Missionaries day to consider the Good Ito•tds Ily- 11 *UM -ll 5227 ; Kipper $260: Ilelsravo A friend of Dr. Slocum Remedieslaw. The visiting councillors were tendered a ban suet at the Queen's --- ----- writes: "Send n bottle of Psychtne hotel Seafortb 'Tuesday evening. -The members of the Exeter Gun to Mrs. W... They have a daughter -Mr. James Latton, nephew of Mr. Club held a friendly shoot at the in decline. and I believe it would Thos. Barton, who Wes badly injured grounds last Friday afternoon. Sides help her. I have mentioned your in n railway accident at London some were chosen by 'Messrs. S. Fitton and remedies to the family, and also cited weeks ago. and who was confined in W. tE, Seanders, the losing si'ie to pay some of the miraculous cures accom- Ilae hospital at London, since that for the oyster supjs•r. Each man 'dished inside the last 18 years, of \VC would IikC in announce time, is nble to leave the hospital and !hot at 1'' targets and resulted as which I have knowledge." rzpecta to visit J, r. Barton tide follows.- T. 0. IRWIN, Little Britain, Ont. that we arc in a pO;itinn t , ex week, 8. Fitton 8 \'4 E. Sanders it gun down conditions front lung. stone change -Gordon Brown, the 1. 'Cmibnet 111 F. Kerr 12 young mon ach or other constitutional trouble cur - who togs arrested at Far falter Inst I). Il644,43lp 40 E. Treihner 11 ed by Psychine. At all druggists, 50e and week on a charge of robbing 14, W. '\\ . .1611113 !I 11. Fntit h 10 ____ a1.00, or Dr. T. A. ~locum, Ltd., Toronto 1'. lienver's story was brought before 37 .4k for wheat, '•acs, awl barley. his honor Judge Holt at toderich The shooting for the Exeter Tinier last Thursday. Brown pleaded guilty tr ph will continence this .afternoon Wily Not Escape a C olds r ,- and was sentenced to four months' trophy p ‘Nre wan' :(h:,ut _X000 bushels at hard labor in the county jail. at four o'clock. A representative of +++++++++++++++++++++++++•F the Times will be at the grounds at ` I'Che mew way of wheat fo' which we shall he -I+++: f,erson takinr act 111 th,• the time and announe-• III. hundi- •f t I'eke 'pleased to pay the highest pre- 1'cape. Twenty racks will lie shot nt ?� s'� Temple of Fame are reluested• to vailing market trice. meet 4n th,t basement of the el en etch Thursday for five consecutivt r J II1)1\'Gl"ti h I week! until the trophy is won. ' ('ure•A•t'ol,t Street church next Friday rwenin;. ' , e.., 1. 1, (7,►Pit f.l.y itemember soli ilour warts Dress rehearsals will he held on Mon- It1:Bi'CEu C01.0NTST 1G\TF:a. ':;. dap nnil \!'tame. 11y oveninxs of next ('ommenein,r Fehy. 29411 nn,l con. P' twill he apprtctatccl. icer. .Put (141 its e.1p- Y•t++4•+++++++++?•+++++++++++ Dinette daily until April 29th. •irs- tes. Harm- clusive. one way colonist tickets will less and ..,14y At the Mill an -The off,•r of Ilie Ex.•ter he on sale to the followin,t points 1ICIIIItle to take. and the Toronto Weekly Globe and Vancouver 4). C.: Victoria II. C. ; \t� r, Canadian Farmer for $l.35 is extend. Seattle Wash.: Portland Or:.: Ti- Islas f 1► - Price enc. a box ed to .Tune 1st. Over 150 of ourcoma\\'a•It.: Spokane Wash.. lit We will he running on a CASll subscribers have taken edvant'tg,' of Francisco (',t.: Lo.. An.reles Cal.: The old "as to core Uanofactnre•1 this liberal offer and Wt ere anxious Sin Diem ('pl. and Mexico City. a cold. only by BASF; aft' r March iSt, to increase the numb; r to 250 be. Full information may Le ohfain'tl W. S. IIOWEV, Phm. 13 fore the first of ,lune. Anyone trlio from any (;rand Trunk Ticket Arent HARVEY is now taking the Times clot ,tet the or Write to J. 1). Dleflonal(I 1), 1'. 4'henliit and (ntieinn. Exeter. Globe by paying its 35 rents. N. Toronto. I We Sell Red Rose Tea Try a Package Red Rose Tea is Good TEA We Sell Red Rose Tea Try a Package SNELL & ROWE olissa BalIII m For the Toilet A Genuine Skin Food. Beautifies and preserves the complexion: removes tan, fre3k- les and all roughness of the skin, and leaves the skin white and smooth and as soft a; velvet. Once Us:d Always in Favor. '25 cents a bottle. THE OLD RELIABLE IA Special Cash Discount of 20 Per Cent. Will be given for TWO WEEKS ONLY lilt. OVENS EYE AND EAR SUIt- geon, will be at the Commercial Hotel. hours 9.30 a. m. to 4.30 p. 111. Glasses properly fitted and dis- eases of eye ear and hose treated. Next visit Friday, February 28t1i. -Rev. E. A. Fen ^., his he^n appointed by the London Conference :is 0 delegate to the International Young Peoples' Missionary Movement convention to bo hold in Pittsburg Match 10, 11, 12. Mr. Fear has ac- cepted the aP4ointment. +++++++e++++++++++++++++++ -Eighty people lake pert in the 'temple of Fame at Die Opera Ilouse on Thursday March 0th. I'I:ul of hall a1 1Iowey's Thug Store. Reserv- ed feel: :35 wits. General admission 25 cent, children 15 (e•tits. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ : + The annual Missionary report of the Methodist Church of C:uladn, has just been issued, and instead of stat - Ing the amount ,riven by each separ- ate appointment on a circuit. as heretofore, the total amount raised on n circuit. by the church. the league and 0,,; Sunday school is given only. The :mount by carious sta- tions in Huron are ss follows: (:od- erich, North Sl. $518; Godet•ich. Vic- toria St. 5233: Clinton. Wesley $448; Clinton. Ontario St. $110; Fenforlh In or(ld1' to make room for our Spying Goods, in 1)ry Goods Clothing, Furs, Boots and Shoes 1111(1; (-'rock('ry. Below we give a 1•t•\V of Out' sample prices, \'iz.: Fur Coats, Men's,regular $35.00 for $28.00 Fur Coats, Men's . • • • regular 25.00 for 20.00 regular 22.00 for 17.60 Fur Coats, Men's Fur Coats, Men's.. ..regular 20.00 for 16 00 Fur Ruffs. .. regular 22,00 for 17.60 For Ruffs .... regular 15.00 for 12.00 Fur Ruffs . regular 12.00 for 9.60 Fur Ruffs, , .. regular 11.00 for 8.80 Now is your opportunity to get some cheap goods at Rock - bottom prices. Come early and get your choice. CABLING BROS. /,. DON"1' MONKEY \\'1TII •••••••••••••••••••••••••• sj.)4 THAT COUGH • • Z Seventeen, Use • 0110\1' M'S' j • Teachers • welds experience, broad scholarship and ., `-- untiring energy, employed us, hate built. • upp cu a curriculum m� rsurler.I in Canada for thoroughness, system and actual Moine-s Z: • procedure. Z 44: County are in first-class condi- • TIIREE COURSES- Telegraphy, Steno- • By - Don that our Reeve be instructed to li hraP[n'andConun!rc!al.•oppose the present County (toads By- rilnt aces ae. slit' (0 .0sitions, tuti • in8tnlctiou. law now under consideratiolt, and to support the action already taken ask- GtiERRY CORDIAL s• (xls languages, lrookkceptn•.r 2 ing the Legislature to grant their • S11.011.1181177:111::unship, etc. • Send a poi tal for informat;on •. Bridges.-Carrieduabout• C.ANeeA'S GREATEST • • ('MAIN OFH1oII 08.11)1.:Bt'st- , BUSINGsS COLLEGE f on 'March 411. -Filed. • DANIEL E. Env, Viet. Principal. • The Commissioner reported having • Geo. SI'OT'rux. Principal. received from Messrs. Harvey Bros, •••••••••••••••••••••••••• $100.00 and the Ross Taylor Co'y. Ltd. $23.12 for water supplied (lur- ing the year 1907. proportion for the building ooCoutit Mr. N. D. Ilurdon, S.:c'y, of the local branch of the Sanitarium, As- sociation laid on the table commun- ications as received regarding a com- ferenct' of Municipal Representatives to be held in the City of Toronto Per '\V. Johns sec. by J. J. Knight that .Tames Wilson, be paid $2.011 b,e- 111,4 cul error in assessment of 1907. -Carried. Per A. E. Fuke sec. by .I. J• Knightthat the Village of Exeter be omitted from any scheme of County Roads that m:ty be adopted by the Council o[ the County of Huron and to be fully re-irnbursed from any amounts the village may pay! to the. County Roads Fund in case a County scheme is established and that n copy of this resolution be forwarded to the County Clerk. -Carried - The report of the Municipal audi- tors was received and accepted nn:l on motion of A. K. Fuke sec. by \V. J. Bearman. the auditors to paid $12.00 each for their services.-Car- ried. ervices.-Car- c n . d The following accounts w•era read and orders drawn on the Treasures for the same. Tho Times "'Online Co'y. account to Feb'y. 20th, $59;60 ; W. Gillespie labor $1.25 ;Geo. Cud - more $2.75; Thos. Brock 52.00 • 1'. Mellott 75 cents; .8- t::uidere 51.12: A. Ilissett $1.12; T. Cookson 7e , A. Taylor $1.50 W. J. 43isse.I lit, 11: for train') 75; T. Sanders Steel T. Elliott 75; 1)i Gillis $1.25' \V, .1:1 - cold 75 ; It. Quancc $6,30 i W. Street Sl•'d1: Chas, CFirke $1.12. Amounting in all to 511:1.76 ; passed on motion of A. E. Enke sec. by W. Johns. -Car- ried. .\djournmeni by A. E. Fuke: .108. SENIOR, Clerk. Scottish Entertainers Of the ninny novelties presented to the public in recent years net one has created more enthusiasm and delight th:►ri the program given by the world travelled Scottish entertainers. GRAND TRUNK RSYISTEAMY Reduced One way second class cclonist tickets will be on sale commenc- ing Feb. 29th and continuing daily until April 29th, to the following points Vancouver Victoria Seattle Portland Tacoma Spokane San Francisco Los Angeles San Diego Mexico City --f For tickets and full info' uation call on J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Agent. or write J. D. MCDONALD, Union Depot. Toronto, Ont. '•;•++++++++++++++++++++++ 4- + k CHEER UP i..,.. + Nothing will help you as much '3: to cheer up as an Edison Phone- ,i, graph and some Edison Records. -.- Our stock of records has just, is + been replenished. 11 a have all 4. + kinds. The latest comic singer - t is Harry Lauder, a Scotchman, + Drop in and hear some of his . trecords. No trouble to show 4. you. Machines all prices, Cash I 1 or easy payments, + Discs, Needle's. Records, Cases tic :} Soule good second hand tier- + chines at :t hal gain. -1• • \Nato, the• window. Miss Nannie Strachan, t Can. Exp THE PURITY i' Miss Enid Newcombe 'Building. •} Building. I Mr. Galli n Spenc6 t+++++++++++++++++++++++ in OwOpera House, March 9 ... ��d Wood Wood Under auspices of 1',14011 Presbytetinn church choir. 6us1om6rs flttCntlOu! CORN BROS. 1200 cord of hard wood, Best t4ual- ity. Prices according to grade. 'Wood c t to sl t customers, c d block. Orders left at Tithes 1)411ce o Thos. Har tnoll Logs WantedrwJ Highest Prices Paid delivered or in the woods THOS. ELSTON entralia Saw Mills