HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-02-27, Page 7e
Premier Gives Notic a of Motion in House
of Commons.
A despatch free Ottawa says: Sir
Wilfrid Laurier has given the following
notice of uiotien: "That it is expedielnt
to provide that the sum of $300,000 he
appropriate,' towards Ina preservation
err u suitab:e manner of the historic bat-
latield of Quebec in connection with
ttee tercentenary of the said city of
This amount will be handed to a
conunsson of four or five mai, who
will havo authoeity to dovoto a por-
tion wlech they decide upon to the ter-
centenary fund and a portion to the
latllefiel is park scheme. Tho Province
v1 (.11.0)oc V.1 I Contritwto $100,000 and
the city of Quolec $50,000. In addition
cther Provinces !rave prornise:I grants,
and as private subscriptions already
amount to a larges sum, there is tittle
reason to doubt that eventually tho ab-
ineg;ate amount will be sufficient 10
cherry out the p:eject on a scale worthy
of the events it is intended to celebrate
and worthy of the Canadian people.
The commie -skin to handle the Govenn-
mnorit portion, it is understood, will in-
clua° Sir (Sorge Drummond, Mont-
real; Byron E. Walker and Colonel G.
T. Denison, Torelito. I ken Adelard
Turgoon ane! Mayor Gurneau of Quet+ec
havo been mentiono(I as possible addi-
te nal members.
1)1SJ t.4l: IN 1111: MONEY.
.Lashier of (:heap Lo aline Hotel Dies of
Malignant Scarlatina.
A deepatch limn New York says:
John Mci). Iloekirk is dead as the re-
sult of handling polsoriexl money. 41r.
ticpkirk was manager e,f Milts Hotel,
No. 2, end irate teen money w::ieh he
handled ho oontrac:ul malrgnuri1 sear -
Paine, a di-:easo which is usually fatal.
lie was cashier of the Motel, in which
cheap lodgings tiro given lo the pcor,
anti in hent rapacity handktt hundreels
of dirty, int -in -laden 1411s coaling from
the sit:nos of the city. The physicians
say lb&ee is no dnutot that t.lw disease
evas ewnnrnurticate'd Ihreout;h these bills.
1.1:'1' 11'.ttteinl' Fovea.
AJiou e•d to Use Canadian (':heats en
Route to Lake Mlrhitpan.
A e1."spateh from Ottawa s'1ye: The
•(:nn.:(lian G. vernrnonl has granted the
req :est of the United States C, ov'rn-
m.ent for the passego of nnnther United
States war vee^1 Through the Canadian
tennis, to be used on •the great lakes.
The ln1s 4 rrd•liticn to (bn United States
naval fl:llil'a on the lakes is lite Nash-
ville, of seine thirteen hundred tons.
She Is to le ma' in the training of the
\I:_h'on naval reserve. Thee is the
fourth neve' vees)l which has leen a:-
lexweel Lo 'Ails the Canadian canals.
January !tank Returns Indicate a Gen-
eral Curtailment.
A des;,at;:h from Ottawa says: The
Jarr+iary statement of Cnn:rdien charter-
ed l.,tnks was 15,111.41 lay 1110 Department
(of Finance on 7'hw-sday►. It indicates
that the process of shortening ,sail
Lwas persisted in .luring the !eolith.
thus, as compare.) with December•, the
banks ele: re•r: e 1 li.eir rote circulatell
imin * 77.544.398 1', $60,871,376; current
leans from $556 iS.S.t'•r1 1) 5516, ),7.658;
s•)win;; ll(p3.S is de:cr• ase i from $t02, -
(1(:.97O to $.99.407.291. add Cepx►sits on
demand fell froom 8157.185,414 to $140,-
:5;,9 . Tlni; the linbil:t.:e: of the banns
were reduco.I in all by ahout nine InU-
Si.II'1'1.1) INTO 114* 1 NAT.
Ne•oly Arrived 1'ntil►,iunan Meets Ter-
rible Death at "Soo."
A despatch from Setrll Ste. Marie.
Ont., say;: William Goddard, empirned
in 11h1 venoor mill of the Luke'! Superior
coeporation, Was a) severely scalded
on '1'ut's(Iny that do (Lod from injuries
in the hospital the snare night. God -
(lard went out int.) the yard, whole vats
o' ntaining scalding steam and wood
alcohol vapor hoeteed to great at intensity
,ere k►eat- d. In 8 -me mariner unkr own
he slipped into the e'ttroinee to one et
the eels, through a ieae 24 ay 26 iuchee.
Ile wrr9 In 1h.* vat .^.e) seoon.ls, Ir.s
enreame bring; ng as 4/lance. Ceet.ltr(1,
who was 22 years of 10,4', was an Eng-
lishman rend had been in Canada about
s<ix weeks.
Grail*, Trunk Pacific \Fill Otter Some
A despatch from ,Montreal says: The
Gland Trunk Pacific will put sixty-two
Leven sites u est of Winnipeg on sale
srmultano)usly in the spring. Alecady
throe ef these town sites ore ready for
sale, :name::y, Rivers, a divisional point,
142 milts west of \Vinnil:eg; Nokon11,
$t8;.: ►nil': west of Winnipeg, and To -
field. on Beaver Lake, fifty miles east
of Edmonton. At tho divisional points
the prieoe of tewn lets will range from
$ILIO to $5(Y). wllito in smaller pintoes
they will run much tower, nl'hp ugh the
rates for the patter places have rot yet
teen. fixed. Lots will not lo auctioned
eft at lhord'nary town silt*, but will
be sold nt fixed prices, and will bo al-
k,ited in tho order of precedence of the
appl'catten. Already a groat number of
purchasers have sent. In requisitions to
the ofilee in charge of the sale. This,
of (curse, will lint apply to Prince Ru-
pert. the Pacific terminal, where there
will lee n historir sake of building lots
for the future city when tho road Is
ready to open tho tuition sale.
-.- 4.
Enough Wheat in lite West For All -
Oats Must be imported.
A despatch from Ottawa say..: G. 11.
Clark. Dominion Scod (o1nnliseioner,
told the Agricultural Committee on Wed-
nesday morning that the losses in the
meat thro*i i the bad season last year
were praet ea11y c• ntme:I to twelve per
cent. of the farmers betweeen fort +tr-
thur and the Rocky Mountains. The
majority of that per cent. 11n(t put all
their eggs into a basket; in other words,
had followed the idea of grain raising
fJ tho exclus'eon of everything else.
There was enough seed wheat in the
west to enable the purchasing; there of
all that was required for the sections
in need of it. Soed oats wrnr'd have
leo be imported In considerable quanti-
ties. and he mentione:l Britain and
Prince Palwnrd Island as tho places
whence the mans! of it wotrki oomo. ile
predicted that it woukl be found to bo
c.' cxC41'ent gustily. Mr. ('lark. how-
ever, sug.•ge steer tho adv!snbili'y of every
farmer in tho west testing barley and
cat seed before planting.
Mr. Kennedy's 11111 so !fake Railways
114 1 nnstblc.
.\ deo-patch from Ottawa says: Mr.
Kennedy's bill to ((mend the railway
act by rendering the companies liable
to • all damage done by lines caused by
sparks fent) locomotives was discussed
:n the ltaliway Committee of tho Com-
mons on Tue:slay morning. Mr. Ilal
!ticGiverin, on behalf of tho railways,
sugsg•s'ol en amendment that if a corn -
pan) cern! ensatevI en owner of proper-
ty wh`eh was insured, the nnuount of
tie insurance shenk1 be paid to the rail-
way company. 1.110 committee seemed
lc fruorably rereiv._► the idea, and hold
the 1► 11 e+ve r for consideration.
To (1 -rant Franchise of the Ontario Power
A despatch from Washita:eorn r.oys:
• Dr. J. M. Sp ender, the frit..h se enIisl,
Oinrrniese)rled by the (;,rot --Ti el Sery y
ef Catia•la to Investigate the Niagara
Falls preol•lem. diecue.ied e n \Wexineos-
day the eff"e1 e>f the litil.t e:on of it;
aalers t+y power plants talo- n rtes
lx'a erty.
\t th • instance of the American
Civic Federal:on, 1)r. `ped:ieer has ap-
ared before the lionise Rivers and
!arbor , eumilSsi'en, end p1' senicet data
concerning the reepu, st of P.c Ontario
hewer CO. for n p* et or franehto'. 'l'o
develop 111i8 power 1111 retinae folly
thousand cubic feet of water per see-
ond, which Dr. Sr.encer contoor:ele'1 is
from twenty to twenty -live per cent.
or they dis^hargo of N ;.garn River, and
would greatly itompair the ch racteristtcs
o: the \Whlr'Iponl revile; lower the liver-
1ed up to the falls. Meek up the sur -
fine rick at the foot of the American
fans and (boat Isiand. And thereby
eau o a more rapid rcceseion of the
"Ae the lieginlln ' of !hoe rapids :a
me eeiei l Y a rine over which the flow
o! water le nlreadv thin." said hr.
Spencer, "the diversion of tho water
would deetroy about i00 feet of the
fk►w on the ea le'rn side of the great
Hor:ceshoe ant break up the American
falls inti separated streams. The total
length of troth falls would be contract -
id, rough:y. from 4.000 feet to 1,600 foet,
an 1 the diameter of the great fella from
1.200 to 000 feel. This el:v<'r. Lon of the
water ;will produce a shrinkage of the
liereoshee so that tt hat remains will he
(Wifely on the Canadian side of tho
1.lrnelary 1111P."
Ike argued that the koviering of the
writer in the basin above! the upper
reptile weld,' tncreese the : teope of the
river sd, flint Ihe surfnc' of Lake Erie
will b' lowered three feet. ewhich 'n
turn would lower t.nke Heron and
Dike Michigan. Already, with a par -
Fel we. Lake Erie has been 10 vera 1
len inche,o. This amount of lowering
includoe that of the Chicago ('anal.
whi+•h at preeent is Inking five thee-
ein4 cul►ie feet of wafer a second. in
oonnncll'-n with the celculat.ions for le-
patrdng the hatters and canals thea
(ineneeed. the United Statoe' engineers
caleulnt•+l 'lint to Inercase 1h)' depth of
the Chk•age Cannel (VOn one foot mould
cost over• $12.000,000.
11111013'S 1'i1011 TILE LEADING
Prices of Tattle, Grain. (.►rest+ anJ
Other Dairy Produce al Home
and Abroad.
Toronto, Fob. 25.--Flour-Ontarto
whoat 90 per cont. patents steady at
$3.60 in buyers' sacks outside for ex -
Fort. Manitoba 'lour unchanged; first
patents, $5.80 to $6; sect-*nd patents, $5.-
25 1') $5.35, and strong bakers', $5.15
to $5.20.
Wheat -Manitoba grades were dull,
with pt'ims unchanged. No. 1 Northern
iy quokxl at $1.,6%.,, luko porta; No. 2
:al $1.13, lake ports, and. No. 3 at $1.09,
lake ports.
Ontario Wheat -No. 2 white and red
quoted at 95 to 95%c outside, and No.
2 m aced at 94%c outside.
Oats -No. 2 white on track, Toronto,
Sic, and outside at 52c.
(:ern -No. 3 American new yellow Is
(tooted at 63%c, Toronto, and No. 3 mix-
ed at 63c, Toronto.
liyc-No. 2 quoted at. 81 to 82c out-
Buckwheat --05c outside.
Peas -No. 2 quoted at 83 to SOe out-
Barley ---No. 2 quoted at 71 a) 72c out-
side; No. 3 extra at 70c outeidee, and
No. 3 nt 69; outside.
Bran -$22 to $23 in bulk outside.
Shorts, 824 to 825 outside.
Apples -Winter 82.50 40 83.50 per
Means -Prime, $1.65 to $L70, and
hand-picked, 81.80 to $1.85.
Honey -12 to 13c per pound for
strained, and $1.75 to $2.50 for combs.
Ilay--No. 1 timet'oy quoted at $16 to
$17 stere in car lots.
Straw -$10 to $10.50 a ton on track
P.etatoes---Car lots are quoted at 90
to 95e per bag on track.
Poultry -Turkeys, dressed, 13 to Ile
per pound for choice; chickens, alive. 6
1.• 7c p•or pound; dressed, 9 le 10.;
duties, dressed, 10 to 11c per pound;
geese, dressed, 9 to 10c.
Rutter -Pound prints, 25 to 26c, and
1 ego rolls, 23 to, 240; do.. inferior, 21
to 23'. Creamery rules at 30 to 31c,
and :xnlids at 28 to 29c.
Eggs --New laid aro giat►'+1 at 28 to
29c per dozen in case lots.
Cheese --133; to 13'/,c per pound in
jobbing way.
Bccvt-Long clear, 9:e per pound in
case lots; mess pork, $18 to 518.50;
short cut, 822 to 822.50.
!lams -Light to median, 11 to 14,14c;
do., heavy, 12 to 13c; rolls, 10 to 103 c;
shoulders, 9% to 9%c; lacks, IOc; break-
fast bacon, 15c.
Lard -Tierces, 11%c; tube, 12c; pails,
Montreal, Feb. 25. -Eastern Canada
No. 2 white oats at 53c, No. 3 at 50c,
No. 4 at 48c, !ejected at 47c, and Man1-
teba pejcctod al 41) to 49%c per bushel
ex store. flour- Spring wheat patents,
.416.10; seconds, $5.50; Winter wheat par-
ents, 85.50; straight rollers, $5 to 85.25;
do., in bags, $2.:15 to 82.50; extras, $1.-
1:80 to §1.90. Feed -Manitoba Iran, $22
to 823; shorts, $23 to $24; Ontario bran,
$2.' to 822.50; middlings, 824 to $25;
shorte, $22.50 to $23 per ton, including
lugs; pure is rain mouille, $32 to $34.
Provesions-Barrels short cut mess,
1$22.50 to 823; !halt 11b15, 811.75 to 812.25;
clear fat backs, 823.20 to $$24.50; long
cut heavy mess, $21 to 82.1; half blot:.
(:o., $10.50 to $11.25; dry salt long clear
backs, 10% to 113;c; barrels plate beef,
$13.50 to 815; half bbls. do., 87.25 to
$7.75; barrels heavy mess beef, 810 to
$11; half blots. do., 85.50 to $6; com-
pound lard, 10 to Ile; puro lard, 1234
le 13c; kettle rendered. 1.2%o In 13c;
hams, 12 10 13%c; breakfast baron, 14
to 15•,; \Vindt.or bacon, 143 to 15%c;
fresh killed abattoir dra ei hogs, 88.25
tc $8.50; alive, 85.85 to $6. Butter --
Fall grade;, 30 to 31c; fresh red- 'c,
28 to 29c; dairy, 24 to 26c. -Che d'---
12% to 13%c. Egg»--Annerican select-
ee new laid are selling at 30c; ordin-
ary at 27 to 28c; Monlroal lured at 21
to 22c per dozen.
UNIJ'ED STATES '.11:\RKi';i'S.
Atinneapol s. Feb. 25. -Wheat -- May,
$1.00%; July. $1.00%; No. 1 hard, 51.-
053,4 to $14►ei; No. 1 Northern. $1.02';
to $1.03; No. 2 Northern. $1.00% 10
$1 01: No. 3 Northern, 95% to 9$%e.
flour --First )►stents, 55.15 to $5.39; sec-
ond patents, $5.05 to $5.20; first deem
A4.15 to $4.25; see -nd clears, $3.20 to
83.3.1. Brnn--in hulk. $20.
i)u:uth. Feb. 25.--Wheat--No. 1 loam,
F1.0.1/.; No. 1 Northenn, $1.01%; No.
2 Northern, 98%c; May, $1.00%; July,
Toronto, Feb. 25. -Tho export trade
1; 'very slow from lack of the proper
kind of cattle.
Choice butchers' cattle were in good
demand and a few picked brought ns
high ns 85.15. Straight loads e,t elide°
sold for $1.60 to $5, and the common
and medium rum grades were stronger at
$3.50 to 31.54). AS much as $1.25 was
paid in several instances for the best
cows, and prices of choice ranged from
53.60 up. Common and medium Cows
sc-ki from 52.50 to 81.50.
A number of heavy bulls were offeree!,
whish were stronger nt $2.50 to 81.49.
The (lemnnd for good 'mak evews con-
tinues steady. Chole nrtlkcr's sell from
8141 10 $50. and meoli1rm nt 8.5 to .l'15.
Hogs aro unchanged and the market
I:xpeert t'av'c were stronger ar 1
brought up to $1.60. and leeks from Sea
to $1. A smeller 1•ropuorti ;n 41 gr:otn-
ted lambs, twhich :•re tear 11 r'v wield
after, sligrht'y' ine: r•,t e*1 pr:r •.
Calves were in 11.111 41'1n'111'e4, irui w':e
not any higher in pi :r:.
NEWS 1!Y AWL Anne? IOIIN 131:11
AND UIS 1'Lo1'Lli.
Occurrences tri the Land "Mt Relglu
bupreirte in the Comer rcial
Twelve ex -mayors of Dover have just
been presented with the freedom of tut
borough and the badges of office.
The nurses of tho London Hospital
have beer attacked by a strange disease
like Influenza, which doctors uro unabi(
to identify.
John Aspin, who enlisted at the age c
13, and was at the relief of Lucknow, ba:
just died at. Clouglilold, ltawtensiz
aged 7`2.
The 4fayor of ilnllfes will give LI to
the parents of the first . 10 children born
in the borough during the present yeas•
who reach the age of one year.
The 2nd Battalion of the P,orden Regi•
ment arrived at. Southampton in the
transport Soudan from Pretoria. They
have left for York and Sheffield.
Sonne 932 livers were saved by the
ltcyal National Lifeboat institution's
beats during the past year, and 43 vers
sels were saved froom partial or total
John Curchin, tho 'South Lincolnshire
hermit," who lives in the fields, was sern-
ter.ced to 12 months' imprisonment at
Kesteven as an incorrigible rogue.
Mr. and Mrs. Venue, of Bridge St..
U(fculme, celebratod their golden wed-
ding recently, and received the King's
congratulaUons. '!'the couple wore the
clothes in which they were married.
John Willis, aged 64, a resident of
Paddington, was found Lying dead in
his room. Investigation showed that his
false teeth were imbedded in his wind
pipe, death having been due to suffoca-
In Mica Elsie Baker the village of
Nether Cerne probably possesses the
youngest church organist In the king-
dom. She Ls only 12 years old, brit she
has had charge of the instrument for
over two years.
No fewer than 30.000 tons of Cheshire
cheese, states the secretary of the Che-
shire Dairy Fanners' Association, have
been placed on the market during the
past year, the average price being £60
per ton.
Found walking in her sleep at mid-
night in a street in Boston (Lincs), a
ycung woman was carried by two men
to the police station, where she awoke
shivering, but otherwise none the worse
for her adventure.
To the relief of (Bstress in Rochester.
where hundreds have been thrown out
ef work by tho closing of cement works,
the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, who
own the chalk quarries, have contributed
.£ 100.
As two bullocks were being driven
through LiLtleellampton they entered a
Icerge fancy shop, mounted the stairs to
the store room, and were finally induced
to descend after all breakable orticlos
had been barricaded off.
A 'inn of fire extinguisher manufac-
turers in Finsbury Square doing exten-
sive business with Germany has decided
that all its numerous staff of clerks, from
the office boy upwards, rnust acquire a
knowledge of German.
Mr. and Mrs. Zechariah Crick, of Old
Heath, near Colchester, havo just cele-
brated their golden wedding. \ir. Crick
served in the Crimea, being present at
Altna and tho siege of Sebastopol. l'or
twenty years he has been blind, and his
wife Is stone deaf.
Francis Porter, a laborer, was charged
recently, at !lull, with the manslaughter
of his daughter, Emily, aged 14. It was
stated that the throw a kettle of boiling
water at his wife, but she evaded it, and
the, contents fell on his daughter, who
died from scalds.
England reports ninny deaths from
exposure, owing to the extreme cold
v eather now prevailing at Cardiff. The
ix.cdy of Thomas Evens, a laborer, was
fcund encased in ice an inch thick. At
Ntrthwood, Middlesex, a tramp was
found dead in the fields. Other casco are
According to a policemen's evidence
in the Chester coroners court, a short
time ago, an accident on shfftrin stet -
lien, which resulted in the death of Wil.
liana 'luck, was due to a women clinging
to his hand white the train was moving.
Iluck fell between the carriage and the
Rnil•ways to Incrra'e Rates to Two Cents
a ilundred.
A despatch from Montreal says: On
March 1st Canadian railways will in-
crease tho cartage charge on the de-
o-livery of consignments of freight froni
one and a halt to two cents per hun-
dred pxhuruls. This increase has leen
rendered nooessnry by the enhanced
coil of delivery du.' to tho greeter cost
of wages, keep of horse, and other ex-
penses, which have led the big delivery
companies to increase their charges to
the railways. Mr. 6. M. Bosworth of
the C. P. B. stales that the increase
will not meet the amount charged the
railways by the cartages cornpanlcs,
which is well in excess of two cents
per hundred pounds.
An industrious man can prosily earn
his own living, but the trouble is he
usually has (0 earn a living for a kit
of others.
"Did you ever try drowning! your
"Nope; she's stronger then 1 am, and
besides it would b:' murjer.'
The Sultrn of Turkey hes aseired the
('tar's Government that he has tee de-
sire to quarrel with Missal.
A fierce campaign is being tenth( mut
in Italy on the qucslirrn of religious
1.1( h'ng 1n the G'cavertlmcnt primary
s.-' .we:.
11•-'nt:•-n• between Russia and Swolen
lave beer -ere strained he'atr.4e of Rus-
ei•o's tnhlishing a naval station on
1:and !salmi
II.t1PLNi\Gs 1 itn , ALL o1...t THE
telforaph 11 Iels From Our Otsn onJ
011ier (.uunluir% 01 Iteceid
L. i nts.
Berlin public library has 9,231 vol-
The C. P. It. will build a new bridge
at Keewatin.
Hastings House of Refuge at Pol e-
viUe has 24 inmates.
Montreal reliners have reduce.. su-
gar 10 cants per 100 pounds.
Prince Edward county doctors have
decided to increase Moir fees.
Guelph Ilort`.oultural Soc:oty offer*
prizes for the best -kept lawns.
The population of Guelph is 13,700,
accnrdir►g to the as::essment rolls.
Canada collected in duty last month
$3,930,941, a decrease of 3165,817.
Canada's imports for January total-
led $23,084,563, a decreasa of $3,350,-
(:nnnd.ian exports last month total-
led $21,676,782, an increaee of $1,031,-
Immigrant inspectors find that tm-
!nigr•nnts %vitt' families are hardest to
Brantford is clearing out Its cellars
irr r(ntieipation of the freshets of the
Grand River.
Tho Montreal Shipping Federation 1 'ts
deeded to cut down 'longshoretnen's
wages this spring.
The Minister of Marino proposes a
subsidy of $100.000 per year for a di•
reef lino to France.
Th.o Montreal Board of Trade is pets,
healing tho Government to make the
Lew Quebec br•tdgo 190 font above tide-
Hamilton foundry:nen claim f}telr
moulders are paid a rate higher than
is paid elsewhere and propose a reduc-
Obstruction tactics in tho Montreal
Council have prevented the payment of
men who removed snow (r'''ee the
For the first ten months of the pre-
sent fiscal year Canada's customs col-
lections twee) 849,251,155, an increase of
The animal report of the 'I'e:nWcarn-
ing & Northern Ontlerie Railway showed
an increase of $16.531.45 in net carn-
Ings over the previous year.
Manitoba propcses to fine members
of municipal councils for tiro failure
of any inunicipblity t) check the
growth of noxious weeds.
Mr. John Penman of Pars, Ont.. has
offered to contribute fifteen thousand
dollars towards a new school if the
Council will raise the other 840,000.
Joseph Gilbeault died in Cobalt Hos-
pital from injuries received by a tree
falling upon him. Ile lay helpless in
the snow for s:x hours, and had hands
and feet frozen.
Pigeon, the SL Vincent do Paul con-
vict, tells tho story of tho lltont.real
Court !louse roab'ry. and says his con,
fission 1.s mado for the purpose of free-
ing 1-lobeika, who is innocent.
Allegations of the Montreal Street
Railway Company that the civic pay
hst for r'nnoving rnew was padded
will probably result In an inve.eliga-
t'.on of civic affairs at Montreal.
Longshoremen at Quetec are rererted
to have detertrri odd on an incinanse of
five cents an hour when navigation
opens, and the demand may cause the
C. P. It to make Three (livers the ter-
minus for 11s Atlantic stemel's.
Mr. Daniel Jackson of Guelph received
word from New York of his son's Meath,
with a request (torn a firm of undertak-
ers to send $155 for funeral expenses.
After tho mene-y was sent a message
was received from the eon, saying he
was all right.
county jail has twenty pris-
(;itI:AT L3RRIT.%IN.
It is rumored in London that The
Trines may be offered for sale at pub -c
The British Government will probab
ly carry through without alteration Inc
naval programme presented by the Ad-
UNITED S'1'.\'I'I•:S.
Three men were killed in an exploslon
In a powder 111111 nt Wharton, N. J.
The question of giving votes to wo-
moa is now Lefero the New York State
An Ohio teacher punished a boy for
violating her rules by driving a teat
through his longue.
Diamond rings valued at 515,04*) were
stolen in broad daylight from a New
Orlcane jewellery Store.
1.ewie S. Cox. a i'hiladelphia broker
charged with forgery, fought the de-
fectives who came to arrest him anJ
attempted suicide.
Cet a Peterson, a girl of eighteen, ar-
reted at Chicago, told the police she
had token part in (pity burglorfes.
Four white men and over twenty-five
Chinamen were trilled in an explosion
in a powder trill at lterk'eoy, Cal.
Tho French ontpoets at Casablanca
Neve been muted 1►y the Moore ani Gen-
eral D'Amnde' s o' rnmrrnicatinns cut.
The 1)e letoit (Mich.) Mouse of (orree-
tion cle'urc1 last yell. $37.000, which
will b) turned into tleo c'ly treasury.
They chnlrner'e of the greet !alas for
the year 1907 was 8.1.387.919 tetra, an
increnat of 10 per cunt. ion the Commerce
re' 19(4;.
Col. Thomas mas F. Kelly. a rose! Feninn
alder. mho esrnp eel frr►m ihe' itrifish
\tenches -1 r in 1867, :s dead at
Now York.
hur,ne a dinner party nt the home
e! Frank G. Jeno. of Memphis. Tenn..
Garret 1'. iamb end wife. gu`st:, of
curiae). 1. -coo. tte-re r•.rabed of je?rcis
w •nth 82, 1x1.
Court -Martial Sentenced Gen. Stoessel to
Die for Surrender.
A despatch (mem SL Potei sburg says:
Tho oour't-mart:al toeing the teneruls
kir the surrender of Part Arthur de-
livered its judgment on Thursday. Gen.
St,es of was con tenoned to be shat.
and Gen. luck was reprimanded, (;esi.
News and Gen. Smirnoff were acepu tied.
At 8.30 lite court entered, hA*d 1 by
its prasidzn t, Gen. Veidar. Tho judges
walked to the centro of a dais, and
stood beneath the portrait of the Czne
while (len. \'odar read tho decisk
aloud. Durii:g the delivery of the set
tone°, which was brief, there was ten.:
silence in ilk' court r oat, excerpt for a
suppressed gasp when (:en. Stoessel
was condenirned to death f r surrender-
ing Port Arthur before 1111 endues of
defending the fortao bad 'Ten ex-
linu'ted mut against tho prelest of
his fellow -officers and without the
knowledge of its evonunandant, ren.
The court had, however. Gen. Vodar
announced, decided to po'itlon the Czar
to graciously commute the sentence to
ton years' oenflneutent in a fortress In
consideration of the fact that fort Ar-
thnr, besot by overwhelming forces, de-
fended, itself under (kir. Skx's el8
leadership with a stubbornness which
aelonished the world at the garrison's
heroic courage, that :ogee ar assaults
were repulsed with tte(o inllict01* of iI'O-
tntytd•,us tossc'S vn the enemy, that (ure,
Sioessel linreughout the seiw ai1sUelr:ed
the cenurage of the de.enders, and that
Ile had energetically participated 111
'hroo campaigns.
At the deelaratien that he was ad-
uiged war' by of death, Gen. St os l's
face betrayed momentary un.•'nsintsta
tut crtherwtse he was outwardly unat.
fcct.cd, and he stood with :oldie'rly
kiity. w.th his eyes fixed on the pens:.
(rent of the court.
Gen. feock. whose i 'amend wee f. r
ff nc-es against discipline, was g;r+rely
unmoved. Gen. Smirnoff looped quietly
pleas, d, and Gen. Reuss' eyes filled wall
Immediately the sentonoes wero dee
!k «r; d, Gen. Stoessel received sympa-
thetic embraces and handshakes Irvin
numerous friends. Ile left the court
room leaning on the tiheukler of has
son, wh) was ale4) a military officer at
Port Arthur.
Death of Mrs. Dunn Near Waterford -
An Aged Indian.
A despatch from IIannilt.m says: Word
was reoeiv(d here on Wednesday of the
(k'attt near Waterford of Mns. Elizabeth
Funn, the oldest woman in Canada.
Mrs. Funn was an Indian weonnan aatd
claimed to be 119 years of +Ige. She
had many children, but they all pie-
de•censo d her, and she resoled for the
past few years with her granddaugh-
ter, Mns. Henry Mike, who is now an
old woman. For over 100 years deceas-
ed had been drawing an Indian allow-
Gen. Hutton Recom- m- ends Pnrc.hasatg
Agencies in Colonies.
A despatch frown London says: The
United Service Institution on Thursday
discussed the serious shortage in the
hcrse supply from tho military stand,
point. General Sir E. iluttun (spntce
of the deterioration noticeable in Can -
rata and Aust.ral.a, and said he had
done all in his power to draw atten-
tion to the importance of developing
the class of horse tries! required. In
the case of both countries a horse -pur-
chasing agency shook} be formed by
the \Var Office.
Shipping Men Believe Business Will bo
Greater Than Ever.
A despatch from Montreal says: Ship-
ping mese have received word th•ht the
coming immigration season will bo as
heavy as the past year has been. Pas-
senger agents of the C. P. It. Ln Eng -
lend state that every versel will have
apo the business it can handle during
busy months. A cable was reeeiveet oft
Wednesday stating that all C. P. R.
1►: ats sail:ng to SI. John during March
Lave been heavily booked in s000nd
and third classes.
Artilleryman Drafted in to Assist the
i.ocal Police.
A despatch from Suneorland, Eng -
hind, says: In view of the recent de-
monstrations by the unemployed here,
whoso ranks are being augmented daily
t'y the engineers allied Lo the shipbuild-
ing trades, 300 men tram the !loyal
Artillery garrison have been drafted to
assist tho police should occasion arise.
Tho engineers went on strike two .lays
ago, after voting by an overwhelming
tnajoriiy not to accept a reduction in
4. ------
Russia's programme of naval recon-
struction involves an , expenditure of
Desperate Men and Women Arrested at
St. Petersburg.
A de-spat•:1h fr.un St. Petersburg says:
Attempts that hail leen planned against
the live.-: of exalted personages wero
frustrated ley the police on Thursday
night by a sueo'ssion of arrests in vari-
ous parts of the city, nggregnling fifty
men and women. This le the greatest
number of terrorists ever taken by the
police In the capital. The majority of
them wero heavily armed, steno with
bombe, and they made desperate re-
sistance against the police. During the
cut•: e of the eirrests len policemen were
wounded and one was killed.
The operations centred around tho
palnee of Grand Duke Nicholas Nichola,
icvitch, who, It Ls surmised, wa8 1110
imrnt'(dintu object of the plot. Late on
Thursday several hundred gendarmes
drew a cordon around an enUro city
block in the vicinity of the Grand
Duke's palace, comprising six hundred
occupied apartments. Agents of tho
police searched these apartments from
top to bottom an I one erlhI l sieves of
explosives an.1 Iireurons.
A fashionably dressed werlran was
arrested on the street. She carried a
snuff in which was concealed a quan-
tity of dynamite, end was escorted by
n man who woro flat under ha belt an
internal mnchine of a new type. Both
opened fire ee lion the police approached
them, wounding throe of thern.
Another women who was arrcekd et
thhe entrance to Iissu)xilf Park killed a
policeman during the struggle. Two
Wren were arrested In the Grande Mores
skaia, ono of whuorn is a notorious Itali-
an Arwrchiet. While the polio: were
arreaUng a terrorist on Ihtsilo island
ho dangerously wounded two of them.
it Le expected that the police coni snake
further efforts to round up other ruem•
bars of the ton'or•ista wain have been
c.rganizing vigorously and pia nntng
outrages on a largo scalp.
Mr. Fielding Gives Notice of Measure in
the Commons.
A despatch from Ottawa greys: Hon.
Mr. fielding has given notice of a rose-
lution providing for the establishing of
n system e.+t Gov. rninent annultkts. The
re solution ;sta'.e\i thrlt it Le ndvisable to
etahnrizo iho soli+ of Ge ernrrr'nt annui-
ties "to Pe end that habits of thrift bo
promoted, I n 1 that lllere•by c(+pertunity
tic given to the pc pie el (:::nad.e to
Kowa", for red age: by me•ane of annui-
ties of not tees than flft v dollars nor
trtare then sir hundred defiers pe'r year,
the annuities to lee purchagal+le either
by paying a singly sarin or l) Ih a pay-
ment of a stipulate 1 son periodically
at fixed and definite pezeoeis; the Gov-
errer tet Connell by regulall•-in to fix
the r ate o' iltiterr_,t to Le Clewed in
computation of values In the tabld
which are the bass of such purchases;
diet) arnnuittos to tie payable after the
annuitant has reached the ago of fifty -
live )-eore or has beoorno (trsnbloel;
Menial 11.' dtr: beforo the annuities are
payable, the moneys peat in by an n•n-
nu:tant to be repayable to h`s
with three per cent. compound inter.•;t.
The property at.'1 into rest of an nnnui-
lant to he unatsignah''o and to be ex-
empt from) legal process, etr.^pt contract
le entered into and r01:salerallen there-
for peal. with intent to delay, hinder
re defraud creditor.. who, upon sll+;h
Intent Donna establtsh(e1, shall havo tile
right 10 reeelve the present wprth .1
tix- annuity.'